Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 15

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 15 -

Backs get stabbed and plans backfire if the antagonists prove our show itself to be as smart as our professional conmen. Despite rising uncertainties and a potential gain for the other side, our hero duo notes that if your team rely on his back to have and refuse to let your faith to your friends, be diluted, even a temporary loss can with equanimity born.


Working late in the freezer, gets Sung-il, to wash his face and take a call from Ma Jin-seok. He returns to find Chairman Choi sitting at his desk surrounded by papers detailing their con on his company. The chairman asks if he is Baek Sung-il and imagines. Sung-il hiding his alarm and calls Jung-do and asked him to hurry over because they have a guest.

Sung-il, the judge asks why he came, but the man smiles and does not answer. It seems he was waiting for Jung-do to arrive, because as soon as he enters her workshop, says Chairman Choi that he thought he was it rude not to return the gesture after Jung-do bothered to look for him to warn him.

unnerved but calm, Jung-do offers him coffee. Chairman Choi smiles and tells him that he only wanted to see their faces. When he leaves, Jung-do stops the chairman and asks him how he knew about this place. The President viewed with contempt and says that this is the reason that they can not beat him - they do not know what is important.

leaves after Chairman Choi, Sung-il says Jung-do that the chairman probably saw the papers on his desk. Jung-do sighs frustrated and asks if President Choi saw the file on the loan fraud. Sung-il assured him that he would have gone to put the file so that it is safe.

seem chairman Choi and Director Ahn Sorry about the loan fraud already know. In a quick flashback, we see that the chairman had ransacked by the papers on Sung-il desk, the evidence of President Cha embezzlement of Kukjin Finance instead. Director Ahn speculates now that President Cha and director Jo had by the company was skimming to hide hoping their larger crime of loan fraud.

The Chairman said that it had simply changed tired of money laundering and its tactics. He commands director Ahn lawyer to contact park, and have President Cha and director Jo arrested when they reached the bank, to take the loan. He passes to bring him Ahn ledger with the duo's creative accounting.

When director Ahn indicating that they, the general ledger before the two Fudge should get the numbers because they could harm the company's reputation, Chairman Choi simply tells him to ensure that no one finds out. He stated that they will take the general ledger as insurance in case mayor Chun not re-elected. In such a case, they could at least get some money through fake credit while for committing fraud the hapless President and Director take the case to let down.

Director Ahn asks in mild disbelief whether President Choi really go by loan fraud and to destroy his own company. The chairman says only that it is the money that is important. Director Ahn absorbed that and then asks what the Chairman can then do for him.

Chairman Choi looks up and asks if Ahn money or power wants. If both director Ahn says he tells him to stay close to him. In four years, no longer mayor Chun will be able for a re-election, says the chairman, and he will need a different character. They smile at each other in evil understanding.

A contact at the prosecutor's secretary Kim bad news that he conveyed to the Chairman Wang. He Kim call Jung-do and Sung-il about, and informs them that they have been cheated. Secretary Kim tells them that to have been given two years ago, Attorney Park had enough evidence connects Jung-do of the disadvantages found him guilty.

Secretary Kim points out that this kind of information could be leaked by someone on the inside. Sung-il asks who it was, but Secretary Kim does not have any answers for him, because attorney Park did not know who was the source. He noted that, however, if the same person is still working for the chairman Choi, then already knows the chairman about their con.

He says Jung-do and Sung-il to pull the plug. Jung-do noticeably shaken but says he should trust his team, especially after what he did 2 years ago them. He wants to keep it going. Chairman Wang agrees but warns him not to fail. Secretary Kim asks Jung-do what he would do about the spy, and Sung-il suggests that they be open to the team. Jung-do notes with irony that this is exactly what would Sung-il do.

The team gathered the next day in the freezer, and Sung-il and Jung-do watch them laugh and talk. Jung-do they begin, none of his usual magnetic charm in evidence addressing and Mrs. Noh has to intervene in order to end the occupation and let him speak. He tells them that one of them has betrayed the team that draws their attention.

He explained quietly what happened two years ago, and that the chairman Choi probably knows the entire plan now. Hak-joo asks who is the traitor. Jung-do tells him that he does not know, but begs whoever it is that, while he was suffering only two years ago, this time a lot more people are injured when their plan fails. He cites Sung-hee and says that someone told him - if you play with the heart of a person, you can violate them and then you will be lonely.

