Recap And Reviews Kdrama Pinocchio: Episode 19

Recap and reviews korean drama Pinocchio: Episode 19 -

Okay, all caught and to go! We get a strong lead in consequence to the final, with a surprising twist and a good dose of emotional development and character development. Now, where to get them justice related to all crimes and offenses mother nearby, Dal-po, In-ha and Beom-jo have the consequences of their decisions to face, and what they might lose as a result. Man, growing up is hard enough when your mother is not evil masterminds, you know?


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EPISODE 19: "The North Wind and the Sun"

on After Song Cha-oks police interrogation YGN their participation breaks the story in fourteen years of media cover-ups, behind every move their MSC Director and chaebol Mama as puppetmaster involvement.

Dal-po the field report on the long relationship that is through the secure text messages and finally on the air to tell the correct version of Firefighter Dad history. Gyo-dong softly a hand brings well done on the shoulder for a job.

MSC is in turmoil, though a few people like Princess and their leadership cameraman are rather proud of song Cha-ok confession, noting that they re like a real reporter seems.

The reception coldest where it most hurts: Beom-jo, waiting on tenterhooks to know what happened to his mother, and chaebol mom who lets out the report watches and a little, "Damn."

home ha and Mama see the report of MSC and in-ha asks gently if she's okay. Mom replied calmly that it is not in order, and then launches into a list of things that went wrong Dal-po, which is missing its report on impact. In-ha looks Mama, as she is nuts, and then breaks into a laugh to realize that it is perfectly fine. Princess joins them, and both coaches In-ha on what to do next.

As expected, chaebol Mama simply calls her team of lawyers, to resolve the issue, and they require an extension of their police interview with the lie that it is on a business trip out of the country. They organize quietly to rest in a villa until this blows over for them.

But that's exactly what song Cha-ok guesses will they do, stay home to what they 'll. In-ha this conveys Dal-po (writing notes for him because he still got a bum arm), and Gyo-dong is shocked to hear that he come get information from Song Cha-ok itself. Obviously means that they shop.

In a very short time YGN endures shots of chaebol Mommy casually on the evening news with her dog walking, that's pretty awesomely embarrassed for them. Another summons for questioning is immediately issued and more calls from concerned politicians come. She smokes, that a minute on the messages that time can derail and money she has spent policemen and prosecutors put in her bag and looks ready to take off someone's head.

Song Cha-ok know chaebol Mama arrange to go to the police station at dawn to avoid spending a quiet weekend reporters and so all storage from underground in the underground garage, per song Cha-ok Command.

And like clockwork, comes chaebol Mama. They are flooding with questions they managed to ignore, but then Dal-po gets the better of you say that all politicians are concerned this report watch ensures it does everything to they have to say? Ha. She grabs at this, and whirls around to shout: "Shut up"

She says nothing, but it's quite a big moment, and Dal-po keeps intentionally the elevator door opened, so any shooting to keep.

In-ha told at this point, Dal-po that chaebol Mama another story theirs some celebrity scandal heads turn while her case is blowing find about is to bury. It's sad how easily and how often this happens in real life. And again on cue, Team chaebol mom tells her that she can play a story about an idol abusing propofol.

you like this idea, so immediately MSC reports the great scandal of an idol-actor for propofol investigated abuse, and LOL-it is Lee Joon (do a special miniature for the PD, the Gap-dong directed).

Yoo- rae jaw drops and she yells back to the screen that it is a lie, and it is among the crowd of reporters waiting the next morning for an explanation of the idol. Each raises questions, with the exception of Yoo-rae, who listens with tears in his eyes to his defense and responds to the camera: "I believe you, Oppa I'll protect you, oppa!" Pffft.

This time, their confidence in oppa pays, and reported them happy that he has been declared innocent, complete with an interview from his doctor. Chaebol Mommy finally blows a gasket and vapors are thwarted at every movement of Song Cha-ok and YGN.

your staff suggests trying to bribe Chan-soo, as the whole case would disappear when he dropped the charges, and Mama expects this step and asks In-ha, when Chan-soo is prone to corruption. In-ha, he does not say, but hiccups. They are embarrassed that they are not sure, because he has three children.

you and Dal-po lunch with Chan-soo, and he swears by his conscience that he never accept a bribe. He says he does this for Dal-po, because he feels bad begins about these rumors back in high school; He also knows what this case means Dal-po on a personal level.

