Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 6

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 6 -

What's really fun to ensemble drama is not only that you have a lot of personalities around but they collide with each other in fascinating, messy, and unexpected manner, modulation and another to the personalities change have finished with somehow all puzzle pieces apart. It's beginning to happen to our band, and you know, it's damn beautiful

. Note: We expect the con team carrying more earned as a nickname, so that we can switch to real names on from now on is Brenner's HAK-JOO, Keyboard is JA-WANG, and our elegant Lady Wallet MADAM NOH


Detective Jae-sung gloats about the con team Perren while Jung-do objects that it has not once been a fraud even. Jae-sung giggles dark that he expects that he's signature on the con tract (it get, get it?) Ma Jin-seok to collect tomorrow itself, and this is the moment when he would in shock him to arrest.

His words have a nasty edge and Jung-do fighting to control himself. He agrees, but asks Jae-sung to catch him if he can. Before he leaves, leaves the cop a pair of handcuffs-Jung to do and tells him to do him a favor and collar because he bothered to be made tomorrow not.

Once beeping the door, so Jung -do swears spilling from his excitement. He called Jin-seok of the session to organize New Today to explain that something came for the real estate agent, so Young-do, the contracts will be bringing to themselves.

Sung-il tried Jung-do with their captors in the police station, but Mi-Joo points out to him that the purpose of their wholesale to negotiate custody must be stopped in order to incriminating himself.

in her office, purse, also known as Mrs. Noh, thinks Mr. Kim (Chairman Wang underling in prison) to their meeting back when he told her that Jung-do rescued actual life of the chairman twice , She is dismayed to hear the news of the arrest of the team and asked grimly her daughter (whose name CHOI JI-yeon) about Jung-do whereabouts.

Jung-do makes its way out of its buildings, in the shade all the time by plainclothes police. Jae-sung expects its movement and, curb crawling behind his goal, has his officers once the contract signed the arrest Jung-do.

Jung-do know he said tailed, although he did not break his deliberate step. He slowed down to look at what is going on behind him. By reflecting on his cell phone screen Snarling, he breaks into a sudden, wild Sprint and the cops give chase.

He cries car catches up with frustration as Jae-sung. Pull out all the stops in their pursuit until it finally corner. He doubled over fatigue, but as it seems like it's all over, a black car screeches and the window rolls down Mrs. Noh reveal the surly face. Lighting Up, Young-do jumps in her car and flee.

Breathing hard he appreciated the thumbs woman Noh upwards. You only snorts at him. Well, you know, you like him despite themselves!

Jae-sung will not give up easily and orders his team the persecution continue. But they are completely thrown when an identical black car will appear next to Mrs. Noh car. And then there is a third! Jae-sung spitting fury as the police are obliged to give at a huge crossroads where no less than seven peel black cars off in different directions.

Jae-sung rips in his team for losing them, punctuating his words with vicious kicks. He realizes they can still catch Jung-do when they find Ma Jin-seok, but a detective points out that they just committed a mess in another department responsible for a crime that was not even - they had much better care of themselves at this point. Innit, though.

While Jae-sung stutters, his fate is sealed when the other detectives get simultaneously a warning to stop him. The rest of the team arrives, and in spite of his struggle, Jae-sung is placed under arrest. Well, serves you right.

Ms. Noh going through a car wash with Jung-do, the noise masking the conversation and she notices that several identical cars to be able to buy, one of the advantages of wealth. He grins and wonders how she knew to find him. You got a phone call, she says, but it seems none of them knows who it was.

your daughter Ji-yeon come to the police station where the con team is held, and they crowd eagerly to their appearance. "Shall we go?", You say to them. They have work to do.

Jung-do, again properly, finally meets with Jin-seok, the country to sign the contract. With cool efficiency, he remembers it Jin-seok to carefully read through first. Then Jin-seok puts his seal on it and have the money wired immediately ... and ready.

