Recap And Reviews Kdrama After the show ends: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama After the show ends: Episode 1 -

The experimental hybrid reality-variety drama project after the show ends premiere this weekend at TVN, and I was eager to check it out-especially because I was curious to see exactly how the show his genre- would deduct format intersection: There are the show-in-the-Show Iron Lady which his own is a fully produced mini-drama, and then there are the bargain the meta-narrative, making the follows the show with the emphasis that the actors feel romantic impulses as a result, they act in the fictional plot from. Then there is also the improvised dialogue, the more Love Lines and the embarrassment to know each other in real life as well as in the variety show format.

There are basically a lot going on. I was curious to see if it would come together into a coherent package, and if I feel attracted to both sides of the show format or when it would all fall flat as part of its ambitious setup.


Is it reality? Diversity? Documentary? Mockumentary? Regular ol 'romantic drama? Well, it is a kind of all of these things in some form, but not every one of these things. The show lasts not quite the angle I had hoped, but it has to be a pretty solid idea of ​​their format and what it wants to be clear as soon as you start watching. (The pre-show descriptions, on the other hand, were all over the place.) Be

The simplest description could: Behind the scenes footage plus We Got Married , with a Drama sandwiched therebetween. After the show ends covers the 26 days of production on Iron Lady to wrap from the first session, and includes eight episodes. ( Iron Lady also has eight episodes.)

After the show ends 'reality show segments are like a regular variety program, built with the standard title and story flow, feel observers diversity familiar. The actors are given some hints of what to do (for example, arrange one-on-one meetings lines to run), but on the whole, the interactions are their own, in all their natural awkwardness.

the prospect of romance is the main attraction of the show, since the issue of trip after the show ends is can "act like you are actors in love Cause to in love fall? " And it is the most difficult part of the show, because if none of the players were chemical or show sparks or indulge in flirting over the course of filming Iron Lady , the whole would be to have a flop. So it's a bit of a gamble, a question as to set up and then left to the whims of fate and casting your show concept happen. (. Well, and probably some behind the behind the scenes prodding by producers)

But of course you can not buy love for real people; all you can do is the stage and hope for the best (and safely, optimize the processing and exaggerate scenes for dramatic effect) set. To the extent that a show can promote romance, the producers have their set of rules come .:

  • We love and respect all players
  • We are neither force a romance between actors, nor hinder. ( "It feels like to force a lot, " laughs the occupation.)
  • Thank any natural skinship between actors assume.
  • We also welcome romance between employees.

the reality show: "After the show ends"

the Cast:

  • Ha Suk-jin ( Hai, Thrice married woman Legendary witches, D-Day ) play role of Park Ryuk (means "powerful"). Suk-jin is the main character of the drama, and by far the sunbae the bundle, in age and acting experience.
  • Yoon So-hee ( Let's eat, MatchMaker Dating, Beloved Eun-dong, Memory ), playing leading lady Go Al-li, a Loveline both Suk-jin and Minhyuk has
  • Lee min-Hyuk (aka BtoB of Minhyuk) ( A new leaf, Sweet Savage family nightmare Teacher ) as Ma Rok-hee, Mr. Second lead
  • Yura of Girls' Day ([1945017To] the Beautiful you, Dodohara ) as Jenny Kim, the Love Lines with two Suk-jin and Bo-hyun
  • Ahn Bo-hyun ( Best Lovers has, originates from the sun ), which is with Jenny something of a matched set, quiet Daddy Long Legs character Kang-woo play

It turns out that Suk-jin and So-hee have ever met, in an episode of TVN Talk program Problematic men , if he had been beaten, especially by her and turned noticeably flirtatious. Suk-jin interviews that when the episode aired, it is more attracted attention than he had expected; He had from the country at the time, but thought that if he and So-hee was reciprocally soon went after the broadcast, they could have had some sparks.

Enough time has passed that the initial buzz has faded, but he also likes to think of a time that gave him butterflies. I'm sure this must be a big reason for the casting of this couple in this project.

