Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 1 -

[WirhabenbeschlossenzweiVögelzutötenmiteinerKlappeschlagenundunsereersteChargevonRecapperAuszubildendenaufeinDramasetzen Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho -it is that we, that had always liked good answer in Korea, but we were not able to bring in the earlier it will be recapitulated for. This is what we call a win-win situation. The recapitulation team is already hard at work, so we hope you enjoy, and say hello to hanshimi ! -javabeans]

Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho began its run earlier this month on KBS, and it's a hell of a lot more fun than the standard underdog lawyer story, let on the synopsis. Despite a few shortcomings, I was pleasantly surprised by the well-written twists and turns, the smart directing and interesting characters, not a few endearing performances of Kang So-ra and to mention Park Shin Yang . As long as it keeps on its strengths, I think this show is more than the desire for a carefree, crazy law drama with just the right amount of social commentary satisfy little more mean.


We open a public hearing for the Chairman Jung, CEO of the conglomerate Dae Hwa Group, who was released on bail due to a sudden illness. Chairman Jung is to testify to the Seoul District Court today, and the prosecution-among them is our hero, prosecutor JO deul-HO ( Park Shin-yang ) - must Chairman Jung alleged misappropriation and infringement prove allegiance over reasonable doubt.

Unfortunately opposing counsel is simply not do. When the chairman comes, it is in a wheelchair and ceiling, looking every bit like a sick, elderly man in pain. He can hardly get through his swearing, gasping through it by air.

Deul-ho, but nothing will have them. It interrupts defenders (Jo Han-Chul) Kim before the defense can apply for a postponed hearing, assured the judge that he can finish in just a few questions of his examination, and stems from the witness without the court's approval.

to break it rules, and if the judge orders him clownish him to stop making his exaggerated stop look to earn a few chuckles from the audience. The judge begrudgingly approves and Deul-ho begins its survey

Deul-ho sarcastically thanks Chairman Jung comes despite his illness, then leans over to ask how he is not ashamed in gently. The whole nation knows it's all an act. It shows photographs surreptitiously recorded the chairman yesterday, when he are healthy and full of energy, but puts it out of sight when the judge warns him to speak.

The coup de grâce comes in the form of a spider toy vibrates, he "accidentally" on the head falls chairman. Chairman Jung screams bloody murder and jumps out of his wheelchair, dancing around in panic. Fake disease proved.

A flashback shows us that Deul-ho is in dangerous territory here. Chairman Jung is extremely powerful and Deul-ho is against the warning of his boss, chief prosecutor Shin ( Kim Gab-soo ). The boss had warned him Chairman Jung alone-Dae Hwa group is large and influential to leave and try to sink it could ruin the entire prosecutor. Despite the risk, however, is put to the Chairman, the Down Deul-ho.

Chief Prosecutor Shin, however, is not by chance, the destruction of their entire office. He ordered another prosecutor, SHIN JI-wook ( Ryu Soo-young ) (his son?) From Deul-ho to get rid of before it does something irreparable. Armed with a warrant, Ji-wook performs a raid by Deul-ho office and his office manager, Hwang AE-RA ( Hwang Seok-jung) is helpless to stop them.

Meanwhile makes Deul-ho his opening speech to President Young, accusing him of embezzlement and directing these funds against improper and immoral behavior. It ends with an appeal to the court: "This is our chance to prove that anyone, rich or poor, equal before the law."

Not if the sharkish defense can help it. As a lawyer JANG HAE KYUNG ( Park Sol-mi ) gets up for direct examination, check, we see the defense of unexpected schedule: Chairman Jung should confess his crimes.

Unfortunately, it is not the crime we expect. Da Hae-Kyung questions it, bursting the chairman into tears and chokes out: "This is a company that I raised for forty years with my blood and sweat I never embezzled something The only crime I committed.. to give a bribe to a public prosecutor, because I was under duress ... "on the question of who is bribed prosecutors, Chairman Jung an unwavering finger at Deul-ho refers. Oh shit.

office manager Ae-ra slips into the courtroom, desperate to get to waving Deul-ho from here, while Chief Prosecutor Ji-wook and staff completed sealing the building. Meanwhile breaks the court in excitement while defending shocking accusation-even more so when Hae-Kyung presents incriminating evidence: photographs of Deul-ho with the Chairman Jung, followed by copies of the statement shows that the chairman Jung sent money Deul-ho. What's happening? Are these faked?

