Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 5 -

Each episode brings Ho-gu lessons have emerged, although I think that he do only so many teachings, even-hee, if he does not mean to be. Today we get a bit of satisfaction when he stands on its own and what matters to him, even though, of course, has done it in his typically laterally and awkward way. But that's just his charm.


Linus' Blanket - "Kangaroo" from the Ho-gu love OST [ Download ]

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Fifth Foolish Act: "The use Let apartment (m) s"

Do-hee cubs, and Ho is -gu an emotional wreck. He leaves the delivery room sobbing just as a woman wheeled in is, her husband shouted encouraging words to her. He sees Ho-gu to cry, and his concern revolves around alarm at Ho-gu that begins to explain that the delivery room, the babies are ... the babies are ... the man leans excited.

"born ...!" Ho-gu laments, his cries louder. wah wahhhh . The husband inches away.

Over in his bachelor pad, is stuck lawyer Kang-chul go to sleep a difficult time that night, haunted by this text message hinted that a new member has just given birth to his family.

While Do-hee sleeping, Ho-gu tidies her things, and a piece of paper fluttering on the ground. an address is written it on paper memo by Kang-chul of the company is located in Yeosu.

Do-hee wakes, so Ho-gu paper bags. Asks overslept for a fish-shaped sweet rolls, and Ho-gu he takes with a smile. He goes home, because he has no money for a taxi, and colleagues in Ho Kyung rooms. He begins tenderly her to call his "lovable little sister" as they kick him in her sleep to him in the groin nailing, as he wrestles on the word "adorable."

Next, he looks into his sleeping parents and gets tears as he puts his hand on his mother's stomach, the pain they endured think him born to give. Then Mom wakes up, sees a figure in black touching her stomach, and freaks out, attack Ho-gu with its cushion.

Ho Kyung runs in ready with a hair dryer to hit the intruder on the head, and then silenced the shouting as they know who it is. They stare blankly at Ho-gu, who just rolls up to his mother's belly and said, "It must've so difficult for you ..."

Meanwhile Kang-chul keeps attention to this text message staring , In Hospital Do-hee looks at her baby in its incubator in, a curious (dark?) Wearing expression on her face.

At the breakfast table, Ho-gu takes in his food depressed looking, and ask his family trades, looking back and forth, what's going on. You have a silent conversation in increasingly wild gestures, although Ho-gu head remains bent over his rice bowl, while the family suspected that he was dumped by a girl.

"that's not it," Ho-gu says they surprise everyone with the following. He explains that it is not the things that it is guessed, and that he was only born grateful and excited, and that this is his family. That makes his family well with tears as Ho Kyung calendar checked wondered if they changed the date for the day of the parents.

Despite Ho-gu statements, Ho Kyung reported mother that his friends after webtoon problems was him and they managed only hardly to persuade their editor to let them carry on. (There is a running gag that Ho Kyung is not recognizable with their full face of makeup, and has polished up based on the way Mom up, it must be a family thing.)

But Mama interpreted Ho-Gu else to cry, thinking it will be asked much more significant by something. She remembers Dad cry so when his children were born, although Ho Kyung sniffs that Mom waaay overvalue Ho-gu, if she thinks he'd father a child in it. Mama laughs, that's true.

Ho-gu found by her family name plate at the gate of his father and wonders why it is name only in Mom, and why Dad always answered phones or make dinner reservations with their name instead of his own. Dad leans in a secret to share that he saved for Ho-gu wedding: "Women are much more amazing creatures than men." Aw. Better yet is the way Ho-gu takes him quite seriously, to ask: "Really?"

Dad points out how women than men much nicer (and as Ho Kyung proof is that, even if one is not necessarily right, are Women of transformation capable), and moreover, women give birth. Dad says, "If you see a child once born, you'll think like me, Oh, I'd better listen to what women say ."

Ho-gu fully understands and ends Papas sentences for him about how it is to cut the umbilical cord, and how babies are amazing. Dad wonders how Ho-gu knows this, and Ho-gu makes hastily an excuse about the view it in manhwa books.

Then Dad Ho-gu some money, and the first thing that Ho-gu does is this hot buns buy Do-hee wanted. A TON of them. He passes out of the hospital staff to make its way to Do-hee, reading through the long series of distressed texts from their manager.

