Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 5 -

Ah, finally a great twist in the case. I've been waiting, and I am glad that we get to take in a new direction now our case, because it is what I at-something a little more complex, a little more thoughtful wanted from the beginning. And not only our good guys do forward make some important progress in the case, they also take a large step forward in the cooperation front in that they are beginning to do that. All are in all, we take a positive development, and this is a welcome development


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to shock of all, Mu -yeom admits the killer to be, laughing maniacally and signing a written confession. he describes how he 2 (the straw artists) met victims No. of the bus station, talked to her about tea, and then proceeded to kill them .

Maria gets word of these developments and meets with Chul-gon, who has an immediate flash recognition, think of the original Gap-dong case of traumatized victims. they do not disclose that this is who she is but he says they like a girl feels he once knew, said: ". I hope that they grew well"

Maria brings the results of the brain scan they did on Mu Yeom-one prove to himself that he would never says victims 2. Chul-gon saw that he already confessed, but it suggests that the confession was fake Mu Yeom must have motive behind confessing. And that's ignoring also true for Chul-gon.

Mu-Yeom is taken to the crime scene for an adjustment, directed by the police to show how he killed the victim. Chul-gon watch carefully, Maria the words in the ears: "He has decided to Gap-dong-be to catch Gap-dong."

Mu-Yeom hesitates when he presented with a cord to fashion in the fishing knot, as we have seen with his laces, he does not know how to tie knots. But Chul-gon orders the team to skip this part, to her shock. Section Chief Cha is disturbed by the holes in the case, but Chul-gon, says Mu Yeom intentionally at the reenactment, pretends to be ill.

Section Chief Cha is intent of this to the higher-ups to reporting and protests at Chul-gon holds him back and said to demand that he at first to keep quiet that he find out something must. caught After Gap-dong, he will reveal everything himself. I am encouraged by Cha instincts, although worried that he'll cave Chul-Gon railroading.

Tae-oh his plan gets for his next copycat murder goes, with the victim-the hairdresser selected who had gone on a job interview. He engineers a meeting with her when she has a charging bear to leave new shoes, which was restated a scene in Ji-wool webtoon and accidentally-on-purpose fall his gloves, as he passes by. You know him from the cafe and Tae-oh, it plays like a welcome coincidence.

He flatters tell her that she is dressed so nice to go pretty today the predicted day for murder No. to be 3, but she says the perpetrator was caught, since the message of Mu-Yeom confession the news is all over. When Tae-oh asks to borrow her cell phone, she gives him overjoyed.

Mary in her caravan proceeds that night, with the whistle-Mu Yeom fiddling gave her that she now wears around her neck. He had he had said, to use it to call for help, and they give it a try. to have It's Ji-wool, heard that Mary carried out a psychiatric examination on Mu Yeom:

Only then she gets a knock on her door. Trembling voice, she wonders if Mu-Yeom is really out of your mind, because there is no way he could have made such a confession without being crazy.

Meanwhile, in the forests, our hairdresser stumbles victim with bare feet, trying to escape from their hunters. She's scared and slowly, and Tae-oh has to keep no problems with it on a menacingly relentless pursuit step.

The police chief heard that Mu-Yeom is not really a real suspects and are a boring Chul-gon and ordered him to Mu-Yeom is released from custody. It looks like Section Chief Cha went over his head to tell him that makes easier both for his personal integrity and the concept of the integrity of the police as a whole me. Chul-gon repeated similar to the one he had made to Cha, head for a bit to ask more time there is a question, which he has, that he has to find out a request.

Chul-gon go in for another interrogation round, burned why Mu Yeom ask before his father bloodstained jacket 20 years killed his third victim shortly after Gap-dong. But Mu-Yeom only says, "I'll never tell you."

Incensed Chul-gon takes the folding metal chair upwards, lifts it, and then holy crap-whacks Mu Yeom in the head with it. Geezus. And Mu-Yeom can not do anything, tied with his hands on the table.

years ago retrospect to twenty. Young Mu Yeom has for a few days in the home nursing his father's death the following, some neighbors caused to ensure his well-being, especially since there is no one to take him in. That night he ventures a chicken to steal to eat, but as he himself is Frass, solves the sight of his bloodied clothes (from the poultry slaughter) in his memory, and he's sick at the thought, literally.

Mu-Yeom vomiting and sobbing, thinking at a time when his father had brought him to eat chicken his jacket, splashed with blood. That is, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for his other jacket that have blood on them. Which means that he suspected his father of murder wrong, and now he is plagued with guilt, wondering why his father did not assert his innocence.

in the woods, go hunting. Tae-oh enjoying themselves, time took its victim persecution, as she crawls away. Then, as Tae-oh advances, he begins to whistle.

