Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 13 -

patience is a skill, that all the best conmen need to master, and it is a virtue that is being tested in our swindlers repeatedly in this show. As we hurtle pitted towards the last week of bad guys against the really bad, we try with his canny team master swindler and, and enjoy the ride with the sure knowledge that our own patience will be rewarded with an explosive disbursement to hold.


Sung il testifies against Jung-do in court, and the judge sentenced him in prison for ten years. As is betrayed Jung-do escorted by the guards, he looks at Sung-il, who stares grimly again. In a flashback, we see that when Jung-do Sung-il attacked the police station and put him behind a desk, he used their fraction of a second of privacy to tell him Chairman Choi to find real stock of cash and survive by from the sales Jung-do.

Two years later, Sung-hee visited Jung-do in prison. They smile at each other, and Sung-hee says that she is something to tell him. It's about Sung-il. Things have got progressively worse for him since the incident with Jung-do, she says. He has confided even in Sung-hee, what really happened between him and Jung-do, and what they planned to do when Jung-do gets out.

Jung-do initially focused on Sung-hee, telling her bluntly that her father, Mayor Chun, could be injured if he executes his plan. He knows that she hated her father since she was a child, and lived apart from him since her parents' divorce, but wonders if it would be all right, watching his career ruined.

Sung-hee tells him her mother's words about Mayor Chun that he was the worst man, but still a great man. Sung-hee says regretfully that her father has not been now a great man for several years, and when she thinks all the people that he used to hurt his power, she feels that this is only right.

Jung-do not argue and finally asks what Sung-hee meant about things to be bad for Sung-il. Sung-hee said with a heavy sigh, he changed back to his old self. The scene cuts to the tax office and the town hall, we see that Sung-il has become quiet and reserved. He was demoted to a team leader, and just does not seem much to take care of more to secure the system.

section head of Division Two, hoobae Commissioner Ahn, now spying on Sung-il for mayor Chun and takes particular pleasure down in humiliating and talking to him. In return, Sung-il as little work as possible is doing in office, while for everything to be very apologetic. One of his former juniors, Investigator Kim, the head of the Sung il section is now the old division, watches with growing despair and anger.

When an old man comes into the office, Sung-il looks angry to see him again. He is the older owners of this small neighborhood restaurant where Jung-do and the crew would depend two years ago. It is obvious that the old man always comes back in the hope that Sung-il would help him with something, but Sung-il is almost numb as he refuses to listen to the man and accompanied him out of the office.

Division three of section chief Kim accepts gently his old boss to task for cold-hearted to the old man to be. When Sung-il protests that he has no power to help him, trying to explain his old hoobae that even if they are not the people who can help with, they should listen to them at least.

He Sung-il reminds Park Sang-ho - the man who committed suicide in despair committed two years ago - and asks him how he is, whether the same feeling would happened to that old man. Sung-il to mind brings Sang-ho death crystal clear, but he only says that it has nothing to do with him, so that he does not care.

Mayor Chun Chairman Choi scored and assured him that Sung lived -il a quiet, colorless life. They move to a bad neighborhood to discuss they plan on restructuring, and Mayor Chun voices his scruples expelling poor tenants on the street. Chairman Choi, the building has all been bought in Maseokdong has no patience for mayor Chun sudden attack of conscience.

he says Mayor Chun that he has followed the law to acquire the land, but the mayor says this. Not on the law but to human rights Chairman Choi reminds him of the upcoming elections, noting devoutly that he always followed the law and will continue to do. When Mayor Chun has no objection, the chairman asks him to take action, according to the same law.

The mayor leaves and Chairman Choi gives his waiting thugs to draw out the order to demolish the resistance tenants and their businesses and homes. We see the elderly shopkeeper, who had earlier gone to Sung-il for help, sit in a corner with his granddaughter crouched while goons intimidating them and their only source of livelihood garbage.

