Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 11 -

Tae-ha goes emotionally on a downward spiral, as it that he and Yeo-Reum are really hits him over. He can not help but see through it, even if it only makes him unhappy, and it begins in a way to escape, that makes me worry for him. But it looks like things are about to be turned upside down, and the status quo will not last much longer, and I can only hope that means that everyone is going to get very honest about.

Episode 11: "Staring the window several times a day"

Yeo-Reum comes home after her talk with Tae-ha, quiet and thoughtful, and takes the box keepsakes he gave it to her room. She begins to open it, but thinks, as he said, they really should now good break, and closes the back field. She thinks more of it, as Tae-ha their luck really wanted, and drops a tear.

Yeo-Reum told sad Sol and Joon-ho at dinner, the Tae-ha broke with her, and her friends are confused by her statement and her tears. Sol has from obvious that they broke five years ago, and Yeo-Reum nods morosely. She sniffs about their Ramyun until they crack and shout either stop crying or make some sense.

Tae-ha and beverage director Yoon go where Tae-ha told him about his conversation with Yeo-Reum, say that he even shocked. He does not feel more obsession or possessiveness for Yeo-Reum, who tells him that he finally really love someone. He figures Yeo-Reum is probably relieved.

Yeo-Reum, now he is for making it to curse cry when they do not even really know why she's crying. Later sits outside her workshop in his car Tae-ha and watches Yeo-Reum through her window.

Back at his place, Tae-ha says that he added Yeo-Reum everything, but there is one thing she does not know - a pair of rings he had bought five years ago. He had meant to hit her on her journey back to the island, where they had met, only Yeo-Reum had parted with him before they got to their destination.

When Yeo-Reum goes to bed, she can not keep eyes on the keepsake box from running away, and she takes it outside to burn it. It is as much as build a fire, but you can not go with it, and takes it back inside.

Ha-jin and Ah-edge to speak on his office roof, and discover that they both have always dreamed overseas to be volunteers. Ah-Rim expects therefore Ha-jin's interested in fixing their scar, and it does not it does not correct. Ah-rim says she would like to study abroad, and Ha-jin has to pay for it, because he also got help when he was in school, and he wants to pay it forward.

Sol and Yeo-Reum take delivery of some wood the next day, but Yeo-Reum says it's not the wood that she and Tae-ha select. Asks Sol Director Yoon to speak, so she calls him on speaker, and he is also on speakers with Tae-ha in the room at its end. Yoon said the mix-up, but before they hang up, Tae-ha asks Yoon when Sol said, where Yeo-Reum is now.

Sol and Yoon both keep the line open, and the girls overhear Tae-ha Yoon ask Sol to ask (my goodness, it's a literal game of telephone) when Yeo-Reum is fine. Yoon makes a big production to say out loud into the phone that no, he will not ask, and that Tae-ha should know well, because he checked on them every night in her workshop. Sneaky.

That night Ha-jin surprised Yeo-Reum, they take back to his place together to cook dinner. As they eat, says Ha-jin he may feel with Yeo-Reum so well, but she says she does not like it when a relationship loses too much voltage. Ha-jin argues that his comfortable makes for today more care, but Yeo-Reum thinks no relationship remains the same over time.

Ha-jin replies that it is not always done, because no matter what they do not even talk about it, break happened. Yeo-Reum tells him pessimistic that change is inevitable, as it thinks of the arguments that led her and Tae-ha break-up, and she says that it does not matter how much you love someone - the changes happen.

Ha-jin guesses correctly, that what has happened in the past with her, and that she loved someone very much and was injured (he still does not know that Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha dated). Yeo-Reum it denies and he promises her that they will not get sick today, and they will never break.

That night in bed, Yeo-Reum sleeps through their phone alarm and Ha-jin sees that it is Tae-ha her a text and asked if she sleeps. Tae-ha now rolling around on his living room floor, insult to send to the text. Yoon finds him still the next morning, face down on the carpet wallowing in self-inflicted misery.

At breakfast, Ha-jin says Yeo-Reum that she got a text in the middle of the night and wonder why they repeatedly pointed articles from men at all hours that Tae-ha used banmal , Yeo-Reum he guesses drunk must be or texted them in error, but Ha-jin hackles are and he does not buy it this time.

Yoon Tae-ha, and move, and has his cell phone take him there to answer to keep Yeo-Reum rigid. The phone rings and they both freeze when they see that it is Ha-jin and Yoon it depends if Tae-ha can not answer, because he too busy trying to crawl into the refrigerator.

Yoon lyrics Ha-jin, as if he were Tae-ha, he said in a meeting, but Ha-jin thinks that it is too early for a meeting, and he calls again. Ha, you would think the phone from Lava were the way Tae-ha fear it is even touching. Ha-jin finally reaches back to him a text message, and demands an explanation why Tae-ha texted Yeo-Reum last night. Poor Tae-ha just bails and leaves Yoon find out.

Yeo-Reum calls Ha-jin childish, to say again that Tae-ha probably just drunk-texted. Ha-jin is considering its logic of steam and withdraws, although Yeo-Reum can not help but look at her cell phone to see if Tae-ha again could text.

