Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 6 -

There is a significant shift this hour as our perception of each brother be put to the test, which means that Young-dal moral compass gets a grayer area to point as do the unthinkable, considers to be a professional villain to succeed. Spend Although his new dream to Big Bad the show seems to play second fiddle, Young-dal is not without its own means, as he makes his downtime a small army of cultishly devoted selects Gangster, at least if it does not feel better about their day to make a specific special piece unfrosted vanilla cake.

Triangle has so far seen a downward trend recently, as figures go, falling from last episode from 7.3% to 6.8%.


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After Dong-soo tears Chairman beyond Chef Hwang reputation tarnishing, Chairman sneers Go have back that if Dong-soo was how it felt so wrong, it should be rejected as Chief Hwang request to drop the case.

But because he did not do it, smiles Chairman Go as he adds, that Dong-soo also responsible for dishonor boss Hwang as he is. "We are partners in crime"

Understandably Dong-soo vapors during Chairman Go laughs maniacally that he has of Dong-soo no fear, anger -Because if he learned anything in life, it is not the man to be afraid of saying. ". I'm going next time" Aka Dong-soo

Before he leaves, Chairman go says Young-dal on his offer to think that Young-dal can now in a rather awkward position that he. alone with the man, he has been said to kill

at least to make it to deceive Dong-soo of claims that the only reason he was with the Chairman of Go was meeting needs to be police informant. Yeah right.

Dong-soo takes Young-dal out for meat and Soju (a man after my own heart), but offended Young-dal, when he says that he is feeding him meat, because he finds it pathetic. AWW, it is because he is interested in.

I love that the two end up bickering once Young-dal as a meat fulfilling life with without Dong-soo defended, thank you very much.

Dong-soo knows that just is, as Young-dal, and are exasperated that he is in the process because it snaps back him an informer for the production, to the Young-dal, that a few him pieces of feels bad meat are not enough to pay for it.

So if Dong-soo honest offers him to pay in US dollar bills, Young-dal feels bad and dismisses him, even catching before calling Dong-soo by deriving eyesore "Pig" when he says that he can not take money from a policeman.

The conversation turns to Young-dal past, and how much he does not know about the life he led before he started on the streets begging. He then tells a sad tale of being bullied in begging and forced to huff glue to make his eyes shining, to earn more money.

If it is Young-dal's turn, he asks Dong-soo, why he wants to lock Chairman so bad go away. Dong-soo eyes grow distant and narrow as hatred in his every word seeping: "That bastard, Go Bok-tae, the epitome of evil to me he is a hundred, no, a thousand times worse than the man on the. streets begging made. "

He goes on to recall how two of his colleagues were killed his first attempt, after the chairman going to go back, if only go a criminals caused at protest sites trouble was. What's worse is that Go continued to use, and then steal his gangster from the poorest and most vulnerable in society.

"And now he will be called to the chairman," Dong-soo simmers. "When I think how this piece of garbage to breathe on the life and under the same sky, I feel stifled and sick to my stomach."

Dong-soo and Young-dal are pretty schmasted at this point, so Dong -Soo takes him to his humble home for more drinks. Hah. He pours the younger man a drink, as he explains that he is always considered his informants his family. "You're part of my family henceforth Understand."

Young-dal scoffs: "I do not want you to be the first family, I want for my life. I'd rather just be your informant. "Haha.

The two continue their bickering and one-upmanship as Young-dal Comments on the shabbiness of Dong-soo house and his bachelor status and when Dong-soo tries arguing that Young-dal has no right , comment, when he is fooling around with a married woman it all Young-dal, Yes, but the skill actually takes.

Young-dal Dong-soo covered with his coat after he goes out, continue to drink and snoring alone. He heaves a heavy sigh when he thinks back to the Chairman Go Faustian bargain for a place at his table to kill Dong-soo.

After an unsuccessful attempt to borrow money from Boss Yang, Jung-hee to Ms. Jang to ask for more time to pay the loan back .. . only to find that their debt has already been paid anonymously.

