Recap And Reviews Kdrama Bad Guys: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Bad Guys: Episode 6 -

An abduction grabs everyone's attention at this moment, each member of the team Mad Dogs demand to prevent common for an impending war in the subway, when word gets out. But at the same time our crew will have to pay attention to internal matters also because a hidden truth rears its ugly head, leading to some strained relations between our criminals.

And they were just starting out to get together with each other. Okay, okay start not each other heads bite off at a certain time. It always seems like two steps forward and one step back with these three.


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EPISODE 6: "Desperate Chase"

Boss Lee are Woong-Chul one last chance to change his mind about Jung-moon to kill. But Woong-chul says nothing, and then it's time to go.

Tae-soo tries his buddy Hyun-woo calls once it is released, to go unanswered for his call. Hyun woo turns to the older pawnshop owner who says they have to beat the first Tae-soo before he does.

ride the van to his funeral, Woong-chul, a disrespectful hoobae reconciles by each in a non adversarial embarrassing story about the earlier days of the thief. It annoys successfully Gangster temperament, but that's exactly what Woong-chul wanted, as he kicks and punches him and the other guys in the van.

When Woong-chul strangled the driver, the van breaks out of control and crashes into a pole Boss Lee remains calm, but he reached for a golf club in his tribe to which van marches. and then hits Woong-chul over the head with it.

Meanwhile Team Mad Dogs was keeping an eye on Woong-chul of the GPS position (which was finally reappeared) after picking Tae-soo up from the police station. Once they finally have a lock-in mountain they gun it.

We get a brief review if Boss Lee received an order from an unknown man with the specific condition that Woong-chul perform the hit on Jung-Moon.

Despite his conflicting feelings about one of his own to bury Boss Lee throws the ring Woong-chul had once given him into the pit, together with Woong-chul, who holds on to him before his boys tell to put him under six feet.

Team Mad Dogs is at the base of the mountain moments by Boss Lee leaves in his car, where he deeply that his decision hoping will breathe have no serious effects.

So when the gangsters again they find in their van file Goo-tak already waiting for them. Tae-soo grips the racket in a fight with them. Use a shovel down Then Goo-tak packs a gangster and demands to know where Woong-Chul is. He says that Woong-Chul should happy today to consider, but the vague answer brings him a blow.

Speaking of whom, Woong-Chul self-administered out of his own grave to pull. When he gasps for breath, rings-it's a phone next to him is boss Lee, who tells him with the team Mad Dogs, which are on the way to leave to pick him up.

Although the details of as Woong-chul life was spared, is unclear (perhaps the dirt not busy?) Is the most important thing that he is alive, and Woong-chul asks why he was buried in the first place if he were still protected.

But Boss Lee corrected him he Woong-chul even know now is dead, so should Woong-chul stay out when the eyes he wants to live. Woong-Chul's sighs with emotion as Boss Lee, like his gangster dongsaeng has turned back to the light.

but can Before Boss Lee hang another car breaks and suddenly cuts off his car. Oh crap, these guys work for this mysterious man, is not it? So Woong-Chul is still on the phone, helpless to hear on the other line while boss Lee to get stabbed watches his driver and takes the matter into their own hands.

Unfortunately for Boss Lee, there is no car keys or weapons available, and if the men break the window, boss Lee retaliates with the broken knife handle. For a minute the crime boss seems to hold his ground, but the men beat him to his knees with bats.

Boss Lee recognizes the leader of the pack, but it is hardly surprising to wonder if his mafia boss put him this betrayal. That's as far as it comes, but because the gangsters then represents a blow to the head, making him unconscious.

The call disconnects only too Woong-Chul shock and confusion. Believing Boss Lee are kidnapped, Woong-Chul can not hold together, then swallows his pride a serious request for Goo-tak to make help looking for Boss Lee. When asked why ( "Because he let you live?"), Woong-Chul answer, "should not have to live the people, given a decent life at least a shot?"

Mi-young is to save against the idea Gangster, but Goo-tak replies that it must, or the Mafia Seoul Metropolitan Subway will be thrown into disarray. So they have to save the mafia boss to prevent an even worse result, which has a ring of bittersweet irony in their field. Woong-Chul is sure Boss Lee kidnapper is probably someone who Mafioso know quite well.

