Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 4 -

We are here! With the required setting and the conflict established, now we are getting to the meat of today's story, and I'm just going to see in anticipation hopping to where we go from here. I think we have the "childhood" part of the first four episodes think many sageuk drama, but we are fortunate to say goodbye to not to have to say the characters busy and pulled us into the story in the first place our emotions ,


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Yoon-kang and his father the way to the meeting place on the next mountain peak to worry about. There, Distributor Choi Won-shin perches in a tree while his henchman is aware with Yeon-ha by. Park Jin-Han that they have two armed men on the loose, and Yoon-kang says with determination that the figures are even , and they have the ability to take them.

Dad first, with Yoon-kang going to act as his backup. Back in town, officer moon his troops the command to outputs. the question whether it would any with their delayed start.

comes as the appointed time be, Park Jin-Han progresses slowly and has to press his impulse to rush in save his daughter, the second gunman gets antsy and shouts at him to show himself, and Park shouts back. "What are you so afraid"

He remains hidden, as both armed to scan the horizon, and Choi wonderful shin on fire, what turns out to be a rabbit. Park Jin-Han makes his speed at the second gunman, who runs and leads right into Park Choi Won-shin attractions. Choi steadies his aim ...

But an arrow flies at him and ends up in the arm. go goooooo to hero! Yoon-kang has the sniper and shoot from a distance viewing, and now Choi Won-shin closes his henchman runs away. Yoon-kang steadies his aim and takes a careful shot at their retreat back. His arrow finds its mark land in the arm of the follower. He goes down briefly, but manage the two gunmen to keep going.

Yeon-ha is freed and united family again, but the danger is far from over. As Park leads back down the mountain, shot fire at them, Choi Won-shin has doubled back and wants his job by seeing. Park Jin-Han told his children to go first, as he takes him to ignore their protests.

Mr. Kim presided over another meeting of Sugu politicians and aristocrats them that Park Jin-Han murder does not remember their final destination, to bring the king, would be his knee. The tasks are assigned among the members: Minister Kim said the wrap-up to deal with this case, another nobleman is to manage the royal investigation office, and still another set to soothe the task officials. They are cooking something big, right?

Minister Kim comes home to the news that his son has come. Given the reference to the child of the other to be lady of the house, we can deduce that this is not a legitimate son, and Minister Kim is not pleased to see him. In fact, spared him that he was barely a glance, briefly say that he does not care to see him or hear his useless greetings.

The Son Ho -kyung who makes a few sincere attempts conversation, but will shut down every time. You can see his heart always sinks.

Minister Kim scoffs at lofty ideas of his son to change the world: he remembers Ho Kyung his (half-) humble birth and called "Go and see if the world will change according to your wishes." he is not revolutionary, but a child who is of the things jealous who his betters.

In a flashback we see Ho Kyung talked to teachers Hyun Am, who advised him to keep his family ties quiet. Even if he is an illegitimate child, it would be an obstacle, it was to be known that the son of a powerful minister of the Old Guard is the tip of Kaehwa performs movement. Ho Kyung had the idea did not like, but Hyun Am had it as a temporary measure recommended to Ho-Kyung was accepted on his own terms.

Ho Kyung heads back home (well, at home Soo-ins that his home is than his father's more) and finds Soo -in before stimulation of the front gate, anxious for news. You apprises him of the situation and asks him to accompany her to the mountain only to the general area that will be safe because the officials will be there. You can not bear to stay at home doing nothing.

staggers in the forest, shot and Park Jin-Han, take a bullet to the leg. It forces back and continues while Yoon-kang, after he sent his sister to safety on horseback, now sweeps the forest with his bow at the ready. Just as he uses his last arrow, he discovered his father in the distance, beckoning him over, and they take cover in a cave.

Yoon-kang, what the men are asking for, and Park Jin-Han says that he does not know. He digs in conjunction with a local dealer organization (of which Choi Won-shin is a leader), but have not yet found their motive. He tells him that one of the gunmen have a scar on the left arm of their banter.

