Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 9 - has

shown Our swindler us many faces, but the tiny cracks in its facade give us a glimpse of something in tougher. The question of what is real and what is not of crucial importance, since the seeds of doubt are planted in Sung-il spirit in this hour, and he must decide whether he can trust his young teacher. But man, I want it so bad ... that brojusshimance to be epic. EPOS. So the real Yang Jung-do is please stand up?


a bit rewind, we go the con team of President Bang set in favor of the daughter back to the power, Minah. Sung-il blame to be involved with counterfeit goods for her, but she tells him it is only the first time here. The "enforcers" bundle Woman Noh away, but not before she screams Sung-il after their skim itself.

Min-ah takes while Sung-il his part plays to handle and tells her that the woman talking bats. He leaves his card that identified him as a team leader of Heritage Management. From van he watched them stow it. taken bait. Sung-il grins bashfully, but if Mrs. Noh congratulated him his mood Commissioner Ahn leavened will him back to Town Hall summoning help.

Sung-il comes to find Ahn chumming it up with a hoobae. He was appointed as chief Kang spare climber, Ahn says smugly. Sung-il congratulated him and takes the preferential treatment without a hint of irony. He refuses to join for drinks, and Ahn kept informed of what was prodding occupied him like that. Ugh even his voice does want to beat me to him.

Ahn Sung-il tails out of the building. He makes a quick call to Detective Kim about how he uncover a fraud. He does not notice, Sung-hee past who overheard this very snippet. They discovered Sung-il in his car to go up, and Ahn, eyes Sung-il locked to get into his.

But Sung-il busy on the phone with a call from daughter Ji-eun and Sung hee can not by him. They tried Ahn instead, stuttering, that they must urgently talk to him. But it depends only on her, saying he is employed.

In the freezer, Mi-Joo phone rings, and it has a double-take hee heard Sung voice. Frantic, Sung-hee tells her that Commissioner Ahn wind of it got the following and Sung-il to their camp as they speak.

Mi-Joo immediately these tasks young forwards who stops laughing and plunges into action. Meanwhile enjoys Sung-il a leisurely conversation with his daughter and then his wife, who would be totally sweet at any other time, but now I yelled at him. Ahn remains firmly on his tail, his contact to tell with relish that his scammers is an official.


Jung-do, Hak-joo and Mi-Joo empty filing cabinets and all the evidence in boxes and bags. Jung-doo douses everything plastered with paraffin, phone to his ear all the time, as he tries to get a Sung-il. Hak-joo breaks a vase (ancient?), And screams in frustration.

is Pull both cars in the camp up and call Sung-il heads where OMG FINALLYYY he finishes his family and gets Jung-do. Jung-do tells him strongly not to come-he has his commissioner and the police on his tail. Freezing, cuts Sung-il the call.

to scope the scene the way back, he is not a man to come unnoticed behind him. The man says Sung-il, the other car has been following him from the town hall and presents itself as one of Jae-sung of the detectives. Jae-sung want to see him, he says, but Sung-il resists until the baby-faced policeman threatens to get instead Hak-joo.

Another man wins Commissioner Ahn and tells him to go quiet again. Spotting the handcuffs in his jacket, realized Ahn the guy's a cop-another of Jae-sung of men.

Ms. Noh and the others reach the smoky hideout where a concerned Jung-do not Sung -il contact. Yes-wang wonders if he was snatched by someone.

We catch up now final episode. Through the glass of the meeting room, Jae-sung leans forward and asks Sung-il, "How much do you know about yang jung-do?" He says to be played Sung-il to stop by him, "Otherwise, you'll end up like me."

after a long pause, Sung-il simply thanks to tries him to go and, but Jae-sung growls to sit and hear him. He tells him how many years just to put behind bars Jung-do the fool traded him. He had alleged bribery by depositing money on a brother Jae-sung's account had founded not even seen for twenty years.

