Recap And Reviews Kdrama My Secret Hotel: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama My Secret Hotel: Episode 13 -

If you had hoped , the show would be some progress in answering all questions we do for weeks already asked (like, who the murderer is? who Sang-Hyo really love? act Why not Hae-jung and Sung gyum their age?), be you disappointed. The show is almost back to square one in terms of plot, but it reminds us once again what Sang-Hyo true passion and the driving force behind their actions. The Secret Hotel


Sang Hyo tried to stop the boys literally fight over them to be spun between you. Hae-young is particularly surprised when she at Sung gyum throws to ask yourself, stop fighting, and tried to pull away from him. She pushes Hae-jung away to tell him if he now does not leave, then yesterday was the last time that they will remain in its place.

Sung gyum overhears, and is surprised and disappointed to see night in Hae-young that Sang-Hyo issued. But at least it will leave Hae-young, and he goes in "her" car, while she tries to do well with Sung gyum again. He does not want to hear any explanation, however, and also drives off.

Both alone in their respective offices brooding men, but at least Hae-jung feels apologetic about Sang-Hyo (now only if he could say: "I'm sorry" to her face).

Despite an initial cold shoulder when they happen to meet in the elevator, Sung gyum decides Sang-Hyo the side of the story heard. She explains how important Hae-young father to him, and that, to ensure that his father operation is immediate them to do so, to be continued Hae-young, married for the week.

She apologizes for not previously told him. But he is not quite as ready to accept that excuse, even if it promises that they do not feel like, again has with Hae-young. It does so only because they have a close relationship with a father who has always wanted, and she does not want to be taken by Hae-young.

Sung gyum clarifies that his difficulty in accepting this situation is not the fact that it does so to save someone else - it is the fact that "someone" happens to be Hae-jung

When Hae-young. Company, its employees are worried about what happens when he finds out, not their project is not finished yet, and as Hae-young to ask them they promise exuberant that they then extra hard work overtime to get it ready in time to get. But instead Hae-young surprised all of them have to leave early because he is a "family man" now and Sang-Hyo is waiting for him.

Or rather, he was waiting for her when he calls from the car park to give her a ride home. She told him that she did not want him to pick them up, but he thinks that it's best "for his parents" when they come home together. He gives her an ultimatum that if she is not on the car in 30 minutes, he's going to come into the office and you can find. While ultimatums to win her heart back, can not be the best way, he looks super cute when he smiles in the photos he goofily of her last night took.

Slowly Sang-Hyo their stuff collects, and how it passes to the elevator, she receives a call from Sung-gyum. Now it's time for his ultimatum: He is not ready to abandon it, and he will wait for them down the stairs. Now she is torn as it leads down from the stairs paces to Sung gyum to the elevator to take them to the parking garage.

Both men continue to wait and Sang-Hyo finally takes decisive steps on the marble floor. Hearing the sound of high heels, Sung gyum perks - but it's just another employee walking past. At the end Sang-Hyo Hae-Young chooses, and the car will be

But they will not forget

Sung-gyum -. They sent Eun-joo, to break the news that she left young with hemodialysis. Eun-joo is not thrilled, messengers are banned, especially since it means that Eun-joo no threat to Sang-Hyo relationship with Sung gyum. He just wants to be alone, but Eun-joo is not let him out of that easily -. They will take him for drinks, whether he likes it or not

During the ride home, Hae-young noted Sang-Hyo Airborne expression, and shears the car to a stop when she brings Sung gyum. He asks her not to mention Sung gyum when she is with him, because she knows how he feels (Hae-jung) is when they get over their

in his home, his parents are not near -. That makes Sang-Hyo a little grumpy because they just there for them. On a show She stamps the sofa where Hae-young joins her and pulls out his cell phone, suggesting they order in for dinner.

Found the selca photos of last night and snatches the phone from him determined to delete the photos. He grabs the phone back, and followed by a wrestling match that just so happened to them in a very impressive position when mom and dad come in the end.

Just as parents decide might be nice to go for a walk to let the two newlyweds in peace, despite Sang-Hyo desperate protests that this is not what it looks like. Best in-laws always, no matter how fake marriage.