Knowing that the traitor probably a grudge against him holds for what he had done, he tells them that he can deal with loneliness, but not the idea that people get hurt because of him. He asks the unknown traitor only to hold back this time. Sung-il tells everyone that despite the leak, they want to go forward with the loan con. He asks if anyone has something to say, but if no one is talking to, Sung-il ends the meeting to start working.

Director Ahn in a cafe waiting for the traitor team to meet with him, and it is Hak-joo that it slides into the seat opposite. He says director Ahn that the team knows that there is a leak, although they do not yet know. Director Ahn is surprised to hear that they do not intend to change their con on. He asks Hak-joo if he tells the truth, and Hak-joo is livid at the accusation, but Ahn laughs at him and asked when the crew will move to.

Director Jo is waiting impatiently for his assistants to come back to keep up with the general ledger Kukjin of falsified profits. He calls President Cha once he gets it, and passes out to meet him, while director Ahn Chairman Choi informed the Park office sits in prosecutor. The chairman and the prosecutor smile in a similar manner of reptiles, as they set their plan in motion.

When Ma Jin-seok heads Director Jo meet together to attend the first bank, Sung-il asks Jung-do if the plan will work. Jung-do tells him that they have to make it work. On his way, Jin-seok calls Detective Jae-sung and updated him on the plan. Jae-sung tells him that the Chairman has not called him to find out the top. Your plan seems $ 5 million each from President Choi to be to get that out of him falling over to Jung-Ge-con. Jin-seok indicates that while doing its part, Jae-sung does not do enough to be in order to get his share. Jae-sung hangs in irritation.

Mayor Chun Sung-hee calls to his office. He asks them to finish their work and help him with his re-election campaign, instead. Sung-hee thinks for a moment and asks if he really has to run again. She explains that in his eight years as mayor, he has seen many opportunities but also many limitations. It proposes it on and making way for a new person to make. Mayor Chun asks if the "restriction" she was Chairman Choi noted. He says the defense that no one has seen a mayor Chun without the support of the chairman Choi, but he promises to show it now.

Director Ahn waiting with Hak-joo outside the cafes, meet President Cha and director Jo in the. Director Ahn Hak-joo says to take the general ledger and go directly to the chairman Choi, as he walks through the office of the Director Jo. Jin-seok meets at Café the men and they move visiting banks with their documents to start.

When it comes to head out, Attorney Park with the police and has all of them - Jin-seok, director Jo, President Cha - arrested. He is the general ledger on Director Ahn, who is in turn to Hak-joo. Director Ahn calling someone to start the search office of director Jo.

Sung-il, Jung-do, and Mi-Joo waiting in the freezer, strained for every message. As Hak-joo to Chairman Choi with the general ledger drives, flash we before meeting back when Sung-il asks if anyone wants to talk. After a long pause, acknowledges Hak-joo, it's him. He takes a slow breath and sees Jung-do to with anger. He admits evidence to the Director Ahn gift two years ago and says Jung-do that he returned the team to get back to him.

He races at Jung-do to betray him, and Young-do listen to him, silent as a stone. When Mi-Joo asks how he could have done that, he calls in disbelief that they look forward to it down when Jung-do that was to turn to them first. He barks that he will be terminated and they should all give up and leave.

Softly, Jung-do apologizes to Hak-joo and thanks him for telling the truth. Jung-do promises to do what Hak-joo wants makes Hak-joo in frustration and anger scream. He stomps off to wash his face, and when he comes back, he stands in the middle of the room on the old Opas Restaurant think back, and to clean up the efforts of the team.


Hak-joo just said that he had not replied for small Da-mi or her grandfather, but maybe he does feel a certain sympathy for them, because he sparkles Jung-do and tells him that while he does not forgive, he would move revenge after the con. Jung-do smiles in acceptance and Hak-joo tells them they will have to change the plan.

The team asks how he proposes to switch from credit fraud accounting fraud. He says that they can not give the file to the police since President Choi has a prosecutor in his pocket, then looks at Ja-wang who understood immediately that he forged the bars will be exposed to online.

In the present, Hak-joo reached Yes-wang hidey-hole, and found him crumpled and bleeding on the floor. Director Ahn smiles at him from yes-wang chair and explains that he follow someone Hak-joo. Hak-joo looks by Ahn at bats and slowly backs away while calling Jung-do.

