Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 11 -

If there is a benefit to all this once a week format, perhaps it is that we can see the penultimate episode and an entire 7 days before the ... well has to face, I will not say it here. As far as this is hour, it is an enjoyable watch for fans of Yoon-seo, Sohyeon and Dal-hyang, even if the satisfaction they overcome to see long-term obstacles, means that it is only so much free to face new. Gird up thy loins, people-it'll probably will get worse before it gets better.


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Episode 11: "A Kiss"

The governor of Anju is in for a rude awakening when he realizes that he is set to Crown Prince in prison and crawls before min-seo by way of apology. "I'm so sorry, I'm not familiar, Your Highness"

Sohyeon smiles good-naturedly, as he says to address the governor him and not min-seo, because he , the Crown Prince. Ahaha. STILL the governor did not recognize him. I love this running gag.

Because the governor is the one who sent the potentially devastating letter in terms of overall Ingguldai / Dal-hyang output to the king, he is now afraid of his jokes when Sohyeon corrected his misconception that Dal-hyang is alive .

And Dal-hyang on the road to the capital is only to tell the king how incapable is the governor, he hears better Sohyeon carefully if he wants to save his position (and head).

After making sure that Ingguldai to Qing returned safely, the Three Musketeers return to the place Sohyeon he asserted in was convalescence, only Eunuch Kim, to find that the king paid a visit and was angered by his son was nowhere to be found

So eunuch Kim gave King Injo the only excuse, he would believe. that Sohyeon and his friends had gone to the capital to feed their addiction.

Seung-po because is humiliated, how much trouble she was in the last time, that excuse was used, but there is not much they can do. To deceive Injo properly, they need to go in Hanyang to a gambling hall and are "trapped" there.

I love how none of them are in it and practically falling asleep at table until they approach hear royal guards. Sohyeon has to transfer the good grace and act indignant, is caught in the act, while the guard falling into old habits return admonished him. If only she knew.

The three of them are brought before King Injo for a proper dressing down to where Injo rants and raves how worthless they are for playing during the trial penalty time.

they might be incorrigible, Injo argued, but it is at least a man who received the same punishment they were doing and actually did something with yourself ...

... And in comes Dal-hyang, as a proper royal guard fitted now instead of just one officer of the state. Nice. The boys look totally shocked when Injo points to him, all See? He actually something with his life! "

Then we hear Dal-hyang in voice-over telling that while the three musketeers in the country, the heavy lifting ran all do, it was with a bit of luck showered in the following Sohyeon week with the governor of Anju capital.

Dal-hyang continue the events he relates was not present, with arrest Kim Ja-jeom begins. They asked Ingguldai forgiveness for him almost Format (for a murder he did not commit, no less), and asked him to testify shops Kim Ja-jeom is.

So, a new report was written and sent to the king three days later everything Kim Ja had done -jeom detailing. now that Kim claim that Ingguldai Dal-hyang was murdered to be of Dal-hyang alive and well proven wrong Injo met with him in the palace.

Dal-hyang testified how he survived under the floorboards, and plotting as Yes-jeom heard Kim to use his "death" to dethrone the princess.

Injo was so impressed with Dal-hyang story of survival that he promoted him to a senior officer who takes us back to the present. The Three Musketeers are all shocked when Injo usher Dal-hyang close enough to pat him on the shoulder, and I must admit that their faces are quite priceless.

It is only when Injo sets and says to the praise, the boys who follow Large Dal-hyang example, to put that Sohyeon chimes in to reason that maaaybe Dal-hyang have not achieve anything alone, but admit its part, would make his game excuse controversial, he heard his father tell him to be more like Dal-hyang. Hah.

Outside the guys joke about Dal-hyang the snazzy new position and the power that comes with it, has Dal-hyang all timid act. Although he has something to report Sohyeon, he will do it later ... when it is from work. You have to remember if they had jobs , right?

It's nice to sue the boy Sohyeon to see who tells them that Dal- hyang words more is highly regarded as his own right now so if they want a chance half, they take their complaints better (and hopefully kickbacks) to Dal-hyang directly.

There again the first time Sohyeon's Palace for over a month, he approaches Yoon-seo quarters with a happy smile. He remembers how she had worried that she would never return, and goes to her room all excited to greet them ...

... to learn Visible to empty, it is not there as they went into the temple to pray for the queen died. He seems so happy when he says that it has not yet completely left the palace gates, and instead to call them to his quarters, he ventures outside to find themselves Caravan.

