Recap And Reviews Kdrama Heart to Heart: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Heart to Heart: Episode 2 -

The things a little interesting than we may start more about Yi-seok family background to learn and find out exactly how paralyzing fear Hong-do. Although Yi-seok is the hook for the stabbing of it in hot water still is on the job for drinking, and his personal life takes a turn for the worse on top of everything else. And while Hong-do takes a big step toward normalcy, it makes it clear that it is time to seek help in the last place to expect it.


In excruciating slow motion and with skin and bloody knees, Hong-do running frantically through the streets. Interestingly, she is not wearing her helmet, but dressed is beautiful with her hair and makeup her soft, pretty look. But her face looks anxious and panicky when she runs.

Doo-soo followed him, his expression giving away worry and concern. Hong-do loses for a moment her hat, but manages to pack, without getting caught, and sets their escape.

Some time earlier, we go back to where we left hanging from the ceiling Yi-seok by his tie and calling for help. Hong-do hear his gasps and grabs his legs, but that only makes things worse (and oddly hilarious) as it swings with him. She changes tactics his desk near him to slide, climb on it, and cut the tape with scissors.

Both crash on the sofa with Yi-seok on the Hong-do, and he jumps quickly to the news take notice that Doo-soo left. He has not even caught his breath, but he smiles that his patient woke up to hear and has to stab himself admitted in his neck. Then the anger kicks in and Yi-seok screams his frustration.

in his pocket phone rings Hong-do and he responds out of habit - it's Doo-soo call Hong-do. They tried to grab the phone, but Yi-seok defends it off, ripping Doo-soo to believe a new one for the "crazy woman" and not him.

He hangs up and rounds on Hong-do, she pushed against the wall and it will be treated for his guilt as a murderer, and for his near suicide. He orders her to never again show him her face and go out and let her talk to herself that she saved his life. Yes, I knew he would not be grateful.

Yi-seok drives to confront the hospital's patient (whose name Park Man-dong), upset about the brands that tie on his neck left and unsuspectingly that Hong-do follow him on her scooter. He finds the room of his patients and goes straight in, as Hong-do try their best to hide between chairs and the wall, ha.

Yi-seok asks why the man stabbed himself, and if he oK, but in the presence of the patient, the painful ringing in Yi-seok ears starts again and his vision blurred. He struggles with the time daughter of the patient to breathe enters the room, and Hong-do crawling behind her (as if no notice a woman in a helmet on his knees, haha).

Hong-do grabs Yi-seok hand and asks back to her phone, and immediately stops the ringing and Yi-seok feels normal again. He pushes them out of the room and the ringing starts again, but stops immediately when he withdraws inward. Okay, that's strange and strangely familiar.

Yi-seok shoves Hong-do in the hall again plunges the ringing full strength back. In the process he also draws the patient's daughter back and forth, and now the father looks angry. Yi-seok crawls out of the room and the moment when he does, he is back to normal. Hong-do asks for her phone again and he denies it, but it's right there ringing in the pocket again with another call from Doo-soo.

He plays keep-away with the phone as Hong-do jumps around him, provided they and the detective in any kind of relationship. Hong-do finally loses her temper and yells at him her phone now admit that it's all his fault that she ended up at the station and that Doo-soo saw a side of her that she wanted to hide , That he bellows to draw only a drunken quack a lot.

Yi-seok is amused by her outburst, but denies that he is a quack (he allows her other allegations but ha). He grabs her helmet, forcing her to look him in the eye, and asks if she wants to fix her blushes and social anxiety. He says he can fix her time for three minutes in return, and grabs her hand to pull her back in the hospital room.

Yi-seok Park Hong-do in a chair holding a hand on her helmet, tells the patient he has a lot of questions for him. But the patient is not interested to talk and tells him never to come back. Yi-seok moved him to ask why he stabbed himself, so that the man him closer movements.

Yi-seok be reluctant to go out of Hong-do and the patient draws him into uncomfortably close and whispers, if he is curious about him now that he has seen his daughter. If he means what I think it is that he has been inappropriate with his own daughter, this man is a real sicko.

