media just does not get easier for our small-scale sales 3, do they? Chef Park seems like the monkey wrench that to tear apart any attempted, but the secret lies in exactly as he does it (much less why ). To has its own careful game "Office baduk" to find out Chef playing Oh -. A game that stacked the odds against him and could end up with a ruined career
During his coffee break decides Chef Park that he made his dear coffee by a woman, and calls for the female employee to make a break for him a cup of coffee. They obliged politely, but she and the other women hooked softly as he makes them uncomfortable with his lewd remarks (which he reads he excuses by pretending he actually refers in the magazine to a car, yuck).
They report on the situation Deputy Director Sun, and they immediately feel down boss Oh, to tell him to keep a better grip on his staff. (In full view of the department) chief Oh wastes no time Chef Park in the confrontation, to warn him that he would put in his work with negligence, but he is not Chef Park insults weak (aka Geu-rae tolerate) and sexual harassment of female employees.
Chief Oh is not in the mood Chef Park is a good team player, to do so, so that each focus on their own projects, rather than try to work together. Chef Park decides on the Jordan Used car project to start working, because it is very profitable, and is surprised when Chef Oh tells him to expand the project to not only cars, but also construction vehicles and accessories.
As Chief Oh a cup makes coffee in the break room is director Kim looks forward to hearing about the Jordan Used car project, boss Oh recalled how useful Chef Park for the team. The fake laugh boss Oh signaled its approval seems manager convince Kim.
In the resource department, assistant manager Ha silently watched as Young-yi tirelessly cleans the workspace, jump the small demands of different department to meet employees - even if it means fighting to the heavy water bottle in to replace the break room, so that they can make them coffee.
Geu-rae finished compiling the halal project, which had been re-assigned to it by the Chief Park, and Chief Oh captures the look on his face to him wonder if it seems strange to him. In his cryptic-Yoda way he says Geu-rae of the reason seems it is strange because there is no trace of a large company egoism.
on the roof for a smoke break, he was surprised by a visit from Young- yi, who tried to dry her pants after the accident with the water bottle. He waved her over (offers Assistant Manager Ha again pffft stumbling), and she apologizes for interrupting him while he was lost in thought. When he learns that she once saw the proposal for the Jordan Used car project, he asks her what she thought.
When she answered hesitates, he nods knowingly: ". She thought it was odd, even" as Young-yi about to leave, asks Chef Oh about the man from the prior period, the one who in the lobby so scared that she apologizes from dinner. He recognized him as team leader Shim of Samjung trade. She denies it, but boss Oh says it would explain why it is such an experienced newcomer.
In a place far enough away from prying eyes and ears, boss Oh discusses his concerns over Jordan Used car project with Dong -shik and Geu-rae. Everything looks good on paper, and it has already been approved by the legal and financial departments, but the subcontractor profit margin seems too high.
Dong-Shik confirmed that it looks Chef Park is getting a check from the supplier, but they do not know for sure. Chef Oh sighs as he says, they are now just a lazy pig when the new addition to their team to find, or a troublesome mutt.
Back in the office, Chief Park busy game day traders, checked for stocks - but not too much in the department busy not aware of the new, strange atmosphere. The rest of Sales Team 3 demonstratively ignore him as they go about their business, but Chef Park is not fooled.
Baek-ki and his teammates are busy, a supply of steel samples checked in the storeroom when Assistant Manager Kang comes. He blames them for not presorted with the samples provided, and as his teammates (who also was the one who was prepared to Chief Park of sexual harassment reported) immediately offers to organize, Baek-ki insists on doing instead.
Young-yi occurs in the storage room, teasingly telling him that she could hear scolded him from down the hall. She noted that he seems to be to his current method according to method as sticking a servant Act instead. In a flashback we see him, the head-hunters call them to let them know that he has changed his mind and has decided to stay at One International. Yay!
She helps him with his samples, and he asks her to dinner, his pleasure. But when she suggests he invite the rest of the newcomers, he tells her that he does not want to know that he planned to quit. He adds, jokingly, that he regrets it to say in the first place, and it's nice how they really give each other a little smile
Assistant Manager Sung faced Seok-yul discourtesy not because of him like a sunbae Greeting -. He can tolerate incompetence, but not someone who is not his does not know "space." He adds that if there is any problem, Seok-yul can tell him everything. If Seok-yul asks him if he really does not know why he acts like this, brush Assistant Manager Sung him away and said Seok-yul should his personal life leave home even and does not bother him with it.
