Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 20 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 20 (Final) -

Here we are at the end of the road of the psychopath. Mysteries (what's left of them) declares our heroes come to an understanding of the nature and unsolved investigations are closed. I would say all of our major plotlines are resolved, and obtained mark a degree of closure.

As for justice that serves? Hm, I wonder. I'll let you have all of the judges


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The final episode RECAP

In the courtroom, Chief Cha at the last minute to ask his life, no success. Mu-Yeom goes home that night and taking a picture of his father, to tell him he's sorry and he loves him. When the monk comes, Mu-Yeom surprised him with an emotional hug and said that without him he could have come to a bad end.

In the event that 20 took years in court, moved safely justice bring it rapidly, and we Tae-oh wrap the murder case. we do not even see jumping the study open , just the right to his conviction He gets ten years in prison hospital ;. his defense strategy Cha was blamed for his movements mastermind successful


in addition, given Tae-oh. his Korean citizenship and fishing are treated as foreigners by the system. the prosecutor sees that tactic as outrageous, but it is legally viable. I find it absurd that this conversation to ask include surveys on account of public opinion: "What do you think should be Ryu Tae-oh punishment?" Really, Drama? That is to be persuasive?

(For the curious :. The survey cited 75% of respondents answered that Tae-oh should be sent on a regular psychiatric prison, what types of psychiatric institutions they prefer, 66% of people want him. deported abroad, only 10% of voters for a plant in Korea Basically they are happy that psycho to send out of the country)

Ji- Wool. takes her latest webtoon to Mu-Yeom and Mary because she has made the connection to the Chief Cha history. Its content mirrors what we see in flashback, a 14-year-old Cha to bury a victim, and his accomplice-noona say: "If only the bastard had not touched ..." The girl (Mi-ja) asks what would happen if they turned in, but Cha says violent that they only clean out waste.

Cha had told this story directly Ji-wool, but it happens when someone else experience from. It was back before they had known he was Gap-dong, as they would come character with a backstory for her killer detective struggling and asked if he had any interesting tidbits from the criminals in his career had met.

Mu-Yeom believed that this is Cha "bloodstained jacket", also known as the trauma that he wants to show someone else. to dig a little dive an interesting fact: had victims Mi-ja's father one last record of child abuse.

Cha is brought to prison, where his arrival makes a stir among the prisoners, when a young inmate seems to take him. As Tae-oh, he is also of nightmares Followers hanged in his sleep for his crimes, threshing to be. Chul-gon was specifically requested to work as Cha foreman in prison. He tells Cha call him at any time, especially if he wants to talk more undiscovered crimes.

Tae-oh sitting at home and texts Ji-wool, looking in conflict, as it writes the message: "On the rock-scissors-paper ... I am sorry that on" But he. shakes his head, and deletes it.

Tae-oh is set to leave the country (technically he deported, but the circumstances, it is not too different given by a flight from justice), and receives a request Cha to see him before his departure. Mu-Yeom strongly advises him away from, but Tae-oh ignores it and goes in for the visit.

Thus, the two Gap-Dongs meet. Tae-oh thanks Cha for leading him Maria to kill, so his defense refueling. Cha puts him just about Tae-oh the misunderstanding that he would be able to stop his murderous impulses, warning that people do not just stop by her own death.

Tae-oh replies that he knows and suspects that the real reason for the Cha Jae-hee rental was intended live. If the people that the survival of the witness would be adopted scare Gap-dong in stopping, he could finish his Gap-dong streak and continue with its "hidden crime."

With a smile, Cha confirmed that this is the very freedom that he had spoken of. Tae-oh concludes: "The freedom that the world was really to stop you believe had stopped."

Cha a request from Tae-oh: Stop it. "There must be a way to quietly submit myself in a manner that befits Gap-dong," he says. He explains that it has two options:

Tae-oh is not very interested and said that he has his own way to secure his freedom found "Either I quit, or me finish." , He seems to have shed really Gap-dong influence, and even if Cha warns that he regret it, Tae-oh laughs that Cha can not kill him out of jail. He used to be an impressive number, but now he's just a prisoner with a number.