Sung-hee meets Mi-Joo and tells her that Jung-do will be released early on parole. Mi-Joo finds the shortening of a ten-year sentence to two years confusing, but Sung-hee does not know how Jung-do it either managed. When Sung-hee asks for their help is the old crew at collection, Mi-Joo skeptical what they want to work again with Jung-do, but she agrees to try and persuade. She asks why Sung-hee does this instead of Sung-il, and Sung-hee just says that it panned in this way.

Sung-il continue in office to be submissive. Section Chief Kim, irritated by his submissive behavior, says Sung-il peevishly to carry him with Courtesy now that he had to Sung-il in a leading position. Sung-il immediately addresses him in jondaemal and the new section chief sees more angry than ever.

Outside the department, Sung-il passes standing at the old man in lonely protest against the restoration of his neighborhood. Sung-il ignored the man when he calls out to him, listen to but a little far away when he noticed the mayor to the old man talking. The Mayor takes him by the hand and promises seriously not greedy hurt to have his human rights.

Then comes the mayor in his office and makes a call to President Choi. He says the chairman that he would hold a meeting with residents of the neighborhood under renovation, and hangs up. The chairman smiles to himself, and says that the mayor Chun is a crocodile.

Mi-Joo meets with Hak-joo, yes-wang, and Mrs. Noh to convince them to work with Jung-do, but none of them are interested. It points out that, even though he lied, he took all the blame for their crimes and went to prison. Yes-wang, he says Recruitment, Mrs Noh tells her that there is no profit in it for them, and Hak-joo says Mi-Joo stop helps Jung-do, just because she loves him.

Mayor Chun comes to the place where the residents of Maseokdong have gathered with the media in order to have their voices heard. When the mayor gathered protesters lobbing questions at him to go, sitting Chairman Choi in his camp, and orders his thugs things to get started. When the inhabitants for mayor Chun waiting his piece to say a few disguised by the thugs of the chairman when protesters occupying positions among the people.

The Chairman explained to one of his minions that the mayor is a crocodile, who would never let go of his food. Although he hunts, says Chairman Choi, never on his own hands the blood. At the protest site, raises a by thugs an egg to the mayor, and starts a panicked stampede among the protesters.

Mayor Chun turns around and walks away in silence, looking through the behavior of the residents disappointed. The elderly shopkeeper is pushed into one of the cameramen and thrown to the ground. If the air is purified, the police arrest him as one of the interferer.

Sung-il and Mrs. Noh both watch the news where the egging mayor is exaggerated with each story and the anchor by the final version, telling a story by bodyguards of mauling the mayor angry ward citizens. Mrs. Noh recognizes the older man and asks Ji-yeon to look at what's going on.

The mayor comes back and calls President Choi. With a voice of outrage, he wonders if the chairman was responsible for what has happened. The President admits that he was, and asked if he understood earlier mayor Chun call wrong. Mayor Chun he insists there to Maseokdong residents to speak peacefully came, but Chairman Choi cuts through his indignation, and asked why the mayor to inform him about the meeting, he to do anything to disrupt the president wanted.

Chairman Choi says the mayor, that he him to be the "nice", let pretend and take the moral road, as long as he wins the next election, and they can hold each other to help.

Jung-do read about the incident in a newspaper and decided to put things in motion. He borrows a phone by a prison guard - who sees him as he is an adorable scamp - and makes a few calls. The first is to Mrs Noh, and then to Mi-Joo, Hak-joo, and yes-wang. They tell him that they will not gain anything from participating in the round, but Jung-do says it's something: the rich and powerful who ignore the laws of the nation and look were down frightened to its citizens, for the first time because of them.

He points out how the situation must have been at Maseokdong to respond to the demonstrators as they did. Jung-do recalls that, while they were cheaters, because the people in the world were doing the real evil and prospered without consequences over. By the end of an inspirational speech, managed Jung-do to do what was failed Mi-Joo efforts before. He gets the crew back together

When Jung-do gets out of prison, Mi-Joo is waiting for him with a smile, and he pulls anything for him to bring. He thinks it's a joke, if they do not even have a cigarette for him, but she swears she quit smoking and he strokes her on the head as he is proud. A moment later, Hak-joo, and yes-wang pull and yes-wang Hugging Bear Jung-do, and Mrs. Noh comes through, and looks almost glad to see him again. Back in the freezer, gathered the team so young-do them on Chairman Choi can give the low-down business practices.

