Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 12 -

This week is all about trust, whether it is to trust us to tell the truth, just to feel our confidence crushed in the same way as we do, or just trust in our family, because we love our friends. It can be a dangerous thing to believe in someone, because it could be, secrets we want might not uncover. But it's time to grow up and stand the music, and the characters we love will all be better for it.


rewind We on the roof, where Gong Shim to Dan their heartfelt confession makes -Tae, just to hear how he apologize and carefully reply that he is not their feelings can accept. Jun-su, who is already behind them are unnoticed all this time, quietly leaves as Gong Shim eyes fill with tears.

The knowledge, it has been rejected only sound, Gong Shim goes quiet around Dan-tae and stumbles down to her room where she rolls under her blanket together. Dan-tae is left alone, fighting his own feelings back.

After Gong Shim exit, Jun-su on the roof supplies to confront Dan-tae, but our usually cheerful lawyer looking decidedly shaken. Dan-tae, not knowing that Jun-su overheard everything, asks in this promised from beer and said he is feeling not very good. Jun-su takes in his distressed look and agrees meet again.

The next morning both dawns to find Gong Shim and Dan-tae sit on their respective floors to have a twinkle not slept all night. Finally Gong Shim balanced a big sigh and will to the market through the head.

After her shopping statements Gong Shim goes back home, arms full of groceries, only to come face-to-face with Dan-tae, as he leaves for work. The two stare at each other for a few moments before Dan-tae achieved before, to help them with one of the pockets. Without saying a word, Gong Shim avoids his helping hand and brush past him.

At work, Dan-tae tries Gong Shim to call, but she did not pick up. He jolted out of his dark mood through the office cleaning staff who invite him to sing karaoke after work to come. Unfortunately, Dan-tae other plans, but they are all a quick serenade preview for next time.

Jun-su comes around the corner Dan-tae sing to see and dancing with a big smile on his face - not just the heartbroken man from last night. He faced Dan-tae, who takes on his rejection but misunderstands, thinking Jun-su does not approve of his fooling around at work. Jun-su brush but stopped only by him when Dan-tae calls to ask him if he has not yet found his stolen bag.

The loss of his patience, Jun-su is likely to ask if he wants to know the bag or the lost badge at Dan-tae. He says that Dan-tae seems very curious about this badge must be something that he does not say.

Gong Shim makes a mound of food at home, ignoring the continued calls from Dan-tae the "perverse lawyer." With a newfound determination, she begins Gong Mi clothes from her room clearing, her back to her sister room. Dad moves around her, angry that Gong Mi is this not like and will throw a fit. Gong Shim responds quite well, let her. Woo! Go get 'em, girl!

Gong Shim her father cuts off needling, saying that they have a bed comes in her room tomorrow has and asks her father to put it together, because he had brought together Gong Mis bed.

After moving most things from her sister, Gong Shim grabs a beer and feels emptied to her room. Just as she finished her drink draining she gets a text notification that reunification is the evening of their school today. She muses that she would probably have beer there.

Jun-su calls Gong Shim to furtively to check on her to ask if it does her good. Gong Shim relies on a strong front, and the two make plans to have dinner the next night.

Gong Shim assumes reunification and spends the whole time chugging beer while her classmates ask what's wrong with her. The hype is disturbed by the friend of one of the classmates, showing with a huge bouquet of flowers and suggest it in front of everyone. Gong Shim stares forlornly at the flowers than anyone cheering for the newly engaged a love-shot to do together.

Just like the couple leans in to drink, Gong Shim slams behind them and clinks her glass with their interlocking cups, congratulates them, then go to their entire mug of beer in one shot.

Dan-tae goes home that night and a little boy comes something to look into the dark playground. Dan-tae has views to help, and the boy reveals that he is looking for someone: a Noona with a funny wig. He played hide and seek, but this noona is really good at hiding.