Jae-sung says, there is no way, Sung-il Jung-do met by chance, and what him think of such an unlikely scheme as for taxes scamming the first place? Sung-il thinks back to their first encounter, and Jung-do is convenient offer to get him Ma Jin-seok. Jae-sung guessed correctly, that after President Bang $ 50 million must be time.

But what do Sung-il plan when Jung-do him dumps and running away with the money, as he will inevitably? "You're not cheating with Jung-do, you're scammed of him," Jae-sung says. With a smile, he hooks Sung-il invites to switch sides.

Sung-il finally returns to the freezer, and Jung-do stops in his tracks when he sees him. Both are wearing solemn expressions and Jung-do asks why he did not pick up his calls. Sung-il cited work, but Jung-do sharp snaps back: What work? Did he get caught by the police? Sung-il denies it and says he will deal with the problem of the Commissioner Ahn so as not to jeopardize the team.

Jung-do, tone still nervous, says he is concerned about Sung-il, not to them, and tells him to be careful. "I will not go to jail, and you will not get fired-we get to keep this promise. All right?" He says. With a heavy sigh, he turns away.

A flashback shows Sung-il a recorder of Jae-sung of man getting. If he brings evidence of Jung-do framing, Jae-sung promised him that put away conman when he gets out. But Sung-il asked why he should reveal how the Jung-do. Scowling, Jae-sung had asked if he preferred that the fraudster would believe then.


Back to the present, Sung-il does not move and Jung-do sighs, something of Sensing. Tone muffled, he tells him that he was grateful for Sung-il help and good will and not tell him too much-they have to worry about in this together. He has a wry half-smile and returns to his papers.

It is to sigh Sung-il's turn. Lit with confidence is, his face Jung-do promises almost childlike as he: "I'll be better." Jung-do looks at him surprised and says he has to do in order, but his smile is easier when he goes. Sung-il remains worried, however, and the fingers of the recorder.

In the office the next day, Sung-hee tries to have a word with Sung-il, but he anticipated telling her that he already knows what she wants to say. But you do not, but! Let them talkkkk! Explain to worry, because it's all have in hand, he passes out.

Sung-hee called to office Commissioner Ahn. While she makes coffee, he suddenly asks, "How much do you know?" They play away with an innocent face the question, but it shows the handshakes from. "You knew, did not you?" He tries again. He tells her the police on Sung-il, but if they are it, they can save themselves. Keeps his words, and smiles knowingly. She says that she has no idea what he's talking-

He cuts her off: She just smiles "They understood.". He gives up and releases them. Alone, he includes that they definitely are in it together. "Aigoo what I'll tell our mayor?" he mutters smugly to himself. Now if that is not proof ...

The tax office receives an unwelcome visitor in the form of President Bang. Surveying the office, he commented all familiar faces, while workers look away in barely concealed antipathy. With a self-satisfied smile, he tells them that he is here for its public hearing.

He begins Sung-hee Ahn office returns and welcomes it, especially after the name. You plant pine but she says nothing. With a jovial laugh, he can be in Ahn Office where the men greet each other with loud laughter. Sung-hee tries close to stay, but Ahn, with a pointed look at it, closes all the blinds.

go into the hallway, she tried to call Sung-il, but he rejects the call. Agh why you do dat, Papa Bear? Sung-hee, biting her lip in consternation, and this time trying Mi-Joo, who is in hiding. out of earshot of the other is, she answers the call unsure as "unni" addressing.

Unhappily, she goes through the phone Young-do, where he sobered name at the sight Sung-hee. Sung-hee now wants to meet him. Surprised, he agrees. Mi-Joo looks a little devastated when he makes a train immediately. Refuge in flippancy, she asks why he so good to hear Sung-hee-he never listens to her. He blinks, and then explained, kind, that the situation is different, but they ask retorts if there is not, but the person. Laughing, he curling her hair on the way out.