Jin-seok can not keep the smile from her face. He leans closer to Jung-do now with a proposal: How would cut Sung-il from this? Instead half of the five percent promised to Sung-il, Jin-seok offers him a straight-up three percent. Jung-do face is now a mix of entertainment and disbelief, and he laughs, the Jin-seok error for an agreement.

"You're a lowlife to the end, is not it?" Says a voice. Jung-do gets up and just arrived Sung-il takes his place. Addressing him hard, Sung-il says Jin-seok that he had just been cheated -. The land he bought for this exorbitant price virtually worthless and not even developable

Jin-seok can not calculate and seeks assurance of "Section Chief Kim." Jung-do grins and tells him his surname is Yang, not Kim. He says Jin-seok all about the fake website, where he checked the wrong plot, and Jin-seok dives for a nearby client laptop. But the real cadastral only proves true her words. Jin-seok selects desperate his brother to block the transfer of money, but it's all too late - the money is gone

Sung-il his panic observed impassively (Jung-do, on the other hand, she enjoys all very . lot), and compares Jin-seok expressed to the water drinking ajumma is. And that's why he does not say to the people with his money, Sung-il. should

Jin-seok now clings to play, kneeling and begging. But his humility for every 20 seconds, before taking Sung-il by his shirt collar, teeth bared and screaming. Hak-joo (Brenner) strolls in then, from the cowling, and gives a cheerful greeting. Mi-Joo, yes-wang (keyboard), and even the ever unmoved woman Noh: He was quickly followed by the rest of the team.

Since the amount of deception in sinks, Jin-seok laughs desperately. He pulls out his cell phone to report the con, but Sung-il takes it from him and sets him. Formally he explains Jin-seok pays taxes and cleared all its arrears. The whole team radiates satisfaction and Jin-seok closes his eyes in defeat.

Sung-il leaves him with the parting advice that they should not live dishonorable and be an embarrassment to their children. One after the other files from the team to leave Jin-seok seething.

Am Rathaus, the news about Ma Jin-seok his taxes spread until they pay Commissioner Ahn achieved is with Mayor Chun in a meeting. The Mayor wonders why Ahn so worried about the guy, and Ahn explains that Jin-seok, the lifeline and source of money a BANG PIL GYU is - a big shot connected to an even greater wig, CHOI CHUL-WOO, which are basically their secret overlords.

Commissioner Ahn admits that case Jin-seok had been assigned to strategically Sung-il, assuming that he would not have to collect in order to be able to keep their Web-safe. But if one of these three are threatened, Ahn says the mayor, the sword would then be directed to the two of them.

At the same time, Sung-hee briefs its Task Force on their next target, Bang Pil-Gyu: He is the former CEO of the bankrupt Woohyang Development, a subsidiary of Woohyang group of Bang possession hometown sunbae, Choi Chul woo, and the whole company is mired in controversy


the team asks Sung-hee, why they take on such a big task. She tells them that it to save her boss Sung-il, and silenced. A quick flashback Chef Kang Sung-hee to say that if they Bang evasion and lavish lifestyle before TV cameras will expose the public opinion the tax authorities demand action.

this plan of attack on the relay team, and they expect Bang is also exposed to pull Jin-seok, thereby giving the leverage for Sung-il to discuss both be cleared of the attack and alleged bribery , That's her goal, she notes - saving Sung-il, did not get Jin-seok money. Ohh they do not know that Jin-seok is canceled the taxes! This can not end well.

Sung-hee Kang teases boss set for the cameras on makeup because it identified a number of reporters in the scene. He appoints the Head of Mission (all as scapegoating tactics detects), but it takes effective charge. They pile into vans and she has to look for a safe locked in a secret room.

She tells them to play to the cameras, to scenarios stage as goods for the wife of luxury goes, so they can get a shot of her fight with them for their Preciouses. A flash-forward showing it to plan exactly unfolding. But everything depends on the safe search and its contents revealed to them, they emphasized. That's where they expect to find the big money.

But once they arrive at the property, no one answers the door. addressed a variety of cameras on them, as Sung-hee gets a ladder and calls one of the men to scale the wall to let in. Chef Kang stays busy, the reporter to say that all this is perfectly normal and legal.

