Recap And Reviews Kdrama Running Man: Episode 306

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Running Man: Episode 306 -

It's time for some fun this week in the sun, because our Running Man Lifeguards are ready to jump at a moment's notice. To be the best that will put our teams through Boot Camp, which test their strength and flexibility, while another concurrent mission it is what to be questioned, it's all for. Will everyone be able to pull their weight or crash their rising suspicion and burn in the sand?

EPISODE 306. broadcast on 3 July 2016 the cloudy sky.

The Running Man lifeguards on duty on the coast of Hanagae Beach are ... soaking. Donning crazy wigs, Suk-jin looks like he got into a fight with his hairdryer. Our team leader Jae-Suk Jong-Kook not roll on ATVs in 'cause why?

Jong-Kook looks just like the cartoon character He-Man in his blond 'do, but it is clear that everyone sees is based on the TV series of the 0s Baywatch

As such, each English name. Bruce (Jae-Suk), crab (Suk-jin), Lange (Kwang-soo), Bank (Jong-Kook), Red song (Ji-hyo), Pierrot (Gary), and apparently Chakra for Haha who originally wanted to "Shark"

the true Baywatch style, our three guests come running. known face Nichkhun of 02:00, Nine Muses' Kyungri and actor Lee Ki-woo . The current team breakdown is as follows :. Blue (Jae-Suk, Kyungri , Suk-jin, Kwang-soo, and Gary) and Red (Jong-Kook, Ji-hyo, Ki-woo, Nichkhun and Haha)

Apparently Suk-jin had no idea that Ki-woo dating Actress Lee Chung-ah's, and he is a hard time, Jae-suk on Nine Muses' name flubbing above, although the latter points he had made not even know the Kyungri when she appeared

Ji- hyo a girl after my own heart, when she takes a good look at Ki-woo, and all guests have their own English names :. Nick (Nichkhun), Thomas (Ki-woo), as. In Thomas the Tank Engine and Sandy for Kyungri for the beach And that's when Jae-Suk draws the pun Dad: "Are you stronger [ KISSING-di ] than I thought"

After a reminiscence title sequence a TV is brought, featuring David Hasselhoff face. He can do that? The Hoff can obviously speak Korean even though, as he says the team that there is a promotion on the line-the winner team leader is to be promoted Chief, and his teammates will be rewarded.

you will go through three different exercises, and the team with the best scores, wins. And the special price? A golden whistle. The losing team will be fined on the paddle. Huch

Gary: ". The effects of this [last time] lasted for a week!" Kwang-soo says that part was cut out for airtime ... so the crew now shows us this segment. Yeahhhh that looks painful.

Everybody but the team leader to be released, then the Red Team is said to enjoy an ice cream. Our team leader said that any exercise comes with a hidden mission today, and present who took his or her wig has lost his team. And that was Kwang-soo, an hour ago.

Jae-Suk is understandably upset that his team something they lost were unaware about, and neither he nor Jong-Kook to mention this fact to their teammates. If one of them to make a view of this hidden mission, they can that promotion goodbye.

Jae-Suk will leave you frustrated about this situation, that is when Jong-Kook suggests that he not give Kwang-soo in the Pats face to give him a reason.

Once the team at the Mission location (and rant about the setup) arrive, Jae-Suk mentioned how Ki-woo appear on X- Man days used back to their ol 'diversity. Apparently he was a heodang like Kwang-soo, although each indicates that Ki-woo is far more beautiful: "You should have grown up like he did." Kwang-soo: "What's wrong with me ?!" cried

today's first practice is an obstacle relay race, and if the Blue Team puts their hands in, Kyungri is for placing their hand on the ground , Methinks it just because they feel like someone's hand do not like under her, but it's played out, that they may not feel Suk-jin hand.

While the Red Team is amenably assign any task that Blue Team is busy bickering about who has to do. In the end it is Ki-woo and Gary at the starting line, forced to run with open parachutes behind them.

