Recap And Reviews Kdrama Modern Farmer: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Modern Farmer: Episode 4 -

finally agrees Our repressed band participate in village Olympiad to be able, as they are forced by circumstances to play nice or leave. It's a struggle, but it is important that they are all to learn together to make their common enemy. A few mysteries are solved and a few more rise up to taunt, as we learn more about both the villagers and the band members, and we will begin when the brightest smile could very well be the most broken hearts all hide to wonder.


As the boys sleep, Ki-joon accidentally occurs over a lit candle, and the old dilapidated farmhouse goes up in flames. Fortunately Min-ki wakes up and starts screaming, and all the guys running outside. Ki-joon goes for the hose, but the water is already turned off, and the guys can just save their instruments before they burn.

The next morning, as Man-gu sitting under the rubble, Sang-deuk and rigid Yoon-hee in horror. Man-gu Pay the city to leave now, and the three villagers left the guys her confusion. out Han Chul, Ki-joon and Hyuk also it, they will go back to the city, but Min-ki swears that he will never give up. He asks the guys to trust him, because he has a plan.

He finds Yoon-hee and promises the Olympics and bring victory to the village to join in return for a place to stay until the harvest. He assures her that all four of them are strong and athletic, and that they can not lose. Yoon-hee warns the team of Sangdurok-ri should not be underestimated, and we see the team in question, makes striking dramatic poses as the Rocky theme song. HA.

suggest a bargain and Yoon-hee brings the boys to her house to them previously introduced to her aunt and uncle introduction (I wrong them as their mother and father ... hey, it's a large family!) and she shows her new room in the attic. You hear the family quarrel to be there until Ki-joon finally yells in frustration, they can hear everything down on them. Well, this is awkward.

Min-ki tries his friends to settle down with his "It's alright, it's alright!" But Ki-joon grabs him that it not okay, because if they lose the Olympics, they lose their place to stay. Han Chul just sighs about his field poop tragedy from the night before when Soo-yeon, the girl of his dreams, caught him (literally) with his pants down.

Soo-yeon now over breakfast yawning with Sang-deuk family, and tells them is to start murals going on today. Thoroughly stimuli Sang-deuk mother, but Sang-deuk tells her that if they do not have as a daughter-in-law wants so bad then they should go to a son. Mom gets mad and pray, and I love running schtick with her father, where she prays to "father", her real father says: "What?" And she's all, "Not you father God father! "

Soo-yeon heads to her room to fall, the goody-two-shoes act as quickly as from the eyes of the family is. She calls her former boss (bar owners) in the city, asking them to deposit their last wages, threatened to turn for things like selling fake whiskey, tax evasion, and serving minors if she does not. Yikes, this girl is nobody to mess with.

Yoon-hee brings some clothes boys since they were destroyed, then takes her back almost when Min-ki complains that they do not cool enough. Ki-joon grabs it back and thanked her, although Min-ki swears he'll never embarrassed to wear clothes like these.

So when they all changed (including Min-ki) they head outside, and Yoon-hee and her son Min-ho can not help but giggle when they see it. Yes, I do not a little guilt - these guys rock the ajumma pants. Just ask for breakfast to find out they missed it because the farmers to eat early and work when it is still cool.

Yoon-hee offers them the use of their agricultural tools, and tells them that Olympics practice after lunch is. Min-ki laments how mean she has come, though Hyuk seems a bit interested, say they strange but attractive.

Soo-yeon a small audience attracts when she worked halfheartedly on a mural, and the human-gu they not warn the effort to create in the village. The bandmates walk past with their tools and Soo-yeon and Han Chul lock eyes as they both remember the embarrassing events of the night before.

The boys get their field work, the preparation, but Han Chul can only sit and stare into space. find his friends that the mural girl is the one he has fallen for, and he tells them what has happened in this dark field. The cringe in sympathy and Han-chul, he says'll just go back to Seoul, as he did not see again in her eyes.

Min-ki tells him not to give up, but Han Chul recalls that they said, the first impression is very important, and he made quite the worst first impression you can make. Min-ki assured him that it only biology (all poops!) But Han Chul just sighs that his first and last love is gone. Hyuk takes this "last love" part, to tell him the world of women is full, but Han Chul hollers that he dated someone else does not have time and runs alone.

