Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 14

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 14 -

There is a question, that people were to ask for countless ages: is it acceptable to be a bad thing to do in order to bring to a positive result? At which point a decision become wrong when someone else does it hurt, but helps another? The consequences can be high, and the personal costs even higher, but when it comes to the wire, you can not always everything you want.


After Eul pushes its way in his hotel room, Joon-young she pushes down on the bed, and asks if she wants to sleep with him. He begins to unpack their clothes, to tell her to say the word, if it wants to stop him. She says that she did not leave his side, and closes his eyes, expecting Joon-young to kiss her. But instead Joon-young jumps up and leaves the room.

Joon-young mother restaurant is busy, but she answers still, if he calls it. He interrupts her greeting and asks for three reason why he can not date Eul ... he knows that he gave her a list, but he can not remember anything. Mom claims to be too busy to talk and hang up, and Joon-young does not appeal to the now dead link that he then today will, when mom can not remember well. It will only do so when there are no grounds.

From the window he can see Eul dazedly, and Ji-tae accusation walk - that anything would be different if Joon-young Eul USB had not met, and let they accident - rings in his head. Joon-young thinks like Eul almost ran Assemblyman Choi, proving that it still is by its participation Haunting in her father's death.

He sees from afar, but he does not go to Eul.

Instead, the next morning, he dressed carefully in a nice suit and uses a video camera, sitting then speak. He tells the camera he give recently a few months to live, and it breaks in this heart-twisting smile when he says that everyone dies eventually.

His mother changes sign to say that his fans are welcome now, awww their Shin Joon-young fans prohibitions .

She finds Gook-young in the kitchen, exit Managers instead of coming his job as Joon-Young and decided work here. He throws Mom lifting Joon-young, poor, to enable a woman, the way Eul was treated treated by the crude Star Yoon-hoo.

Ajusshi knocks his son on his head to say something, but Gook-young is on a roll and decides that he should go tell Joon-young, which is which. Ajusshi prepares to make sense of his son beat, and Gook-young is forced to run, ha.

is chased Gook-young to the restaurant, asks then the Ajusshi would first save if they drown: him or Joon-young? His sister Man-ok teases him for jealous of Joon-young to be, then he gets his arm almost twisted off by the waiter Young-deok dared to raise his hand. Mom she hollers all to stop him, and demands to know exactly what Joon-young Eul did.

Meanwhile Eul in a meeting with the teacher Jik it, is affected because Jik says he does not want to go to college is. This is a message to Eul, and of course not acceptable.

Jik bursts into the room to protest that his teachers revealed that he had asked to keep their secret. Eul drags him out by the ear, and yells at him to dare not to go to college after they had worked so hard to support him.

Jik argued that they could not afford the classes anyway, and if Eul says that they have money, he tells her friends freeloading off to stop, to find a place and Jik to live it, and to pay off the loan sharks. When everything is the case, Jik promises to college and go only.

Jik it goes back to the class and Eul gets a call from Assemblyman Choi asking wife to meet with her.

Pororo is back in Joon-young house because it will be like Eul again not seen, and Joon-young noted a common thread in the dog's coat. He reached tear, but his vision blurred, and he can not get a grip on it. He has similar problems, to answer a call from his doctor, but to make it, and the doctor asks if he is reconsidered the treatment always.

Joon-Young says that he will only die in the hospital at the end, but Doctor Kang can not just sit back while his patient does nothing. He threatens gently Joon-Young's family, and to call Joon-young smile as he says he will take him to court only. He quickly ends the call before the doctor can say otherwise.

He meets with Jung-eun, who is angry because he sent her a silver necklace shaped like a key. They informed him firmly that she is engaged, and to make it hard not to roll his eyes. He clarifies that he got everyone on his staff a similar necklace as an apology for the riot yesterday, but says she may return it to him when she wants.

Jung-eun reassured on that, and thanks him for apologizing Yoon-hoo, although it was necessary to do it on their knees is sad. He says that he can do it, so they do not want, and gives her a long, searching look. Uncomfortable, Jung-eun is to leave quickly, but she turns back and asks what Joon-Young said as he pulled out of the pool.

Joon-young grins that there is a secret, but Jung-eun's insists. He is very close to stand at her, and says that they engaged, and he said, before he knew who she was. You still want to know, but Joon-young only wishes her polite a nice day.

Ji-tae has got a new job for the family lifting heavy crates in a warehouse, and his (former?) Wizard shows up. Dropping all formality, he calls Ji-tae a bad son, but Ji-tae smiles and says he was sent here, so he came to obey his parents' wishes.

