Recap And Reviews Kdrama Modern Farmer: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Modern Farmer: Episode 12 -

Yoo-na Arrive Hadurok-ri shakes things as expected, with some interesting and un expected results. And it is not the only newcomer to the village, it seems everyone has decided to try a little country air. Things are in the sleepy little village is changing - some for the better, some for the worse, and some of the downright weird.


Min-ki and Yoo -NA enter the courtyard, leading to reactions from the family of shock up that an idol in their midst is to direct hostility. Min-ki asks Yoon-hee (while Hyuk eyes roll right out of your head) to leave, Yoo-na stay a few days, and Hong-gu has excited with Min-ho to bunk, so they can use his room. Min-ki makes it a bed and tells her to sleep now, and they will speak later.

Min-ki asks the family Yoo-na presence here to keep a secret, pulled out of fear of attention. He apologizes to the Min-ho for his picnic missing and offers him somewhere to take fun, all takes back in the children's favor, is. some food for Yoo-na prepare Yoon-hee Watches Min-ki, and has some eyerolling their own.

The boys go more locusts to catch, and on the way they meet Soo-yeon bar owner friend (whose name Mi-ja), which is just a bit overdressed for the country. Han Chul Soo-yeon it increases, although they are not as welcome a surprise, as he thinks.

Sang-deuk Mom asks him where he slept last night, the hope that he has a girlfriend, but he directs and she says she not who he cares with, as long as it is not Mi-young. She is desperate for a daughter-in-law, and told her son as often as possible, hee made for sleeping.

you get home to make Mi-ja, who, if she asks to stay a few days. to let them stay and begins listing Sang-deuk good points of course Sang-deuk Mom wants to know if she is married, and on hearing she is single, feel happy. Subtle, Mom, really subtle.

The first thing Mi-ja does is a strange smell to follow the cabinet, where it is almost flattened by an avalanche of sweet potatoes. Soo-yeon tells her to cut the crap and asks her why she is here, and Mi-ja tells her that the thugs who come after Soo-yeon to their bar to threaten them, and the less scary had pretend to be drunk and said Soo-yeon stole his boss money. Mi-ja wants to divide the money, but Soo-yeon tells her they have to find it first.

Back home, Min-ki peppers Yoon-hee with questions about Yoo-na, but she is not inclined guest to take care of them unexpected and unwelcome and tells min-ki to take care of them yourself. She complains that Yoo-na has not come out of the room, not even making dinner to help, but Yoo-na comes then and listen to criticism.

Min-ki brings her some water, and says not to worry Yoon-hee her. Yoo-na tentatively ask why he asked, not about what happened, but he says he does not need to know, because he trusts her. He offers to take her to eat, but she seems depressed and just want to sleep.

There is market day and Yoon-hee is emphasized because Min-ki's attention to Yoo-na, making it all too late. They all help to load the truck, while Yoon-hee bosses and complains, but when they tried to do too much, and lifts a box of apples, with his back goes out with a loud CRUNCH .

The boys carry it in, and you have to admit that they can not go on the market as. You do not want to leave them motionless in bed, but she insists and the noise attracts Yoo-na to see what all the fuss.

It's sweet, like Man-gu, the up to date, so proud of the technology is to be, has no idea who she is. Everyone keeps him say: "That's Yoo-na you know Yoo-na." And Man-gu stops just repeat, "Okay, I'm Man-gu" Yoo-na offers support for Yoon-hee to take, and the guys Yoon-hee insistence override that she wants only to the last man on earth she left with only his right, and.

The market is busy, with the pea puff 'boys and roasted grasshopper stand a runaway hit (hee, Ki-joon thanks its customers with a hearty "Thank you very Kamsa! "). Sang-deuk and Mi-young today embarrassing glances all day throwing and Man-gu wonders aloud where In-ki and Sang-eun are today.

you have gone to the temple to light a candle for Sang-Eun Mother Memorial and In-ki said to his wife, telling her that her daughter has come with him. He apologized that it took him so long to implement them, and prevents Sang-eun for the first time to her mother. She breaks down crying, and she and her father sobbing their grief for the lost mother and wife.

