Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 5 - are

manipulated feelings left now that perhaps First Love has reappeared in Hoon orbit, threw his perspective (and some others) into chaos. Little does he know that there have treasure-er-maybe you saw more on than meets the eye, but at least he can kill medical ethics debate about the time before he finds out. I never thought that it would be more dramatic verse so many people in this, the biggest concern is whether Hoon is busy or not, but hey, I get it-more people get to live, if the doctor is in.

In our ratings o-meter, the numbers keep climbing for Doctor Stranger as a result hit 5 14.0%.


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Jae-joon tense Soo-hyun sobbing in Hoon's arms to see, but as intervene, he goes unnoticed from the operating room. bribery responsibility was discharged, is night in a call to Prime Minister Jang and reports that he is hospitalized on the way to check "that woman."

he is here to Seung-hee, whose face he recognizes instantly from Budapest. Can not be denied the resemblence he whispers, "she looks like she really is."

In flashback, rewind we when Hoon had first Seung hee saw now reproduced in their perspective. Oh, it would be seen his reflection and knew that he had been by the hospital following. Curious, indeed.

things are only from there strangers, because we see driving Seung-hee Kim home to patient. see Soo-hyun outside, Seung-hee waits a file where callbacks are (by Agent-Cha, it seems) to her and her mother. Hm, these meetings seem the theory Seung-hee support could be a spy; Judging a recentish assignment, their clothes, was that?

You will move to Soo-hyun, expressing sympathy for their loss. Handing her the keys, she stated that it was because of their treatment here with the patient on their desire to live. Hearing that her mother was lonely only disturbs Soo-hyun, as she remembers differently

But as it goes through the yard, again flooding memories of happier times with her mother to her. Painting together, their growth mark on a wooden pillar.

Seung-hee brings a box with presents Soo-hyun mother every year for her daughter had bought. Soo-hyun takes a sketchbook with drawings of their completed, both smiling at the mundane and important moments of their lives.

those just confused see them more than they, her mother kept away to believe that, is not able to wake, even at a distance. She said that they believe her mother attempts had their own to alleviate resentment, that her daughter would be happier with her father.

Soo-hyun wants to believe it, even though her tears betrayed her words. another drawing After he shows when they were sent away, Soo-hyun look up and see her mother before her with tears in his eyes. "I thought that it would be enough to make you happy," she says.

Now Soo-hyun, to hear the words she gets always longed had for: "I cried every day because I wanted to see you I Always. missing my daughter. "she breaks into her mother's lap down, as the two women shed tears ... but then the camera shows that there are actually Seung-hee, to comfort her.

back in the hospital, Hoon is provided by his colleagues on his judgment in question with patient Kim practice despite the low success rate to continue. Jae-joon gives him the most, if not all heat about Hoon rejected arguments by pointing out that the patient died on the table.

When Soo-hyun arrives late to the meeting, Hoon apologizes to her with a deep bow again. At the mention that they are here to discuss the case, rather than hear excuses, Soo-hyun speaks up to say that Hoon did everything they could, and suggests that to move them.

But Jae-joon is not willing to let go that easily and asks why Hoon performed the operation. Hoon begins to defend himself, but then stops mid-sentence, Soo-hyun remembers earnest desire. So he switched gears and switched his cavalier attitude and said he believes it to perform the duty of a doctor is surgery even one percent chance of success.

Jae-joon challenges that instruction Not Hoon want to show off his surgical skills? "You've done that. Do you understand?" He grinds out. Oh snap, things only got personal

He demands to hear a reply, so Hoon in his game playing with the truth: ".. I have for money" We know that it is a 500 Won- coin was, but the space interpreted to mean that he paid off and challenges the ethical decision. Jae-joon scolds him so much, and then Hoon goes with resolute eyes on ...

... and then jokes that he is not proud since he is already worried that he will 'll fired, as it is. He is ready to call an end to this meeting, but Jae-joon pulls it back to him on the status of the order. When can Hoon does not move, Jae-joon, he says go, but it is still an insult: "You're not even a doctor."

Hoon tense shortly before the moment to laugh away. He agrees with Jae-joon words, although he points out that no one for free surgery leads here, much to grumble rooms. He turns serious again Jae-joon, the question of why he deals with the operation went to answer by: "Because I wanted to be a doctor A doctor should treat the sick."

Hoon then calls Jae-joon intentions not to do so because it would risk his surgical success rate? "If a doctor is supposed to operate only in patients with a high rate of success? There are people who want and ask those patients to save! If a doctor someone who Surgery gives up and leaves the patient to die?"

Thus Hoon storms out of the room, where his furious start fades in repentance. He agrees with Doctor moon that he lost his mind for a moment, then smiles: "It's not like I said something wrong anyway."

