Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 7 -

If the last week developments that spun the story in a lateral direction, now gives us answers and explanations, which raises a lot of light, what is going on with these characters actually. I would have expected a story full its main story and have set up before the fourth week, but there is an appeal to the things in layers to discover, keep peeling truths steps back shifting of things.


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Seventh Foolish Act "Let respect us own preferences"

Kang-chul confesses that nicest person to him is Ho-gu, but from his furrowed and the way he throws forcefully his wine back, it seems like he is not enthusiastic.

Ho-gu says that the most beautiful person to him is, of course, Do-hee-or at least it was until he saw this little guy. he looks admiringly at the newborn down to see the world of the child, the sweetest thing.

selects he returned when he realizes Do-hee is awake, and asks how she slept. Ha, and in reply she slips catching front of him accidentally in some of his baby talk. Then extends over on the floor coach awake, it's like a clown car in this area.

[1945010InderSchule], Ho Kyung reported Professor Mok their research project, is pleased with the progress. It is just as excited about Ho-Kyung to listen date with her son, although they assured her that they do not regularly reports-on requires that front, she is satisfied, a step back and trust Ho Kyung treat dating. But she added that she would love to reach for things to the next level. Ho Kyung assures her that things already in motion.

But it's Ho-gu name, Kang Chul-looking at their high school alumni list up. (Ha, I love the recurring bit where people assume Ho-gu unemployed, hear that he is a webtoon artist, and then say: "Like I said, no work.") Kang Chul racks his brain the connection between fish to find out shaped buns, condom, and Ho-gu, because nothing makes about their elevator encounter with him sense.

And then he asks incredulously whether this is about the events of the "On This Day" - "certainly not" He is so shocked he spills coffee on himself, and just like this morning thinking back to a morning that unfolded six years ago.

to high school retrospect. Kang-chul, it reminds to be a beautiful morning, when he arrived on campus, as Ho-gu got off the bus as "the only mistake" marring the moment. We see, "Ho-gu" a hoodie with a scarf contributes the largest part of the area covered, but he nametag can be seen at the school to coat pinned: Kang Ho-gu.

Kang-chul harass watches like the school bullies surrounded Ho-gu and start him. But today, Ho-gu swears by them under the back of breathing and even though it look as Ho-gu, which is definitely Ho Kyung voice we hear. Kang-chul is as excited as the racquet as "Ho-gu" are back talking and sending the leaders fly with a well placed uppercut, then subordinates all goes quell.

Ho-gu lunch goes flying, and (e), he begins to collect the containers. Then (s) he takes the Kimchi spot on Kang Chul-shirt, ejects a careless "sorry" and says to follow him, so they can clean it up. Kang Chul-stutters to be to school on late, and "Ho-gu", only laughs in his face, such a virtuous model student, which provoked his temper.

In retrospect, Kang Chul-notes that the right thing would have been to do is to ignore Ho-gu. But at the moment hes irked at school wimp laugh at him, so he follows. "That was the beginning of the tragedy of the day", he thinks.

"Ho-gu" leads Kang Chul-for manhwa store and asks Dad to clean the shirt. Kang Chul-waiting awkwardly while Ho-gu lounges to read a manhwa book (the latest volume of the Elise series), and Papa scrubs merry on the t-shirt off ... and makes the spot ten times worse. Hee.

Kang-chul on the stain and Papas permeability is appalled as "Ho-gu" brings to fix it to Mom next things. The next thing we know, Kang-chul is carry on Mamas changes Store a garish floral print shirt while ajummas trot sing and feel him. And then pine Kang Chul-falling when Mama finished product, replete with lavish presents red dragon stitching that looks more like him the nerdiest gangsters in the world.

Kang-chul storms off angrily, and as "Ho-gu" asks he yells that it would have been better without of their "help. " But the day the rails has gone off for him, and it all starts to go wrong-next a motorcyclist his bookbag snatches and drives off. "Ho-gu" begins after the bike screeching running, and he finds himself lost and alone in a foreign environment.

Broke and hungry, he does not know what to do other than for Ho-gu look around, and spends the day at a neighborhood playground migrate and maintain.

Adult Kang Chul-heads on that day in the work, and contribute about Secretary Gong mi, an unfortunate pimples on display, has to ask him if they had ever met before. She does not think so, and he shakes his thoughts, but in flashback we see the connection.