In-ha is relieved and says that she knew he would not be bought so easily, and hiccups prompt. I love the side view of Dal-po. He totally depends on her dry out and says he Chan-soo completely familiar, heh.

conscience aside, Chan-soo is not shamelessness, and invites them this weekend for a housewarming party on gifts obligatory. You remind him that he lived for three years at this location, but he counters that they were not over.

Dal-po and In-ha head home, and Grandpa says Dal-po that he brought more of his clothes from his apartment. In set-ha runs into Dal-po help up get his teeth to brush, but then the second it leaves the bathroom, switching to his right hand. Omo, Lying Liar!

In-ha Steps to say back in something and catches him red-handed and looked completely guilty with his toothbrush out of his mouth and his arm barely hanging in a sling.

She asks him why he lied-he was afraid that she would ask him to leave when he turned everything better? Please do not say that is the reason! That would make me cry. In-ha asks knowingly whether it is not better off with Dad and Grandpa and her.

She wonders if he still feels guilty towards Hyung, but he says that is not the reason is ... if he did not say why he is hesitating either. In-ha his slingshot throwing in the garbage and tells him just to stay, so must make that they are no longer on him only eat breakfast sad, and he leaves a small sigh, looking at the family photo on his nightstand.

Chan-soo and his wife on the mountain of gifts from chaebol Mama, together with the massively thick envelope of money to him that she has to go slackjawed. He begins to waver, but Dal-po made sure with a camera Hyun-kyu to send the scene, and when it gets tough, Chan-soo rejects bribery and explains that he is a policeman and will not be bought.

chaebol Mama has another seat, and this time she decides she plays beautifully finished. She says that it is time to do things their way, and from the ominous look she gives, I think, involves their way scorched earth. Beom-jo hears her door to all of this with tears down his face and whimpering alone: ​​"Please, mother ... stop ..."

Song Cha-ok is completely fired by MSC, but it doesn 't seem all that bring the message of peace. In-ha finds her sleeping in the office, and Mama says only that they never really slept for fifteen years and suddenly everything they want is to do is to sleep.

If In-ha starts to go, Mama grabs her hand and asks her to just stay a little longer, to block the sun from her eyes, and In-ha stays. Mom never once opened his eyes all the time, but she squeezes hand resting Add-ha.

Dal-po finds In-ha in thought at the station lost, and asks if she's okay. She says she is but ejects a little hiccup, realizing that they do not.

Dal-po her tight hugs and In-ha says tearfully.. "I should have you so then hugged Even though you told me not to worry or comfort do your or anything I should hug you have. "YES. Yes, you should have. Okay, I do not know about you, but I feel better now that she said that.

Later that night at the station, Dal-po asks if Yoo-rae wants Chan-soo housewarming to carpooling, but she gets all ask huffy why they should ride with him and his girlfriend. She says she is quick with her pal los, who says he is busy, and then in a moment of desperation, she asks Gyo-dong, if he wants to go.

He stuns both say yes, and they just stare and stare, wondering why he would walk on the earth-warming party for her boyfriend. Dal-po looking back and forth between them and asks why she invited him, and she admits that she never thought he would say yes.

It is even more difficult when they get there, and ask why Dal-po his boss during Gyo-dong stuffs his face brought with meat In-ha whispers. Chan-soo tells them dismissed on corruption and notes that Dal-po administration is terribly modest, although he adds that it's better than some people who came up empty handed. Oh no, Cap, is not it!

In-ha from the mouth asks, "I thought you said your back was totally cool!" And Dal-po buries his head in shame ,

After dinner, Gyo-dong can not take his eyes of Yoo-rae as cute selcas takes Chan-soo son. Meanwhile, In-ha and Dal-po watch the baby and marvel at Chan-soo family picture and wondered how they made such a big family at their age.

Chan-soo woman snapped pictures of them with the baby and tells them they can do it also. Yes, please, with many great-grandchildren for Opa!

for their after-dinner entertainment, Chan-soo cues falls the band their old quiz show competition and Yoo-rae pine Dal-po looking so cozy to see , Dal-po whining in protest, but they insist to watch it on.

Beom-jo comes outside Chan-soo house, but when he sees that everyone is over and a great time, he turns to leave back. Dal-po serves him outside the window to see and makes run to catch him a beer before it's gone.

Beom-jo admits that he came from Chan-soo ask to forgive his mother, but he didn 't realize everyone else here would. He is firm, because there is not much he can do, he knows that his mother does not excuse remorse or feel, but then he does not have the courage to turn in his own family as Dal-po did.