Ki-woo Unforced too far behind, despite the opposition with Gary. Then Kwang-soo and Jae-Suk bounce on the inflatable flamingo while Jong-Kook and Ji-hyo slowly deflated. Realizing they need a different tactic, Jong-Kook rips open the tube.

Kwang-soo and Jae-Suk have a harder time apart Flamingo ribs, although Jae-Suk opens from one wing and the head. Thus Suk-jin and Haha face-off creep into the army, digging in the sand.

Suk-jin can not fit into the tire as Haha worms his way out. Nichkhun increases to secure their first win then up and over the inflatable obstacle.

Since it is best two out of three, the teams have to do all over again. Frustrated with Suk-jin, Kyungri provides the army crawl to do themselves. Jae-Suk scolds Jong-Kook for his foot on the tire placed, but it takes a group to take him away.

The Blue Team is suspicious if the team leaders are suddenly called to the front before the second round begins. The Hidden Mission: ". '! Fighting' Regardless of which team gets first loses" Meanwhile, the red team is not the least bit curious

Seconds later, Kwang-soo calls much. "Fight!" to Jong-Kook amusement.

Nichkhun and Kwang-soo start a wing in the second round, and the massacre begins immediately when Suk-jin interrupted. Nevertheless Kyungri is not too far behind Ji-hyo, who slips from. Jae-Suk goes Ki-woo and pulls him by the ankles down, but that does Ki Woo is ready to catch Jae-Suk, if he is willing to climb. But then Jae-Suk manages expected to slip and tie the score.

However, his team still fixed on the idea that Jae-Suk has another agenda and attached to the word "mission". Haha clarifies that their team is too scared Jong-Kook to ask what's going on, but now they need to focus all breaking on this tie round.

Kwang- soo and Ki-woo are neck-and-neck at the top, then with the inflatable dolphin his teammates Kwang-soo help through his body on it to press. Ki-woo is quick to follow, and then we see that Kwang-soo tries to scratch a nail into the plastic.

It gets the job done, and now has Kyungri start a head in the army crawl. She slips out of the first, but Jong-Kook adheres to Gary to Ji-hyo gives him the rod. It's a slippery climb to the top, and Jong-Kook is a foot in front of Gary.

But then an exhausted Gary appears to show later that he not won the race. We see that Jong-Kook had accidentally let go in the last second of the line, Gary allows to take the victory.

Also known as the team leader forward and something that the PD tells them makes Jae-Suk grab a handful of his shirt. Suk-jin can not help but think that they are "mission, and Haha jumps to this term:" only farmers on the team leader, they are the main [game] or are we? "

Jong kook shows that Kwang-soo, the hero of the hour (in the eyes as he unknowingly gimmick holds), and the current score is 20:10 in favor of the Blue Team.

now all you do is suspect, although Jong-Kook his team assured that it has nothing to do with treason. Haha is the only one his doubts voices, telling all others that Ki concentrated woo on his appearance fee

The second exercise a 1:.. 1 Tug-of-war of sorts, where each team trying to pull away to put on wet socks The first team three points wins [

Kwang-soo is pitted against Ki-woo, the fact Haha always within the film fainted the Classic . As if on cue, Ki-woo slips out of his shoes and falls on his butt.

Once the whistle blows, Ki-woo pulls Kwang- soo to him. Kwang-soo struggles but manages to get the first sock, then throws the bowl of water in Ki-woo direction. Just as Kwang-soo, the third shell, Ki-woo is on the last sock grabs ... and gets a Charley horse.

Since the team for the next round prep, a table with bottled water appears behind them. Turns out this is the hidden Mission :. Whichever team drinks from the table first, loses

Jong-Kook opens a bottle and hands Suk-jin, who easily takes a sip. Jae-Suk is busy, the wet mat and mopping up will subsequently told how his team has lost again. He has no idea this Jong-Kook does of course was, and crumbles easily under pressure.

