Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 13 -

The truth is to swallow painful pill, but it is a necessary that elicits other relief to some, and torment. All is not entirely outdoors only, with only a few trusted or clever people aware of all the facts. A secret that for so long have been buried unravel not too early because there is power to keep under wraps until the right moment presents itself. Complete honesty may be ideal in relationships, but in a situation in which are the lives at stake, it is safer to keep a tight lip, and let on that you know less than you actually do.


Butterfly Tattoo uncle, Dan-tae and Jun-su drive to the Arboretum, within minutes of each other. But a small accident uncle and a group of cyclists makes him unable to make it to his destination, so he called his sister to perform the transaction without him.

Jun-sus mother waits anxiously at the predetermined location on the Arboretum, cash-filled duffel bag in his hand. Jun-su arrives, and the words of Dan-tae echo through his head. "The person who is the one pointing up, kidnapped the Jun-Pyo"

He looks through the bushes and stunned his mother waiting at the exact spot for the money exchange to find. The thought of his mother as Jun-Pyo kidnappers shakes him to the core.

Jun-sus mother with nervous anticipation waiting for the money to give, but enters a gardener the scene and gives her a note. The anonymous note she has to escape immediately, since the appointment was canceled. It follows the list and leaves.

Jun-su asks the gardener when he passed and relieved on the list to hear that he did. Dan-tae is the Arboretum, keeps his eyes on the offender to come, but the scheduled meeting time already passed, and no one has shown up. He wonders if he should wait to continue.

Jun-su makes its way from the Arboretum when he Dan-tae spots. It occurs on a branch, and the sudden noise caused Dan-tae to look in his direction, but Jun-su hides just in time.

That night, Jun-su drowns his sorrows in alcohol and are Gong Shim a call, but he apologizes for his drunkenness and soon after hanging up. Worried, Gong Shim calls to find him back where he is and helps him in a taxi. But he insists it should get even, so as not to the head of it has at home, and she does not like to appease him.

Jun-su in Gong Shim neighborhood, sleepy and still intoxicated sitting on a bench. Gong Shim versa with bottled water, but he sleeps on her shoulder. It is placed on the bench and not able to move, so she calls Dan-tae help.

Dan-tae comes and carries Jun-su on the roof. The next morning, Jun-su wakes up, still groggy from the alcohol. His eyes land circled on a calendar on the wall, with a specific date and the words: "Father, Hyuan Memorial Park" including written. He then sees Dan-tae name plate that he spent the night in Dan-tae abode him, among other indications.

Outside enjoys Dan-tae a popsicle, and Gong Shim brings a tray of smoothies hangover for Jun-su on. Jun-su it meets outside and apologizes for his behavior. He thanked Gong Shim for their help and leave without staying for a meal, claiming he must be somewhere.

It is the anniversary of her son / Jun-Pyo her father died, and Grandma is leaving to visit his grave. President Seok, his wife and his mother had just their respect of the payment, and the fact complain that Grandma every year will go alone.

Jun-su comes home, and his mother reminds him that today is the anniversary of the death of his uncle. On a hunch, he wonders if the monument Depot called "Hyuan", and his father claimed that it is Hyuan Memorial Park.

Jun-su freezes as to connect the dots. He thinks of the circled date on Dan-tae calendar the words "Hyuan Memorial Park" are written under the rare egg allergy who share the two friends ... and it leads him to believe that Dan-tae can be Jun-Pyo. This realization brings tears to the what not secure him how to process the overwhelming flood of emotions.

Dan-tae stands in front of his parents' urn with a solemn expression. Jun-su arrives, and right as he turn the corner Dan-tae stand there, to see his grandmother calls him from behind almost collapses.

Jun-su it leads quickly to the car, and Dan-tae watched the two leave. Jun-su returns to the building in the room of his uncle urn with, but now Dan-tae is nowhere to be seen.

Shortly thereafter, Dan-tae lowers a series of steps in a restaurant and enters into a private room. Jun-su grandmother is there, and Dan-tae after seeing she shouts happily: "Jun-pyo" What?

Dan-tae / Jun-Pyo takes a seat, and the grandmother expresses relief that boys su does not catch him before the vaults. He agrees and thanks her earlier for her quick thinking, fainted pretending just lately.

She worries that Jun-su caught her secret, but Dan-tae replied that it was probably just a coincidence that he and Jun-su there at the same time were. She wonders how long they have to meet in secret, and Dan-tae she remembers from calling him Jun-Pyo to refrain, until it is able to show that he is her grandson.

grandmother has been so happy ever since Dan-tae told her he was Jun-Pyo. We check to fifteen days before, as Dan-tae gently around the news breaks about her that he located her missing grandson. He places with DNA results and declares that it is a game. She keeps asking where Jun-Pyo, and Dan-tae responds with trepidation. "I think I'm Jun-Pyo"

It is an emotional moment, both grandmother and Dan-tae in tears today for the first time as grandparents parents ~~ POS = HEADCOMP and grandson hugging. Never urges him disappear, and he assures her that he did not.

