Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 4 -

Hee-ja and Jung-ah center stage as they deal with the consequences of her accident. They struggle with their conscience as they try to figure out what to do next, accidentally pull Wan in with them. Despite the mass of the sequence around these two aunts, the other characters have their time in the spotlight, to remember that there are still many more stories yet to be fully explored.

EPISODE 4 RECAP - [1945009"PleaseIbegyoudonotactlikeusknow"]

Jung-ah and Hee-ja merry road trip is cut short when they hit something in the road. Both women are as the miracle, shocked, what - or who - take it. Jung-ah rises out of the car to see and falls to the ground when it detects that there is indeed a person. Hee-ja creeps closer to investigate, but when she sees come to them lights in the fog, she hurries Jung-ah back to the car.

The women keep silence as they make their surprisingly uneventful way down the road. When an ambulance passes by, lights and sirens blaring as it makes its way to the scene of the crime, Jung-ah can not handle the stress and pulls over, not to drive longer able.

Wan and Yun-ha are in the middle of their video calls, and she tells him that she likes him. She hesitates for a moment before adding that she misses his legs, but she thought she should say nothing, worried that it might harm him. He asks her when she misses his legs most, and there is every time she thinks of him.

playfully wrestles In a flashback, Yun-ha pre-accident with Wan on their common bed. On the square, they laugh and dance to the music of a street band. Wan further confess that she missed when she talked, laughed, jumped and ran. But they also like him as he is now, also. Yun-ha admits that things were better then, but he smiles when he says it's much better now that they can talk about it. You can talk about his legs and their memories. While it dismaying he can not go, it would be all the more annoying when they had together about her past to forget.

He adds that he still loves her. He did not urge to come back - he wants them to know that he is still interested. Wan does not respond, and it counts in jest until the next change of topic down when she says, suddenly, that she still loves him.

Despite her confession, he knows that they can not come back to him. Nevertheless, she loves him. He gently touched the computer screen, where her face is as close as it can be at this moment. Then he brings to Dong-jin. Aaah, why would you do that and ruin the moment?

He knows that it is just to avoid the question, and she proves it pointedly by calling Dong-jin and asks him if he is nearby. She says Dong-jin, she speaks to Yun-ha, wondered if he is jealous. But Dong-jin reminds them that he is a married man, so there is no point in being jealous.

He comes to her apartment, and is just entering its passcode when Nan-hee appears. She is surprised that he knows the pass code, and he tells her that Wan texted him, so that he could without disturbing penetrate her while she works. Nan-hee tells him to go forward - but it's just so they can see the passcode for yourself. Pfft.

Wan is not exactly thrilled to see give Mom with Dong-jin, but if Mom hears call Yun-ha from the computer, it is happy with to entertain him. She is surprised that it's been so long since she's seen him - more than five years since she visited Wan in Slovenia. She asks him why he did not marry Wan (oh, mothers ...), and he says it's because Wan not like younger men and he was tired of begging them.

Mom is still in Match Maker Mode when Wan it starts from the computer, but Yun-ha wants to "hello" to say to Dong-jin. He asks him how his wife and children, and falls Dong-jin's face. It is at this point Wan finally shuts down the feed. Wan asks if Dong-jin wants to grab a beer, but he says that he just take the manuscript at her and leave worked. The Mom fits very well because they are not approved by Wan with a married man for a drink nightlife. She tells him to his family to return to Korea and he agrees politely as he exits.

Mom wonders if Dong-jin is still the playboy that he was in school. Apparently Wan and he previously used at that time, but she broke up with him because he cheated on her, or so confirmed Mom. Wan wants to know if they leave now, and Mama grumbles that her daughter has time for a drink with Dong-jin but can not even have a moment to talk to her left.

alone in her home, Wan tried again to get now to work. But Hee-ja and Jung-ah stop calling. Finally, she answers her cell phone, surprised that Hee-ja used Jung-ah-phone. Hee-ja asks Wan since they come and pick Jung-ah can no longer drive. Wan grumps that the aunts would call their own children, rather than to drop on their counting everything and take care of it.

Hee-ja says that none of her children answer, and tell her that if there is such a problem, then they should not come. They will freeze only in the cold. Gee, thanks, mom guilt. Suk-gyun tries also calls Jung-ah, but she refuses to answer. He believes they just particularly stubborn, and he sleeps uninvolved.

Wan is finally borne by their aunts down, and though she never complains about it to leave alone and which possessed they would go on to this time of the night, they will still go and save they attracted.