He tells Yi-seok never to come near his daughter, and the ringing starts again pulls away as Yi-seok and tumbles out of the room. Sick to the bone, Yi-seok stumbling to the elevator and throws Hong-do her phone as she asks for him one last time.

a few days later, Hong It shall cheerfully their old woman makeup as the stenographer of the Chairman for her first day prepared. She wonders how it will be, but the numbers, at least they do not cook or clean.

But when she arrives at work, he had no chairman claims the intention to rent it and says Butler Ahn to pay them and to send her. Hong-do enters the room and gently commented that it must be at a disadvantage against older people, and asked him to give her a chance.

It does not work and passes it back down, but starts and provides almost the stairs the image of Yi-seok on the wall to see. The head housekeeper tells her proud that he is the chairman of the grandchildren, and Butler Ahn rushes in Hong-do, as the chairman decided to give her a chance after all to bring.

Yi-seok mother calls him to him to remember his grandfather birthday soon, and it is clearly in the manic phase of bipolar disorder because they nines the is dressed and in a fantastic mood. (Bipolar disorder, for clarity, a disorder that causes extreme mood swings from manic highs is to depressive lows. It is not, as many people mistakenly think a form of multiple personality disorder.)

Yi-seok is sick and hung over but his mother assured he's fine to go the agreement with her after his grandfather shopping for a gift. He hangs up and Punishes for not so bad to be stabbing patients had to be realized.

Chairman Go dictated Hong-do then asks to see what they wrote, but she dismisses after saying that giving her a shot only was because they wanted it so bad. It assumes astutely out that he did not really see what they entered and shows him how to use a smartphone as a magnifying glass, which blows his mind, and he reconsiders its attitude.

Butler Ahn comes from Hong-do, and she waves it in again. She hears a scream and sees Yi-seok his mother many, carrying many shopping bags while limping on an injured foot. Hong-do hides her face in a bush, peering to see Yi Seok recoup his mother in his arms and carry them inside. Hong-do marvels at Yi-seok's easy smile and laugh - he's another man with his family.

Doo-soo and his partner Yang lunch at a convenience store, Doo-soo ward Yang teasing grab that he likes Hong-do. Doo-soo tries to call them back, he's just worried about her and types on a text on it if it does not respond.

He is so intent on his text, he misses completely a stark naked woman walks past the shop window. Yang has it made and the two police officers running out of the store after the woman, and Doo-soo text is accidentally semifinished sent.

Hong-do tends her indoor garden, as it will contain the substring of Doo-soo. He thanks her for the pulp and asks if she wants to ... something, but it cuts halfway through a word. She wanders through the house repeating, wondering what he could possibly have meant the half-word. She taps to ask an answer, what he means, but drops her phone horrified when she sends it happened.

to bypass the strip naked woman through the streets with Doo-soo and Yang in hot pursuit, managing them for a whole way. Yang holds on admirably, hilarious to look away shocked viewers call, HAHA and Doo-soo takes a shortcut in an attempt to cut off her path.

At the same time, Yi-seok sister Se-Ro is dressed on the set of their film in a bikini at the pool and lounging beside the main actress of the film, seemingly as an extra. Every time they start shooting, she creates her face or leg in the shot and disguise to get the lines, hee.

Suddenly, the set of the naked woman is interrupted, the past, each running and jumping in the pool. Yang leaps after her, and Doo-soo grabs towel Se-Ro and finally elicited the naked woman to him and addresses them. Se-Ro looks more upset that her only scene is cut into the film out of the frustration of the interruptions, than any concern about why would a woman starkers through the streets.

Yi-seok meets with a psychiatrist sunbae his, Dr. UHM GI CHOON ( Seo Yi-seok ) and fills it in the details of the stabbing incident (but on the glossing marks on the neck, as slugs). He says the patient claiming depressed were, since his wife had died, and he just took his words at face value, without looking deeper. He admits that he is now worried by the people unnatural obsession with his daughter.

Dr. Uhm, the attempted suicide of the man says a cry for help, but was quickly changes the subject and asks Yi-seok why he is drunk. She says that he is unable to practice and accepts he would leave as his patients have left anyway, but Yi-seok protests only his innocence.

The naked woman at the station picked up by a family member of a worried Yang ensures that they will take care of them but does not seem to take the serious situation. He is concerned because it appears on paper to be a normal woman with a good job, and he wonders what she would have to run naked in broad daylight.