Mrs. Noh, who has been here all the time, are Mi-Joo a sharp look and commented that it must suck so much to give someone who not even know how she feels. Mi-Joo rolls his eyes and Mrs. Noh tells her that she can be as much as anyone, as they want, but they must not think that this person is obliged to accept their feelings "Because then you would really sad" she said surfaces, smoothing Mi-Joo hair with a smile before heading out.

Jung-do a moment taking in his car, where it looks like himself for his meeting with Sung-hee psych has above a particular law firm.

Commissioner Ahn reviewed papers and recommends President Bang. Then Ahn admits that he Bang has something to say that he has not yet reported to the mayor.

About cold drinks, Jung-do repeated Sung-hee to report back to her, the police meet their fraud, now Commissioner Ahn and President Bang, and so likely to him Ahn, the beans are spilling? She begs him to stop, before they are caught, but his nonchalance frustrated. She is worried that Sung-il is injured, but he waved her concerns with too much confidence away.

His words are so slippery, she noted with a wry smile. She wonders whether he feels a sense of responsibility. He was like this "On this day" and "discussion is too easy for you. Because of that, you hurt the people around you." He finally looks down to clear her words his casual grin.

She gets up to leave, but he grabs her arm and turns her back. It was never slick, as he says, not with her. She stares at his serious face. Shaking hand, she says she has only one question. Why he did that, then? He did could normally only broken with her, but why he had to tell her he was an impostor? Volubility stripped, he says nothing.

draws at this most inopportune of inopportune moments, Ho-seok car to the same coffee shop. At this point I fully expect his driver turn out to be one of Jung-do people. After dispatch him for coffee, flavored with abuse, Ho-seok attention of Jung-do inside is trapped. Oh noooo.

Like Jung-do is about to speak, he noted Ho-seok approaches behind Sung-hee. He moans to herself and steps past her. Plastering his face again, he breaks out his saturi and welcomes Ho-seok with a rich bottom. Sung-hee looks confused ... and more when Ho-seok speaks as Jung-do's or better said, Cho Hee-joon's woman.

Jung-do rallies quickly. Laughing for cover, he strolls near Sung-hee and tells her to act crazy and leave. It puts a strain on them by their a loud rebuke, and to give both Sung-hee and Ho-seok views. Jung-do paused his tirade expectantly and extends the silence.

Finally-though not perhaps to his relief Sung hee hesitantly asks what happened to the Chinese investor on his appointment. Took the ball, he says the guy ... made up ... or so ... He breaks off, and added that his word to Ho-seok was more important than a mere 100 million dollar investment.

Ho-seok gapes, and Sung-hee rounded up to him. Freezingly polite, she says lost a safe investor because of him her husband. Jung-do grin stretches from ear to ear in admiration. So Ho-seok had better ... buy him a really expensive meal, Sung-hee finished lamely. Catching up widely, it cuts off and leaves, crawling. Jung-do almost breaks his face from grinning.

President Bang Commissioner Ahn warning believes he could be the next target "impostor. He calls Ho-seok to wonder if it comes to him strangely someone has been lately. Ho-seok says no, while nearby, Jung-do get a coffee. He ended the conversation with "I love you, Papa," which, well, how to disrupt a bit of someone him. He says Jung-do that Dad told him gently to be to be deceived. Jung-do chuckles.

Ho-seok wants to make him for his lost investor, but Jung-do turns it. he would prefer to keep a friendly atmosphere, he says. Determined not to miss, pushes Ho-seok that he really wants to own sake to invest its because the returns are so good. But he pushes the rest of the conversation on tomorrow, because at the moment he was returning to his waiting wife.

is on the way out, he suddenly jumps his head back in that morning to say dinner should be twice as high -Date. Ha! It would be nice if he had not impulse control problems.

Sung-hee is waiting for them to find their way home that night Jung-do. He had to talk to her, but could not get her number, so he came only place he explains. He breaks again in lols and asks why she Ho-seok said to buy him something nice. Embarrassed and defensive, she replies that she saved his skin, but he just keeps pushing, it's all too much to enjoy. She tells him that she is too tired for it, he should say what he needs to say and go.

