Recap And Reviews Kdrama Liar Game: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Liar Game: Episode 9 -

A hero without trust is a scary, scary thing, especially if it is the only even remotely able to stop a villain, on the spread of anarchy and chaos as Kang Do-young, is as devious bent. At least our heroine does an admirable job in that gap by Woo-jin fill wounded pride, but soon they will be your turn, the game after their confidence to play in their fellows shook, ground to a pulp, and used as strength for Do-young-suits. pressed How else is he to keep it so perfect? Orphans tears are as last year.


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EPISODE 9: "smuggling game I"

We wind a little PD Lee conversation with Da-jung drunken father who brought his aversion expressed to meet his daughter, if it would only be fodder for PD Lees mission.

they tried him by assuring him easier to realize that it would not be for the show but for da-jung: ". you will be happy when they are doing well you only know"

Meanwhile, Woo-jin and reporter Gu meet to discuss the records, he asked them to do-young -its immigration to pull records, past homes, only for families to admit to them that they found not a single piece of paper.

When she asks what exactly happened during the Walden Two experiment that do-young may have been a part of, Woo-jin can only explain the little he knows, which is that it involved children highly secret and illegal psychological experiments.

To learn more about Do-young past enlists Woo-jin the help of master hacker and fellow contestant Sung-joon. (How did you ditch the cameras?)

PD Lee takes to hear his story Da-jung father. Dad admits that he had tried to commit suicide by throwing himself with his own tie hanging by L company went down, can only be stopped if Da-young unexpectedly came home.

She had no idea what he had been trying to do for him, and his tie bound to break his heart in the process. In the presence of water PD Lee eyes to the story as it all but begs dad just got a call, if nothing else give Da-jung.

Director Jang seems suspicious where PD Lee also lately is running is gone, but the suspicion of the tip of his mind is Do-young. If the rumors about Do-young finances is not as big, then maybe it was not pure coincidence that Do-young participants was.

So it is clear that created Do-young director Jang thinks the show just so he could join that won to win ten million Dollar / ten million price, but he has not enough evidence to to support his theory. Not yet.

Since Do-young is still a candidate, has director Jang when he interviews play MC to hold him and Dal-goo for the consignment. When asked whether he would for Woo-jin to the next round look, Do-Young says he is more of Da-young because he predict at least Woo-jin actions. Da-jung's another story.

But there must be a reason Dal goo however, is the only one who sat beside him, and Do-young it shows when he announced that he would pick as his teammates (since the last round to win him has that luxury). da-young and Dal-goo

Dal-goo's in shock, while Do-young stated that his "noble" argument for inclusion as-young get woody jin of the team is because he Woo-jin is thinking with her. Why else would a genius swindler how he would participate in the game, even though he promised to give all his earnings Da-young?

In an effort to corner Do-young, director Jang asks how he would spend the prize money if he won it. Do-young thinks for a second before he answered that he would deliver invoices to Seoul from a helicopter dump.

"Imagine," he says. "Thousands and thousands of golden bills fluttering in the wind, falling from the sky. What a magnificent spectacle, it would all boil down to the street for money, the hands in the sky stretches on, their faces turned to the sky. I want these faces can be seen from far above. "of course you do, Crazy Pants McGee. Of course you do.

Although director Jang and Dal-goo deliver the numerous reasons why the only jokes a baad idea would be Do-young that he would pay whatever fines he would arise if his Stunt city were shut down.

Dal-goo watches the show with his two favorite pals as Do-young looks into the camera to address Woo-jin: said "You, you all the prize money because would give -jung when you win. Will that be possible? "Is that a challenge?

He is concerned for Da-jung, and tells her that she should lose the game. Because guys done the math and know that they would be two hundred fifty thousand dollars and also promised that they share their prize money with all, so they can now not very well off.

But if they are worried they will lose and want them to stop, then they will do it ... only if they agree to leave. They are not as high a loss fee as they have in any case, if you have considering they have no money not yet won.

I suspect that they do not agree as Woo-jin and Dal-goo their home leave together as Dal Goo asks him why he push da-young not expire leave. Woo-jin, who was very quiet the whole conversation, just says that Do-young law was on Da-young, rather than concentrating it.

After a roll of his eyes As-jung road Send not to know the way to a make-up brush, Jaime is in spite of their attempts towed by director Jang side to ignore him. He wants to play both sides of the Woo-jin / Do-young rivalry, so that they can reveal both, when the time comes. Is not that what they are best at?

Jaime knows that he must be desperate if he has to share the prize money in half if they were to win, though he be they prepared for the event, she says loses and takes them to both below. "Do not worry," she assured him. "I'm going to win, even if I tell you."

