Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 6

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 6 -

Fix your seat belts, because this episode to take you on a roller coaster of emotions. The heights warming excited and your heart, but the lows will give you much grief. In life and the courtroom, some win and some lose, and sometimes the best is simply not enough. What do you do then? Our beloved neighborhood lawyer sits down with this idea, as he himself finds further than when he started, on a path that seems unclear now.


Deul-ho sits in the early morning on his couch, having slept not sleep. It is the day of the eviction hearing, and he doubted any of the shopkeeper will show up to testify.

Fast forward to the afternoon eviction hearing, the restaurant and the sleazy owner involved, working for walking fashion disaster Michael Jung. Eun-jo defends the host by emphasizing how old and worn, the restaurant, with the argument that it was built in 1980, and because it is his age shows reconstruction is fully justified.

Deul-ho counters by stating that the restaurant has been renovated several times and is working properly. Yong-soo, the accused and son of grandmother, who owns the restaurant, successfully running the place for thirty years. The problem is not with the age of the restaurant, but the illegal interference of the landlord with their business.

Deul-ho throws the landlord aggressive tactics of using the restaurant tenants and other neighboring businesses to drive even violently before their leases are up by sending in thugs devastation Serve and cut off their water and electricity. The landlord, however, continue to play dumb on these charges. The judge asks Deul-ho, if he has any witnesses who can testify to their forced removal, and he is at a loss for words. A brief look at the empty seats behind him confirmed that no one showed up to testify.

Just then, all shopkeepers in the last Assembly tide at night in the room, triumphantly declare their presence with a smile and fists of solidarity. Your unexpected arrival moved Deul-ho, and his eyes glisten with tears as he beams with relief and gratitude.

The first witness on the stand is sold man, the ceiling. Deul-ho asks why he agreed to leave each request from the owner and he answers in tears, that the law is not on his side. Deul-ho claims that the owner developed a settlement with the tenant sans compensation on the grounds of the reconstruction; The law allows the evacuation of the tenant if the landlord intends to rebuild. However, there has never been any plans, primarily for reconstruction. The real motive was to renovate the property, hiking the rent, and get new tenants.

Deul-ho puts his pen as evidence that Michael Jung had taken admission that the plans for the reconstruction and development of a shopping center were rid just a trick of the tenants. Sitting realized in the gallery, Dae-soo, that this is the pin that Deul-ho had put right in his suit pocket before and Ae-ra as French corporate hotshots dressed fraud Michael. He and Ae-ra simultaneously impressed Deul-ho prudence, but also upset that he did not trust enough to get the job done without his help. Deul-ho she is breastfeeding with a cheeky wink. Hehe.

Deul-ho announced that the landlord own the building but the tenants are those who pour their souls and all that they have, in their work , creating lifelong memories in the process.

In a stirring speech expounds Deul-ho that the accused dedicated to the restaurant 30 years of his life, potato stew at a fraction of the normal cost and offers unlimited refills of rice serve. Why should be kicked out of the market overnight following a restaurant? If the landlord-tenant laws determined by the landlord to protect greed, or are they the tenants to protect?

The merchants all rise Deul-ho passionate words applauding thunderously. His eyes brimmed with tears, and his voice cracks as Deul-ho Judges implores citizens against abuse by the rich and powerful to protect. There is not a dry eye in the room, and even Eun-jo tears.

Next, we see marching Deul-ho and his gang with the shopkeepers in solidarity, rattling plastic bottles and pounding on drums in protest against the abuse of the law of Dae Hwa. A photo from the protest lands on the front page of the newspaper and chairman Jung Wan. He crumpled it and stomps on it-not unlike a big, bad child and wonders why Deul-ho did it for him. Lawyer Jang advised him to drop this suit, but the thought of losing Deul-ho annoys the chairman even more.

Attorney Jang shows him the video of his son Michael engaged in a physical confrontation with Deul-ho on a roof. Jang warns that if the process continues, Deul-ho may submit the video in court. Because they have already lost in the public eye, the action should be allowed to fall to save their corporate image.

The chairman does not this bit does not like, and yells at his son to leave the country. By Michael, companies have shares fall left and large losses were incurred. He orders his son lay low, otherwise he would disinherit him.

Deul-ho surprised Michael outside his house with a last warning: to rotate for arson and murder he has committed three years ago. The warning falls on deaf ears, however, as Michael refuses and runs away, at first straight into a wall and then directly at his face.