The detectives observe the interrogation of the screen outside the room, but Chul-gon pushing the camera away to obscure the view. Then he grabs a stack of files and pops, which then collapse in Mu-Yeom head, the table overturned, sending Mu Yeom with him. Screaming like a madman, he begins to Mu-Yeom stomp, then slams the chair on him. Good God. He's a nut. No one should give him the power, never.

Partner Hyung-Nyun attempted break but Lackey Ki-ri holds him back and told him. "There is no one who can stop either one of them now" Right either man because someone really all has to stop Mu Yeom out there that are in the fetal position.

Back in the forest. What does it say that the brutal killing Shows scenes a welcome break from Chul-Gon are abusiveness? Ponders.

The victim cowers in front of him, trying to hide from Tae-oh run. Even more troubling than ever louder whistle while the whistle cuts out suddenly. Tae-oh place behind a boulder her and blames them for not enough, hidden, and she starts to beg their lives, sputtering to and it was sad all her fault and please do not kill them. Tae-oh wonder: "Why do you all say that you're wrong," He assumes? "Ah, too much trust in incompetent policemen"

[1945010th] He takes out her cell phone and loads a new status in their messaging app: "If your mind is fried, traveling is the best is! Where do you think I am? "

In her trailer, Maria Ji-wool rest Ji-wool wonder filled in on their opinion Mu Yeom innocence. Now, at Maria's ability to profess his innocence in the face of all other charges, and their brief flare of jealousy calmed down when Maria says only that they will worship Ji-wool Mu Yeom admirable and appealing.

Ji-wool assumes that a cool doctor as Maria would no business to like a bad detective (although Maria response to me suggests that it is aware of their attraction), then tried to reinforce that by they seem to make a telilng few things Mu Yeom less attractive. for example, as he has no house, and how it is likely to become a monk.

Just then, Maria a text gets Tae-oh, they ask to see.

still refuses even after a spanking weathering, Mu-Yeom, his jacket burning motivation to forego. Chul-gon admits that his heart he believes Gap-dong, but his head is otherwise to tell him what is near, that we have ever seen him fair about this whole thing. Mu-Yeom says he can say about the jacket him now, but he is "when the time is right." He gives his word on it, and there is something about his serious appeal, Chul-gon reminded of himself.

And that more than anything is what finally the light bulb shines in Chul-Gon admittedly murky head. Struck dumb, he wonders: "Could he ... actually working toward the same goal as me?" Oh my God. This is the first time you pulled this possibility?

Chul-gon asks: "Do you know why a hypothesis, a hypothesis, since it may be wrong?." So he take this gamble.

Mu-Yeom enters his job and is released. He collects his Gap-dong notebook from his desk, then his colleagues gave a brief farewell. Chul-gon pauses to utter a word of warning, though, scornfully, that an animal's true instinct can not hide, and that he was going to catch him with his own hands.

Mu-Yeom smoke, then he says, need to collect will what he owed, as Chul-Gon lost their bet. Chul-gon hold tauntingly out his finger and asks if he will take it. Mu-Yeom says: "A promise is a promise," and slams Chul-gon's hand on the table, take out a hatchet out of his jacket. WTF. Who carries an ax around?

He looks like he is quite determined that the finger to take, and I admit it, I kinda want him. I do not want to see happen, but you know, let's just say I would not be sad. He lifts the ax, then slams it down ...

by Tae-oh desire of Mary comes to his apartment, where he has a bottle of pills scattered on the table. He sounds lethargic and sad, but Maria checked his vitals healthy and recommended in the trick. To tell him that he can talk to her without these false ads, they do not warn him to use these excuses in the future.

Then Tae-oh blurts "Gap-dong" that makes them solidify. Sounding oppressed, Tae-oh explains how a detective him suspicious, and although he had an alibi and no evidence against him a potential imitators, he felt the weight of the judging stares of the people.


says that he is not the only one who feels this way and says that even now a detective is also suspected of the crime. With false concern, Tae-oh wonders how the cop holding up. He also noticed the whistle to Maria neck with interest.

In an ambulance, paramedics treat to the gash in Chul-gon forefinger. Holy shit, he did actually. It is not severed by the hand, but the ax did land. This is Mu-Yeom behind bars again, and a flashback answered some of our questions:

Back in the survey, post-chair-hitting, Chul-gon says Mu Yeom go ahead and cut his finger off. If he really by trying to catch Gap Gap-dong-dong, he must the role of a psychotic act entree into the prison to win psychiatric facility.

So it was actually Chul-gon, which pushed for the plan and said that Mu-Yeom not get anywhere to stay here and work the case , Mu-Yeom is understandably suspicious and asks for the motivation. Chul-gon says he will in the service of their goal to adopt another fit of madness, because he only just discovered that the DNA evidence that he would put his faith in does not exist.

