Recap And Reviews Kdrama My Secret Hotel: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama My Secret Hotel: Episode 11 -

Now that Sang - Hyo the adopted its decision struggles Hae-jung with resign, which means that there will be dating Sung gyum for them officially, and if it is also possible that he let them actually go out of his life. In the midst of all the emotions, but the mystery takes a baby step forward if we narrow the two most likely candidates for the Young-mi's murder -. As selected by Young-mi himself


After Sung gyum sweet serenading Sang-Hyo that you fully recovered, Hae -Young goes for some chicken and beer with his work team. Although Hae-jung by the fact unaffected seems that Sung gyum "won", try the rest of his team awkward, to reassure him about his performance was really the best.

He recalls quietly them that Sung gyum still beat him, however, and he downs his beer and gets ready to leave. A worried Shi-chan offers him company afford to, but Hae-jung him turning down and leaves cool the bar. But he is not as calm as it looks, because it on the bar takes inflatable mark his frustration, it must be treated like a punching bag.

Sung gyum Hiking House Sang-Hyo, and she teases him about the fact that he will not look at. It's because it's embarrassing to the public about singing, but you compliments about his singing ability joking that it is not so much about the rhythm and pitch, but the feeling, anyway. He is in no joking mood, however, and she pulls him back by sincere to tell him that he was really great.

He admits that he did it because he was afraid he might lose her, and asks her to promise never again falter. Once Sang-Hyo node agreement, the two of them are all smiles and giggles cute again.

When she returns to her apartment, she sees the two bouquets for them to wait for the coffee table. She takes one of Hae-young and says it (and him) "Good-bye" before it to stuff into the trash. Then she stops and realizes that she can not remember what exactly ostrich what type came. Ha!

But they must have the right selected because. Back to his home, Hae-young sighs, he like someone just feels in the trash threw him When he sad resting on his bed, he hears the bell ...

... and it's Sung gyum and Sang-Hyo apartment. She is surprised to see him, but he asks to be invited because it is something he has to tell her. He is not interested in their offer of a cup of coffee, however, and is straight to the point: "Can I stay the night"

Sensing their rejection, he is ready to the door to look around, but she stops him. Reminds him of her promise not waver, she pulls him back down on the sofa. Sung gyum accepts gently clip out of her hair. Gently stroking her cheek, his hand will then lower slowly unbutton her blouse. Whoa. Things are too serious and sexy to get.

Unless Spirit in Hae-jung everything happened, and he shakes the image out of his head, to calm down, that it would never happen. But you can never be too sure, and he immediately calls Sang-Hyo, knowing ask what she's doing now.

It turned out that she is at home, alone and angry at his call. He warns that the most dangerous men are those who appear innocent and clumsy when Kim Dong-ryul ballads to sing (as Sung gyum). But Sang-Hyo puts him in his place, when asked whether the trustworthy guys then those who need to show of how they perform Park Jin Young songs (as Hae-jung).

chastised, Hae-jung at least asks her to promise him that she did not give her whole heart to Sung gyum until she knows at least knew him so well that they Hae-young. But Sang-Hyo says him to stay out of their business, and added that the only reason she has the phone disturbed at all to pick up was to tell him to never call again. Then she puts to him.

Frustrated, Hae-young is ready to throw his phone across the room. But the picture of Sang-Hyo Sung gyum Seduce remains despite all attempts to stop it. He tried, she calls again, but it goes straight to voicemail. Forlornly, he curls on his bed, realizing that to find something that was once lost, after all is quite difficult.

Meanwhile Sung gyum receives a packet Resort. The attached note asking if this was lost the point, and he discovers that his lack of white heart-shaped rocks. It is not so difficult to find a lost item when it is directly mailed to you, obviously.

The next day, Sang-Hyo is addressed by the other hotel staff, they congratulate on their relationship happy with Sung are -gyum. Except for Eun-joo, of course, is still upset they "lost" Sung gyum to her.

Or GM Lee, who asks how Sang-Hyo may be premature - after all, she's wedding with Hae-young just went through, and now Sung gyum she is dating? He thought that she actually felt something during the wedding, but she reminds him that she did it only in the area to save. He warns to stay away from Sung-gyum.

