Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 2 -

More good stuff! I do not know what appeals to me more, what action, romance, humor, political intrigue, or the revenge on the looming horizon, but as far as I'm concerned, that's a good thing, because it means Joseon Gunman is doing an effective job juggling all the elements.

Episode 2 had a lot of nice, which I really enjoyed. I would advise you to drink while we can, but because I'm pretty sure that the conflict will now heat in a very short time.


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Soo-in warns not Yoon-kang to engage with it, with trembling hands grabs her gun. He is not intimidated in the least, and raises to beat his sword.

A shot sounds, but we hop to the other scene over with scholars Oh unfolding Kyung. a fraction of a second before the sniper it fires the aim Park Jin-Han him flying and knocking him way of out of danger.

gunmen reloading while Park Jin-Han jumping on the roof and invites him. He gets a piece of the assassin with his sword and strike him down to the ground where resume both the fight.

Back to Yoon-kang, who looks disbelief at the sword that was broken clean in half by the ball. Only now it is for him to fall into the terrifying power of the weapon, and he trembles in shock.

Soo-in breaks: "That's why I said nothing to do, you could have died I could have killed you !" She starts seriously to sob, and Yoon-kang starts to believe that it is not linked to the rogue. She barks when were the notorious gunman, would have no hesitation or leave it this close.

Yoon-kang realizes that he is mistreated and apologizes for the misunderstanding. Soo-in advising him to accept that he has no weapons to fight with swords: "You have seen it yourself, it can not be done.."

The persecution continues. Park Jin-Han jump from rooftop to rooftop, then jumps jumps down like the sniper on horseback riding through. His sword inflicts an injury and the Armed tumbles to the ground, cornered.

Soo-in comes to the meeting but found nothing but an empty shell.

Yoon-kang broods over his broken sword in the police station where his friend Jung-hoon tells him he was lucky to escape intact. He wants the scholars to study movements, but Yoon-kang no longer thinks Soo-in is not in league with the villain.

Yoon-kang is thinking about the encounter all the way home, and a thought strikes him. He asks Soo-in maid on this scholar, he could have sworn came from their house. Perhaps the man was a secret guest of the night? The nervous maid laughs at him and said that he probably passed only. Yoon-kang does not seem to buy this explanation, but asks Soo-in to see.

Soo-in to listen to this requirement and freaks out to treat worrying how his suspicions. Her maid Recalls that they ruined when people find out that she has been as a man dressing and sneaking out, and it is also their parents shame. There is no choice but to pretend than complete ignorance.

So she passes out with her haughty attitude in place, trying not to betray their nervousness. Yoon-kang asks for a favor, then his hat away they set to one second, to request it. Omo, he already knows? I had thought it might take him a few more clues, but he appears to have the whole thing worked and plops the thing upside down.


Soo-in protests and pushes his hat, but he has seen enough. He did not accuse do but enjoy the roundabout journey and said sense that he is not a fool, and he had to recognize them by their several run-ins. "Once wearing a hat, wearing another time a braid, but the faces are so similar."

She tells him he must be mistaken for someone, but she holds in her tracks when he mentions to talk to the police, the question of the whereabouts scholars. "I wanted to reveal the truth, but stopped me," he says.

Soo-in says with false bravado that he can tell the truth, if he wants. Calling her on the cliff, he wonders if it means it, because the officials could bring on a punting search, what would happen if they found a dangerous object? How would that be explained?

Soo-in get him to do what he wants, but at the moment it is out of his sightline she crawls desperately to hide her gun. In the yard? In The Grass? No, perhaps through the ballot box, with some tiles. Just as she calls the gun, Yoon-kang voice stowed: "Do you think this is a safe place?" He is playing just to have fun with the puck. I love it.

He advises her to find another hiding place, then he says will do as they advise and head over to the police station. Now find themselves in a bind, they do not ask him to go. He really makes their job for this reason, and as it is in all directions pleased him, he agrees easily with a cheeky smile.

Park Jin-Han tried to ask the bomber who was caught and taken to. The gunman refuses to speak, but Park Jin-Han takes a different approach than the man expected. Instead can torture him and threaten him with death, hurls Park the whip away and gives him a generous offer: Tell him he works for, and he is free. If he has to return a family park will protect him and help him reunite with them. Is the Assassin boss really worth dying for?

he is the gunman until tonight to decide, the man tells his wounds fed and treated. Park words make an impression on the assassin who sees potentially swayed.

