Recap And Reviews Kdrama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 3 -

This show getting better and better! We get a healthy dose of action and humor, this time with the help of another Do-hyun alter egos. More of the general picture revealed, but the secrets of the past are still hidden from us, as they are of Do-hyun. Notices of Do-hyun true strength of character shine through, but what proves that some people in relation to grow stronger it to the loads they carry.


Cha Do-hyun ajusshi alter ego Perry Park arrived, what is for Do-hyun, chief Ahn, and especially Ri-jin bad news, which is still bound somewhere in a camp. Perry finds his old clothes in storage, while Chef Ahn tried to convince him to make an appearance at the meeting. Perry wants only to enjoy his freedom while it lasts, but as chief Ahn offers him a boat his face lights up buying.

Sorry Chief Ahn, that's when Ri-jin kidnapper calls back. It repeats its call for the leather jacket while Ri-jin tries through the tape screaming over her mouth that they that damn jacket has, not him.

Perry dislike someone threatens a woman to come to him, and wants to know where the abductor is. Chef Ahn reminded Perry of his promise to the meeting to go, but apparently not even a boat can convince to rotate it to a damsel in distress his back.

The board meeting is about to begin, with no sign of Do-hyun. His grandmother, the chairman, is waiting at the top of the table. Ki-joon father grins maliciously when he sees that Do-hyun has yet to arrive.

Meanwhile Ri-jin kidnapper prepares for the arrival of Shin Se-gi. He leads his men to attack him in practice to simulate how they attack Se-gi. "Slowly!" He blames them. "Why so fast? You have an appointment or have something?" The sham fight comes to an abrupt halt when they realize that they have an intruder in their midst. Perry Park has arrived, and he wears what look like a pair of bombs.

chief Ahn informed grandmother Seo Do-hyun not be able to attend the meeting. It lies on the executives of the company that her grandson was in a car accident, so its introduction will have to wait.

Since Perry Park placed bombs on a fist fight, the racket hesitate to attack him. He tells them how he on Jeju Iceland was back famous for the production of bombs, and they should give him the freedom to take him to let you enjoy provoking.

While most of the bats cower, but a bad guy crawling behind. Ri-jin muffled cries alarm Perry his danger. He avoids the first blow, but one of the bombs going out of his hand flying.

Bad guys dispel the boss dive headlong into a laundry basket, and the timer reaches zero ... ding! A cheerful recorded voice informed the gathered at the camp, which is their rice fully cooked. away the threat of explosion, the bats begin the living daylights out of poor Perry beat Park.

A tracking device from Perry jacket slips, and we see that Chef Ahn all the time has been on the track. He and Do-hyun arranged this in advance, as a way to keep tabs on Do-hyun after his other personalities took control. The kidnappers believed that "Shin Se-gi" forged a saturi accent and brought dud time for the police to buy to come.

Safe at a new location, complains an underling to the boss about to go to all this trouble for that stupid jacket. Why they can not pay, only within the cost of the drugs back? But it turns out to be the jacket that counts, because it was prepared by a master leather craftsmen in Italy, the alive is no longer to make another. HA! Who makes that remember us?

A text comes on Ri-jin phone-it is a picture of Ri-on wearing the elusive leather jacket! The boss yells Ri-jin guy on the screen to identify, forget the duct tape over his mouth. Once the underling starts the tape, Ri-jin tears to go into the bumbling bad guys for all these unnecessary trouble when the jacket age might have brought before them.

The racket set Ri-jin on speaker so you can hear what she says. Ri-one is in the family restaurant, celebrating with a few friends who helped him with his latest crime novel.

This seems to spark an idea, and Ri-jin says oh so casually that, because they are talking about his novel, Chapter Three really struck her a chord. Since Ri-jin so rare compliments him, Ri-on is perplexed and wonders what is wrong. There is a long pause, after Ri-on to try her accused from the money they borrowed from him repayment. So close and yet so far ...

Once Ri-jin finds out that Ri-one will stay up all night with his friends, the kidnappers cut the call short. It takes most of his boys to pick up the jacket, so that a man to keep an eye on Ri-jin and Perry Park.

Ri-jin and Perry are now tied on their own, in the storage room. She remembers all their encounters, each time with a different tone, personality and look into the eyes. Perry begins in the manner cramping that signals its transformations.

Outside the storage chamber, the bat looks on watch, the left of Perry Park bombs. He hefts a giggling at the failed trick, and throws it carelessly on the floor. The timer starts the countdown of 30 minutes and this probably did not come from a rice cooker.