Later on fruit and coffee, says Mom, that the two of them watched from their early days of marriage recalls. Oh, it sounds like they have such a healthy relationship. Papas quite taken with Sang-Hyo, and says that as soon as he is cured of his heart surgery, they will go on a father-daughter date. Is it wrong that I want to stay married only these two only forgery, so Sang-Hyo can have a family in their lives?

Eun-joo is made on its promise Sung gyum to take drink out and they sit at a Pojangmacha, Soju Downing. For "cathartic reasons," she tried to curse him out Sang-Hyo (to follow from their example, ha!), But it always ends up somehow complimenting Sang-Hyo every time.


she realizes he is a hopeless case where Sang-Hyo is concerned, and acknowledges that they responsible for marry Sang-Hyo is to Hae-young - it's the only thing to think, she could get out of the picture when she heard Sang-Hyo Sung and gyum were dated. It was a cowardly act, she knows, but she was desperate, and those who are thinking so desperate not always clear. Which is, she adds, probably as Hae-young felt, also.

Sang-Hyo is in bed, his pillow moves in his sleep quietly as Hae-jung from the floor to the bed and tried to crawl next to her. But not so fast - she sits up, wanted to know what he is doing. He uses his pain back (from the wrestling - yeah, right) as an excuse to stay on the bed. But she begins to tickle him and it's pretty obvious that he's faking it when he sits up, giggled and tried to fight them straight.

The sending both to another flashback Las Vegas when Hae-jung asleep - or, better said, pouting because Sang-Hyo had to leave the hotel to work unexpectedly. They began to tickle him to bring his smile, and to stay in spite of his efforts with her crazy, he's just too sensitive.

But he warns them that if they keep poking it, it will start to have some sexy thoughts. That makes him only more stuck, pffft. Oh, they were so incredibly happy in love then kissy faces to make today.

This memory is now to stop Sang-Hyo poking Hae-young, and she decides that if his back is really hurting, then he can have the bed and instead they sleep on the floor. He immediately jumps up and tells her that he was just kidding, and returns to his seat on the floor.

your phone chirps, and it's a good night message from Sung-gyum. She smiles about it until it. Previous news yesterday evening that Hae-jung sent in their name reads She looked at him screaming it for sending, even if he denies it vehemently, and pushes him out of bed (where he claims that he really did his his back ached now. Suuuure).

Morning Sang-Hyo dressed and quietly watches ended Hae-young sleeping. She takes his cell phone and is to be deleted on the photos he took of her while she was sleeping, but hesitates to give him one last look before the phone to put back down. He wakes up his phone to check they pleased to see no longer put out the photos after all

Sang-Hyo establishes breakfast and goes Hae-jung to fetch his parents -. Only to find a note. They met this morning in the States initiated since the operation his father can not be put off any longer. But when he comes back into the kitchen, he's bluffing, that they went to have breakfast with his brother, and then the note flashes before her face, as a proof (but as fast as they can not read it).

He is willing definitely to eat breakfast, but Sang-Hyo decides to go, instead of working. When he asks why she tells him that she just does not want to eat breakfast with him, and then continues, projecting him to needle through her tongue in response to the rest of his questions.

Hae-jung finds its expression irritating nice because he did not make it before anyone else, especially Sung gyum warns. He tries to excuse "it will let you look strange to Sung gyum" to stop them, but they only play together and agrees to say that they will make a different face for him - like licking her lips and then blowing a kiss. chuckles on the way to work, Sang-Hyo how much they enjoy driving Hae-young crazy -. A realization that makes them stop laughing, because they are not so much fun to do something that Hae-jung includes, to be

in the office looks sad Gi-chul around at the empty desks of mournfully shows that Hwang and Young-mi died - and even Kyung-hee, also. Wait, what?

In a flashback, Gi-chul and the new rent Sung-min hiding around the corner, as they observe Kyung-hee collapse in Team Leader Cha in the Poor. He rushes around the corner screaming that he had promised to protect them, but is thrown against the wall by team leader Cha, who makes him do so, promise, as he did not see anything.

Which means he is some serious side eye Guide Cha the team when he was a few minutes later comes Sang-Hyo to say that Kyung-hee will not be in that day, because they do not feel well.