Although he lost a little on the way, he finally finds Yoon-seo out their farewells to say on the way. She is so excited to see him that she almost loses her toupee as it passes through, and is still aflutter when her husband asks her something as simple as: "Have you been good"

you whisper like real conspirator as she shows him the hairpin of fate, which is upside down now safely and tells him about the exciting way it Dal-hyang her mercy.

facial twitches Sohyeon just a little, even if it goes into much detail as cool Dal-hyang was in this last moment swooping in and cuts that he the one who sent him to her. Yoon-seo flashes: "Yes, I already knew that."

He does not know what to say, and awkwardly wishes her a good trip. Yoon-seo follows when he goes off to ask embarrassed if they have done something wrong, and Sohyeon vague and confused response is more like a "Maybe?" When her would have liked.

But it's less of him placing blame on her and his own confusion, because he does not know what he feels. Before Yoon-seo can finish to clarify it, to ask swoops Sohyeon for a kiss in. Yes, you read that right.

He looks just uncertain as it does when he pulls away and tells her not to ask him what just happened, because he does not know. His smile is short-lived, as he turns to go on the road, Yoon-seo leave happy looking dazed, her lips touching, as if the feeling to remember more.

Sohyeon receives the report Dal-hyang wanted him to give a letter to Dal-hyang informs him that he caught Mi-ryung , Rewind had proved the day of Princess Jeongmyeong the party where Yoon-seo with the hairpin Of Destiny shows through.

The newest spy Mi-ryung was placed in the courtyard witnessed the events, but lied when to make them report on Mi-ryung: for her, the princess did not even show up to the party

While Mi-ryung left is almost hyperventilating, her messenger on the road, a lone figure emerges-it Dal-hyang is. Track down into harmless black in an attempt dressed Mi-ryung.

The emotion Mi-ryung actually feels triumph because they believed the messengers words and thinks that they won over the haughty princess. But then Pan-swe and claimed to be sent by a man with an eyepatch an innocent messenger, you are a letter from whom she believes Kim to be yes-jeom.

This non Kim Ja-jeom told her that the plan in Anju went off without a hitch, and the Sohyeon has agreed to take her as his wife. Overcome with something-like-but-not-necessarily-joy, Mi-ryung followed the instructions in the letter, to meet in the detail Sohyeon. Of course, that is exactly what Dal-hyang wanted them to think.

He led them intentionally out of town so news would be slow to reach them, and reports exactly where she is to make the prince, but he won 't a step without Sohyeon command.

dressed like an unmarried girl from a noble house, Mi-ryung waiting anxiously for days to Sohyeon arrives. You hurt looks still hopeful when she asks him if he signed Yes-jeom offered the prenup Kim, and when he says, yes, it has at least the decency to bow his head in mock shame, "You're disappointed in me , are not you? I know you are. "

she tells him that they have the promise she made (to stay away from him) so bad, but that she suffered from Kim Ja-jeom hands and was wanted to keep forced to accept his offer, when he said he would make her a princess.

when Sohyeon tells her that she refused to have nor could she claims that she tried and did, but Kim Ja-jeom didn 't hear. She's a victim, she claims, and that's how it happened.

"So ... do you like this conclusion? No matter what the process, the result is that you had become the Crown Princess. Do you like it? "Instead of answering, she asks how he feels about it, to embrace just about him to jump when he says casually:" Well, if I think about it, it will not be bad. "

that is all the validation they seem necessary, since they are all coy and cute begins acting as if they, as they are already a few conversations. When she goes on and on to him about her dream future Sohyeon expression remains unyielding and far.

All he has to give her a few words here and there to do is to shed their bait in everything, including how she said Yoon-seo to kill themselves rather than live in disgrace and humiliation to be because they "they do not know about us," Mi-ryung just so beautiful.

is a baby voice says in while her arms tighten around Sohyeon. "I told her that our bond will not easily severed."

Sohyeon finally pulls away and says Mi-ryung in a monotone voice that he is happy to leave the country, as they had planned, because they would be back to, not been able to meet. If they so blind to their crimes that they did not Sohyeon words for not seeing what they are?

Mi-ryung believes that he in the capital, so that it is under may be married, but in the litter before hopping, it stops with the Ironically eunuch Kim out now the woman he used once tried to kill. Someone does not know how not to count their chickens before they are hatched.