Ho-Kyung and Soo-in-drive to the foot of the mountain, where you can find still looking for our good guys officers. She worries that this takes longer than it should, as Yeon-ha on her horse come down riding and says Soo-in despair that her brother and father are still fighting, and that to call in the troops. Ho Kyung offers the mountain to head to deliver word, but Soo-in is worried that there is no time. Thinking quickly, she pulls the gun out of his sleeve and fires into the air.

In the cave, Yoon-kang his father urges to depend on, arrives to backup. He stopped when his father for putting his family excused by so much suffering, to accept guilt for killing his wife. He admits that he try to act, to save her, but failed when plans went awry.

A look back at 13 years shows us that Park Jin-Han first with the ransom had adhered, from keeping the troops in front of his. This led him into hot water with higher-ups, and he had been ordered ahead anyway, and so he had placed the order. But he had not abandoned his wife, instead vowed to save independently.

With a small contingent of men, he had hurt the enemy camping and crashed into her only to save, to find up a dummy as a distraction while the enemy around them swarming. Park Jin-Han had already jumped down into battle dozens of men cut and in a rage the enemy leader had killed them.

He is now Yoon-kang that the first time he had regretted soldier always had. Yoon-kang angrily throws tears to hear this story, asking why his father never told him before. "Why did you hate me?" He asks. Park Jin-Han just sighs that he could not save his wife, and he felt that deserves punishment. "Your Father forgive," he says.

Yoon-kang struggling to rally, but one look outside the cave brings a welcome sight. The soldiers make their way making Hang up

But the troops are not aware that the two gunman have spotted their progress. Our heroes are from arrows and Park Jin-Han takes stock of his badly injured leg, the decision to go alone to almost certain death. Park insists that there is no reason for both of them to die, and that he feels safe to go now to see that Yoon-kang has become so strong.

Yoon-kang is having none of it, so the park is doing the only thing he can do to win this argument, knocking Yoon-kang unconscious. He apologizes to his son and then go out the gunmen to face, his sword at the ready.

limping heavily, he leads the armed men of the cave away as fast as he can, and the tracker track him by blood. Park lurks an armed man and knocks him, as well as a gun fire behind him. The bullet hit him in the side, and Choi fired a second to the right in his chest. Park Jin-Han falls.

As life ebbs away from him, his assailant shows his face. Choi confirmed: ".. Yes, I am your guess was right, that's why you die"

Choi helps his wounded henchman hobble away and Park Jin-Han dies.

Yoon-kang wakes up in the empty cave and realized his father, to continue without him. to find he races through the forest, him, but it's too late; he comes on his body by the current. Rushing to his side, Yoon-kang asks his father to wake up and screams "I still have things to tell you. I have things I have not told!"

He clasped his father's body sobbing, and that's how the officers find him.

King Gojong incredulous, when he receives the report-Park Jin Han was killed a traitor for. This is outrageous, but the group has Sugu busy covering their tracks: A full confession by a park of their own men was given to the royal investigation office, incriminating him completely.

The Informant The Mole, which for Choi Won-shin-had confirmed that Park Jin-Han the snipings orchestrated and planned Heungseon Daewongun kill next Gojong own father.

Under the Sugu mastermind command the informant feeds the authorities the story: Park Jin-Han looked Daewongun (who ruled as regent, as Gojong minority) as an obstacle for the future of the king and decided to eliminate him.

Gojong refused to believe it, but the evidence is lining neatly on. Minister Kim pours on the pressure for him to act quickly, and even the Queen urges Gojong comply, warning of the consequences that the resistance would cause. She reminds him of how strong the opposition, and as so many years ruled Joseon. can at least go by along Gojong stay alive.

The budget falls in mourning prepared as Park funeral. Yeon-ha and Yoon-kang with inconsolable while Soo-in is plagued with guilt, taking the blame for the group in the first place on the tour. Ho-Kyung tries a helping hand and says Soo-in, it's not her fault, but she is not comforted.

offers to handle preparations for Yoon-kang, but he refuses, wanting to do self-made. "I have done nothing for him," he says with a broken voice. "I will at least make the final preparations themselves."

