Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 9 -

Now show took a turning in a direction that I did not expect. Is this actually sympathy I for baddie feeling? It can not be, right? Because he is a person is horrible, can, if you can call it even a person. And yet ...

Despite being a crime-murder thriller, Gap-dong proves more of a psychological study of a criminal to be (and corrupt people from the criminal to catch ). The lack of actual secret means that it show the challenge is to keep us going, and while it does not always succeed, I think they are working some nice character turns in this process.


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Mu-Yeom takes see the greenhouse that while he saved Ji-wool, Tae-oh killed victim No. 5, which is now buried in rose petals. practically spitting in hatred, he growls that he be either brought dead, or he will kill Tae-oh.

concerns Maria promptly to examine her on gentleman Choi cell whether the night, where she finds him out of the noose hanging knotted from bedsheets. they and the guard to take rush him down, and we see that Poopy is his cellmate.

Tae-oh returns home that night and heads to its large closet, the stocked with essentially the same outfit thirty times. He pulls on a motorcycle leather jacket, the exact as he looks wearing.

Mr. Choi not dead hanging from his attempt, but he suffered severe oxygen deprivation of the brain and not to expect it. Maria hears this, and then shows up at Tae-oh door a stern face. So while he keeps his friendly act step, she warned: "This is your last chance Give yourself if you do not want to regret.."

Tae-oh replied blankly, "I'm sorry, but I've never regret. I do not know what the feeling to the touch. is it as self-pity felt by pathetic loser? "it sounds strange, not mocking, and Maria admits that regret is for the human heart. She asks: "If I called it a threat, you would understand that?" She reminds him that she assigned doctor, and if he does not stop, it will act. Also, when he is brought to trial, she will be the one to give evidence of his mental illness and psychopathy.

Maria tells him to explain how he killed the youngest victims and also Choi, and the identity of the Gap-dong in the prison hospital. Tae-oh laughs that he did not even speak, when a gun was put to his head, and asks if she's wrong, maybe he thinks like them. "People like me are not able to love someone or someone in our hearts bear," he says. Tae-oh asks short, if this is something to look happy or unhappy, but no matter. "I can not feel the excitement in one of these trivial feelings"

Well, but that explains why he kills when he does it to provoke feeling in itself. Not that we can be sure, because it is also possible, it is not about emotions cares at all.

Tae-oh lets go head, her words after she leaves, and looks increasingly harassed by them. So he went to Maria and keeps it on the road a bit to ask you: Is it the initial certificate, Kim Jae-hee? Why should they stay to instead do as other witnesses fleeing?

Maria in question surprised but keeps it to respond together: "You've met him, why not ask Gap-dong itself"?

Tae-oh grabs her arm hold threatening, but that's when Mu-Yeom appears to order him to retire. Enraged, he storms and socks Tae-oh in the face, knocking him down. He cuffs his hands together, but not all, the cuffs squeezed tighter and tighter as he tried to break Tae-oh wrists. Tae-oh face contorts in pain and Mu-Yeom growls that this felt the agony of his victims before killing them.

The cops find no evidence of the killer at the crime scene. Chul-Gon is frustrated to say the least convinced of Tae-oh debt, but without the evidence to link him to it. And although Ji-wool confirmed that Tae-oh clothes fit what he was wearing when he had kidnapped her, it's not even a grain of sand can be found on them. Ah, well, now we know why he changed.

Tae-oh relies on the fear act in the interrogation room, the denying all Mu-Yeom allegations, and said that he is scared Mu Yeom will hit him again. It is connected to a lie detector, which monitors his vitals and show the readings that he does not lie, even if we see that he's lying through his teeth. Profiler Han notes that, if the subject does not feel nervous or afraid, the polygraph is not effective. They do not believe that he really innocent, but the failure of the machine to catch him in a lie creates problems for the police.

Ji-wool is not convinced Tae-oh that's all bad one type Section Chief Cha, to say that she does not believe he really meant to kill her. It is not to Chul-gon showing her the pictures of the last victim, that it begins to decline.