Soo-hyun falls short of their disappointment in Jae-joon out to vote for the recording of his anger at Hoon. She argues that an operation her mother had requested about its capabilities and that a family member (even), but Jae-joon reminds not that of others. do Hearing about their gratitude to Hoon for everything he could significantly interfere Jae-joon, the quiet smoke.

Hoon apologizes to the Chairman Oh personally to lose for the patient, but he said that if anything, he should beg for disobeying orders for forgiveness , Hoon will from that moment on, fired at the Hoon on his knees gets (and Doctor Moon hilarious follows suit. Everything man does odd comedic is).

Despite Hoon vows that it will not happen again, Chairman Oh adheres to his decision. Once the chairman leaves, Hoon rises and sees Soo-hyun on the stairs stood, heard all. He tells her that he heard, Chairman Oh is her father and asks if she can not pull a few strings for him, so that he can stay.

Hoon given frustrated response, I'll guess that's a no. But then he takes a call from Smuggler In that fall well but panic has news: he found Jae-hee. He tells Hoon to meet in the clinic him with the payment in hand. We see Smuggler In set off, but do not remain his escape unnoticed from a nine-finger shadow.

However Smuggler diverted at a busy intersection near the not at the clinic and Hoon. Just then, someone to shoot from the shadows forth-it-Agent Cha, who raises his rifle to.

Hoon and Chang-yi try prepares his weapon from the oncoming traffic to maneuveur as Agent Cha. And just as Hoon approaches, he shoots on a truck of fate that in Smuggler In Car slams, then returns to the shadows, where he came from.

get Unbroken, rushes Hoon on Smuggler In that manages to express a few words before slipping into unconsciousness. They carry the smuggler back to the clinic (where Doctor Moon breaking the nose gag on) and Hoon uses to examine his genius Smuggler In state and discovers a shard embedded in the human heart.

Doctor moon she says should wait until emergency help arrives, but Hoon barks that it then it'll be too late to operate immediately. Hoon goes in and removes the shard, and Doctor Moon is surprised that Hoon can see everything in this pool of blood.

Hoon dismisses the question, saying that he did not see, but only white, and the two work together to complete the operation. Smuggler In taken will unfold by an ambulance ... as Agent Cha watches the events from his car.

Once they are in the hospital, Hoon insists do the operation on to the Soo-hyun reminds him that he cant. Considering his protests that they must save this man, she tells him that they'll take it from here. There is no further action for the patient required, but since Hoon has done all the work.

Hoon assured Chang-yi, that the smugglers will ajusshi be fine. He pulls his friend in a hug, relieved at the thought that they will be able soon to find Jae-hee. Chang-yi balls her fist on the physical gesture. Does anyone have an eye on their buddy?

In a chic bar, Chi Gyu flirts with a girl in front of Jae-joon accession, the busy stacking shotglasses is an impenetrable fortress in what he calls. He puts a shot glass at the top to represent the princess and says that it is a knight who desires this castle. His metaphorical scenarios do really say much about his character, right?

his words slurring, he agrees with, as the knight be a good fighter needs and also capture the princess heart of the lord of the castle to appease. But the problem is that the knight feels uncomfortable when he sees the princess.

"He fell in love" Chi Gyu closes. "A knight can not do that if he wants to be cheating the lock that'd." Jae-joon seems to be really disturbed by these words. Huh, his feelings and intentions towards Soo-hyun were insincere? How much did you know about them before?

Jae-joon it goes back to the hospital Soo-hyun on his way to confront and apologizes for not going against orders of the chairman Oh. He admits that he did take Hoon-at first he thought it was a matter of pride, but he could not bear it, as Soo-hyun Hoon side took over his. "I really hated."

A tear falls as Jae-joon, he says knows she did the right thing, but he could not control his emotions. She thanks him for his honesty and he pulls them into a tighter embrace. "I am sorry."

And then there is a remarkable change in both Jae-joon, the eyes and the music, as he looks at the hospital up. Ah, the castle.

Soo-hyun returns home in a better mood, although that quickly fades when her father Chairman Oh you say that there is no need to sit. Is it strange that a huge table has only three chairs? That's because half douchey bro Sang-jin will take their place in the hospital administration, and even if this choice she is upset, she accepted without complaint.

During the Cardiothoracic Surgical team reviews cases smugglers in the next day, they are interrupted when the police show up. Ha, I love how Chi Gyu hidden immediately and whispers that he did not know the woman that he was married to flirting.