He can pronounce a word to his team, who does not understand why they keep getting punished. Everything Jae-Suk says draws suspicion that Haha can not even express themselves freely.

The ladies are up in the second round, and Kyungri jumps at the chance to take Ji-hyo their way when it is busy putting on her first sock. is Although they both socks in the process, Ji-hyo still pulls to bring back grabbed the second spot.

Both teams are three points in this last game between Suk-jin and Nichkhun. Suk-jin is sure there were crowds of negative comments about his army crawl attempt earlier, so he is determined to make up for it. Gary Chimes in: "radiate This part will not make it"

It looks like Suk-jin the element of surprise in the first few seconds only for Nichkhun , pull him back. Suk-jin tries to keep all his might, but then falls on his face. Twice.

He managed to use a small window to get two socks, but he has to get a hard time on the stocking. It is no surprise that Nichkhun easily terminated and again the team leader are called forward.

Jae-suk is so close to the lid on their hidden mission, and the Blue Team encourages Jae-Suk only to chase the air to spill the beans. She claims that it is now tied a game, so Jae-Suk no need to have to worry. Oh, if only knew that they were!

Now the score is 40:20 in favor of the Red Team, and Kwang-soo does not believe that today's mission is as simple as focusing only on the games , Their third and final training exercise is an upgrade to the same game they played three years ago: they are dancing to the music, which is when they try to get as many pipes to secure their respective poles

to show, some dance steps, and Ki-woo adorably hops on the spot. He then has a handstand ... to fall only on his butt. Everyone else shows their dance moves, and Ji-hyo puts an end to their dance battle of Kwang-soo overturn.

Both teams to work immediately when the music cuts, and to make the Red team sure to protect their poles against Kwang-soo.

course Kwang-soo picks out a number of inflatable tubes, so Ki-woo returns the favor. Nichkhun noticed that Kwang-soo is in motion and holds him back while Haha havoc on one of the poles of the Blue Team.

The Red Team is currently in, as the music is back. The Blue Team moseys dancing on around the Red Team Pole to Haha then collects it on the sand to hop.

When the music cuts again, Jae-Suk heads straight for the almost deserted pole. Ji-hyo sits directly on top of the tubes, then Ki-woo used all his limbs on the other pole to hang.

It looks like the Red team has the clear victory when the game is over. The team leader forward again for the secret mission called: Make sure that you keep your poles no donut pipes have

The problem is that the Blue team has a donut-tubes, while the red team three has ... (Mix-up alarm: the show has incorrectly marked one of the poles of the Red team as the Blue team)

Jae-Suk immediately enters the donut tube away when the music cuts out again. Jong-Kook passes guarded the pole Ji-hyo, and Haha absorbs the fact that they must have no donut pipes.

So Kwang -Soo stacks a donut tube on top of the poles of the Red Team, and Ji-hyo chomps on his arm down. Kwang-soo can not say whether he has accepted to steal them or stack them, but at the moment the Blue team has two donut-tubes.

There is a full brawl as Suk-jin on Haha grabs dreadlocks is, but everyone has to eventually honed to these specific tubes, relief comes in the form of pipe.

Now it's time for the official count and the Red team have to finish 23 tubes compared to the 22-Jae Suk Blue Team wants all he can to keep it to himself to stop today's secret.

The PD so reveals finally that the team leaders were in their own secret missions all participating day, including the donut pipes. The remaining number of donut-tubes will be deducted from each team total, which is ultimately a bond of 20.20.

However, since only the Blue Team two donut tubes they had to win the secret mission. The PD goes as far back as the reasoning behind the ice to explain and to lose the first hidden mission, and how that was Kwang-soo debt.

Thanks to all these secret missions, the Red team wins 40: 30, which is Jong-Kook is encouraged. The winning team will also awarded their gold while Haha Blue Team for their punishment PREPS. , SMACK

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tags: featured Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kang Gary, Kim Jong-Kook Lee Kwang-soo, Running Man, song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-Suk

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