From the hospital, Chul-gon puts in a call to his daughter Seon-joo, who seems to be an invalid ANY KIND. He said to her, soft and warm, but Seon-joo listening with a blank expression, not to say a word. Then his voice is serious when he warns them that they do not have a detective like marry him because detectives sometimes put criminal hunt on their families.

A month later, Mu-Yeom is admitted to the psychiatric facility. His reputation precedes him, like the other inmates, recognizing him as a cop Gap-dong, the cut off his boss the finger. Stupid Poopy wonders why it is so hard to find the criminals, because it certainly can not be that hard to track down someone with a name as unusual as Gap Dong-yi. Heh. Either it is really dumb, or he has a good job, as it acts to do.

Mu-Yeom shoots a grin at the lookyloos, and they shrink back in fear. Our mysterious Mr. Choi, on the other hand, watches with amusement.

When a popular hiking location, a red high heel sits on a bench neglected. A hiker nudges it, and drops out a cell phone. He picks it up and sees the wallpaper photo the victim, tied up, dead.

The police officers are sent to comb the mountain. The body is found in bushes covered, and it is clear that this sacrifice is 3 in the generic case. Chul-gon notes a discrepancy, but: Gap-dong left at the first crime scene behind his DNA in the form of both sperm and shit. Why would an imitator that omitted? Also, why would he the phone and shoes have a month on, it was now Discovery? would

Section Chief Cha speculated that hold the third murder a secret ruined the experience of a fourth murder. Chul-gon finds the time too much of a coincidence with Mu-Yeom detention; he suspects that the criminals deliberately waited for this moment.

Then discovered forensics specialist DNA marks on the body, after all: hair strands.

Profiler Han talking to the prosecutor on the case, and this asks whether a fourth copycatting is likely. Profiler Han responded that sadly, he believes that. Just then his wife comes the office, and she fidgets nervously when the prosecutor mentioned that she looks familiar. I appreciate that they are not comfortable discussing her daughter's case, but they gloss over the moment with a joke.

In psych hospital, Mu-Yeom Mr. Choi and comments approaches to its resemblance to Gap-dong police sketch. For the first time that we saw him, Mr. Choi looks upset and extinguished, rather smug-I take that as a good sign, because Mu-Yeom makes him cautious.

Mu-Yeom goes into a meeting with Dr. Maria, and he does not hide that he on ulterior motive here is to say that they both know Gap-dong of the patient population. She sighs, that there is a person who had suspected, but he turned out not to be the type. Hm, Tae-oh has already convince her?

you tense when Mu-Yeom says he knows of her secret why she seeks it Gap-dong-has to make the link to their victim status? But she relaxed when he suspects that she took upon himself Profiler Han outdo. He has a bet to do with her, who will first recognize Gap-dong, with a game of truth as the prey.

Just then, an officer Mu Yeom, because murder No. 3 was just discovered, let interrupts with an urgent order.

Mu-Yeom visited by our diligent prosecutor who apologized for the injustice done to him. It provides him with release papers to sign, but Mu-Yeom makes an unexpected request: Can his release be delayed a few days? The prosecutor supported, but not stupid: He asks, "Do you want a Gap-dong believe here is"

The cops are in a good mood on the hair discovery because this their search prospects narrowed down greatly. But the celebration is premature, as the results show that they all came from a hair salon customers.

I think the upright prosecutor would not agree to keep Mu Yeom unjustly imprisoned because he. Of the device, after all is released Chul-gon is at the entrance waiting for him, and it is quite remarkable how much has been subjected to a change in its dynamics. They are not friendly , of course, but the hostility has completely disappeared. Mu-Yeom looks even in Chul-gon finger in custody, although Chul-gon waves aside. There are more important things to discuss, such as the need to identify the Gap-dong in prison as soon as possible and find out what kind of communication he moved outside of the Gap-dong.

To answer this question, we see Tae-oh near a phone booth waiting that is ringing. He accepts, and is greeted with a familiar whistling tune. And you would not know that we cut for the phone in the prison line, and it is not Mr. Choi.

The figure in the prison phone is blurry to see, but he giggles like Tae-oh says: ". This time I'm going crazy to get Monk" The bait?

At the same time Maria finds a note in their papers tucked, and her face brightens as she reads it "Maria Whistle.": "Hide yourself well, oh Maria"

In the temple, Ji-wool pleads with the monk about Mu-Yeom do who has closed up to his room without a word. She resists to hear that he could become a monk ( "He is no longer a policeman, he has somehow to feed") and protests, "But I can feed him and support" She is adorable.