President Bang (whose face remains hidden from our view) the input observed with a grin from a high balcony, take a leisurely shower.

Sung-hee at the front door logs, and pound it without success. She sends the ladder, and they are visibly relieved when her right hand, INVESTIGATOR PARK confirmed it are people inside. They break the lock (still legally, Kang assured the reporters) and eventually gain entry

Chef Kang stops dead when he sees the man at the table -. Bang Pil-Gyu. He stumbles into a memory of meeting him before, where Bang asked his name and told him to stop something. And for those who tease reveals his face, there is a common, after all. He is chief Kang an alligator smile in front of him like an old friend welcome. Before the flashing cameras. Shrewd.

Sung-hee comes forward and President Bang praised their diligence. But before they begin their search, he turns a straight face to the cameras and explained that the reason why he has not to pay these taxes, because he wanted the media that his words to hear.

He tells them that he was sacrificed framed as a fraud and so he lost everything when his company for political purposes - all this only because they refused to engage in bribery. Haha, really. Sung-hee does not roll her eyes in a position in front of the cameras to argue.

Claiming to be racked with guilt, he bows deeply in apology to his thousands of former employees for their livelihoods not protect. The reporter round it easy on. Speaking of, I do not know how it is to be present in order for a media circus for a search and seizure, but to have his stage, Bang smiles sharkishly at Sung-hee, who has his number and will not be intimidated.

with that the whole mission footed And - the flash-forward was not a flash-forward at all, only a better visualization exercise. Instead, the scene of the rich tax evade Woman adoption clutching her expensive handbag, the researchers come off as the bad guys.

impound jewelry that she says she had tears in her eyes a gift from her daughter-in-law, and asks to hold. President Bang tells her posh it to dispense, in a note of self-reproach adding that his son as now live in his home mooch from. The lesson:. Never Games with alligators or politicians play

There is no safe, and the team is worried silently that they are in an emergency situation. But Sung-hee is not yet ready to give up. Approaching President Bang, she asks him to unlock the room for improvement. Argh I love how even she possessed is. He tries to stall, but eventually it will open - and there it is. The safe. He says it's just personal items inside, but she insists he laid open.

"Do you have to go so far?" He asks. "Yes," she replies hesitantly, "Do you want my work is far." I love them seriously. Before opening it, although he places them with long look and asks her name. You know it makes them a distinct woman, but she tells him clearly.

"I'll remember that name," he tells her, threatening in its mildness.

And the doors open to reveal ... nothing? No, an envelope with a picture of an old man inside. Sung-hee and chief Kang exchange wide-eyed looks, knowing they have the wall played while Bang performs again for the cameras. It's all he has left of his late father, he told reporters. And with a long-suffering sigh, he left the officers with the consequences to cope. Well, that went spectacularly backfired.

A little later, President Bang cries out to Sung-Hee is on the way out. He asks her if she came here to put on a show or to actually collect taxes. If that's final, she is in for trouble. "I came here to work," she tells him with a smile level. His menacing face changes abruptly fatherly affection, and he lets them go. Chef Kang Protect her is sweet, as he initiates away from danger.

President Bang then an urgent call from his son receives BANG HO-SEOK, with news of Ma Jin-seok, do not go down well with his father.

Back at City Hall, Sung-hee also finds out that Jin-seok back-taxes have been deleted, and it has struck. Leaving the office, phone to her ear, she meets suddenly Jung-do. Understanding dawns: It was them, was not it? You cheated Jin-seok, the tax out of it.

You wonder how unhappy she and he are. Thanks to him, they have lost the leverage on Jin-seok that she would have given a chance at saving Sung-il. But Jung-do not know anything about the impending disciplinary action and is really surprised. It condemns congratulated him for themselves to save from prison - but it was her boss cost. They marched away to leave him worried.

