Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 10

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 10 -

Just when things start to happen , we get to skip a time that some other things can happen. There is good and bad, as we prepare for the next phase of our history as both brothers are preparing to take on their enemies from a different point of view: his wallet. Before that, they will have to deal with their personal feelings for the same girl, though Dae-gil seems to have drawn the short straw when it comes to matters of the heart.


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Although Chae-gun now to facing off Jin-ki in the battle, he calls him still "child" as before, when he was an officer and Jin-ki was a junior with hopes and dreams. These dreams are gone now.

But it is only at Chae-gun insistence that Dae-gil finally leaves, although he warns Jin-ki, this struggle to survive, so that the fight two of them on another day.

Injwa Hong Mae outfit an all-black are and assigned her a dangerous man named Yook GWISHIN (which literally means "Sixth Ghost") to those which I assume can only be important later.

Chae-gun the best of Jin gets ki during their fight, managing to actually draw blood. But it is a fight that one day be finished will still have as royal guards are still in force in the current murder trial.

Prince Yeoning hidden Dam seo away in the mountains, looking somewhat disturbed when she murmurs Dae-gil name in her unconscious state. It ignores the first rule of hidden by the construction of a fire in the forest, although his concern about Dam-seo carries away only in their drawing of him.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks herself before telling him just leave it alone. When he asks why she says it is because they are enemies to accept, is not an argument Yeoning is ready.

He pulls with a wrist-grab down when she tried to leave, insisting that they remain and care for their wounds-out, a prince of Joseon not only make a fire for anyone .

Turn the tables when it stops out to leave him on his arm with one hand. "Please to hear. Whatever it is, please do not do it." You are in when he tells her that he is going to find some herbs for her, although it was not far enough before directly in Dae -gil runs.

Dae-gil changes the chain of water Jade leaving him has brought, which is the best herb for wounds. Yeoning says Dae-gil they may take only to themselves, whereupon Dae-gil when Pride anyone to ask, was injured.

Yeoning takes this opportunity for talking him Dae-gil to call informally, and even its formal tones not Dae-gil faze that simply says that the prince is obviously younger than him. In the sputtering of the prince, Dae-gil adds, "you have no friends, is not it, this is why you do not have friends?."

Although Yeoning tries to defend his apparent lack of friends than because of its high status, Dae-gil only it brought him to offer in friendship hand. "I do not know a friend like you need" back Yeoning fire, and Dae-gil shrugs straight.

"Take good care Dam SEO" Dae-gil says before leaving. "Do not you think you're better care of it than I am? Also, I'm pretty busy at the moment." Man, they are really all-in on this love triangle, impossible?

Yeoning crushed the leaves and apply them on-seo Dam wounds, a process which has to close their eyes. When she opens it much later, he jokes that it has been age , because he stopped to tie the bandage does she likes to feel his touch that much?

A visibly uncomfortable Dam seo tells him to stop what he confesses he has tried to do hundreds, even thousands of times. But he just can not control his feelings. "Then ... why do not you stop?" She asks bluntly Yeoning leads to tell her that the only way to kill him by him, is going to stop.

eyes with tears shining, Dam-seo draws her dagger and prepares him to stab ... but she can not bring herself. She cries, and Yeoning know that they, like him, also can not stop. So he moved to comfort her in her, and while in that I mean in the best way, what is wrong with her?

While he holds it, shed tears of his own, Dae-gil looks thoroughly crestfallen, as he watched from nearby. He leaves before sleeping arms can see in Yeoning fall Dam-seo, although the prince stays awake, lying on the floor with his arm still locked to her.

he knows without a doubt (because he saw in him) that Injwa Dam seo killed father, although what he plans to do with this information pure conjecture is. For now he is only a jacket around the Dam and falls SEO keeps them asleep.

wakes Yeoning the next morning to find his spooning buddy off that. A bloodstained note in its place to the left "I felt your heat, but I do not deserve it," it says. "Please forget me now. This is my last request."

The Spooky twins find Dam SEO through the woods limping, blindfolded her, and to an abandoned building, where none other than the king waiting for them yourself. He assures her that he will not kill them, but asks if she ever even opened her eyes (basically, if it is ever thought for themselves).

