An elaborate trap sprung this episode , our good ( -ish ) boys a much-needed boost, the good ( -ish ) to continue, to fight. It's all gray areas when it comes to these characters, and to try out the gray tone to find out that it is represented as useless nailed about a venture like Jello to a tree. With the exception of Ha-Kyung, they are all in varying degrees of bad, but they are not without heartbreak capable. neither And as it turns out, I am
As for ratings, punch took the lead with 12.3%, so that Healer with 9.7% and Newcomer Fantasy sageuk gloss or Go Crazy with a decent 8.2%.
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Yeon-jin called Jung-hwan after the meeting, although they do not need to give it to say what he intends to stand already overheard. Tae-joon for president
he can not help but think back to how adept he felt Tae-joon side when he had taken the position of the Prosecutor General and how he had received his brain tumor diagnosis shortly after.
"lose the people what in their brightest moment it is most valuable," he tells her. "that's how it was for me, so I make that Lee Tae-joon happen. "They will have to get rid of Kang-jae, and to this, he is to ensure Ha Kyung accelerated its investigation on.
Ha-Kyung is probably not aware that the witnesses they prove statements, Kang-jae sponsorship to date will always make this confession of Jung-hwan previously affected.
And to make while he may have been able with some of the smaller fries in Myungho Construction offers, is the same on the company's president not know who-thanks to a news item about Jung-hwan one month with left to live knows that he can not trust his promises.
waspublished the news articles of Kang-jae, to ensure that Jung-hwan would his ability to influence others lose, and it worked. Hyun-sun rushes home at the request of her brother to try and Mom stop the article from reading, but it is too late.
Meanwhile, Ha-Kyung place from smug President of Myungho Construction out that Jung-hwan deals made with all the other officers, made the statements to her, which means that these confessions are useless in court now.
When Jung-hwan enters Mama's room her bed, as he is to make always the case, they can only sit in numb silence before they bring finally, to speak. Although there are 20 years since his father's death, she cries when she tells Jung-hwan that they only survived because she had to lean on him.
"I'm sorry, Mom," Jung-hwan says to suppress his own tears. "Behind everything to make for you alone, I'm sorry." Then Mom breaks in the most heartbreaking way down while she begs Jung-Hwan only with her for another year-he remain Ye-rin Start see primary school, eating watermelon he enjoys in the summer ...
"your accusers end position and forget about what is going on in the world itself. Just one year ... Just stay by my side for one year before, Jung-hwan," she calls. Oof. I swear I'm not crying, my eyeballs sweat straight.
Ha Kyung comes ready Jung-hwan on the denominations to confront now he is invalidated, only to be surprised when they crying in his room of her ex-husband place.
"I want to live," he says with a broken voice. "Only one year. Only three months. I want to Ye-rin first day to go to school." Okay, now I really on crying. Are you happy punch ? They have a grown woman cry in less than ten minutes. (* Sob *)
tears in Ha Kyung eyes when they go to the hospital proposes Jung-hwan treatment maybe he could be a little longer this way live. She promises to never forget what Tae-joon, Kang-jae, and Minister Yoon did this to him and swears she'll bring to justice ...
" What then? "Jung-hwan asks with my life. "What is my life?" He fell into the trap Minister Yoon put her son to save and helped Tae-joon Attorney General made that, no life at all is him. He can only leave after he sure makes them punished, and he with them.
Ha Kyung fears that move through the exercise, Jung-hwan will only accelerate the progression of his illness, but he won 't on this one he can not bear the thought of dying and leaving "these bastards " behind.
"I'm sorry Jung-hwan," she admits. She thought steadfast in their ways through the stay, he would come back to her one day. But now she's acting regrets as she did now that she knows how little time he has left. could
wants you to go back and delete all the hard things they said to him, it is too late to know. She apologizes again, and Jung-hwan, through the adoption, takes her hand.
Ha-Kyung for permission lawyer Jung Kang-jae goes to investigate charges of corruption, although the testimonies thrown been recently. She asks for this favor not as a prosecutor but as Jung-hwan wife.