At home, Sung-il a memorial dinner for the staff prepared the suicide. Ohh, not just a colleague, but his actual brother-in-law. His wife enters the rites while oppa dead berating: Because of him, she married so good for nothing man. Sung-il argued back that she had called him her ideal type. Haha. In the background speaks awarded to a news report on the plans special foreman for the largest tax arrears. The news of Jae-sung arrest also flashes on the screen, as a detective, who had taken bribes.

You are surprised when it rings late, and Sung-il opens Jung-do's chipmunky grin. Before you know it, he is happy to share their food, while Sung-il, the woman tried to recruit him for a blind date before he can swallow a spoonful. He turns his attention to daughter Ji-eun instead, says trying to finish him ingratiating himself with his boss's daughter ( "Ajusshi, you're a cheat, is not it?"). Hahaha, touché.

Later, the men were going for beverages and Jung-do asks for the person in the funeral portrait. Sung-il told him about the suicide six years ago, and like his brother-in-law had struck a bribery indictment. He is to be regretting for not then believe in him, and for his last words to him about just wanting to make his pension.

Jung-do question whether it was really a bribe, or was it that he provoked the wrong people? It was Woohyang, Sung-il tells him. They had by their president, Choi Chul-woo, left because he had the largest backlog in the district. But they could not even come close, because someone called Bang Pil Gyu-blocking as thorough, with all its City Hall connections.

Sung-il that President Bang says just had a call, and everything was taken over. One after another, all stakeholders - EU Commissioner Ahn, the other Baek Sung-il, chief Kang, and finally Sung-il himself - gave his brother-in-law. And then he was gone. Just because.

Jung-do wonders that the kind of impact did the City Hall authoritative, but Sung-il only confirmed to move, it's someone like that. It seems like he knows well. My guess is, Mayor Chun, especially the picture of them together in a previous episode.

Jung-do face slightly Sung-il on the disciplinary proceedings, and asks him why he did not try to cut a deal with Jin-seok. But Sung-il figures, since he never he took a bribe a demotion for attacking most get, and it is so long in order, as it makes a good figure.

Jung-do laugh at the improbability of such a demonstration, and says Sung-il, he has to give him something. Look at him that carrot like Bugs Bunny chews, lol. Sung-il holds a hand out half expectantly, but Jung-do laughs again - not now, he says. It was better, the money you swindled him out, kid.

Elsewhere, Jin-seok coyly to President Bang admits that he has been cheated to pay his taxes. President Bang Son, Ho-seok scoffs in contempt. Planting before Jin-seok, Ho-seok tells him to meet. Vile little monsters.

Jin-seok is doing, as he has told, during President Bang watching unmoved. Not satisfied, Ho-seok takes on the task itself to deliver blow after vicious blow. But if he goes to occur, Jin-seok grabs his leg and dad prefer finally retrieves it.

to sit Coming of Jin-seok, president of Bang calls an end to their relationship. Shock, Jin-seok pleads: Without President Bang compounds, he is ruined. But Bang remains inexorable. He says Jin-seok he must survive his trivial little existence on its own, and be grateful even rubbed shoulders to have with dragons, as himself.

Shortly thereafter, President Bang interrupts Ho-seok's abuse of its drivers check whether he did the thing he asked him. Ho-seok suggested that Dad must be hard-pressed by City Hall are so need something done. Dad smiled grimly: "They tried to flail."

can go home, Sung-il Head, Young-do visit. Heading out, he makes a refuge for the team. The others are already gathered there for a secret meeting where Jung-do has apparently told them already about Sung-il.

smile a little, Jung-do admit that it wrongly with them for ajusshi who has tangled feels bad, but join hands with them in good Believe. And unexpectedly, he tells them, he found a sense of satisfaction in a bad guy to court. "Was not it fun?" He asks. So what if they keep it going, and help Sung-il keep his job?

The camera lingers for a moment on each side, as this, and Sung-il is in the midst of at this moment. They are surprised to see him, but not as much as he is when he turns the wall in his division posters covered to find tax defaulters. What they plan to , that , Sung-il asks to do.

half embarrassed, half-pleased, Jung-do asks if three hundred people get to cough their taxes is enough to save his job. Sung-il kind face breaks into a tiny, hopeful smile.