"You are going to eat with me," he said she said. She stares at him, shocked, and shouts that he should have refused, "just tell him that I died!" He makes they for not leaving, he told her. The immaturity level is epic and hilarious, as he tells her, he said what he had to say so now he goes kthxbai.

to be

In his office, Sung-il remains troubled by Jae-sung words are not played by Jung-do. He stares at the recorder and finally they are in a drawer. Mrs. Noh calls to say that Min-ah made a movement, as they should.

Am freezer, Sung-il, the band said that they have created good conditions, so that the surface should be relatively easy. He has Mrs. Noh to her antique shop back with a genuine and valuable antique piece of a specific glaze. Ji-yeon and yes-wang, it has a number of cheap stuff to get that look antiquity.

to believe as a woman who collects antiques to avoid paying taxes, they must Min-ah, they are just as unscrupulous officials. To show them, they set off on a scheme of underhanded dealings backdoor strategically in sight, while it does look like they are hiding. Thus, in a shop, it looks Yes-wang received a thick envelope, while Ji-yeon a stuffed in her bag to another.

Red-handed Ji-yeon hunts Min-ah downwards, as if to explain, but she just smiles knowingly and waves her on. We cut back to the earlier meeting where Mrs. Noh had asked after they show their ruthlessness, then what? "Then we make friends", Sung-il replies.

Now Sung-il arises valuable vase in hand. He nods Ji-yeon and follows behind the other woman. He prepares to cross paths with her, but hesitates when he remembers, Jae-sung warning that Jung-do throw it away.

Shaking it off, he takes up speed, but all of a sudden seems President Bang from a side street and joins his daughter. They are still in Sung-il direction, and he covered his face with one arm out of fear that President Bang could recognize him. They knock shoulders by chance as he goes, and Bang calls him to stop. He should apologize to an older, he blames angry. Turning very slightly so as not to show his face, Sung-il arches.

Sung-il reached Ji-yeon and yes-wang. He calls the procedure and passes without stopping. At the other end of the corridor, President Bang asks his daughter the same question, if anybody has been there strange to you noticed anything lately, but she has.

Ji-yeon reported their failure to Mrs Noh. Mrs. Noh looks thoughtful, and mentioned that they to Mr. Kim (President Wang in jail) said earlier. It is too slow shift their alliances time she says Ji-yeon. They are crooks, after all.

In prison Jae-sung gets a visitor, concealed their identity from us. He smiles widely it on seeing to tell them they made the right choice. As an official, he is more reliable than Jung-do, after all.

Jae-sung continues to Sung-il to make their warnings relentless circuits head against memories of Jung-do, that the need to keep two of them their promise to each other. Once again, he finds himself in Jung-do door and the younger man invites him with a grin in. He asks for unexpected appearance of President Bang, and Sung-il tells him, luckily he went unrecognized.

Sung-il asks Jung-do when the detective Jae reminds -Sung. But Jung-do stills when he asks if he knew the detective was in prison bribes for admission. Sung-il bring out the recorder. The detective gave him, he Jung-do says, placing it on the counter. He tells in detail what Jae-sung told him about Jung-do with him, and that he plans to throw it. And that he take off Jung-do when Sung-il bring him evidence of his frame job.

Expressionless, Jung-do asks why he reveals it all. Sung-il, increased face with worry, he does not believe the detective could and wanted to hear from Jung-do. Jung-do growls in frustration, but only a short time later, he confirmed that the detective did it right.

"I'll use you, ajusshi" he says, his eyes dark.