He starts to run, while Jung-do tells us that they have caught, but the bats catch him. Jung-do hear him screaming on the phone, and he runs out with Sung-il and Mi-Joo behind him. Director Ahn Hak-joo's prone body piled on Yes-wang and calls President Choi to tell them that the job is done. As chairman Choi puts away the phone with a satisfied smile, his assistant tells him that the mayor Chun came to visit.

see yes-wang and Hak-joo bleeding and unconscious on the floor and Mi-Joo calls quickly emergency. Take both the hospital and inform Mrs Noh about the accident.

Back to President Choi office, Mayor Chun tells him that he here ties can be cut with the chairman. The old man laughs, but Mayor Chun tells him with a mocking smile that he knows how the chairman has treated him all the time - it by pretending to respect, while looking down on him. Director Ahn enters and Chairman Choi smiles as his new favorite sits down beside them.

But Mayor Chun kill the smile when he says the chairman, that two years ago when he was inadvertently Director Ahn threw away to save his own skin, he had created, some strong bitterness. Director Ahn hands to the file on the mayor instead so that his loyalty to Mayor Chun clear and Chairman Choi asks incredulously, if the mayor Ahn planted to betray him.

leaves after Director Ahn, the Mayor makes his position clear: If the file is leaked, Kukjin construction will be ruined, and Chairman Choi will lose its source of income. The chairman asks what he wants, and the mayor tells him to disappear from his life and the city Seowon. Mayor Chun explained that without the influence of the chairman, he could be mayor that can stand with the people.

Chairman Choi obliged to leave, but points out that if the mayor Chun the kind of person he was meant to be, then he would never have gone to the Chairman Choi for money. "Money does not entice clean people. Why do not you know yourself?" He Indicates that without the help of the mayor, he would never have been able to touch his Maseokdong, and promises that the mayor this soon will recognize themselves.

to see

Ms. Noh and Ji-yeon hospitalized arrive Yes-wang and Hak-joo down and unconscious, while Mi-Joo distinguished by their beds. Mrs. Noh asks if they live, and Mi-Joo looks for a moment she blankly before realizing it, the boy, pointing to the empty junk food wrappers meant on the ground. After the huge dinner to eat, they sleep, says Mi-Joo. That is, when they hear the snorer. Hee.

Chairman Wang secretary dresses Jung-do to be arrogant for a qualified more below. He dismisses Jung-do apologies for errors and asks what he wants to do next. See Jung-bow his head in weariness and defeat, says Sung-il, that it is something he said for the past two years every day, "tired not get hang there, and as Jung-do gets out, leave. they fight us. they fight not to win but to fight until you win. "

Sung-il indicates that they barely made a jab and need even hit a few times, to defeat the enemy , Secretary Kim and Chairman Wang discuss the matter, and the chairman looks unsure of what he wants to do next.

Mayor Chun observes, analyzes how close the fight between him and his rival election, as a director Ahn comes into his office. He informed the mayor that he has left his position at Kukjin. The mayor does not satisfied and asks what he wants to do now. Director Ahn tells him he wants to be the deputy mayor. Mayor Chun asks why a clever man as he would like to do something so stupid. Director Ahn smiles and says that he is not wise, or he would not have to do that. All dirty work of the mayor during these years

he remembers Mayor Chun that no one knows better than he does everything the mayor has done over the years. could help win this election with him next to him the mayor, he says. He threatens to bring the mayor of anything until it receives a response from Mayor Chun eight years ago, and that vague mention. Director Ahn changes the subject and chairman Wang brings.

He believed that Mayor Chun to Chairman Wang continues to help him, the financing by the loose of Chairman Choi cutting, but says that friendship is not politics. He suggests that the mayor the Maseokdong project you use to play another game. There is something that does not know the mayor, about Chairman Wang, and that is exactly why he needs him, recalls Ahn.

Detective Jae-sung gets the call he was waiting and $ 5,000,000 collected by Chairman Choi. In return, he says the chairman of the secret to control the mayor that we do not get to hear. Mayor Chun Sung-hee calls and asks if she knew the work with the conmen on Chairman Wang. Before she can answer, he says that it is not important, and that the director Ahn now meets the man.

