Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happiness Romance: Episode 16 (Final)

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happiness Romance: Episode 16 (Final) -

Is Fate control our destiny, or we are the masters of our own destiny? Both are true, depending on how we choose to live our lives - we can let life drag us to respond to what we have given, or we can take control and determine what we want out of this world. To do that, you have to conquer your fear, and that is something everyone must do for themselves.


break one year upwards, Su-ho and Bo-nui each doing well. Bo-nui cares about Bo-ra, as she continues to recover, and Su-ho has a new business with Ryang-ha, Boss Won and called chicken Ajusshi started Daebak Soft. One day they each get out a bit nicer than usual dressed, and head with eager smiles for a meeting.

But they meet each other not - Bo-nui a class of older people teaching them how to use modern technology, and Su-ho goes to his parents fishing at birthday party of his father. Awww. still awkward between Su-ho and his father, are things, but they are both to patch up the effort of their relationship (Dad even calls all the time to check on Su-ho, so sweet chicken Ajusshi).

Mom wonders aloud how Bo-nui doing and wish them to be here and wonder why she never called. She tells Su-ho, that they do not to this fortune teller's more - he called Bo-nui a raccoon, and it upset them.

Amy woos a new customer - a teenager Tennis Prodigy, whose mother hesitates, she thinks with a larger agency should go. The boy snarks that they were about lying client Gary Choi, and Amy she turns around, his mother to say that they can better teach him to interviews.

mother and son both freak out when Gary only arrives, and excuse me, but what he wear ?? Amy complains to him about how hard it is to find a client as a free agent, but she congratulated him to win Wimbledon and get on the cover of Time magazine.

asks if he see someone because they can never reach him, and Gary changes the subject (he can date Bo-ra? They would thus cute together). He headed to Zeze factory for the re-release of IF, but Amy refuses to tag along.

Su-ho and Ryang-ha are also going with the re-release, and on the way Ryang-ha asks for the new game Su-ho at work. Su-ho is tight-lipped about it, and they end up bickering hilarious whether Ryang-ha is still a "majority shareholder" (Su-ho: "There is not even share!")

Awww, are the Zeze team so excited to be back to see Su-ho. They even have him a cake, although he says that they did all the work and he is here to cheer only to them. They hope he will come back to Zeze, but Su-ho, he says for Daebak Soft is working now, and promises a professional threat to them to be, heh.

arrives to see as Bo-Bo-ra nui, she finds a note that Bo-ra today is to Seoul. In the city, managed Bo-ra to hook her wheelchair on a curb, and Su-ho just happens to see her there if she does not recognize him.

asks for a push and he snaps out of it and help her and asks where her family is. He smiles when she says that she came here all alone, and she asks for directions to Zeze factory where they meet someone is going. Bo-ra says that Su-ho seems familiar, especially his voice, but he did not say they have met.

Dal-nim calls Bo-nui, who is in a panic, telling her that Bo-ra is at Zeze. Bo-ra says Dal-nim that she came alone with intent, and asks her to call The Su-ho to see them. Dal-nim says he already left to wonder if Bo-nui mentioned him, but Bo-ra says that the problem is that it has not.

Since Bo-nui her sister told everything, it is strange that she never talks about Su-ho or Zeze Factory. Bo-ra decided that they want to meet this man, and she is disappointed that she missed him.

Gary comes at Zeze and small gifts go, and they all talk about his Wimbledon win and how touching it was that his father was in the audience. Bo-ra calls Gary, who he is surprised to see her there, but Dal-nim says Bo-nui is on its way to pick them up.

Once they are alone, Bo-ra is excited about the game Gary with, and he says that Bo-nui it developed for them. He agreed only to be the subject, when he heard that it was for Bo-ra, to show them to the world. Bo-ra asks for his autograph to prove that she knows him, and watched him admiringly as he revels.

Su-ho happens Bo-nui to see how she out of a cab steps, and the sight freezes him. He did not approach her, but smiling just a little and goes on his way.