[1945010Argh] I do not know where to start, because I want to say at once three things! One, all I go was to say about this episode was just swept away by this endingggggg hrgjghjlfj jlflarf! Two, Seo In Gook-is very, very good because three, you saw how once again, there was that tiny moment you see him intentionally on his face ? For a character we are constantly second-guessing, "The Real Yang Jung-do" is surprisingly easy to recognize. There is a pleasing level of meta it, because of course, you Seo In Gook-acting all the time and have on several levels. First, he is the actor to play the role of Jung-do. In addition, Jung-do play Jung-do-playing-a role that we can recognize character only in the context of its original Jung-do. still confused? (. They are con-ceptioned, that's what)

There were three important points to be in this hour when Jung-do was real and counted it: he became serious about Sung-hee it when he Sung said -il they had to keep their promise to each other, and here at the end, in this moment, just before he is about using him to Sung-il. Or ... it's not quite a lie, but it is not entirely true, either. It was in the course of the show realized that Sung-il Jung-do influences, and I think it is worth contrasting him to Jae-sung. What's interesting with the detective that among all the corrupt officials, he actually not guilty of his bribery charge. But he's also a rather unpleasant person, at least for young-do that is at the root of the difference between the two men and why Jung-do opposite feelings about it has. Although Jung-do is with Sung-il, he has come to respect him and care, so that he might only not throw him under the truck ... or at least, he'll feel bad about doing it. At this point I also think Jung-do not know what he will do.

But what I really, really love this episode are Sung-il decisions. What if he Jung-do says he'll do better, it is a moment in which he chooses to stand by him and believe good to ask of him, without and without checking. And again at the end, I just love that Sung-il his concerns brought directly to the source. Not because I believe in Jung-do, but for what the act of faith towards baby bear tells us about Sung-il. You can con papa teach but you can not make evil him. I love that.

The last time I talked heart over the hole in Jung-do, and I think it is becoming more than he is with Sung-il or Sung-hee. He may be an accomplished rogue, but it is a sensitive little boy lurking inside who can live another way-if only the world were not so cruel. In a way, he is a product of the circumstances. That's not to say that he did not not enjoy the game (because he does it too much), but that would have been, his energies directed otherwise in better circumstances. But the implicit trust Sung-il places him bring the little boy in him. I actually think Jung-do sabotaged confidently. He wants people, he is a piece of shit to think, precisely because each fastener in turn all his Dodger Persona clearly in jeopardy.

I do not think the love triangle aspect we needed with Micro- joo (sigh), and we wish that could scrub from the episode and overall story. The Vision of the Young-do, I would suspect that he knows exactly how she feels, but pretends ignorance, because it is less cruel because he does not return her feelings. I do not think that it is a woman's interest in him tightly, not when people's reading of his most important skill. But those unwilling interactions Sung-hee has with him are just delicious because they are both funny and unpredictable, and completely outmaneuver our otherwise ever-suave Jung-do. He struck, even though he would never admit it.

I have to say once again how much I Sung-hee like. It is this mischievous little smile that I get really. They are absolutely uncynical, but everything about it says, "I got your number, so you can not play me, but I will like to see try." She is resourceful and focused, although I think a transmission text if you do not get hold of someone on the phone is one thing that people need to do in drama country. I also feel like we got pretty solid confirmation of their relationship with the mayor Chun, but I wonder whether Sung-il know. After all, he is such a surrogate father to her, and realized he would be close to the mayor.

Our villains are complex and interesting, suggesting their personality very specific history. For example, Commissioner Ahn has those little mannerisms that he think a nerdy outsiders was me who was bullied as a child, and who now takes pleasure in other bullying. His dogged pursuit of Sung-il, his attempts to pin Sung-hee, his cozying up to powerful men all of them have an insecure man who delighted in the idea of ​​his own power. The three Bangs are also quite intriguing (and terrible). It is amazing that someone who no longer expect so smart and clever as President Bang of his children, until you realize its great narcissism (I mean the actual personality disorder) and self-satisfaction make him dangerously shortsighted. In this context, the adult children, a child-like relationship with her father, who not surprisingly all actually. Is

As solid faster said the quality of foreboding in this show is really masterful, on the basic brain play -trick assumptions despite incomplete information to provide. As much as people who hewn from Jung-do in-show over the ear, we have to be even "linked" of the show. And that's pretty cool, because who does not love to be taken for a crew minds?

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[1945065Stichworte]: featured, Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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