Deul-ho, for its part, is just as shocked. In his panic, he turns tail and leaves the hall with Ae-ra. His only chance now is to meet with chief prosecutor Shin and ask to be saved. When keeping Ae-ra off Ji-wook and the other tried sprints Deul-ho gears down to his saving grace is on ...

Unfortunately, the corruption continues than we thought. Chairman Jung's chief prosecutor Shin office, complained about this "crazy Jo Deul-ho." Prosecutor Shin assured the chairman that he'll be free in two weeks, and that he would take to Deul-ho. Pooh. Meanwhile defender Hae-Kyung tearing a photo of Deul-ho, himself, and a young girl. So they were married once?

Deul-ho makes outside the courthouse and begins a man to about a car pull away. It's Hae-Kyung father (Deul-ho former father-in-law), and he asks for a chance to make a call. But his father-in-law only says: "My whole family is in danger because we accepted you I have you misjudged really.."

He continues, so Deul-ho sprawling on the floor where he was arrested by attorney Ji-wook. "If you have something to say," Ji-wook says, handcuffed him, "you can tell the court. Jo Deul Ho You are over now."

In prison Deul-ho is visited by his ex Hae-Kyung, who negotiated with cold, unfeeling competence. She wants custody of her daughter, Soo-bin, in exchange for a reduced sentence for him. When he calls them for their heartlessness from, she says, "We did not marry for love. We did not fit from the start. Go back to your place." Man, someone is on this guy page?

Deul-ho found guilty of taking bribes and sentenced to six months in prison in prison and one year of probation, a $ 25,000 fine. The news paints Deul-ho as pathetic criminal who took a bribe while Dae Hwa to investigate embezzlement case and coupled with photographs of him from the court to sprint, he looks damn guilty. The prosecutor vows to reform the organization, pointing to Deul-ho as a failed example.

Three years later. Attorney LEE EUN-JO ( Kang So-ra ) is a zealous, bright-eyed freshman at San Geum law firm. It is awkward, but hardworking and optimistic, and his jobs petty spite assigned, she believes deeply in the power of law and their law firm.

One of her superiors, attorney Kim, her assigns a task: to find a man named Kim Yong-Tae, who lent his name to someone a bank account under a false identity to open. She asks him where to start, and he tells her to pound the pavement.

So Eun-jo can be found in the streets of Seoul hiking, asks homeless ajusshis, if she had seen a Mr. Kim Yong-Tae. Lol. After several unsuccessful attempts, she stumbles on a grumpy man sleeping in boxes buried, to ask questions until it clicks into place. When he sits up, we see who it is. Deul-ho, looking dirty and apathetic

Nevertheless, Deul-ho not seem too much to be fazed by the homeless life. Rumors circulate among the homeless circles, that he was a former prosecutor that a few homeless men off for his asking for help: It is a terrible loan shark who has never been in as the man tried his loan to pay back, the sudden a fortune demanded one day interest.

Deul-ho is not interested, but the men nerves so long for him to come in and finally goes to the loan office. And if Deul-ho calls to him, Shylock curious Dae-soo turns respectfully. Dae-soo are homeless getup of Deul-ho the once over, and Deul-ho says casually: ". This style these days in Trend" Uh, I think so no.

Deul-ho in question Dae -Soo interest policy and while Dae-soo feigns ignorance, a few casual threats of digging Dae-soo crimes of the past are to get everything you need Dae-soo, the money of homeless owed cough.

When Deul-ho leaves, followed by the two dance ajusshis, and the rookie Shylock asks who that was. Dae-soo answers: "The threat of Seocho-dong, which are the crimes of even your past life." Apparently Dae-soo we owe him, so he gave the money so easily when you became homeless overnight, he says, would a little pocket money want.