But the message in the hotel lobby with his mother is alarmed Eul Ji-tae, and digging for good reason, because as soon as they immediately Only his mother starts are at Eul. She says snidely Eul has a loyal supporters who threatened her, even if they violate Eul. Eul says only that it will not leave Korea.

Ji-tae mother presented with an envelope of money, a staggering billion won (nearly one million dollars) provides for Eul Ji-tae back to send to his fiancee.

Ji-tae enters office his mother and sees in this scene, and remembers his mother angry that he warned them to leave alone Eul. He surprised his mother says she gave Eul money, although it turns that they only tried to help her. He is ready to tear the envelope, but Eul stops him.

asking if the check is genuine, while Ji-tae she gapes in shock. She takes the check and leaves, but he follows her and says that she kept an apology should have, not the money. But Eul knows that his family never apologize - no matter how long they fought, they will not say they are sad.

Eul know that even if Ji-tae for it is on, it would still crush her at the slightest chance. She admits that she sells Ji-tae for one billion Won and adheres done so for the good fortune to have.

Jung-eun not leave Joon-young home, but standing on the dock on the river for thought. She asks him what is his relationship with Eul, since it is obvious that Eul likes him. Joon-young admits that he also loves, so he beat Yoon-hoo.

Confused, Jung-eun asks why he is so cold to Eul, then, and Joon-young answers: "Because she is too pretty for me to have And that makes me excited.." That makes Jung -Eun angry and she calls him and Ji-tae both idiots. You insulted almost Eul, but Joon-young stops her and warns her to watch what she says.

Frustrated Jung-eun tries to flounce out, but ends up with her heel stuck in a grate. Your shoe breaks and it falls, and Joon-young rushes to her side. When he sees in her short hem them confidently tug, he shrugs off his coat and covered her legs, she wears then insured inside after her that he only tried to help.

Eul is thrilled to report Na-ri that she's just won the lottery and has cheerfully her friend everything she wants to buy as a thank you for their help. Na-ri is at the expense of everything alarmed Eul wants to buy, but Eul holds that it is charging. Na-ri almost swallowed her tongue when she gets a load of this control, but the shop girl refuses to accept it as payment.

A hand pulls the check - it's Ji-tae, and it provides for everything themselves, shocking to pay Na-ri further. Eul says her boyfriend, Ji-tae really is, and whose son he is: "He lied to us."

She refuses to let him pay and tells him to go to his fiancee. Instead Ji-tae tells her that the alleged check back to his mother, to be offended that they sold him for "only" one billion Won.

Ji-tae adds that he is not the only they sold out - what is their father? Okay, that was way out of line. He spits when she wants to do this, they would do better right and take everything his parents. Only then they will also be real.

Joon-young freezes gently Jung-eun ankle and smiled when he says that he had experience, since Eul triggers much. Is not that the truth. Jung-eun seem affected by his care, and she says she is better and is preparing to go to. But as she gets into her car, she finds that driving injured her ankle and asks Joon-young to drive them home.

On the way, Jung-eun's Joon-young a calculating look and asks what he thinks of her. Is she as charming as Eul? Joon-young gives her a big old side eye and says that they have very different stimuli. Jung-eun then asks if he would consider deceived, but Joon-young reminded them that they engaged.

Jung-eun admits that her fiance has eyes only for Eul, and that he also broke out their commitment - and while it is obvious that Eul like Joon-young, Ji-tae still has feelings for her. Jung-eun boldly says that she wants to steal Joon-young of Eul, you hurt the way Eul Jung-eun, hurting and so Ji-tae will realize what he lost.

Joon-young is not responding, but he helps her in her house from the car and jokes that he has not seen in wear. Jung-eun her question asks for an answer to: Can they steal it from Eul? Joon-Young says that no, they can not.

When his taxi pulls away stunned Jung-eun left reveals the corner of Joon-young mouth a little smile. Halfway home, he asked the taxi driver to turn, and ends instead of Na-ri space on top.

Joon-young hidden when Na-ri leaves her front door, and another cab pulls Eul to leave and what looks like a mountain of shopping bags. Eul is thrilled to have bought so many gifts for Na-ri and Jik, but Na-ri accused not even human - they sold out for the money her father


Eul barks that money the rejection did not bring back her father, or to find his killer. Nobody helps her so what's taking so bad about the money? My father always said that they could not survive on their own, so he can now rest in peace. Jik can go to college, even and lead a normal life.

Eul accused Na-ri to be envious, but Na-ri says that it is not - Eul has changed. If they decided to do this, they can take their money and get out of Na-ri at home.