It is to set out together, it was Yang-ha able two and two, and undermines surprisingly the poor girl-with-too-much-pride Trope thank him for her to help out ,

Whatever were his reasons also, it promises him for his kindness, to pay back, Yang-ha left in its wake a smile.

It's cute grandma noticed that that Young-dal did not come home last night, and even cuter that he thought to pork belly at home for them bring. Grandmother ensures Young-dal, when Jung-hee comes home, if only because his shy flesh giving way they remember Jung-hee's father to speak. D'aww.

Jung-hee finds Young-dal to make Ramen, and lets him like an idiot grin when she bring him a proper meal as a token of their gratitude for the other day, offers.

Young-dal looks happy enough to cry when she leaves him with a table full of grandmas homemade meals. "Jang Dong-soo" he clucks itself. "How is an informant's family? This is what is family." I can not remember the last time (if ever) I saw a hero, a home cooked meal eat without in his rice bowl sobbing.

However, Young-dal is not so tolerant when he finds his gangster crew barbecuing (is this episode a running commercial for grilled meat?), And knocks the Grill in a way, that they all stand at attention. the line-Jailbreak is only spared Jang-soo of the participation has not enough Friendship Points earned yet.

Young-dal scolds the men to have for fun when they are here Fight Club to go through esque gangster Boot Camp, which means that they literal for the duration of their training going to eat dog food. (The first rule of Boot Camp is ...)

Then it's time for an assembly, because the trainees all kinds of sports training endure the most physically fit gangster to become. At the same time, Jung-hee and Yang-ha through their own training, and the installation ends with Young-dal-Crew a mountain, Rocky style running. I'm honest:. I really do not get how you want them to make the best transition ever

Dong soo has with the Internal Affairs Bureau again, this time to meet in relation to the sudden closure of Chungjin Construction fall. You suspect that it actually work in conjunction with the Chairman of going all these years to get it looking to make as to chase him when it really, he had to protect just him from the law.

Dong -Soo takes serious offense to these allegations, especially if the Bureau officer brings the disparity between Dong-soo income levels compared to the designer clothes he wears. At the end of his indignation is enough to convince the officer that he has no warm feelings for his mortal enemy.

go Apropos, an unknown source Chairman of Dong-soo internal investigation and informed his top favorite, the latches the favorite as the perfect time for Chairman Go Dong-soo from the force entered.

Chairman Go decides to use Young-dal for the get task that we now that the training is finished find a drink with his crew to share. He raises his glass when he told his men that their days are eating dog food on now it will, because they are taking beef and chicken (again with the meat) over the city Sabuk.

One of the boys asks if she the model of the popular gangster film Friend and use weapons, but Young-dal will not allow it-they get to her fists and her own stubbornness will follow. Of course, they should have a piece of wood come (second official sponsor of all gang-related activities since 1576), they are welcome to use it.

Yang-ha boss calls him in after being told that he is really from Director Hyun. She apologizes to him as any other trainee treatment, if it is a special snowflake, but Yang ha insists that they continue on as if they never say anything about his identity or, someone else learned about him.

course Jung-hee tells her friend KANG HYUN-MI ( Jung Ji-Yoon ) that Yang-ha one that once her up his suite was called, and that he paid off their debts. your friend knows that a trainee to be and rent not calculate an expensive suite so she asks someone who knows, would be better and he tells her outright that Yang ha Chairman Yoon's son.

This comes as a surprise for the two girls, but especially Jung-hee friend who is all aflutter that a chaebol heir in Jung-hee's interested. "You're going to be a Cinderella!" Her friend squeaks, although Jung-hee does not look nearly as happy.

Shin-hye calls Dong-soo to tell him it is a journey to his hometown of Sabuk take during urged him subtly to join them. Never mind that she claims she goes so she can better treat his past trauma, which is all kinds of wrong.

While Dong-soo does not waste time to ask for a few days of vacation, spots Shin-Hye Young-dal in Sabuk and stops to ask him if he that friend would be taken by her, they keep playing as they, to see on the way it now.

Young-dal only gets nervous because she's a cop, and asks if she pays with him sympathy from special attention. "Instead of compassion, let us simply call sympathy," she says with a smile. But Young-dal answer is no emotion on someone like wasting him for it.