Hong-do hangs outside Doo-soo in the bushes back home and wondered aloud what she would do if he ask her out meant. She bends to tie her shoe, which breaks a sweet imaginary sequence, where her shoes and his shoes to meet, knocking his shoes and you are kissing into dancing coax, and she nestled together in the end as its inhabitants employed presumably.

Only then she gets a text from Doo-soo for the confusion apologize, and he asks her, in fact the next day for lunch. Thrilled, she imagines herself dancing helmet and absolutely radiant on the street outside his house with abandon, looking.

The next day, as she gets ready for her lunch date, excited, but nervous, and leaves the house very pretty looking and dressed mainly normal and without her helmet , She did not get a momentary setback when the taxi near their front door, and she has to go a few blocks to meet him, but she manages to hide with an umbrella by her face.

In the taxi, she pretends to make small talk to sleep to avoid. A phone left by the previous customers ruined their careful plans by ringing, and the taxi driver screams literally up to her to answer it, ha. The driver finally answered, and will be for the phone pulled over while driving.

The driver asks Hong-do the police to explain, and to avoid further conversation with strangers she throws money at him and jump out of the cab. But it does not pay enough and the driver jumps to hunt from her.

Meanwhile Doo-soo is waiting nervously on Hong-do in the restaurant, looking and perking at every woman who goes in. He noticed a suspicious-looking man at a table alone, and recognizes him from a police sketch of a wanted man. The man noted Doo-soo and running with Doo-soo just behind the hunt.

Ah, the opening sequence was not chasing Doo-soo Hong-do, but each of them hunt or be hunted, isolated. Hong-do fled from the taxi driver who collided with a biker and their knees cut, leaving her cell phone in the process. Doo-soo manages to catch his man, despite stopping some children ball back and a ajumma help pick up boxes that they like as the perfect hero he is.

That night, gather Yi-seok and his family for the birthday dinner of the chairman. Mom is super sassy and dotes on Yi-seok, practically Se-Ro to ignore while. The chairman is in a bad mood, ask Yi-seok about his practice and be drinking on the job and a point to make everyone to criticize at the table.

The festivities are interrupted by Yi-seok father what to be Mom downright frightened. Later, the three men meet in the office of the chairman and Yi-seok is furious when he says his father has no right, has to come back. Interestingly, he dresses all the time to leave his own father down for his mother and cheating on her, he never once actually looks at the man.

shocked and scared, Mama takes to her bed, and Yi-seok goes to her room under the law with Dad fixing. He assures Mom that he has everything under control and they need not worry that he'll keep Papa far away from her.

Although it is after dark, both Doo-soo and Hong-do arrive at the restaurant where they meet alleged. Doo-soo goes and asks if anyone a girl wearing a helmet while Hong-do has seen the outside depends, too nervous to talk to him.

Hong-do listen while Doo-soo calls her, but the person who answers him she says was hit by a bike and lost it. Doo-soo goes right past Hong-do on the way to pick up her phone for her, although she hides her face from him.

Throughout the day, Hong-do's perfect plans for their first meeting with Doo-soo have been ruined, and how she thinks of the final plan - to him smiling brightly when she sees him - it breaks into large sobs of disappointment. That's the only thing they could have done, but they take their shyness can control and missed their chance.

Hong-do goes home and drinks alone in bed Soju, and she gets a random urge to wash their bedding. When she touches the bed and complains about her dirty house, she hears Doo-soo call to her from outside and quickly turns off the light.

smiles doo- soo, when the lights go out, it is to know there listening, and says that he came because he heard in an accident was and was concerned. overcome again by paralyzing fear, cowering Hong-do in their bedrooms and coincides with their blanket.

Doo-soo leaves her phone at the door and apologizes for today, assuming that Hong-do was waiting for him. He asks for a second chance, and she does not answer, but sits silently with tears running down her face. Doo-soo says that the person on the bike, she said wearing a very pretty dress that her date is missing regret making him even more. He goes but asks her to call him, say that he is very stubborn. She takes the phone in through her window and takes medicine for her scraped-up knee inside the bag.

Yi-seok goes back to see Dr. Uhm and complained that his father is back in the country and plans to move back in Grandpa's house. She tells him that she got a call on his drinking and the stabbing incident, and that his license was not suspended. But it is responsible for him for the moment, and she orders him to stop drinking and start coming into her clinic to work where they can keep an eye on him to ensure that he stays sober.

