Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 12 -

This was as a result inversions and reversals of reversals that I'm at a point where I have lost all ability to be coherent. You hear whirring? It's my brain like a top tries each final to find out if and my bears to find or not always live happily. I admit it, the show has me wrapped around his little finger, and damned if I do not love every minute of it.


Sung il evening comes home and leaves mandarins from his sleeping mother. She wakes up, concerned him, but he tells her everything is fine as long as it well. Aw.

He again brought out through a phone call, the back takes him to the memory of Min-Shik funeral and inconsolable sobs of his wife. Commissioner Ahn and Mayor Chun come to pay their respects, but as they approach, Sung-il does not tell the Mayor to say a word.

contact and Sung-il watches Chun awhile to go condolence book and scribbled a letter of resignation. But before he can deliver it, his wife catches him. Do not urging him to do-they still have to live, after all. She pulls it out of his clenched hand as he fights back tears. He Ahn invitation ignored and proceeds to connect from.

returning to the present, Mayor Chun Sung-il pour a drink, and regrets that they do not sooner. To Sung-il surprise, he knows about his secret activities and asks if he had so far meant to go as chairman Choi, do what Min-Shik could not. Sung-il says he will continue his work in the belief that everyone has their taxes should be paid. But Chun believes not rich people always changes nothing to cough because Sung-il fight not against people who owe taxes but the money itself.

"Until money out of this world disappears, this fight will not end "says the mayor. He has just begun to build the city, he sees where the people are happy. He says that people are more concerned if the couple hundred are threatened in their pockets, not the millions and billions, which they never lay a finger. He will focus his fight there instead engage with the super-rich in a futile, endless war.

Sung-il said that it is all stealing if you do it to support a bridge or a tie. Chun sighs. He says Sung-il can not go the way of the Min-Shik. To surivive, he has to go back, which he used on the way. Sung-il sighs now, and says that someone on his team told him that, and he is the mayor give the same answer: He will not go so low, just to survive. Thus he goes.

Commissioner Ahn is released from the police station, while elsewhere Deok-bae a prosecutor Park meets President Choi file asking Chul-woo. The prosecutor does not know what to make of his plan to catch him, and Deok-bae told him about it just to think how to remove the pus from the wound.

in seats of Mi-Joo, Sung-hee asks her why she wanted to meet. "I thought you should know," Mi-Joo says, and tells her how Jung-do was arrested and sent to prison immediately after her defeat. He really liked Sung-hee and it was not a scam, as he had said.

Sung-hee swallows their emotions down to ask why she has this to say. Because oppa is not, Mi-Joo responds, and she does not want to be mistaken Sung-hee, if she has another so much. "Even though it was a little uncomfortable for me to see," she concludes with a self-deprecating smile.

Sung-hee suddenly realize that Mi-Joo liked him also. "Still love", Mi-Joo corrected although added that she is willing to put her feelings behind her-pining not their style. Damn right. Before Mi-Joo leaves, Sung-hee asks her if something happened between Sung-il and Jung-do, but she does not answer. visited

Jung-do his father in jail and tells him that it will take only Chairman Choi left down. Dad looks at him and then away. "I'm sorry, my son," he says. Jung-do fighting to control his feelings, and in a voice thick with emotion, he tells Dad to carry on speaking. Dad did everything he could, and his mother in a better place now. When he is left alone, screaming Dad seriously.

Deok-bae connects Jung-do in his car and transfers the file to Chairman Choi. It shows that Sung-il found out that he help him and asks Jung-do if he really meant to get him in trouble, in which he has at least look the grace ashamed. betraying Remorseful about his friend of thirty years, Deok-bae says Jung-do that he does not mean not to see him after they finish this job. Jung-do accept all this in troubled silence.

Sung-il visits President Bang in prison, and asks him how he found life behind bars. The search for him unrepentant, Sung-il tells him that he he should apologize to the people has been wronged. But his words have no effect on Bang, the rather think that Sung-il feels something is missing in his victory because Jung-do betray him.