Putting two and two together, Dan-tae send the boy home and starts looking for Gong Shim, she crouched to find behind a bush, rip-roaring drunk. She looks up, as he calls them, to identify him as "Mr. Ahn Dan-tae, who rejected me."

you move to a bank and the strong tipsy Gong Shim takes a list they call all defects Dan-tae wrote. Dan-tae smiles slightly as she starts listing all its negative characteristics: it is dirty, broke, and cheesy. She has to also illustrate an adorable imitating his twinkle his extreme cheesiness.

Dan-tae tries to get them to go home, but Gong Shim stops him, asking straight out why he does not like them. She began her own negative qualities listing; that she is unemployed with a bald head and no brains. Gong Shim apologizes for his ugly and offers to give him the rent rebate, which he originally had even asked. Ooof.

Dan-tae looks like his heart breaks when they all ask for the reasons why it believes they do not like. He finally gets up and tries to take her home, but she keeps him again, almost from the ground, begging, why he rejected it.

Dan-tae begins to say something, but she shrugs off, their ears, and say not to tell her. Then she changes her mind and asks again. A few times between asking waffles and shook his head, to Dan-tae begins to answer their question.

Before he can say two words, Gong Shim and plant reaches a light kiss on Dan-tae. Both stare at each other for a moment before she stutters to never the reason for his refusal to say, then runs away, stunned to leave him.

The next day, Dan-tae and Gong Mi in each run other. Front of the elevators and they are a surly head shaking him to act, to remember how he does not know When comes the elevator Gong Mi, to see to see frightened positive that Jun-su inside

The two come Jun-su in the elevator and he takes the opportunity to introduce two of them, because -. As far as he knows - they do not know each other. After a tense glance, plays Dan-tae along and "presents" itself.

After a tense ride, Dan-tae first and Gong Mi breathes a sigh of relief escapes , Both Jun-su and Mi Gong remain on the lift and a large supply on wheels in the two clamps close together in the corner.

Jun-su, the voltage breaks down and tells Gong Mi, that his mother and grandmother (President Seok biological mother, not the chairman) talk about them forever after they saved his mother from this con artist. When Gong Mi admits that she he enjoys spending time with the women they invited to stop by her house at any time.

President Seok and uncle are on their way to a board meeting as president Seok a spam text inscribed gets "hot video on Yangpyeong Arboretum piping." Uncle is restless, because that's where he attacked Dan-tae's father , He says President Seok that he should delete the video immediately.

Heading into the meeting, they find that all board members have received the same spam. Apparently one of the directors was curious and looked at the video, report to the other, that there is nothing vulgar it.

At this moment, uncle eventually gets the spam message as well. The other muse, someone has to keep their contact information got all while uncle his phone tucks out of sight. Jun-su, was sitting right next to him, clocked his complaints. Is that a glimmer of suspicion in this puppy eyes?

Elsewhere Dan-tae a call from his friend will receive (the same of the "lost" badge supplied) to confirm that he sent the spam messages. Dan-tae opens its own message, clicks on the link and watch a video with Dan-tae's father sitting on the bench in the garden, where he had attacked.

There is another message below reads "Yangpyeong Arboretum Video Original Copy, Direct Deal Price:.. ₩ 3,000,000 morning at 17.00 in the Arboretum. thinking. "Dan-tae that the real culprit is whoever, they will not be able to show, however, to help, and he will then know who attacked his father.

We see check how Dan-tae was able to make the video: he had his father borrowed the clothes and his friend brought his uncle (the much looks like Dan-tae's father) in the Park. They had the uncle assured that it would blur his face, then took a video of him sitting on the bench to take, wearing Dan-tae of the Father clothes. Then composed Dan-tae, the spam message itself and his friend sent it from.

Back to the present, uncle and Jun-su's mother both staring in horror at the video and thought that someone must have taken the whole attack on video. Uncle believes that the same person picked up his badge and now it is blackmail for the money.

Jun-sus mother asks if Dan-tae could do this, because it is his father, who was injured, but Uncle thinks that Dan-tae father never told his son to Jun-pyo. Jun-su mother says she is still uncomfortable to be a secretary in the company with Dan-tae. Uncle promises he'll make sure of Dan-tae, having to do with this blackmailer. He has his sister to make the money ready so that he can deliver it by the 5:00 deadline.