During the broadcast, director Jang deals with the eight remaining candidates, as he tells us that this is the penultimate round it -if survive, they are for the ten to compete million dollar prize.

for this round they will be divided into two teams, East and West. They will each act as two halves of a country and can only win by money for their fictitious smuggling (but secure) borders. Do-young gets his team for the East to pick and choose actor Gu, Bulldog, and not Jaime (aka Sung-joon).

Which means Jaime must reluctantly go West, with Woo-jin, Dal-goo and Da-jung. Do-Young manages Woo-jin to get attention when he hugs Sung-joon as a team member and noted his superior hacking skills-Huch, he has to know everything about what Woo-jin asked Sung-joon do.

But before actually the round begins, Sung-joon sneaks Woo-jin, a USB drive. He must get some dirt on Do-young, then.

to move on the pitch, which are in the east and west with a physical limit was divided between the two nations' territories.

And as fate would have it, a war is set between to break the two countries that they would attract lockdown when each nation of the other treasure has ₩ 500,000,000. if they want to get their money back, they have to have to smuggle across the border with briefcase, which only 100,000,000 can hold ₩ / hundred thousand dollars.

to demonstrate how the limit is executed, director Jang used as-young and Woo-jin, act as citizens and border protection respectively. Every citizen has a bank card, which opens only the opposing nation Bank, located in a separate room to a hallway. Whatever they fail to smuggle to the end of the round will be distributed among the opposing teammates.

Once they have received the amount of money they want to smuggle to the maximum of one hundred thousand dollars, they have to provide the border control officer. The inspector can choose to stop them and check their briefcase or let them happen, and in the event they are stopped, the inspector must guess the amount smuggled.

If what the inspector guesses equal to the amount of the smugglers, then denied the smugglers and the money goes to the inspector as price. If the inspector guesses an amount greater than that which will bear the smuggler smuggler gets to keep what money they were accused of it with half the amount smuggling along.

you'll have to rotate play thirty, and the final winner of this decision Whichever team has the largest sum leftover, whether of what they smuggled and / or what they held before smuggled out of their country. The prize money is stored on bank cards, they are all obtained, which is not , if in the course of the game.

Jaime is to replace lost the car on their team the fifth wheel, and blames Do-young for her to banish to the losing team. Dal-goo takes offense at that, but Woo-jin warns them to stay calm, because the other team they can see from their vantage point.

Sung-joon does not belong with his team either even with Do -Young assurance that if they just trust him and do what he says, they will win the round.

Meanwhile, Da-jung tells her teammates, as they will win: if not smuggle money, they will only win compensation money if they are stopped by the inspector. Woo-jin says nothing about the plan, which he can only mean another he did not share.

represents Da-jung her team for the first round, and does a poor job of making it seem like it is a towing briefcase full of money in the east of the inspector, actor Gu (if it is not withdrawn) , He seems to be on her if he did not put on an act warns and directs them without control.

Although Jaime was not included, as Da-jung betrayed her plan that she figures it, if dosing Jung returns empty-handed, and warns her teammates that the strategy is doomed to fail, since they would not be win no money by foregoing smuggling.

Claiming to have a plan that will really work, Jaime is the next attempt at smuggling, and is led by the East inspector while carrying zero dollars , (Which means that they smuggled anything successfully.) The same is done for Dal-Goo. So ... how was this plan differs from Da-jung, again?

Now that she is playing Inspector's turn, they send Dal goo. He goes Sung-joon, the hundred thousand dollars successfully smuggles then across the border. Dal-goo has to answer Jaime because she told him that the smugglers to call for the maximum amount. "Why can I not believe?" She shrieks.

"As can I trust you?" Dal-goo answers. He claims that he can not know if they just tried to help record, Do-young, and Jaime track exactly give her any good defense. So she has to be the next inspector only storms. Once again, Woo-jin does not interfere.

The smuggler Jaime is, is none other than Do-young, and he is very open to make about his strategy Jaime teammates they suspect by TO every 10 minutes they have to make it look how they talk. In this way, Jaime will not be sincere to be able to convince her team, even if it actually is. Genius.

are After the ten minutes had passed, Jaime makes the call and directs Do-young. He gives her his best shit-eating grin as he his briefcase (now smuggled successfully) to the brim with a hundred thousand dollars reveals packed.

How Do-young predicted / wanted, Dal-goo said Jaime lost Do-young intentionally and hear any arguments to the contrary. Da-jung is the only one who believes Jaime tried, but it is not the only one to see that their quarrels was Plan Do-young.

Woo-jin finally steps in to da-young-to-back and locks gazes with Do-young from all over the way as he says his team-mates that they stop the East team of smuggling more money. What they do not say.