The ajusshis take in a bar Deul-ho to celebrate, where they refused and violently kicked-in a pile of garbage, no less. Eun-jo-chief, high-powered lawyer Kim, recognizes him and chuckles.

Meanwhile, Eun-jo finally finds the man she was instructed to bottom except track, as she calls her boss, she said, they have already got the guy, have not bothered to her accept. Rude.

She complains to her mother on the phone about it, and how they talk, Eun-jo spots a thief a wallet from a drunken man to steal. She calls the thief and chases him through the subway station, and he breaks into a run.

In his tunnel, Deul-ho speaks with a picture of his daughter and told her that he did a good thing today and asks for just a glass of soju permission. Aw. In desperation of Eun-jo to get away, but the thief runs straight past Deul-ho, kicks Soo-bin the photo directly from the hands.

Deul-ho takes a look at the Soju-soaked image, angry, and chases after the thief, with Eun-jo behind behind ~~ POS = TRUNC , They run through the streets to Deul-ho finally caught up, addressing the thief to the ground and recognize him. "Kang Il-gu," he sputters. "What are you doing here?"

When Eun-jo and the police approach but Il-gu pushes the stolen wallet in Deul-ho in the bag before it expires. Oh no, do not! Sure enough when Eun-jo suggests that Deul-ho could be an accomplice, they found the wallet of drunks in the pocket. He brought in for questioning directly to the police station.

is silent on Deul-ho station and refused to identify themselves. When the officer breaks with him, Eun-jo is the one to jump to his defense and insisted that "all men are innocent until proven guilty", and that if he needs it, "everyone has a lawyer, the right "they -like reading their right textbook. Oh, she's sweet.

In prison Deul-ho thinks back to the old days when he was a hotshot lawyer and became chairman Jung introduced as a promising up-and-comer. Interestingly, it first tries to impress both the chairman and the chief prosecutor, acting submissive and promising to serve the president well.

Chief Prosecutor Shin tells him that he has secured a major sponsor and gives him a case a petty criminal involved. The review of the case Deul-ho realizes that the allegation of arson against a twenty year-old named Kang Il-gu and if Il-gu is brought in, it is clear that he knows Deul-ho from long ago. Deul-ho wants to know if Il-gu statement is true, and if he really on fire a building site, which ended to kill someone.

Deul-ho yells at him to explain himself: "Tell me why you did it, so I can help you" Il-gu is again angry: "You're the one who left. you're the one who you can depend on me for a better life-how to help all people, me? "

applies so Deul-ho hard and he goes track chief prosecutor Shin and asks if his suspicion is right that Il-gu scapegoat is meant to cover up a crime actually committed by the chairman Jung son. Il-gu, an orphan, had taken the blame in exchange for the Chairman Jung promises to donate generously to his orphanage. Prosecutor General Shin answer: "So what?"

Ugh. Desperate Deul-ho asks to have only one thing withdrew the charges against Il-gu. If that happens, will Deul-ho silent forever and delete the evidence.

Unexpectedly chief prosecutor Shin gives his consent, and said: ". You should do as you want once" Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Back to the present shows that Deul-ho assistant Ae-ra to bring him in "Oppa" screaming up the surveillance camera rouse all started and Deul- ho was proven innocent. Why did not he just say so earlier?

When he left the police station, he accused in Eun-jo, who recognizes him and apologizes for him last night. He rattles out a law book states that it. To him what is done defamation Yet she feels really bad, and offers him a meal treat.

So they treated him to meat, and Eun-jo once again offers to be his lawyer, if he needs any. He looks at her business card and asks, she answers clumsy "Why do you have a lawyer?": LOL


Deul-ho is not satisfied, it is a fairy ~~ POS = TRUNC response, and calls for better call. But when Eun-jo asks what he is doing and why he was so familiar, he avoids it, assigns a fifth portion of meat, and calls her stingy for him not to buy.