Frustrated Seok-yul claims that he has a severe migraine and work, is not able, he will leave early. is was to pass around him what he does not mean to be able to work on the projects Assistant Manager Sung.
is Assistant Manager Ha upset to see that its employees have left a mess in her department, and gets a little grumpy when he says that he does not, because Young-yi care should take care of will take place. When they do away some personal errands for her post, he confronts abusing about their good nature - she agreed it , not for the entire department to take care of odd jobs.
He goes down Young-yi keep track of their order to go immediately to one of the factories that program to make it come from the east. His snotty attitude is by Seok-yul is wonderful mocking faces behind Assistant Manager Ha made back bearable.
Chef Park is impatient Chief Oh, to a decision on the Jordan make used car project, but boss Oh calmly told him he checked it still. The atmosphere is quite tense, even more when Chef Park asks in private Geu-rae to see.
In an empty stairwell, Chef Park says he knows that everyone is working together to stop the project. He throws Geu-rae of only kiss-ass boss Ohs to be, and warns him that the last person who followed him, so ended up miserably faithful.
Baek-ki have to take instructions from Seok-yul, because he happens to enter the staircase up just in time to overhear Chef Park warn that Geu-rae making the wrong decision siding with a loser like chief Oh - he must be on the side of either the CEO or the CEO, someone who actually help him in his career. He grabs roughly Geu-rae chin when he tells him that he needs to get a clue and to ensure that the Jordan project is approved.
Seok-yul himself together as Young-yi goes to the chemical companies invited. But when they arrive, they find out that the workers have come only in the strike, so the product will not be delivered on time. Worried, she called the office, but assistant manager Ha is not around. She calls her other Douchebag team member, and he just sighs in exasperation when he orders her to return to the office. If she were a man, he would tell her to find a way that items get delivered to the port by any means, but because she's a woman ...
Without thinking even stop, asks Young-yi the foreman if a truck is available. Seok-yul no license, so it means that she is the one who is driving the truck. She crawls nervously 25mph along, repeated to an annoyed Seok-yul (who wants to go into town) that it has been appointed to ensure that the product was delivered in the morning.
boss Oh finally makes its decision, and when he returned his hands over Jordan Used car project, he noted the strangeness about the subcontractor profit margin. Chef Park insists that, based on its know-how, it is not really that big a margin margin. As just boss Oh stands and listens to his explanations, Chef Park is getting pissy and it finally told simply forgotten. offended action personally he leaves dramatically office.
After Chef Park's sudden departure, boss Oh quietly Dong-Shik and Geu-rae orders to meet with suppliers, they ensure that all record in the preparation of an internal audit.
Geu-rae concerned about the potential of a test is not the office to say to the subcontracting unannounced, but this happens Dong-Shik said that everything they do right now get the facts, whether or not proper procedures were followed to determine. They are there not Chef Park to assess actions, -. It must be decided at the company, what to do when they find out the facts
When they left the building, they run in Assistant Manager Ha and the resource team boss, who is refreshingly good care of told to take Chief Park since he was on their team. Oh, that explains so much.
returns as Assistant Manager Ha to the office, he is surprised that Young-yi has not yet returned. This is because it is still busy making their deliveries, as it moves at snail's pace along further. Seok-yul tried to talk in Seoul to back, arguing that they will never be ready in time, but she is a woman. On a mission
boss Oh Reports Manager Kim to tell him his suspicions over Jordan Used car project. Manager Kim knows that this type of situation only a person does not involve, but anyone who has approved the project - what is proper. Chef Oh tried to reassure him that nothing has been proved. But manager Kim knows that where there's smoke there is, there is usually a fire.
As they prepare to give the office of the sub-contractor, Dong-Shik Geu-rae tips on how you are to remain neutral and only focused determine on the facts rather than the judgment of the person. But they are surprised Chef Park is to discover already there, and the manager of the subcontracting company welcomes cheerful.
Chef Park is ready to accompany them out gently to tell them that he can answer any questions about the project. But Dong-Shik stands his ground and told him that they here and check that the correct procedures were followed.
boss Oh struggling long and hard with what to do next, knowing that its decision to discontinue the examination his manager fired could mean. But as he tells withdraw from the investigation, his office phone rings Dong-Shik - it's manager Kim. Chef Oh says quickly Dong-Shik it before he would call back hangs him.
