Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 2 -

Sleek and stylish, just how I like 'em. That and how lively pace this show is because Spy is to not get confused when it comes to getting in and out without his welcome wear, which is pretty nifty considering its double header format and its unusual time slot on Friday night.

The limited time also cuts short introductions lingering to throw Mom in the thick of things when a ghost from her past appears with a score to settle again. If our resident baddie know what Mom was able to as Sun-woo was just an ultrasonic Blip what he thinks will happen if he threatens Sun-woo after he is all grown up? That second degree sunburn, the least of his worries.


Baechigi feat. Park Soo-jin - "악몽 (nightmare)" [ Download ]

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At the sight of the scarred North Korean agents at her door-an apparent spirit of their past- a knife to grab Mom screws for the kitchen only a few seconds before entering.

HWANG KI-Chul ( Yoo Oh-sung ) strolls casually into her house, reinforced by years it through to know a different name, and tells her not to be so frightened by his appearance is it the scar on his face he giggles a little when he says:.?. "you're the reason why it is so it turned off"

he survived whatever tried once Mom made on his life, sardonically claiming that he thought made through the arduous process of recovery through her there. Mom rather would to the point and asks him what he wants.

Ki-chul who come on business, and helping himself to a glass Mamas brandy, as his eyes to scan every corner of her house, the knife rack with one missing , He seems to enjoy her taunt about as least, the way that was not amicably parted to say the least, before he falls his gaze on her family portrait.

"Your children are nice," he drawled, adding that Mom was such a patriot, having to fit their name and home here changed.

But he focuses especially on Sun-woo out that he the child that she was pregnant must be, when they saw the last time. "Seeing him all grown up, he has grown on the blood of children who then died? I'm not sure how, but the connection that he and I are sharing deep." What children?

Mom takes this opportunity when Ki Longe -chul with her knife manages the two nimble and evenly fight to Ki-chul to overwhelm them. He returns unhurriedly the knife on the rack as if nothing happened, claiming that he is here for them with a job.

"I do not know what it is, but I will not do it," Mom spits back, unyielding. Ki-Chul reminds them that it is not a favor he asks, but a requirement if Mom wants to continue the idyllic life living she has built for herself, she does not have much choice.

When asked why he can not himself, Ki-chul wryly noted the recent number of deaths among North Korean spies, although he gives most of which came on his hands. And so, Mama has to make only one delivery to obtain Ki-Chul from her back for good.

During interrogation Soo-yeon, the North Korean agent who turned in is, Sun-woo can piece together that the scarred man who is their comrades the same run that spared him in China.

Sun-woo was barely conscious then, but the man remembered to tell him to go home ... because they would meet again soon.

Soo-yeon is desperate to make a deal, because all they want is for them to get their family from the north, before they are sent to prison camps or worse. Sun-woo can only share what Hyun-tae told him from the control room, which is that they can only guarantee they security, not her family.

The apostate spy despairs this crying, that she did not even information she could use them anyway, she was just trying a grunt, money for their family to make. But they claimed that money can move someone from the north, and that her boss would make some of the arrangements themselves ...

Suddenly Hyun-tae breaks in the interrogation room to ask where their boss is. Did the scarred man kill him? Is he still in the country? Is he still alive? His questions have a desperate and uncharacteristic tone, as something personal at stake here. Innnteresting.

Back with mom, Ki-Chul Lords his scarred status on them as guilt, claiming that they owe him this favor for what they did to him. After all, he never told anyone at home back that she was still alive, so they should not do for him this one little thing?

Mom still does not say, then Ki Chul to pick up the phone and threatening to call their family members to tell them who they really is ... with Sun-woo to start ,

head song draws Hyun-tae side, so as to give him a bursting, even though both of them seem to know who Hyun-tae said when he asked Soo-yeon on her superior.

From the sounds of it, whoever-it-was perhaps even an agent for the South were, but Chef song refers inexorably to him only as "that bastard "and tells Hyun-tae it-he has to drop probably dead or in a prison camp somewhere. He warns Hyun-tae careful, because it is on the verge of firing.

Sun-woo ends the rear end of these discussions, listen to hurry away with when the sound of his phone ringing gives his position away. It's Mama, only it's not Mom-it is Ki-Chul. Fortunately, he hangs up before saying anything.

The threat is enough to get Mom to do agree, whatever it is Ki-Chul wants, just minutes before the Young-seo enters her mother with a stranger to find.