Meanwhile, the same fire of years-a front three participation Il-gu-has resurfaced, as the police have another suspect found: a man named Mr. Byun. After the costs, Byun set fire to the body to hide he had murdered.

Understandably, the resurfacing of the fire gets all nervous Chairman Jung. He called Chief Prosecutor Shin, who assures him that the prosecution will succeed what Jo Deul-ho not do three years ago, when he retired the prosecution indictment Il-gu. Now Hands Chief Prosecutor Shin the case of Ji-wook to monitor the event from start to finish.

On the defense side, Eun-jo-chief, lawyer Kim, you are the same case, and they can not believe how lucky they a so large case should be treated on their own. She thanked lawyer Kim in excitement, and then welcomed the defendant, Mr. Byun, with a big smile on her face. She's gorgeous. Naive, but lovable.

Mr. Byun denies all charges and his own affidavit and said he is completely innocent. When the prosecutor asked question after another repeatedly, he might have a few questions vaguely answered with: ". This could have happened" Eun-jo assured him that Geum San will do everything in its power to help him.

That night, Deul-ho feel Il-gu, who lives in the streets with a bunch of young offenders. Il-gu, as expected, has not turned up to see him, but Deul-ho just want to talk.

He wants to know why Il-gu is to live, bags and attack people picking. Il-gu: "Of course I am, to live so what I would do Did you think I'd really hard to study a prosecutor and as you just.?" Il-gu accused Deul-ho of equally pathetic as it is adopted before kickbacks for 3 years. "I knew it as soon as you arrive at the orphanage stopped you are rubbish!"

Oh boy. Deul-ho grabs Il-gu at the collar and shouting at him. "If I was as I said three years ago would have done, I would not be here on the ground, because I saved you, my life is ruined-what have you done which is so great, is not it?! Tell me you punk! "

one of Il-gu friends in cuts by tapping Deul-ho out with a baseball bat. They are ready to go to him in the city, but Il-gu it stops, and again. Phew.

prior to years retrospect when Il-gu was a sweet boy who watched Deul-ho as the sun. When he went to Deul-ho office to provide some homemade kimchi that made the orphanage priest, but had Deul-ho was like a loser in front of Chief Prosecutor Shin not look intently as Il-gu cash to buy snacks and told him, not to come back. Ouch

Il-gu was soured, of course. "Do you think we are beggars or something," he said, throwing the bills back in Deul-ho face. From there it is easy to see how it got worse.

In the present Deul-ho is back in his tunnel, sitting alone with his head down. Unexpectedly, Il-gu, this time followed him down, not so angry anymore and may be willing to mend things.

You sit outside on a few bowls convenience store noodles. The mood relieved gradually, and soon they are back to squabbling and swiping at each other like brothers, each other to chase around the table and eat ice cream. So sweet.

Il-gu suggests that they go back to visit the orphanage, and they tell each other begin to live properly, to insult each other. "Hyung!" Gets Il-gu as Deul-ho goes away. "I'm sorry the last time!"

And then a rushing truck smashes right into him.

Dammit show! Deul-ho runs back to Il-gu to yell for help, but it's too late: Il-gu is

The Il-gu funeral, the children from the orphanage to him complain dead .. The Orphanage priest consoles him: "Deul-ho, Il-gu was really grateful for you." Deul-ho can only observe in silence, to remember what a good child Il-gu was

In a park. Deul-ho overhears the news of the newly resurfaced fire, and the newly accused Mr. Byun. He realizes that this is his fault. If he had not buried 3 Years ago the truth, withdrew the accusation and hiding all the evidence, this would not have happened

He leaves the park, a loss of his tattered clothes and with a new fire in his step walk. He gets a new haircut, a new suit and a new pair of shoes, and off he goes to the court of Seoul District, where Mr. Byun is accused of murder and arson.

Deul-ho storms right into the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP, to everyone's shock. When he is stopped by the judge, he presents his papers and declared: ". Sorry I'm late, your honor-I am the lawyer of the accused, Jo Deul-ho"


okay, so that last five minutes I was did not expect. Since when homelessness is a problem you can just drop it? Did he choose to really be homeless for three years? Was it just to have cost not to rent and pay showers? Is that a proposal to save money on rent! Explain show up!