Illegal foreign workers Bul-yes approaches and hands Ki-joon, a small bag, and then immediately leaves. It is a bag of expensive wild mushrooms, the area is famous, and Min-ki Ki-joon teases that Bul-really like him very much needs.

Later the boys go to Olympics practice with Yoon-hee, but the villagers are not thrilled to see them. Yoon-hee argues that the village team needs them, and when the whole village team twitchy gets Min-ki asks what happened between them and the Sangdurok-ri team.

Yoon-hee tells him that the two villages used to get along until Sangdurok-ri elected a new headman. He is smart and wise, and he persuaded to change the governor the location of a new health center of Hadurok-ri in his village by putting him with his sister.

And that's not all - it has a lot more city improvements appropriated to his village, although Hadurok-ri is greater. For this reason, all young farmers live in strong Sangdurok-ri, which is why their Olympiad team won for the last nine years running. If they have a ten-year winning streak, you win laid the trophy, which is why is so important this year.

Yoon-hee says the village that the boy promised to leave the city if they participate and lose what they finally convinced to let them practice. It describes the events that the same stupid things are you see on variety shows basically, and orders the boys to share and start the villagers coaching. You are not just successful, and people seem really worse than before. All except grandfather, who insisted he does not need it instead of practicing NAPs. fall

things apart when they practice all the many-legged races and Min-ki loses his temper and shoots his mouth off again. He and Man-gu argue, and the rest of the villagers left in a fit of anger. Min-ki boasts that he and his friends alone to do the Olympics, but Yoon-hee tells him that there are rules that come across as many participants it has to be, along with age limits. You need the whole city.

That night Yoon-hee family for a snack collects and Min-ki gets his hand for the attempt was to sneak a piece of watermelon. She tells him he can have watermelon when he apologized to the village, but he uses only one piece and running. Now he is trying, but he ends up in a young man smacking that emerges as Yoon-hee's younger brother.

The youth, Hong-gu, immediately takes violent aversion Min-ki and the fact that he is here to stay, and when Min-ki tried him seniority draw he just nails him with a Roundhouse- Kick in the face. After leaving Hong-gu, the guys get a short run down to Yoon-hee family, and find out that her father Hong-gu mother remarried, making him her stepbrother. Min-ki asks Yoon-hee parents and her uncle tells him that she died in a car accident.

Min-ki asked why the Olympics is so important for all and why Yoon-hee cares so much to stay head over village. Her aunt tells him that their parents died when she was young and is an unwed mother, she was virtually a village outcast. to be headman, is particularly useful to them because they symbolized their acceptance by the villagers.

The boys in her loft and head Hyuk says that he had thought Yoon-hee was strange, but it seems she's just had an eventful life. Ki-joon is concerned that no show tomorrow for practice, but Min-ki, he says does not care (although he fully care) and heads outside for the bathroom.

He comes on little Min-ho dance and song, and he says Min-ki, that he practicing for the Olympics talent show. He says Min-ki he does his mother stay village to help head, and OMG, he's so sweet I just want to crush him.

Min-ho concedes that if his mother role, he loses his head get bullied at school, to be the son of a single mother who does not even know his father. Min-ki tells him only the thugs beat, but Min-ho tells him that the battle is not a solution and tells him to grow up. Ouch, Min-ki got said .

Offended, Min-ki leaves almost Min-ho to his own devices, but he can not resist, because music is something he knows, and he goes back to tell Min-ho that to be nice is not enough - it needs a terrifying power. He whispers something in the ear of the boy what to whatever it is Min-ho eyes to widen in surprise. I can say I'm going to love this pair now.

Soo-yeon of heads after dark, digging a little more to do, but it's still not successful and begins to doubt her information. She thinks back to a customer she had entertained at her bar job, had revealed that he was a consultant of a assemblyman, and that he had stolen ₩ 5000000000 ($ 5,000,000) of its slush funds and buried them in a box Hadurok-ri.

Soo-yeon had dismissed his claim as drunken ramblings, but at home on their way that night she saw was when the man was seized by some mysterious men and pulled into an alley. She had listened as the men threatened to kill him if he did not return the stolen money, and had him seen to escape just trying to be captured and killed by a car. (Leaving it the only living person who knows where the money was hidden.)

