Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 4 -


Ha-neul in a depression, ready to leave his dream when those he cares to protect themselves. But they want to be not necessarily protected, not if it means watching Ha-neul what he give for living. Seok-ho decides to take action and get to the bottom of Ha-neul the problem, but it may not be ready for the secrets, he digs.


Ha-neul decides that he does not want to jeopardize his new friends with his past and leaves the band, Seok-ho a Nirvana CD and a familiar field of caramels leave. These instructions tell Seok-ho exactly who is this child - the younger brother of Sung-hyun, a young musician, he used to know.

He visited Sung-hyun final resting place, tears streaming down his face. Ha-neul also cries when he takes the train back to Seoul to leave behind his musical dreams.

Both think Sung-hyun, who had dreamed of being in his own band. He would his little brother Ha-neul indulgently promised that he could be in the band, and his friend Seok-ho to be voluntarily their producer. Now Sung-hyun's gone, and Seok-ho-rollers on the knowledge that he Ha-neul know now is the same little boy he used to treat them as his own brother.

He goes back to Busan and calls Geu-rin to meet him at the station. He tells her that Ha-neul has decided never to sing again, even though they both know that singing the only thing that makes him happy. With a faraway look in his eyes, Seok-ho says that Ha-neul always hiding his own feelings to protect others.

Seok-ho is here to learn more about Ha-neul, and by extension Geu-rin, his "noona", he recognizes now actually does not have to be related to Ha-neul. They agree to meet later, when more time to talk, but first Geu-rin wants Ha-neul talk about quitting the band.

Ha-neul says only that he decided to be in the band, was not funny, but to do according to all the fear about them in the first place, Geu-rin does not believe that for a second. She tells Ha-neul that it intends to be his manager, but he says he is already applied to shipbuilding school. Well, yuck.

He says he can still sing as a hobby, but Geu Rin heard him sing, and argues that it is a waste. She tells him to apply at the University of Seoul, but Ha-neul only barks, "I'm not going to Seoul," and storms out. Geu-rin looks after him, and vows to ensure that he sings.

as Seok-ho for Geu-rin is ready, he can not help but think of Sung-hyun and the last fight they had. We are just Sung-hyun ask Seok-ho showed why he makes him so unhappy, but of the deceived gaze on their two faces, it was pretty bad.

Back to Mango office, finds Kyle, the texts that wrote Ha-neul for his song, and he calls Seok-Ho, who tells him that Ha-neul leave the band. Kyle keeps his surly attitude, but is likely that he is coming to Busan down Seok-Ho-Ha speak neul out of it to help.

Ha, then he Seok-ho to call back to send him to train some money, and Seok-ho is he broke Kyle told to take the bus. "Rookies are to endure hardship!" Yeon-soo will also go, and when Kyle complains that he does not like not traveling with children, he is on the receiving end of their identical father-son Glare / hiss again. So cute.

Kyle and Seok-ho are both grouchy, albeit for different reasons, as they wait for Ha-neul outside his probation home. His guardian tells them that Ha-neul do not want to see, although he asks what happened. Ha-neul was so excited for a while, and now he's depressed.

He's a nice man, and he himself confesses her case to Ha-neul, still flat, wants to see them. So they visit Geu-rin in their job convenience store (where Kyle stuffs his face with Ramyun, complaining all the time, hee) and Seok-ho decides that they just have to wait Ha-neul - he will be released from probation home in two days.

Crash when Geu-rin, it offers hitherto let to stay in place, broke for a motel, although they are not quite so excited when they realize that means sharing a room. Seok-ho delivers a beatdown if Kyle Seok-ho sleeping in Geu-rin suggests room.

Seok-ho goes outside to fresh air, if he can not sleep, and is soon joined by Geu-rin, who unsuccessfully tried to reach Ha-neul. Seok-ho concedes that Ha-neul gave him an indication of who he really is, which is why he fell today below here. She asks what he means, but he wants to speak first Ha-neul.

Geu-rin asks Seok-ho for his promise Ha-neul a successful singer and not just fraud, to make it, but Seok-ho you are just staring this search. He gets dressed and says he has a confession to make - it is right that he is an impostor. He did plan to fraud Ha-neul first, but now he says that he has changed. Search confident in Geu-rin in the eyes, Seok-Ho Ha-neul promises a gem that make admire the whole world.

Seok-ho seems easier after to have unloaded, and wishes Geu-rin goodnight. She's a little by the intensity he blinded away was putting, and literally it has to shake off.