There is almost sad to see how happy Mi-ryung is when she took off in a sedan chair, fully believing that Sohyeon will soon follow her into the palace. She has a vision of what they would look like as Crown Princess leaving her litter, but if the vision faded, she steps out of the litter ...

... And in a prison. Eunuch Kim informs them that they will soon be interrogated, but Mi-ryung does not seem to fully grasp what is going on, at least not until Eunuch Kim tells her that he was the Crown Prince, who brought her here.

Mi-ryung [1945011noch] can not believe it, because they Sohyeon still think that marriage contract signed ... but that's when Dal-hyang comes to set her straight. Just the fact that it comes as a great shock to them alive is

Dal-hyang has no trouble listing crimes that brought them here. Telling her the princess to commit suicide, their psychotropic Ingguldai because she wanted to kill him Dal Hyang-the list goes on and on. But Mi-ryung, any chance they had never kissing princess to be goodbye.

The next person Dal-hyang gets welcomed to prison on the way, Kim is yes-jeom also surprised to see the,, Dal-hyang alive , Dal-hyang tells him that he will be Mi-ryung him have to make society so that they catch up period preceding their forthcoming have torture interrogation.

Mi-ryung calls Dal -hyang to ask, no, -for him to give an audience with the Crown Prince beg her. You know this is all a big misunderstanding that can be easily resolved if they could just talk to Sohyeon ...

But if Dal-hyang tells her that Sohyeon does not intend her repeatedly , Mi-ryung see invoke its denial to rein in front of him. "He can not leave me in the lurch like this," she said in a trembling voice. "We love each other."

"Love?" Dal-hyang mocked at her use of the word when he told her point blank that for what it is than love nothing but an obsession. Mi-ryung expression is dark when she promises: "I do not know how to survive, but I am going to kill me."

Dal-hyang, the opposite is threatened by and trust her to do the worst. Mi-ryung change tactics when he turns to go, and asks pathetic for him to let her see Sohyeon, only once before she dies.

It does not work on Dal Hyang, who pointed out that the girl who is trying threatened to make him sorry for her impending death, only to kill him. He does not care what she does, but reminds them that he would no matter watching what.

Dal-hyang leaves the prison feeling pretty pleased with yourself, especially since it tricks in a prison cell saved him from another unfortunate meeting with one of their poisoned needles. He leaves Eunuch Kim to report what has happened to Sohyeon because it is slated to meet his father, who came all the way to the capital, to visit him.

After Sohyeon heard by Mi-ryung is totally shocked with arrest nary more than a "good job" to Eunuch Kim, we find Dal-hyang on his face home eagerly rides with a huge grin.

He and his father are so excited to see each other, that they can hardly keep formalities but Dal-hyang insists on his father bow, even if he can not stop smiling.

There is a joyous reunification of the highest order, and if father thinks his son has moved into the world, because he now has a slave, he is in shock his life, as Dal-hyang him his palace ID, with his name and now senior official rank.

Dad is showing over the moon that he will lose the ability to speak for a while, and it's adorable how proud Dal is -hyang to tell him all about his new position, and how important it now is. Cue a bowathon between father and son.

Mi-ryung has a major mental breakdown in prison, and spends the night whispering "We love each other, he is waiting for me, I must go!" Over and over again.

But the kitchen maid deliver food to her is sent to a nasty surprise when she sees from the rafters hanging Mi-ryung. Eek.

While his father with slightly inflated stories of his bravery amicably, Dal-hyang with the news interrupted that Mi-ryung / Hyang-sun hangs himself. The word is that they were crazy, and Dal-hyang can not help but think their last desperate plea, as he rides in the prison.

There he finds out that she was not dead when they cut them down, and was transferred for treatment. Hardly has Dal-hyang go to makeshift clinic that man runs out screaming that the doctor has been killed, a murder-Mi-ryung and disappeared.

During the palace guards begin scrambling Mi-ryung find place, Dal-hyang the doctor with Mi-ryung signature fatal stuck needle from her neck. Only then, the prison guards found that the node was incorrectly bound from the outset, which proves that Mi-ryung no intentions had to die from the beginning.

Sohyeon without knowing that there is a situation in the palace because Mi -ryung escape, will not be able to sleep the night. He takes a candle Yoon-seo to visit reception room, the contents of only stare at the spot where they would normally sit.

I love how Eunuch Kim has to remind him that Yoon-seo so far away in a day be back what Sohyeon is that sighing tomorrow. "What I have done up to now?" He asks himself. "I've wasted so much time." Oh.