[1945010er] explains that this is the place where he last saw her father alive. "A king does not speak incorrectly, so take these words to heart: I am not the one who killed your father, Yi-soo It was none other than the man who raised you, your teacher, Yi Injwa Excluding his fate.. he died at the hands of a man who has devoted himself to the madness of his hollow ambitions. Therefore, you should be to stop the doll of such a man. I'm telling you to open your eyes. "

Dam-seo hands clench into fists, as she shakes with horror and anger, very open their eyes and burn with tears. As we see, it is in the palace, although to a point makes it her face to Yeoning announce to hide.

Prince Yeoning pays a visit to his sick father in the palace to escape to his fall as he confesses his knees that he was unable to catch the murderer. His father calls him to where he had all night, with known exactly who he was, with.

But he told his son not worry, because the assassin was treated with. Yeoning running at full speed in a flashback (?) On a table are Dam-seo to find like a corpse, unveiling the sheet covering to find her a brand that bears "Gwi" (for "spirit") Hanja character, or the Chyron tells us it is Yook Gwishin signature brand.

Back to the present, the king tells him that he will be sent a gift to Injwa, and he can about this girl Dam seo now just forget. Of course, she is not dead, although apparently it was Injwa who put the fake death by find to kill a Dam-seo-alike Hong Mae and Yook Gwishin in scene. Really?

Dam-seo returns to Injwa who it he shows the blunt arrow since the day kept Yi-soo shot it at him. "Her father, Yi-soo, decided to die. That was his conviction. There you must also be." Dam-seo is not to buy it, and gives her teacher a bow in farewell she'll be no more, it to serve.

While Injwa breaks the arrow and accused the king may Nameless only apologize to SEO Dam. Instead farewell to say of her, Jin-ki wordlessly hands her a different hand-carved Buddha statue. Only then Nameless ask if Injwa Dam-seo was what he was willing to sacrifice in order to kill the king, but the king lived and Dam-seo is gone, he has lost her forever.

"No. Dam seo someday know that in this world there are no eternal friends or enemies." Injwa claims, in his usual Injwa-like manner.

recently returned Chief State Councillor Kim Chang-Jip congratulates Prince Yeoning on a job well done to protect his father, and offers its support, along with support all other Noron minister under him. Yeoning can not help but wonder if all this plan is greater part of his father.

to go, in response to his former trade allies turn against him at Kim Chang-Jip

and the Norons, Injwa pays the head dealer trade to visit him and his cronies to remember that they still owe him.

But the head merchant is much more afraid of siding with the ailing Crown Prince, as he is of Injwa, and will not be intimidated by threats Injwa. This brings him a stabbing death of Nameless although Injwa gets a jab in his own enjoyment.

The other dealer beg for mercy, but Injwa is not in the mood to give it. Losing his temper, he asks if anyone else who betray or insult him wants. For now, total the time to speak.

suspicion that the head was merchant of Injwa killed in gibang to investigate Prince Yeoning and his men there head. With his great intellect, figures he that the dealer had stabbed while would leave, and found quantities of blood near the door track.

Using state-of-the-art methods Joseon CSI, Yeoning a vinegar used solution to reveal the extent bloodstain. Now he is white what Injwa did.

Yeoning goes to his father to tell him of the murder, and his belief that it was committed by none other than Injwa, Crown Prince Yoon baduk teachers. (Shows he ever for this job to?) The king is hardly surprising, knowing that all this came from the traders feel that the tide of power turned toward Yeoning what they jump to about Norons would explain.

It is clear that something about this plague King Sukjong, although he did not know what to say. Instead, he refuses to give his son permission to investigate a civilian murder case, it is unseemly assert his official rank.

seasons pass, and Dae-gil is now cut in a position a petal in midair, shooting an arrow through the eye of a Nyang, cut down arrows directly led to him with his eyes closed, and even one inch catch away from his face. He is at one with nature, and it is ready.

used at dinner, Chae-gun says Dae-gil, that the reason why he took him in as his pupil, because he he know someone reminded him , They went through life together after meeting at a young age, and Chae-gun describes man as a tiger among Tiger.

"He must have been a handsome, big man," Dae-gil jokes, before saying that he would be a big tiger as the man Chae-gun describe. However, to do that, he will have to leave, and Chae-gun know it's time.

With tears in his eyes, Chae-gun sends him away and told him to eat well and see his back, like a father would do. Dae-gil gives him a deep bow of farewell, claiming that he'll never forget what he has done for him and his life for him to live thanks.

Chae-gun lovingly TSKS to him cry, even though he went even tears once Dae-gil sniffs back. Awww.