Tae-oh taunts: "My God and onetime hero I have now surpassed thee."

Tae-oh plays Cha strangling and teetering on the glass separator in a threatening gesture. Involuntarily shrugs Cha. Tae-oh laughs at the "losers" and vows: ". Now I'm the real Gap-dong"

Mu-Yeom intention is, on wrapping the loose ends of his investigation, and his hands on the case Notebook Cha, showing him Ji-wool New webtoon. Now the background story is finished and Cha is revealing in the remaining pages of information to fill his post-Gap-dong murders.

Cha sees no reason to meet, but Mu-Yeom know how to address him. It offers the alternative :. To call the reporter and interpret the dirty details, so Cha for compassion can sniff of the people

This spurs Cha to some, and Mu Yeom tells him that after he has found the victims, he can psychoanalysis will leave the profiler. He wants no part of it because his greatest fear is to feel compassion for the monster.

Cha makes a request in exchange for his victims revealed: "Can you take the compassion and use it to send me away" Cha really wants only to die, and the proposal rattles Mu Yeom. He shares this with his cronies, torn between his dual pulses of horror and desire to kill the bastard. "Let's kill him," he says, growing more heated as needed to keep the idea.

The rest of the staff Mull about the dilemma, and Ji-wool makes a comparison with a fictitious scenario where the villagers during the war. Huddle together as hostile forces approach At this moment your baby starts to wail, so that you hit your hand over it to calm it. If you hold the baby to silence, it is suffocating, but if you cry it let, you all die. What do you choose? (For what its' worth, the policeman looks at demonstrating to their attention bashfully pleased that at least a promising prospect for romance than this twisted killer guy.)

Tae-oh has a semi-cryptic conversation with Mary, asking about this matter, he suggested that we never heard in its entirety. I have my suspicions, but all say that it is loud vague circle things like: "Can you do what I asked" And "Do you want me to keep that promise?"

That night, Maria Mu Yeom says they he fully approves of to quit her job in the prison hospital, has decided to move. It was a difficult decision for them, and full of a lot of debt because they, by examining their own behavior to Tae-oh and manipulate, to catch him in their offer Gap-dong frequented.

Mu-Yeom you say that from this point on, blame her survivors is a choice and not an obligation, and advises her to choose according to what she feels she must do. He himself, he assures her that all that's left is to live comfortably for him, and that his health concerns were exaggerated. Gack, I have a bad feeling about the carefree front he presented.

Cha hands over the card he sketched locations "of the victims has drawn and Mu-Yeom hands about what such a piece of chocolate looks. A moment passes between them, and they think of when they were younger Cha was beginning to mention it, and Mu-Yeom says. "This time was the happiest for me. Perhaps that is why it is now even more sad. "

The candy turns out to be a pill to be, and Cha gets ready to swallow it. But at the last moment he stops himself.

Mu-Yeom assembled a search team to get digging, and it does not take long to be dug for remains.

Cha explaining hands on the pill to Chul-gon, that Mu-Yeom there in return finished to him for his investigation. But he has to dispense it to Chul-gon and said sarcastically that he needs it more, after having lost everything. Cha smiles in delight when Chul-gon takes the bait and pop the pill, and says:

But Chul-gon, he says the pill is betting only vitamins "Killing as is so electrifying." "I have faith in Ha Mu Yeom. Do you think he would let this easy to die? "Booyah. Cha smile disappears.

Ji-wool gets a sketchpad and begins to draw. Not her usual webtoon stuff, but a nice drawing of a little girl (albeit a sad, the fall their ice left).