Min-ki and Ki-joon count their considerable profit for the day, and Min-ki spots Bul-yes the next stand, looking mighty cozy with a handsome guy. You can not understand what the two say they speak native language in Bul-yes, and the boys tease Ki-joon, that his "woman" is having an affair.

Ki-joon loudly claiming that he pleased Bul-ja met a man, and he hopes that they come together, but no one buys it. Min-ki wonders how Yoo-na doing, and Hyuk snipe that if he is so concerned he should go home, and stalks off.

It's back Awkward city at the house, as Yoo-na literally sitting right next to Yoon-hee and observed it. They sit like that, until a mosquito bites Yoon-hee foot and Yoo-na has to scratch it. They scratched too hard, then soft manufacturing Yoon-hee giggle until it makes it ultimately correct. It's funny how seriously Yoo-na takes place this as if a mosquito is really life or death biting scratching.

Back in the market Han Chul asks Ki-joon if he is unattractive to tell him that Soo-yeon told him to renounce it , Ki-joon wonders if Soo-yeon is in women, which Han Chul to blow up with him.

Ki-joon watches jealously Bul-yes and talk to realize that they do not talk about the fact that Bul-yes it like her new boyfriend. Their coyness sees Ki-joon as flirting with the other guy, and he says that it does not matter, because he just thought she was pretty -. It's not like he's in love with her

Bul yes, asks Ki-joon to borrow some ribbon, and he tells her to catch them and throw ... directly on her face. He is a nasty little laugh, then realizes that he presented only. Thank God, because that is not beautiful. What's worse is that he does to throw the tape on the floor, and by the look on her face when she cancels it, she knows that he meant to insult them.

Man-gu Mom sees this and sends Ki-joon for drinks as punishment, and when he comes back Bul-ja asks for two drinks for you and your friend , He gets but shakes it at first, and crows when they get sprayed in the face. But here it is his imagination, and instead he is the one who is sprayed.

Yoo-na is back Yoon-hee to quietly watch over and refused to leave no matter how Yoon-hee is. Finally Yoon-hee wants asserts sleep and deserves a little privacy. In truth must be what it is the toilet, and she manages to pull half there alone.

But when they tried to fly to the bathroom, she hurt her back on. The noise brings Yoo-na is running, and Yoon-hee is forced to ask for help. She is humiliated, but Yoo-na could not possibly be any sweeter, and even helps Yoon-hee to get her pants.

Yoo-na horror and dignity free Yoon-hee helps back into bed, and her heart bless brings Yoon-hee something to eat when their stomach growls. But Yoon-hee can not even feed themselves as Yoo-na does too, and Yoon-hee perks when she realizes that Yoo-na is actually a pretty good cook.

Yoo-na tells her that she has had to be a good cook, as they have been alone since she was fourteen. She is also good at cleaning, laundry and fixing devices. Suddenly Yoon-hee has a new respect for the young woman, she had assumed a spoiled city girl was.

Min-ki treated all in the market for lunch and Ki-joon ends opposite Bul-yes and sit her boyfriend. He seethes at how friendly they are with each other, and thinks he is standing and both their faces in their food mashing. He realizes too late that he could not imagine this time - oh no, the views of the poor Bul-yes the sauce smeared face is terrible. Everyone screams Ki-joon, and he freaks out while Bul-yes just quietly running away.

Everybody comes back to the market in the village, and are working together to have a drink to celebrate. Sang-deuk and Mi-young both try to bend, but are spoken to stay, and all the boys but Ki-joon find reasons to get together to skip.

Soo-yeon tries Mi-ja to get back to Seoul, but they sold the bar and nowhere to go. Determined Han Chul Soo-yeon brings some sweet potatoes and vows to never give up on her, but he stops when he hears Soo-yeon and Mi-ja quarrel inside. He overheard Mi-ja ask Soo-yeon, why they do not like them after all the things that they have in common, and by Ki-joon comment it sounds like she's talking about dating.