Detective Kim is still focused on Sung gyum murder of the father, and when he by the incident report flips to the other detective filled him otherwise garrulous details in. From its sources, it seems, Sung gyum father could be a big guy but not so - he has had a lot of mistresses and beat his wife. But because each one there is no longer this time, the only one who acknowledge, could be his wife.

The incident report also mentions a necklace that was originally in Sung gyum father's hand, but then disappeared in the time from the hotel to his body hospital was transported found. Detective Kim wonders whether the chain may be related to one of his mistresses, until he remembered the necklace found in Hwang things, the one that was to extort Young-mi GM Lee and Sung gyum. This means that if the chain is not already in the hands of murderers, as could be another murder

As Kyung-hee, maybe -. Team leader Cha reported GM Lee, which, if you saw him, she asks. But before continuing, a nervous Gi-Chul knocks to go to the door, desperate to tell his side of the story. He says the GM, the Kyung-hee was killed by Team Leader Cha, but GM Lee assures him she's just sick of.

Gi-chul's eyes widened when he realizees that team leader in Cha GM Lees office waiting - that makes GM Lee part of the conspiracy. When he behaved out of the office goes away, he sees what he thinks Kyung-hee is and rushes after her. But it's just a quick glance, and every time he comes closer, she's gone. Another spirit

No - it's really Kyung-hee, in the flesh. Phew. Gi-Chul is as relieved as I am that she is still alive and hugs her tight, grateful that she is still there. Oh, she seems grateful that someone cares.

Sang-Hyo gets a call from Hae-young father who wanted to let them know that they arrived safely in the United States, and that no matter what someone else says, it is for them this to get surgery. She wishes him a speedy recovery, but most of all she is stunned to realize that Hae-young parents have already left Korea.

At this moment Sung gyum a little asks talk. He wants to know if everything will be really with Hae-jung over in a week. But she's ready to take off today because his parents are now in the US. He offers her help, things to pack, to withdraw into her home, but she would prefer to avoid another fight between the two boys, she will do it alone.

calls Hae-young to passcode his flat is to let him know, found out that they already rely on his parents. He hangs up before he can tell her, and rushes out of the office. In the meantime, they will try to guess the password itself, all possible combinations to try until it lands on the right eventually. Your wedding date

Hae-young runs into the apartment and exclaimed Sang-Hyo before realizing that she's gone. Tears his eyes fill when he, as he recalled the moment back to their old home in Vegas and discovered that she was no longer there.

But a voice calling, he can know that he just needed to enter the pass code - it is not all the way needed to come here. He Sang-Hyo couplings in a tight embrace, much to their surprise. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he asks her the week they stay had promised. She pointed out that since his parents are no longer here, there is not a spot for their stay.

His voice breaks as he continues to ask desperately, they stay for a week, just for him. But she says softly to him that she does not want. "Let us stop." In a voiceover, she remembers that had fallen from a week in the area seven years ago, she fell in love with him - it is not certain that they have the courage to go back through the


Our intrepid Stalker reporter jung-eun has little fake-marriage feint, and in an effort to tear Hae-jung found out and Sang-Hyo apart, she writes with relish an article reveals the behind her wedding truth - and the love triangle between Hae-young, Sang-Hyo Sung-gyum


Hae-young team endless calls as they try all to reassure that it comes to a false rumor is and. Couple is happily married. Ha, and Hae-Young looks at the phone calls from just automatically hang on any top. When Hae-young deadpans that he wants Jung-eun killed Freaks next Shi-chan from - apparently he has on she got an eye. Good luck with that, pal.

We are back to square one in The Secret hotel as they hold an emergency staff meeting that the meeting is strong it held in the first episode, trying to figure out how one to deal with the negative publicity. Only this time, Sung gyum is ready to assist Sang-Hyo instead blame for the product.

But she takes the blame definitely, and promises to fix it. Until the reporters calm down, it will continue to stay with Hae-Young and hold performances as happy couple.