Episode 1 starts before official working on Iron Lady starts, as indicated each actor 'scripts and a list of other personal phone numbers. Everyone is surprised to find a number of star-scenes in the script, in which only a basic guideline is given ( He says a line that makes your heart beat faster ) and it is up to the actors to figure out what to say and how they deliver their lines. Suk-jin reads the direction to a "unique kiss that surpasses the Schaumkuss [Secret Garden] and the candy kiss [IRIS kiss]." Supplying no pressure or anything.

The Actor call turn each other, introducing do with each other and their best despite the overall awkwardness to be kind of chatting with (mostly) strangers. Over the next few days, as the cast for the first group session meets in the production head, the script reads, then shoots teaser.

At the script reading, author of drama shows that seven were written by eight episodes, but the last remains open, depending on how go the shoots. Bo-hyun first thought is to be feared that, if things are not good for him, he could cut the final while Minhyuk has the opposite idea that this means that he has the ability to go from, character to lead support if things work in his favor.

Bo-hyun jokes that he might to like Park Ryuk (Suk-jin) end rather than Jenny (Yura character) and Suk-jin takes on the challenge that he says' ll do his best seducing all, regardless of gender. (We also get an insight into Suk-jin unexpected taste for cheesy humor and old-fashioned gags. It is against glamorous image, but this must be where they give the idea of ​​his character, some of those cheesy lines. What I think , is a big boost for its charm, because I'm tired of perfectly cold professional heroes eccentric dorks are much more interesting)

When a casting assembly. the boys ask if they can call "hyung" Suk-jin, which prompted the decision to drop polite jondae speech, talk familiar instead. (This is a practice that flows downward; elders talk easily can fall, but the hoobaes remain generally polite speech more.) There is also a point of jealousy later when a couple makes before another via banmal another feeling omitted. (So-hee falls with Suk-jin to banmal to promote a closer relationship, he finds a bold step, but does not seem to mind. Minhyuk had as felt banmal was their thing, and acknowledges that it felt like it was snatched from him)

So shall create its own meta-love triangle in the show for some reason. in the drama, Suk-jin and Minhyuk are both in Love Lines with solar hee, and behind the scenes, we start a bit vying for their attention to see. If Minhyuk draws her aside to beat lines converge, for example, Suk-jin tries not bother to look.

Later to shoot in the teaser, Suk-jin hangs back while the other performers free chat, looking out to the left. He admits that he is reserved and do not mix easily, but feels the desire, with his co-stars to get comfortable quickly.

And then he returned to hang straight when Minhyuk a kissing scene is with Sohee first if your promo film. Suk-jin is a little excited and refuses jokingly tomorrow-romanticism to film is not real, but the fighting spirit and jealousy pulses


And then we begin the drama-in-the-drama, Iron Lady . In a darkened office, a woman a message to her boss about her mother is sick, then grabs and goes home. This is GO AL-LI (Yoon So-hee), and it tells us. "I am an ordinary office workers"

At Midnight Fight Club is the mass over a game in progress Wild. A large crack Boxer is fairly easily down at the hands of a pint-sized woman wearing macabre dark makeup. "Ordinary" people Go Al-li

Al-li narrative continues: "I am Iron Lady she morning to spam e-mail"

morning Al-li is tugging with a groan from the bed, likening :. You can not hope to come, but they still do it. She is getting ready for work, put in a simple plain clothes and makeup, and passes out. Your slob of a brother she recalled that it "today".

When working Al-li sitting in her closet down and breaks up (like all women in the office) on arrival its pretty head, PARK RYUK (Ha Suk-jin). The ladies flirt with him and giggle while Al-li moony eyes is that in a while each conceding once you want to open a spam message.

Ryuk pauses and sniffs the air and calls Al li name.

he is Suddenly she pushed against a glass window and breathe in their scent, as it makes him wildly, telling her hoarse that he thought of her , as soon as he awoke. He rushes to kiss, they press against the glass in it. It's pretty much steam, for a more dramatic country kiss.

Of course, it is only Al-li imagination, and it is shaken by a cranky employee out of it.

Al-li workplace a clothing company and Park Ryuk is a newly transmitted Office Director. Your dreamy eyes fantasies on through the team meeting he leads, even if it lame puns makes; Al-li sighs, as even his corny jokes in her ears sound cool. Well, as long as you know it's cheesy.

hooking on a coffee break in the kitchen, Al-li, it is closing her and making conversation. In a moment of distraction she spills hot coffee on his hand, and he pulls them immediately into the sink in cold water to wash.