As the boys sleep that night, Hyuk singing by a beautiful voice a woken's lullaby. He goes outside Yoon-hee to sing to sleep her son, and to see for the first time, a sad look crosses his face. But it does not take long, and he approaches Yoon-hee, the shushes as Min-ho nodded it off only.

With his grin cheshire cat back in place, asks Hyuk Yoon-hee, where they heard the old song, and she says, loved her father the song and Min-ho can always sleep easy to drop it. Hyuk he admits insomnia, but Yoon-hee assures him that he will soon agriculture he considers to be able at the moment meets the head to sleep the pillow.

Hyuk jokingly asks her to help him now, sleep and puts his head down in Yoon-hee lap, but she calls him crazy and tells him get out. He does, however, threatens Min-ho to wake up, so she agrees with him to sing and he lies back down. It's nice, but also a little sad when Hyuk stopped singing her and smiles a small, genuine smile.

The boys stagger awake in the morning to find Hyuk still sleeping on the porch, where Yoon-hee left him. Tease him outside with the mosquitoes sleep but Hyuk grins at just what it was for a good night's rest.

Yoon-hee aunt has Ramyun for breakfast, but to make Min-ki cringes as they Ramyun before the day ate out for every meal. It offers rice instead of doing, but her husband and Hong-gu insist on Ramyun again (this is the only thing is to cook them without frightening results). When Min-ki protests, they growl to close easily and Ramyun eat, ha.

Before leaving the school Hong-gu Min-ki and his friends said that he let his noona go as asked but that, if they cause problems in the village again, they will answer him. For a high schooler, he's damn intimidating, and it's hilarious Min-ki struggling to stifle his instinct to see formally to bow to a child 10 years younger than him and to speak.

Sick of Ramyun, Min-ki precedes in his field, and is at Yoon-hee Man-gu mother begging today like Olympics practice show. The ajumma says she promised her son she would not, and yet these punks they said the Olympics could win alone. Min-ki is bothered Yoon-hee begging to see, but says, he does not care.

Sang-deuk begins Soo-yeon yawning wide, and wonders why she is so sleepy, as she went to bed so early. She suggests her eyelashes at him and asking him to show them around the village, and he is a pretty good resistance, but eventually caves.

The boys are hard at work on the field, but Hyuk takes to the fact that something Min-ki interfere. He denies it and moans again when he gets a text from Min-ho asked him to rehearse it later to help. But he has an idea, and breaks alone to visit Man-gu in his greenhouse.

Man-gu mother mentioned that she Yoon-hee asked to return Olympic practice, but that makes itself (but which can be honest about on Man-gu, everything breaks Man- gu) and he yells at her to stop about care. His sister Yi-ji knows he makes only all this the village to obtain head position back, but they are interrupted by Min-ki arrival.

Yi-ji jumps over to flirt but Min-ki's on a mission, and he heads straight to apologize for Man-gu and ask him to come practice today. It provides one-gu in his greenhouse in the back to help, but of course it cuts a baby plant and steps on a tray of seedlings and gets kicked out. He tried the orchard next, but the owner In-ki growls him from a tree instead of just the apple a whole branch for drawing.

Back in the coal field the boy the ground prepping ready and Hyuk wonders where Min-ki went, while they have done all the work. He and Ki-joon head for the showers, Han Chul leaves with his puppy to speak (which he named after the hot cakes Ho Ddeok, the Ki-joon likes) what he will do now that his first and last love to the end.

Han Chul shrugs when Ho Ddeok licking his nipples, and guesses the puppy must miss his mother. For some reason, Han Chul chooses to leave him the puppies nurse, so of course that's when Sang-deuk and Soo-yeon come through on their tour of the place. Soo-yeon watches in disgust as Sang-deuk asks if Han Chul is really so lonely, HA. Ho Ddeok then bites Han Chul hard to draw enough blood, and he bursts into tears and flees in shame.

not appear Most villagers for Olympics practice, although Sang-deuk is there and he tells everyone that Han Chul had his nipples bitten by the puppy. Hyuk laughs that Han Chul caught by the girl bit embarrassed again to do it devastating, but at least Han Chul now know her name.

Suddenly Min-ki points to the missing villagers to have them get in their favor again by helping. Yoon-hee thanks him to bring it, and is so happy for once Min-ki in the search justified by itself.