Dal-po says he does not intend to convince Beom-jo to turn on his family, because he knows better than anyone how difficult it is , He says that it's been a while since he go of revenge and let hatred.

course Beom-jo thinks he only says that he feel better, but Dal-po suddenly takes a step closer and engages Beom-jo at the shoulders and says, "Seo Beom-jo, I like you "Beom-jo shrugs it off and Dal-po laughs:".. and I like more in-ha So much so that every second of every minute that passes is precious "

Beom-jo scoffs, that he is the wrong person confessing, but Dal-po finished his sentence: he says he wasting done on revenge and hate the time and just want a "Because time is precious, I let it go.." to be reporters who can say good good, and bad is bad. Good for you.

He goes Hyung in prison to visit and says the same thing, and says that it is so easy sad for forgiveness and letting go. But he could feel how are Song-Cha-ok, and do not want to lose sight of the things that are important in his life.

Hyung tells him that Dal-po does not have to let go of the permission, and says he lost the right to hate or forgive when he became a murderer someone. He reminds Dal-po never losing the right to, and Dal-po nods softly.

Beom-jo everything is dressed up for the big ceremony for the new shopping center, the chaebol builds Mommy, and she finds practicing her speech. He is somber today and told his mother that he never knew she worked tirelessly as to offer, which he enjoyed in life.

He hugs it, and she tells him frankly that he does not need to know these things, and it can only go on that to enjoy life , Everything he says in response is: "I'm sorry, Mother."

Yoo-rae shows the images of the housewarming her mate, and they find Gyo-dong in the background on them in more than staring some of the shots. So broken, age. You wonder what's wrong with him, and Yoo-rae agrees that he being weird lately.

Beom-jo goes to prison Motorcycle Boy to visit (of the news station attacked with a nail gun), and executes itself. Curiously, it gave only the news that he is good, and not worry about what he was promised. What are you doing, Beom-jo?

In-ha is surprised when Dal-po only tells her about Beom-jo back to his mother pretends side and having a hard time, and she notices that they misunderstood him. assigned Both get chaebol Mama sod to cover today, though for entirely different purposes.

Dal-po is said to get interviews with so many politicians conspired as he can, while dependent in-ha, do a fluff promotional piece. It revels that their work is a big fake, and wonders whether she should stop. Dal-po reminds them that they bear to hear, and it tugs at his cheeks in frustration because it is easy for him to say when he works for YGN. Touché.

Beom-jo goes to the police station and smiles wistfully a pair of rookie reporters sitting on the steps to see how he and In-ha used. Aw, people were so nice back then. He runs into In-ha on their way out and gives her a smile, and she wonders if she worried for nothing, because he looks happy.

He tells her that he does not go to his mother ceremony today, and says that if it happens to interview his mother, a message from him to mediate. We do not hear the message, but the next thing we know, Beom-jo goes to detective chief and says that he is here to confess his crimes. What. Omg, that's how you're going to take your mother?

Yoo-rae listens as Beom-jo admits Motorcycle Boy attacks on YGN and MSC to order. He repeated what he heard his mother say, and it all fits, including his visit to the prison, certifying that they made contact.

One after another, the politicians who are on the way chaebol Mama support received word that Beom-jo turned only of attempted murder, and they all turn their cars around the hell out of dodge get. The groundbreaking ceremony will be delayed, and everyone wonders where all the guests.

chaebol Mommy secretary runs on the stage to the news about Beom-jo whispering her ear, and then a second later, Dal-po gets a call from Gyo-dong that Beom-jo introduced himself. phones go around them, and in-ha can not believe it, as Dal-po tells her.

The Dawning her now, because he was to pass these along a message strange desire of Beom-jo preparatory. pushing Reporter chaebol mom and she just goes dully registered without any of them, that is, to In-ha pipes up to tell her that she has a message from Beom-jo.

We, as seen on this day are in-ha's message earlier than in-ha now transferred to his mother

Beom-jo: "I have responsibilities to my mother for everything I have enjoyed in life and will enjoy in the future. I'm sorry, I did not know, and let them alone. and from now on I will always be with my mother. "

tears fill his mother's eyes and cameras go all around them like the other reporters when wondering which means that they in on it, and if that's what in-ha says is true. Your colleague from another station telling everyone that they have a Pinocchio-it's all true. Beom-jo mother just asks where her son is in front is led into her car away.