He, on the other hand, fully understands why cut Chairman Choi from him, says Bang. He will lose some money now, but he will come back and make twice as much, while the little people to fight, think they got "justice". And they must struggle on, so can hold that he and his cronies the skimming cream from them, he says, with smug satisfaction full.

"You really are trash," said Sung-il, but he suspected that the detail of the president is nothing more than grandstanding. He points out that six years ago, she could not touch him, but now he is likely to spend a good six years inside. And who is to say how to change the world at this time?

About to leave, he advises Bang not his to use line "I'll remember that name" to the guards, unless he wants to take a beating. Chuckling deeply to himself, President Bang says: "I'll remember these words," his laugh helplessly on the edge.

Sung-il returns to his office, where the big news is that Commissioner Ahn was fired. A defeated-looking Ahn Sung-il calls to his room. While he packs his desk, he noted dully that it took ten years to climb this position, but collapse only one day to come. Heaving a sigh, he says that he did it simply to live. His children grow up and they expect another

He thought Sung-il was the one that brought him down, but notes that it bitter Chairman Choi, after all, she was cut off to save his own skin. Choi's next goal is to Sung-il shock, is the tax office itself, which is dissolved during the year. Ahn Not growing, as he admits, as he did so many unsavory things, but they were all in an attempt to protect this office.

He urges Sung-il Chairman Choi to get tax money, even if by a trick. Only the connection between Choi separating and the mayor, they can save their department, he pleads. Sung-il looks worried.

Jung-do sets out Chairman Choi son while to examine the file. He calls Deok-bae, to find out what the prosecutor had investigated for the son. Then Jung-do is have a bank book under the paper, and his expression sobered.

He waits for Sung-hee back into her house. The transfer of the banking book, he tells her that he is President Bang unpaid tax. He asks her to give it to Sung-il for him, she wonders what's going on.

him a sharp look, she tells him about the meeting with Mi-Joo, and what they had said about him in prison, and how he had lied in order not to hurt. Voice-catch, asks her why, of all time, it that now needed to hear after he betrayed Sung-il. He has this completely devastated expression and can not even meet her eyes.

"Even if one otherwise people play with everything, Jung-do-ya, a person's heart is not a thing to play around with," she tells him, her eyes kind: "Not only that the other person does not hurt, but it also makes him lonely. "Ashamed, he confesses that he once again has nothing to tell her. She tells him to give the book to Sung-il, himself: ".. I think this is to do the right thing" He sees her

At work, Sung-il is haunted by the thought of the office is closed. He looks around, taking in the eyes of his hard-at-work colleagues, and the empty spots left by Chang-ho, chief Kim Sang-ho and even. On the way out, Deok-bae him calling to say that he later on a playground meeting he should come Jung-do.

Waiting with Deok-bae in his car, Sung-il asks if he does this because he feels sorry for him. Sighing Deok-bae finds that Sung-il has been the happiest he has ever seen him since he scamming people for tax started. Although he is disappointed in Deok-bae and Jung-do, it should not be hard on yourself. The world consists of more than just good and bad people, he says, and people might be a bit of both, as they. Sung-il, replied immediately that Deok-bae is appalling bad to do it that way. Haha.

Luckily for Deok-bae, that's when Jung-do up shows. He asks Sung-il is not too hard on the kids both have their own tough situations that can not be helped.

Jung-do gets his feet when he sees Sung-il, who marched him and delivers a violent blow, which almost knocks him. Howling in pain, Jung-do try to get in a word, but Sung-il beating him relentlessly. Wail miserably, Jung-do a handful of sand thrown into the eyes, and the time has come: It's an all-out, no-protect tussle now, as Sung-il his feelings through his fists vents

Sung il struggles with deadly seriousness, but techniques Jung-do's are just hilarious. That's so funny and emotional at the same time. Sung-il pants split from the power of his kicks! Jung-do clutching his ear while Sung-il clutches his back and both men breathing hard, while a crowd gathered and called the police.