What Boss Lee, he wakes go ignored in the trunk and his muffled cries.

Back in the church, Goo-tak pieces to suspect the last words of Boss Lee mouth that has taken a mutiny in the Mafia underground. There is a good chance one of the neighborhood gang leaders are behind the act, and the only way is to know for sure is to ask them personally.

It is important that Boss Lee abduction remains under wraps, so a full from groups War breaks to become the new head honcho. So they organize a mandatory meeting with Woong-Chul appear on Boss Lee behalf. And boy, has Woong-Chul clean to the point.

Goo-tak believes that the neighborhood bosses will get their rights with men, apart from one who has probably remain behind to keep watch on Boss Lee. And once Woong-Chul figures out who is out the odd, this will be her husband.

Woong-Chul memory hierarchy Mafia family is still sharp as ever, and narrows the pool up to six chefs who either new to the family or the kidnappers. The men are impatient to hear what is Boss Lee news for them, and can be heard in the arms news of a tax increase.

This is of course all part of the plan rooms of reactions to read because while the others believe that this is a real order, boss Lee kidnappers will know that there are incorrect is and to remain calm.

and that is exactly what Woong-chul doing, narrowing to back down in the list to the heated reactions' gangster four bosses. He makes a call to his boss-ha, it's Goo-tak, who tells him that you read human emotions by their facial expressions: expectation that the other person could listen to them, anger fueled by in this fight, passivity to win the situation, and finally, cynicism and distrust to accept from someone who looks past Bluff.

A Boss Son Moon-ki falls into this last category, and Woong-chul confirmed that his right hand didn 't do not show up on the meeting, also. A minion would never be left alone to finish a very important work, so Woong-Chul believed that Boss son will soon be in contact.

And if he does, Mi-young is to tap there in the phone call and learns where Boss Lee is taken. So begins Operation: Rescue Boss Lee, where Goo-tak and Mi-young boss son occupying and our criminal trio retrieve the crime boss

Tae-soo wonders if being in the field is outnumbered , be. much for the middle-aged detective, but Goo-tak is always prepared for the other and quickly checked in the nightclub before with attorney Oh in.

A shot in the air and another on a leg of the thief enough Rascals gently backwards. Goo-tak then sits with boss son down, and when it claims that he has stopped drinking, our alcoholic detectives looks surprised, all, Why would this delicacy stop drinking? Hehe.

Goo-tak keeps the boss Mafioso long enough for Mi-young this week receive a call (from our criminals?), Then he comes right with him out on Boss Lee disappearance. He knows that Boss's son plans to displace Lee and take over the Mafia world for himself, but his hunting dogs have been looking out for the missing gangster.

Our criminals arrive at the warehouse where Woong-Chul Tae asks -Soo he have some kind of not implementing on hand to fight the bad guys this time. Ha, I love this allusion to the idea that Tae-soo almost always used something in his struggles. It is sweet as Woong-Chul worry about Jung-Moon also, but do not worry, he has come prepared.

But it turns out, the designated space is empty, and once Woong-Chul relays the result to a surprised Goo-tak, he and the other two are approached by more gangster ... Search Boss Son.

Everything there is to be registered, a second for Woong-Chul takes that Boss son of the right hand Dong-Shik leads his own mutiny. Or that he was the mastermind behind the whole operation all together.

Tae-soo sighs that you have really no such thing as loyalty among gangsters to Woong-Chul answer, "Loyalty? There has never been a" before the charging men looks like they gonna its way to fight.

enter the three of them and down their opponents punch, and ringing at one point, Tae-soo phone is beaten out of his hands. It's Hyun-woo at the other end, the call is unanswered, because Tae-soo phone now broken. Hyun-woo is armed with a pistol, and the elderly pawnshop owner says that it is time to initiate their plan.

Jung-moon one last Gangster takes tries Dong-Shik with his electric baton, then Woong-chul takes to say the phone, Dong-Shik, of all his plan is pointless-there is no way that he would be able to take over Seoul by eliminating Boss Lee reached. Moreover, he has already taken his boys. Hahaha.

