Recap And Reviews Kdrama Pinocchio: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Pinocchio: Episode 1 -

SBS new Wednesday Thursday- Drama Pinocchio -the latest project from director and screenwriter team behind I hear your voice today -premiered, and to keep up with their style, the show is sweet and light with a hint of idealism and heartache. I have always this author liked very serious approach, even if it is not the most complex, and I especially enjoy when an element of fantasy used (hearing voices, for example, or in this case, hiccups, if you are) enlarge the subjects. There is truth against lies and how media distorts both sides, left to wonder whether the truth even more questions.

The first episode focuses on the back story that brings together our characters, but I do really like the insights we get from them in the present. I think we are Park Shin-hye (danket, Drama gods) in for a refreshing character and Lee Jong-seok gets a solid background that establishes us for central coming conflict


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EPISODE 1: "Pinocchio"

Date 8 October 05, a small-town high school is aflutter with the news, that their brightest students made it to the second round of a TV quiz show program (cameo from MC in Sung-hoon, of a quiz show host was at the time).

the whole class ruffles her classmates on TV, and the show takes its nearest challenger ... CHOI DAL-PO ( Lee Jong-seok ), he of shaggy hair, finger guns and 34th place ranking. his intro assembly to see is a sight, and each jaw in the classroom drops.

Nobody shocked to see more than his classmates CHOI iN-HA ( Park Shin-hye ), the mock astonishment is that Dal-po looks like a total bumpkin, but does not seem to be aware that he should be embarrassed.

Dal-po takes his place on stage and feels the need to point out that his whole school has 34 students, which makes it last place technically. He is known as all Bbang as to all zeros, because those are his grades. On the monitors, the PD turns to its employees, as they bring here crazy people to are this child.

The first question refers to one by a fairy tale character named condition that someone causes physical signs to show when they are in this case the hiccups. (The exhibition points out that the specific condition is done. We just take it as a truth in this universe.)

Dal-po is silent, then says he wants to use his ask-a-friend chance. He turns suddenly to his classmates, the champion, and says that if he destroyed him here, he wants to hit him ten times; if he loses, he will take the hits. Ha, that's what he means for his chance map? By using in place, Dal-po uses his remaining time to aim the camera: "Choi In-ha If I here ... the Champion" builds become Dramatic music, and then he runs out of time. What you wanted to say

Dal-po has no problem to answer the question, because he has known all along: He waves the first place with a smile on his face, all [1945013"Pinocchio"] C 'just so I can crush you . The MC asks if he ever before someone met with Pinocchio syndrome, and says that many people with the condition of people become scared and spare their words because they can not lie.

But Dal-po says the Pinocchio he knows the total opposite, it is a strong case, and because she says what she wants is her nickname Blunt Witch. Everyone in the class looks over at In-ha, and she explains that he does not have them talking ... and then hiccups. Hee.

The next quiz question about what is the year in sexagenary cycle, and Dal-po flashes back to 7 October 00, when Dad ( Jung In-ki ) used him about this matter very Quiz. (Dal-po name then is Ki Ha-myung, but I'll just keep him call Dal-po.)

He and his Hyung think the calculations are simple, and Dad jumps to his feet rice cakes for all its new neighbors take to pull his two sons genius and do calculations in their heads as a group of tourists make trick.

It's nice that both brothers hate but always for Dad to come through, and he awakens them even from sleep one night to do a calculation, promising to take them to show the fireworks. They shoot immediately out of bed and call the answer.

Dad is a firefighter and the captain of his unit, and boasts of his sons proud of his team. That night, sending a distress call from the device, and they come in a factory that is already in flames. The manager comes out running and told the firefighters that two of its employees are still trapped inside, and Dad draws a plan for them to begin the search.

split the firefighters, and dad is getting to the hardest door, what happens at home chemicals. The worst thing is the manager turns to his two employees safe and healthy outside-they are to find those who attempted inadvertently started the fire to cook a snack, and went unnoticed. But the manager sends all this within firefighters to look for them ...

But inside, dad is none of it, and the chemical on the other side of the door caught fire. When he finally gets them broken, all we see is the horrified look on his face, and the explosion is reflected in his eyes. Gaaaack. The explosion engulfs the entire factory in flames.