Just after he leaves, officers stormed the house and the King, to read: As punishment for traitors Park Jin-han crime is his son executed and to be his daughter to be a slave. Yeon-ha is pulled the length and Park of the body claimed while officers Yoon-kang to comprehend sent.

Unaware of the turmoil, Yoon-kang Choi Won-shin, the first conjures on a sympathetic face and extended his condolences over the death of his father visited. The air turns tense when Yoon-kang says that he is here the shooter to find; he informed his father Choi suspected of trading group.

Choi Won-shin is not quickly give up, and indicates how many traders are there in the team. Yoon-kang has the challenge: "If you're innocent, to work with me." He for the chance to ask the organization from the inside out to look, and adds that he has an idea: The gunman has a scar on his left arm.

Yoon-kang are some time Choi to consider the offer, but warns that if he refuses, he will consider his first suspect Choi and filters they sure check his arm. His tenacity is enough to warn Choi Won-shin that he can not rely Yoon-kang poke around on his own, and he decides that he must'll tie this loose end.

The house is guarded by officers ready Yoon-kang at first glance, Soo-in and Ho Kyung arrest plan step aside how to circumvent them. Ho Kyung provides Yoon-kang berth on a boat to secure abroad and has Soo-in Yoon-kang at a specific dock to bring. You do not have much time, if Yoon-kang wants to leave the country.

Still unaware complete burial to these developments, Yoon-kang makes his rounds in the market of his father. He does not notice, Choi Won-shin follow him through the city, beating wait for the right time.

finds Fortunately Soo-in moments do it before the officials and quickly informed him of the situation and urged him to make his escape quickly. Not bloody likely locked up with Yeon-ha and Yoon-kang bursts out, "Father died trying to save Yeon-ha How could I leave them and run away on my own.?"

Soo-in is persistent in insisting he save his life, because although Yeon-ha a terrible fate faced at least it's not death do not like him. And who is Yeon-ha to ensure safety when he dies? She asks him to stay alive, which means runs.

Just then, they are discovered by an officer who heard the cry and warn the others. Yoon-kang and Soo-in run for cover and tail lose, but their exit blocked by a checkpoint on the city walls. Yoon-kang has Soo-in to go through the first, saying that he needed his walk when'll force, and trying to be seen to be avoided.

, which are not long, and an officer of the same age on his face and recognize it in the shortest time. Yoon-kang acts quickly and takes him down. Then the next, and the next.

There are many of them, and only one of him, but Yoon-kang is a trained fighter and resourceful to boot. He defends himself against his attackers with a seriously impressive series of maneuvers off, break through the line and dashing through the gates sure where he grabs Soo-in and continues its flight.

you pass duck cover in the woods as the guards, and he noted how she shakes with fear as he holds it. So when the coast is clear, and they have to catch a moment's breath, Yoon-kang apologizes for her involved in all things.

He asks where the boat to take him, and registered that it would take him to a foreign country far away. He asks ruefully: "Then, if we again can see each other?"

The answer is clear to both of them. He admits: "I wanted you spend every day I wanted to talk every night with you This was the first dream I had ever thought, but now, it will remain just a dream..."

But first things first. He has to run away, and it appears with his head to the place Ho-Kyung. There is not much time, and they have to make their farewells here, with little fanfare and great reluctance.

Soo-in promises Yeon-ha to protect and give him the compass she had once shown him to lead his way. The moment weighs hard to say goodbye to Yoon-kang, who can not bring all or turn away.

She urges him to live, promising "we'll meet again. And when we meet again, we will not separate. As your dream, we will spend all our days together. But you have to promise me that you will stay alive. "

He promises. "I want to live, and I will return."

He eventually makes his way to the boat, turning for a last look back. That's when Soo-in races up to him, and he grabs her when she cries. He kisses her, and tells her to be good.

Then it's time to go, and the boat sets sail. Her eyes remain for long moments locked together to Ho Kyung voice cuts through the air called her name. He galloped toward them, just ahead of dozens of officers. Arrows flying into the boat, and Soo-in leaves with Ho-Kyung on horseback.