And as it turns out, the Hold 'em player they talked about nothing but Yang-ha, it meets for a hike. Uh. Please wait. In what world can psychiatrists go on outdoor jaunts with their patients? Who is this woman?

Meanwhile Boss Min Young-dal offers the services of their favorite, Top Dog and agrees monetarily back Young-dal Plan on Madame take Jang Casino.

to be During a break, Shin-hye asked Yang-ha, why he is in training or dealer. With a smile on his face, he admits that it should be because he wants to learn the casino business from scratch ... but it's really because he's interested in someone.

Shin-Hye intrigued about who might be the girl who, since they have never been interested in anyone, Yang-ha announced.

in the casino, one of Jung-hee old friends and staff tells her that he has been asked Soo-jung through the new marketing director, Lee, on her a background check done.

Jung-hee suspects that it's because they ran into each other in Yang-ha-Suite, and tells her friend that he should not worry and be able to report freely. He smiles when he asks if he can say about Jung-hee in the past Slacker Soo-young, but this is where she draws the line: ". No, is a secret"

Young -dal and his closest friends take the homeless former chairman JUNG for a proper meal out, even if only the old man stuck around because he returned money.

[1945010versprochenwordenist] the reason Young-dal is eat and drink it, is because he know figures that at baccarat to win ... Chairman Jung has a few tricks let alone that the former chairman because he is homeless blew all his money gambling. The Chairman is his secret for a few dollars to spread. Talk about the blind leading the blind.

Jung-hee is incredibly conflicted about Yang-ha, the identity and sudden Soo-jung interest in her, and ends asking her friend Hyun-mi, when some borrow money.

Hyun-mi is confused, because she knows that Yang ha repaid Jung-hee debt, but eventually folds with Jung-hee's insistence that they do not ask what the money is used. Methinks Hyun-mi want to be on their good side, since they Jung-hee has secured its future now thinks that she is a chaebol admirers got.

However, Jung hee gives the money (in a surprisingly thin shell) to Yang-ha as payment for his payment of their debts, explaining that she changed her mind about paying more than three months, because they did not want him owes so long.

While holding something back-like-but-not-necessarily-emotions, Jung-hee then asks him to stop showing her interest because it what thinks just a game to him, is it could cost everything , "I've always dreamed to a dealer, and now I have finally been given the chance. I do not want to lose that dream because of you," she said bluntly added.

Confused Yang-ha asks her why she thinks so. She replies that it is because they belong to two different worlds, and reaffirms its interest only hurt her in the long run. ". So please, stop playing around with me," Yang-ha is speechless

Jang-soo and Jailbreak to set after sending his plans in motion, takes Young-dal on Jung-hee morose mood and offering their mood lift by to the beach. Cue romantic motorbike ride.

Jung-hee looks happier when they reach the shore, and Young-dal hanging back, in order for them to have to sort out her feelings for a moment and her frustration scream at the ocean. He is pleased to see a fond look on his face.

A moment happened when they sit together on the shore, only interrupted when Jung-hee brushes angry stray tears. If Young-dal asks why she cries, she sighs that she does not know.

"Life is so depressing and difficult," she adds, before Young-dal to ask if he had never had a moment, as with is now where he felt like crying. Young-dal giggles when every time was to this impulse he had it, he would cry every day.

After a report of all things Jung-hee, its director Soo-jung rushes to greet Chairman Yoon, who has come to the Sabuk Casino. Director Hyun is with him, and after a meeting with his mistress (Yang-ha-chief), he tells of Yang-ha that's his wife for a holiday in the city. Ruh ROH

Dong-soo meets Shin-hye at the hotel, claiming that he only came to take it out to see his hometown to stop. "It's like naked in front of you." But Shin-hye smiles as she tells him in a flirty tone that she has seen it all , which would be kind of funny if they not saying all Dong-soo's visit traumatic childhood haunts-including mine, he used to steal from scrap.

she then tells him that she saw Young-dal in town by accident, and asks if Dong-soo realizes that he and Young-dal look the same. Dong-soo has a good laugh at this, at the Shin-hye answers: "Yes, of course, Heo Young-dal is much nicer than you are, but ... Your eyes are similar to you both sad eyes..."