He complains that to running in his own imagination work excavations, but does not seem to have a choice in the matter to have. Dr. Uhm asks if he does not want to be a real doctor -. The one who can weep beside his patients when they cry

With her blush again full force, Hong-do regarding her helmet and remembers Yi -seok claim that he can cure her fear. She makes a decision and notify the helmet, which they will to again be Doo-soo justice , and it is not going to need his help that time. The first thing in the morning she on her scooter from heads to see Yi-seok.

Yi-seok in his clinic comes from all his furniture and belongings to find completely cleaned it, but before he even can process, Hong-do up to him. Her face is burning and she stumbles over her words, but she resolutely removed his helmet and reveals itself.

When he. Her bright red face and wild hair for the first time, Yi-seok is surprised and asks her what's going on He realizes their condition is more serious than he thought, and she asks hesitantly if he can help her. gaining momentum in desperation, she tells him that even if he is, he has a bad doctor, even if he is a psycho or a deceiver himself to fix it.

Starting to cry, Hong-do tells him that if he can not help her, will die. She meets his eyes and simply asks, "Fix me. Please."


The Show will grow on me in any case, to learn as we learn more about our leads and their backgrounds, and now that the basic plot was laid, I find it fascinating. It's simple - Hong-do needs help, so she hit the man who loves, and the only doctor who can help her is more of a mess than it is - but sometimes the simplest stories are the ones with the largest the potential because the authors hasn 't be written into a tight corner. There are many places, the story can go from here, and I'm interested in the characters and their questions are enough willing to see where it all goes.

I get the feeling that this show a slow burn his (no pun intended), and that we could come to peeling layers for some time. It is intriguing that although they know very little about each other and what they know, they do not like Hong-do and Yi-seok seem already to help each other. Hong-do, has now spoken twice, her voice took before Yi-seok and their spirit that they, unless to do after her old woman makeup, not been able. And I'm even more intrigued by whatever is with Yi-seok going when he near his patient Man-dong, and how with Hong tips near soothes his bizarre reactions.

And what is that all about anyway? Obviously something about Man-dong triggers Yi-seok symptoms ringing ears, blurred vision, and feel weak and sick. I'm dying to know why he reacted in this way to the man and what is causing it. Has he some kind of mental sick bastard radar have that the man is from? And why the proximity of Hong-do to make it stop? There was nothing to Heart to Heart to indicate there are any kind of supernatural angle to the story, but now I can think of no other reason why this particular patient caused Yi-seok would strange reaction. But I like the setup that he and Hong-do need to work together to help each other, and I like the fact that they have an interesting chemistry that is not hostility, not friendship, but only a sort of resigned acceptance. There is another kind of beginning a romance, and it is a lot of fun to play it to look.

Doo-soo, appears on the other side to be only too well little true. I wonder about his motives for trying to pull Hong-do out of their shell, because "they bring him food for seven years and he is curious about her" a little too seems to be simple. I'm wrong and he might just be that nice, but it feels more like them a project to him as an actual romantic interest. I like that he understands and respects its limits, but like I said, someone in her condition does not need to be coddled, they must be helped to heal and lead a normal life. Especially since that is exactly what she wants to, and yet since he is the reason why they want it. It could be frustrating quickly after Hong-do to reach help, and who give Doo-soo, rather than her room. Enter place is nice, but only as long as the person wants that space, you know?

, which is why I believe that despite all his freakishly weird questions, Yi-seok, has to be better the potential at the end for Hong-do. Aside from an actual psychiatrist, he is not the type to sit back and let people do just what they want, when they see them is harming - is to help his instinct. I think that's why in the first episode, he helps the woman who was so good on the roof, but got so frustrated and nervous with his patient in the office. The woman is required on the roof, and responds to open his urging for help her and to accept, during his regular patients only someone would listen to while she whimpered. I can understand how that man as Yi-seok, would turn in his drive to take action in order to drink. With him come and ask for his help, Hong-do has been a process in Yi-seok started, the better to help him because he is a man who needs to be needed (more evidence - his relationship with his mother). I can already see how it will be good for each other, as a patient / doctor and possibly as romantic interests.

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