The next morning, the fire has been deleted, and swarming the site with reporters. Dal-po and his family stand behind the police line, for Dad and desperately cry out for answers to the nine dead firefighters.

we get the report by some news channels to compete, but the two we are concerned with are YGN where our latest quiz show PD Hwang GYO-DONG ( Lee Pil-mo ) is the field reporter and MSC where the ace reporter SONG CHA-OK ( Jin Kyung ).

We learn that Cha-ok is cold, next to the calculation of the bat she wears a mask while reporting "add realism", and then takes a call from her husband, where he divorce papers the that a witness spotted left by answering loudly nearby. It is a tactic, of course, to send their competitors on a wild goose chase while to get the scoop from the victims' families.

is the manager now lies through his teeth at the police station, and insists that he is the Fireman said Captain that it was left no one in the building, but he rushed in anyway. He then tells his staff to keep the mouth closed, and they will be so long in order, as the captain is dead. One of them is worried that he might still show up alive because he misses, but the manager estimating the body can not be found because it was blown up in the explosion. Lightning and the sky is dark, as they make their pact.

As the rain comes down, from the family of the neighbor, a young man with Pinocchio Syndrome thinks he runs Papa sees on the street. He told his mother that he only saw the fireman captain alive, even if we see that it's not Dad.

The message meets the family at the moment worst when they are with the other families of the victims who cry over their lost sons and husbands. Young Dal-po is easier, of course, the announcement to hear that Dad was seen alive, but the victim contact the family and demand answers: Why did Dad pull the other inside, if there were no survivors to be rescued? How could he still be alive when others have died?

There is brutal the way Dal-po family is the culprit immediately, and Hyung balls to see his hand into a fist Mom ( Jang Young-nam ) apologizing profusely that their man alone survived. He leads Mom and Dal-po, while the families of the victims with them for answers claw.

A few days later, her house swarming with reporters and the boys go out to school, flanked on its way with questions about why her father has come, not ahead he is in hiding, and means that he is guilty? YGN of Gyo-dong and MSC Cha-ok are among them, and Cha-ok is particularly adamant as little Dal-po asks if he is happy that his father is alive. Try to actually let a little boy sound like he is dancing on the grave of the other firefighters? Damn, you're cold.

But Dal-po just scream the names of deceased firefighters back, along with their birthdays, their allergies, their family situations that groups of girls that they like, and the way they take their coffee. He says that he learned by heart, because these are booked on their house in every room all the facts. Tears stream down his face as he screams, "I can make all, so recite like my father! They say he left his men and hidden? He is not someone who would ever do!"

There is a strong moment, and each is represented by the language every move, that is, except doggedly Cha-ok, the remains emotionless and in their questions. Hyung argues that they are rumors only (the dad is still alive), and someone from the crowd throws an egg at Dal-po. Hyung flares up and she roars filming to stop, and Dal-po viewed Cha-ok with anger and do in his eyes hurt.

When MSC, Cha-ok team will cut the Hyung rant, but she wants to keep everything in. they argued that they only pixelate may face, as if that would do anything to conceal his identity. Over at YGN, Gyo-dong tries to convince his boss that they should put the material out too that's what MSC does.

But the boss says, that's why they are called MSG, because they are for your health inflammatory and bad. Gyo-dong argues that YGN Bio messages is called, and his boss replies, that's a compliment. Gyo-dong not think so, since no one on the health cares when the food does not taste good, and you have no clients: "The news that nobody watches is not news" Unfortunately, it is a valid point

We intercut between the arguments of the two teams, as both Cha-ok and Gyo-dong try to ventilate to argue the recordings of boys. Their argument is that Dad almost certainly alive and therefore guilty but Gyo-dong boss at YGN replied only that when 99% sure that he is still alive, it means that he recognizes that he shuns being fact 1%.

Cha-ok says her team, the impact is more important than the facts, and the nine families of the victims need a place to put the blame. So you'll only two teenagers on a silver tray to provide for them to throw stones? That's exactly what it does, as the story of the assumption reported that Dad lives, and in secret, because he owed.

Things get worse for the family in the following days and Dal-po says Hyung that Mom could not in the local market to buy again, because no one would sell them. Hyung regularly cleans eggs and stones thrown at her house, but keeps a brave face for his little brother.