And see, is from his wife, daughter and all of his daughter's friends, Kang-jae suddenly arrested by the prosecutor of the inspection department. This news quickly reached the Blue House, the chief of staff causes Minister Yoon ask their recommendation to withdraw receive for Kang-jae a Presidential Citation.
Tae-joon is not happy, and calls Kang-jae to wonder if the sponsoring allegations are true. Kang-jae apology says it all, but Tae-joon he swears it by morning he will have from'll even send him a folding bed to weather the night he spent in the interrogation room.
he says Yeon-jin that he can save Kang-jae easy as it once Jung-hwan saved while he was literally dangling from a ledge, and dismisses her concern that could bite him coming out go Towards Kang-jae back help.
he behind this move was a lawyer Young knows he wants the governor of Illinois to contact (yes, I know), was arrested because young son for drug possession. He will make sure that Attorney Jung Kang-jae takes place in the interrogation room.
Yeon-jin called Jung-hwan, to warn him, although their proposed solution to be published for him Kang-jae. He tells her to proceed as planned as soon as he sees Ho-sung and uses his mobile phone Minister Yoon mentioned (since they would not answer his calls otherwise).
After gaining an audience with her, he to convince able to get rid of him Kang-jae to help as a way to at least slow Tae-joon race for the Blue House.
pretending to let Minister Yoon is in conjunction with the governor of Illinois before Tae-joon can to tell him not to a document on the attorney General. We just gotta roll with this, guys.
Strange and without giving a reason, Jung-hwan asks Minister Yoon exactly what lawyer Jung once did, and cited the same quote he said word for word. "Who are you?" God replied, "I am who I am." You are who you are, thanks to Lee Tae-joon. "
And it has now become no different from him, Jung-hwan notes. As they have said many times, they asserted that they will show the world how it is different ... but it is pity Jung-hwan will not live long enough to see it. Oh, please. Who does she think she is deceptive?
Ha Kyung not in been able to get something out of Kang-jae said Jung-hwan a stitch adopts it and succeeds Kang-jae silence to break when he him think about asking why Tae-joon hold him, said to rest and relaxation for the night?
"when I fell asleep after my failed surgery, he asked my wife in jail on a murder charge," Jung-hwan says. "So what would the attorney General while you sleep? "this works to get his attention.
Yeon-jin these reports to Tae-joon, and seems the idea of planting are that Kang-jae might betray him to make a deal. Tae-joon is sure his right hand from twenty years would not turn on him, at least until Yeon-jin reminds him that most ancient kings fell at the hands of their trusted allies and not its enemies.
Tae-joon replaced Ha-Kyung in the control room and Yeon-jin sends to notify a text Jung-hwan, that they are now behind the two-way mirror are as planned. That is, as Jung-hwan talks copied very explicit about the key Kang-jae of Tae-joon, the one who could the drawer containing the connection between him and Minister Yoon ... unlock
Now that Tae -joon white Kang -jae betrayal (although Kang-jae never went through with it), he goes. Jung-hwan countered Ha Kyung, as they go to see him, and he tells her to go ahead and let Kang-jae it will not matter what he does now, because Tae-joon spirit was taken up.
that night, Kang-jae sneaks back into Tae-joon Office of the chip to steal, only to find it missing from the drawer. He knows that he has been caught, as Tae-joon all enters cheerily to two beers and threw for them to share.
His cheery demeanor soon road rage boiling out there that leaves Kang-jae tremble in fear. Tae-joon promises to Kang-jae family to look for when he is not there, because he arrested him and he be going, some fake charges to the sponsorship fee Adding to ensure Kang-jae can not his way Wiesel.
Jung-hwan's Kang-jae in the corridor, and even after all the ridicule and teasing and general meanness Kang-jae dealt, it snaps still on Jung-hwan and begs for mercy. Jung-hwan told him to save his sob story for the judge.
Kang-jae drops to his knees in supplication, asking for Jung-hwan him this once to save. "When I first save" Jung-hwan says both of them know that task is impossible.