While teenage Kang Chul-Ho awaiting gu, there is a group of tough looking girl dancing near to rap music, and the leader catches him staring. It's Teenage Gong mi, wearing a monster zit on her forehead, and she throws him to laugh at her dance.

He insists he smiled, not mocking, but when and Teenage Gong mi to bother him, he continues to push back, to both their surprise. And just Gong mi to send over its fist in his face, "Ho-gu" reappears to defend him. Kang-chul is so relieved that it packs "Ho-gu" and whimpers: "Why did you come now?"

Ho Kyung falls by the law firm for an unannounced visit, but when they heard that Kang-chul is not in, she enters her heels and sits down again, angry at. Gong mi refers to the lack of relationship progress since Kang-chul has not so much as from the date Ho-Kyung texted, and wonders if he might be gay. Ho Kyung she recalled that he has an ex-girlfriend.

Ho Kyung tells her that the girlfriend a Do-hee lookalike was not only, but actually do-hee. Gong-mi now she says his lack of interest in women understood because no one can compete to Do-hee, and scoffs that Ho Kyung has no shot-Do-hee was probably his first love, first girlfriend, first kiss.

Ho Kyung face falls as she thinks: "First Kiss That is true, is not it?"

Kang-chul admits that he is not to blame for his lack to love life on dump wants "this guy." He takes the flashback from the past to scene after the frightening girls were sent out, and "Ho-gu" has recovered his stolen bag. "Ho-gu" spots an unopened beer bottle left behind and helps himself (itself) to it while Kang-chul him not to hiss. But the Ho-gu knows how to push his buttons, teasing him to have to be afraid to drink, and Kang Chul chugs down the beer.

Tipsy Kang-chul sitting on a swing perplexedly as "Ho-gu" swings back and forth, both confused what his cause is and grateful to watch for all the help today. he asks how a man could have such nice fingers, and his heart beats. It makes him at his feet in alarm screw, and he says drunk "Ho-gu" that he likes girls.

"Ho-gu" laughs at him, then he goes home. Kang Chul-heads in the direction of his house determined Ho-gu to ignore tomorrow so weakling start school, they are friends, but then "Ho-gu" falls and staggers drunk back and forth, struggling to tie his shoe.

Kang-chul, the task is performed, and when he binds the top, "Ho-gu" called his name, and leans in to kiss him. Then (s) he replaces her face scarf and jumps off saying that it is a "gift" is to spend a fun day together. Kang Chul-heart starts thumping uncontrollably, and that's when he says, his heart was broken, not broken as in, but literally failed.

Then would his heart racing is not for everyone, whether man or woman. He did not blame Ho-gu for all of it, assuming that probably in a cold household growing up in had a hand.

He visited in her office on campus his mother, and she nudges him Ho-Kyung to see while he's here and ask her out on another date. Kang-chul says he will not, because they you like a certain type is not "style" is my -The word can, but it is also the word used euphemistically to refer your orientation.

Mom asks what he does prefer and Kang-chul thinks. He blinks in high school when Ho-gu had angrily pushed a four leaf clover in the hand, which he still around to this day carries with him. Oh, you thought it was Ho-gu, is not it? (Ho-gu, on the other hand, knew it from Do-hee was and warned not to discard their gift Kang-chul.) Kang-chul himself says that Ho Kyung is simply not in his nature, and this nothing to do with Ho-gu.

Ho Kyung spots Kang-chul to leave the building and facilities, thought he must be here to see them. But then she sees how he sees she called him and simply ignored the call.

Coach takes Ho-gu made for hamburgers and warns him to keep dark over his mouth to Do-hee, is threatening to sue if he so much as talking to anyone about it. Ho-gu assured the coach that he consciously the position Do-hee in, and says that he is a friend, so that the coach is not so scary and should mean-he will keep the secret. Coach just ordered three more burgers for Ho-gu and thanked him for the support Do-hee through work.