It turned out that Mu-Yeom pored over in his shed-office-Gap-dong files. established with the copycat pattern, it is more important than ever to act before another victim is taken. And then he freezes to see a note in the old photos: a pipe that found at the scene.

immediately to find

Mu-Yeom heads over Mariinsky trailers only darkness. He takes her already asleep could be, but sending a text and waiting outside. It is actually at the moment, not to immediately see that someone is following. When she does clue in the present, it starts faster for her pipe and fumbles foot.

Mu-Yeom decides that Maria must sleep and only departing heads because he hears a whistle in the distance. Maria is walking faster and faster now, and if their trailers enters their way forward, she panics. Screwing his eyes shut and blowing on the whistle, she swings her purse around wildly while Tae-oh only impassive stares at her.

Then he takes his persona meek and calls: "Herr Doktor" A second later, Mu-Yeom jumps and sends him with his fist the sprawling face. He looks very proud of themselves for the rescue, but Tae-oh gasp: "What did I do wrong?" And now Mary recognizes him, her fear to confusion rotate.

Mu-Yeom begins to explain his presence, but Tae-oh is faster (and smooth) and said that he was only concerned because they did not respond to his message. The question of his own arrival, Mu-Yeom fish for a second before he said that he's here to take issue with psych Maria evaluation. Obviously, he is not in his mind and he is only an evaluation from being sent back to the Psych Ward. Have Tae-oh eye here rolly term love?

Now that Maria sure Mu Yeom apologizes crawling at his (supposed) misinterpretation of the situation. Maria thanks Tae-oh for his concern, then holds it to tilt lip back into his bleeding. He looks pleased they still by his nice-guy facade of cheating.

Mu-Yeom calls require his partner that he look in Tae-oh, but when he hears that Hyung-Nyun already examined him and saw that he had an alibi, he takes it. He he expects to be all too suspicious ... but at the last second he thinks to ask who made this alibi available. The answer filled him with dread: Maria.

He thinks back to Chul-gon words that the criminals him well enough to know, knows how he'll react things. In other words, anyone close enough to manipulate his goals. He rushes back trailer to Maria, it tends to Tae-oh Cut arrive to see, and think: "You rat ... so were the Gap-dong on the outside?"


Thank you for this break in the case quality (although I wonder where you go from here, now that our hero is on our Rogue). I still wish that the show was taking a mysterious approach to the criminal perspective, because it felt rather anti-climactic to show us the evil plan before it even occurred or discovered in force, and therefore there is no sense of clock or secret ticking. But at least with the unveiling of the Gap-Dongs cooperate skews the case a little, there is no longer a simple killer and mimics case, but an active conspiracy, which adds at least a certain nuance to the point. And I'd much rather see that than the continuation of Tales Incompetent police.

I found Chul-gon absolutely intolerable and rage-triggering this episode, and now that I see that they are to take him, I can see that she pushed him deliberately on the top to make them turn more satisfying , I ... kind of think they miscalculated, because it lines which, once crossed, not fine, but uncrossed be, I get what they were doing, and in any case, I'm just glad that it is no longer the event that he is a bigoted lunatic cop our hero from abuse. The show can not forget me every bit stubborn injustice that he thus by far, so I'm going to buy any kind of redemption arc not, but this new dynamic I much prefer, with the two men as grudging allies.

So yes I hate even Chul-gon, but I think that we have turned a corner. Thank goodness, because there is only so much further down he could spiral. I feel like its turnaround was conceptually useful but flawed in reality (as in the path he realizes that he was wrong, is so simple to be as absurd), but let's just move forward with him, shall we?

I enjoyed the development of sending Mu Yeom in the prison to scan for themselves Gap-dong, so I'm a little disappointed that we did not explore this scenario for more than one scene. I mean, if he was going to go in, why not that used for some narrative rich moments?

I'm not sure how I feel, where we go with Gentleman Choi, who was given too many creepy close-ups to escape suspicion, even if he is not the Gap-dong on the phone is. On one hand, yes, it would be an easy way to guide us with a red herring astray, but on the other hand, if it turns out that it was introduced, made to over-suspicious, and then it turns out, no one to be, which is also not satisfactory. I wonder on the concept of multiple Gap-Dong, actually, that would be for me a lot more interesting than an original and an imitator, or even two partners Gap-Dongs. If we are going to introduce the idea of ​​two, why not whole hog and really blow this thing wide open and make it a whole society of Gap-Dongs? And maybe the hospital is a player in all, if you find a way, they want to tie it all together.

I know to nag it ironic more serial killers, when I in complain God's Gift too many, but you know, maybe there is only one sweet spot for a sufficient number of serial killers for narrative satisfaction. In fiction, I mean! I'm sure we can all agree that zero serial killer is best for fictional purposes.

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tags: featured, Gap-dong, Kim Ji-won, Kim min -jung, Lee Joon, Sung Dong-il, Yoon Sang-hyun

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