Park Ryuk is Al-li in charge of the new brand identity that makes their day, then assigns distanced employee MA ROK-HEE (Minhyuk) as her partner, she is on much less excited. She looks Rok-hee as the third wheel, hampers their opportunities for one-on-one face time with the boss. Sigh.

An employee is fired when she works caught a second job (strictly forbidden in this office) and Al-li swallows to hear a little. Your employees informing them of an office dinner tonight, but she says that it can not cause problems due to family there. You narrow her eyes suspiciously and ask if she also works another job, and she calls from nervous rejection.

Has Fight Club number as a side job? (To be extra Angry missed with Park Ryuk for dinner) That night at midnight battle, Al-li returned to their Iron Lady figure that out and sporting a violent DO NOT-mess-with-me attitude.

The Al-li takes her place in the cage ring and a stylish woman, JENNY KIM (Yura), announces the fight. She is a famous event planners, and Al-li she describes as a "who made me this way." Then Al-li Jenny looked up and down and thought wistfully: ". She is pretty"

Jenny sits on the edge with her companion, KANG-WOO (Ahn Bo-hyun) -and in the audience, staff Rok-hee cheers for Iron Lady. He misses listening to an urgent call from his colleague who has an office are emergency in turmoil.

At first Al-li does not form all the way up, and mocked their opponents, that it is a waste energy fighting them. But her gaze hardened and she comes back strongly, firing a number of shots before they launched into the air, seriously up to him. A swirling kick sends him to the mat. KO.

When they announced the winners, Al-li looking over Jenny, wondered oppressed: "If I were as pretty as her, the director would [Park Ryuk] like me?"

Nevertheless, it takes in the cheers of the crowd and admits that at this moment, they just as Jenny has a lot of confidence.

After the fight, Jenny speaks with reporters about midnight struggle as an event that normally suppress allows people to play some of the feelings and desires that they. The question of the success of Iron Lady (and the suspicion that their profits are rigged), Jenny only answers. "Iron Lady is special"

Rok-hee finally checked his phone and read the news of his co- workers :. their new design proposal has leaked

Jenny congratulates Al-li on their victory and extends a hand, but Al-li glare and it hangs. Al-li brother (and manager) smoothes over things, then scolds Al-li for cold, as she owes Jenny for their livelihoods.

Al-li explains in narrative that her name, which was given to her by her father, the boxing loved (needs to Ali), but wanted them to be ladylike to grow up. He lifted her and her brother died alone to Mom, and Al-li learned mainly about a lady from books to be, instead of falling on the sport of boxing.

was their talent discovered by accident when they were at her brother attended the boxing gym and let a kick fly, and now she puts her talent and her name all part of their fate.

sees only now that many calls they fight during the missed, and to take steps out of a call from Rok-hee, the office heading back to the design leak to to treat.

Al-li is a lie about her brother in the hospital, making only to have to Rok-hee by and see through the wall you cower. He comes up behind her and tapped her shoulder, and she and rotates painted at the sight of her half-face, he shouts. She screams. Both recoil.

He recognizes, to ask: "Iron Lady?" realized Al-li: "I'm screwed!"

Behind the Scenes

that is the end of Iron Lady Episode 1, and we return to the diversity part where we connect Suk-jin and so hee imagination to film kiss against office windows. After we already see the scene during the show, which now feels like an extended behind the scenes extra, of the kind that you see on entertainment shows.

Suk-jin worried about the direction to make this kiss particularly unique, and he and so-hee their way by blocking the scene, such as how he would grab them and initiate the kiss. It is interesting, the actors to figure out this take on your own, monitoring the recordings, and to decide to look at itself, that they have things get not quite right, or ask to go to the director of another, or a deposit effect Add shot.

This time it is Minhyuk's turn to stand at the edge back feeling while Suk-jin and so-hee shoot their kiss, so our first cast member triangle opener.