But pants or no pants, Sung-il goes back Jung-do. A limp today Jung-do keeps shouting excuses, pleading Sung-il, to hear him out. Finally Sung-il is true and proffers his hand, only to grab him in a headlock ... noo, oh nooo! Jung-do bites him on the nipple and Sung-il screams. Young man throwing off, he writhes on the sand, holding injured chest.

roll on the back like big babies, spit today resentfully. Ohhh God is lolarious. Mid-flail, Jung-do shrugs his jacket and throws it on Sung-il, presumably to protect his dignity (aw), and we hear the sound of sirens approaching.

detained at the police station, the men are in the same cell, where they continue their cry game. Jung-do screams that he said Sorry, but Sung-il, wants to believe a word he says. They bicker loud until an officer with them yells pst.

Later they collapse on the ground, tired and hungry. Jung-do says Sung-il that they can order takeout, which has aroused ajusshi adorably, and I half think he does it until the food comes. Sharing the meal, companionably from each other plates of picking, forget bad feelings apparently.

That night they sleep to share a single blanket that Sung-il keeps tugging. Exasperated Jung-do gets another and its softness praises loudly. Sung-il confesses hope that it is a bit musty until Jung-do half of new on shifts. Sung-il sighs happily, and both regulate finally.

Eyes closed and remote Jung-do Sung-il provides the banking book over his shoulder. He could do nothing of how to dispose of the rest, and says Sung-il should pay themselves. Seating, Sung-il reflected ruefully that it was Jung-do's had with nevertheless real plan. Jung-do assured him that never Deok-bae that some knew but toootally denies that he felt bad. Uh-huh.

Sung-il wonders how he knew he was after President Bang would go, but Jung-do, he does not say, and actually amused that Sung-il thought he managed engineering that much. Eyes closed still, he tells him that a con is to be successful on the flow of events surrounding the adjustment.

He now admits that President Bang had told him he simply retrieve 'd be a waste of money by the mayor, it had paid in taxes in been, and so he had to find a way to completely take it away from him. He Grumps about the futility of their hard work, but he revealed after the chairman Choi son goes.

Sung-il trusts in return that the tax authorities is about to be dismantled. For protection, he also wants to Chairman Choi off a cut for all. "This time we want each other for real trust and to go again. Let's fraud Chairman Choi," he suggests, seriously.

Jung-do balks at the idea of ​​getting such a large amount as a hundred million dollars in a week or two, and then grins that she was high time to get out of here. "How about it?" He asks, holding out a hand. Sung-il attacks it. "Call," he replies, and both men beam. Who else bursts the heart? Jung-do waves proud to announce its affiliates hands on the duty officer that they have made.

Your mission begins with the chairman Choi son CHOI SANG-stakeout JOON. Choi's money comes from weapons, and his company, Samjin Industries is to renew referred to a contract with an American company General Martin. There is a triangle fraud, Jung-do grins as Sung-il, when he tried to buy the car. You will receive between Samjin and General Martin to take control of the contract, including funneling the money for themselves off.

But first, Jung-do takes Sung-il shopping for fancy clothes. He has to be responsible General Martin Martin Kim, a newly-appointed representative for the mediation business. Jung-do coach him appear sophisticated, and cheer when he takes on the nail.

search snappy as "Martin Kim," Sung-il meets Choi Sang-joon. He is not sure to renew the contract, he says, but if Samjin for each of its directors in a little extra-throws (totaling 0 million), he will do it. Cutting back in their strategy briefly explains Jung-do that Sang-Joon got much more to lose if he can not get the contract, but they are pushing it a little more to bite him ...

police adjourn then and take Sang-joon away on suspicion of drug use, while Sung-il looks. Jung-do stated that he's got a previous record that his father got out of him, but because it is this time out, Sang-joon is made fast enough. joon

Sung-il goes Sang to see at the police station. Search disappointed, he tells Sang-joon, that when joining the extras, he asked, he'll overlook this little jaunt. Under pressure, Sang-joon is right.

Meanwhile accosts Jung-do the real Martin Kim at the airport. He explains that Sang-joon is at the moment and it will be handled the contract.