When they returned to the motel head bus suddenly whirls around to see a pair of reporters appear on the road; they have received a tip on a Do-hee sighting and are here to try it. They rush rooms to Do-hee, where coach gets her agency he had asked to have these reporters followed to avoid such a scenario, but someone dropped the ball.

hearing that her agency alarms Do hee was contacted, but her coach says it too big a problem for him to handle it on their own, and he needs to their resources. She looks panicked to hear that the CEO has appointed her to come, but coach assures her that he has not said anything about the baby; he made only a cover story about their hemorrhoids surgery get and then go AWOL for a while.

While from the agency head, ask to see the baby a grandpa in motel, and he agrees cheerfully. accept Ho-gu watches anxiously as grandfather by the directions Bumbles and darts in to before the baby is burned or starved.

So while Opa he promises will finely manage Ho-gu refuses to give the child to him. He insists that they have to leave the child with someone else, but has no suggestions and Do-hee points out that she has no one to ask. He says he will take responsibility for the child and brings him into the workshop.

Tae-hee naturally thinks he's crazy, and refuses to be roped into this. He reminds him that Chung-jae babies can not stand and urges him to leave before he's here, unless they are too late, because that's when Chung-jae goes in.

quickly, the two friends move to block the baby from his line of sight, but their refusal to move is suspicious than anything else, and Chung-jae Darts order around to see what they conceal.

Waiting for the office of the CEO, Do-hee runs nervously through a few sample excuses to find out how best to placate the inevitable outbreak of anger, it is about face. Then the TV report announces latest gold medal win their rivals, and when asked about Do-hee, she laughs that Do-hee was not really her rival as much as it was the team pretty face.

Then, a high-level director steps in her icy sheen make Do-hee immediately shrink again. Apparently CEO Park is currently out of the country, the Director Instructs Do-hee to stay hidden for the moment.

On the way out, she runs into Kang-chul, who is responsible for the agency as a consultant. You keep step aside to talk smiles on their faces, as they are only semi-private. She tells him his own affairs to worry because he is no longer involved, and says that she's got adoption plans in the works. He is of the ( "At least you're not stupid to the end") appeased, and turns them to go in to want to do with him.

Kang Chul-she keeps asking if she is still in contact with Ho-gu, and it is that she has not seen him since graduation. She asks why he is interested, and Kang-chul stammers a lame explanation about how they are old friends he-, classmates. Do-hee mocks his words, then asks suspiciously: "Are you ..." Kang Chul-swallows nervously but it is finished, "... to get married?"

This is the explanation that makes the most sense for them, that he cast a wide net wedding gift to collect casting agent. Because he certainly never cared before about old friends or classmates.

There is a disaster zone in the workshop, with Ho-gu and Tae-hee try their best to figure out how to calm the crying baby. When they find the stink bomb in his diaper, they turn out more and groping through the process of change, so that they all left exhausted and shocked. Chung-jae warns exhausted Ho-gu that he is going to kill him later, once again, because it is worn out everything.

Then Chung-jae shouts in Ho-gu to leave before he kills him, and Ho-gu packs up and heads out the baby cradled. Tae-hee goes with it.

Do-hee runs into another familiar face in the agency's rival, Sung-shil which has been spied here after all these gold medals to win. They trade barbs in sugary coating plated, with Sung-shil their "relief" to express that Do-hee not after all fired from their agency.

Do-hee not batting. Of the rumors about her a baby and says only, it would be nice if they said they had a son Sung-shil versa, that she should have a daughter who just is so beautiful as they, but they should not do-swim, because then they would only her face with photo shoots and advertisements sale rather than winning medals.

a are not intimidated, Do-hee are sweet that Sung Shil absolutely have to swim her daughter, "Because to survive her is a way." Sung-shil nods, not even the insult for a long beat registration: "Wait, that was an insult, is not it Which part was the offense?"

Ho- gu and Tae-hee migrate into the city to go with nowhere to find out where to take the baby. They go to their favorite octopus place from the cold to get, but panicked flinch at the sight sit Ho-Kyung there. They flit outside without them spotting that is simple enough, as they drown their disappointment in Soju.

Ho Kyung thinks Kang Chul-go to her back, and as he called it the second most beautiful person he encountered, assuming Do-hee's number 1. be that Thinking of must, as he ignored her call, she angry that they not date , shouts at him in any case! Glug, glug.