A portion of his income comes from the large network of loan shark companies he owns, but Chairman Choi is careful not thence any of his winnings to invest another companies. Our fraudsters can not touch its lending business, as Jung-do turns his attention of the other chairmen large source of income: Kukjin Construction. This company was originally declared Woohyang construction, Jung-do, and was a daughter of President Bang Woohyang group called. Then had that company's name changed several times and are difficult to track, he says.

The scene with Jung-do to Sung-hee visits cuts back in prison, where they brought him all this information. They told him about a year ago went to her team Woohyang construction, when they learned that this was a previous Avatar Kukjin. Unfortunately rid done an excellent job had all connections with the Chairman Choi Woohyang.

This led Jung-do and Sung-hee to recognize that, while the chairman was with everything in order to cut off links with other related companies Woohyang, there was a reason why he protected Kukjin Construction. It has rested for a while, says Jung-do, but recently woke up and acquired the development rights to Maseokdong.

Ms. Noh asks who will be the company and Jung-do says President CHA Myung-Soo, the left hand of the chairman while President Bang had the right. They analyze earnings reports and realize that while President Cha had embezzled and some money stolen from the company, it is not very much was. Mi-Joo concludes that President Cha is very afraid of Chairman Choi. Jung-do lessons that he must be a man with a lot of pent-up anger.

come to a character, the young-do had cheated early. Director JO SANG-JIN was the man who had genially advised Sung-il Ma Jin-seok alone and collect taxes departing from the "ants." It turned out that he is a school friend of President Cha, and is now Kukjin of building new CFO. Jung-do they suspect that the director Jo auditing company must have tanked, forcing him to take a post with Kukjin.

Sung-hee put away her notes and gave one last bit of information-Jung to do: Commissioner Ahn now works as a director at Kukjin Construction. She advised Jung-do to be careful of him. With that said Sung-hee that she had done all she could, and now it was turn to do the Jung-do what he's good.

The Department absorb all the information but then Hak-joo points out that something is missing. Mi-Joo and yes-wang pipe in this little is is missing. Jung-do looks around confused and asks what could be missing. Mi-Joo says only that there is someone, but is no longer earlier by her side.

Jung-do told the team that is Sung-il to be back to his old bland, watered self again. Then Jung-do grins and adds: "I've heard that's how he lives now ... only the City Hall people to deceive." In a flashback, we see that when Sung-hee first visited and told him about Sung-il, she stated that he had to live in this way.

She said Jung-do that Sung-il ignored injustices endured insults and the misjudgments of its employees, to weigh all City Hall in complacency, so that when Jung-do got out, Sung-il work with was him. We see that Sung-il had worked diligently to get the information Sung-hee brought Jung-do, to collect in an effort to keep the promise he made. Mrs. Noh observed with admiration that Sung-il has been living for two years a con.

Sung-il holds through the restaurant of the old man of his young granddaughter found crying alone. Sung-il she embraces and is also excited to see what happened with the restaurant. He then visited the old man in prison, and does not apologize for him to help before. He stated that there was a reason for his silence, but that he would not ignore what in Maseokdong not happened. With tears in his eyes, Sung-il tells him to rest and promises justice to the people to bring that did that to him.

Outside Sung-il finds Jung-do with a car waiting for him. They smile at each other and Jung-do patting his shoulder affectionately before in the car. During the trip, Jung-do says Sung-il, that they can not go directly to the Chairman Choi because he would have his guard, and Sung-il agrees. Then Jung-do asks Sung-il, what they should do.

Sung-il looks at him in surprise, and Jung-do stated that Sung-il does so for justice while personally Jung-do. "I got caught because I followed my feelings," he says, and asks Sung-il to "be the navigation system, while I be the driver." Oh, feels right in. Sung-il seems to have already thought through, and he says Jung-do that they should focus on people instead of the taxes that would just flow back into the pockets of the rich, as long as Mayor Chun is in power.