Between Sung-il and Jung-do, neither brand ever take the other. The Jung-do says with a grin, is how to do a con. In the following days they look intensively working on their prey. You barely have time to change more than a few words, so busy are by She papers back and forth between them as the contract to finally hammer everything signed and sealed.

Then we cut short to the chairman Choi, who is a license pat his son.

At work the next morning, Sung-il Mayor Chun is called office. On the way, Sang-joon calls him to confirm that the 0 million was transferred. Sung-il kindles Jung-do, to tell him. Mission completed, but what is this strange feeling?

In his office, the mayor asks Sung-il, when he flirts enjoyed with the Chairman Choi son.

At the same time, Deok-bae finds a group of researchers throughout its work swarms. Prosecutor Park rises with a grin: He heard Deok-bae a file was stolen and handed over a cheater, he says. Shock, Deok-bae is removed.

Chairman Choi enjoys a game of baduk and observed to his secretary that people the lintels of the things to come, it matters most, it was their school their province, or their children.

"Chairman Choi ... has no children," said Mayor Chun says Sung-il. Sung-il's eyes widen and Chun shows the whole thing was a trap to catch them. "For this reason, you should have stopped when I told you," he chides.

Jung-do waiting for the elevator outside his apartment when he realizes that he has observed is. In order not to give away himself, he is a casual call while his eye on their reflections. Suddenly he breaks it, the stairs to fling himself down, while his pursuers pursue. He whips even his belt to tie the door, but more men are in the lobby, and they run to him. He struggles desperately, to no avail.

Am Rathaus, Sung-il moved to go, but the mayor tells him it's too late. Elsewhere receives Commissioner Ahn an envelope from somebody. Et tu, Ahn! Chun Sung-il remembers that his fight against money is useless as long as money is available. Did he now understood that he tried to fight?

As if the point to prove, we now see Chairman Choi a report by Attorney Park received, he clearly has in his pocket. The old jackal hangs up, and straight into the camera, he smiles.

Sung-il tried to apologize to go Jung-do, but Chun tells him instead- to testify against him in court, it is the only way he can survive. Sung-il argued but Chun growls that he said he no longer wanted to lose from his people. Lowering his voice, he says again to bear witness to him, and before doing things the way had to go back. Sung-il agitation grows, and Chun tells him Jung-do has been to believe in custody, Sung-il betray him.

Thereupon Sung-il screws to the police station, where he finds directly Jung-do, creased and cuffed. Jung-do gives him ridiculed "Ajusshi, I heard that you sold out myself." Before Sung-il can reply, Jung-do him flying, screaming in rage and destruction: "You said, let us join not betray" Several officers jump in him to pull away, and they take him away, still screaming ,

for a stiff drink, Sung-il goes back to Mayor Chun. He finds out that Ahn was in on the plot, too. Chun explained that he had to make Sung-il act, so that he could step on him. Sung-il asks why he wants him now save then. "Since you've been kicked once, you will not rise a second time," says Chun. His casual tone really freezes my marrow.

hurt, Sung-il considers this for a long moment. Hanging his head, he agrees, he will testify against Jung-do and live as Chun says. But in return, he asks to be spared for the tax office.

out on the day of his trial, Jung-do in the court in a prison jumpsuit. Sung-il is also suitable and expression difficult. Jung-do staring at the booth at him as he takes the oath, but Sung-il does not look at him.

lawyer Park asks him about Jung-do activities and any response from the Sung-il is devastating. He eventually meets Jung-do the eyes when he is asked if Jung-do hit him intentionally. "Yes, that's right," he says. Sob. Why are you doing, Papa Bear? Jung-do Also staring in disbelief.

"The accused, Yang Jung-do, is sentenced to ten years in prison," said the judge lowered the hammer. After the official file, Jung-do looks with betraying Sung-il, raw about how the guards take him away.


