Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 16

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 16 -

So, not lie-the previous episode had me actually crying tears of frustration. Of course, if we are rewarded with some good, we have to balance it with something bad. But because Mirror Witch enjoys torturing his characters, I feel as if there is something unbalanced and I'm waiting to get a little air for our heroes.

On the bright side, when there is so much despair, get the little moments of success, which we do, are delivered with impact. Certainly our heroes get their big moment, right?


We take a few steps back when June Yeon-hee raced to rescue from her abductor, Poong-yeon. This time, we see that when he to throw on his horse with Yeon-hee, Poong-yeon a knife to Jun-no, to June Attached tried riding off was a message that we get do not see, but of Jun's expression, it was not what he had expected.

Poong-yeon ensured that the unconscious Yeon-hee Hong-joo henchmen to provide as proof that he had backed out not on their plan. He told them to go and bring Hong-joo. He turned in the direction of their meeting, but paused when leaving the thugs. Once he was positive they had gone, he took a different path.

Now back to the present, Poong-yeon, the door to the abandoned house he locks had left Yeon-hee. He thinks back to the desire he had had for Yeon-hee, a convenient way to go in petals covered before her curse had taken every detail of life. Hong-joo sees his hesitation and reminds him that this is the only way to get his old Yeon-hee back. He brings his hands up to the doors and calls his spiritual fire, as the whole building ablaze avert.

Hong-joo eyes light up with joy when they fall apart the building watches. But wait ... Your smile turns into a frown as she not realized something. Confused, she checks her arm, and to her shock, it is still covered in scabby thorns. They marched into the building, but a strong force pushing them back and burned their hands black in a dark charcoal.

Poong-yeon is only page, no worry shows. Because he knows that Yeon-hee totally secure. In fact it is in a completely different building. Oh, puh. And gee, thanks for scaring us, Poong-yeon!

June, somehow the building and rushes her, anxious to solve, to ensure that Yeon-hee's okay. His eyes found her, and the second it registers his face, Yeon-hee will melt into a puddle of relief. She reaches for him, and he keeps them softly as she cries on his shoulder.

The empty buildings Poong-yeon burned right now in pieces. Without signs of a body in the rubble, urges Hong-joo to know where the princess is gone. Poong-yeon practically shrugs. "What are you so angry about?" He asks quietly. Hong-joo tries her best to keep her composure, but she almost exploded when she says, they need to burn the princess and they must do it now-they are wasting time.

Hong-joo goes off Poong-yeon, leaving him blinking, as his father had told him to use the sacred fire to help Hong-joo. Now we see in this moment that Poong-yeon had thought about Hyun-seo earlier warning not to trust the words of his father.

Poong-yeon hurries to the other building got back safely to make June Yeon-hee-aha, the message that he had shot in June, was a map to their location , Poong-yeon you try to approach, but in June blocked him. June wants to know what on earth by Poong-yeon was the head, and Poong-yeon stated that he had Hong-joo true intentions, to find out why he went with the abduction.

Now, Poong-yeon knows full Hong-joo intentions by spiritual fire to kill the princess, he tells them that the power of fire was delivered to him, and that Yeon-hee is safe because he will not use it on them. Jun is still nervous, knowing that Hong-joo tries to kill Yeon-hee, he has a fantastic find to go out of the shaman. "I know where she is," Poong-yeon calls, stopping June in his footsteps.

Hong-joo back to their camp and confronted Hyun-seo, but it is not aware that he huddled pain is over. She wishes that he had not given up his powers to make Yeon-hee of Talisman sign. If he had his firepower, they could kill the princess now. He turns to her and the fear, it is clearly in only her more upset. "You have it all," she tells him: "I never wanted to be."

Hyun-seo wheezes out a stifled "Please!" And though it hurts Hong-joo to see him, as they can be not only him go. They reactivated his curse with a fresh puff of black smoke, and he's right back in the emotions Hyun-seo. Hong-joo orders to remove him Yeon-hee Talisman sign because once collapse Yeon-hee susceptible to its curse again, Heo June and the princess' white hair is publicly revealed, so they got nothing to hide.