Twelve days before, they have another meeting in the same room. Dan-tae stated that his identity as Jun-Pyo must remain a secret until he finds his captors, of a Star Group's employees. He needs to have full access to the company to go beyond its investigation, and the grandmother agrees to transfer its current secretary away, free to leave the post of Dan-tae.

It turned out, as President Seok and uncle incredulity expressed ten days Dan-tae new role as a secretary before, the grandmother was in on the trick from the beginning on, defends its decision, knowing him with conviction and exchanging winks to rent with Dan-tae. Cuuute.

We return to the present, and the grandmother can not help but shed a few tears. Think for the moment back Dan-tae revealed himself as Jun-Pyo always makes her emotional. She does not care that he was not the culprit at the Arboretum nab; she is happy found knowing Jun-Pyo, but was afraid his Dan-tae in danger if he continued his search for the perpetrators.

Dan-tae regrets that it is unable to openly spend time with him, but asks them to wait a bit longer. He has to find out who kidnapped him and left his mother to die in a tragic car accident, and grandmother understands his mood.

asks if he has good news to share, and Dan-tae admits that it is a woman he likes. Grandmother anxious to hear more, and he goes on.

Dan-tae: "I like this woman really, but because I could not say I like it, I feel so desperate and sad am Lately. I'm not sure if I Jun-Pyo or Dan-tae'm ... I do not know, she wants to throw in my confusing mess ... I want to talk to her, without hiding anything, but since I can not even tell the truth about myself, how can I take her heart? "

grandmother takes his hands and sympathizes with his plight.

On this day, Gong Shim are Dan-tae one of two movie tickets they won from their octopus painting competition, which expire today. She gives him the opportunity to go or not, and insists that there is no pressure. Dan-tae, he says it probably will not be able to do, and while disappointed that he did not fall into a movie date for their trial, it is far destroyed from the ground, and suggests that he simply discard the ticket and again take whatever he did.

A little later, Dan-tae thinks back to Gong Shim statement that regardless of how he feels about it, they followed him continues. To see he waffles on film trip that is to make still, we wanted to let his guard to do only once down as he wants. So when he hears outside Gong Shim tracks, he goes to see it.

He tries to explain that he is now to catch the film, but Gong Shim interrupts him, assuming he to turn them down, goes and says it is okay. He tried to push again a word, but she insists that she is not disturbed and says that today was only a minor setback, then passes back down. Dan-tae complained that he the setback in this scenario was .

The next morning Gong Shim waiting for Dan-tae outside the convenience store and asks what he is doing, ready to follow him straight to the hairdresser, when he says that he is a trim basis. He directs and said he goes to a barber shop, which deals only with the men's hair ... and then Gong Shim appears nevertheless to have brought her father for a treat.

Gong Shim describes Dan-tae hair stylists to the needs, but because she is able to criticize his appearance, heh. Dan-tae seem offended, but he smiles when he commissioned work the stylist with what Gong Shim said.

Gong Shim father informed Dan-tae that Gong Shim is going on her first business trip a mural on a sashimi restaurant to draw, and she is very excited. Unfortunately, he and his wife will not be able to join them, and he's worried about traveling alone. Dan-tae volunteers to accompany them, which surprised Gong Shim father because he thought Dan-tae was too busy to as Gong Shim mentioned. But he is happy to take on the offer Dan-tae up, which would facilitate his concern to send them away on their own.

The next day, Dan tae waiting outside the convenience store for Gong Shim and surprised they know about their business travel by and hire her just a car to drive out. She is relieved that she is not traveling solo, and despite attempts not asleep in the car falling, while driving it fails gorgeous, much to Dan-tae amusement.

Her head lolls from side to side comical, and he tries to keep his head from rolling by holding carefully in his hand. But then he loses his grip and her head knocked against the window, ha. You stopped at a rest stop, and Dan-tae glad to help an elderly couple with their heavy stuff in their car to lift. The couple is grateful for his help, and mention her twin daughters as potential partners for him. Gong Shim overheard this and swoops in.

She calls him "honey" (my husband) with a big dose aegyo and drags him to the car. She insists its interference came about because she sensed his discomfort, not to make a train on it, and the two continued on their way to sashimi joint.

Back in the city, bring them away from harm in the elevator a smile on Gong Mi face the memories of Jun-su ask Gong Mi for dinner and nudged. But she blames her mother for Jun-su beaten mother and possibly ruining their chances with Jun-su. Her mother says she'll ask for forgiveness, if it has, but is disheartened have visualized such an act humiliating if the two do not even gone.

Gong Shim and Dan-tae arrive at the restaurant to begin work, but as a few other artists have - the restaurant owners had so many calls for help that answered out several people, and now they all want the job. The other artists argue their cases to the frustrated sashimi co-owner - "I came all the way from Busan" "I came, although I broke my leg!" - Earned The flip-flops on the sob story of the wall.

It looks like Gong Shim us to lose this opportunity, but Dan-tae has an idea. He calls tearfully their "honey" and apologizes for such a poor and incompetent man, haha. The quivering lip and visible fear touch the heart of the restaurant owner, and the mural hits Gong Shim.