Ji-tae come home and listen to his mother at the table Jung-eun discuss virtues, and how each impressed in the company of her. Ji-tae sits down and tells the truth of what people say - that Jung-eun was given a job, they do not deserve. Assemblyman Choi has pleasant that they said the same thing about Ji-tae, first, that he got his job just because he was the son of the boss. But then he turned and stopped the gossip. Ji-tae told his mother Jung-eun to cut loose because he would never marry.

Later Ji-tae's father comes to his room, and helps him put a medical bandage on his sore neck. Ji-tae told him about the money his mother gave to Eul, but he has to admit that Eul do not rotate downward. Assemblyman Choi tells him to protect them to stop when it has made its choice.

Na-ri calls Ji-tae crying to shine tripping over his true name, and walking it. She screams that to be rich, do not have the right to give him belittle people, and tells him that this money has already changed then Eul. They demanded that he return her old friend, and Ji-tae shake hands, as he fights against evil tears.

Ji-tae collects and makes another call, and tells the person on the line, "I'll have to take my parents everything."

Ajusshi find Joon-young-mother in her dark restaurant sitting and not after closing, and she asks him what would have happened if she had stayed with Assemblyman Choi and run away.

says Ajusshi in his simple way that they probably would have more children, and lived happily ever after, but she wants to know, would become what kind of person Choi. Had he not turned into a horrible person as Joon-young said?

Ajusshi sighs and says that if she misses him, she should steal him back. It was clear from Assemblyman Choi expressed that he would leave them all if they asked. She sniffs that she feels bad for Joon-young. Because of what his father did, Joon-young can not with the girl he loves.

Joon-young follows Eul from afar, but they do not look for in a fancy hotel as they screamed Na-ri she would do. She is sitting on a staircase with her shopping bags, drinking soju from boxing and talking to a pair of shoes, which they bought for Jik, hee.

asks the shopping bags, what they did was so wrong, then yells at the shoes on ethics lectures to stop them. You also grumbles about Na-ri, who would so easily throw away a ten-year friendship.

Then Eul is back on the stairs, staring at the night sky. She calls to her father and Joon-young looks like his heart breaks for them.

Joon-young eventually approaches once they are out, and piggyback it back to Na-ri space.

He places them carefully before the door down and tells her quietly that she did nothing wrong. Then he leans in as if to kiss her, but stops and withdraws.

Instead, he rings the doorbell and leaves.

When he goes away, Joon-young thinks: "Mom, I should give up everything else and just do what I want before I die I'll Eul of? hand holding and kissing and embracing her little shoulders warm. We are movies and travel, and laugh and be happy. Should I do that? It's not like I need permission. "

Jik studies for public service to take examination, while Haru beams at him and bats her eyelashes. Jik she teases for study to be poor, with a grin, as she harrumphs at him, then he has the Shin Joon-young Fan ceiling noticed it is thrown over the shoulders. He asks if she is still in the club, and she admits that she quit.

She finds out that Jik must be jealous, and Jik has to deny a terrible job. Haru promises hard and to study in college, and Jik scoots tightly over to help her with a math problem. He is so close and so beautiful that Haru a little googly eyes go, and plant them impulsive kiss on the cheek. He jumps and calls them a pervert, hee.

Eul looks like 9 miles from bad road in the morning, and she finds a dour note of Na-ri of her some hangover soup. Awww. A visitor at the door shows to be Ji-tae former assistant, be the Jung-Eun power assistant must, when he Eul summons to meet with Jung-eun.

It just happens to be so Jung-eun birthday, and Joon-young buys her a nice pair of shoes to replace the bankrupt them in his house. He calls her office and calls a meeting.

Eul is performed in an opulent, empty restaurant where Jung-eun to eat her birthday invites together. She explains that this is the restaurant she manages, and she ordered it closed, so they could talk privately. She asks if Eul knows who she is, through the Director of the film project, and snapped impatiently that she's Ji-tae fiancee -. Although due Eul because no intervention was

Jung-eun asks bossy when Eul has something to tell her, except a simple "I'm sorry" and Eul declared that they will not return to see Ji-tae.

Jung-eun spits that it is not better to take obtained primarily by a billion as a promise. Eul phone buzzes with a call from Ji-tae, but Jung-eun snatches the phone off and answered it himself. Ji-tae, he thinks of Eul speaks, asks if she responds with Jung-Eun and Jung-eun that she is.

Jung-eun says Ji-tae that Eul a lesson, so much money has to be taught for the taking, and do not keep their promise not to see him. Should she tell his mother? Ji-tae told wild Jung-eun Eul to send away, and that he is soon, but Jung-eun depends only on him.