In-ha sighs in his hand on the microphone, knowing that her interview it will never make in the MSC to the air. But Dal-po looks around and tells her not to worry, because all the other channels will be broadcast.

He seems calm until Beom-jo finally ended his confession and calls him back, and to be Dal-po rails at him crazy. Beom-jo says this will be his last call before going to jail, and Dal-po says everything to rush him back and take.

Beom-jo says this is the only way, and begins to cry when he says Dal-po that he his mother should have pressured him in to turn ". you said you were crazy should you hated me," he says when Dal- po had, it could ignore his conscience was to have easier and endure a little longer.

Beom-jo, he does not say another reason, he just wants to tell the truth, and say, good is good and bad is bad, such as Dal-po wants to do. "I know it was only for a short time, but I was also a reporter."

Dal-po eyes fill with tears, and he asks why Beom-jo goes so far. Beom-jo: "I told you before that I'm on your side how much I would be on your side, to go so far." He adds, half-jokingly, "Do you want me now believe"

Dal-po: "I thought the first time, you crazy bastard."


Ugh, heartbreaking bromance, where did you come from? If the crazy bastard line give someone the urge to watch again School 2013 ? The show the best man-love declarations had, I swear. The emotion in this last scene makes me regret that Beom-jo and Dal-po bromance in the series was underdeveloped, because it clearly had so much potential. Beom-jo just spent a lot of time on his unrequited love for In-ha concentrated, but I really liked it much better when the two boys were working together or even get in fights. (Although, of course, my favorite moments were are funny where Dal-po gave him a hard time to be about a spoiled braggypants.) The same applies to Yoo-rae, who spent too long for Dal-po pining when they might have been freaking adorable with Gyo-dong budding relationship more attention early on been.

But I'll take what I can get, because this episode a satisfying turn for almost any of our characters was. I have not Beom-jo expect the case for mom to take crime, but it is clear that he ever felt guilty because he found out the truth that in a more direct way, she told him that his life of luxury was [1945032Grund] that it has done everything (in its entirely misspent, crazy sociopathic way), and it says a lot about his character that he felt guilty for the happiness that they stole from others to give it.

He need not penance quite how to do this, but it is a smart way, the one thing chaebol Mama really loves to take: her son. It really seemed as if she would never feel remorse, or admit to doing wrong, but with her baby on the line, it could only take responsibility for their actions. We will see how it plays in the final, but I think that for the most part, we have killed all our dragons and all our Domino set to fall into place; we are likely to a swift conclusion and an epilogue that each storylines wraps, which is fine with me.

Today's result takes the subject of one of Aesop fables to take off a battle between the North Wind and the Sun a traveler to make his coat. No matter how hard the wind is blowing, it is only wrap the traveler makes his cloak tighter, but all have to do the sun is shining down, and the man grabs his coat because it's warm. There is convincing a fable about, with kindness toward someone to force the hand that we see play twice: first, as Dal-po refrains from assessing Beom-jo and him not on his mother to turn pressure, and when Beom -jo chooses to sacrifice to know that a show of his mother's love more than any attempt to move down would bring. It is the theme of the show as a whole in many ways.

There were a few punches that I really liked in this episode. The first was the regret of the Add-ha, that they too stupid Dal-po stupid guilt-driven requirements did not hear them, to keep him or comfort him or do anything. Because he there for them now in the back, and they have been around both wiser this time. It is so easy to realize that a hug is everything when you are lost and hurting, but I like to point it out bothered that they should not listen to him because to him and only been anyway , They had some frustrating moments along the way, but it was satisfying to see that they have come far enough to look beyond the stiff upper lip and know when "I'm okay" not "I'm okay", without hiccups, to prove it.

But best of all was Dal-po growth going while learning his revenge to leave and to forgive. Not because Song Cha-ok or anyone else deserves forgiven-they are to be paid to law for the crimes committed they deserve, but because Dal-po need to live another life of his brother. A person has the error to live his life for revenge, and everything he has now regret. I do not know why Hyung always let him carry this burden, but I think the important thing is that he made to his own figures, that he can not live with hatred his life. And it's not something morally higher ground, which makes it clear that-it's just love. He loves In-ha so much that the time seems like a waste spent doing something else. He also has to love his father and grandfather. And news to report. And to make babies go if they compete with Chan-soo. For once, I'm glad that most of the conflict in the rear view mirror is to go with a sequence to the left, because it was better bucket cuteness had to be in the finals to be, and heard no time for anything else, ya?

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Lee Jong-seok Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio

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