Nan-hee is with her mother, and as she tends the fire, she scolds an invisible boy fought that, though it might be, as happened is, he said then back, then why she is still friends with Sook-hee? This is a grudge she wants to give up.

If Grandma and her husband come Nan-hee, angry grandma that he does not stay in his room and persists in following her wherever he goes. Nan-hee recalls that her father apologizing just for all the years he tried other women followed in their stead. Granny does not seem his attention too much to mind when she him carefully nurtured some of its potato and tried to test him on his knowledge of the Korean alphabet (as a result of an accident, he no longer has the mental skills he used to ). Nan-hee says that Granny should accept his forgiveness and did not regret it, as she did after her husband died.

Nan-hee calls Young-Won, who is filming between scenes, wanted to know why she is still friends with Sook-hee. Exhausted, says Young-won to stop by when she is not working, and they can then talk. It ignores other calls from Nan-hee and Hee-ja, as she sits in her car to rest, to ask her manager, to move them to their next few scenes, because they do not feel very good.

Annoyed Wan travels Hee-ja and Jung-ah home, wanted to know why her to go to the nursing home in the middle of the night in the first place decided. Do they think that they can easily be ordered around, whenever they want, but do not worry their precious children? Is it just a slave to them?

But the aunts are silent in the back seat, staring out their respective windows. Wan noted her uncharacteristic silence, assuming that it is at age exhaustion due. She takes Hee-ja home first, but both aunts out of the car and enter the house, not even give a look back at Wan. She scolds how ungrateful they are, as it slides the car keys under the door.

Jung-ah still stunned, so Hee-ja is the one who prepares the ceiling for them and then snuggles in beside asking her if she needs something to eat or drink. But then suddenly realizes that she something, and throwing the springs out of bed as she murmurs her jacket, "Blood, blood, blood," under his breath.

She grabs a torch and heads outside, while a confused Jung-ah follows, but she struggles when Hee-ja the bloodstain on the front of the car, unmatched shows in the dark. Jung-ah gets some rags from the trunk while Hee-ja gets the hose, and between them, they scrub blood.

A whistle catches their attention and they interrupt their car late night details only to see the friendly Mark Smith on the way home. He greets the ladies friendly and Hee-Jung-ah reassured that he did not not know Korean, so there is no way he can report it, even if he wanted. Pffft. Quit hurry their clean-up job and Jung-ah drives away, while Hee-ja her puzzled neighbor told to go home.

Morning Jung-ah preparing breakfast, but they Evening back to the accident continues to blink yesterday, the memories of which they unsettle. She introduces herself to be locked up in prison, and when she walks down the hall, she looks through the window-bars from the prison of her mother in a nursing home cell dies.

Suk-gyun his authority claimed by the question whether Jung-ah can come and go whenever they want - why do not they go this morning, instead of their friends houses for one, or do they hate, the them, too? Finally, Jung-ah, it loses as Suk-gyun offending on, and it throws the whole bowl of kimchi at him. She stomps on the couch and flops down on them. Stunned Suk-gyun asks gone mad, and she just throws a pillow at him, to ask him what he would do if she had it.

hee-ja tries to get under control and their nerve to repeat a mantra "act just normal." But when suddenly the phone rings, she suddenly jumps her lipstick on her cheek instead of sending her lips. It's Choong-nam to ask what they should do. Hee-ja thinks she talks about the hit-and-run last night, but Choong-nam actually talks about Gi-ja who harass with questions it considers what is really happening with Hee-ja husband.

Once Hee-ja clear that this is not about what happened last night, she just screams at Choong-nam to tell her everything that is true, and it may be to the police to her Report if she wants! Amazed by Hee-ja hangs up on her, Choong-nam looks Dong-jin of only walk and she flags him. But then she realizes he does not know who she is, although he is the married man knows who likes Wan.

When Wan before you collect the clothes from the night, she notices blood on her pants. It purifies it, confused about how it got there. They also recognize that they in Jung-ah car her phone to the left. You have to deal with grumpypants Suk-gyun, to retrieve it, but after she does, she encounters in the exact same location on the car, which she did last night -. On the same level where the mysterious bloodstain appeared on her pants

you carefully examine the car, but it is not signed by the blood on the fender. Wan looks closer, some traces in the hubcap noticing. Remembering how unsettled the aunts were last night, Wan does not begin to recognize something right.

The Church confesses Hee-ja to a priest who looks like he made the seminar is fresh, to tell him that she killed someone. She confesses to every detail of the crime, and the baby-faced priest does his best to contain his astonishment when he perhaps encouraged to confess to one of the experienced priests who would be better equipped to deal with it.