Morning Geu-rin makes her own confession, Seok-ho to say that she went to KTOP, because she thought she saw Ha-neul prosecutor there. Seok-ho asks about Ha-neul conviction and she tells him the whole story.

Ha-neul and Ji-young had a concealed hiding place, an empty house, where Ji-young practice would be an idol, although she had already failed several auditions. On the night of the incident, Ha-neul (of his own key had) it was after dark to fetch his mp3 player that he had left behind, but the door was unlocked and slightly opened.

He had gone in, worried that Ji-young could be in trouble, and had their (... will or will not attack you seen it is difficult, from a young man to say). Ha-neul had tried to pull the man out of it, but someone had to come behind him and cracked him to him unconscious on his head.

The police, where it arrested by the time he revived, and he was. Seok-Ho believes Geu-rin version of events, but points out the contradictions in history - who was the second person in the room with Ji-young? Would not it be Ha-neul saw the attacker's face? And is not it interesting that after many unsuccessful auditions, Ji-young trainee now is at KTOP.

Geu-rin accepts that Joo-han told her that Ji-young KTOP is not, but she is sure she saw them there. Asks Seok-ho for help to find her because she is the only, delete the Ha-neul name. Seok-ho promises in to look for her, seemed an excuse to enjoy with Joo-han to confront again and leaves her and Kyle Ha-neul to convince to change his mind.

Before he goes back to Seoul, Seok-ho is Geu-rin a box to Ha-neul deliver to tell her to do it, so dramatically as possible as it could affect his decision to return band. His only rule is that they can not open the box, or it is fired as Ha-neul Manager.

Kyle camp on the steps of the probation home and finally begins Ha-neul on the way back from school. He snarks that he does not know why he is here to convince Ha-neul think even after it all day. But Ha-neul scares than it off, says Kyle, that maybe he is just so rely on him.

Ha-neul growls that Kyle should just give up and go - everything else hurt because of him at the end they are just like Geu-rin and her bleeding hands from trying to clean the graffiti. He could not with so much pressure to sing, even if he tried.

Kyle Calls from a huge pile of BS - it is arrogance to disregard. He gets angry and said that he saw how talented Ha-neul at her audition, and he had thought that Julliard abandonment had been the right decision. He repeated that he came all the way here Ha-neul to say that he wants to trust him, and that it arrogant of Ha-neul to push them all the way, as if they have nothing to say what happened.

Mr. Jeong rants to Min-joo at his misfortune lately - he lost the chance to produce a Jackson album, and now there are delays in the ballad singer, he has been roped in an investment in Min-joo breaks the news that it a band now. and Mr. Jeong hangs his head, then throws convince Seok-ho to create the indie band Min-joo, she want to promote.

Back in Seoul, Seok-ho faced a former employee, a man he knows of KTOP. The man grows noticeably nervous when Seok-Ho Ji-young earlier, but he is so scared of Seok-ho that he spilled his guts. Apparently Ji-young added Twinkle called to a five-girl group, but they also upset one of the members and the girl left.

The really strange that they just leave the other girl, Luna, to go without a fuss. Seok-Ho knows that it is very unusual for a company to have an apprentice go, that they invested eight years spent training, especially for a newbie.

Since Mr. Jeong is never found to produce an indie band, Man-Shik thinks they convince Seok-ho to drop the band concept, and only Ha-neul make a ballad singer. Min-joo answer cracks me up: I agree "?! Have you seen the bassist," he is a lump - I could not again send him away, either.

Seok-ho says Man-Shik and Min-joo through Ji-young and Man-Shik admits that he saw a new girl practicing with glitter. You're wondering what Joo-han might think, and note that it is also strange that Luna has it been so quiet. Seok-Ho thinks it's all tied with Ha-neul conviction.

Luckily Man-shik has Luna number (along with most of the numbers of the other trainees, ick), so Seok-ho they meet with him, asks. He asks Luna (Cameo of Min Do-hee ), why they spend left to debut so many years of education, and she says that they wanted to give half their vocals to Ji-young.

Seok-ho, the truth will - what they have to Luna? She says that in her opinion, it's more like Ji-young has something to Joo-han. Iiinn interesting.

Twinkle is debuting the next day just by chance and CEO Lee checked with Joo-han that Luna keep her mouth to make sure. He is not happy that Joo-han let her go, commenting that his work style of Seok-Ho is much different.