Ho-gu and Tae-hee in a supermarket at the end, and begins the baby crying again. Tae-hee tells him the child back to Do-hee, but Ho-gu, he says promised to look after him until Do-hee agency business was all cleared up. Then they will come also from the convenience store and Tae-hee rages on Kang-chul evade his responsibility.

Ho-gu thinks to himself: "Why must it be Byun Kang-chul?" It would have been easier to write off only the father as a deadbeat, if he does not know him, but since he does that makes him except crazy. So he decides now to go to Kang-chul.

Meanwhile, Do-hee takes Ho-gu neighborhood, frustrated that he did not answer his phone. It leaves a voicemail just as drunk Ho Kyung comes through in her knock and fall to the ground.

The boys come outside Kang-chul of the building, intimidated represented at the manifest richness here. Then Kang Chul-heads in with a woman at his side, it is only Gong mi, but her eyes, it seems as if he flirting a carefree bachelor with a woman, and Ho-gu fumes even more.

You are here for a business meeting, and Kang-chul sitting with his client as raised voices sound at his door. Ho-gu insists past the secretary on barrels and bursts into the office and the sight of him was Kang Chul-sitting in shock.

Ho-gu reaches out and says that it is good to see him again, even though the hard look in his eyes, the words belies. Kang-chul thinks, "Kang Ho-gu, this crazy guy has to find me at last."

Do-hee checks concerned about Ho -kyung who whimpers in pain and growling half understood insults about Do-hee. It ends with the statement: "This is all the chicks Debt Do Do-hee."

Kang-chul on the feet increases Ho-gu outstretched hand to shake, fall to the ground his four-leaf clover as he does. "Good to see you, Kang Ho-gu," he says.

"My name is Ho-gu," Ho-gu thinks today with more conviction.

seen on the road, Ho Kyung looks at her helper to see, and blinks in confusion Do-hee. "My name is Ho Kyung," she thinks.


I know that the whole image has been intentionally withheld up to this point, but I wish we d come a bit earlier, before I jumped so thoroughly Kang-chul train while I could have more interested in what happens to him. Granted, not seeing him definitely not soften for an episode a donkey him and make him more of a quirky, introverted character than a plain douchebag, but only because we do not see it, do not delete, such as blood boilingly hated before he was, and as soon as a character in the line crosses classist misogynist, there is not much you can do to argue, "he is misunderstood only!"

I thought that they would make Kang-chul gay, and was interested in what would the show do with that, but I see now that it is a bit different frame. It's not like a boy (or so he thinks) makes Kang-chul think that he may be gay, but rather that it can only ever ever felt about a person, and it's never happened with anyone else, he so never had one opportunity to understand its orientation. He was, it seems indifferent at best.

What the proposal adds that Kang-chul can not be the baby daddy, after all, although right now this question territory mostly in speculation. I can not Kang-chul who have sex with given anyone the way he see to describe his feelings, although I do not see Do-hee also easily sleep with someone. So the father's identity is still a big question mark, no doubt that will hover over the show for quite a while.

If it is true that Kang-chul is not the father, and we are astray only be conducted in this conclusion, I can see how the show itself are for setting can reveal. Kang-chul is a lawyer of their agency, and he writes contracts and is inaugurated in Do-hee business. And it occurs to me that the word for "use" (as defined in with condoms) sounds the same as the word for "write" -so it is possible to use wordplay to make us believe, he says he will not use the condom annoying things if he really say that he write these silly documents denied. It does not explain how or why he and Do-hee are close enough that he or she may have an abortion say the feeling, but again, this show is seems to keep a very tight rein on the way in which they distributes its information carefully and strategically.

That being said, I enjoy seeing Ho-gu in love with the baby and determined the safety net falling to be the Do-hee has not ... as I enjoy watching him at every step them to fight, because it is great to have good intentions, but not helpful if you do not really know how to see through it. I wondered why he did not take the child home because his parents the way seem happy to help, but I was glad to see him try it on his own, to find out, because he stated that he the would take responsibility, not that he'd push it off someone more capable. That's Ho-gu charm that he does not necessarily (or ever?) The most capable person for the job, but it will still do the job. What is good, competence, if you refuse to use it? A willing heart and determination to find out, a long, long way to go. Also means if dirty diapers and crying spells and never sleep again to see.

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tags: Choi Woo -shik in Ho Gu love, UEE

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