At another meeting of Sugu (conservative) political, more bickering breaks out among the participants, as they hear of the capture of gunmen. It is this Park Jin-Han, they frustrate again. Once again it is Sugu honcho Kim Jwa-jung, which stops the bickering, assured them that their concerns are needles. He must have something up his sleeve.

Park Jin-Han is confident that their prisoners will meet, but suddenly the prisoner is ill. Park will fade it quickly, and the assassin gasps that it does of "this gunman" must-not his partner from the recent sniping, but her boss, which is far superior marksmanship. He stammers a few words before he collapses, dead.

The man he refers is a businessman Choi Won-shin, who said that the the report receives prisoners had been poisoned. In addition, the the maid was used to sneak the poison is then killed.

Choi Won-shin receives congratulations from Kim Jwa-jung for the successful work. They have the same result came: that a better assassin is required. Choi Won-shin provides the murder of Oh Kyung to handle and display the book at Hyun left behind. As long as the book does, it will be how Hyun'm still alive, Kim Jwa-young warns. It contains dangerous revolutionary ideas.

Jung-hoon Yoon-kang fills in the latest developments, and is a good enough friend that he Yoon-kang is worried about his father despite avoid erwähnens can tell him. He assured him that his father before safely back on work-study it a reward is attached, and he wants to win it.

So Jung-hoon sneaks home to Choi Won-shin and pretends wander when Hye-won arrives home. You must be keen to let him go without further questioning, not to buy his excuses. Moreover, this area is the jurisdiction of another station, do not be.

A signal from Hye-won and Jung-hoon finds himself on the bad end of a dozen sharp weapons. He studies the courage and draws his sword, though he is not high for a fight clearly and is very relieved, but as Hye-won called their men away. She says clearly what he angling for: "We do not distribute things like weapons us every time, suggest that you come across a dangerous point.."

Yoon-kang gets home Soo-in to find waited to see him, and tonight she is put on a much more polite face (albeit with some difficulty, they must want something). He enjoys, she goaded her own words to use against them, recalling how she was so adamant about not wanting to see his horrible face.

They seek positions him with flattery (begrudgingly) and says that he is not so bad; it is certain that the ladies steal glances to look at him. He nudges "And my lady Feel even so?" Soo-in goes with him, and he pushes it even further, asking: "Enough to make you tremble?" Soo-in makes faces and gestures menacingly behind his Move.

but accumulates because they do not want to speak earlier in the day they met its promises. He promises easy, but contributes to a condition, it has to explain what they up to, was as a man dressing and a gun.

Soo-in sighs, but decides that they must meet are. To their surprise, Yoon-kang keeps them right there and says that they can discuss it later. Maybe tomorrow, he suggests, when she brings tea to his room. Ha, you do not want to use them to extort favors from her?

Soo-in powerful grumbles at his high-handedness, but her maid indicates that the size of her secret if she'd better do everything he asks. You can hardly sleep for all their pent-up frustration, while Yoon-kang settles satisfied again, feeling rather smug with himself.

The next morning, a Crabby Soo-in falls from the tea tray and try to leave as soon as possible. Yoon-kang has other plans in mind and calls for a different kind of tea. But when she returns with him, he is on the way out and asks for a Rain Check. She bites her back on complaints, to remember what is at stake.

A boy comes to the door a message to the young lady of the household supply, it is about Yoon-kang gift. He points out that he does not say a lady, but the boy: "I was there simply to give to the lady says, and do not be surprised if they came dressed as a scholar." Well, it would not be the first time, Lee Jun-ki passed for a woman.

Soo-in reads the note, informing them that Oh Kyung plans to leave Joseon temporarily. He asks her to bring the book to the port, where he'll be leaving this afternoon, and reads as Yoon-kang also the note, she tells him the whole story.

you intend to go to the port, but Yoon-kang tells her that she will not be able to close before the gates house back. You do not know how to ride a horse, so there is only one answer:

They protested immediately, but he adds that it is dangerous for them to go alone, "We have to go together." , He assures her that he has plans to return only the favor done her family for him, and she agrees despite their concerns.

Yoon-kang borrows a horse of Jung-hoon, who teases him about going on a date with a gisaeng. Yoon-kang refers to Soo-in dressed as a male scholar and Jung-hoon concludes that they are going to see gisaengs together. One-track mind, this guy.

Yoon-kang is the case of a tip of his friend, the mention of it tidbit heard Oh Kyung this afternoon to leave by boat. Jung-hoon Hop to it, his eye on the prize.

Yoon-kang help Soo-in on horseback, then swinging behind her. It is immediately hooked on contact, while I'm pretty sure he milked it for all it's worth.