AWW, Sung-il. What about his character is great as completely transparent it is - you always know exactly what's wrong with him. With Jung-do, on the other hand, I am constantly left second-guessing. What is his rousing speech at the end here a sincere product of the moment, or another calculated manipulation, albeit for a good cause? It's why his encounters with Sung-hee become increasingly interesting. It feels like those moments loaded with a subtle tension, are his most honest. Not because it actually tells the truth (God forbid!), But because it is less and less able to hide it, especially by himself (he can hardly take her eyes now). It's actually really fun shaken him to see how his fraud gets away from him.

But my favorite thing this episode was Sung-hee, and there was a slight shift from focusing on Jung-do select it. She is courageous, competent and resourceful, it is - as Jung-do, but also the opposite of Jung-do, which is appropriate because he is the reason she decided to become who she is now. And unlike him, they look for solutions within the law (or through their gaps and blind spots, of course)., Which requires much more ingenuity Her face-off with President Bang showed clearly has the potential to meet him, I think, in his maneuvering. Yes, she was played, and yes, their tactics were not enough ... but they will not next time. It is the measure of him now. Call this a test game in which the purpose of the first meeting is not to win, but the knowledge of how your opponent thinks to win. It's actually pretty exciting to have an intelligent, strong woman as his sworn enemy, and I do not doubt their ability for a moment. I just hope she keeps quiet to be badass.

We have a watershed achieve this episode as the show lifts the veil on his real villains and the nimble Power games are what this hour was all about: the situation turn your advantage and tell the story better - an important lesson to Sung-hee over direct control of the narrative take. The fundamental problem both she and Sung-il is that they think too honest. For example, Sung-il is endearingly naive in believing that his innocence to save him, which of course, it is not (although it also shows that there are still some idealism in his left). In the shark-infested waters they are now, they can not afford to be minnows if they want to live. You have to develop -. And maybe with a piranha or five

I looked allies the last six episodes in marathon, I feel better placed to appreciate the world-building, without feeling like it was too slow. There is a quality to it in previous episodes that really put me in mind of Misaeng . There are the tired, the workplace and the salaryman tired, there are fighting for trivial victories, there are office politics. There is a stark and grinding misery Sung-il, the daily existence is based, and all of these elements flow into him go out of the box to break it to his brother-in-law's death crept in (we just speak of : suicide or murder).

But the shame and guilt that it is inside then drove the same shame and guilt that it cause now break. It is what falls more his parting words to make Jin-seok, because it is so obvious that he lived by themselves. It is characterized as something of a wild card: its fidelity to the law. The he exists in a particular, but in the world to be, it's money that moves people. And he is always more to learn, the law is allegiant to money, and that is the root of the moral crisis that drove him to join hands with Jung-quality in all products. Jung-do give him an opportunity, and he's young-do direction.

I find that take an important point in Jung-do development. I discussed this with fixed faster, which felt like an uncharacteristic turnaround was to be all for him suddenly to maintain the law. But I find it a credible progression. Jung-do is shown as helpless, and I think there is a heaviness to do good, which is easy to underestimate. Doing good with with purpose implicitly linked, both in everyday fashion, but also in a wider, existential way. I think his team is (and should be) representative of the margins of society, unable to find a place in the "normal" world, even if they are as wealthy and influential as Mrs Noh.

Although we do not get sung Detective whole deal-Jae, it was not satisfactory to see how he = losing HEADCOMP he had the upper hand hand ~~ POS over Jung-do? initially as a benevolent father figure, his recent behavior and frenzied pursuit of Jung-do from seemingly speaks of completely different agenda. I had to learn really shocked that he followed Jung-do to outside its jurisdiction. Nothing says "Devil's Vendetta" clear, but if it is. Personal and if he appears larger under the command of someone, we can only wait and see What is obvious, however, is that all the fry are connected to a network, higher and wider than the modest tax department covers could imagine. Select a scab, unleashing a tsunami

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tags: featured, Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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