Schadenfreude, Chef Park says Dong-Shik, of course, would head Oh, the investigation covered. And boss Oh is definitely about how he is humble before manager Kim. To benefit manager Kim and the company, it promises to end the test and instead take care of things quietly in his own department. He asks only that Chef Park be assigned to another team
But manager Kim surprised him by him to continue the investigation order -. The proper procedures must be followed.
How happy Chef Park personal plans with the Delivery Manager, Dong-Shik phone rings discussed. Chef Park and the manager are confident that they are in the clear, so there is a shocking blow when Dong-Shik she says quietly that the audit team will arrive soon.
Furious, Chef Park takes Dong-Shik outside to talk to him privately and touch Dong-Shik orders Geu-rae behind and the Subcontracting Manager to remain no documents. But as soon as Dong-Shik leaves, is the manager on the phone, the executive director of the subcontracting companies fill everything. Geu-rae draws quietly out his cell phone and starts the conversation is being recorded.
Chief Park tried the investigation to stop the threat to CallManager Kim and the executive Dong-Shik harass director, to warn him that it would be on his side , not chief Ohs. But Dong-Shik tells him that boss Oh will meet at this moment with the Executive Director, its reputation is futile. Furious, he grabs Dong-Shik collar, wanted to know why he is doing this to him.
The Delivery Manager receives a call, which makes him suspiciously happy and Geu-rae keeps a watchful eye on him as he sends a fax. In a baduk game theory Voiceover, Geu-rae says that it is time to take revenge against their opponents. They're putting their lives on the line, as enemy territory to navigate, and depending on which side makes losing the first error.
Since the audit team (along with Chef Oh) arrives, Geu-rae Voiceover further and pointed out that, as in such an important situation this, one must not be too hasty or premature. When they go, they have to make any mistakes, and it is clear that, if the enemy does not die, then they will be the ones to die.
The audit team all documents carefully scoured, but the supply manager explains that their high profit margin in a fax it is acceptable just received from Jordan. This is enough to satisfy the auditors, and Chief Park pastures once more during Geu-rae, to try to figure out why (speak in baduk) it feels like he wants to make a "movement", although he did not secure what should be this movement.
he suddenly realized that the Manager Korean language when he called the Jordan Company, and asks suddenly, when someone is in society Korean. This prevents the auditor in its title, because their research shows the company occupied solely by Jordan locals is
discover a common name on the documents - a Muhammed Indira -. and Chief Oh asks if he is an executive. Suspiciously, the subcontractor manager, marketing director says at the same time he is the boss Oh, he says the general manager. This Muhammed Indira turns out to be Korean, his real name Park Sang-joon, and is confused about his job title.
The auditors received assay again officially roll but Geu-rae doing its own investigation to find the answer to something that it was annoying. He tried Young-yi to call for help, but they must be answered too busy driving. His next option is Baek-ki, and, yay! Baek-ki agrees look into it for him.
Meanwhile, Chef Park completely loses it. Since the audit team tried to figure out why Park Sang-joon lied, he interrupts, passionately claimed that the high profit margin, his mistake, since the approval was that he would take responsibility.
Chief Park continues, and Geu-rae again uses his baduk knowledge to rage out that in order to understand the current movement, need to understand the recent movements. Baek-ki-texts him. With the information he sought, and he recognizes that, might have what looked like a small problem (not even Chief Park was a setback get) might not have been so small, after all
It turns out that the manager of the subcontracting company is actually Chef park itself, with its English name only, and the rest of the staff (including, adopted in Jordan), Chef Ohs extended family.
When she's gone Chef Park Watch accompanied says boss Oh, he probably thought his actions only compensation for his hard work were. He explains that in 08, Chef Park had played an important role in getting a large order, and subject to only a celebration dinner, was returned to the office, disenchanted that everyone went back to their normal roles.
was the lure of money as compensation too, and he would willingly offer all bribes subcontracting company accepts (if he has not even asked for a bribe) until he was clued in the ability to make its own dummy company that could be placing the orders, so he would automatically get the extra money.
Dong-Shik wonders how it ends for Chief Park. For those outside the company, it looks like a victory of good over evil. But the business world has its own rules.
Assistant Manager Ha working late at the office, and only developed his project after midnight. He's a little worried that Young-yi never returned to the office, and calls on them to make them yelling to go for straight home instead of the office. But when he learns that she still rides sure to make everything is delivered in the morning in the port, he scolds them to demand it back immediately. Deliveries do not actually have to do tomorrow, and he will have someone else call maintenance.