Jung-hoon, reported its top about Oh Kyung Park Jin-Han, but unfortunately for them, this will be monitored by a mole. It is the henchman, who also works for Choi Won-shin, and he takes this information directly to him. Choi, who wasted no time preparing for the hit, his weapon.

Yoon-kang and Soo-in-drive for a while before taking a break to take a break in a field of flowers. Soo-in rejects his offer of help, though, struggling as they descend the horse, he ends up lifting her off anyway.

He leafs through book Hyun on but do not treat them with the same reverence that Soo-in does say that it is a person who labeled a traitor could get. You inflates in outrage and tears the book away, to tell him he has no right to read it.

Eager to get going, she tells him that she has learned enough about horses, riding now without him to do, and dismisses him to go home again. She manages to climb back into the saddle, but stumbles back immediately at the first step of the horse. Well, it's there to catch them, he likes to do, and to her mortification.

Park Jin-Han and his men arrive at the port first, where they plant guards in civilian clothes and stash weapons in preparation for the possible attack. He and his second-in-command are not so sure that this information was correct, noting that nothing wrong seems. No signs of either Oh Kyung or a murderer.

Soon they are down to the last boat to leave the day, and Soo-in waits anxiously for signs of Oh Kyung. Finally they discovered him on the pier and hastens welcomes walk on him. She hands over the book (entitled Principles of Joseon Enlightenment), which he promises to keep safe until he returns to Joseon.

Just then, Yoon-kang catches sight of his father and turbulence in coverage, to want to be seen. And that's when the assassin spots his inaugural Choi Won-shin disguised as fishermen at the end of a nearby pier, and now he throws off his cap and grabs his gun.

Yoon-kang is the only one to notice him, and he gets a warning: "It is a weapon" But Choi Won-shin is too fast, and he fires a fast, efficient shot. Oh Kyung goes with a bullet in the chest.

mobilize the undercover guards quickly grab their weapons and to send a flood of arrows and musket fire against the attackers. Choi takes cover, reloading, and begins the officials with his marksmanship tapping.

Yoon-kang Soo-in pulls away to take cover, Oh Kyung leaves body lying dead on the pier. Choi lines next to them in his gaze, and his next ball barely missing you, get her horse instead. On the other hand they are alive. On the other hand, now they are stranded.

Choi Won-shin the rain of firepower creates weather but he is essentially stuck with no safe way back to land. He dives into the water disappear under the surface. The guards lose all trace of him.

Yoon-kang and Soo-in run for a bit before catching his breath. She's stuck on Oh Kyung death, but Yoon-Kyung points out that they have become targets, too, and it is probably because of this book. Choi Won-shin is not far behind, either, and emerges from the water nearby.

Night falls, and they struggle to walk through a heavily wooded area. Keep shedding their bulky outer layers and try to think what to do. Yoon-kang asks for her gun and yawning when she says she is not there, they brought was afraid to fire them. He points out the obvious that this is what it meant to do, but Soo-in is not equipped to deal with a life taking. You replied that he did not bring his sword, it was, and he reminds them that they broke it.

Choi Won-shin she pursued through the woods, still not so far behind them. Soo-in makes the exhaustion wall first, but Yoon-kang hears the noise in the distance and pushes them forward. With difficulty, she continued on.

Yoon-kang and Soo-in come to an abandoned house, which seems to rest a safe enough place. She draws a compass, and he is surprised by the needle always points north. The atmosphere a little brightening, she apologizes for the trouble. He assures her not to worry and suggests they stay here until the sun comes up, at which point they can return to the city.

Soo-in stuttering the whole "spend the night together" part, but he says that they do not know whether the shooter is still on the prowl, and they are in the night at a disadvantage.

The guards follow the path and are usually the right direction, via the discarded clothes in the woods. But then the road goes cold and they are forced to call off the search, which is too bad because Choi Won-shin happening not far away to hide.

In the House, Yoon-kang asleep, while the fear keeps Soo-in on. This is a true happiness because they save spots Choi awake on the house title and shakes Yoon-kang with mere moments.

Choi Won-shin hears a creak of the house and look for it, even though he no one in the room where they were straight. When he paused to take stock, the camera zooms through the floorboards us the couple hiding in crawl down to show. Yoon-kang is too scared himself, but he sees Soo-in struggling with their terror and keeps them in a soothing gesture.

