Recap And Reviews Kdrama Heart to Heart: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Heart to Heart: Episode 1 -

The show is from on a bit of a slow start, and I admit that Heart to Heart is not something that I expected. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, and when I got used to the relaxed pace, I found that I really like a lot of character. They all seem interesting and complex, with many layers to their reasons for their actions, look to make me forward to learn more about them. (: Can be some of the images in this recap some readers disturbing Warning.)


opened the show with side-by-side home video of two young children - a charming confident little girl and a nerdy, awkward, bespectacled young. As they get older in the video, the girl who is hiding her red face and always alone, while the boy worked, lose the glasses begins, and wins the trust and friends. When we get to her high school photos, the girl is her hiding constantly blushing face under a mop of frizzy hair, while the boy has turned into a beautiful, popular young man.

In the presence of a man by police tape breaks into an office, decides on a nice tie, the steps in a chair are to hang with him.

Earlier that day, .

The police set a perimeter around a tall building on, as a young woman standing on the edge of the roof to sing softly to himself. A man walks on the roof and gets a briefing on the situation - that's our hero (and the man who attempted suicide is soon) GO YI SEOK ( Chun Jung-myung )


Yi-seok, a cup of coffee borrows from one of the officers and approaches the young woman, her pleas disregard to go away, and the steps to the ledge with her on. He accidentally stumbles against the purpose and she grabs his hand to keep him quiet (and we see the final cut wounds on the wrists), so he sits and complements the view from here.

He makes small talk about how tired she must be here, and blames it on her self-injury, they ignore even when she asks him to leave. He wishes out loud that he could think of reasons to live for her, but admits that he can not think of any major reason, just little things like the pleasure of a hot cup of coffee.

The woman to him whining for trying to save her, but Yi-seok says he wants to grab her hand as his grabbed when he almost fell , He asks her why she is here and the woman crying and says something happened, as she drank with her boss, but that no one believes her, and she even blamed to be flirtatious for them.

Yi-seok is serious and tells her that it is not their fault, and pulls her into a hug. He requests to come to the police approaching, and the woman on to it under a smattering of applause.

Elsewhere in a big house, a head housekeeper three women preparing for a job audition, to inform them that this is the budget of Go Sang-Gyu, the owner of the oldest bicycle manufacturing company in Korea. In the background are family photos on the wall, including one of Yi-seok, so this must be his family at home.

The housekeeper focuses on an elderly woman who seems to have a good reputation among housekeepers, if we really our heroine CHA HONG-DO ( Choi Kang-Hee ) in disguise knowledge. The three women are instructed to make a dish that is said to be that of the chairman would like the best are selected for the job, and they get to work. The other two women are fast, but Hong-do takes confidently their time.

In another room in the house, the chairman dictates his memoirs to a young man at a typewriter (yes, an actual typewriter!). The young man shows what he wrote to tell him that he has typed Xs instead of words he does not know, and HAHA, the site has Xs for almost every other word.

Back on the ground floor of Butler tastes every cooks dishes, his eyes widening in Hong-do the court. He explains it all delicious, but the housekeeper shoos him away, poignant that he would not eat. Two of the cooking ladies and valance of puffing that she did not want the job anyway, and the housekeeper tastes Nitpicks and praises Hong-do the court.

But she rejects Hong-do on the premises to rent that they do not want someone older than them to work under her. Butler Ahn sticks for Hong-do and her cooking, but they are interrupted by the chairman chasing his assistant down the stairs, and the two argue, while the others watching.

Overlooking his job to lose, argues the wizard that nobody would understand used the old-fashioned words the chairman, but Hong-do pipes up because they do not understood. The chairman she hires as his new assistant on the spot.

Yi-seok makes an appearance on a television talk show his bestselling book to promote, Heart to Heart , which is also the name of his psychiatric practice. mentioned The hosts of the show the incident in which he saved the woman from jumping off the building, but it clips it humbly aside as all in a day's work.

Elsewhere in the city, Hong-do (now of her disguise free) creeping nervously from her apartment a large motorcycle helmet they wear constantly hide red-cheeked face, and runs through the city with each avoiding contact. It provides in haste a thermos of porridge and a note hung in a satchel on a door, but quickly in the bushes ducks when the occupant at home in his car pulls up.