He takes over as Inspector and gets the East team enough uncertainty to fight each other over who will do the smuggling because it is who is Woo-jin to make. Actor Gu accepts the challenge, to announce that he would defeat Woo-jin. Feeling a little full too of us by Woo-jin and only loss, right?

In the control room, Woo-jin a stack of cash leaves on the ground, he can point out, while claiming that actor Gu dripping. In this way he is able to quickly find out that actor Gu is of money when she was older descrambled when the fallen cash from actually find out came his briefcase.

Woo-jin calls correctly actor Gu for the maximum amount of smuggling, which means all the money to the team goes to the West and has the exact effect Woo-jin by recalls intended that they are not cowards.

The exchange missed because he Creepy played faces with the bathroom mirror, Do-young returns to find his team of a large and scolds them a train without him and for the production of Woo-jin for underestimated. As a reward, he confiscated bank cards his team, so it will be one of only smuggling and against Woo-jin facing off.

When Sung-joon questions whether this is allowed, Do-young tells them that he already checked with the staff. In addition, they broke their word to do as he said, by acting without him, so that their bank cards confiscated, which is only fair. After Do-young, anyway.

Sung-joon is the only one reluctant to hand over his card, but yields when he has given no other choice. Do-young takes control like a real dictator leader of his troops under a flag-they are flocking in the war, and they will survive only if they give Do-young to decide the performance for them ,

Since Do-young, it is left to their own devices, it sets a system in every wannabe scammers among them to catch through the peephole with the betrayer bank card reward promising (and prize money) when a treason is successfully reported to him.

"I'll handle the smuggling game now," Do-young told his subordinates. "You can play the game Betrayal."

On the other hand, Jaime tried Dal-goo, to win the trust by promising to renounce their credit card when they find that they have it betray. It does not work, then ask Da-Jung Woo-jin, come to a decision, they can follow, so that neither side the other of rigging can accuse the game.

He rather them do what they want, and leaves Dal-dope the full amount past Inspector Do-young to try and smuggle. Using the full 10 minutes Dal-goo brings do-boy past as a financial analyst on Wall Street, and calls him on his crap when he says that he left the job because people like Woo-jin to manipulate the stock market.

Do-young chuckles when he gives him this point, but its explanation as to why it is the job left far stranger: "If you look at money, it's fascinating, it is like a living thing, as. whether acting on their own initiative. "I love how Dal-goo asks if Do-young to need a telepathic connection to money the way someone would a crazy person to ask to translate what tells her imaginary friend.

"it seems as if the people to move money, right?" Do-young asks. "Not so. Money moves people." Seen to have millionaires and beggars as an analyst, Do-young, says it all were wrong thinking in that they owned money. They moved all as the money she says.

And he could always say, just look at someone, how much money it would take to move it. Dal-goo starts sweating as Do-young looks just call through his eyes and into his soul before the exact amount Dal-dope smuggling. Do-young wins.

Dal-goo on his teammates that Do-young, to find out the amount, they can by just looking at it took everyone unsettled except Woo-jin. At least from the outside.

Da-jung to go volunteer to Do-young next with a total of fifty-five thousand US dollars / ₩ 55,000,000 Jaime thinks is too specific to Do to guess -jung. If Do-young are doing or conjecture less than the amount carries Da-jung, is to win it.

She steels herself against her face-off with Do-young, but is remarkably brave, when she sees him square in the eye and tells him to guess how much she has, if he so a talent it got is.

Do-young does not hesitate, even before the announcement, "Stop. Fifty-five million won." WHOA. Did he just ...? No way.

Even Woo-jin is taken by surprise, because as far as he could get, man was Do-young hiding a lie, but not in the cliff notes on people's faces written to read. He (finally!) Provides to represent his team against Do-young, and follows Council his teammates "zero dollar the only way to smuggle it could lose if Do-young she passed without examination.

Woo - jin meeting with Do-young does not take long, though, because Do-young passing him Huch Jaime: "it is an improved version of Ha Woo-jin!" If this is true, then they have already lost


now that it play Woo-jin's turn inspector, Do-young faces him in every round. thanks to this gap, he and his team bank cards found. And Woo-jin gets it wrong three times in a row, which means three solid gains for Do-young. Okay, now I'm starting to sweat a little. Get your shit together, Woo-jin! you're better than this! (... Huh?)

But again lose the west in all three rounds, when as much as they are or contraband smuggling against Inspector Do youth who guessed correctly exactly , not every time. Its accuracy is so eerily at this site director Jang PD Lee asks if she is secretly to help him, only for them to direct him to the material that will answer his questions.

Woo-jin can not understand how doping Youngs Ray Vision works, but he knows that Do-young gets all rounds to play because he bank cards confiscated his team. He seems to count on what happens next, when the East team cuts when announcing their guard that Dal-Goo will be the border inspector.