Do-hyun, now back in control of his mind and body, looks up and sees Ri-jin. A tired, beautiful smile lights up his face when he realizes that she is unharmed. He is that he faints sometimes when he gets too much angry or drinks, and Ri-jin does not bother to express their suspicions. They assured him quietly that she is well, and that the racket went to collect the leather jacket.

Do-hyun wonders why Ri-jin seems so unconcerned about the beating bruisers about her brother, but Ri-jin says everything will be fine becomes. Do-hyun they harassed stops when he realizes that Ri-jin is reportedly a psychiatric patient.

With surprising ease, Do-hyun frees itself from its ropes and goes Ri-jin to solve. He explains that he has found in some tight spots over the years, so he's had to learn things like this. Ri-jin repeatedly Se-gi words from the night in the club, which confirms that Do-hyun not remember, in fact, what he said.

"What is your name?" She asks. Instead of answering, Do-hyun with a question of his own answers :? want Is Ri-jin to escape

The only remaining guard hears Ri-jin scream and rushes into the storeroom. Distracted by Ri-jin on the floor unconscious Pretending Do-hyun guard noticed too late and is slightly attenuated. If Do-hyun goes to look for the exit, however, the station Ri-jin hostage, holding a knife to her throat.

"It is a megalomaniac is!" Do-hyun warns the guard, after a hilarious Who, me ?! Ri-jin. "You get her not worked up!" Ri-jin is more concerned about Do-hyun, and tells him to stay calm and breathe.

That's when the bomb on the ground today announced that the countdown has begun- there left only one minute. Do-hyun says he had not disabled the security mode last time, asking if the guard wants to bet his life on the chance that he is lying. The guard pushes away Ri-jin and runs to the exit while Do-hyun Ri-jin in the hallway just a few seconds before the bomb explodes crashes. Looks like Perry Park knew what he finally did!

The kidnapper comes to the restaurant with his bat and demanded to know where Ri-one. The gathered men do not even respond to the effort to ignore the show of force. Then Ri-one with the jacket and spills the hidden drugs on the floor. His guests identify themselves as police officers-because who else would be better able to consult on a murder mystery, is not it? And put the racket in cuffs. All traces of his buffoon personality gone, Ri-on demands to know where they keep his sister.

hurt yet from his previous strokes, Do-hyun still Ri-jin carries away from the source of the explosion to wear. As fire rages around them, approaching Ri-jin the edge of consciousness. Search around, Do-hyun spies a motorcycle a short distance away. He binds Ri-jin securely to the back seat and snatches away during the camp in flames rising behind him.

Displays and closes the consciousness in a hospital bed, Ri-jin looks Do-hyun about their stand. He apologizes sincerely to bring for them in danger, and not to say to them in a position to why she was in danger. "I hope you never again the misfortune to meet me."

Ri at his sister finds recovering in hospital. Ri-jin is glad that he understood their coded message, after all, the chapter mentions pre kidnapping and drug hidden inside clothing that was enough for Ri to figure out the rest. Brother and sister break a delightful secret handshake from her victory to celebrate.

Meanwhile, Do-hyun, bloodied and exhausted asks Chef Ahn to take him to the company meeting. In the boardroom, Ki-joon father muses that Do-hyun needs to be seriously injured to miss such an important introduction, and calls on the President not to hold people to wait any longer. Just then fly the doors open, and Do-hyun enters, looks pretty darn smart in his suit.

Do-hyun aimed apologetically to the assembled executives, for its slowness. He says that his accident was an uncontrollable variable, similar to its own advertising or the unpredictable moods of the future.

"But I'm the ever-changing world with something unchangeable put in me," he promises. "With determination, spirit, effort ... and identity." Ki-joon, watching Do-hyun like a hawk, looks dripping from Do-hyun sleeves blood.

After the grandmother Seo meeting brings Do-hyun to her office to chew him late by so many people before to be, who do not want to see him. She says that when he knows what his father did for him as he sacrificed himself so Do-hyun could be part of the group Seungjin family, he should not be so careless. "Until my son in this chair sitting," Granny yells: "You must do everything you can do to protect this company." Damn ... Granny Seo is scary.

In a medical facility anywhere, do-hyun mother holds before a door with CHA Joon-PYO on the nameplate. She thanked her hired Tracker her husband for the search, then go inside to sit beside his bed.