Maria ponders Mu Yeom words about the choice of their sadness to move, and seems to come to a decision. They called Tae-oh and says him: "I can not regret it, and I can scorn for them ..." We do not see how the conversation ends

Thereafter mentioned the monk cut Mu Yeom intentions to the hair that. they are frightened. it can mean a few things on how to become a full monk, although there would have been his state also means a brain surgery.

it is the latter, and Maria accusingly asks why Mu Yeom she did not tell about his condition. He takes a carefree approach and said that his master Bruce Lee died of cerebral edema, but Maria, the atmosphere is too heavy, a smile on his gallows humor to crack.

He asks if he has to abide by the rule almost before his surgery, and she tells him yes. He goes on to ask: "What is celibacy?" Rawr.

They kiss, and then fade to black. Come on, this cable!

Tae-oh returns to his barista job because I do not even know and Ji-wool meets him at the cafe. He remembers the first time he asked her what it was like someone, and she had replied that it was terrible. But today she replies that it's not bad, and now it has become an adult as a result.

She gives him the sketchbook to tell him, to help him. The first pages contain his mad scribblings from their sessions together, but it is in a few more examples in the following pages, such as sadness (girl falling ice) and compassion (a teddy bear comforting a cat) filled. Tae-oh Muses: "It's strange you are younger than me, but you feel like a mother.."

He asks why she it is so beautiful, the treatment, and if it is because they pitied him. She admits that Mu-Yeom goes in an operation that could kill him, and there is nothing they can do to help. "But if I do something good, maybe I'll send him some luck."

The prognosis is not all doom and gloom because when Mu Yeom checks whether the operation to prepare the doctor tells him, happy that his hematoma shrunk.

Tae-oh is in a good mood when he calls Mary at night and says he believes he can do anything, including stopping and ends. He is much happier with the river and from his expression that he sees, as he has before. And Maria's surprise, he comes out of the hospital, wanted Mu Yeom seen.

And then he looks at a security guard on front of the building and everything revolves threatening. He says to Mary:.. "I must have too much confusion with Gap-dong" She her forehead furrows and wondered what he means

Suddenly his mood is dark and restless and he remembers saying that one of them must the other successfully. the guard acts definitely restless and follows as Tae-oh turns around and goes out the other way Cha.

But when he undistinguished student over, the young man stabs him in the gut. Tae-oh struggling to free himself, but the guard grabs him from behind, so that the attacker to stab him again. he falls to the sidewalk.

In his cell Cha mutters: "you dare to beat me," now we see that the nice young prisoner who Cha had helped has to be willing become an accomplice and was the stabber. the instructions were to leave Tae-oh with the message K for killer as in, that's all you are. There is only one gap-dong.

to address

Cha colleagues from his cell Chul-gon, which is outside guard. He asks if Chul-Gon had intended Mu Yeom to shoot during the Russian Roulette stand-off, as if he had shot Mu Yeom gun and the bullet had ricocheted and into his brain. Was that the intention? Cha says he was disappointed to have lost his chance Mu Yeom to shoot that day.

surgery begins, and all his loved ones waiting anxiously in the corridor.

to implement

Tae-oh gasping in pain as he bleeds heavily, "I was finally able to not stop, not before I died." He cries and laughs as well, and in a hazy blur sees Maria to run on him. It presses on the wound and calls for help before, but Tae-oh Burglaries in the arms.

With effort, he says: "I thought it was strange ... ... to be able to ... It's like a dream ... this freedom ... Ultimately, it can not to cheat the rules. "

Mu-Yeom makes it through surgery alive, and Ji-wool is at his bedside when he opens his eyes. "I see an angel, so I do not in hell," he says.

Mary weeps as she tries to keep alive Tae-oh. He knows that he goner, though, and thanks her to be with him for the end. "Not behind my back, but my side ..."

Now we hear the end of the request he had made earlier: "If I die, I want you to be the one to see the end of me." You would answer: ".. If you pay the price for your crime, I'll see you end up with you not behind his back, but on your side" She urged'd start him again and change, and he said he would ensure had gone too far.