I understand from a narrative perspective, why the show want as soon as possible from the homeless scenario Deul-ho, but I wish it had come credible with one, or at least less ridiculous, how to do it. I wish especially that the show had treated the issue of homelessness, with more sensitivity, especially since it seems the issue will be on the modern extreme gap between the rich and the poor and their power before the law.

The show had quite a few chances, the opportunities to think about poverty and inequality, very well done with Il-gu, the account is the time constraint. I loved Il-gu speech by the river when he demanded to know why Deul-ho awaits him a hooligan to live a better life, as such. For people from disadvantaged childhoods, life has a familiar path limited opportunity; with what must have been a multitude of hardships for Il-gu, he needed guidance and help of people who believe in him, not a homeless, apparently failed accuser him simply snapping to do better. Since the show on the fight against poverty skimped out, I hope the show to explore the same struggle for the opportunity for Deul-ho, will continue, as in it touches on Il-gu.

Of course, if it is not, and does if I do not ask too many questions about realism in the world, I think this drama a lot going for it now. Intentional last makeover scene to ignore, I have nothing but praise for the rest of the episode.

I love any character that has a lot to do with the incredibly talented cast. I feel like every great designs, has contributes with their own background stories to their current choices, but there are many more that we do not know about it: with Deul-ho life in the orphanage, for example, or Eun-jo Deal her mother and stepfather or Deul-ho relationship with ex-wife Hae-Kyung, or doing business with chief prosecutor Shin and Ji-wook. The show has to show, were large, why each character does things with the promise that it will come more, which is particularly impressive in a first sequence.

I do not necessarily mean that Il-gu to die for Deul-ho to be motivated, but I think that the show a good job setting up Il-gu character doing enough to see why it Deul -ho hit so hard. In a sense, it feels like the only things Deul-ho cares about people (Il-gu, Soo-bin, Dae-soo, and also the homeless ajusshis that it does not really help, had), which explains why he 'll later is an advocate "for the people", as the show taglines suggest.

In fact, this is very detailed promises a truly satisfactory result for the drama. We have already seen so much corruption that it makes my head spin. Although I wish Chairman Jung were not so two-dimensional and rely on to solve other's problems, I can appreciate a underdog story where our hero his own members to fight is right to emerge as the winner. Likewise, I hope that Eun-jo does not have to lose the spark in his eyes and that the optimistic world to understand that the law is not omnipotent. So-ra Kang is so sweet in this role that I can practically see rabbit ears on his head, but it is not so naive that it is not a crippling Banes to her (yet). It's funny to see them in an innocent role that direct their blunted foils, can be experienced in Misaeng , where she was also brilliant.

In fact, I am very curious to see how the show deal with the idea that the law is perfect and can solve everyone's problems. Eun-jo likes legally reciting articles, as they are their multiplication tables, and I do not necessarily mean that the belief break to see. It is interesting to think about the law of the lens, where the law itself is not bad, as long as you do not follow blindly, but think about it, its purpose, its use and the people in front of a few words written by ancient people.

What action, Park Shin-yang does a good job. I think he added some great taste Deul-ho, of being a great character, proves. Good people do not tend to make interesting characters, so I love that Deul-ho often ignored the rules the spirit of the law, not necessarily to follow the mechanics. It's fantastic to see that immediately in his first appearance is rule-breaking-it interrupts the defense, moving without the permission of the judge, and proves to be chairman Jung faked illness with a toy spider. Park Shin-yang has dipped into this role with both enthusiasm and flair, as he usually does.

All in all, this was. A damn impressive first sequence-fast and carefree with loads and loads potential for character development I love that it does not seem to be episodic procedure, but a big baddie that they're going to take down. With a goal like that, a ton of potential there is something important about the state of the privilege to say Korea, I can only hope that they'll follow through.

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tags: Episode 1, in the first episodes, Kang So-ra, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin-yang

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