Ri-jin gets her mother to reassure her. Her parents have enough food to feed an army whipped, and want to send with Ri-Ri on so-jin can regain their strength.

Ri-jin's father asks for the leather jacket Ri-one took off him. He wants to lose weight so he can wear it because he still thinks that a gift from Ri-jin was. Ri-on snaps with his father to move to, then you have to react quickly to avoid being hit by the pan his mother throws him rude. I love this family.

Do-hyun consults with chief Ahn, while his own wound suturing. Apparently his experience over the years to him a basic knowledge of field dressing have given injury, together with his rope escape skills and high tolerance for pain. Still under the impression that Ri-jin has a mental illness, asks Do-hyun Ahn boss pay for their treatment and looking for her until she is discharged.

A little later, Ri-jin enters her hospital room balloons to find gifts, and write them to wish them well. It flashes back to the storage room, as Do-hyun was so considerate of her. "Could it be ... gentleman?" She muses. I love that it has begun to give nicknames to his personality.

Ri-one takes the food from their parents to share, along with some contraband beer. They discuss the mysterious stranger who saved her, and his multiple personalities. Ri-jin thinks he could maintain these personalities as defenses against a cruel world, such as Ri-on is both himself and Omega-3, the writer wrapped in mystery secret.

"but what if it is not a defense mechanism, but a trap?" She asks, growing pensive. How difficult it would be, she thinks, if he could not control the personalities in his mind. How frightening, and how lonely ... Ri-on asks if she likes this man, but Ri-jin closes this line of questioning by saying that they are not likely to meet again anyway.

Do-hyun sleeps poorly that night, plagued by dreams of his childhood trauma. His younger self asks forgiveness, huddling back against the wall of a dark basement. A shadowy figure falls on him, that's when Do-hyun bolts awake gasping.

The next day, Ki-joon an employee passes for a record of Do-hyun all hospitals in Seoul Search checking in. He wants to follow Do-hyun car accident history, no doubt to gain leverage for its treacherous systems.

Do-hyun takes a tour of the ID-entertainment area where they make records for use in dramas and movies. Chae-yeon sees him and calls a greeting, but Do-hyun pretends not to hear.

, which are not for Chae-yeon fly but who gets a nice lunch Do-hyun alone. They remind him of what he said to her that she should ignore him-if he acts contrary to itself, calls late at night or otherwise crosses a line.

"Try it," she said told him. "Cross line that can not be exceeded. I wonder if I will beat you ... or cross with you." Do-hyun says she can not like someone to treat him, and leaves after promising to forget what she has just said. Somehow, though, I do not think the girl a challenge she goes away to scare ...

The hospital says Chef Ahn with Dr. Seok about how the multiple personalities are always dangerous. Chef Ahn hopes to find someone to be Do-hyun secret doctor, so it can be treated without revealing his weakness to his family.

Ri-jin enters, and Chief Ahn finally finds out that she is a doctor, not a patient. You can practically see the light bulb turn on over the head. He leaves the two of them alone.

Ri-jin asks Dr. Seok when they can return to work in order to deny any lingering symptoms after the trauma of her abduction. She turns around a moment later, however, and asks about the patient in America with Dissociative Identity Disorder, they talk Dr. Seok once recalled. Hmm ... sounds familiar.

Several misconceptions dispelled immediately, as Chief Ahn says Do-hyun on Ri-jin is a doctor and Ri-jin DID learns that her rescuers and Dr. seok's patients are one and the same. Do-hyun leaves immediately with Ri-jin face-to-face.

meet at the hospital, Dr. Seok told how he met, Do-hyun in America and came to believe his story. Seven years of treatment allows to get the doctor to get to know personalities all Do-hyun, but it was not enough for him to help the traumatic childhood memories, Do-hyun to recover, which he suppressed.

Ri-jin understands that Do-hyun his psyche as a defensive measure had to in compartments, which has become a trap indeed. You and Dr. Seok both feel for Do-hyun, trapped in a never-ending war against itself, and not be able to tell very people he should be able to rely on help and support.

While aimlessly wandering through the hospital, thinking, Do-hyun predicament, Ri-jin runs in our favorite club rat Heo Suk-hee. She hunts Suk-Hee outside the hospital, such as a car pulls in front upwards. Ri-jin saves Suk-hee of their fight out of the way.