If they are worried that the villagers throw out when they hear about their "past", Han Chul wheezing with virginal horror, because now definitely it might sound like they used previously. their silhouettes intertwine through the window to see is too much for his tender feelings, and he makes enough noise that they hear.

Yoon-hee finally get some sleep, and she wakes up late and limping to the living room on her son to check. But he's already eaten, because Yoo-nas fed him dinner, and they also checked his homework and cleaned the house. Impressed and humiliated, Yoon-hee thanks Yoo-na.

Min-ki comes home boasting of its success cabin and bring some things for Yoo-na because she had to leave Seoul soon. He noted Yoon-hee jealousy and pride they presented with a gift to - HA, there is a hot pack for her back. She complains and he asks mischievously when she's mad, and gives her true gift, some fancy eye cream for their wrinkles. Yoon-hee chasing Min-ki from the room for that, but she smiles at the thoughtful gift when he's gone.

The villagers have a drink and Man-gu Mom asks why Sang-deuk and Mi-young seem so far away, but her loud and wild eyes denial that nothing has happened makes it obvious that something has happened. Man-gu noted that Ki-joon drinks a lot, and he screams Man-gu Mom when she clearly stated that he feels bad, he treats Bul-yes.

Man-gu is still wondering what is In-ki happened today, although his mother says she leave alone, there's In-ki strange, and they do not like him. But man-gu is so thrilled when his friend turns out that he did not even not notice at first that In-ki he just said. I love how In-ki all innocence is to ask: "What's going on?" If everyone stares at him.

In-ki is happy to finally have a chance to thank everyone for everything they have done for him and his daughter. Man-gu leads a toast to his friend, the man-gu Mother fills glass and apologized for causing her frustration. In-kis new "Honey Voice" is impressive, and it him in a new light is suddenly seen - and it looks like returned her admiration.

Ki-joon wanders in the city complain about Bul-yes, when he runs into her and her boyfriend sit and talk. he is again not realize that they discuss him, and Bul-yes tells her friend that they taste Ki-joon should stop because it is not good enough to be only an illegal worker. Awww . Her friend puts his arm around her to comfort her, and something snapped in Ki-joon.

He stalks over and engages wrist Bul-ja is to pull away, but she turns her arm free and wants to know why he in this way to treat. He tells her that he does not like it when she smiles at other men, and orders her to or on someone else's smile did not look at. From Ki-joon, who is as good as a confession, and Bul-yes it knows.

Sang-deuk is again pee caught by Mi-young in public, and it brings the other night, but called it a mistake, the feelings Sang-deuk hurts. But he swears he feels and says that they are doing so, as it should never happen the same, and they exist both on them are nothing more than oppa and dongsaeng another.

go back to the party and drink a lot more until they both face red and snarly and nastily at every opportunity of repeating that she only oppa and dongsaeng. They are the last to leave for home left to Man-gu and insisted that it to drink no big deal for a oppa and dongsaeng together alone.

Finally Sang-deuk asks Mi-young if that's all they really are, and she says that it grouchily as he is told. Sang-deuk yells that he does not want, and Mi-young cries that she does not do, and they attack each other dramatically. Seeing that one miles away come. But in the morning when they wake up and find themselves naked in bed, as more horrified screams.

Yoo-na get up early to help with breakfast, to Yoon-hee apologies for the inconvenience of you here, and tells Min-ki, that it goes , Yoon-hee asks if she has to go somewhere, and provides Yoo-na to be omitted if it is obvious that she does not. She says it's because Min-ho would miss his pretty noona, and says Yoo-na, that they'll have to earn their keep, but Yoon-hee looks really happy to make the offer.

Ki-joon cringes intoxicated the night before near-confession, but as Bul-yes approaches at the memory of his with a big smile and a gift, as they used to do, he smiles back for actually first time. She does not even look at or Hyuk Min-ki standing there, his having taken "does not look at other people" very literally. That is so sweet.

Ki-joon babbles that it took him too seriously, and that it does not mean he likes them. I love how she is not a word to buy it, and just grinning like: ". Sure, what you say" She leaves him with an adorable smile just for him, and he mumbles that he's crazy, but can not stop his own smile.