Bo-nui begins Bo-ra and Gary selcas take, and ha, they look so guilty. Bo-ra told her sister that she saw the game, and thanks her for making it for them, easily aegyo-ing their way out of trouble.

Bo-nui talking to Gary alone, who says that he is not Bo-ra does not mind, call him all the time. He asks if they live forever in the country, plans and said that it would be for Bo-ra better move for them back to Seoul.

Later Bo-nui visits with Dal-nim and gets her invitation to Dal NIM and Ryang-ha wedding. Yay !! Bo-nui smiles that Dal-nim finally the man she married for years squeezing on already, still under the impression that there is always Ryang-ha. Dal-nim tells her finally it was someone else, but it does not say who.

Dal-nim warns them that they would better go to the wedding, and she knows that Bo-nui is worried they will see as Su-ho. She says that Bo-nui can not avoid him forever, and Bo-nui promises to be there.

Back in his office, Su-ho his photo of themselves with Bo-nui and Bo-ra, and muses that Bo-ra does draws well, they will be going soon. "Good work, Bo-nui."

Back home, Bo-ra are Bo-nui a game development competition flyer looked at Zeze, and urges them to enter. It turns out that Dal-nim to give her the flyer to Bo-nui was, thinking that if they won the hefty price, could make it less about money worries and begin to think about other things.

Okay, Dal-nim and Ryang-ha to talk baby together is the best and worst thing ever. Dal-nim fusses to forget him Su-ho his wedding invitation to give because it has to unite there again big plans for Su-ho and Bo-nui. Ryang-ha whines that his her wedding on someone else's romance, and they will be only supporting characters. HA.

Gary calls Amy, to meet and asks if she has had little luck athletes signed. She swears she's These include , which means, no, she has not, so Gary casually told to sign it. He left the IM sports because he decided he would prefer to work with Amy alone than with a large agency.

Bo-nui also gets exciting news - she led the first round of the game competition. Bo-ra asks about her game, but Bo-nui is vague and promised her sister to say, if it does a good end. it says only that it is very different from IF.

Su-ho his office, worried proceeds because the investor has received several complaints about his new game. Basically, he wants it overhauled almost completely. Su-ho deciding abolish and give up on the business, but chief Won thinks that they should at least try to give the investor what he wants.

Su-ho argues that every time they do that he'll come back with more complaints, and they will never be able to please him. Chicken Ajusshi says that they need money to do everything, so Su-ho decides to find a way to raise money without an investor.

Ryang-ha also pushes Su-ho just doing what the investor wants, then make the game that he wants to make the money after getting up, but Su- ho denied. Ryang-ha, he says to arrange another meeting is (ha, Su-ho literally just goes LALALA I can not hear you ) and falls on the table. A wedding invitation

Su-ho and Bo-nui work on their games and a night Bo-ra wakes up after a nightmare. Bo-nui tells her it was just a dream, holding her hand, and Bo-ra says that they so long in the hospital waiting for her sister to keep her hand to come. She remembers the nurse to tell her that Bo-nui never came into her room.

Bo-nui says she was scared, but Bo-ra says that finally hear her voice, which made them feel strong enough to fight and to obtain. She remembers a man, although they usually his voice reminds you to tell her to love people wholeheartedly and adhere to the hand. She wants the man to thank for bringing Bo-nui to her.

Dal-nim surprised Bo-nui to their next presentation is on, and she asks jokingly if Bo-nui need the rabbit costume. But Bo-nui not even their red beans and salt bring - they are no longer needed, now that Bo-ra is better.

No one knows where Su-ho was when he investor meetings Ryang-ha does not point to itself, and his game proposal is not on his computer more. He secretly went to the same game competition, where Bo-nui is preparing to compete, although he was not surprised looks when she takes the stage.

Bo -nui, on the other hand, is present very scared Su-ho to see his game. Bo-Nui game is based on her own life - it's about a girl who is unlucky who loses everything and is replaced by a letter a year later. In a flashback, we see that when Su-ho had said his last farewell, he would make a note in Bo-Nui hand slipped.