Back to Geum San, Hae-Kyung tells Eun-jo and their superiors to drop the lawsuit. She says Michael is in the spotlight every day for his bullying antics. Experiments involved him both take place in the courtroom and the court of public opinion, and they have already lost in the past. You do not have any chance in the courtroom.

Unlike her supervisor, Eun-jo likes where this conversation is. She gets Hae-Kyung's okay to withdraw the action and can hardly contain their joy.

Back on the market, Deul-ho has the backbone and graffitied tarps pulled down from the facade of the restaurant. All local entrepreneurs gathered to help. Ae-ra approaches with major news Geum San, fall the action left, which means that they have won! Everyone rejoices and sings Deul-ho names, lift their heroes up and down. The restaurant owner treated everyone happy potato stew to show his appreciation.

Once in the restaurant, everyone focused on the TV screen. Michael Jung resignation as CEO of Dae Hwa housing is in the news, along with footage of the press conference by President Jung held a public apology for his son misdeeds. He bows deeply and throws a few crocodile tears.

Deul-ho and the gang celebrate their victory over a big pot of potato stew and bottomless beer and soju, stuffs with relish as they lick their fingers and any residual pork bones. Grandmother is again served in the business and give additional servings, and Ae-ra natured brings Eun-jo to the table after it. Drops Deul-ho is suspicious of their presence, and asks if they here to eat them or spying. Dae-soo reminds him to love your enemy, and soon, they all eat, drink, and be merry. Hae-Kyung they observed from the outside go softly to himself.

Back to Geum San Lawyer Jang explains to his daughter and lawyer Kim, the Chairman Jung is very dissatisfied with their recent loss, and may form part of the take back cases that he gave them. Lawyer Kim proposes firing Eun-jo, because she was responsible for both the cases of arson and evacuation. But just as Hae-Kyung is on the termination to conduct Eun-jo interrupts and formally resigns; she does not think she is a good fit with Geum San.

Eun-jo leaves happy Geum San a box of her belongings. Lets out an ecstatic scream and tears the ID from around his neck. It is free from the shackles of Geum San!

Deul-ho meets attorney Ji-wook in a cafe and gives him a thick envelope with evidence of Michael's illegal actions within and outside the country. Ji-wook scoffs and asks Deul-ho, if he actually expected to be grateful to him. Deul-ho replied that Ji-wook he knows a competent lawyer, the other advantage of him not take leave. He leaves the papers with Ji-wook and tells him to do with them what he thinks is right.

That night, Deul-ho returns to his office with snacks, but as it is to rise above the stairway, it is struck from behind, knocked unconscious and pulled out of sight. Ae-ra and Dae-soo seen shortly after arrival and the scattered snacks, and while Dae-soo is repellent, Ae-ra feels something is wrong. Calls on Deul-ho of the phone go straight to voicemail and favorite Yoo-shin discovered his cell phone on the ground outdoors under the stairs.

Deul-ho comes and finds himself on a rope over the edge of a tall building dangle. He looks up to see Michael at him scornfully, their roles now reversed. Michael tried to scare him and orders him to beg for his life, but Deul-ho calls him to be a copycat. Moreover, even if he begged, he knows Michael would not save him. And so Michael begins sawing off the rope with a knife.

Ae-ra serves as navigator while Dae-soo drives to Deul-ho abode with her phone in honing. Through flashback, we learn that Deul-ho had bought a position tracking device, and put them in his jacket so Ae-ra could find him if he misses.

Back on the roof, Deul-ho eggs Michael to cut the rope. After Michael had a man and set fire to his body three years ago killed, and not so typical, kill him now. Michael begins again cutting the rope away as Deul-ho continued to taunt him, reminding him of this viral video of the roof scuffle. The video will put Michael undoubtedly at the top of the list of suspects, but Michael does not seem to care because he always escapes with his crimes.

come Just lately, Ae-ra, Dae-soo, and his two henchmen on the roof. They are ready to kick some serious butt, but it looks like Michael came prepared with a small army of reinforcements. Team Deul-ho is far inferior, but they go at it anyway. Meanwhile Deul-ho is still dangling, literally hanging by a thread.

In another case of perfect timing, Ji-wook comes with its large group of law enforcement officers. He keeps his ID, explaining that Michael and his goons are all under arrest for attempted murder. "Cuff 'em!" He border.

Oh, bless the soul of Ae-ra! She had called moments before Ji-wook, seek his help in saving Deul-ho. Ji-wook did not help the intention until she mentioned that Michael may be behind Deul-ho kidnapping. The treat is what propelled him into action.