He leaves Kang-jae there and goes away, sending over his shoulder one last wave. Karma is a bitch.
news quickly the large Kang-jae from grace spreads like that Yeon-jin with a smile listening to discuss how this could affect Tae-joon before meeting with Jung-hwan in a cosmetics business. (And, integrated in all fairness here the PPL is pretty good, I have to put the products in the story rather than give us the drama equivalent of a commercial break hand at the show forever.)
Ye rin is the only one received anything from her father and is thus confused to avoid her grandmother always, to see her father. Jung-hwan knows, because Mom does not want him to see her crying, and tells her that it's okay if she does-he had rather see crying her face than to see them, not all.
she fights her tears hardly hold back when Jung-hwan expressed his desire to express that they live for a hundred years. And then, when she sees him finally, he wants her to tell him how Ye-rin grew up, what kind of man she found ... gah . It's just too sad.
Minister Yoon sure Tae-joon knows how Kang-jae scandal will make him begins leak through, but he warns them that they will end up with her son in prison, if they do not help him through this crisis shield ,
she later finds out that Tae-joon called an emergency meeting with all Chief Prosecutor, and know that Tae-joon wants to bring the fight to the administrative branch -and if he wins, will be there, it is no longer to stop.
How he plans to support the head of the prosecutor's office on getting any? she threw a single target in the form of the Blue House chief of staff, by and by suspicion of the strings he pulled his daughter could a university professor at such a young age. to make
, enticed them that they will save the face of the prosecutor's office by the Chief of Staff, Tae-joon has all chief prosecutor in the palm of the hand. Yeon-jin notified Jung-hwan, who makes a plan to counteract Tae-Joon.
The chief of staff requires that Tae-joon put a stop to the investigation, even if Tae-joon plays and claims that he has no control over the thousands of young prosecutors under him innocent. The chief of staff knows that a lie, but can not prove it.
Minister Yoon knows how good it all was for Tae-joon, if the allegations be true, because it to be him, a national hero who fought against the would make corruption at the highest levels. But it is a hope that Jung-hwan to stop him.
And they have to wait long-Jung-Hwan surprised all in the anti-corruption department, by calling for a meeting in his office. Now that Kang-jae is gone and he their superiors, he tells them, they all branch off to the Chief of Staff case their energy and resources.
However, they will work to prove the man's innocence, which they would work would mean to Tae-joon. When they that balk at, Jung-hwan recalls that they have Minister Yoon support, and her term is one year longer than Tae-Joon.
Ho-Sung asks to start what will happen if they do not find it all on the guy who responds to the Jung-hwan with a grin that he Tae-joon friend and not a friend he is always free of dirt.
As it so happens, Detective Oh sister-in -law went to school, where Noh Young-jin is a chair, and has heard some rumors. He is reluctant to say anything until Ha-Kyung are to report to a credit card its investigation costs, to meet with the statement every at the University who knows about Noh something.
Haha, only Ye-rin would be able to complain that stable their papas of lullabies is getting too old for her to fall asleep, enough for them, for to ask him to learn a new tomorrow evening. But no sooner has sleep that Tae-joon calls Jung-Hwan made for a meeting on the Han River.
Tae-joon wants Jung-Hwan only everything now forget about being unclear what exactly he means. "What can I forget you?" Jung-hwan asks. Does he want to forget him, that he left his wife to jail while he was in the hospital? Or that he had destroyed the last of illegal painkillers carefully acquired?
Jung-hwan corresponds to a wounded soldier who fell behind in the fight, and Tae-joon to the soldier who would leave him with saddled everything and unhindered. "But the soldier your ankles keeps grabbing" Jung-hwan on. "Does it make you afraid?"
"If you fell behind, I was with a gun shot you have" Tae-joon replies, in the metaphor feeding. Exactly the same, Jung-hwan, he says put him handcuffed to have should, when he was chairman Kim confession.
But Tae-joon wants them to put the bull aside and honest-Jung-hwan will die soon speak, so he really wants the future of all the Prosecutor for him and against Tae-joon he work to risk? In addition, he is confident, Jung-hwan will not find anything on Noh Young-jin, because he would not have put him at the center, whether it was a risk factor.