Ki-joon is happy that Yoo-na will remain, but Hyuk is not impressed and asks how long they will be in Hadurok-ri and act like long Min-ki as her guardian. He points out that Min-ki is not in any position to take care of them, so that Min-ki knowing demand why Hyuk picking keeps fighting with him.

Ki-joon breaks the bickering before things can get heated, and In-ki welcome all, when he happened to his car. Ha, they do not notice, he speaks now, until he is already gone.

Suitable That night, Soo-yeon and Mi-ja get treasure hunt to go, and they pass near Han-Chul, where he sits and wondering what kind of relationship they have. He hides and hears them talking about Mi-ja, the new mask, but she gets whiny when a loose cord keeps caught in her mouth and she asks Soo-yeon, to fix it. Soo-yeon has nothing to cut the string, so they used their teeth, and Han Chul it looks like the two women kissing on the street.

Hyuk finds Yoo-na alone and enjoy the starry sky sitting, and he makes a snide comment that they need not be concerned about their career, as they worked sooo hard to get there. He asks how long she intends to use Min-ki, and tells her to go back to Seoul. overheard

Min-ki and asks Hyuk that he believes that is to say to Yoo-na, and Hyuk makes another nasty comment, but look at his eyes as he tried not to cry. Min-ki is now ready for a fight, despite Hyuk to tell him to stop before he is really angry. He invites angry Hyuk go ahead and angry, as Yoo-na and Yoon-hee both trying to break them apart.


Be careful what you wish for ... I asked to pass something, and the is exactly what I got. I am thrilled to something other than coal grow in Hadurok-ri to see, even if it is anger and bitterness, because it means that old wounds and misunderstandings can be broadcast with and treated. Hyuk and Min-ki were come so far along relatively well, but only because they have a mutual unspoken understanding not to mention the past. But it threatens still there about it, and Yoo-na seems to both be at the epicenter of their band is blowing up and their personal dispute. Oddly enough, Min-ki better able seems past to move, what ever it is, even if it growing at the beginning of the coal venture Hyuk accession, and despite his cheery demeanor, Hyuk seems to be the one who is most directly was affected resistant.

Until now I have believed that Hyuk about Yoo-na knew and agency CEO, but considering how much anger Hyuk seems to be carrying around (and the fact that not once has Yoo- na tries to deny everything), I wonder if there is not something more serious. I note that Hyuk has not smiled once since Yoo-na came to town, and my gut tells me that it would take a situation much more dire than "I mean girlfriend girlfriend and our CEO together seven years foresaw" a making almost total change just because the girl appeared in his conduct for a few days. I have since the beginning of the series had a nagging concern for Hyuk, but now there is a great concern, and I am almost afraid to find out what it is that he knows and has hidden all these years.

On the other hand I have no red flags on all of Yoo-na get themselves - they like a sweet girl really seems that means no harm, who wants to be liked and wants to feel useful. Even after all these years they still fighting the CEO each time he tried to wrangle in a situation it about feels uncomfortable. Your interactions with Yoon-hee and to take care of them by Min-ho seem felt genuine and deep. I hope it really turns out so well, be a person, as it seems, because they both could use a friend about her age. So I am doubly fascinated and worried about whatever it is that Hyuk knows about Yoo-na, because while I hope he was not in the wrong all this time, for his own sake, I also hope that Yoo- na didn 't do whatever it is that Hyuk thinks she did.

Regardless, that's all speculation, and I really have no idea what we find out about the past and about the dissolution of the band. Back when I thought the show was to predict simple and easy, I would have said that Yoo-na and the CEO had an affair and Hyuk found out, and that's why he punched the CEO and broke the tape. But now, knowing what I know about the writer's ability to take what seems like simple characters and familiar situations and turn them on their ear, I have no idea what we will discover about the band, Yoo-na , and the truth of seven years earlier. I just hope that what it is, the people of Hadurok-ri be able to help the boy to heal and become stronger in their friendship.

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tags: featured, honey Lee, Lee Hong-ki, Lee Shi-un, Modern Farm, Park min-woo

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