This handsome man is JANG DOO-SOO ( Lee Jae-Yoon ), and he sees hide Hong-do and smiles. Apparently this happens often, and he is good when he welcomes them and tries to lure them out of hiding. He mentioned that they bring him food for seven years and says that he would like to meet, but they only shrinks further into the ground.

Hong-do uses Doo-soo distraction when he received a call from his aunt gets him by another blind date told they arranged it, and makes a run for it. He calls for her name, but she's already gone.

Hong-do finally speaks, when she goes home - in fact, she talks a blue streak to himself, marriage and divorce statistics citing and wonder why Doo-soo on so many blind dates goes as divorce rates so high anyway are. It is sweet and a little sad, as she says, all she wanted to tell him, but she can after the fact even say.

Yi-seok meets his girlfriend WOO Yeon-WOO ( Hwang Seung-eun ) at a fine restaurant, and they congratulated him on his TV appearance, but again he brushes it aside as no big deal. They share a bottle of champagne and half complained that every time he ordered champagne she feels like she is obliged to go home with him. He jokes that she could instead go to her place, and she blames him take their relationship gently for not seriously.

In response, Yi-seok hands her a set of nesting dolls, and inside the smallest is a necklace. She takes it as evidence of his feelings, but he only asks whose house she wants to go.

Hong-do comes home to a note from her landlord to inform a rent, and they can be in. Your place is cluttered looks but very comfortable and cozy. She makes some Ramyun and checked their bank account, hoping that her new job for the chairman works.

home Hong-do's is completely filled with books, and by chance it uses a copy of the Yi-seok book as a hot plate for their Ramyun. She speaks with a photo of her late grandmother and asked her what she would do if her longtime crush Doo-soo married.

Yi-seok is dressed in the middle of the night, Yeon-woo guards who gets upset and accuses him of making them feel that they sell their bodies for a bottle of champagne. He says the sofa in his clinic is just more convenient, but they did not buy it and accuses him of being the patient, since he can not sleep with a woman in the same bed.

Hong-do gasps when she washes her pot Ramyun and looks Yi-seok face to the ground was burning, hee. She takes the burned book and apologized to him, but the issue has caught her attention and she sits reading.

Yi-seok calls his younger sister GO SE-RO ( Ahn So-hee ) out of his car, and she fusses him for not calling them because they were from home to school is. Se-Ro informed Yi-seok of all the goings-on at home, and they discuss her mother bipolar disorder and the fact that it has again between mood extremes mirrors. Se-Ro also tells him that she has been cast in a movie, which sees them as good news, since they left school to be an actress.

Hong-do stay ends up all night reading Yi-seok entire book cover to cover, and in the morning she feels positive and optimistic. In his book, Yi-seok says that people can be helped with their problems with the therapy, and Hong-do is determined to trust him.

Yi-seok wakes up in his office and begins one day treating patients, but he spends more time sigh rolled his eyes, and twitching, as they actually help. He seems like a completely different person than the rest, medical care, speaking the suicide woman from the roof. His patients seem pretty Looney Tunes, and he is clearly about all of them. He also blows a young woman from which he sobs, she feels like dying, and fished a bottle of liquor from his desk to drink at work.

Late in the day Yi-seok hears a man talking about his problems at home this annoyingly low, slow, monotonous voice, and his twitching gets worse and his vision begins to blur. The patient starts getting strange defensive at the mention of his daughter, who is ringing some alarm bells. But Yi-seok is too distracted to pay attention - a ringing starts in his ears and he makes a face while his head. Finally Yi-seok snaps and lunges at the man.

Hong-do come to Yi-seok office building, where they literally hugging the walls, as they tried to get the nerve to enter his office. Still wearing her helmet, she crawls to his office, but suddenly heard shouts him to kill a man's voice, because he deserves to die.

She rushes to open the door and falls to the ground when she is greeted by the sight of Yi-seok on his patients, the two men with a pen, which was engraved in the man's neck. Ack! There is blood everywhere and the patient screams over and over again: "! Kill me Kill me"

Yi-seok seem to be numb in one, but if his patient goes out, he snapped out of it. He sees Hong-do and screams at her to call an ambulance, but she can hardly speak of shock and she pushes him her cell phone so that he can give instructions. They noticed the empty pen holder on his desk and looked accusingly at Yi Seok when he orders her to get a towel.