Injwa and shamanistic gibang women seem to share a common and that is their inability to use their powers to recognize something about Dae-gil. His energy is just too strong for them.

Hong Mae gathered a number of lowlier varieties for Injwa and purpose still unknown to us, and among them, a player named Hwanghae KEJAKDU ( Kim Sung Oh , what are you doing here with broken arm ?) that an uncanny ability to sense extra-sharp hearing, fraud has. (Since "Hwanghae" is for his home town, we will now call him Kejakdu.)

The second entry must be a master swindler named GOLSA which can even the royal seal, and a royal inspector badge to steal forge rice, he is taxes can claim owed to the state, he did not even not work for.

The worst of all, or so it claims, the fierce-looking Yook Gwishin. He takes his game very seriously, and scares anyone who would dare accuse him of fraud. Although they still do not know why Injwa wanted accumulate their three notorious gambling masters primarily

They each Injwa seem to recognize as Scholar Baek Myun, and he gets straight to the point. to have someone to gain much connected to all casinos with it, and he wants to put an end to.

It turned out that the problem gambler is nothing but Dae-gil, like a real young man of noble birth Search now. He is able to make the most of fraudsters by methods also suggest we can only assume include any kind of fraud, and ensures that the signature to wear white mask Injwa for was known.

He has swept its way through Joseon, and Injwa figures show that it is only a matter of time before he paid a visit to its casino in the capital. He knows it is Dae-gil, and tells the three players that Dae-gil, the son of Baek is Man-geum, who knew them all.

wearing the white mask, Dae-gil an extraordinarily large bet placed on a match of gisaengs played, you can not theoretically rig. He approaches an old man who recognizes him as Scholar Baek Myun, and asks if he has come to catch him.

Only that mask support can 't be Dae-gil, as Dae-gil is the three Gamblers. Cut Prince Yeoning to reveal, when he to reveal the mask itself to the old man decreases ready tear as a hunting dog introduction Injwa throat.

he used the mask, so that he could see the old man, although we do not know who the old man. All we know is that Yeoning its destination in the capital of crushing all casinos must reach to him that will eventually lead him to Injwa.

Dae-gil three Gamblers his intention told to do the same as crush Yeoning and every casino in Hanyang. Injwa takes this opportunity to confront Dae-gil and wondering absently if he has finally become finally a Tiger. "Why a person should be an animal? I'm only human," Dae-gil responds with a smile.

"From this point on, I will cut off your arms and legs," he continues in the same tone. "Then I'll come for your throat. Shall we make a bet? Whether I can do it or not?"


Well, it's not that we do not know, would come the game phase. It feels like we tried a little suddenly, despite the show moved to regularly remind us of how important playing / will be, and we are still having only a rudimentary understanding of the left, why is all this matter is. Which is to say that it is probably because Injwa owns this casino, and the boys their revenge financially by ruining him take try. Or something.

But between politics, the love triangle, and now the gambling, the experience of watching feels disjointed, as we had seen pieces of a show to be thrown only in the other. What is even more bizarre is the processing, sometimes it can be nice and smooth, sometimes it can be completely discombobulating but his or so, we are with scenes like the Prince Yeoning and his father left that only the idea to take seem continuity than light Suggestion.

the way approached Yeoning confessing the king that he was the murderer is not caught us had said that he had no idea she had been captured and killed, but when the king told him, that they was dead, we have a flashback style sequence filtered by Yeoning runs her body to inspect. And then we see him back with his father, as if he never left, so either he did not, or he did and came back, and I'm very, very confused.

but are generally all times with only tertiary character jumps from scene to scene, by us, it lacks a sense of confidence in history flow from one scene to the next. Some of these scenes can be quite fine on their own, do not do me wrong, but they start as mix-and-match to feel where you could just change the order in which they appear and would nothing terrible happen , Apart from what has already happened, anyway.

The love triangle while feeling with us for Nth degree was pushed yet sufficiently sold by Prince Yeoning, although I my head to the left'm still scratching when it comes to his discovery of Dam-seo of the body. Did he believe it? And for that matter, has the king? Certainly not, if he considers just talked to her. But when Injwa was the one who ordered to be killed the doppelganger, he wanted to protect Dam seo by it look like they had been killed? But as the king came to use the body for its own means? And what does it make if Yook Gwishin had killed it make? You know, I'll stop here. At least the fraternal interactions are still cute.

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tags: Choi min-soo, episode 10, in the Ji-yeon, jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin gu, Yoon Jin-seo

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