He tried to get Young-hwan with the old adage, back down, we come into the world naked and leave just empty-handed to the Jung-hwan says the same apply should he, he knows to the Park Jung-hwan gate scandal Tae-joon draw wanted after he had died.
This is his chance Tae-joon to say that they should bear both their own baggage, and that he should try to stop blaming his to him. He also admits that he did not know what it on the way to others to step had had the feeling to do with Tae-joon for the last seven years, until he experienced it.
no other refuge left, Tae-joon reminds him that he is only a modest department head while he , the Attorney General. Jung-hwan, he says'll just have to work much harder to get a stranglehold on him.
At least for the Noh Young-jin case Ho-sung works with Jung-hwan, to try and dig some dirt to bury to him with. Ha-Kyung can not even stand in the same room to be like now Ho-sung and are Jung-hwan some intel they probably collected by Detective Oh investigation.
she does not need him to remind them that they are always likely regret evidence in this way because they have at least time to repent are. If this does do, it can be done with this mess faster, so he can spend time with his mother before he dies, she is ready to do it.
Tae-joon is not exactly an easy time of things going on as the chief prosecutor expressed doubts that they can the chief of staff only with the word Noh Young-jin takedown. He has for everyone, but they threaten to keep them at bay with unemployment.
But Jung-hwan is not worried, and says Yeon-jin, that it will not be long until steps on a landmine Tae-joon, he is placed.
If you see in the hallway, which of them neither willing to back down. In fact, Jung-hwan takes a challenging step forward, as well as Tae-joon. Victory grin, activate!
I did not find it surprising that Tae would -joon Kang-jae after was twenty years covered relationship, because we saw how much stronger he tied to Jung-hwan as. the little importance when it actually came to it It is not that Tae-joon not have feelings , which would make him a very one-dimensional character, that he chooses to ignore these feelings when it suits him is. And that is what makes it so unpredictable and fun to watch him.
What I loved about Tae-joon history of this episode is what I was loving punch from the beginning, and I never thought I would South Park in drama get country point, but a great truth in the way there are its creators would approach storytelling. They did not tell with the "and" a story, but "therefore / but." So instead of a sequence that is "This is done, and then passes through the" Would we get "This happens, but this happens therefore this happened!" It's just a superior way to tell a story, cause and effect in its core, which is something we naturally follow better and easier than the "and / and / and" kind of lazy writing that is much more common than the way to show up problems from week to week approaches.
When Tae-joon had decided to attack the chief of staff, only to his own ambition, it would have been the epitome of a "and then passes the" type of scenario, the easy political and business machinations trotting feel and making tiring. Instead, it is a different game on causality-Kang-jae was would betray him but Tae-joon betrayed him first, therefore Tae-joon had to try and win back public support before he was dragged down with him.
I hope that this actually is because Jung-hwan from the Commission Kang-jae for good, is not much time and does not even his two greatest takedown opponents. And if we are to compare villainy that we in a discussion about how to get to do this, then I really wonder if Tae-joon everything is much worse than Minister Yoon. At least he does not hide who he is or what he does, but Yoon seems to be still living in a magical fairyland where they do the right thing for the right reasons. Did she really believe when she says she'll prove to everyone that their actions were always in the service of utilitarian goals? I hope not, because then I would really lose faith in their ability to judge right from wrong.
And while we have come, verbal smackdowns and metaphorical cage-fighting is to be expected in each episode, the emotional impact in the hour beginning was perhaps all the more powerful because it struck like lightning. Regardless of where Jung-Hwan is on the moral spectrum, we have come to appreciate all the layers that make it unique him , and we have also seen what he bridleth on his own feelings. But to see him break and admit that he just wants to live, not forever, but only for a few months-was just so amazing sad . It's like a wake-up call from the universe only to find out that you value an hour of snoozing before your sudden and horrible death. Orrrr maybe I should just leave the metaphors to punch now; it's not like they are in the near future to run out are
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