Ho-gu gives her cheerful snacks she says with the other mothers to share, and forward to distribute the remainder. He makes a slip of the tongue and says "our baby" before catching himself, and Do-hee's voice is hard, when she asks why he can see every company has their baby.

She reminds him that he would remain only as a friend and emergency contact until she had her baby. He understands that she asks him to leave, and agrees to go clumsy. Do-hee has to thank him and promised him to recompense for all he has done for them.

Ho-gu leaves with a heavy heart, but heading ends to see anyway, at first sight in love again in her baby. He takes the note from Do-hee jacket and recalls its overnight beach visit and had said as Do-hee, she had to get surgery to get rid of a small lump.

Do-hee reaches for a hot roll, and the bite is so hot that it reaches for her water to send the whole bunch in the trash. That is when Ho-gu returns, and he sees them sitting in the trash. AWW.

He asks if the reason why she wanted to go primarily to Yeosu was to maintain its operation. She admits that she would have an abortion, and he asks only: "Why?" If she says that she could not have it that she did not want it. Do-hee blurts out that the news of her having a baby would have ruined her life, and that it is "just a mistake" on the parents.

Ho-gu simply takes the bag of rolls from the trash to tell her: "that are not so buns you just throw away." You had not even noticed they would like, and he is emotionally, as he says his parents worked hard so that he could buy them. So even if they do not want it, they should not only to throw it. He takes them and says not to repay his favor her:

Do-hee watches left him chastened and tears in his eyes, "Because I no longer want to see you.".

In a courtroom, asking a lawyer if it is a crime for a single woman to have a baby, arguing that her client unlawful only a child that was fired. Kang-chul is opposing counsel to defend the employer, and he takes his part in the court.

Kang Chul-refers to an instance when the single-motherhood, the applicant in the economy out consequences for their businesses. She admits that it did, but as she tells her story, then it is clear, all in the courtroom or almost all-that there extenuating circumstances, because their contact in an agreement insulted her, said, that it was not fit operations treat when they "could not even manage their own bodies" (to you know not pregnant while being single). The audience gasp in sympathy, and it is understandable that her temperament made her to speak again, and the deal fell through.

But Kang-chul is inflexible, in hammering that they have to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions as go through the deal making is not slandered retrospectively. He calls her cold "irrational" for a single mother in the first place (that therefore is a sign of their impaired judgment), since this is an abnormal condition that no one would choose in their sane mind. Oh, you're the worst kind of ass-type who thinks you are right . I can not wait until you be painful and miserably torn to shreds by Ho-Kyung. I'm sorry in advance that it will not be so cruel as you earn.

opposes As a lawyer objects, he thunders at her that a man and a woman dating to marry, and children get "this correct order of the nation." No, I'm pretty sure that's just a nursery rhyme. But apparently they hand you morality contradict badge with law degrees now, and Kang-chul sneers to the applicant with contempt for daring society right order.

The Mad applicant asks Kang-chul, when he says she should have her baby aborted. He sees them in honest-to-goodness confusion and asks, "Why are you to me, ask that" Oh my God.

When they leave the courtroom, his disgust secretary, Gong-mi, congratulated ironically made him well on a job. He only answers: "I know." And then he tells her that she needs to lose weight, because it looks like it is set to six kilograms. Oh God, I can not be responsible for all bloodthirsty fantasies, I'm from here. If intestines are not involved, it is not nearly enough violent.

Gong mi calls him out for harassment, even if he says that there is a nuisance is not to say model for a designer to lose weight. He put it just because she's pretty, he does not need a capable secretary, because he is on his own good. Much to my dismay, they completely pacified backhanded nonpliment from. At least until he says that he wanted a generally pretty face, and lose some of their appearance takes away from the desired effect.

Gong mi still raging when she goes shopping with Ho Kyung later, seething that they will tear to pieces him. It makes her a lawyer will be that he will destroy on its own turf. But Ho Kyung says it does not cut: " I one have to be to drawn revenge on that bastard faithfully Only I it can.!" Growls them that they for this day has been waiting, so she could get payback of their high school enemy.