Add to Kukjin construction offices, a man and director Jo turns is pleasantly surprised to see him. We do not get to see his face.

Sung-il and Jung-do share a bottle of soju and discuss the Maseokdong project. Jung-do not says Sung-il worry too much, and that he would put a stop to it by destroying Kukjin Construction. Sung-il asks what he intends to do about Mayor Chun and Jung-do says they can not target him because the mayor knows. Instead, he says with a smile, Chairman Wang will be the one who him conning.

Chairman Wang and Secretary Kim get out of jail and Mrs Noh, Ji-yeon, and a battalion of bodyguards welcomed. Secretary Kim asks where the press, and Ms. Noh assured him that a meeting is scheduled. She asks where they should Chairman Wang take first, and the chairman inquired with a keen eye: ". Yang Jung-do where is he now?"


So much to unpack here. First, the long con that Sung-il took over two years. I know how impressive it is, but I feel a little depressed for my poor ajusshi. In fact, he spent two years in a prison of his own creation. Jung-do After betrayed - no matter that it pre-planned - I suppose this was only natural. Not only because he had to keep a promise, but because he felt like he had Jung-do to share penalty.

There are also those consistent inevitability in the way he of the Commissioner Ahn and Mayor Chun in the world to be targeted again. It is not enough that he calm and meek, he has right to be acceptable are trod on them. Something about Sung-il, the innate goodness clearly rubs these hypocrites in the wrong direction. It is not enough that he is going about his job, not cause problems, they have to degrade him and a spineless worm use to humiliate him daily. This pain, especially in light of how much his team respected him before. His hoobae disappointment in him is truly shocking and I hope that the man to realize is that the Sung il with principles is still very much alive in his old department head.

I'm glad Sung-hee Genealogical outdoors is now clearly out. I almost feel that the show was tired of hinting and threw it out as an exhibit something to do with it. It is certainly an angle full of fear when someone like Sung-hee has for years her father observed corrupt practices and to lose all respect for him. I believe that the mayor knows that and is jealous of Sung-hee relationship with Sung-il, who at a father figure is as close as Sung-hee probably ever had. Perhaps the reason why he against "protected" Sung-il had two years but also ensures that every trace of what was Sung-hee admired in the man eradicated.

Mayor Chun has fascinated me from the first episode. I could not get a clear picture of the man simply. I love that the show made him opaque, because unlike President Bang or chairman Choi, the mayor must know not enough self-confidence to , that he is evil. We could see all his guilt and dismay how people got hurt and he thought about his inability to protect them. It just turns out that he never really tried because as chairman Choi puts it: A crocodile never gives up his food. He apologized for his own inaction and mouthed platitudes tripe to the victims. He concluded that he could not movement against his wealthy patrons, because that is going to lose in his office. In his mind, I believe, Mayor Chun himself convinced that he must remain mayor for the welfare of Seowon to ignore the truth that he just wants to exercise power.

was surprisingly easy to get the crew back together. I have to admit it to a slight disappointment. Especially with Madam Noh, since their last conversation had such a tragic lilt of finality in it. But it turns out, "I will not call you until I die", only said: "I will not call you until I'm done with the prison." Putting it all under Jung-do magic was entirely credible, but they want I only answer had tried harder to avoid his call. You do not know now that he is the Pied 'imposter?

I liked the subdued reunion between Jung-do and Sung-il, however. You have nothing to say. My luck was clearly written on their faces. Jung-do willingness Sung-il the reins at hand was the other thing that my day. He gave his mistake so simple - the realization that his carelessly thirst for revenge was his downfall. It takes to analyze a very clear mind of its own defects quite as deep. Jung-do looking for his actions and seemed to recognize the exact point where he began to make mistakes. It was as if revenge was so tantalizingly close that he lost his head, and tried to take on a great brand as Chairman Choi without adequate preparation. At this point, nothing and no one would have stopped him. But two years of reflection had sobered enough to recognize him, that he needs to keep his own feelings from this, if the con to be a success. And Sung-il is the true heart of the team.

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tags: featured, Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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