Seok-yul is mad at Young-yi in the name, but it only runs on quietly as she tired kicks back tears. They eventually return to One International, where Assistant Manager Ha impatient clocks, waiting for them. Once again, he scolds them for so crazy to be, warns them that if they got into an accident, the company would be liable. Pfft, hiding his astonished expression when searching for Seok-yul in the truck cab is hilarious.
The next morning manager Kim and Chief Oh quietly wait in his office. Dong-Shik explained Geu-rae, the lower-ranking employees, as they themselves do not have to worry so much - most of the blame will be placed on the in higher positions as Managing Director Kim. Depending on what the inspectors find out there is a good chance that Manager Kim is demoted his work or losing.
Dong-Shik adds that, although he is just a worker bee, and it seems like his actions have no effect, it is still his work and his life now , Geu-rae adds that "it is only baduk." Whether you win a game or lose, it's still just a game -. Not the end of the world
adds in a voice-over, Geu-rae: "Regardless of the world, it is still baduk what is all for me." He thinks back to all "games" his colleagues colleagues had to play as they navigate the office life, and when he, he smiles the lights on the go Watches One international building. This "game" of baduk may sound melodramatic, but it's still baduk, it is still his work, and it is still the world to him.
one of the difficulties recapitulate in a show like Misaeng is that there is so much nuance, which should be reported on the side of hard, and sometimes it is a struggle to accurately convey every little glance or expression. The show is based on a subliminal feeling expertly conveyed by the mannerisms of the actor (however small), editing, backing soundtrack, camera angles, and even the way they leave the camera for an additional blow linger.
There is not enough space to describe accurately and give the weight of the smaller ways in which every actor seems to live her character - the micro-expressions that exchanged glances, or even the to explain because we spent ten episodes in such close emotional closeness we can each understand what they are thinking only of the manner in which they sit.
Therefore, it is seems to be foolish if you only read the short summary, but I'm on the small path impressed to humanize the show Ha Assistant Manager manages. Yes, it seems impossible, especially his words and deeds still rough and cruel. But the character to define impossible in those ways, the administration is to convey a sense of discomfort with, as Young-yi is treated by his department, and may even feel some twinges regret how he is treated.
This is not to say that I as him - no, he still has to go a long way. But I can see that he begins to appreciate (and respect) Young-yi skills and work ethic. Although the journey in the chemical factory end not as good as they hoped, I'm pretty sure he just sent away so she could stop being the Department of glorified maid. He can not have it handled smoothly, but it reacts of the little things to his environment, I think he feels some , even if it is shame for the way he treated you too proud admit it. I'm still waiting for him to really apologize and are working hard to make amends - but I'm not going to hold my breath. Finally, this show can definitely change our opinion about certain characters, but it's pretend still not that someone suddenly overnight is a saint.
There definitely seems easier to slip the "dark" way down, as evidenced by Chief Park. In retrospect, it seemed like your standard salaryman, but to win his pride and ego on a big order - and then not recognizing get (or reward), that he thought he deserved - meant that he was willing that slippery slope go down to make his compensation. I'm not sure if the sexual harassment is a byproduct of his newfound "You forget, I'm going to get my" attitude, but it cemented him as definitely one of those who crush someone-to-remain- on-top- Employee. Unfortunately it has not worked so well for him in the end.
I have to wonder if he would have gotten away with it if he had been assigned to a team but Sales Team 3. the show under recalling that keeps boss Oh, the conductor can not move, because he was doing a job properly, as too much cares in a smart way is done on the draw the attention of the higher ups. It almost seems like manager Kim Chef Park asked to be caught, unless that does not make sense, because it looks like manager Kim is its own punishment than a face that was originally on the Jordan Used car project signed. (A project that makes me wonder if this is the reason for the opening scene in the first episode.)
Another problem (which is not a "problem") with recapitulate Misaeng is the show is full of good things that easily me, they might have to discuss for ten pages, so I just end up with as I pleased am the newcomers not only work together, but inspiring to see each other. Young-yi determination to find a "whatever it takes" solution to ensure that the chemical composition was influenced by Geu-rae efforts were delivered to do all he could, even though he was not qualified. Geu-rae realized that Baek-ki in his method was correct to the process of bonding. Baek-ki's believed that maybe Young-yi method that crap jobs work humbly, perhaps is the best way.
I look forward to see how they attract and continue to encourage each other to continue, especially in an office environment that is still doing everything possible to destroy an idealistic soul.
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