Ho Kyung imagines itself as a fierce warrior in a historic piece, out of satisfaction, and promises to avenge her friend and today affront. Gong mi is surprised to hear that they already know Kang-chul, but Ho-Kyung adds that he does not (or should not) know.

to high school retrospect. published rankings and Tae-hee only a few places higher than Ho-gu near the bottom of the stack. Hilariously, while Tae-hee swallows in dismay, is because this Ho-Gu Beaming actually an improvement for him. On the other side sits Kang-chul at the top of the list in the first place.

Ho-gu waiting for his sister after school, and Tae-hee is shocked at his first impression of Ho Kyung, tough and weird and wild looking. Kang-chul of the chauffeured car screeches to a halt almost inevitable, beat them, and the driver shouts to watch where she goes. Ho Kyung screaming in outrage, prepared a few lights go punch out.

In the present, Kang Chul-Ho Kyung texts to make a request to this weekend, and they crow in excitement. Let the revenge begin.

Meanwhile, her professor (Kang Chul-mother) is busily working on a report about the use of condoms study regarding when her husband comes home and food demands. He noted the condoms on the table and asks her, then something from halfway through their set and again demands food. Well, we know where the son got his manners. Mom tried to argue that her husband may take a couple of condoms, if he wants to use each (with her, she does), but he says blankly, he has no use for them, and she sighs.

Dad asks Kang-chul upcoming Blind Date and says he soon wants grandchildren. Mom points out that he does not like children, but Dad says he wants to brag about yet , because all his colleagues full of nonstop bragging about their grandchildren are. Dad grumbles that Kang-chul of his good years wasting late to work, if he do away babies and could Mom snapped at him in horror. Hm, their reaction seems more strongly she does not know about?

In the office, Kang Chul his secretary asks how to track down each in a messenging program whose IDs listed "X", as that the name is sent to the mysterious text to him. He also asks for the phone number for the ex-girlfriend who came looking for him.

Ho-gu has this number stored in his cell phone, and he goes back and forth, trying to decide whether to delete it. One child encounters with him, and when Ho-gu sees that Do-hee number was deleted, he howls in dismay. He tried to tell himself that it is the best. The children look curiously at the fish-shaped bread he eats and ask for a taste, so he passes it, as to be milled out.

he gets a call from the hospital because "Elise" and not feel and the nurse wants to know if he'll be tonight. He says he will not go, but asks if the condition is serious. The nurse says it's not, but that a woman can after pain occur after delivery, that is alleviated with massage.

The weighs all evening on his head, and he leans on the family game of Go-Stop to continue. Ho Kyung drops her purse and scattered its contents, so it helps you get and shocked at all condoms she carries within it, saying he has to seize. Ho Kyung tells blatant pragmatism him that they are remnants of their research, and that they would have more use for it than he would do it.

Ho-gu scolds her, saying that guys would think if they knew careless and simply that they carried condoms and Ho Kyung replies that people who are are the ones who not use condoms actually simple. Furthermore protect this long her body for selfish people who do not want to be bothered with the hassle.

Ho-gu stutters in affront, although it is pleasing his parents nod in agreement to see her. Ho Kyung asks if she has accepted to go unprepared, or spend their lives "to save it" old and die and alone. Mom: "?! Is it water or electricity Why would you save it Life is short enough just to enjoy it"

Ho Kyung says Ho-gu not to be one of those selfish people and provides him a condom. Dad urges him to take it, and Mom gives him a strawberry flavor a place. LOL.

Do-hee endures the pain with difficulty, and sees the half-eaten fish sandwiches she had dropped to the floor. Picking it up, she thinks of Ho-gu fight with her to stay by work, because it would be scary for them to do it alone. She begins to cry while keeping it close, and when someone pushes aside her bed curtain, looking hopefully up and asks: "Ho-gu" But it is not he.

Ho-gu is not far, though, and come to the hospital a fresh bag of hot rolls clutching. The nurse advised him to wait before Do-hee go to see because a visitor is here, and the air seems a little tense.

So he waits at the door for a while before heading inside. The curtains are closed pulled, but he can hear a man ask angry when it is in their mind, and to that she would do it, he said, and the baby aborted. Ho-gu can not see, even though we can that Kang-chul here to insult Do-hee for Running with pregnancy, albeit Do-hee says the baby to her, and he has no place to tell her what do.

Kang-chul agrees that he is not responsible, to remind them that they came to him that night. She reminds him that she asked to use it "that" and he refused. He sneers that he never used not use condoms-er and never will. I really hope that's because you never get laid again. She tells him to go, and that he is no longer involved.