Tae-oh dies, and Maria sobs wake for him.

His mother is in her usual cold manner word and tells her to take care of funeral lawyers quietly.

Tae-oh killer is easily detected, and his response to her questioning, the police officers agape: He had done

Mary staggers to the hospital, their clothes "In Gap-dong name." soaked in Tae-oh blood. She meets Ji-wool there:

Maria: "What's Detective Ha?"
Ji-wool: "And Tae-oh"
Maria: "he is still alive"
Ji-wool: "? ... he is dead"

The two women sitting next to each other in shock. Ji-wool, Tae-oh desire reminded of the day when he had tied to a tree, to ask if he could ask a tear from him after his death. At the time she had sworn not to, but now she breaks into sobs down.

Cha makes no (more) friends in prison, and he snatches scornfully food in the cafeteria on that another inmate is for themselves. He stomps on a table and the occupants away quickly, not wanting to get in the way. But the food deprived occupant tilts his cap and shouts: "You murdering bastard" And starts at Cha. He has got a utensil in her hand, and Cha falls to the ground clutching his bleeding eye. Ickkkkk.

Since the sequence winds down, we get a quick succession of insights into the lives of people in the near future. Looks like Mu-Yeom practice is a success, and he was awarded for his work in the Gap-dong case.

Chul-gon receives a surprise visitor, the ex-wife.

Ji-wool sends in its next edition of its webtoon.

Maria continues her psychiatric work of a new office.

Mu-Yeom flips through his Gap-dong notebook for the last time, and finally to write on the cover. CLOSED

His relationship with Mary seems on the right track, flirtatious as ever returned. Ji-wool drops by the trailer and starts with "No matter what I say, you can not be evil", and he sighs prepare. She tells them that she has figured out where Tae-oh; I suppose kept secret to his family his memorial.

see his altar in a temple, and Mu-Yeom sets out the dust that they are the only ones to come here. They light incense and sit in front of the altar, as Mu-Yeom says if he could take Tae-oh, he would like to ask whether he should really stop.

Chul-gon and Profiler Han fish together, and Chul-gon muses that a true satisfaction of the detective to catch the criminals, but revealing the truth does not come at the moment , He noted: "We have 20 years spent chasing Gap-dong, but in the end we are just sitting here talking about people and animals."

When she says the Temple, Ji-wool they would leave Tae-oh ask if he needed to be as bad as he was. Asks Mary and Mu-Yeom what they were the most difficult decisions, and Maria remembers the moment when she had said Tae-oh to die if he took the pill. Mu-Yeom thinks of Cha desire to help him die. But they do not express those thoughts aloud.

Ji-wool says she wishes someone else could make difficult decisions for them. Maria says that life is full of possibilities that have to be made, and ironically decisions turn out necessary to be more than decisions. "No one has the freedom to not make choices."

Mu-Yeom adds that life is not easy, so it would be stranger if decisions were easy.

Ji-wool asks, "Then what about me and the decisions I?"

Mary responds: "They were human, and therefore beautiful."

Mu Yeom concludes: "Yes, because you're human."


So it ends. Gap-dong is locked, presumably waiting for a death sentence at any given time, and suffers a humiliating blindness by spoon / fork / Spork. Our imitators come back to this gap between humans and animals, in the hope he can still come out on the right side, and is offed for his hubris. Our good guys all come out on top, to have come to terms with their trauma and start on the paths to a better life ahead.

The usual drama standards, I would say Gap-dong came to a satisfactory end, by fulfilling the action and answered questions. I would not say that satisfactory the same as satisfactory, but, and I can not say with any degree of honesty that I satisfied with it. But I have not been satisfied with the story for a number of weeks, and this feeling is an extension to that-to see what have been the drama and wished had done the other thing, and not in a very wind up, very examination of some criminal minds worked.