Then comes a mouse, and Soo-in begins surprised to gasp. It dampens the mouth, but she lets out a small gasp, heard by the shooter. He rushes through the floorboards, but sends only a few mice scurrying, and Choi decides that was all he heard. He goes.

The young household is in an uproar that night, as are conscious parents in their absence-Soo. (Yoon Kang is less of a problem, since it has the freedom to come and go as he pleases. Do not blame me, blame the patriarchy.)

Yoon-kang a place near Loch takes for the night to say that they can not stay in the house because of the mice. She is still shocked by the assassination and admits that she never met before, had seen a life. Feel for them, he says it enough to make him a teacher Hyun On making the debt, but as usual she speaks in defense of their teacher. Only today it also reminds her of his death, and she begins to sob.

Yoon-kang begins to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder, but draws before returning contact. So he just sits with her when she cries, and merges the night.

you sleep like that, and in the morning they are all but snuggled together, supported her head on his arm. She wakes at first, but then he stirred, so that they are in a hurry to be asleep. He's just shocked to see them as they have at the end, and unwinds gently before her awakening.

wash at a stream, and he considers himself to her, noting that she is pretty. Of course, he adds to it a joke spinning and said. "They are like a lady almost look" But when she pouts at his teasing, he says he is serious means to give her speechless for a moment.

A look downstream sobered them when-the assassin has come to the water and to wash. Yoon-kang sends Soo-in, but is in the time-Choi Duck aside unable Won-shin looks upward only, and the men meet the eyes. Choi grabs his gun and takes after it off.

Yoon-kang and Soo-in-racing down the hill, but soon became a jagged sea cliff can be found. Chio Won-shin corners them there and calls the book.

Yoon-kang she urges to pass it, because he would kill them to get the book in any case. Soo-in is much more in conflict and keeps the bag close, and Choi levels with them his gun. Hesitantly, she gives the bag, and Yoon-kang it throws up with Choi's feet, and added that the book has nothing to do with them, and that they only with the provision they were commissioned.

Choi Won-shin pinching off the book, but the gun anyway increases. Instinctively Yoon-kang throws herself in front of Soo-in while Choi finger on the trigger pulls ...


[1945010I] am surprised how cute and funny is this show, although I am fully aware that this tone will not last once the rest is completed the device. We are not quite to the central plotline even though in the credit Show, asking it not to make me, "When will begin the story to go?" I hate it when a show you are a premise and then dithered around before they get to the point, because it feels like it is spinning its wheels. Here, however, I enjoy all of the relationship building and take it in while I can, because they are just too adorable.

Despite some thoughtful balance requires the go-to expression of romantic foreplay in drama country, bickering to make the right sounds, because if you go too far you are wondering just left, why these two men hate each other so very. I think to the pair hits it just right, because it makes sense, about the history and holds both characters on their toes-yesterday it was Yoon-kang confused at its open chilliness, as it is now to turn the tables and put it again , I just love how ineffective their outrage is, and how blind she appears on his obvious interest when he only dragged the little boy what to do on her pigtails of her vocation or "carrots".

It's nice to see how they warm up to each other openly, and what better way than to combine, are stuck in a life and death situation? It begins at the side of him under the joke facade to see his actions and has during her escape from the killer really about (... which was not difficult, as I have already won). But considering that they hardly know and his knee-jerk reaction is to jump in front of her to block it by a bullet, I mean, that's a pretty solid brand character.

The villains do that typical sageuk villain have tint, but that's not even a little one-note detractor for my taste. (I am already boring not interesting to find this Sugu secret meetings and envy the director the task of ways to shoot twenty consequences.) First of all, if you remember how wonderfully complex a villain Suyang in was The Princess' Man . I hold out the hope that, during the Sugu fraction may not be exciting, we are a dose of conflict antagonists in our second leads, especially Hye-won (we have yet to meet another, played by Han Joo-wan) , And I would be delighted if they went in this direction with Choi Won-shin, who in his scenes with the Sugu leader-he seems interested in working for the bad guys, but he comes from has to have his own code of honor. I wonder how he'll shake

What the presentation drama of Sugu-Kaehwa voltages. I do not think they argue that Sugu's pure evil and Kaehwa is pure needle (... although I would not be a bit more nuance) matter if it really is the abuse of power, which is becoming the core of sageuk court conflicts. Episode 2 opens with the standard disclaimer that takes the drama creative liberties with the story, which is not a necessary memory is probably sageuk in this era of fusion. But it's probably not a bad thing to keep in mind not, you know, take this drama as a history book. Entertainment purposes! Fortunately, I believe there will be much of the entertainment, busy to talk.

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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