Dan-tae and Jun-su run into each other by the elevators and the atmosphere is tense, to say the least. Dan-tae suggests they have a private conversation, and the two embarrassed to empty boardroom. Both admit that they have not been, and agree with each other truthful to ask and answer some honest questions to try and clear the air.

Dan-tae goes first and asks if it that Jun-su went to a seminar on the day was stolen his bag (and badge) true. Jun-su admits that he was on the seminar, but insists that his bag was actually stolen. Jun-su then asks for the real reason, the Dan-tae tries to find the badge because he knows that there is something more. Dan-tae come clean that he search since Jun-pyo and he believes that the badge who stole is the one who kidnapped the boy.

During Jun-su staggers in this disclosure, Dan-tae, a question arises: When Jun-su did not go to seminary where he was that day? Jun-su admits to meet with investors to try and start a business of his own. He brings Gong Shim and said that she met with him that day, prepare to help him.

The mention of Gong Shim brings the frosty atmosphere between the boys back, especially if Jun-su says that he would like Gong Shim and wants them to be happy. After a silence, the boys reflect that, although their questions answered, they are not even get along quite well.

Jun-su meets Gong Shim for their dinner. You eat in the restaurant, where they won the octopus painting competition. The restaurant owner comes over Gong Shim on her drawing is congratulated on such a huge success with customers - he has even to ask a few people for their contact information

Jun-su asks what they are talking about and. Owner spilled the beans about the competition, which won Gong Shim, his placemat with their octopus shows cartoon. Jun-su is thrilled to hear that and calls for a fresh place mat, which he will then ask to sign Gong Shim. She is confused at first, but Jun-su on the puppy eyes and serious, can not say at this face?

Gong Shim take some leftovers home for their people and Mom nags at Dad Gong Shim of put to bed together. After Gong Shim in her room directs space for their new bed delete Muse her parents that with so much extra food they should Rooftop load down (aka Dan-tae), to join them.

to find Dad heads out Dan-tae and runs into him as he heads up. Dan-tae tries to reject the offer, but Dad grabs his arm and pretty much pushed him into the house.

Gong Shim comes back from her room Dan-tae sit at the table to find. When she gives him her look back at the night before when she kissed him. Mom tells her to join them at the table and both parents are completely oblivious to the awkward atmosphere, as she sits down.

Mom has some subtle swagger to Dan-tae on Gong Shim win the painting competition, complained that she had sent them asking to art school when she had. Dad even gets tears in his eyes about and asks for his sniffles when Dan-tae know how to assemble a bed.

And so Gong Shim with Dan alone will -Tae in her room, as he tries to bring together her bed. After a few moments staring at him, she asks Dan-tae hesitant last night kiss to treat as an accident. He agrees, but then it begins again stared at him.

Gong Shim takes a deep breath and calmly explains that no, it was not an accident. She did it because she wanted to. Dan-tae looks slowly up at her as she continued,

Gong Shim: "From now on, no matter how you act, I will not care matter. if you accept my feelings or not, I tell you, I will not worry about it. if I want to make food, I will. if I want to draw your face, I will. and if I want to talk to you, I'll talk. that's what I will do, so I do not care, and keep your way to go. I'll go my own way. even if you do not give me the signal, I'm still going direct to you. "

then tells him that he wrong the bed assembly and grabs the hand drill from him. Now it's Dan-tae to stare at the series, when Gong Shim, how it operates.

Over in the Villa, Jun-su mother asks him to dinner and a movie date. Jun-su, ever the doting son agrees. Nearby, the Jun-su biological grandmother (not the Chairman) only instead playing Watches jealous and tried their own mother-son day with President Seok to finagle, but he tells her a game on her cell phone.