She leaves his office, stunned by his furious reaction and running in Sung gyum. He is happy to see her until he noticed her expression -. And his office just left

concerned, he asks her if something happened with GM Lee. She tells him that the GM as a father to her, and although she knows that it is difficult for the two men, face to face to see, she asks Sung gyum if he can somehow get along with GM Lee. Although Sung gyum will support them, there's no way he got near GM Lee, and he tells her it is useless to ask for them. He also wants them would not get too close to the GM, either.

Detective Kim studied the murder evidence board, while his partner shows that regular amounts of money were transferred from GM Lee's bank account to Hwang, meaning Hwang must GM was extorted. As for Young-mi, she blackmailed the couple Affairs at the hotel, and apparently picked the wrong person had to blackmail. This means that the evidence points to his murderer to GM Lee Hwang -. Although the other detective is still convinced is Sung gyum the murderer

Sang-Hyo sits idly in her office, lost in thought about the appropriate warnings for them to stay away from GM and Lee Sung-gyum. My phone buzzes - she sees that it is of Hae-young and meets

But it is booming again, and this time it is an unknown number, which proves Lee Seon-Kyun of his Radio Call Show "Ignore." "pump Up the Volume" (the, ha, Yoo Inna radio program in real life). She is very excited (and more than a little fan-Girly) to have called one of her favorite actors to give advice to a listener the story of how a lost love to win back.

not too excited for a cameo, though - it's actually Hae-jung mimicking Lee Seon-Kyun, and so do a brilliant job that they not to catch and instead immediately launches into a. Explanation as to why the man should let his go ex, since he was the one to leave first

She believes that this guy is too clingy, simply knowing adding a page about a guy so - that makes hemo - young crack and fall the Lee Seon-Kyun voice accidentally. That's when she realizes who really calls her to continue despite Hae-Young's experiment, he is a celebrity radio host, to do so, and she yells at him for his childish prank call in front of him hangs.

Hae-young mopes in the office, and when Soo-ah appears, he tells her to come out listless. But she is worried about him, especially after he humiliated him at the club last night. She is there to back Sang-Hyo to help him, and their big plan is to seduce Sung gyum so he'll break with Sang-Hyo. , Pffft

Detective Kim meets with GM Lee, and in his brilliant way gets straight to the point: Was Hwang to blackmail him? GM Lee explains that he and Hwang came from the same hometown, and he would only help out like a sunbae for hoobae.

The detective then asks if Young-mi had his "help" wanted, and GM Lee flashes for a meeting back that he had with Young-mi, where they warned him that if the chain in Sung gyum dropped his hands, it would be for him to be bad, so he should as soon as possible to pay. She had warned him that if he decided to kill her, as he had with Hwang she had written a letter which would be sent to their death to Sung gyum.

But he says Detective Kim that he there to support its employees in their work, not in personal affairs, and "help" not Young-mi. After Detective Kim leaves the office, his detective partner calls him, him that Young-mi to let the know call was last phone Sung gyum, and that they repeatedly spoke on the phone in the days before her death. This means Sung gyum on the suspect list is still high.


Young-mi letter-from-the-dead to Sung gyum, and he says that if he was not the one who killed them, then the killer GM Lee must be.

Simon has once to try again to find the chain, but Sung-gyum he says it look even. He calls Sang-Hyo when asking not go with him now hand Young-mi would return things to her home. The fact that the manager, such a menial task causes Sang-Hyo and the rest of the wedding department staff, it is a thinly veiled excuse for a day to think, to do would offer.

prepares as Sung gyum to leave the office, Detective Kim holds it for a moment, and bumblingly asks if Sung gyum and Young-mi had dating ", or something like that." As Sung gyum politely denies it, the detective why she had spent so much time on the phone asks then. Sung gyum goes steely eyes for one second before the detective calm he only one of its employees who had some concerns about their job help.

Sung gyum carrying the box of Young-mi article to his car and is about to open the lid until Sang-Hyo rushes. It is focused still on their staff's proposals on how to best utilize this "work date", so that when Sung gyum leaning over, she thinks he is in a kiss. But instead of just embracing it to buckle her in.

Once he realizes why she tried to stop him, he grins and gives her a kiss on the cheek. What you'll get even more confused and it lands accidentally the lever to hit reset to give Sung-gyum jokingly ask if she tries to seduce him into place. Alas, this "work date" would be super nice if Sung gyum not seem so suspicious.