But Ki-chul is it like make him sent, as he calls himself an "uncle" who was close with Mama again, even go so far give to Young-seo spend a little money before Mom tearing it out of her hand.

before he goes, Ki-chul remembered Mom that she is the right decision to make to help him to do as they protected by their life that way. "Think not that stupid to do," he warns from before the acceleration.

Of course, Mom his license plate saves and changes its access code for the door shut just stop "Young-seo question of the uncle" who is not her uncle. Mom swallows then frightened some pills from the secret hiding place, we caught a glimpse of in the first episode.

blinks to confront Ki-Chul with the sonogram photo of fetus- back Sun-woo, although they had defied him when he told her to get rid of the baby. They both knew the father, and that is the reason why mom claims that she could not go through with it.

But the brutal Ki-Chul had no qualms a pregnant woman pushed down, when he asked what was more important-the baby in her belly or her own life? Mom made her decision by flight and detonated a bomb in their wake. Well, that explains Ki-Chul of burns.

Sun-woo is not very happy when Chef song reassigns him to a job desk, insisting that he has done for the area. He tried his cast took sling out to prove that he is perfectly healthy, but it is a with the boss no-go. The decision has been made.

Hyun-tae takes the loop to Sun-woo thrown with a kind of rueful acceptance on the ground because it has also been demoted. He pick at Sun-woo is sour attitude but: ". A spy his heart does not follow, but he does it in his head upward, digging information until the critical moment comes"

And if a spy leaves his instincts put his brain aside, it is a mockery become like him, Hyun-tae noted regretfully. Sun-woo has only one question: "Who is the supervisor is" Hyun-tae replies that Sun-woo does not know-the need Supervisor ripping a fool like him is important

Mom. to finally a find planted in their chandeliers her house looking for bugs, the management. Ki-Chul can use it only as a microphone, and listen carefully to the sound of breathing Mom when she discovers the hiding place.

She rushes to the door, when Papa not to get in with the old password, and quickly takes the cake Ki-chul taken away when her husband brings a new.

a nightmare returns Sun-woo to the scene of the crash, and while he fades in and out of consciousness, he ekes out: "Please save our ... Sung-hye. " (If the former name Mom? If so, how would the Sun-woo know?)

Sun-woo wakes up in his girlfriend's house, the nightmares nothing new for them. She is worried about him, even if he explains away all their worries with ease despite his reluctance to tell her what he dreamed about.

Their relationship is a close and comfortable, even though it seems like Yoon-jin knows more about Sun-woo Job Mom, considering that it is the task that brought them together first.

pushes analytics more enthusiasm than when he moved to Sun-woo to the area, ask coyly, if it means they will have more time to this day. Sun-woo can not help but smile and rushing her hair love that about.

Out of the blue, Sun-woo asks Yoon-jin if she misses her parents, recalled the North Korean defector screams about their own. Yunjin gets a faraway look in her eyes when she says that you do not miss your family until they are gone, but that family is all that's left at the end.

Sun-woo tells her that he would have better to treat them as they will be his family soon, but she is not so sure: "I just treat better independent self. might not be able to be your family. "he will not have this kind of discussion, and swears that he scored for them every step of the way-they'll will fight Mom blessing, only waiting.

Speaking of which, we mom and dad together on her bed, but can be found in completely different places mentally-Dad in his laptop work is absorbed, while mom looks suspiciously around the room to sense a fault.

you tried the TV volume is turn up her conversation with her husband not be listened, but Dad steam rolls unknowingly everything they say with the assertion would possibly have that he would have more time for them after this great project is over. You can give him everything they want to talk, then.

He gets out of bed a call from work to take to find emerging in the darkened living room Sun-woo to sit in silence. He asks, Dad, what he would do when something disturbed him at work, Dad asks to sit next to his son when he finds out that Sun-woo is looking for a good old parents advice.

Dad has only time to tell his son that he follow his heart and do what he was sorry and not when it is not does not work for him, he will be able to financially take care of his son in about two years. He says that last bit of half-jokingly, but another call compels him the call to cut short, though Sun-woo looks like he could use more of his precious time when he received.

During pause in session on one end of Yunjin classes, ringing cellphones Mom process if they themselves can not bring it to answer, who will know at the other end. When she finally does, Ki-Chul, it has made one of the nearby lockers to take a bag and threatened to expose their identity to the entire nation, if it is not the case.