Ok not exactly all that well in jail setting, so it tries to butter, the guards on to tell them, for his freedom to call his mother for some money in exchange. If only this guy hear how ridiculous it sounds pathetic now.

in the city, Soon-deuk falls in on Yo-gwang to see what is going on with June before him. with him so much worrying Yo- gwang votes mindlessly her his worries. Soon-deuk questions how well he behaves around her and asks if he might like. "No!" walking it, a little too loudly. Soon-deuk he reflected on it get, because he has enough problems as it is, and it would take him only hurt. she prances off and Yo-gwang cries for her that he only likes really big women. Ha.

Yo-gwang place June back to Cheongbing temple, watching the candles. Now that Poong-yeon his father inherited forces, they realize that Hong-joo is a greater threat to Yeon-hee life. June can not help but wonder what would happen if Hong-joo could no longer use their black magic. Then they would like any other man straight. Yo-gwang does not believe there is a possibility, but is determined in June, to find one.

Poong-yeon cautiously enters Hong-joo current hiding place, and finds a strange chest. He reaches toward her, but the magic it rotates his hand black surrounds and blocked him from opening. "What are you doing here?" Hong-joo says behind him. He says that he was for them to find, because he wants to know what their next step. She says blatant pragmatism that they need to capture the princess, and she is sure that Hyun-seo will help somehow.

This confuses Poong-yeon. "You should know-Choi Hyun-seo is on our side now," Hong-joo says. Poong-yeon wants to know what Hong-joo had done to his father, and she told him finally that she used black magic to save him from death. Hong-joo starts to say that Hyun-seo with Yeon-hee must be now, but Poong-yeon is already out the door.

Hyun-seo sitting with Yeon-hee down and asks why she is not as good as he sees himself asks if it is because the disappearance of the Northern Star is getting closer. Yeon-hee is not responding. You just have a question, when he had visited her in prison with Hong-joo, he had the intention to kill them? She tells him that she knows, Hong-joo lured him there. And they also know Hyun-seo she would never really hurt. Yeon-hee: "So ... Please come back to us, Father." Hyun-seo eyes flash white.

Terrified, Yeon-hee crawls out of her chair. Hyun-seo it secures slowly in a corner until it is caught on the back and crawl, and he hovers menacingly over her. He reaches out to her to remove the talisman sign with violence when Yeon-hee eyes purple flash and use your powers to push him away.

But Hong-joo magic is too powerful to Yeon-hee, and Hyun-seo approaches again. He raises his hands to his head and begins to break free the talisman shield while Yeon-hee writhes in pain. The white spreads slowly back into her hair.

to return to the palace as Jun and Yo-gwang, curves June in pain. Poong-yeon it reaches and sees the symbol of Yeon-hee curse again on Jun neck appear. Poong-yeon runs undresses. Unable to move, told June Yo-gwang to quickly get to Yeon-hee.

Poong-yeon gets to Yeon-hee first, but the glare in his father's eyes freezes Poong-yeon in place. He grabs soon out of it and pushes Hyun-seo off Yeon-hee. But Hyun-seo is too strong and he hurls Poong-yeon across the room. Fortunately, Yo-gwang palms timely and shields Yeon-hee.

June to make the final and tried to keep Hyun-seo away, but is thrown to the ground. As Hyun-seo Yeon-hee again approaches with a murderous look, Poong-yeon has no choice. He blasts Hyun-seo unconscious with its incredible firepower knocking Hyun-seo. Hong-joo gasps out of hiding. The scar of their blood bond sparkles. Oh no, Hyun-seo is dead?

Not quite. Our heroes tie Hyun-seo to a chair, still unconscious. Now that it's come to June insists they somehow need to get rid of Hong-joo black magic. June decides Hong-joo to confront, but Poong-yeon stops him and goes instead to remind them that Hong-joo thinks Poong-yeon is on their side. But Yeon-hee concerned-it is Hong-joo black magic that Hyun-seo lives keep.

Hyun-seo comes, but it is not the Hyun-seo they had hoped. Still possessed, he mocks Yeon-hee, you sure she has a hard life told, since all that is condemned by her side to death.

Yeon-hee stares at him in anger down and says: "Hong-joo It's you, is not it.?" June their right stops. He kneels to Hyun-seo eye level, even Hong-joo directly addressing. June says he did not want to talk with someone who is not even a man. Hong-joo scoffs and wonders how in June was able to cure the king. June grins and asks in return, as they possessed Hyun-seo spirit.