Yoon-kang their retreat observed registered his attention, barely barely missing arrows. Out on the field, a lone sniper crouches and aims to him, it is Choi Won-shin, to finish the job here. He fires the ball-country Yoon-kang shot. Set in the heart.

Soo-in screams as he falls backwards into the water. The officers rush to the shore and Choi rises, satisfied. Yoon-kang sinks underwater.

Soo-in tries to go to him, but Ho-Kyung holding her back there-would they just arrested.

Ho Kyung Soo-informed in parents of the day's events, and how the officers were finally for the body upward. But there is no way he could have survived, and everyone assumes that he died.

Soo-in, meanwhile, is locked in their grief.

But as we all suspect (assuming that he is our hero!), All is not lost. In the morning, a group of men aboard a boat, what to do with the almost-dead, they have discovered wonder. Its leader, identified as Kim Ok-kyun, it means that they'll have to keep it up with them until he wakes up. He dripping wet and has one out to fish our heroes, the brunt force to have made from the ball been an unconscious with a smashed compass.

The group is headed toward Japan, and Kim Ok -kyun finds this whole situation amusing. For now claims that he. Is responsible for the man who saved his life he

And then we are three years later.

Choi Won-shin and Hye-won walk to meet the bustling port by a man who will be instrumental in an agreement with an influential man, they hope to beat that called Yamamoto. It is Yamamoto largest representative greet them today, a man named Hanjo. Hye-won "So our destiny is from this man" muses.

Soo-in the way to the port as well, with the intention of having done something so quickly on the purchase, as it arrives at the port. She calls it valuable, something that they have. So if Ho Kyung reported that it is confirmed for arrival today, she's breathing easier.

A fight breaks among a group of sailors on the pier, and it looks like a pretty violent scuffle set to rotate is. But then a shot and one of the fighters goes with a bullet in the arm, and everyone's attention turns to the source of the shots.

On an incoming boat, a man with a gun, dressed in a modern suit and looked mighty familiar. Eeeee!

He raises his gun and fires a second shot.


Yessssss. I knew this was coming, I expected and I'm still pumped full of excitement.

This is something that is good for show-taking expected something and still manage to stir my excitement. This is a tough gig, because it must go through certain steps to this story (or any story) the premise to meet, we already know what makes it predictable to a certain extent. But you can not just take shortcuts because emotional connections and character development take some time to develop properly; if you do not do the work of setting up your premise, then you run the risk, as fast along this acceleration we join or not care. And I would rather be interested.

Now we are in full on Count of Monte Cristo area, which is one of those stories, like Cinderella stories that can be done over and I never again and feels old. I'll see you all and I will in any time suckered be (granted it well done, of course!). Who does not love a great story of revenge, the badass hero with a reinvented identity and an old love? This is also where we significantly The Princess Man differ probably more of , for it is great, as I loved the drama and thought it was pretty thrilling, I am for this own new thing to be. Even if the new thing is really dressed an old thing in new duds. New turn-of-the-century duds with glasses and a fancy gun. All good things. ( so excited. )

Part of my joy is likely to be very specific for Lee Jun-ki, but you can not blame anyone for finding electrical him? He is getting better and better, does not it? He has a way, at the moment of immersion, full of pathos and immediacy, and it annoys you right in its emotional pull. Great spectacle on its own is not enough to be a sinking ship to buoy, but he has a way to get good projects picking which let him to shine, so I really this show as a win-win on the Lee Jun-ki see front. But here is a case where even with a lesser actor, I would probably find the character appealing because he got such a rich variety of development is in front of him, from the innocent, privileged young man someone more worldly, intense, driven, and stained with the dark. What's not to like?

Frankly I must admit that I am quite surprised at the volume of negativity in the comments, I'm so everything about this drama. What not to say, do not all your items are opinions-if you are disappointed, you are disappointed and do not you let me tell you how you feel. But anyway I-am loving this show, and ultimately nothing outside the show even my enthusiasm will dim for them. Who wants me to love stuck here in the corner to connect over where we bask in our joy?

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Tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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