But the cops are here to see Hoon, rolling behind them awake, looking disheveled. HA, no one knew he was there? It turns out the police are trying to find the shooters who instigated the traffic accident and Hoon leads upwards, without knowing that Agent Cha Smuggler is discharged from the hospital in the running.

So you can imagine his shock to be told that the Smuggler, in fact, has gone, and surprised that no one knows why. He receives a text from the smuggler claimed that he has left for China, but if Hoon attempted return call, we see Agent-Cha phone dispose.

The Blue House, the President concerns about Prime Minister Jang health and says that he put the cost of corruption for now rest .... Prime Minister Jang ridicules the trivialization of his president and is furious to hear that Hoon was discharged from the hospital.

Soo-hyun explained Chairman Oh that Hoon at her request her mother surgery performed, so that it is ready to accept the consequences. She was always an obedient daughter, he reminds them, and he gave her a chance to explain, but she wanted nothing to say then.

asks to forgive Hoon her father, but Chairman Oh asks what this is really all about.

Chang-yi wonders if the smuggler ajusshi only sent over the see Jae-hee scamming but Hoon believes that he be then, was truthful. In view of the security cameras throughout the building, asks Hoon when Chang-yi actually saw Jae-hee here.

to get Actually see these bands together is a further problem because Hoon begins immediately made despite his persistent efforts. Chang-yi comes running to tell him that her mother before Jae-hee in the north two years.

We hear the story of Chang-yi mother herself when she tells how she and Jae-hee were the same prison camp. Already wounded, Jae-hee would mutter the name in their fevered state for days Hoon over and over again. When the doctor, she came to see, it was too late-Jae-hee was dead.

from storms Hoon, convinced that Jae-hee is still alive. Chang-yi tells him to snap out of it, but Hoon clings to the hope that Jae-hee image was captured on video. He passes Soo-hyun, who exists just for this exchange happens to be.

A senior nurse wonders why an extremely experienced physician as Hoon was fired. Doctor Yang states that curiosity to rest and asks how she is doing. She says that they are not alone is more (Omo, she is pregnant?) And makes him go to see to leave an energy drink. Oh, that's sweet.

We turn back to Soo-hyun and Chang-yi the conversation when he stated that Hoon to pay this job for the money, took his sweetheart to smuggle in the south. She also tells her that Jae-hee almost once escaped before being returned to North Korea, but now Jae-hee is presumed dead.

The next what you know, Soo-hyun takes Hoon aside to ask if he can confirm Jae-hee's face in front of the camera. Hoon refuses to believe the claims that Jae-hee is dead, and when she mentioned that he might have been wrong, because it's been years now, he replies: "Can anyone you love for someone else error ? "

She agrees to help him and lead him away ... this is something looks douchey Sang-jin.

Soo-hyun and Hoon sneak into the security room later that night, and uh, someone else is concerned that no one on the night shift? Anyway, check them the tapes, but the image is too blurry to confirm their identity.

The lights suddenly turn and they find themselves captured by Sang-jin and the police. Sang-jin is practically giddy at the thought of his sister and is recently fired doc a ride downtown. He makes sure to rub her slip-up in her face like the ass he is.

Soo-hyun and Hoon are detained in adjacent cells. She apologizes and asks if the woman who was captured on camera the Jae-hee he seeks. Hoon says he is not sure.

Hoon does its best to shooting his tears to bottle, the contradictory reports about Jae-hee status in the head. When asked whether Jae-hee was a doctor, he replies that they went together to the medical school.

Soo-hyun asks you what type of person, Jae-hee was. A tear streams down his cheek as Hoon replied: "They laughed a lot ... a lot of laughter ... a lot."

The memories prove to be too much and then Hoon breaks and sobbing there. See cry Hoon as breaks my heart every time.

And who we should go back in the hospital, but Seung-hee, who takes a call from Agent-Cha. She rolls her eyes, because she knows already Hoon was dismissed, but they obviously have bigger things to worry because a renegade told him that Jae-hee was dead. It really speaks to "round, it is not

At this rate, their secret mission is doomed sure to fail, and Agent-Cha says she already done has -?.. they are back in the north He hangs up before Seung-hee to get a word in

Back in prison, Soo-hyun proposes the doppelganger theory and perhaps Hoon is now too exhausted to argue wondered if he was really wrong. "Could it really have been someone else?"

Soo-hyun is rescued by her father, but she refuses to leave you alone to. Once they are outside the police station , is Chairman Oh his incompetent son on the ears, then Hoon says he never wants to see him. It's sure is gratifying to see Sang-jin defeated, and Soo-hyun is honored a thorn be considered in her half-brother of the page .

he asks fussy when. in turned to see if he was the one who brought her mother to the hospital Ah, it means that the day Hoon first saw Seung-hee also is when Soo-hyun mother arrived at the hospital. Putting the pieces together, Soo-hyun, Seung-hee recalls.