Meanwhile, Pan-swe a gift of alcohol from Seung-po receives Dad causes to get all huffy and know parents -similar he wants, who this "friend" of his son is. Of course he's shocked into silence when Pan-swe told him Seung-po impressive line, and his friendship with the prince crown.

Dal-hyang is a eunuch to tell Kim Mi-ryung escape because he is worried she will go to Sohyeon. This concern is only exacerbated when he said that the Crown Prince went on a trip, and not even Eunuch Kim knows where he is.

After a spell of prison Comment by Kim Ja-jeom, Dal-hyang stops by his house to pick up his sword. It is not a surprise visit by Seung-po and Min-seo expect has not been heard from Mi-ryung escape and came to celebrate with Dal-hyang and dad.

Dal-hyang's eyes widen when he sees already Seung-po its own jug wine bears (which means that he who have not sent in to Dad) as he thinks back Mi-ryung threat to kill him.

the worst fearing Dal-hyang crashes on Papa's room to find him slumped over the table. Oh no, he's dead? Dal-hyang is afraid of the answer, as he edges, gently his father calls him when he pulls it away from the table ...

... But Dad is already gone. Dal-hyang can only hold his body and crying.

Yoon-seo finds himself unable to sleep that night when all their thoughts about the kiss she and Sohyeon shared, but anything will do for the best, when they led to visitors late at night , Sohyeon

he is dressed for hunting, but you say, it's just an excuse before he pulls her in for a kiss. The look of shock on Yoon-seo face changes slowly, as they are about the feeling, resulting in a gentle, lingering experience.

"Do you want that to know why I am so" asks Sohyeon after he pulls away. "I did not know yesterday, but I have now. I will not tell you", he adds. "I'd feel like an idiot. I need to protect my pride, you know." He smiles as he to hurry up and get home, ask tomorrow-he does not want to stay alone in his rom more.

Yoon-seo can not believe what they hear, even if it has filled with joy. can Sohyeon not help but smile when he he leans in for another kiss in:

He looks back and smiles "Until tomorrow, good night." , You can not help but do the same, and gives him a tiny wave to send him on his way.

But if Sohyeon to mount his horse, he prepares his quiver of arrows found missing. As soon as he has to remember something, they're wrong, that an arrow flies to his face over ...

... And just in Yoon-seo.


I swear, one day be better there a comedy where two characters, have only shared a slo-mo smile lingering from each other away and win the lottery. Or a puppy to adopt. Literally everything is disaster and chaos would do, and might help, have the tendency facilitate dramas in us instilled be only moderately happy at any time, because you only ask afterwards otherwise.

If anything, what we are supposed to Mi-ryung is contempt, then in the last few episodes have certainly achieved that feeling. The only thing that feels is missing with her, is that it is not enough pathetic to earn a lot of empathy, nor is it so abominable that we can not help but look forward to their downfall. It makes a lot of bad things, sure, but I can not help but feel mostly ambivalent regarding their actions at this point. I do not even know Mi-ryung is sure what Mi-ryung want more

Here's the thing :. It is to be possessed in order for them to Sohyeon it is to be a villain and murderer in order for them, and it's even good for them to have their thoughts lost it's just that it do an irrational person irrational things and / or to understand, to relate is hard. Is the message that they, if it is weak-willed and blind not running angry? Because I have a hard time in fact accept that the girl who believed she Sohyeon could could force them to marry their own hanging without any existing doubts or suspicions, then counterfeiting, killing one person toxic send to another and arrange for the Crown Princess to be shot. And all on the same day, no less!

Poor Dal-hyang, though. The scenes with him and his father were too cute for words, literally , because we all have been the child with the parents at one time or another. But Dal-hyang had to be something justifiably proud, since he not only showing off his most impressive piece of macaroni noodle artwork, but the fact that he is in a position of power that only the best and brightest can achieve. If nothing else, at least died Dad a proud parent. (* Sob *)

Sohyeon development in personhood in recent weeks was subtle, which made his realization that he loved his wife damn lovable. Granted, I'm happier for Yoon-seo than I am for him, just because we have seen her struggle with her desire to love and be loved, while nothing-although I felt want me to think that all these moments contributed eventually to its emotional breakthrough. Here's hoping that the world will not be so cruel as to take the love of his life away before he ever get a chance to tell her that.

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tags: featured, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jin-wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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