Ho-gu wearing duck around the corner as Kang Chul stalks out of the room, and when he follows Kang-chul from a dark expression, he reminds himself of the words even his father told him that a man must not act rashly that he concentrate on facts. Do-hee and Kang-chul words float in the head, as it was a simple mistake, like the baby should have been born, as Kang-chul is not responsible for it.

Ho-gu covers his face with his scarf and hood, and prepares to act. Perhaps a pounding Chul Kang-he thinks to give, but then he remembers the comment to Do-hee come to Kang Chul night that they receive, and he imagines a Little Red Riding Hood scenario where Do-hee of to see grandma, falls, only to find, as the Wolf Kang-chul.

Ho-gu shakes from the imagination and follow Kang-chul in the elevator, to remain calm, to warn. But then Kang-chul says into the phone that he did not not things used because they are a hassle, and how he hates with condominiums , which sounds a lot like the other thing. So when he repeated: "I will never use condos!" Ho-gu can no longer hold back and grabs the bastard of the jacket, pushed him against the wall, wanted to know why he refuses.

raising his fist he roars, "USE CONDOMS, you bitch!" And punches him in the face.

Today, his voice more: "My name is Ho-gu Kang Ho-gu ."


Ha, I love it that Ho was gu, out of all things astray by mishearing a word. But I'm very glad he did, because I was itching Sock Kang Chul-even, and perhaps more importantly, it assures us that Ho-gu is willing and able to change his views. Because I will not lie, this episode was hard for me without throwing things to get through because of the toxic crapola by some men spat on women and women's bodies and autonomy of women.

The most that was Kang-chul, but Ho-gu made me angry with its pearl disengagement response to Ho-Kyung of condoms, as if sex is a woman loose and easy and degraded in public review. At least his response to the concern about an inherent need was motivated to judge, because I did not get bitch-shaming vibes from him. But may be naive and innocent translate backward ideas marked by an oppressive, patriarchal perspective, where people judge women have sex before marriage and children of the marriage, while men abdicate responsibility because their penises have to be free.

But I think the shape of Ho-gu bow saves him by his awesome family to a large extent supported. Dad is a favorite because it is so quiet but steadfast supportive, and he puts his money where his mouth is; he did not order or Mom to see people as state marks the way Kang Chul-father does. Instead, he shows his love by doing the dishes every day, and make Mom name in the center and his son instructs to treat women who. With the same mixture of respect and reverence with which he does So despite some disappointing judgments over, at the end of Ho-gu pushed into action for women out of respect, showing that he was listening to Ho Kyung if they spoke for itself condoms as thing that you do out of respect with not to deteriorate.

because really, Kang-chul, you'll only Huff to a child that Do-hee guilt is because you feel dislike of condoms? I'd say fuck, except that the exact opposite of the fate I wish for all eternity on you. I know that it is written as an extreme character and that my keys are deliberately pressed, and that he meant a donkey whose face you want to lubricate in dog shit. But knowing that a portion of its arc (... because it would better be a bow) is not alleviate the violent reaction that he inspired in me.

It's a shame because I really like the Seul-Ong, and I thought, was that his character cutely be annoying furnishings. Instead, I find him blood boiling. I want Ho-Kyung the floor with him, and only "taming" to wipe it in a more beautiful version is not good enough. I need blood! (On the other hand, I suppose if the drama me manages to bring to like him, they have an amazing power of character development are deducted.)

I Do-hee find a grim character, as I thought we would get promos made it seem like a fun, naughty, bawdy heroine. She is a hard nut for its wall of pride to crack, but I like that she's Shadow came to her, and it is interesting to me how she got a softer side is the Ho-gu see always missed. It assumes actually better of her as perhaps he has reason to, and he has kept for years in his head, making it a bit of a fantasy luster to their image. But if we are allowed Do-hee to see the actual vulnerability, he missed those moments, as if he accepts, they threw away the hot rolls, and when she cries about it later. I was proud of Ho-gu for standing up to Do-hee, although this particular reason was based on a misunderstanding, because we now see that there is a limit to his kindness; if the limit is exceeded, it and defend. Like him for Do-hee in the final scene. Let's hope that growth only further.

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tags: Choi Woo-Shik, in Ho-Gu love, UEE

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