There are aspects about I After the show ends , and things that I do not matter, really enjoyed for, but mostly I'm happy that new types of shows to see experimented with. Even if attempts are unsuccessful, as I tried to look at innovations with TV formats; it shows more creativity than trues tried and stick to the.

For example, the star-scenes in the scripts can beat me as a clever accessory on the part of producers. Ad-libbing Drama dialogue is nothing new, but in the context of the great romantic gestures, it is a rotary because what writer would entrust their players come with their big crescendo moments? It works in this particular scenario, because the ultimate goal is not just a well-written moment; They hope that this moment of fiction something actor with your sparks. And if you hope to get really immersed in their feelings the actor (and receptive to Romanticism), tasking it with the decision on how to act, gives them agency and ownership of the might Moment what better his blurring of reality drama lines to promote ?

I wondered at first why the show is felt necessary to create a complete drama under this program, because we have seen so many dramas-to-dramas where the interior show always shown only in glimpses was: Queen Inhyun man, king of dramas, best love . Substituting Iron Lady wholesale in the middle of the episode, it felt like two unequal parts-I was looking for seamless integration, but it ended up feeling like we just saw the "making of" clips by the film.

Still, I suppose it was a necessary step because either part would give us an incomplete picture, cut out, and we can not immersed in the actors feel "feelings when we have not seen the scenes they are working on. we have access to the full drama to be given to buy in the relationships that possibly the shipment of Iron Lady characters and want that screen chemistry play behind the cameras . see is an immediate experience in this way, and more voyeuristic.

It's too bad, then, that I just could not find a lot of different scenes very exciting. There was nothing wrong with them, necessarily, but it felt like Standard backstage standalone moments that provide insight, no stories. no matter how "real" the setup, we need history in diversity, and the best are the natural those occur teased out footage, and not pushed along by an overbearing hand.

It turns out, there is a difference between moments that are discovered, and those who are established. It's why real reality is exciting, even if it is banal, because it originated from natural circumstances; it just happened to be excavated by discerning PD. On the other hand, setting the stage for a specific narrative setting and in this direction at any urges can not help but feel contrived at a certain level.

Which is why I am ultimately be of After the show ends stitch , although I had probably thought was not his doing what I wanted it to be. I wanted either a bit more scripted or real. At the moment he takes the strange in the space between reality and fiction, in such a way that we married pretending to show real interactions between the stars in the wrong construction of a pretend marriage. We Got Married has a lot of fans that this kind of blurring the lines dynamically, but this show reminds me why I could never really get into it really dig: Fictional romance, I get. Real romance, me also. But staged "real" interactions within a fictional context always struck me as odd; I want it either extreme, but not that nebulous middle ground.

I was hoping that After the show ends its would be a true mockumentary where the whole project would be together closely knit to the appearance of a to provide documentation without gaps or breaks in the narrative, to reveal the construct. (Mockumentaries must not feel realistic , but the world must be airtight.) The producers that tried but was peppered with breaks in reality that means losing caused the documentary framework. I had hoped this show could improve on this structure, and while it has a concrete format, it is not as interesting as it could be. Maybe it needs more editors? More realism? More kissing scenes?

I do not believe that the interactions and sensations are necessarily false, so it is not a question which is set in scene. I can buy that these scenarios jealous to see the other two unexpected feelings of jealousy, may invite as are Suk-jin to by watching So-hee kiss scene with Minhyuk Minhyuk or admission of detail. But it feels like the show is the parts picking that fit the story they want to convey, instead of allowing only free cameras roll.

I would like to observe to keep the show (although I do not keep recapping) because I condemned as Suk-jin (funny in his corniness) and So-hee (sparkling wine) and Minhyuk (sweet, but to fail !) to do, and I have actually Iron Lady on its own merits. I'm not so sure about Yura or Bo-hyun yet, but I have not seen enough of them to have an opinion. It's a show that I find better in concept than in execution, and while there I'll be my lingering feelings of a few days last to leave what might have been. (. As in, something big See: The actresses .) But as soon as I adjust my expectations, I'll probably be a pleasant change hour, where Actor flirting often and laugh and romance all talk day. There are worse things.

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Tags: after the show ends, cable programs, in the first episodes, Ha Suk-jin, reality shows, variety shows, Yoon So-hee

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