Shim Bo-nui was my light, not a knife. You held my hand when I needed it. She made me smile when I was embarrassed. She stayed by my side when I was sick. If I lost everything, she has me believe everything would be fine as long as I had. The light led me out of my cave ... Shim Bo-nui life saved The Su-ho. Thank you my dear.

Bo-nui continue that in their game, the girl is committed to a long journey in the letter reply back. As she travels, she remembers the person who sent her the letter, the person who protected and cared for them. Some call it a sword, and some call it a beam of light, and on her journey she has to rely on which side to decide.

Su-ho of the game is also its own story, about a boy who is trying the cave to escape it in hiding. It's dark and lonely, but the outside world is scary, so he needs light in the cave to escape. The light is like a miracle, which teaches to trust him when he exits the dark cave, looking for the light.

Both presentations go well, and they leave feeling optimistic competition. They meet on a road outside the building, and smiling at each other. Bo-nui thinks she sorry took so long, and Su-ho thinks she was too slow, "You pretty stupid."

Bo-nui decides only to think of themselves and their luck, and Su-ho thinks she made the right decision. Without words, they engage each other in a big hug.

Ryang-ha dancing literally in the Zeze office, but everyone addition Dal-nim he there is not even. Ha, he comes whenever he drive them nuts. He and Dal-nim flirt outrageously, then use what I'm sure is an incredible app to choose your honeymoon destination, before being dragged out.

Later Bo-nui waiting for Su-ho in his office, and he slumps to tell in her message. Bo-nui takes in Su-ho downcast expression, and asks if the investor does not start her idea how their games simultaneously. She starts to say, they should publish Su-ho of the game first, but he breaks out that the investor loved the idea. You little troll.

They rush Bo-ra, to tell the good news, and soon Su-ho helps the sisters to move back into their old apartment. Bo-ra is happy to be at home, and Su-ho lets the girls go for the first time together in three years, while waiting on the roof.

Bo-nui has again put everything where it was, as Bo-ra recalls. She has to travel even to Bo-ra drawing, and the pictures of Su-ho. You remember what they said when they put Bo-ra picture of her family that her parents would always watch over her, and Bo-ra says that her family now five people.

Bo-nui finds Su-ho on the roof and backhugs him and promises from now on him to be good. Su-ho-angle for a smooch, but is instead fed, ha.

Bo-ra pouts to Su-ho for not doing it that to know the time outside Zeze, and they bicker about themselves not to recognize him. He provides them with their times tables to help improve their memory, and looks horrified when she says she hates math. You will be the most beautiful sisters.

Amy and Gary they come to welcome home to Su-ho anger, and they discover that they Bo-ra actually invited. Su-ho tried to slam the door when Ryang-ha and Dal-nim show up, but they push their way in and feel at home. Poor Su-ho.

Some time later, Su-ho and Bo-nui go on a picnic, and they both freeze when the beautiful day by a crack of thunder is broken. Su-ho assured nervous Bo-nui It's okay, then flashes. It starts to rain, and they just stand there soaked.

Su-ho is willing to give to the picnic, but Bo-nui says they should stay. They run together in the rain, happy and enjoy each other's company.

Bo-nui said that nothing has changed. You do not know what the future holds, and his fate sometimes cruel. Su-ho adds that they have chosen to live in the moment.

epilogue. The fortune teller packs his bags and leaves his now empty studio. After the picnic, Su-ho and Bo-nui walk in now clear air, and Bo-nui asked whether Su-ho with her would again rained get on. Su-ho reminds her that he likes the word "yes", so of course his answer is yes.

Bo-nui stops and takes a small box, betrayed a pair of rings. Su-ho looks stunned when she asks: "Will you marry me I thought about it, and I realized that it be you I say it has to be?.." Ohhh, that's what he said to her, as he realized his feelings.