And he even brought man-gu! Sang-deuk asks Man-gu, why he has come when a loss might called village head would again, but man-gu Grumps that he was forced to come only or have destroy Min-ki his whole strawberry harvest , hee. Sang-deuk suspects that he is here to throw the games, but man-gu finally admits that he hates the idea of ​​losing more than he wants to be re-headman. Aww, he's a wimp.

Each working day, and the villagers practice their events and actually some improvement this time. What's even better, they really seem to have fun and get together. Well, all except one-gu and Sang-deuk wrestling each other, and Man-gu has great pleasure in grinding Sang-deuk our heads in the sand. You fail even to the many-legged race, but at least this time they all manage to keep their cool.

Everyone gets a little drunk at dinner, and Min-ki is to say that with their help, the village, to win this competition. Man-gu even praises him to say the right thing for once and pours him a drink. So cute.

Poor Han Chul stunned Sits repeated Soo-yeon name over and over again, then crying his latest humiliation. Sang-eun takes a closer look at him to take, wondering how he got into a flower boy band and guess he must have a lot of talent. She calls herself a potential Idol, and the other three guys burst out laughing. Admitting at least she is realistic that they realize they need to plastic surgery ( ew ) if they want to be an idol.

Finally on the way to be true players, the villagers and the band members all increase a toast to the city.


The more I see, the more there is to love. I know I keep saying that, but it's so true! With each episode, the plot is rich, the characters are more heartwarming and interesting, and the relationships to dig their way further into my heart. I just want everyone to love in the city all the others, and for Min-ki and the guys want to give up to be famous and forever remain in the country with their new, odd family. It is rare for me to be so emotionally invested in a drama and it's characters so early in a run of the show, and I am pleasantly surprised because I did not expect that Modern Farmer to be so .. na. yes, sweet .

I am always most interested by the character in a drama, and I can as long forgiven a lot of sins in a show how the characters are assignable and draw me in. I have always believed that the mark in this show would make fun, because with such a wild premise, how could they not be? So I went into the characters would think driving the show, even if the action was weak or even humor out there, but I find myself actually pleasantly surprised. The plot is fun, the jokes are not only stupid, but they are too clever editing is tight and the music is perfect. But even better, not only the characters are so much fun as I had hoped, they are even better, and there is not a single person in the city, which I do not find engaging. The marginal figures such as Man-gu sister and Yoon-hee aunt - they are not at this point in the grounds decisive, but I love them and want to know more about them.

Of course, the story revolves around Min-ki and his friends, and the more we learn about them, the more I love it. Min-ki is the erroneous result of all, as a true drama, needs to be have room to grow, but he never acts of intent or egoism. In fact, I think he is very caring, and I feel like his bravado covers a sensitive man who has missed his friends and get paid with them not only his debts, but enjoys indeed again to be a team. He is careless, and he acts and speaks without thinking, but he has already learned that he has to work, when he goes his cabbage harvested get to and canceled the debt. Not to mention, make friends and influence people.

I am most still fascinated by Hyuk, and I think we get into him in this episode a really good insight when we tough enough. He has to be that persona carefully constructed by always happy and cheerful, and always the smile on his face. I admit that on a superficial level, I find Park Min-woo smile pretty dreamy, but when it comes to Hyuk I'm already like more in the moments when he not smiling him. The tiny beats where he can show his true feelings, as if he watched Yoon-hee to sing her son, and when she sang to him as he looked at the stars and say say so much more than that large dimpled grin ever could. This is a man who violated almost certainly, is already, when he was still young and definitely as an adult, and he is tired of always smiling, but he does not know how to stop. I really, really love together the idea of ​​him and Yoon-hee, and I can see why he's attracted to her, especially on her mother's side, since he is obviously starved for parental love.

Hyuk is quite matched in other emotions, and I realize that he is always the first to notice when someone is upset or angry, and he always talks about how people feel. He is much more emotionally intuitive as it seems that I bet is to start over him wear and what his carefully constructed cheer to unravel, and I'm very excited. I still think it is an important information about his character to that he was the one to discover, whatever their agency president to it was so hard to respond to because he seems the least in getting the band be invested back together. From the beginning he has gone along with the plan, but he has always said that he's just happy with the guys to be back, even if they still have so much history have not worked out. I think that he is not only the reason why they split up, but it is also the emotional center, which they will get back together. Whether this is a band. As friends or agriculture partner, I do not even work necessary, as long as the four-way bromance end

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