Sung gyum argued against it, but GM Lee steps in and reminds him that all the hotel staff were in the wrong wedding accomplice, and if it is proven to be a fraud, the hotel will ruin. GM Lee asks Sang-Hyo one last time - she is sure that she has no lasting feelings, and she married him only in the area to save

Your Silence? is answer enough for him, and he does not harass her about her decision with a final warning to Sung gyum. After the rest of the staff left a shocked Sung gyum asks if he really caused them to falter, and if it really is to be influenced by Hae-young. We do not get to hear her answer, stuff it

Hae-young working late at the office, playing in his head for them to stop their desire: "Yes, let's stop, Nam Sang-Hyo."

When he makes his way, to continue to welcome him home phantom images of a smiling Sang-Hyo, but he makes them disappear by repeating "Let us cease Nam Sang-Hyo."

He commands adieu the phantom Sang-Hyo in his apartment, but surprised turns again when she speaks to him. It is not a phantom, after all; it is the real thing. She tells him that, to the rumor about the hotel and their wedding dies, she wants to stay with him here.

Hae-jung still has some pride, though to note that to stay after all the times he asked her, she's only now agree with him, to live, to save the hotel - sorry, but he's not the type to go with the combined

he repeated the magic words: "Let us stop this.." She calls out to him, pleading, "Just this once!" -. but he continues to walk away


Honestly, I am so with this man done boy's, and I want to be Sang-Hyo finished with them, also. The only reason why I can not hate completely Hae-young, because Yi-han seems like Jin have so much fun with this role that I play him with him to love to watch. It emits virtually this charming energy that I find still convincing, even if I Hae-Young want to grab shoulders really and tell him already grow. His character is a total wreck, but I still find so much fun to see him that I am ready to roll with it.

At least he was ready to finally and officially let go until the end of the episode of her. I'm not holding my breath that he would keep his promise, "Stop", because he had done all kinds of crazy tricks to try and keep them, as it is, and I suppose he'll be delighted another to they apologize to him in to keep a little longer. But it was nice, a little juxtaposition to see them, one to stay to be begging for him just a little longer. If it is just not as contrived and forced! To his credit, Hae-jung at least knew that their motivation was, once again, to save the hotel. So maybe he is learning

Nevertheless -. These guys need to stop treating Sang-Hyo as a prize to be fought over and won, and start to respect as a person who make their own decisions fully capable. I rolled my eyes at the "ultimatums" they gave her, because that's one of my least-rom-com gimmicks ever. I would much for them, take them both and just grab a cab to ignore (or, you know, go to drink, because the girls still seem like barrels awesome sauce with the girls, and I want to be quite BFFs with Eun-joo and Soju drink with her).

just for a moment to the mystery Let us focus, shall we? I've had for a while on the suspect list team leader Cha, but thanks Gi-Chul, I suppose, that he was not the killer. (Btw, no love for this little Kyung-hee fake-out.) It seems like most people who have it to be from the killer, another end up with less deadly secret. Maybe he and Kyung-hee had a little romance going on? I want for them that much to have, considering she has no one said that she died of cancer, and I would like to know Team Leader Cha someone might lean against it, figuratively and literally.

therefore emphasize him the suspect list. Remains ... hmmm. I was actually very curious about Sung gyum mother since we restarted it got to the last person, Hwang was speaking, and I hope we get a little more about it, since it as Detective Kim believes provides that cracking the old case over Sung gyum death of father is the secret to keeping Hwang and Young-mi deaths. Even if the secret of the most exciting parts of this show is, I'm almost at a place where I do not care who did it - I only want to have dissolved, dang it

it. appears to disclose, as a lot of secrets left - considering how much weight has been placed on the fathers, and how much Sang-Hyo longs for a father figure in their lives, I bet I still on a birth secret - perhaps one of the many ladies implored Sung gyum father? Maybe one of them was Kyung-hee! Birth secrets, incest and a long lost parent die of cancer: a drama Country trifecta! I kid; I kid. (Uh, I hope I'm just kidding ... d'you hear me Drama gods? It's a joke! A joke!)

Hopefully these last few episodes will pick up the pace and give us the real answers. Or at least make this drama so much fun and interesting as it was in the beginning. Less moping; more murder

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tags: in Jin Yi-han, My Secret Hotel, namgoong min, Yoo in-na

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