Tae-oh-examination goes nowhere, so Mu Yeom things around turns and asks, "Are not you bored you not to play to people's lives, feel like to leave this game?" Tae-oh expression changes a little, and Mu-Yeom adds: "Do you want to stop, is not it"

TAE oh not give a clear answer, and Mu-Yeom barks him the question to answer yes or no. Tae-oh shouts back: "I want to stop!" A moment of silence, as the hanging in the air, and then it ends, "... is not what I want."

But eventually the polygraph records movement to oppose Spiking what he just said. Mu-Yeom smile, "I learned something important today."

go that night, Chul-gon and Mu-Yeom drink for weary, filled with both regret Mu Yeom regrets leaving the greenhouse rather stay behind Tae-oh, and Chul-gon regrets trusting Mu catch Yeom and work with him. Mu-Yeom wonders why they have failed to catch Gap-dong, despite all its resources and efforts, and begins to say that when there is absolutely no (legal) way to catch him, he could Tae-oh with his bare hands to kill. Chul-gon calls him crazy, and Mu-Yeom recognizes it freely, and incites Chul-gon to intensify it and to prove why he has earned its fearsome reputation.

Tae-oh mother returns to Korea, and there is clearly no love lost here (she lives with Tae-oh brother in the States). It is either still afraid of him or of him in disgust (or both), and says that he will get entangled in a dangerous mess to the Tae-oh says their fancy lawyer should be able to handle it.

She says she is tired of this and gets Tae-oh to agree that he's gone this time too far. Mama says she wants to put an end at last, spread him a container with two pills. Tae-oh she recorded with surprise. "? Are you telling me to die" She does not answer

In the course of the fifth murder that is taken Gap-dong investigating Chul-gon leadership and, § boss Cha. It's a blow, but hardly a surprise.

Chul-gon calls his daughter Seon-joo to tell them of the last change, and promises GAP catch dong soon so he can return to her side , Seon-joo looks worse than usual and almost nods center call from, and her nurse asks Chul-gon see them soon.

Maria receives messages that has her bolting from her office without noticing that she dropped her pipe. The nurse holds it, and it is noticed in the vicinity of the occupant.

Mr. Choi regained consciousness, but only for a fleeting moment. Maria knows that her time is running out and asks him to hang on to ask whether Gap-dong is one of the patients at the hospital. But he Flatlines to leave her desperately shouting: "Who is WHO"

(In her panic, she drops a file and we finally know Poopy name to learn:. Park Ho-seok I'm willing to bet that the fact that we must be a tip-off his name, that he is to be important)

after incorporating Chul-. Eck at the station, Mu-Yeom heads about the hospital, and they come in the wake of Choi's death. Maria is even beat for their last chance missing the criminals to find out muttering: "I have known .."

Chul-gon fills Mu Yeom in, saying that Choi had been his spy and after left a note before his death. Mu-Yeom disbelieves that Chul-gon would keep this vital information, but Chul-gon, he says no one familiar, he did not know if it would be a leak somewhere.

And then, Chul-gon is given a dreadful reputation.

Add Maria office, Mu-Yeom blaming themselves for the investigation screwed despite his efforts, having been so determined to prevent every murder that happens anyway landed. Maria says there is something they also messed up, and explains the note Choi had asked them to pass along. She despairs of inability to beat the criminals, but he swears that they need.

Tae-oh fancy lawyer assured him that he is in good shape now, he went to the polygraph test, and the police is a finger on him was not able be, has without a warrant, as long as he is not caught on camera near the scene that Tae-oh confirmed is true. All that's left is to go for Tae-oh through the remaining steps it a wise decision calls Tae-oh mother.

Tae-oh is less convinced to wonder if he really has to go through with it.

Maria looks at old photos of herself and her childhood best friend-oh, so her BFF was victim Gap-dong? This explains a little more about her guilt survivors (not that it would not have been justified if the girl had been strangers). The memory seems a pain trigger in the chest, and Maria swallows a pill.

Ji-wool calls to Mu-Yeom remain unanswered, so she decides to go to Maria to ask some open questions whether "Tae-oh oppa "really is a psychopath. Maria accepts the use of "Oppa" and asks incredulously whether Ji-wool have known earlier confused about Tae-oh nature and Ji-wool bristles at its censure, pianos that Mary had when she was his doctor.