In GM Lees office, team leader Cha reported Sung gyum and Sang-Hyo left together. Ohhhh, it turns out, GM Lee received a letter from Young-mi, also: only this says that if he does not kill her, then the killer must be is Sung gyum. Oh no!

Sung gyum and Sang-Hyo finally arrive at Young-mi mother at home and he realizes comfortable that they forgot to bring any kind of gift for her mother. Under the pretext that he is tired of driving, it sends to buy Sang-Hyo off in a nearby market some fruit. With no Sang-Hyo order he items in Young-mi the box rifles through, frantically looking for the chain.

But Sang-Hyo forgot her purse in the car, and returns to catch him in the middle of dumping out Young-mi purse. He explains that he accidentally dropped the box and the items had fallen out, the Sang-Hyo seems to accept his word. But the small side eye she gives him makes it appear as if she is not entirely convinced.

Slimy Manager (remember him?) Come to the police station, the detectives eager to say that he knows who the perpetrators. But he is milking this moment for all it's worth, much to their annoyance, until he finally whispers that Sung gyum.

Young-mi mother is grateful for Sang-Hyo Sung and gyum visit and invites them to stay for dinner. Sang-Hyo declines politely but they Sung gyum surprised by accepting immediately, it's Young-mi mother in the kitchen.

This is Sung gyum a chance to help Young-mi to examine room, and he pulls drawer after drawer, by the content scraping. But Sang-Hyo returns from the kitchen earlier than expected, and it stands in the doorway of Young-mi rooms to find confused by again, Sung gyum go through things Young-mi.

Meanwhile, Detective Kim recalls slimy manager, they Sung gyum was confirmed on his business trip, as Young-mi was killed. But Slimy Manager is convinced that it was because he saw a ready-made alibi Simon near The Secret Hotel that night. He thinks that it is suspicious that Simon, the man of the right hand Sung gyum is not went to the resort with his boss and was instead at the hotel.

The only conclusion he can come up with is that Sung gyum Simon ordered to kill Young-mi. Which means Simon is technically the killer, but Sung-gyum is the mastermind. The other detective is thrilled that his pet theory must be correct.

Sung gyum and Sang-Hyo in the city alone drive back.

Outside Sang-Hyo apartment, Hae-young sitting in his car, waiting for Sang-Hyo of return (which he assumes is) her date with Sung gyum. He holds "advising lovelorn" for his fake radio program, and decides that it is right - it is to be an idiot. He drives off as Sung gyum drives fall Sang-Hyo from.

Before she enters her apartment, he tells her that he knows he must appear at Young-mi House back a little strange, and although he, why not explain right now, he promises that he will soon tell her everything. Until then, he asks her to please wait for him.

Hae-Young-determination Sang-Hyo let go not very long was because he sits in his car and drive off watches Sung gyum. He himself says that he does not care if it seem to him affectionate or cheesy, because if he sees another man -. He fights back tears, feeling like he is going to be crazy

er Back home, Hae -Young recalls the look of joy in Sang-Hyo face as Sung gyum serenade her, and when sighs when he realizes that his beer can is empty. But Sang-Hyo voice makes him sit, and he sees her sitting next to him, to tell him that it will give it time for him -. The two more than seven years were

he tries phantom Sang-Hyo to insure that he will not get hurt again, but she does not believe him. He promises that he will find a way to make them trust him again, but phantom Sang-Hyo questions whether or not to be able to be together again.

morning, a groggy hemodialysis awakens young blearily to the sound of his phone ringing on (and he tries his slippers to answer first, ha!). It's his mother. Uh-oh. It accelerates over Sang-Hyo apartment intercepts her as she leaves for work. His parents come over, and he asks her to come with him back to his seat. Sang-Hyo do not know what that has to do with her, but he reminds them that even if their marriage was to her fake, it was not to his family.

She tells him that it is better for him to be honest with them right away, but he asks her for only a week to play together until they returned to the US, but they do not even want for do one day and then on foot. Frantic, Hae-young crying out for her, "What if my father is dying!"

Sang-Hyo stops but does not turn around. He explains that the only reason why he decided to marry Soo-ah was doing so his father would eventually get heart surgery, which he refused, until he saw getting married his son. She continues to walk, and he asks again, desperation in his voice.

"A week." She turns around. "Only for a week." Thankfully, he runs over and hugs her tightly.