Ha-neul gets to go home when his trial is over, but for some reason he hesitates before the House. Ji-young little brother sees him and hides, and Ha-neul not notice him there.

He finds a note on the front door of Geu-rin, welcome him home and tell him there's a gift inside for him. He follows her cute little trace of notes all over the house, finally find the box of Seok-ho in his desk.

Inside the box an old Nirvana CD's, but not the same one he had given to Seok-ho - it's a, he'd pasted stickers on as a child, decorate the baby on the cover to look like he has sparkly wings. Shaking Ha-neul hands when he finds an old note that Seok-Ho had signed a promise to little Ha-neul someday for him a tape. Oof .

The fact that Seok-ho enough maintained to keep the CD and follow all the years has Ha-neul gasping for air, and he collapses to the ground. He cries like a baby, missing no doubt his brother and overcome with the realization that all the time, it is something meant to Seok-ho.

Seok-Ho visits. Right before its premiere Twinkle, and Ji-young is awkward as the only one who does not know him She introduces herself as Luna after the real Luna stage name taken when she left, and Seok-Ho gets reeeeal close to tell her that he now has a hard time because of the Ha-neul.

In private, Ji-young fresh face falls Rookie act, and pretends to have no earthly idea what talks about Seok-Ho , Seok-ho confused with it a bit, then says that when he left KTOP, he realized that the music industry is rotten. But what goes around comes around around, and he was punished pretty hard, so his time will come.

He has to get her a chance clean before he digs what evil deal it has made to be here, but Ji-young is ready to fight. Seok-Ho warns later to remember that he offered her a chance, but before they can be separated, a voice thunders, "What are you doing"

There is Joo-han, angry (and probably scared) spoke two, and he and Seok-ho go somewhere to talk, to see. Seok-ho says Joo-han to let the act noticed that he knows Ji-young is here because they are hiding something, and that it is. By Ha-neul He wants to know what happened that night, and why Ha-neul is sacrificed to hide it.

Unfortunately, he loses his temper, the Joo-han are the upper hand. He refuses Seok-ho to say something, but when he makes his exit, Seok-Ho warns him: ". I am of you"

Geu-rin with curiosity rebounds to know what was in the box for Ha-neul, but he remains infuriatingly silent. She asks if he at least changed his mind about joining the band, and he quirks only a tiny smile.

Both freeze when they see on television Ji-young, with Twinkle dance in her debut performance. Ha-neul confused painful but Geu-rin felt affirmed ... she knew that she had seen Ji-young on KTOP building.

Geu-rin switched off the TV when Ha-neul grow really angry, and it justifies his angry - Ji-young hurt him, and now she will be rewarded, and it's not fair. She thinks this gives him the right to pursue their own dreams, but Ha-neul is just so scared that she and Seok-ho is injured. How could he hurt knowingly?

Geu-rin stuns him by saying that it would only take off. She's been here since she was young when her parents died, and his parents took in. She had loved her feel like a gift to ease the pain of losing Sung-hyun, and it would only to school gone to make them happy.

She admits that she wanted, the same way his parents protected her to protect Ha-neul. But now he's ready to roll and take it after he did not something framed, and even give up his dream. She says that she has to be here no more reason.

Ha-neul engages Geu-rin in an embrace, they do not have to beg. "Let's go. Let's go to Seoul. Let's go and sing."

to bring

CEO Lee orders Joo-han Luna back, and add them to an established idol group release their third album is. This is unprecedented, and Joo-han argued that the group did not listen to their cover flip, but CEO Lee is on dissent.

Joo-han says that the real problem Seok-ho is - he is caught by something wrong Ji-young wind, and they should be the first address. CEO Lee grins that Joo-han of Seok-Ho is scared and tells him, first, a show of force to demonstrate, Seok-ho, who is the boss.

Ha-neul visited the spot where he almost tried to kill himself, this time smiling and his Hyung thank for sending Seok- ho back into his life. He promises to do his best, Sung-hyun asked to persuade their parents to believe in him.

He calls Seok-ho and tells him that he stand at the point where he almost died, and met Seok-ho for the second time in his life. This time, he says he'll go Seok-ho. Satisfied both look at the sky and smile.

Seok-Ho calls Geu-rin they congratulate on her successful first job as Ha-neul Manager. He tells her that he is to meet with Joo-han, and will let them know what he learns.