Ji-wool of Maria sudden cold is crisp and asks if it has to do with Mu-Yeom, assuming that Maria average is because they now like him. She storms out in a huff, muttering that it would be represented even it out.

is Ack, so why she goes to Tae-oh Café next? Her desire to know the truth is, of course, but I want it would have more care for the fact that they are dealing here with a potential serial killer.

Tae-oh gets in thinking about Maria Warning lost to stop but smiles Ji-wool in the cafe to see input. They locked the minute she discovered, but he texts to tell her that she was right. "Someone Liking is a difficult thing and to trust a person is more difficult from the office and incommunicado been for the last few days. right? "Ji-wool turns to Tae-oh to look back, the watches from afar.

Mu-Yeom hears that Chul-gon. It turned out Chul-Gon was bad news about his daughter, who died, and he is sitting at her funeral altar alone apparently his wife (ex?) Refuses to come, and the funeral is a pitifully sparse matter.

Mu-Yeom shows up and pays his respects, and the two men sitting on a dark drink down.

as watches Chul-gon, we blink once more to that fateful day was his daughter when he sees hurry away Mu Yeom father. Later that night he catches up to him and demands an explanation. Mu-Yeom father says that he did not push them, they ran because they. Afraid of him, but was Chul-Gon more interested in why Dad was near his house in the first place That's when young Mu Yeom comes to warn his father, not to say a word, because if he he incriminating die. Chul-gon threatens that he or his son tonight and die so, at the sound of the approaching train, crashes Dad in his way.

In the present Chul-gon speculates about the numerical clue left Choi before he died. What if there was a phone number? After all, previous job Choi had payphones was maintained.

Mu-Yeom amazed that in this situation, Chul-gon first case would think. It is only now that Chul-gon fills it on the background story on how he is Mu-Yeom had blamed father for his daughter condition, even though he knew was that he did not fall for it directly responsible. And now that his daughter is dead, Chul-gon, he says only has a job to do.

Chul-gon she buries in the forest remains, the reduction in regretfully sobs.

Tae-oh returns to this cell phone's next call to expect from Gap-dong. If he answers, leaves the whistle him know that he's got the right call.

At the other end of the line, Gap-dong tells him the news that Mr. Choi is not killed. This is the latest tidbit overheard the inmates so they are not quite up to date, but they know Choi probably on the way shortly. Meanwhile, Tae-oh says Gap-dong he is worried how his prison to treat relief.

Well, the next thing we know, the monk is to arrive in prison to monitor a craft session, as the occupant mounting lanterns work. Inmates gossip about Choi after he heard that he was not suicidal but offed after trying to reveal something to Dr. Maria. Ask Poopy if he knows something about sharing a cell, and he makes a face like a fool, saying that Choi used to say he wanted a lot of dying.

The higher-ups hear the rumors that Choi behind a clue left, and call to ask in Chul-gon him afterwards. Chul-gon states that this information revealing it would have caused to spread with its usefulness, disturbing.

Mu-Yeom goes to the prison on the phone to check the occupants can be mentioned outside the prison, asks him to look at the logs. He pulls over on the way out, as Maria goes home, and offers her a lift (kicks Hyung-Nyun to give in the back seat of their shotgun, wifey displeasure. Seriously he adorably pissy gets).

Maria has tried the numbers to remember in Choi note, but can not offer much more than a guess on a few numbers. Mu-Yeom calls it progress, however, and then return to her at her whistle, which they had thought was damaged when it was dropped. He has it, though had fixed, and tells her, "Broken things can be fixed, and smashed things can be reassembled. Let me know if you have a problem, because the things fixation is my specialty." He secured the chain around his neck, to tell her he had replaced it with a more beautiful.

-nyun at this point Hyung stub to remember in her that he's here, too. Keke. he easily to sulk back and that it's sad being single.

to be

happened Sitting in a chicken restaurant, Tae-oh attracts the admiration of ajumma Manager the Ji-wool mother. Mom first approaches to consider, if he was not a cop, and then grins him approvingly. Ji-wool eyes widen as she enters and sees Tae-oh, but Mama grabs before they can leave and scolds them for shredding on Mu Yeom when she could be pretty with nice boy like this. oh, if only you knew, Mom.