Now that Michael and his villains are always posted, Team Deul-ho scramble to pull their beloved boss back to the roof. They struggle fruitlessly to Ji-wook climbs over them and holds out his hand, screaming for Deul-ho to take it. Deul-ho looks at the outstretched hand of the time, remembered Shin Attorney extended his own and placed it, pre-betrayal. He takes Ji-wook hand and is successfully dragged to the roof. Woot, teamwork!

Since the villains are stuffed into police car approaches Deul-ho Ji-wook and thanked him for coming. Ji-wook rejections cool the gesture, noting that he was doing his job. In the car, said Ji-wook back to Deul-ho describes him as capable and principled prosecutor who wants to be someone puppet. He looks out the window, apparently with new fuse.

Chief Prosecutor Shin will of Chairman Jung, incredulous that Shin Son Arrested be son ​​chewed. He feels betrayed completely and believed that Attorney Shin Ji-wook put up there. Attorney Jang says he already legal team mounting this works, but he admits that the problem is the victim, also known as Deul-ho. Viral Video of Michael assaulting Deul-ho on the roof is stressful. Lawyer Shin asks Chairman Jung for some time to improve the situation.

Lawyer Kim Hae-Kyung updated and tells her that Michael was arrested by Ji-wook, and that Deul-ho's fine. She seems relieved by the news, but I do not feel the need to contact him.

Newly unemployed Eun-jo-chats with a friend about PPL sandwiches. She has a job leads to their last Alumni reach, but they all told her that there are no open positions. The friend makes it clear that there are no positions for they ; it is on the blacklist for allegedly fired from Geum San. That's what everyone thinks, even if Eun-jo excreted their own request.

Eun-jo stations with their workplace and mother told a lengthy story about her successful public defender friends in the hope that her mother say that they should leave for a smaller company renowned Geum San ... but it doesn 't work. Her mother says Eun-jo just hang there and get stuck.

After a fairly eventful evening, Deul-ho and his crew on fried chicken back in the office chow down. Eun-jo keeps by, and Dae-soo fills in on Deul-hos near-death scenario recreated by a piece of chicken dangling and it suddenly drops, haha. She is worried about the history and shocked by Deul-ho nonchalance after such a terrible incident.

Eun-jo stick around after everyone leaves and waits Deul-ho one-on-one to talk. She takes a deep breath and admits she resigned from Geum San. Deul-ho replied that he hopes that she was not thinking about work on be office, because there is no place for them. Eun-jo is disappointed by his answer, because they know that he hoped they would would offer a position.

Hae-Kyung intercepts together both emerging and is immediately suspicious Eun-jo presence. Deul-ho surprised to see his ex-wife and invites them into his office. Taking a look around, Hae-Kyung wonders why he appears to be working in such a shabby place back, but takes surprised when she asks if he's alright him. Can not understand why he like everyone else can not live a normal life, or at least let him with a new set of t-shirts, so that it can better attract now. He is touched by her gesture and tells her to get back.

attorney Ji-wook sitting across from Michael, ready to grill him and punish him once and for all. He throws a thick stack of paper on the table, the evidence contains all Michaels transgressions. However, Michael is unimpressed and in high spirits. He maintains his innocence in the attempted murder of Deul-ho. Ji-wook warns him that his fingerprints all over the knife he is used to cut the rope, but Michael said that he did not participate in the torture. He smiles as associate the room and whispers something in Ji-wook ear passes, maniacally cluck like Ji-wook's face darkens.

Ji-wook found interrogated one of the thugs who was with Michael on the roof. The crook asserted smugly that he orchestrated the killing Deul-ho on his own trial, and that Michael came to his only stop the evil act of performing. Ji-wook does not buy any of his lies, but the racket confidently stated that his fingerprints all over the knives.

A brief flashback shows that someone had tampered with the evidence, replace Michael knife with another, so that all the physical evidence points to the bat. The bat asks for a reduced rate because of his confession, and Ji-wook is outraged by the sudden turn of events, as it means Michael will run unpunished again. Chief Prosecutor Shin praises his staff exchanged for knives and directs him to put his son are not sure of.

Deul-ho storms in Ji-wook's office, wanted to know why there is a new suspect, as Michael is unmistakably the offender. It kills Ji-wook, to inform him that the suspect and the evidence have been changed, and despite Michael to catch in the act and save Deul-ho, all evidence points to someone else.