But Hee-ja content to realize your answer already has - God is forgiving and with her He is still at any moment, no matter what happens. It tells the priests instead to pray for the victims. And to eat more because it looks little thin. Pfft.

When she leaves the church, Seung-jae enters, she gently grabbed her arm. But she goes on to ignore him. Baby-faced priest asks if Seung-jae is still a legal adviser.

Suk-gyun eating dinner and laugh at the skits on television. Jung-ah sitting him with his back and stared straight ahead, unseeing. He was amused at the thought that Hee-ja and Seung-jae slept together when they were younger, and Jung-ah leaves the room to answer her phone. Or rather, they do not answer when she sees it from Hee-ja.

This switches the TV in time to catch the news, and the reporter describes a relentless hit-and-run that happened last night. It is not Jung-ah and Hee-ja Hit-and-run, but its enough for Jung-ah their terrifying memories. In the morning, when she goes to her daughter the apartment, Jung-ah says Hee-ja, that it is not in order. Hee-ja says that it is really their fault because they told her to give to the gas, but Jung-ah indicates she was driving, so they criminals.

HEE yes tried to compose letters to their children, but they can not think of anything to say that has not already been said. Makes you a can of food for the kitten in front of her house, and then collides with Seung-jae. He says firmly her that she knows who he is, they know that he is a lawyer, and he knows what happened that night. He gives her his card and told her to call him or he will just continue to show up.

In a voice-over, Wan says that after the accident, Hee-ja realized many things. She realized that she was just lonely and that they do not really want to die. Instead, she was grateful that she could live to see the outside world. They also realized that their children were quite well without them, and that God be with her wherever she went. Assumption of debt for Jung-ah made her happy because it alleviated Jung-ah pain and saved their friendship.

Wan admits that she does not understand it, and wonders if, when age is Hee-ja, they'll then begin to understand, too.

Min-ho is the treatment of Hee-ja to a movie date, and it's nice how his wife teases him that since he made with another woman, so it should not come tonight home. When he asks why his mother chose an animated film, she says she is the one to pay for them to see what they want.

She sleeps during the movie and when he gently resting her head on his shoulder, he saw the cotton candy in her lap. It reminds him of the time when she would take him to the amusement park when he was a child and buy him the same sweet treats. Wan tells us that Min-ho realized at that moment that his mother might like the way melt cotton candy melts in the mouth. That's why he sat with her through four screenings of the film, just so he could keep it a little longer.

Jung-ah's busy Kimchi for Soon-Young, who says she done enough of the day, so they can just go. But Jung-ah raises her knife, asking why she treated her mother worse than a maid. Always hiding in her room or sleeping - she was not able to for weeks to see her daughter's face properly

When Soon-young cries it only. out, roars Jung-ah, that it as soon as it cleans, and dumps the angry bowl of kimchi. In its irritated state, they do not even notice that their shoes do not match - one of them must be Soon-Young. After her mother's gone, Soon-young fills quickly a suitcase with clothes and jewelry.

Jung-ah messages ignored by her other daughters, complaining that it is too late and ruining their budgets. She also gets a call from her mother nursing home, informs them that Jung-ah mother no longer has much time. Maybe more than one month. Jung-ah agrees vague that they should visit soon.

Soon-young surprises Young-won in her office showing, but Young-Won is pleased another of her look "nieces." She is also surprised when Soon-young asks for money. They beg not, though, as it attracts the fancy jewelry, explained they are worth a few thousand, at least.

When Jung-won their account number is required, Soon-young urgent, according to bar must be. Young-Won senses something is wrong, and how they gently pull engages Soon-Young's hair from her face, the younger woman rebounds to carefully hide the bruises.

Wan in the publishing office, trying to complete their translation project. But the new environment is not helping her focus, either, as it holds at night thinking about the aunts. You googling the intersection Hee-ja told her, but there is no news of an accident. Phew. Then Wan investigated close to another crossing that you find only reports the hit-and-run.

She drives out there for themselves, to see, to ask the banner for all witnesses to the crime to notice. The chalk outlines and the bloodstains from the body are still on the road, and Wan fully realizes what happened that night. It is confirmed when they sit on the side of the road Jung-ah looks, lost in thought.

Driving back to Seoul, Jung-ah says quietly that she thinks an old man got in a car accident. But at least it was not a young adult or a child, is not it? Wan kicks get a cup of tea, but the despondent Jung-ah, she says not. As Wan on parrots, Jung-ah tells her to be at ease.