Eul she says again is sad, and Jung-eun loses her temper, screaming, " They are as sad ?! " She stands up and raises the tablecloth blanket ~~ POS = HEADCOMP their entire meal in Eul lap dumping. "How dare you? You do not even deserve my jealousy!"

Again Eul apologized and tried to explain, but Jung-eun can not be calmed, and she tears Eul up by the collar. She says that when Eul's so sad, they can die. You can kill yourself go when she feels so bad, so that Ji-tae, can never go back to her.

Ji-tae comes and pushes Jung-eun off Eul, and says Eul to wait outside. Eul apologize one last time, Jung-eun promising that they really do not see Ji-tae again, and she lets the legs when shaken.

Ji-tae turns his anger on Jung-eun, who sees honestly like to grab her mind goes. He asks how cruel he needs to be before giving up, his voice rising to a shout.

Eul waiting for the elevator, and when the door opens, is Joon-young, flowers and a gift. He's here obviously Jung-eun to see, and Eul just stares at him, his treachery shone in her eyes.


I do not really understand Jung-eun anger at Eul - Eul has not seen Ji-tae, she took the money from his mother, and she has to break any intention things off with him. And they told him it was never going to happen between them, even before they took the money. Jung-eun Jealousy is totally out of place. You should be angry with Ji-tae, when they will be angry with anyone. He is the one who stood up to their commitment, and he is the one that a poor "unworthy" girls pursued him even wants to.

But Jung-eun has never been interested in logic, and it seems to really come unhinged. You do not need a fiance, she needs a therapist. but I admit that it even is interesting to have a second female lead, which is not in accordance with the male main. It makes love space that much more interesting that she wants the man that the heroine in is not even interested in, and it's still causing problems.

I have discussed before, how refreshing it is that (although the show is a bit on the dramatic side, heh), have all characters, both positive and negative characteristics , No one is pure evil or pure good, and I still think that's true. But to expand on it, I also appreciate that, although I do not "mark agree with the motives, they all have one in character reason for the things they do. You can make terrible decisions at times, but you can from their perspective to see why they did it and usually comes the design of what such a good place seems -.. to protect their family, a good leader to be to seek justice, protect the person that they love but how the drama shows us, power corrupts, and it's easy to think, to begin with, that your desire for something good to be justified to do bad things to get it.

I have managed to not to cry while this show observe so far, but Joon-young is self-recorded (at least that's what I'm assuming that the recording was) I almost broke, and finally made me cry. He looked so lost and alone, but so achingly openly and honestly that I almost could not take it. I'm pretty sure at this point that it will not be a ninth inning wonders for Joon-young, because his particular cancer is to be malignant deadly known and he refused any treatment for it (and it is probably too late at this point anyway ). Thus the knowledge see him through, he really die, is painful, even if he accepted it with more grace than I think most people would be able to.

As hard as it was, I think actually that Eul did the right thing, that take the money from Ji-tae mother. His family owes her everything, and she knows that they owe her an apology, especially, but it is pragmatic enough to realize that this will never happen. So why they should not take the money, if it's the only thing they can expect from them, and it will change her and Jik life? I also agree that her father to take her money, said would, and live a good and happy life.

But I'm not sure I agree that Eul "sold" Ji-tae, because they never made any promises to him, but I can understand, why she said such a hurtful thing to him. To move their lives, they need to take the money and make a clean break, and Ji-tae and leave his family behind. It has nothing to do with Joon-Young, or really even Ji-tae, and everything that the painful past to do with putting behind her and find a good thing to come out of it. If they can not have justice, can the least that they have is a comfortable life and a future for Jik. It's not often that I for a heroine core the money to take on love, but in this case Eul who got a man who does not seem to want, and a man who has it, but the whole family deeply hurt will and threatens to do it again. To take the money and RUN, girl, run far and fast.

I think I've calmed down since the last episode relating to Joon-young, although I do not still want to whomp him over the head grab the love while he (assuming he can be ready to work with to be open Eul about his illness). As a man whose life goal was to be an upright, honest prosecutors, it is always clear that this dream it was painful to look at Joon-young. He made the most of the alternative, but he always had the feeling that he let his mother and downward through not the man she had planned to be there for him. By solving this last secret for Eul, and make confession murderer of her father, he is still one last chance, a good thing to do for society in general, and one woman in particular. Actually, there were two women, if you think about it, because I still think that Jung-eun could be redeemed and become a better person, if they truly repented and paid for their mistakes. If he can pull through this, can leave this world that at least once to know if it is really important, it has the honorable thing Joon-young.

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tags: featured, in Joo-Eun, Im Joo-hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable fond

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