Do-hyun leaves hastily to check the car on it and recognizes Suk-hee of Club Paradise. "It's that doctor ..." he says, as nurses rushing to tow Suk-hee back inside. They remind him of what they said, have the feeling of many self locked inside you. "I think that we can be good friends!" Suk-hee screams as she is dragged to the hospital. "Let's meet again us, Club Paradise Prince! Let's meet again! "

Do-hyun, musing that Ri-jin really a physician. He asks if she saw in the moment when it changes, and when she replied that she did it, he wonders why. Not afraid of him

"Because I still do not know who you are," Ri -jin answers. "Excuse me, but ... who are you? By any chance, you have a bomb?" Do-hyun shakes his head. "Then you have a leather jacket?" Ri-jin asks. Smile now, shakes Do-hyun his head again. "Then ... what's your name?"

Do-hyun meets her gaze steadily. "I with that face and that look in my eyes-on Cha Do-hyun."


I am absolutely thrilled with this episode! It had to miss a bit of everything, from action ranging thriller romance to meeting and without a blow. Even better, the show manages all of these types without losing sight of the humor, the overwrought from feeling keeps some of the dramatic elements.

As in the comments above, Ri-jin has certainly cry a lot. It bothers me is not in fact, I love the fact that their instinctive response pick-up lines to yell too cheesy, but it is old quickly get when their go-to-reaction at any time she is shocked or fall into a situation out of control. I do not think the show but that make mistakes, especially not after the hilarious moment with the adhesive tape in the opening scene, which I think an awareness of Ri-jin has tended, uh, speak their minds. These gangsters could have saved so much trouble when they speak let in a while just a girl once.

The tension within the family heats beautiful, and we 'have discovered something very important: grandmother Seo nutso is. their flip-out at Do-hyun after the meeting After, I begin to severe personality thinking swings, only a hereditary thing could be in their family.

It is good to get a little more background on this family, but I hope put the secrets and in combating not the growing relations between the characters of the younger generation to shame.

Speaking of whom, I find myself Chae-yeon really like so far without really wanting to succeed. It seems that she is attracted to power, or at least someone who is ready to paint outside the lines, so Do-hyun uncharacteristic changes her course intrigue.

It is interesting to them to play with fire, to see, not realizing that they should be careful what she wants. I would love you to make an appointment with Do-hyun, to see for Perry Park with his Hawaiian shirt and get a couple of homemade bombs. Chae-yeon might think they with Do-hyun (and really, you can blame her?) In "a few lines cross" wants, but she still has no idea what that entails. Call me a sadist, but I can not wait to see what happens when she finally finds out.

I have read a couple of comments they say rather Shin Se gi Cha Do-hyun, and some people have even said that Do-hyun has no personality. Now I understand the attraction to the bad guy with the leather jacket and the mean right hook, but I still do-hyun by far the most interesting of the personalities. For Do-hyun, self-control is the only thing he most appreciates not expensive bought, even if self-control is not always the expressive emotions to mention screen.

This is not to say that Do-hyun bland or uninteresting. His fear is real, as we saw in an earlier episode, when he looks at his car mirror and promises Se-gi, that if it is too strong, Do-hyun is as well. And one of the clear highlights of this episode the air (which I thought was everything exceptionally) was when Do-hyun made his appearance at the meeting, a few hours after nearly blown up.

Do-hyun is not an unknown quantity in all-he has an identity of its own, as he is known at the meeting with the board members. It's just that he do not quite know what it is yet, if he does not fight control over the other even lurks in him to assert. He may promise in the face of ever-changing world to stand strong, but we know that he spoke also hold fast to its ever-changing self. To do that, he needs to discover and protect the unchanging core of his selfhood, of. A part of its identity separate from the unwanted house guest in his psyche

I thought the show addressed this issue in an interesting way at the end of the episode when Ri-jin Do-hyun real name finally learns. "Did you have a bomb?" She asks. "Do you have a leather jacket?" we need

leave as spectators often apart to tell on clumsy visual aids personalities as Perry Park bombs and silly shirts or Se-gi with his violet eyes (framed with guyliner, of course!) and a leather jacket. Do-hyun is the only person so far, we do not associate with means something feature some essential symbol inseparable, who and what he is. But the absence is not absence as much as Do-hyun unexplored potential, his inability to be reduced to a few representative quirks. Ri-jin is to start over Do-hyun identity at a deeper level than bombs or leather jackets discover or even, dare I say it, smoldering eyes, and we will be along for the ride.

Without the effusive about his multiple personalities, which is Cha Do-hyun? I can not wait to find out!

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tags: featured, Hwang Jung-eum, Ji Sung, Kill Me Heal Me, Park Seo-joon

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