I think it is thanks to this drama to immerse their way into the psychopath psyche tat I begrudge this approach. But good golly, we have so much cryptic talk about "freedom" to and "beastdom" and "stop" and "termination" and "feeling" as spoken with so much gravity, we think was more in the game than it really was? Because freedom is a killer a fascinating idea, I'll give you that, but when you boil down what it means in this drama , it is a really simple concept that we certainly do not need to spend ten episodes pursuing. The question of whether you really only stop killing back and forth ad nauseam, beaten to the conclusion: ".. You think you can, but you can not make it stick" It kind of makes me my eyes want spork out if the same who call for the dozenth episode in a row.

I think maybe this was just a four-episode drama to fill 20 hours withdrawn, and oh my God, I find it exhausting. The frustrating thing is, there is not need to be boring. It would have done the suspense thriller and actually kept his secrets mysterious, or to play with our expectations, rather than reveal the answers before we had time to really ask the questions. I mentioned this in a previous recap how the drama tells its own punchlines always ahead of time, so that instead of surprised gasps They asked why the characters seemed so surprised if you'd known all Sequel long.

And it is not so, it was not enough to explore what another misstep I think the drama is adopted. There are many rich, complex character stuff in the mix, and I am disappointed actually, that some of these other points glossed over. We got every scene of Tae-oh brooding about stopping or Cha at his pursuers with a grin, but to be bothered, we held little trauma to explore Cha shame / rage driving. This proves to be an important component in order to be run in him for his first murder, but the writing just kind of fell of the bomb and then ignored Fallout. Instead, it is sent, see Mu-Yeom in the field in this ambitious target more victims. This is fine, it is his nature to be a die-hard followers, but for a show so everything analyze on the criminal thought process in mind-numbing detail, why not, that jewel of my kind?

But enough about my personal irritation with the pacing and narrative structure. Cha end is rather disappointing, is not it? He is locked up and will probably go nuts even to drive with his nightmares of the gallows, and I believe that he would live the rest of his life as miserable. I think there is no better touch to leave him, but it feels not really know how much of a return for him.

In a larger picture sense, though, have it feels like, despite the drama for him called the original Gap-dong never was the most interesting character. He was perhaps more significant in symbolism and as a driving force for other people when he was on the property on its own. Which is why I Tae-oh found the interesting character to watch-not less earned a bad end, but at least it was to see compelling him to struggle with internal conflicts. I do not feel like I came up with Cha no sense of internal conflict, which was free to squirm from the law straight ahead, without remorse or emotion in the way.

I am at odds with Tae-oh end, because on the one hand its death is sufficiently sad, to feel, as he paid the price, so the drama was not give him the hook with any absurd movement toward drain redemption. I would not have come behind, no matter how tortured and sad he got it. But on the other hand, I feel a bit like he was backed ending-it is not fair to me. Yes, he died, and it was always, be direct so well, he got to his megalomania in connection with the new Gap-dong.

But it also feels like the drama by hard questions about Tae-oh the whole way was asked how he could be appropriately punished, and instead he got the easy way out. He got the pill, the one that was too easy to hand over to Cha. It's like a work of art, where death can make us feel sorry for him, without having to feel bad pity for a sick fuck about. I do not know. I do not have to love it, although I realize that a death was perhaps the cleanest way to deal with the problem of Tae-oh.

What to treat the drama as a whole, I do not regret watching and in large and whole it has been strengthened by a cast that really increases the action. Here is a case where the execution actually improves the final product, because if you robbed Gap-dong to its barebones story I'm not sure it would hold in the same way. (The opposite scenario would be a drama with an excellent story to be that she was just a bigger budget desire to work with because the show looks so rinky-dink.) It was not as exciting or fast-moving as I wanted to be, but it was in his neck and filled with convincing performances consistent and interestingly corrupted characters-these characters have occasionally driven me batty, but she grabbed my attention. A dose of excitement have would be much appreciated, but I suppose exciting is not all.

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