Later at the police station, Doo-soo partner complains that he can not get a word out of Hong-do, what happened, and he thinks Yi-seok is flat-out lying when he says he doesn 't remember anything. He thinks that it is suspicious that Yi-seok called the ambulance, if the evidence looks like he was the one who stabbed the man (which is unconscious but stable).

Doo-soo is surprised Hong-do to see who is still wearing her helmet in the interrogation room, but he goes in to talk Yi Seok first , Yi-seok swears that he would not hurt a patient, but still stated that he does not remember anything, and he strides excited and shouting that it makes him crazy that he can not remember.

Doo-soo asks Yi -seok, as a doctor, whether it is normal for a person, his memory after someone stab losing shock. Yi-seok does not respond, more worried about his hospital reputation, if off. He returns to stimulation and Doo-soo shifts his attention to Hong-do.

Knowing what he knows about her shyness, he takes a piece of paper, a pen and a stack of paper cups in their interrogation room. He warmly welcomed, but his attention only makes her blush more even angry, he asks them to write down what they saw in the hospital, and hands her the paper and pen.

Adorably, he pushes her two pieces of candy and tells her to write or draw or whatever, not because he is always that he will see busy. He stacks the paper cup until they form a wall between them and soon Hong-do feels sure he can not see them and they began to draw.

It's so cute how serious Doo-soo held his wall-building, and the thing is huge rolls up through time, Hong-do their drawing and pushes it to him through the wall. Doo-soo thanks her and leaves the room, and Hong-do sneezes once the paper cup wall down. SO CUTE.

Doo-soo takes the paper to Yi-seok and shows him the damning (and surprisingly detailed) drawing of him on his patients threatens to hold a pen in his neck. But Yi-seok indicates that the patient holds the pen, and he leaves the room and marches in Hong-do interrogation room.

Yi-seok barricades chasing the door to the table and begins around the room Hong-do and try their helmet upside down to tear off and screaming, see that they didn 't know how he actually pierce the patient. You headbutt him, but he manages to get his helmet, and she takes refuge under the table.

Hong-do finds its voice and whines to him that she knows what she saw and the position of their hands shows that he did stab the man. Yi-seok laughs at her, but she goes on to say that the angle of the pen and the smell of alcohol on him further proof that he was the one who did the stabbing. Doo-soo finally pushes the door open and proposes Yi-seok.

Later Doo-soo partner goes Yi Seok out of the station and told him to turn in when he remembers what happened, but figures that when the patient to wake up anyway'll remember everything. Yi-seok is by a crowd of reporters, the pepper welcomed him with questions about attempted murder, but he pushes through them to his car.

Doo-soo tries home Hong-do to go, but it depends hilarious back and crab goes sideways in front of him to avoid. He tried to charm them by on their helmet to ask and how to keep it clean when it bears all the time, and thanks her for all side dishes she leaves him. They finally speaks when he asks if she got his phone number that he left it, and he is flattered that she remembers it by heart. He's so sweet to her, it makes my heart ache.

Doo-soo tries to approach closer, but it panics, Hong-do that from him and running ducks. Optimistically, he calls for her that it was nice to see them, and to call him.

Yi-seok home is camped by reporters as he hangs in his girlfriend Parking and waiting for them. But when she gets home, she is not alone, and Yi-seok eyes widen when the man she is with hugs her and kisses her on the forehead. It runs on the man and tried to fight him, but it only takes a quick movement of the man and Yi-seok is on the floor. This is so embarrassing.

Back in his car, Yi-seok pounds in frustration his steering wheel and takes a bottle of brandy from the glove compartment. Oh, honey, that's such a bad idea right now.

Hong-do runs all the way home, not stopping until they dive under her blanket, and quarrels for with messy hair and a face like a boiled sweet potato. She laments that to route it, is to live, but then wonders whether Doo-soo is worried if she came home. She looks for her cell phone, and only now remembers that Yi Seok it reflexively to call in his jacket pocket to the police.