Director Ahn says Chairman Wang to work with them, instead of protecting a number of conmen. He explains that he saw in Mrs. Noh and the breadcrumbs led him to Chairman Wang. The chairman asks if director Ahn asks him to tell Jung-do, and Ahn admits that he is, in fact.

He elicits Chairman Wang to tell him that a friendship maintained is formed behind bars, does not fit his status. And if he refuses, supplemented Ahn, the rights to the Maseokdong renovation project will go to someone else. He promises to give the rights to the chairman when he cuts the conmen loose.

The mayor says his daughter that, while he will work with Chairman Wang, it will not be, as she and her friends had imagined. "The world with naive eyes, but do not be naive in life," he advises Sung-hee, before hanging up. Sung-hee calls Sung-il and tells him that the mayor about Jung-do knows and the relationship of the chairman.

Director Ahn Chairman Wang asked to make a decision, and the Chairman shall call his secretary. He orders the secretary Jung-do to say, to put the plan on hold. Secretary Kim seems surprised, but not put his head in question. Then Mrs. Noh gets a call from Chairman Wang, who says that he cut ties with Jung-do, and advises her to do the same. Jung-do also gets a call, and looks at Sung-il in surprised dismay when he heard what the caller is saying.

Chairman Choi calling the mayor a question. When the mayor be tempted repellent, he promises that it will be a shock. him reminiscent of Kim Min-sik died eight years ago, says the chairman. "I heard he did not commit suicide," The eyes at these words in fear broaden Mayor



This may sound heartless, but I was not quite come down with the team about grandpa and little Da-mi. It made no sense to me . While Sung-il and Jung-do had their moments of connection with the old man and his granddaughter, the rest of the gang had little contact with other than food he served grumpily. I'm sorry, but no way they come together to work with Jung-do - the man who betrayed they - because an old man know that they hardly lost his restaurant especially if this time Jung-do not even bother, it is a section. promise of the scam money (which never materialized). So Hak-joo real motivation was a great relief for me. This made him human, rather than just a caricature of a goon, forgave the young-do because the guy smoothly complemented him on his hairstyle. Mi-Joo countered probably because of their affection for Jung-do while yes-wang may have friends and a higher purpose. Mrs. Noh and Ji-yeon are the only ones who really motivated to help Grandpa and bring the corrupt rich. It fits Woman Noh character. She is tough as nails, but fair. Which is why I'm dying to know how they react to the Chairman Wang change of heart. Something tells me that if Mrs. Noh was really no help from the beginning, Jung-do wanted, no amount of pressure from Chairman Wang had made her. So, I really hope they from Chairman Wang command shrugs and does their own thing.

There is something about intelligent, complex villains that really enhances the quality of storytelling in a show. Each of the antagonists, which was brought our con team a memorable character. Ma Jin-seok returns to the screen easily stolen the scene he was in. President Bang and his special family were in their characterization as unique, as director Ahn, President Choi, or mayor Chun. Each of them has different levels of understanding own evil. While President Bang and Chairman Choi never apologized for corrupt, so seems Director Ahn to see themselves as hardworking, smart man who deserves all the power and money he can get. Mayor Chun on the other side it is deliberately blunt about its own motivations. He uses the Chairman as an excuse to abuse, to benefit its position. He apparently believes that he is a good man, from the greed of his old sponsor oppressed. He has shut down successfully its ability to reflect on his own actions, and his self-deception makes him both pitiful and dangerous. On a personal level, a man as he could generate a lot of sympathy from someone like Sung-hee, until experience teaches her father's words to doubt, because his actions do not match. Her expression, when he stated that he show her what kind of mayor he can be, says it all.

When Saya pointed out, despite knowing so good will triumph over evil, the audience has now kept excited by fifteen episodes through the twists of the story. The penultimate turn seems to be that Jung-do is not after all the powerful chess champion we thought he was. He alone can be vulnerable, tired and betrayed. The Jung-do that today Hak-joo apologized for his trust betrayed is not the same, the only cheated to seduce him into a complex revenge plan against the common enemy Sung-il savings. The previous Jung-do supervised his revenge especially during this estimates the people in his life. It is not that his softer feelings the top of his list are numbing, but that his priorities have changed. This new young-do refuses to be ruthless at the expense of the people he cares about. It is the line in the sand that he drew for himself, his old desperate need for justice from his new, more patients themselves separated.

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tags: featured, Ma Dong-seok , police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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