But Dong-Shik will not give up that easily and his goons says that she would do first with Boss Lee, then he leaves the country.

Inside the truck, Boss Lee is on his fights. His eyes fall on his driver cell phone that he took before attacked, and his thumb hovering over the emergency dispatch number.

Boss Lee makes the call, and while Woong-chul cannons to hit by car, Goo-tak remains with Boss Lee on the phone, the car he identify in. All Boss Lee remembers is caught, he is a spacious boot in a black car, but he adds that there are three men who kidnapped him.

Woong-chul begins in a very short time, but a black limousine is too vague of a clue. Goo-tak asks if there is an internal trunk release, but there is no, which means it's an older model. He says Boss Lee that there is another way to open the trunk, but warns him out of it jumping and advised him instead to expose his hand.

Boss Lee grows impatient and so goo-tak is Woong-chul on the other line, the heads-up soon to observe for an open trunk. Too bad that the manual release is not working, and then Jung-moon says the gangsters return light out can occur.

Goo-tak has to scream to get attention Boss Lee and instructs him. It works, and now to seek our trio an overview of the roads for the black limousine with a missing light. But the gangsters are informed about the lack of light and make a sharp turn to lose their pursuers.

If the van is unable to move on the other stopped cars, Jung Moon jumps on a motorcycle nearby continue pursuit. When he gets close enough, he smashes the car window with a bat, forcing dodge the car on the side of the road. And damn, would look at this glory shot by Jung-moon, who so casually opens oh the suitcase for Boss Lee.

Let us not forget that there is a hit in order to Jung-moon upside down so Boss Lee takes a knife and follows a few steps behind the young Moon. There is another look back at Boss Lee asking the mystery man, if he has to kill Jung Moon and Woong-Chul Woong-Chul even if fails, Boss Lee with barely a second notice comes in Jung-Moon.

the first strike cuts in the arm Jung Moon and Boss Lee growls: "Only you have to die," as Jung-Moon, when the kill enough to spare Woong-chul life.

Jung Moon whipped his electric baton in the defense, but that's when Woong-chul comes from this fight to stop instead. Woong-Chul Lee pulls away boss and then took the knife to prevent from Boss Lee to use it. His hand bleeding, Woong-Chul asks what Boss Lee works to the man who just saved his life.

"It would not come to this, if you'd killed him in the first place," Boss Lee crunches out. Woong-Chul Lee tries Boss responsive to stand down. And then Boss Lee let go of the knife.

But Jung Moon heard this statement of Woong-Chul has to kill him, Woong-Chul strange input and the behavior in the church after his disappearance now come together in Jung-moon on the head. You can see almost burn the inner rage in him. But ... but ... Woong-Chul also kept safe here!

After his gratitude to Goo-tak expressed Boss Lee warns Woong-Chul, the treachery always stabs from behind.

Perhaps Tae -Soo the phone is not, after all broken, because it attempts to call Hyun-woo, for it is only to go open. Jung-Moon cuts right to the chase and asks Woong-Chul, who called the blow to the head.

But Woong-Chul do not know who it was, so young-moon decides Boss Lee himself asking. I should also note that this exchange takes place while Mi-young and Goo-tak are still in the room, so I think the whole "kill Jung Moon" to now is public.

Mi-young has a question of her own, but: Goo-tak had claimed that the dispatcher Boss transmitted Lee call to him, but it turns out that the crime boss directly called Goo-tak itself. How do they know each other well? Oooh to thicken relations.

If Goo-tak does not respond, Miyoung takes her suspicions Commissioner Nam who asks for his part, whether it is still curious why Goo-tak selected these three criminals to Team Mad Dogs. Well, we would like to know that answer also, if you please.

Then Commissioner Nam sets Mi-young in their place by explaining to her why it force so ranked in the police that you know looks and behaves accordingly their rank. "Is not that so, Inspector Yoo Mi-young?"