Whether Do-young guard is let or just so to do others think so is to win, but he agrees by handle his subordinates to take a break for this mini-round. They all think Dal Goo will be an easy opponent.

Thank goodness for the West when Dal Goo correctly guesses the amount Bulldog tried to smuggle over. He claims he was a method using as Do-Young's "sense" for money, but not quite as accurate, and want to prove another round.

It's kinda weird to see -goo Dal use his sixth sense in the next round, but you can not argue with the results: Dal-goo guesses correctly again, netting another victory for the West. Then he goes back to the third round and wins again .

Because they can make money past get Do-young is not always when it comes to the East to play Inspector, keep taking empty briefcase for Do-young this way pass, can the West team avoid Do-young that even more money to win, even if it means that they do not win either.

Jaime stake in this by the second as Woo-jin sends da-young when their team smugglers with written instructions suspicious are (for the eyes only) on how to find out how young do-is to read people when they lose, even in the round.

reads Da-young, which he wrote, once they get to the bank, her eyes widened immediately. It seems to me that there are no instructions on how young-Do throw off the scent.

When they do-young faces, he already knows that Woo-jin tried to teach you how to deceive him. "How much do you trust Ha Woo-jin?" Do-young asks. "Have you never thought to suspect him?"

"Why should I suspect him?" Da-jung asks defiantly. Do-young acts nonchalant about the possibility that they can be eliminated in this round, and uses this to tell her the bit of information, he sat as scratch :? Did she know that Woo-jin is responsible for her father's debt

Director Jang hears this in the control room and PD Lee asks if she has heard this rumor, which she stammers a little convincing: "no."

But Da-young not to take a doping Youngs words to heart when she tells him. "You're a really bad person, trying to make us suspicious of each other with this kind of nonsense Want that bad to win? "

Do-young just laughs, because this is all a game to him. Then he calls them told her of fifty thousand Won-height Jaime, carry on for them to reveal a briefcase filled twice.

Since the microphone is turned on only when the examiner presses the button as-young jumps for the microphone, so that they can appeal to the citizens of the East, as she puts it, that adopted Do-young Ray Vision has been a trick.

"When you enter your card and Kang do-boy do leave, as he wants you to believe that he will take care of you? A person like him would not do and you know it all! we we tricked you! fight! we will help you! "I love that this is like a call to arms, with the round to keep the subject.

Both sides are left with silence, as Da-jung is violently pulled from the microphone, leaving Jaime to ask what should be done-there was no-jung to take fifty thousand with her?

"She was," Woo-jin says as he approaches Jaime. "Why did you do that? Why did you do that ... Jo Dal-dope?"


wait, what? !?! Nooooooooo! I refuse to believe that's true. Please do not let it be true. It not be true ... right? It is better not be. * Panics *

Except as Dal-goo betrayal change everything would when it were true (which it is not definitive), there is an intense hour Team Woo-jin was after his defeat devastating in the last round. I have a feeling that no one was more aware that as Woo-jin, although it would have been nice to take during long pauses a look in his skull flesh, where he just make his teammates watching questionable decisions.

Then again, I can not say whether the internal war did not exist, because we were not given (m) to know all evidence of Woo-jin, if he, rather a backseat approach to the round because he chastised as' d by its loss. There were definitely times where I was frustrated send him his teammates in a losing battle, because it seemed as if he thought would that Do-young by then had outside help, but I switched gears for him anxiously to be concerned if he tried and failed to do-young to be circumvented.

but it was interesting that Woo-jin's first reaction was not to doubt the authenticity of the Do-young-Ray Vision, but to try and find ways to circumvent it. It meant that he would not leave out of the realm of possibility when it came to do too young, and I would like to believe that in the preparation of Woo-jin more gun-shy worked generally to him last round lose, or at least when it comes to the Do-young. There is a person that he does not read not only in a millisecond, but in several face-to-face conversations. For a man out of the people, is used without a second look, it's got to be hard to meet someone who is impervious to his genius, even if that is where the fun as audiences come so far does.

I love how Liar Game as good red herring that employs the use of red herrings to think something of a red become Hering I admit that Jaime even too simple, would be the to be the group of traitors, though I begin, who else could uncannily behind Do-Youngs accurate psychic readings could not imagine. So I circled back to the show thinking, just trying to divert attention from Jaime away when it was really Jaime that the case could very well come next episode, but now I have to give credit where credit is due, because I have no , which suggests , when it came to Dal-Goo. And while I, that he hoped that any and all suspicions are cleared tomorrow, because now I have to hand to show: You got me. You really, really me. (But let Dal-goo Ajusshi alone, will you?)

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tags: featured, Kim So-eun Lee Sang -Yoon, Liar game, Shin Sung-rok

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