Tae-oh apologizes for the events of that day, and Ji- wool admits confused'll think about him she, he is guilty, then he is not thinking. Tae-oh says that the police want to arrest someone , even if it does not Gap-dong, and he made an easy target as an ex-con. His voice fluctuates and he looks quite pathetic that staggers Ji-wool sympathies.

Mu-Yeom surveys a map of all phones in the area and narrowed it down to a likely possibility. Shortly thereafter, Maria receives a call from a number, and to see there in front of her, triggers her memory, that's it.

There is Mu-Yeom on the line, and they confirmed that this was the number. Now it is up to them to keep watch to see what happens. As Mu Yeom calls from the cabin, Tae-oh zooms by on his motorcycle. It is not clear whether he saw Mu Yeom, but he does call Maria at night to ask if they can meet.

Maria refuses him not to do justice, unless he is to face or Gap-dong, to disclose the identity. Tae-oh says she won "I'm going to show you in person what I have chosen."

Maria deliberates and finally, the head decides, although they reached this time for their Vixen Maria getup, the whistle exchange for her alter ego of makeup and false bravado.

When she passes, he shows her the pills, given him by his mother and Maria tells her turn is decide: "Whether you love me will save or kill me. "

Tae-oh swallows a pill and tells her they have to think about 10 minutes are.

Mu-Yeom stands watch over the telephone booth for hours, ready to call it a day. But when he begins to walk away, it finally rings.

Tae-oh slumps on the floor to feel the effects of the pill. Maria struggles with, but eventually picks up the phone to call for help, the Tae-oh makes grin even in the midst of his pain.

Maria Emergency dials but float breaks with his finger on the send button ... and now it is his turn to smile.

"You miscalculated," she says. His smile fades.

"The" she instructs cold. "Go ahead and die. That's my choice."

Maria goes away, aside to throw the phone, so Tae-oh winds in His agony.


Is it possible that a killer to pity

Wait, let me rephrase: is it possible for a sorry infamous, ruthless, emotionally free psychopathic feeling serial killer?

Here's the thing: I do not think Tae-oh is a poor misunderstood soul, the love of a parent is required only, or to show a nurturing spirit or a treasure him how to love. I do not think he is able to be rehabilitated-at best can his killing of incarcerating him to stop, but it lacks the basic ability to feel any emotion and shows no inclination to stop his murderous rampage.

He enjoys with murder getting away, but I do not even know if he enjoys the act of murder that makes him more a cipher for me. When we talk about a sick mind, the joy of pain arises, at least I can Pathology that to see. But that is not Tae-oh, that is a complete emotional vacuum, which is particularly dangerous when a criminal and his high intelligence and curiosity coupled with his hero worship. Tae-oh seems to rehabilitate the missing wiring, and that's not something you change about him. Of course, not missing on their own emotional wiring to make it impossible to dismiss, but there are also the small details bring a bunch of people to have killed in violent ways. And after that, I just do not see any kind of way to humanize him or mitigate the atrocity of his actions.

But I am a bit with Ji-wool can identify confusion, as their indecision about his evil nature has annoyed me. Because it also asks a part of me, if there is no another way, Tae-oh to read character that I am at the moment. Mostly I need that the actor that (or blame) to write because I want to see the view of humanity and I am stretching it to get into the power when everything about the character indicates that he is a lost cause. Worse than a lost cause, he is an active threat to society, which must be stopped. In this last scene, I feel a moment of triumph, when Mary of defying his expectation the evil spirit thwarted, and it's damn pleasing wiped the grin from his face to see ... but then he just looks sad and that makes me feel sad, and then it really makes me sad.

So, kudos to Lee Joon for making the killer a compelling persona, but, dammit. I do not think I should feel to be demolished (it's just a teeeeeny bit torn, but a little torn over all untorn), but there you have it. And now I feel dirty. Big. Well, I guess I should have nothing more offers healthy from a serial murder crimes cable drama.

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tags: featured , Gap-dong, Kim Ji-won, Kim min-jung, Lee Joon, Sung Dong-il Yoon Sang-hyun

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