Both start laughing when Shin-hye asks if his feelings are hurt on the "Young-dal nice" comment, that's how director Hyun finds. For a man with a lover, he looks terribly upset his wife happy with another man to see.

At least Dong-soo covers for them when Director Hyun asks when they come together, saying that he was on a business trip. After he leaves, asks director Hyun his wife why she has it never comfortable smile she showed with Dong-soo just had. Yikes.

Madame Jang in casino Young-dal of noona fling provides a rich chairman, but the face of noona falls when they realize Young-dal with Boss Min.

pulls Young-dal aside while rival Madame Jang and Boss Min go today to ask why he is here with Boss Min. After he tells her it's just a business partnership, she asks desperately if he could do with their business. "Noonim" he begins flatly: "Why do you act so pathetic?"

There is a regular party will go in Sabuk as chairman in the city, and he raises the same about Young-dal, he of the beginning did result, it is Dong-soo kill

Boss min about how his whole future is the hinge have just heard a lecture, if he wins? Chairman Go consent, takes Young-dal to think for a long moment before answering: ". Okay, I'll do it" Nope, Young-dal. Bad Young-dal, bad!

Just then, Dong-soo calls Young-dal, and Chairman Go instructs to answer him. When Dong-soo realizes that they are both in the same casino, then he asks Young-dal exactly where he is, so he can find it.

Young-dal eyes flutter with indecision when he a Fuser looks upwards as Chairman ...


Siiigh , Young-dal. I want to believe that he is better than this, but at the same time I am worried that he is not smart enough to be a third way to find out. This whole thing Chairman Go still feels as suddenly as Young-dal threw what little caution he might leave to the wind and decided only on the first chance of success to lock he could get. And in this case, go to Chairman.

It's a little difficult to get a solid read on Young-dal thinking when it comes to the Big Bad Chairman, because while Young-dal is a slimy criminals, it is hard if he or cares about knows to find out what is-especially the Chairman kind of person go really considering the fact that he is trying to work with him and emulate its success story. I know that Young-dal, a is expected not to plan, but he has seriously considered whether is , the kind of person he wants to? A wealthy maniac with a bad dye job?

have this story arcs have been week cyclically, in the sense that we end at the same place was where we started. Last episode began with Young-dal on his knees before chairman with Young-dal go on their knees in front of him and in the end, even if different decisions were made in the meantime. Walking his deadly about Young-dal This episode began with the Chairman posing and ended with him doing the same thing, only this time Young-dal had an answer. There is nothing wrong with this type of format, as long as the hour between the two bookends informed the answer to spent whatever was asked at the beginning.

But it is in this central area where the show seems to lose some of its narrative drive, which is a commodity already scarce. I enjoyed the little moments develop character among the extracted padding bits output as Young-dal and Dong-soo drunken bonding time. It is why I find it hard to believe (or rather, why do not I want to believe) that Young-dal would choose the selfish option, Dong-soo for his personal gain, having enough time to hurt him, he has to know a decent man.

And poor Dong-soo, who is unwittingly trust that he had no idea he was taken completely by Young-dal. It was shocking to watch him try to be just calling Young-dal family blamed and inside his lonely, dilapidated house no less. The Secrets to Dong-soo character grow more interesting by the hour, such as why he did not Shin-hye held back by a man to marry not love her, if he really was / she loves. Or why he refuses to answer questions regarding his designer clothes. If there really not just a matter of spending it, asking what little salary he is bad, then it is quite legitimate for Internal Affairs, where he get all the extra money from.

So while I'd like to believe that Dong-soo is (apart from some anger issues) completely incorruptible and awesome, I'm starting to worry that there will be more to it than what we have been led to believe. Although Yang ha eased on the gas pedal to Creepsville and really relatable and sympathetic now, I would not have the show to pull it on us in terms of how much darkness every brother in ports.

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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