I have to believe a longer game, Sung-il plays otherwise flying this betrayal in the face of everything we have come across him, to know and love ... I think? Because as much as he has said that he was going to save his own skin, my concern is that it could be see it as a question of the well, would not save so low everyone in his department at the expense of the baby bear ,

But could Jung-do pull the biggest scam of all train? The way this episode aware the image of Jung-do as an omnipotent mastermind deconstructed makes me think that we were primed to see him as a fallible, but if we are to set up or ready for an epic Fakeout us is for his failure anyone suspect. I should now have realized that a soaring high is just in front of a dashing low, but also the pattern to know, I can not say I feel manipulated. These characters are just that real. I have you have on hand, show. As much as I hate you for hurting my bear, I love it. Then I remember that this episode is 12, and thus the necessary critical point. This is as bad as it is, is not it?

Although it is difficult to rewind by this terrible bromantic schism, of course there is much more to this episode. I was totally out of the disclosure of the blue, the chairman Choi has no son . What a feint. Even if I'd had any idea that he was on it, is not what I had imagined. It is a stroke of genius of the letter that best communicates the different level, on the Choi, the largest runs of large fish. Go back and see that the whole segment again-it is now a very different experience. The amount of sly smile alone should tipped us from have.

On a slightly different note, I die had to know whether Sung-il pants meant rib (not sure!) Or whether the only one amazing piece of ad-libbing after the fact. But that is where the meta drama and awesome multiplied true, because I think what Jung-do said-about the nature of a con to succeed to the flow of in adapting his circumstance, that is exactly how Seo In -Gook treated his acting. I think that the occupation as a whole has consistently nailed it, though. Vitally, Ma Dong-seok and Sooyoung bring both a truly natural and intuitive chemistry of their own, and combined with SEO, everything upon her interactions just as alive.

What I love about the Sung il / Jung -do relationship as it exists on so many levels and so on reciprocity as a student and mentor, father and son, friends and brothers. It's why the betrayal, if it is a betrayal, would cut so deeply. Jung-do who trusts anyone familiar papa bear. This is another reason why I am being deliberately for this persevere. He can not so easily believe Sung-il would betray him when it goes against everything he knows about him. Maybe needs Jung-do for a reason to return to jail, and all of this takes place in the next phase of his plan. Finally, we know from Jae-sung that Jung-do is able to play a role for a long, long time.

The show made its rogue gradually, in a way in which has measured I find really fascinating. The idea that money is the root of all evil, is nothing new, but the sheer amorality and power as a unit makes a serious comment on the way the company operates. The show opened, back with Ma Jin-seok, with his statement that money makes people do something, and we see it happen over and over again, as an inescapable truth. But between President Choi and Mayor Chun, Chun scares me more, the way Peter Pettigrew always miracles. You always know where you are with ordinary evil, also by the unusual way that you never quite do with someone like Chun.

Mayor Chun presents a more interesting picture for several reasons. I think he has played as a cipher deliberately, but at the same time, he reveals a degree of morality in trying to get up a couple of episodes of President Bang. He is clearly an unwilling accomplice and he wants to be good, but the problem is that he took a bite of the apple, and this is an apple can not spit. He is one of many enablers that people like Choi support, and he has caught by his own mistakes and weaknesses. It creates a level of cognitive dissonance that the mind refuses to tolerate, lead him to his present state fanatical and self-destructive methods for his people to store (where "Save" means "breaking"). It is no small irony that he words Chairman Choi proves: If not could be gone for Sung-hee, Chun to war. It is also ironic that to protect her, he sacrifices a person who would sacrifice themselves to protect.

Sung-hee role is not really a big, but it certainly makes it count. Neither a set piece nor a plot device, it is a character with their own will, and important for its own sake. Everything about her is genuine and transparent, their much as Sung-il, that way making. There is a reason, lurking there, why. Perfect matches for Jung-do, with the same argument for why it is perfect for them But it is clear in every word of their interactions with young-do now that she's not hung up on him. It makes her refreshingly unclichéd, and I love what this says about her character, she is mature and practical, but also emotionally strong and compassionate. All I want to now is a bit more Mi-Joo, because she is awesome, too hard, intelligent and loyal.

Although the term varies episode to episode, I can only guess that the show gives himself to breathe room and fills its little moments with meaning. And rare is the show whose small moments build a coherent, complex and deeply moving whole. It does not watch the clock, and neither do we.

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