There are a menacing air to these words, and Commissioner Nam knows that Mi-jung's biting her tongue from her superior despite their desire for protest. And to speak in metaphors in the common practice of the police commissioner, he tells her that a Master does not die when a dog bites him. So it is better to wait until the dying moment of the Master to bite, and earn a little praise for himself until then.

What follows is a long assembly of our team: Goo-tak remembers how Boss Lee himself had called him out of the trunk of the car; Jung-Moon takes care of his stab wound in his prison cell, thinking of the killing procedure; Woong-Chul Lee thinks of Boss last advice about betrayal and Jung-Moon to find icy words that wants him dead; and Tae-soo thought crumpled picture of Jung-Moon and throws it away, the latest hit to he received.

"Who is it? Who is the one who is wanting to have you killed in the past two years, Jung Moon" Tae-soo? Thinks to himself.

The next time team Mad Dogs in the car together, Goo-tak brings the elephant in the room between Jung moon and Woong-chul, asking what they rescued Boss Lee on the day. He does not accept Jung-moon denial in response, say, that you could cut the tension between them with a knife.

to be more specific, Goo -tak says that it is a knife in the air between them, a observation, Jung moon with consents. When Tae-soo join his team from prison steps, he said, that they have the older pawnshop owner found he wanted.

Tae-soo has a smile on his face as he goes down the hall, preparing mentally for this meeting. he opens the door ... to a morgue. Omg, the man is dead?

He takes a moment to compose herself before revealing to the covered body on the plate to walk up and slowly pulling the cover down to the pawnshop owner's face.


Ohhh was Hyun-woo? We know that he was armed with a pistol and knew the older man wanted to Tae-soo-what harm could transpired between when we saw them both last to the present? Could fierce loyalty for his friend enough for Hyun-woo to jeopardize his future happiness or was it someone else? Mutual frenemy Jong-seok, perhaps?

We could from now on this subject in the dark leave until next Saturday, but in the end, death is the pawnshop owner consequently robbed Tae-soo of the chance it on the Question Answers to Sun-young. In a world where almost every name-dropping moment is important, even the minor characters play a central role to our main characters to learn pasts. What is more interesting, the relationships between these characters as multiple layers is again peeled and we see more of the past come to the fore.

In this sense, I like that we have Mi-young vocation to name Goo- tak on this eerie coincidences, such as Boss Lee personally thought Goo-tak. On the one hand it is not so surprising since mob bosses and police could know each other by a few law-breaking run-ins, but Goo-tak blinked hardly a surprise eyelash when asked for his help to save Boss Woong-Chul Lee, neither. Still mysterious is the one Boss Lee took the kill order on Jung-Moon, who has now set an order with Woong-Chul and Tae-soo. Something tells me that it is more complicated than a simple revenge plan "to eliminate the serial killer who killed someone I hold dear." What a complicated web of relationships.

At least the hit on Jung-Moon is now public knowledge, even if they do not know whose job it is. It's a bit shocking that this now a wedge between Jung Moon and Woong-Chul drives collaboration, although it counts for something, the young Moon is mostly interested in the secret identity of who ordered the Boss Lee Woong-Chul kill him. What will he do when he finds out that Tae-soo has been set at this killer-for-hire waiting list, too?

I really enjoy doing, like Boss Lee kidnapping the spotlight on how deeply placed Woong-Chul and Boss Lee relationship goes-the-boss Lee would Woong-chul life spared and give him the chance of a normal life , all the while risking his own job to finish. The mutiny reveal was well done as well as we have been led to believe that a man who was behind the kidnapping, that someone else the kidnapping called only to find out in life. See Woong-Chul, the observation at work was also quite adept as I would find it hard to believe that Woong-Chul moved the Gangster belongs with his fists alone-he had need to know how to read people, even ,

now that we made the half, are some cracks in our team members through. If not now, then in the near future I wish we had seen more teamwork in the game before we made this point, but they have joined some progress, so well done, as our criminal Trio adjacent can fight without bickering and also care about each other's injuries. Remember, guys-emotional wounds cut deeper and longer than physical, so do not let those who turn into permanent scars.

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tags: Bad Guys in Jo Dong Hyuk, Kang Ye-won, Kim Sang-joong, Ma Dong-seok, Park Hae-jin

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