Joo-han claimed to be here to make a confession, in the hope that it will earn him some leniency by Seok-ho , But he takes sick pleasure in surprising Seok-ho, and announced that he has brought the person who today framed Ha-neul here. There is a knock at the door, and in walks - Jinu. What ??

Jinu looks just like surprised Seok-ho to see, and try to leave the room. Seok-ho shouts at him: : "Why are you here?"


That was a pretty decent cliffhanger, and I was honestly expecting someone Jinu to go but through the door. He looked guilty definitely, although I can be no doubt that even if he is involved, it is more of a farmer, a co-conspirator. He has made some questionable decisions, and seems like a terribly restless child, but the show has been careful to show us that Jinu worries about Seok-ho, and missed him. I suspected that he would play a larger part in Seok-Ho story than just a former client, but that was a pretty good twist. I'm dying to hear his explanation.

Ha-neul really is for me this show wear, which is surprising considering that he is only getting half as much time on the screen as Seok-ho. Although Entertainer is primarily Seok-ho and his fall and (possibly) Redemption, Ha-neul is really the emotional axis around which everything revolves, and I like how different that of the most dramas. Ha-neul manages to be locked around him, yet totally emotionally open to the public, which I find very compelling and unique as a character about him. It makes me even more interested in his character arc than anyone else, because I can see how much he is bricked up in an attempt to protect those he cares about, but is still struggling with his desire, his love for to share music with the world. And I think that Kang Min-Hyuk only this role is slaying that tightrope of extremes very well on foot, which helps connect us with him and care about what happens to him. And wow, the moment when Ha-neul realized that Seok-ho held that "contract" was killer, he really pull the emotional weight of the show quite well. (And I will not lie - Min-Hyuk is the idol who made me a kpop fan primarily, so I'm inclined to him to be biased, but if he was a bad actor, I would not be afraid to call them it out. I think he did a fantastic job, really better than I expected.)

But there is still the show about the, as if feels it keeps me at arm's length. It's a nice show, and engaging enough, but I just wanted ... to be better. I think I'm struggling with Entertainer because I want badly to like it more than I do, and I can feel with just a little more attention to detail I really could, but it feels as it always is in its own way. Details are fuzzy on so many important things, and not in a clever stories found we-get-to-the-juicy-bit in-good-time manner, more like a we-forgot-to-the Tell- -Publikum-what-we are thinking way. It drops references to character motivations, but then she has acted in a manner which would seem to indicate that they actually feel the exact opposite - an example is say Seok-Ho Min-joo that he really he just grabbed the first child with a decent voice found and plans to use it to ignite his own career again, but that he really that special does not believe that all Ha-neul is. Then he goes to the ends of the earth to sign it with him, and about his conviction to find out when it would have been much easier, just another good singer with a clean past. We were never a reason why Seok-ho fixed in particular given to Ha-neul before he had a personal motivation.

When they first met, Seok-ho did not know that Ha-neul his old friend was little brother, so it to focus not make sense for him when signing this child because he gave not think he was a very special. At least we now have a proper narrative purpose for Seok-ho's change - its history with Ha-neul brother, his guilt over what happened to his old friend, and the promise he made to a little boy ten years ago. So, if the initial uncertainties about motivation or behavior because of lazy writing or what was, now we can with stability and clear explanations for Seok-ho insistence on Ha-neul going to be in the band. Seok-ho salvation history a great could be provided, his actions, his feelings match that I now wish you to. I like that he decided to trust Ha-neul side of the whole Ji-young problem before he even knew who he was, and that he is willing to use what influence he has left the music business to dig the truth to be whatever happens.

I am also encouraged that things, some of which initially seemed like loose plot holes or sloppy story details were actually thought when I see things, too, such as Seok-ho promise to a young Ha-neul forming tape for him one day. Until we saw it, it felt like Ha-neul determination in a band to be and not a solo singer was just sort of unfocused that he was stubborn for no real reason. Now we see that it is actually a very solid reason for wanting that had, especially from Seok-ho, because he knew who was Seok-Ho, and he wanted that met old promise. I can blame the spectacle do not get over the fact that this insistence was for a reason, because as I said, Kang Min-Hyuk certainly does an excellent job with what he was given. I only wish to write a little firmer were, so that if we are kept in the dark for dramatic purposes, at least we could safely relax and feel that our questions would be answered. But now that the show is draw details like these together, I think I can trust that it will continue, so I'm going to whine stop if I do not understand and, as Kyle says, I'll just have to decide to trust anyway.

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tags: entertainer, episode 4, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min Hyuk

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