Yi-seok makes it to his office car park, but he is quite drunk now and managed to hit his car into a wall. It sobered him a little, and he wonders if he really a killer. He breaks through the barrier tape on his office door to find out of the woods just his phone rings.

His Voicemail shows that all calls from more reporters, so he ignored the ringing phones, and when he checked his text messages are all of Yeon-woo, who is angry again that without it straight leave to speak it and that it feels like he sees it only as a sexual partner. In its final text, she sets out with him.

Yi-seok throws his cell against the wall and rips the phone in the office of his desk, and when he sees on the carpet, the blood continues , He chooses quiet a tie from a drawer and puts a chair with a stack of books under the sprinkler upwards. At the same time, an angry Hong-do comes outside his office, with the intention back to get her cell phone.

Quiet, Yi-seok fashions tie in a loop and steps on the stack of books on the loop fits around his own neck. Another call comes and Yi-seok half hears the voicemail answers, and it's Doo-soo calls to tell him that his patient woke up and admitted that he stabbed the stylus.

startled by this news, Yi-seok slipping accidentally on the pile of books and takes it out among themselves. Nooo! He swings from the ceiling, in the fight against the noose that choked off his air, and uses his last breath to shout: "Save me" Only then, Hong-do opens the door and takes in the second shocking sight of her day.


Well, that's one hell of a cliffhanger. Tie-hanger? Fortunately for Yi-seok, Hong-do there to save him again, though I suspect he will not be grateful to her for the second time.

While I do not take immediately in the show, I find myself having to appreciate it more on second glance. The story is simple and the pace is leisurely - but as I mentioned before, I find the characters fascinating and well-designed characters are what my interest in a Drama drive more than anything else. I am surprised that the show diving to find, so heartily in such serious issues such as mental illness, possible murder-suicide, but there was balance enough lighter moments things and I see definitely forward to learning more about these people and their problems.

Hong-do's pretty adorable, caused by their extremely painful shyness by her uncontrollable blushing condition, but I loved how she's basic personality actually very talkative and, opinion. It is not that she has nothing to say, it only has a hard time to say it, and it's nice how they all can figure it out as soon as she is alone. She's obviously smart with all the books they keep around, and talented in the kitchen as evidenced by the Court made it for her job interview. I can not wait, they come to see out of their shell and blossom into strong intelligent woman that the home movies as a child showed her she can be when she learns to overcome their social problems.

I found Doo-soo much more interesting than I originally expected, and he seems to be a very caring and sweet person. He is not from Hong-do seemingly stalkerish behavior and recognize their gifts of food as their way of reaching out to someone in the only language they can deter. He comes off as very authentic when he does things like ask Hong-do to call him sometime, and he probably knows better than anyone else, regardless of the fact that they tried their best to get by him hide. I loved especially as Doo-soo that the paper cup wall built Hong-do feel to make sure what proves that he understands them and their needs, although I fear that it really what has someone from their place pillows to squeeze comfort zone it is in. Oh, so is the amount of the second line.

But it is Yi-seok, who really does not concern me, because this guy is a loose cannon, a, if ever. He is a bundle of contradictions, it's hard to know where to look to him, and none of its facets appear to be completely healthy. It is fascinating to see how he the spotlight (to write a book, go on talk shows) searches and simultaneously afraid of him by all his achievements downplaying. And this tendency seems deeply rooted and not just an act be fake humble, because he did it with Yeon-woo during dinner, choosing rather to give her a gift, as his feelings to speak in words. But the most confusing as caring and insightful and it warm with the suicidal woman on the roof was to have in his office with his regular patients, he seemed zero patience or tolerance or even an interest in their needs. Who is the real Yi-seok, and what happened to him? Is he just burned out, or he is actually seriously mentally ill?

I'll be honest, I initially did not think I would like this show, but the more I think about it, and look at the characters with all their weaknesses and quirks, find, the more I forward looking me find out more. I have a feeling we just barely touched the surface of what's going on with these people, and I can not wait to dive in and see what's underneath.

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tags: Choi Kang-hee, Chun Jung-myung, in the first episodes, Heart to Heart

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