After work, Jun-su passes to his car, but President Seok calls him to ask for some documents. Jun-su heads to help up his father to find them, but as he out of the elevator, his father gets him calls him was he to let them know, back. Jun-su returns to the car, but the whole incident reminds him as Uncle did exactly the same day that his badge missing

Jun-su starts the items together. His lack of badges, Uncle misleading call Dan-tae warning that Jun-pyo hijacker is the one who stole the badge. He goes back to the office and asked me if it is possible that his uncle could be the culprit.

Jun-su goes directly to President Seok office and roots around in his father's desk, the badge and note they find that it had "found" in the Yeongpyeong Arboretum. Return to his own office, Jun-su pulls out the spam message that he received it on photos of the Arboretum and compares to see in the video is a match for the Bank.

After the position of the video concludes out Jun-su that whoever is sent, the message is trying to get money from the offender. He wonders if he goes the Arboretum in 05:00, he will be able to see who Jun-Pyo kidnapped?

Remembering how uncle had so nervous traded from the spam message directs Jun-su to his office about how leaving his uncle. Friendly as always, Jun-su asks if he wants to drink coffee together, but he says Uncle important plans this afternoon. When Uncle goes away, drops the smile of Jun-su face.

Bald Dan-tae, uncle and Jun-su are all in their separate cars heading to the Arboretum. Dan-tae has to stop for gas, so Jun-su in the garden arrives a few minutes before him. Jun-su finds its way to the meeting point and colleagues around the bushes to see ... his mother.

Shocked, Jun-su duck back behind the green, tears in his eyes as he repeated that this may not be possible. Meanwhile, Dan-tae comes and makes his way to the same place.

Jun-su stumbles away from his mother and begins to walk back up way. In his dazed state he seen no large branch on the ground until he stepped on, a loud popping sound. Dan-tae pivots freezes towards the noise and Jun-su, as the two men close their eyes.


Yeesh, I would not want namgoong min looking like either with me.

I have to say I'm starting to miss the carefree Dan-tae, we all fell in love with. Granted, she's a lie have lived all your life to find out, and then to lose a coma your father, a heavy burden for anyone to be worn with a smile. Nevertheless, the show has taken a decided departure from the happy rom / com and waved in melodrama territory, to be honest, is not so interesting. I would still really Dan-tae uncover the mystery of his own kidnapping, but the darker it gets, the less I feel invested in his character. Namgoong amazing display of goofy-yet-clever Dan-tae was what made this show so unique. It feels a bit like always, since he learned his new identity, he began is turning into a vengeful Seok Jun-Pyo and losing the cheerful Ahn Dan-tae.

but say that I love that we finally are getting a little dark in Jun-su see. So far he has been, the sweet (albeit somewhat naively) chaebol handsome boy with the dog's eyes. It was a big hook for the character, because it seemed the first truly decent 3rd generation chaebol to be in drama country, never, but I'm invested in him so much now that saw some layers are formed. Do not get me wrong, I will never say to his sulking not, but this complexity is much more interesting than swooning only on my computer. Anyone else get a little cold when Uncle went away and melted Jun-sus happy smile to reveal a rather cunning look?

The best part about his transformation that Jun-sus undergoes this change alone; put together the clues, the investigation on its own, following his hunches, even if he had fear of what he would find. I have to see him step up and really not only admit that his uncle might be shady, but then he worked actively to confirm or deny the possibility. He has to take a frank look at his family and is not afraid of what he might find.

Gong Shim also grew this week a little. I was so happy when she took the heartache, moped for one night, it processed, then went on. It seemed as if the push she needed to finally be their own person, the first steps of her sister shade out and disrespect their parents. I rejoiced in fact, when she removed Gong Mi clothes from her room. She was absolutely right: it was not a space fit for one person was sentenced to life

I admit I was not a fan of their determination to pursue Dan-tae, but after I thought. about it, it was not so much to decide, after someone to follow to pine, they refused, but rather a decision to just their own hearts. It is the way they feel even want to feel on their own desires and act, and do not shrink back because someone tells her to leave. It's a good thing that they now, that determination is to be found, because given the revenge path that starts to kick Dan-tae, he'll need help can be found at home again his way. If someone bring the Dan-tae we love, it's this girl.

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 12, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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