In private, Dan-tae said Gong Shim that the action to make sure she was not losing her chance, and Gong Shim understood; she is grateful for his help. She is started on the mural, initially to outline the design with a pencil. , Unable to take Dan-tae watches with delight his eyes off her.

When Gong Shim is ready to paint, the owner says there is an alumni meeting takes place tonight, so they'll have to wait until they leave. So, while they wait, Dan-tae and Gong Shim enjoy their sashimi feast, only the restaurant owners have let them know that the reunion dinner takes longer than expected.

He brings Dan-tae and Gong Shim to the reunion dinner so that they can join in the celebration. They are introduced as newlyweds and get up the crowd eggs them on, and to sing. Dan-tae performs a song while Gong Shim provides animated dance moves. They are a cheesy duo, but the amount loves her enthusiasm.

After it is completed done, everyone wonders why they do not have the child. Dan-tae and Gong Shim squirm in awkwardness as they are encouraged to "make a child" tonight because dinner will be loud and continued.

Dan-tae and Gong Shim waiting in her room, hoping she could finish the mural and head back, but the restaurant owner says dinner yet and they end must bring blankets, so they spend the night and paint tomorrow start early. Unfortunately, there are no other rooms that need to be sharing Dan-tae and Gong shim means.

She is not feeling comfortable with this idea, but Dan-tae only makes it feel worse when he encouraged "take it [the wig] off", "lie down" and "wash" because its consideration goes so dirty, heh. Dan-tae returns to the room after it to get some fresh air and finds Gong Shim asleep, sitting against the wall.

He spreads carefully to the music for them and sets them down, so they can sleep comfortably. While she sleeps, pushes Dan-tae guilt and gratitude for her attraction to him, and do not ask them to go anywhere and wait a little longer for him.

Gong Shim up bright and early the next morning, to fill in the mural with bright colors. Dan-tae helps to sketch their designs, and soon enough, the underwater seascape wall is finished. The restaurant owner and his wife are happy with the final product.

Dan-tae takes a photo of Gong Shim / his "wife" before the mural. Then the restaurant owner's husband as should also be in the photo says. Dan-tae stands awkwardly next to Gong Shim, and the restaurant owner encouraged him to embrace her. Law, as the trigger goes off, Dan-tae surprised Gong Shim through his arm went around her shoulders and keep them in.


cuuuute. Dan-tae can accept Gong Shim be cautious feelings due to a crisis of identity, but this episode has shown that his affection is very much available to her and not diminished in the least. He likes definitely and cares about them as a woman, and all he needs is time of his abduction to solve mystery and come to terms with who he is. In a way, he goes through something like Gong Shim. Gong Shim had to learn to love yourself to love someone else, and now Dan-tae needs to embrace his broken identity to love for him Gong shim having an open and honest heart. I'd say that's pretty fair and reasonable thinking on his part. He is serious about his relationship with Gong Shim why he did not upside down only crashes in romance.

I am glad that there is at least one other person to be Jun-Pyo is aware of Dan-tae, because a big secret hold arduous. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Dan-tae appointment as secretary of the chairman was all part of the plan, and that the chairman knew as early as she did. As much as she wants to spend time with Jun Pyo-public, she understands the seriousness of the situation and respected Dan-tae of the desire the person to read for his kidnapping and his mother's death. Closure would relieve the pain, and allowed him to look for her, makes a lot of sense, despite the impending danger. I'm not worried that they'll accidentally spill the beans, because we have seen her feign illness, and she is a wise woman who can be just as good as Dan-TAE pretend box. I think sensationalism runs in the family.

It is quite clear that Jun-su has found accidentally long to be Dan-tae lost Jun-Pyo, and it will be interesting to see what he with this does news now because he knows that his mother and uncle in Butterfly Tattoo Jun-pyo kidnapping were accomplices. He will have to be cautious so as not to jeopardize Dan-tae, and I hope he's smart enough not turn a blind eye to make his family transgressions. Blood may be thicker than water, but Jun-sus no dummy, and from what we've seen, his morals are. However, he has his mother before Dan-tae arrived from the Arboretum, although that may have been driven by fear and / or filial instinct.

I was the show would concern continue in full force without a certain cuteness, eccentricity and humor, so I was relieved Dan-tae and Gong Shim share some laughs and run to see a crazy song and dance number. I love that Gong Shim Dan-tae to pursue further without feeling oppressed, if they do not attempt to connect with him. She is persistent, but not pushy. It is fast to recover, and still sulking in misery, because what's the point? He may refuse their invitations, but that will change the way she feels about him not. She was calm, be cool and safe in the whole thing, and it's refreshing to see how they act in this way. I like to think that Gong Shim comes the assuredness of their inner strength, and the belief that the feelings of are mutual, although it is not always as it may seem from Dan-tae end.

Now that Dan-tae know he Jun-Pyo, and it was finally confirmed, I look forward Dan-tae to see the next steps, the mystery and the opening to Gong Shim in solving , The Arboretum plan have failed, but it is really just the beginning. He has got a powerful ally - grandmother! - And all he has to do now is to continue to work carefully and methodically, as he always did in andante.

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tags in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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