Speaking of which, we see Seung-hee to Hoon tiny clinic go. Huh, how did you hear about this place? Was it part of your research in all things Hoon look?

They examined the site and noticed Jae-hee ragged image to Hoon laptop. She plays the video, a loss, as the woman gets Hoon repeats the name. She found his name reverberated and raises her hand to the screen ...

A noise alerted by someone right then approaching, and we see Hoon and Soo-hyun in the clinic. Soo-hyun had asked to see Jae-hee image and is alarmed to see the resemblence with their own eyes. Hoon asks if she her, and Soo-hyun nods.

Seung-hee is long gone, because she has seen dragged away by an angry agent Cha, who slaps for finding hoon. Showing Hoon that Jae-hee alive is the key to put him in the hospital up and running again, it bites back.

Arguing that Hoon Jae-hee should seen face (that is, their) first, it asks whether agents Cha has lost because of his own revenge sight of their mission. He replies that there is no purpose because Chairman Oh can not fool one, and blames Hoon to create this chaos. Sure, blame says the guy you may or may not kill out.

Under his weapon Agent Cha is not lost, he still can have its revenge. In order, Seung-hee, the pistol on the forehead, her eyes daring him to shoot. Damn, Seung-hee is a badass.

She tells him to go and kill them, because a failed mission means death anyway. She is not the slightest fear of the establishment of their lives for their country, but Agent-Cha spits back that he is afraid to fail a mission. She closes her eyes as he slowly presses the shutter release, ...

Soo-hyun and Hoon race to find the hospital Seung-hee, but she said that she's been spending hours unreachable. You try to call anyway, and then decide to go next to her mother's house. But then someone calls out to them.

It's Seung-hee, the reach with a smile. Stunned Hoon goes to her and talks Name Jae-hee.


Now that I thought Jae-hee / Seung-hee is good in the Image ( at least I hope. Why else Agent Cha let her go?), we take a closer look at the doppelganger / new identity element and its execution. Granted this show is not without its plot holes, so we try to make do with what we have, shall we? We know that Seung-hee is in leagues with Agent-Cha to keep their motivation tabs on Hoon (and Soo-hyun and Chairman Oh, for that matter) is still unclear. In this respect I wish we knew a few more details about this ultimate mission of them, instead of dancing around it, because at the moment I can not find out who or what they want, yunno next Hoon employment status, which makes the task seem arbitrarily. And it's just me or has seen better days Agent-Cha?

As for Seung-Hee itself, there are indications that point to the idea that it is the Jae-hee, that we seek. If we follow this theory, then sure, I do not know how Jae-hee were transported from Budapest could back to the DPRK, still hurt and then left to die. Anew. Neither I know what could win the northern revive Jae-hee and her busy as a spy with a whole new identity, but Seung-hee confusion to see her own face on Hoon laptop screen sets, suggesting that they do not either knows. Or remember. It's never too early to exclude amnesia in drama country.

My mind now all kinds of ways, juggling, but in the case where Seung-hee = / = Jae-hee, I'm at least hoping for the far-fetched explanation, the kind of extensive plastic surgery and political conspiracy, which for some reason against Hoon has personal beef contains. Does that sound crazy? Sure, but this show has also pulled the wool over the eyes of even more crazy things.

Do not get me wrong because for an even stranger reason, despite the crazy, I still find this show both captivating and fascinating. I love that Soo-hyun their emotional closure was with her mother, who thought that they would give to a better future her daughter. Her character emotional arc so is an enjoyable watch, especially when she makes an unlikely friend in Hoon, to share in the mutual loss of a loved one. I thought it is a great blow was to be seen with him Soo-hyun team to find Jae-hee, and then enter the painful rational explanation, that he might have been wrong. Hoon keeps challenging on their view of what it means to love someone and what the desperate determination looks like something I wonder to question ever thought in their own relationship Soo-hyun.

Now that we have come, I enjoy watching the show continuously peel back layers character Jae-joon harmful to show lower abdomen. It is obvious that he wants a castle, I for itself, and it makes me sad that he, to do with Soo-hyun it. My hospital We saw that it bothered Soo-hyun so disappointed him, to see him, and then worried that he might actually have real feelings for her. I almost felt bad for him when he came Soo-hyun seen in tears because he as someone hits me, almost never about his feelings and speak in tears, no less. The ambitious glint in his eye suggests otherwise, but I can hope his conquest plans includes not coming to Hoon, because running around a lot of people are worried how it is.

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tags: doctor stranger , in Jin Se-yeon, Lee Jong seok

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