Hong-joo told June ad-they can not get rid of their black magic. You will only have to deal with Hyun-seo, as he is now, not to kill able still to save him. June laughs dryly. Since Hong-joo treated Hyun-seo thus subtracting June that they did not Hyun-seo will either die to see. That strikes a chord in Hong-joo.

Hong-joo from Jun comment is so distracted that Poong-yeon surprised when he comes behind her and tried to light on fire with his powers. They dive for breast Poong-yeon could not open earlier, and attracts a large dagger. They fight and Poong-yeon encirclement Sears in Hong-joo arm. In order to break free, she cuts on his chest, while at the same time, Poong-yeon touch sets her sleeves on fire. Hong-joo is able to knock the fire, but Poong-yeon falls like a stone.

Hyun-seo eyes flash once more, and when he looks up again ... it's really Hyun-seo! He looks around, stunned. He and Yeon-hee exchange looks delicate, but there is no time. Hong-joo can take control again. June asks quickly Hyun-seo, he knows how to take away Hong-joo black magic. Hyun-seo tells them they need to find the original source of their magic, the Blade of Black Magic.

Hyun-seo remembers that day, Hong-joo their black magic began, the first thing she grabbed was a dagger. You must find it and burn it with spiritual fire. June reminded Hong-joo that very dagger to stab him if they had invaded in Cheongbing temple, and his talisman broken plate.

Before she can ask additional questions, Hyun-seo eyes blink to bring Hong-joo back under control. "I see, you gave me a rat ball", they voices by Hyun-seo. Yeon-hee asks what they Poong-yeon and Hong-joo told Yeon-hee done to Seohyang Forest personally to come, if she wants to see again Poong-yeon.

The Dowager Queen approaches her, taking in the whole scene. She sighs, worried that they have lost a worthy ally. Yeon-hee insists that they can save a path find Hyun-seo. The Queen Mother wants to know if that's what brought June back to the palace. She is grateful for all the help he has given Yeon-hee, but it does offer June royal guards to give to help with his search, so Yeon-hee no longer have to be around him.

Yeon-hee defended him, saying that in June risked his life without hesitation to save her, and she wants to protect him in the same way. The Queen, it still can not let that happen. Although it. Outside the palace, Yeon-hee is still a princess and the queen widow grew worried that people already sick of the unmarried princess spoke with a man of low birth walking around She orders Yeon-hee to stay away from him. June listen to this while all hidden around the corner and goes off with his head bowed.

The widowed Queen comes to a decision and rushes to see the king. She asks them to change the head of the Taoist Temple. She recommends someone, the King knows very well: Choi Poong-yeon. She is aware, the King's feelings towards Poong-yeon, but he is the only person she trusts Yeon-hee to protect. The king is skeptical but agrees to think about.

Yeon-hee makes her mind up and goes to the door, but in June grabs her arm. He knows what they're thinking, but do not tell her to go to Hong-joo; he will go instead. Yeon-hee argues that in June it can not go alone. Yeon-hee plan is to use as bait, Hong-joo to pull out, so Jun has a chance to find the Blade of Black Magic.

Nevertheless Jun has not that they hurt. "If something bad happens to you, what should I do?" He asks her, Tears stung her eyes. Yeon-hee promises are not violated. She clasped his hand and says that she is going to Hong-joo, because she trusts June, arguing that June should trust her and find the dagger. It takes every ounce he has willpower, but he does go eventually, Yo-gwang right behind her for protection.

June starts also the head when Hyun-seo-the real Hyun-seo-warns him to be careful. The slightest touch of Hong-joo dagger could be the end for June. Since it is easy for weak black magic nervous, Hyun-seo emphasizes to infiltrate that June to be strong and can not be put off his heart, or black magic swallow him whole.

June, slightly Hong-joo, the new hiding place with the card Poong-yeon gave him. He found Poong-yeon, but he is still unconscious. And only a few feet away, stains June chest. It opens on its own, the dagger in black magic revealed clouded. An eerie voice echoing around him, hissing, that once they get out enough use out of it, all his friends and left him the girl he loves.

bracing itself June grabs the dagger and his magic affects him immediately. He remembers Hyun-seo the warning but June can not help it-the magic starts to get to him.