Oooo, this could be fun. I would my aside rom-com hopes of fake! Marriage gadgetry once the truth of the past week came out and it looked like the show was conducted in a more serious (and more realistic) direction with Sang-Hyo and her two men. But not lie - I'm more than a little happy to know there that his between these two more bickering and forced close, because I really love their fun chemistry

This was a fairly heavy episode for Hae young. though it was, and even occasionally annoying with the constant handling "woe is me" mopey Hae-young, I brought with me the way Jin Yi-han me totally was really impressed with him emotionally. Despite the fact that I know his attempts Sang-Hyo are to return totally childish and should be spurned, there is just something about the depth of feeling that Hae-young has just buried under his ridiculous antics that me to him feel. [1945009Obwohl]

, I have to feel, see the beginning of the episode, a little "off" to stay the night at his pace, especially with Hae-young-owned Fantasia on Sung gyum, with Sang-Hyo. That was a joke, of lasted almost ten minutes (yes, I timed it), and it was the first cut sweet when we found out it was only in Hae-young mind. But the longer and longer lasted, I was like, "Okay, we get already;. Let's go on" Not to mention his near-monologue, as Hae-young said at the camera, was a bit off-putting (and for a moment when I wondered if would inadvertently lead to an episode of discovery of Romance ). This is not a style, the show has been used, and it felt uncomfortable and out of place. Although it quite comical.

To be fair, I teared up a little actually in the scene on the sofa just end, when he tried to convince Phantom -Sang-Hyo that he would be able to win and prove that he is worthy of her love her confidence. Despite his words, his remarks that a man was completely heartbroken, knowing that he is in the hands of a few actors "Good-bye." has to say, I could Hae-jung as one of the standard are angry dismissed childish leads, who believes that a girl plait drag is the best way to say "I love," but I will root for him past his fear to obtain deeds bravado and learn how to truly love Sang-Hyo. Not like the selfish whirlwind love of his youth, but to learn to love her sincerely, deeply, and yes, even sacrificially.

Frankly, I'm beginning to think that Sang-Hyo would only make them better off without either men in her life, because Hae-young escapades seem her crazy, and she has now cause only be suspicious of Sung gyum. Not that I really believe that he is the murder, but even if it is only to investigate the murder of his father, he could at least come up with better explanations than just "trust me now and I'll explain later." Sang-Hyo earned so much, especially since you now public relationship has for their work impacts (and we all know how important she puts on her career).

I'm angry still to buy their try immediately shut down, at least try to get him to see how important GM Lee is to her, and why it would be good if they could get along. For sure; GM Lee, the killer (of all, well-Sung gyum father), but Sang-Hyo does not know - all they see is a father figure that hates her friend and refuses to try to get along with. So even though I think eventually that Sung gyum really loves Sang-Hyo, I'm still not completely support him, because it is a controlling side to him where he wants to believe Sang-Hyo or trust him, without bidding Reasons why.

Honestly, if it is not to fake for my love! was married gimmicks, I would Sang-Hyo missing unload both men and continue to focus on her career. And maybe befriend all other women who have men treat them badly on this show (to be everyone seems so far). I imagine, only a Girls Night Out, and then drink with Sang-Hyo, Soo-ah, Eun-joo, and Kyung-hee, where it may be as well "Boyfriends and bridegrooms and husbands are overrated!" All beer (and then Jung-eun is the party for no reason to crash, because that's apparently exactly what it does).

I really love the ladies in this show, and I enjoy been seeing it grow from one-dimensional second lines, which only exists to be a hurdle for the men to awesome women Sang-Hyo track, who are not afraid to write down a man (I cheered literally as Eun-joo practically Slimy Manager arm twisted). I actually think I wanted more than just the brief glimpses we get of Eun-joo, Kyung-hee, and, yes, Soo-ah (do not ask me why I totally love now, but I do). Especially if it means they get to actually relate to each other and not only the man (or men) assigned to them.

That said, I still really love this show and what it can do set out, this delicate balance of Rom-com and mystery and drama. Despite some pacing problems and my desire to finally get a few steps ahead in the mystery, I really appreciate how the actors are like me for all our lines made, even with all its secrets and childish systems.

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tags: in Jin Yi-han, My Secret Hotel, namgoong min, Yoo in-na

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