Su-ho smiles, then calls an exuberant, "Yes!" He bounces around the park to shout someone who can hear: "I'm getting married !!" They have at their rings, and seal it with a kiss.


Nice finish for a nice story. I like a kind that Bo-nui and Su-ho overwrought not something dramatic had reunification - they saw each other only and knew it was time. I'm not unhappy, because it means that Bo-nui was able to trust him to decide and not give in to their fears, what makes me happier than if they had found out that the hacker the raccoon after all was. I give it to the show, it has all the tropes throw at us, but usually gave them an interesting twist to refresh it. I would have done without the tropics primarily, but at least they were not bland and boring.

I'm so torn because while Su-ho definitely one of my favorite rom-com hero is known, I have to anchor for his relationship with Bo-nui to fight. I never felt like she deserved it or estimated how much he has done for them, as it was really he dedicated to her. I think that they loved him in their own way, but they never showed it to him - they only ran when things got hard and kept her promises never in him more to think as she believed in her superstitious. Then she did something unforgivable, and left him lying on the street after being hit by a car to save their lives ... just left him there to die. Then saw I was pretty much done with it.

But I adore Su-ho as a sign, and so I found it in my least wish for his happiness. And if he is happy with a woman like Bo-nui, well, it should be so. I just have a difficult time figuring out why he loved them ... most of the time, viewers can at least say why a character like another character, even if we do not agree with the choice. But Bo-nui spent the better part of the drama urge Su-ho off to dismiss his feelings, choosing their talismans about him. When they told him he was a nice person, and she was sometimes supportive, but the negative things that have overwhelmed that a gesture is by a mile, and before they might let him die in the street. At this point, walked me over Bo-Nui feelings more, and afterwards, when he told her her this note everything she gave him, she was left. (And none of this is reflected at all on Hwang Jung-eum performance - I still think she's a wonderful actress, she was just a victim of bad characterization in this case).

mark Apropos, I must say, I think Lee Soo-Hyuk and Lee Chung-ah were criminally neglected. They had interesting characters, which pretty much failed to do anything either to threaten the main pair or facilitate their relationship, which are the two main reasons second lines available. Again it is a case of great actors unfortunately given underdeveloped characters, and the actors themselves did their best with what they were given. I liked it more honest, when they were together - not romantic as friends and colleagues - as I have ever crushed it with their respective. I will say it was fun Lee Soo-Hyuk watch (which I am to see, lived in menacing, darker roles) all wide-eyed and innocent for once.

happy Romance to somehow still be a fun watch and an enthusiastic gamer myself, I found the backdrop of the world gaming development to be very interesting. While all concerned Tigerjagd me for Bo-Nui security and the "Oh you do not have sleep -sleep with him" Declaration as a cop appeared (not extremely irresponsible on the mentioning of the fortune teller), I I fall in love with the other characters and of course Su-ho in particular. Ryu Joon-yeol took what already could geeeenius a bland, boring drama and made him squishy and lovable, and watched him fall in love against his will, then just throw his distaste out and embrace them with puppylike exuberance, was the undisputed highlight the show. I may not have agreed with the choice of his wife, but he was pursuing in his dorky, awkward way definitely the best thing about this drama.

And you believe it or not, despite my complaints, I actually enjoy happy Romance as a whole. Despite his strange act, sometimes disturbing situations, and odd design, it kept me interested and invested the majority of its run. It kept things mostly light, especially with the sides sign (can Dal-nim and Ryang-ha ever never be together adorable stop), and it does have a way to tug my heartstrings of and to keep my attention. My lasting impression will be a wonderfully vulnerable and lovable hero of a sweet show, and a sometimes frustrating heroine whose love story was to set a learning your trust in another person. Maybe it did not meet my (admittedly high) expectations, but overall it's a show that I will cherish the memory of.

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tags: Episode 16, in Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Chung-ah, Lee Soo-Hyuk, happy relationship, Ryu Joon-yeol

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