After she arrives at her house, taking Jung-ah bloody rags from the trunk of the car and continue on foot, ignoring her husband calls to ask why they did not come inside. Wan sets help to their business with the frustration of her aunts also some road rage pent. In a voice-over, Wan informed us that she was angry at the moment for her, she had already decided to turn in.

Hee-ja tries to convince Jung-ah, that they take full'll blame, but Jung-ah insists that they fit together. When Hee-ja slips one of their crucifixes in her purse, Wan tells us that Hee yes-did not have to worry about all matters before they turned into.

to stop for a cup of tea before going to the station, and for a split moment, it feels like it could be like old times. Wan continues its Voice-over to inform us that Jung-ah decided originally never even turn. What was beating the damage in an old man die soon? Your life, with its cold-hearted daughters, selfish man and dying mother was pitiable when the old man's life.

But that was before she Wan back into town went, and when she saw the rearview mirror, she realized that she is an old lady herself. Would they deserve to be on the road killed? , No, she decided, what if the debt assumed

Because the aunts drink their tea, Hee-ja you say that at the police station, they will say they did it - unlike Jung ah, she has nothing to lose. You order a cup of tea, determined to enjoy the hot drink to make as long as possible for their cold and unhappy life.

They call Wan, to let them know they are on the way to the police station to tell her they are sad and they wish her well. Memories, such as those always having them rush to care would complain through her mind as she hurries to find. She realizes that her aunts are not shameless, after all - they fought for over 70 years in order to survive, and regrets to pretend to know everything, as it criticized

it is too late. . When she arrives at the café, they are already gone. Wan tells us that if she had been there with them, instead of tea, she would burgundy Hee-ja have given and Jung-ah your favorite dark beer.

At the police station to find strength and confirmation as they hold hands, aunts confess their crimes.


Oh, my aunts! The "Thelma and Louise" pair have been my favorite since the beginning, it was observed a tough episode. While the trauma of being responsible for hit-and-run must not be underestimated, it still hurts the lively Jung-ah so discouraged to see. But it was amazing how the delicate Hee-ja suddenly one step observe forward and become a fierce protector of her friend.

From what we have seen so far, it seems like Jung-ah was always just for Hee-ja and to take care of them, shielding them from any trouble or bad news. But now it has to be time for Hee-ja strong friend, to bear the burden and make life easier for her friend. From the moment she tried instinctively to offer Jung-ah a hard candy right after the first accident to when she realized that the blood on the car would be a giveaway to decide that it would be better for them to blame to observe to shoulder, I loved and in control of the situation you step

While I go to jail not one of the two aunts want -. their adventure just beginning was! - Hee-ja to see peace in that while her family and friends she would miss, it was not necessary in every life as Jung-ah needed was incredibly moving. Her simple faith in the faith and the gift they made gift what a terrible moment could be quite at her friend. Their friendship is one of my favorite relationships on the show - the kind of friendship that sometimes you can just about, the bosom friend dream that will be with you until the end, no matter what happens. The kind of friendship that only grows stronger over the years, outlasting spouses and children, impermeable, which can have life on it. As long as they can hold hands, they can survive anything.

Despite these two most of the screen-takes time (and my heart), the other aunts had their small but important moments. I love that she her GED gets her age, Choong-nam and no shame or regret felt when one considers to be like the rest at the same level, the student (and complain if they do not allow their homework , copy). to let I am confident that Jung-ah daughter finally tried to escape her abusive husband, and it seems like Young-won auntie's children will feel comfortable when they need something, but do not want to know their parents about it ,. Although, I am concerned that Young-won exhaustion will be a little more at the end - to be fair, if there ever was a drama where I would like to accept a cancer grounds, it would be this, as it would be at least statistically accurate , Then there are Nan-hee - it would Yun-ha tease not marry about her daughter if she knew the truth about his legs

The secondary characters also deserve some love ?. Lee Kwang-soo is quite there yet fantastic. I know him mostly in roles that appear similar to his jokes and abrasive Running Man character, so when I first heard about his cameo, I thought it would be more of the same. Instead, it is a pleasure to see him play a quiet, gentle way. The scene in the movie was so exquisitely delicate, and probably my favorite moment of the episode. He could run the gamut of emotions one experiences to portray with such delicacy, as one realizes that the person used one to idolize and look up to, is actually fragile and delicate and can not be forever.

But let us hope that they will be around for a little while longer. I will not rest until happy Jung-ah finally gets with her best friend to see her side the world.

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tags: love My friends, in Go du-shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye-ja, Na Mun-hee, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung

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