Mom takes the package to the place designated by Ki-chul, after obscure in bargain store clothes while Sun-woo candy brings things with other colleagues Eun-ah to improve (though he probably still do not that she has a crush on him).

He uses the absence from the control room of Eun-ah, turn off the cameras in Soo-yeon room, so that what they say will be kept confidential. He wants him, it has all the details to give to the scarred man who colleage and in return he would help get her family from the north killed his.

Ki-Chul calls Mama to tell her, let the bag in the subway terminal, claiming that someone retrieves it after it goes. Mom is cautious about the nature of all he wanted them to do, but Ki-Chul reassures her when he tells her to live happily and to raise their children well.

Mom has a crisis of conscience as when she told to do, preparing, although the long look she there the bag as inside might be, knows something terrible can appear.

But still she makes to leave a step can only be stopped by a little girl told her she forgot her bag. Mom tells the precocious child that she is not and is ...

... to explode only for the bag behind her. Jesus. The girl survived somehow, and Mama wears through the smoke at her mother's arms, before the scene to escape.

At home, Yoon-jin does not understand why Mama so fixated with the news is suddenly for the metro explosion is a conversation Sun-woo to split out into zones to participate.

Mom worried watches for any sign that the authorities may know she was there, but even though they have it hang down on "the woman with sunglasses" which is far from a positive identification. But so as not to easily get a text with a close-up video of their planting comes the bag on her phone. Uh oh.

Ki-Chul gets credit for it to take, and are all underground explosion was to get a setup Mom under his thumb for real before task: ". Turn on your son, Kim Sun-woo"

Mom says that her son should not be drawn into this as a simple public servants, giggles on the Ki-chul: "You do not know Kim Sun-woo works for the National Intelligence Service he?. is an extraordinary field agent, though not as well as you. He is fast, strong and adept at deceiving people. "

is clear because Mom's face a mask of shock she had no idea what her son really did. Ki-Chul admits then that Sun-woo has his latest injury from running into him in China, and says, Mom has only to do this one tiny little thing to get the hook.

"Hand Kim Sun-woo to me," Ki-chul says. "Then you'll be free."


Looks Mama forgot the golden rule to be like a spy, and that's never trust spies. I think they quite simply got out there with a zero-accident explosion because the lingering look she gave the bag blank are many interesting questions left hanging in terms of their character. As if there were not enough of them already.

that it is no criticism-far, actually. I'm really digging Mom character and mysterious back story that we can put together to a certain degree, before we find in unfamiliar territory. The fact that she was willing to kill Ki-Chul, to protect a way of life, she had found herself safely to her in a new light is gravitating, since we do not know if they had a mission to the man involved, be would her husband, and when her love for him, and for her unborn child, it causes betraying their cause and live in relative hiding all these years.

her past with Ki-chul raises more questions because its fixation seems to her except contempt for their treachery and their plot to go on his life. While it would not be a stretch to say that Ki-Chul has now to make a grown-up version of Sun-woo responsible for Mom actions, we know that he now ended Sun-woo life could have. No, his pleas Mom to give her son less seems about every benefit Sun-woo arrest could bring and more about Mom agonizing with the very love that came out of him in the first place her away. We can only hope that Mama knows better than to trust now even more of his empty promises.

The revelation that her son worked as a secret agent for the course was par, and now I'm mostly curious, where Yunjin affiliations are. Your uncanny reflexes made an impression in the first episode, although I would be wary of a show with three totally blind leading spies-a somewhat mother unaware that her son is a spy, a son unaware that his mother was once a communist spy, and a friend his girlfriend unaware, probably, maybe-probably a kind of spy. As much as we near here, Yunjin be not too many Spies wants can not just for window decoration, it can? Especially not with how much they know, probably about the Sun-woo ... right?

So far, Sun-woo seems the most competent spy in the business, and I love what we've seen such by his peers far Eun-ah juvenile has a crush on him adorable, and Hyun-tae is the good kind of sullen ajusshi to have around. I can only see these two go nuts after a day a desk job working, although something expertise tells their field in high demand will be that Ki Chul is back in town. Or at least it is better because you do not go on a show called Spy have planned fights without some important spy on spy. That comes with the territory

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tags: Bae Jong-ok, in Go Sung-hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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