Ha-jin takes Yeo-Reum to her bus stop, where she asks when Ah-rim friends "treatment will be over, and when he he'll tell you the thing said he needed to tell her. he promises it soon will be, and asks for a kiss, but she says that he was wrong, so he should kiss first. he does, but they both think of themselves that they are really one not in the mood, Kiss had to initiate. Ha-jin asks Yeo-Reum on a nightly trip this weekend, and she agrees when things seem to be embarrassed between them.

When she gets in her workshop, Yeo-Reum starts to answer Tae-ha text several times, but it clears every time. they finally sits down on a blunt, "you do not always have a text like this again I send." you in interview mode is going to tell us that if he wants to be happy, he should be happy, and they do not know why he does this.

Also in the interview mode, Tae-ha tells us that he knows that it was wrong, but that if they knew how Ha-jin him a text, it should have as a minimum, or texted on to check it. Yeo-Reum argued that he should other women come because he's a good catch and a good friend, and he has matured lately and seems to know what love is. She tells the mysterious interviewer Tae-ha to say to go date.

Tae-ha says to forget it, and that Yeo-Reum should worry about yourself. He stated that he, as long as she is happy okay with Ha-jin. Hee, I love nature this strange way to argue.

Director Yoon jumps out of the office Sol after a meeting to begin, inviting them to a company workshop, the weekend. Your employees urge you to accept them and they do to earn a sunny grin Yoon. to find

That night, Sol and Joon-ho come home Eun-Gyu wait Sol with a large bouquet of flowers. Joon-ho is trying to tell him to leave, but Sol just asks Joon-ho to go in the house. It leaves them with a warning that a man who makes you cry once will do it again, and hides behind a bush to eavesdrop (muttering that Eun-Gyu probably bought the flowers with a coupon, HA).

Eun-Gyu Sol offers a genuine apology for the way he broke up with her, and to do so, not knowing how she felt for him , He says he feels bad for all his actions, they wounded, including her to call the police. He asks if she can look at these things to be mistakes that helped him realize his feelings for her. later Joon-ho frustration

We do not see Sol answer, but we see them arrange the flowers in a vase. He frowns at the flowers and the small jaw, Yoon gave her, and not-at-all-casually asks if Sol has feelings for either man - while in his mind, he wants to tell her that she really likes him ,

Sol says it does not matter, because they are both twelve, which makes Joon-ho about it with three Twelver whine. She says she is simple, they are going to be dated and decide later because it takes at least three days to see if you like someone.

Joon-ho has the math and complains that they are not one of them, because what is then he do date every night? Sol tells him off and he goes, but only after to knock on the floor the rest of their flowers. So childish and cute.

Ha-jin and Yeo-Reum take a ferry to their weekend to take dorky selcas and enjoy the sights. Meanwhile Sol and Tae-ha stand on a very familiar-looking pier and Sol sneaks up to him and said that this would only once they tell him when he asks for Yeo-Reum. She takes pleasure to tell him about her trip to Ha-jin, and advises him to go on with his life.

Tae-ha, Yoon, Sol, and the company will have fun playing while Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin bicycle around the island without know that they 're all in the same place, even though they pass each other within feet. Ha-jin is thought at one point, remember that Ah-rim told him that love has no meaning if you do not your deepest feelings share.

he brings his journey in the orphanage and says Yeo-Reum that he heard about a boy and girl who were so close they could have been sisters, but that was to adopt the girl, so they ran away. the boy ended up being instead of this couple believed and asks if she was the boy terribly thinks. Yeo-Reum says he does not, because his life depended on it.

cryptically asks Ha-jin, why Yeo-Reum he likes, and she gives her standard answer - he is a good person. Nervously, he asks, what if he was not a good man, or even a doctor, she would make him still like? She says that she is not so flat, but Ha-jin half jokes that it seems as if she likes him not as much as he likes. Yeo-Reum says that this is not true, because she knows how it feels to be the one who loves more, and Ha-jin is soothed with a kiss.

in the bathroom stuck without toilet paper sol is forced to appeal for a handout to their stand-neighbors, and her voice of Yeo-Reum is detected. Sol would Yeo-Reum to say that Tae-ha is here, and that he froze when he was found away for the weekend with Ha-jin. Sol says that Tae-ha looks awful and comes every day to work smelling of alcohol, and that if Yeo-Reum is concerned they should check on him.

Ha-jin is approached by a Tae-ha employees who recognizes him as Yeo-Reum's friend, and he asks her, with them a game come play at their campsite. Ha-jin is about to sink, but Sol and Yeo-Reum arrive, and Sol overrides their objections.

When they get to the campsite, Tae-ha not welcome and only exchanged a nod with Ha-jin. Yoon acts as MC for a game in which he plays a song, and the first person, the year it came out, the album name, and guess the title number on the album, wins a prize.

plays the first song, and both Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum freeze when they see it. They are thrown back into a memory when Yeo-Reum had worked late and Tae-ha texted her that her favorite song was on the radio, and had the DJ read a message on the air of Tae-ha Yeo-Reum. He had texted them to come down to where he was waiting with flowers say that he missed them, and they would long slow kisses in the hallway.

Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum lock eyes on the fire, and the pain in Tae-ha eyes open hard to look at. Tae-ha wonders to himself, as their love had changed. The song ends, and Yeo-Reum wins to know the price for the song.

The next question is to guess what the tree holding flower cherry sense that even cherry wood had been swinging with Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha since their couple rings. Both recall that Yeo-Reum noted that the cherry flower means "one love", and Yeo-Reum raises her hand and wins the award again.

The last question is to name some famous tree, Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum know well because he had mentioned it on their first date, and asked her to go with him. Yeo-Reum wins the third prize and seems to be fun while Tae-ha is sinking deeper into his thoughts.

After the party all parts ways and Yeo-Reum thinks that she had wanted to tell Tae-ha, just once, that she has not forgotten the good memories with him. Tae-ha sits lost solely by the dying fire in the past.

Yeo-Reum Mom wrapped a meeting with her team (whoa, that's a jolting change of tone) and producer Bae depends to sigh again that he is sad. He says he is not interested to be in it with the woman at its meeting in order, but he can not understand why Mom does not have any feelings for him.

He says that he loves her and asks if they like him, but she says she hates dating and feels for people in relationships sorry. She says she likes too old for all the chaos of dating. Bae do not like that answer and chases them into the hall to ask is at what age to do with it, and tells her that she likes him, or at least they do not hate him, and that's enough for him.

He says one more time, that he loves her, and asks her to live with him, and the staff popping start from doors to congratulate , Mom flees the applause while Bae it soaks all to nice in..

Back on the island, travels Tae-ha campsites thinking about how Yeo-Reum, said that the weaker person who is most always loved. But he disagrees - he thinks that you find out who is weak and who is strong after break. The one who loved most is stronger because every ounce of effort to try to set that makes them without remorse.

He thinks like everything he was receiving the love, and now he only regrets and when that happens, you will never be able to forget the other person. The strong person loves as much as they can, and that as much as they can, which is what makes them strong. Just like Yeo-Reum.

He stops when he Yeo-Reum looks on the opposite side of a bridge stand, as if he had wished there. Without a word, he turns to go, but stop her words to him: "You can not be happy?" She warns him not to lie, because he is not in order, white. She says that, just as he wants them to be happy, she wants to be happy him.

We see all the time Tae-ha Yeo-Reum had observed, she thought it could not see, but she had known he was there every time. She had even on both sides of the dark windows of their workshop, so close, but so far, Tae-ha unaware that Yeo-Reum was only inches away.

starts your voice crack, Yeo-Reum asks why Tae-ha is holding look for her. "If you keep it to myself that as I begin to wait for you." Tae-ha for her turns again, and Yeo-Reum face brimming with tears when she cries, "Do you know how many times I find daily window?" Enter your knees and breaks them sobbing.

Always having not said a word, Tae-Ha approaches slowly and reached a hand down Yeo-Reum comfort. But before he touches it, a voice calls out her name - it is Ha-jin, and he saw everything.


Oof . The last scene was hard to see how any feelings on the table were applied. It is interesting that until I thought about it, I did not even notice that Tae-ha never said a word for almost the entire second half of the episode. His remarks were so raw and according to , it seemed as if he shout his feelings even when he withdrew and shut up. He did not need to say a word, because everything was right there on his face - I would be remiss if I did not tell you how impressed I with Eric ability'm volumes to say and make me cry, only with his eyes.

I feel so bad for Tae-ha, because for the first time in his life, he is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for someone else, even if it means his own abject misery. It's bad enough to lose someone you love, but know how to lose, it is mainly because of your own actions, then they have with someone to see other things a new life, has got absolute torture to be. For a man like Tae-ha, which is about crooking used his finger, and with what he wants, the worst feeling has got to be that there is really nothing he can do. Despite his earlier confidence that Yeo-Reum should come back to him, he has come to terms with the idea that Yeo-Reum actually be happier with Ha-jin.

But it looks like that particular house of cards begins to fall apart, and both Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin begin to feel the strain. They have a relationship that is built on something more than each other a whole lot of sympathy and get along pretty well, but I still have themselves to see a deep conversation or talk about their actual feelings for each other. This is just my opinion, but they seem to me more like good friends than people who want to share their lives in love. Deep Every time there is a conflict, kiss simple and makeup without ever really to do with the problem, which is quite a problem in itself. Their relationship is nice, but flat, as none of them can tell the other formative of their key life events - Ha-jin adoption and the search for his childhood friend, and Yeo-Reum the previous relationship and traumatic separation.

Half of this issue could be solved - Ha-jin's smart and it will not be long before he provide the clues together and find out that Tae-ha is the great love in Yeo-Reum past. Things are about to change in a big big explosive way, and to put it frankly, I am pleased to be. It's time for all these people to start talking to each other, really talk about the important things, and find out what they really want, and not just what they think they should want. I suspect they are all would be surprised by the answer.

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tags: discovery of romance, Eric, in Jung Yumi, Sung Joon

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