There are his spirit and feeds him all the negative comments that he has been told his whole life, of Poong-yeon him helpless to his stepmother calls to tell him how to live when he was dead , on his own mother to shout at him Ok forgiveness to ask the Queen mother telling Yeon-hee, that a person can not change the station they were born in, and order them to keep their distance in June. Then he remembers Ok words that June was responsible for his own mother's death.

There is all too much for June and he seems to be powerless. A few bars later, his hand clutching again the sword. June raises his head, and it is a deadly white glint in his eyes, the exact color of Hyun-seo eyes as he has been obsessed with Hong-joo black magic. And in the palace, Hyun-seo breaks free from his ropes and makes his escape.

Yeon-hee and Yo-gwang to reach the forest and come face-to-face with Hong-joo. Hong-joo tells them nothing funny to try if they want Poong-yeon again alive and well. Yeon-hee tries to distract impressive save Hong-joo magic for the possibility of appeal Hyun-seo life. Hong-joo wonders if Yeon-hee could sacrifice for Hyun-seo, as he has done for them. Yeon-hee confirmed that this is why she is here.

Hong-joo eyes scurrying behind them and takes note Jun's absence. "Why should I kill him, when I came to die?" Yeon-hee asks. But Hong-joo is too smart for them. You recognize where must be in June, and she rushes back to her hiding place, so their henchmen Yeon-hee to stay here. Yo-gwang struggling to fight them all, but Yeon-hee eyes flicker purple and it puts a glare down, and they chase after Hong-joo.

Hong-joo returns June sitting on the floor to find, still clutching the dagger and looked out of my head. Hong-joo can hardly believe it. "What are a stupid man you! Touching the black magic on your own!", She laughing. Yeon-hee and Yo-gwang burst behind her, shocked to see the condition that Jun is in.

June is on, briefly Yeon-hee glance, his expression unreadable. He turns around Hong-joo, as if ready to hear, to make their orders. And then ... May grins. OMG, yes!

"You think I am to you?" Asks June Hong-joo. He nods toward the figure behind him. Poong-yeon has regained consciousness and is behind him. Double yes! With the same hatred burning in his eyes glowing, Poong-yeon uses his power to ignite a spiritual fire.

Hong-joo looks more frightened than she has ever been, as June shafts in her face her precious dagger. Then, without a moment's hesitation, he gives them into the fire.

Hong-joo screams and jumps in to save her, but the power of fire pushes her back and her own black magic starts violently suffocating inside. As the dagger is destroyed by the flames, curves Hong-joo painful and vomits blood until it is on the ground a pile. Each piece of black magic is drained from her body until they pale as a ghost, and she looks June.


Is it strange that I'm cackling? Because I'm totally cackle. The end was exactly what I needed after our heroes weeks and weeks of this shaman stamped forever. I had faith that June was strong enough to keep him black magic to win, but this show does have a tendency to confuse me. I can only hope that this massive triumph finally the good guys are the upper hand.

confuse Speaking with me, I should have known that Poong-yeon would never have gone so far as Yeon-hee to kill. He was desperate, but that would only him straight-up crazy . The phrase has surprised me, but when you consider how much Poong-yeon for Yeon-hee cares, it makes more sense that he would have taken more care. Now that I think about it, put in him to his advantage Hong-joo confidence was genius. I only wish the show had given more evidence of his plan, because for the longest time, I was really lost Poong-yeon begins to believe. Either way, I'm happy with how things end up.

I am not pleased that the Dowager Queen urge still this problem with Jun's social we not standing so that cliché need proper Now- but I like that this element was another factor with a sensitive area June met. his greatest weakness was always the burden of his background, so a further hit from the mother of the girl he loves taking ... only, oof. His torment was palpable when the black magic mocked him.

And I could not be prouder for finding the strength in him of June each self-doubt push away ever for Yeon-hee security he felt. After this triumph over Hong-joo, I have enough reason to believe what may come Whatever obstacles in June and his Yeon-hee way to overcome a royal mother-in-law. I am eager to see how to play the last four episodes now that their biggest threat has been neutralized. I just know that Heo Jun's signature grin is now one of my favorite things ever.

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tags: Episode 16 in, Kim SAE ron, Lee Sung-jae, mirror witch, Yeom Jung-ah, Yoon Shi-Yoon

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