The frustration of the two men escalated reaffirmed as Deul-ho that Ji-wook experienced everything, so why can he do anything about it not? Ji-wook know what he saw, but regrets that he never saw Michael with the knife in his hands. Deul-ho asks him if he is angry because he did not see or because of something else, and quickly goes away.

When Deul-ho leaves the courthouse, he heard cackling Michael and runs on the sound. He watches as Michael of its invincibility has to act as a free man before in his car with a driver.

Ji-wook turns to his father by his title and asks if he make pulled some strings, so it had no choice but to let go of Michael. Chief Prosecutor Shin lies and says he has no idea what his son ingratiating. He warns his son that Deul-ho manipulating him and that he must stand firmly.

Ae-ra informed hectic Deul-ho that Michael will leave the country today. On the way to the airport, calling Deul-ho Ji-wook and asks him to impose a travel ban, so Michael can not escape. Ji-wook refuses to help him; it is too late, and the case is closed. After hanging up, grabs Ji-wook his name tag and slams it over again in front of his desk, tired with his impotence.

Michael is his usual jokey self when he casually airport and bids farewell to his guards strolling in prior to departure. Deul-ho comes fast soon after, but not able to find him in the large airport. He does not know where to look or where to turn.

Michael Capture for the umpteenth time eludes to the lives of so many people have ruined, and Deul-ho wonders where it needs to go, how long it should be continued, and where to even start , What now?


This is really the first time that we stopped to see Deul-ho, and it is a striking image. We have seen him always dashing in his black Brogues, shared his charisma to the max, ready to do anything to prove the innocence of his client, accepts. Previously he had been more or less on an uptrend to dig evidence and to bring truth in the cases to light that seemed like it at winning had no chance. But the one time Deul-ho is the victim and the perpetrator is caught by a prosecutor in the act, no less, a killer goes free.

Deul-ho is a man of the tiny amount, but its presence is unmistakably large. are the wide shots of him at the airport made him very small appear, and reminded me that as good a lawyer as he is, he is only one man in the fight against a corrupt company with deep connections to the legal system. He is fighting a hard battle.

I wanted to give Ji-wook hundred plus points when he showed up on the roof and stopped the melee, and a few hundred more than he dangling Deul-ho rescued. However, when he only to investigate his father asked if he had anything to do with Michael's release, and did not take it upon himself to continue on your own, I wanted to pull off a few points. Where was the main lawyer, falling to his death saved with a freakishly strong hand Deul-ho? The Risktaker who had arrested Michael, despite his father's friendship with the chairman Jung? I understand his father is the chief prosecutor, but I would still like to have at least try to see him, to find out who interfered with the evidence. After all, the evidence does not change just magical. Why his accuser was not taken skills in use? He gave up too early.

Even though I was able to remember that the handle of Michael's blade was black, and the blade with the grubby fingerprints of the club had a gray handle, I 'm hoping someone in the drama also noticed the discrepancy and followed him. This is sloppy handling of evidence when an apple is replaced with a banana. Deul-ho obviously dying would not fall through several stories; we are not even in the mid-term of the series. However, I still found much, pulled me into the roof drama. It was good, sequenced and visually interesting, with some nice antenna and slo-mo shots of the fight.

Eun-jo took a backseat in this episode, and I say to her absence was quite noticeable, and not in a good way. It was shrill as concerned to see her with Deul-ho in previous episodes, and then they just pop in and out a couple of scenes, without making much of a mark. Yes, she is unemployed, but it would have been nice to see how they do not need Deul-ho words about it and ignore Link Team Deul-ho immediately. She could already helped rescue Deul-ho, also! I hope that we. Slight growth of Eun-jo, because so far it is just that good girls freshman just played, and while it is a sympathetic character, they did not do anything particularly noteworthy Your resignation of Geum San is commendable, but it was expected.

The Kartoffeltopf v grandma. Owner From Hell story was heartwarming, and I'm glad yet another strong scene who observed the courtroom after you. The naughty granny and her yellow umbrella Who does not love a good story, where the have-nots victor over haves are? It is a familiar plotline, but it put on my heartstrings yet because Deul-ho personal connection to the restaurant and the surrounding community. We saw a glimpse of Deul-ho and Hae-Kyung during happier times and why the restaurant meant so much to him.

Now that Michael escaped Deul-ho has to figure out his next move. The odds are always stacked against him, but that's never stopped him from forging ahead, right?

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tags: Episode 6, in Kang So-ra, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin-yang

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