Dal-po hesitantly asks what if it is true, the things they say about Dad since. Hyung promises that Dad will return and reveal the truth, and they are going to show the fireworks together, as he promised. He Pinky swears-in the same way Dad used to do, and Dal-po asks again to be sure that Hyung is not him.

A few days later Dal-po is convinced that Hyung lied because he had not been at home for a few days. He thinks Hyung ran away when he was camped in truth outside MSC a meeting with the reporters Cha-ok demand.

Mom tears tamps down and provides Dal-po to take to show the fireworks, so they just go the two of them. Dal-po watched the show excited, but Mom just stares with a faraway look in her eyes on the water. Oh no.

Hyung sees the fireworks from the station, and looks at the fire service award in his hand and thought about Dad down. Cha-ok finally comes to meet him, and he says he is here because he wants to give an interview. So she takes him in the studio and he made a statement to the camera, we do not get to hear.

Mom buys Dal-po little fireworks of his own, and takes him into the ocean that night. He ignites happy, unaware that something is wrong. After a while, Mama turns to him and says shakily, "your father Let go meet ..." The next thing we know, are the only things that remain on the cliff, are a farewell letter, a sneaker, and the fireworks ,

The next morning, the cliff is lined with police and reporters and Hyung runs in a daze to the scene. He takes his little brother and Mom shoe farewell in tears, and his blood boiled reporters buzzing like flies to see, hungry to suck more sensational news of his family tragedy.

he turns his cap and engages only someone with a camera. And also by Cha-ok says her team to keep filming. He staggers at the top of his lungs screaming, and for the first time, it looks a little disturbed.

Five months later. to answer March 01

Little In-ha by her father ( Shin Jung-Geun ) is, truth goaded his question. You do not want to, but they met and says she regrets life with father after divorce, because if she had lived with mom, maybe they would not have to live on this stupid island in the middle of nowhere with grandpa have to move, Alzheimer has.

Dad frowns and walks away from her, and she just sighs that they said they do not want to answer. She tells herself, it will be fine, it will not develop a country accent, and life on the island is not so bad, but his hiccups nonstop.

she sulks all the way to Opas rustic cottage, and Opa ( Byun Hee-bong ) welcomed eagerly, surprise they act quite sharp. But the first sign of dementia is when he looks at his watch and says, it's time for Papas Hyung coming home, and Dad looks it over quizzically: "You mean, Dal-po Hyung"

Opa lights and says he is here, and on the road, we see little Ha-myung / Dal-po alive and healthy. He runs to her grandfather and giving him a big hug, call him father. Opa provides Dad and In-ha as his little brother and niece, and insists that Dal-po dad should call by his name, Dal-Pyung. LOL.

Dad and In-ha only there are agape as Dal-po as said, without any hesitation as much as one ounce He uses banmal with Dad as he truly his Hyung and pats In-ha on the head and call them cute, even if he has to stand on his tiptoes to do so.

explains Inside Grandpa that he went on a boat for a night and rescued Dal-po, and Dad reminded him that Hyung died thirty years ago. Grandpa knows, but believes that he has been returned alive. Dad and In-ha him directly set against Dal-po protests, and suddenly grandfather remembers the truth and collapses.

Dal-po runs out of it to take care of, and Dad says that Grandpa said no Alzheimer's have the doctor a trauma-related state and his memory is fixed , and every time he tries to bring the past and present in harmony, it is also for him is exhausting and he collapses. Dad argued that it does not pretend a stranger, have to be just to keep him from collapsing Opas son, and Dal-po asks why not. "I need a father, and he needs a son"

In fact, grandfather already adopted him as his first son, with the help of the mayor of the city. Dal-po says he has no other family and Opa only hold like this collapsing "So what's wrong with a little lie?" Oh, the boy, the word used so firmly in his father think it's a little shocking. Dal-po asks only to play the part of his son, to grandfather is better, and asks to be allowed to remain.

drawn with dinner, Grandpa is awake and feel better, and Dal-po uses the numbered quadrants system he to scratch on grandpas jacket with his back becomes. They are so cute together, and we see Papa's heart softening. He asks, In-ha, when they can call this child's uncle, and ask them how they should do that when he is so little. Dad replied that he would have to call him Hyung. Ha, I agree, that's worse.

He wonders whether to tell it to manage without hiccups, and she says she can legally since her uncle's. They agree to play now, together, to believe that Grandpa in the shortest time will be better, and then they can send Dal-po in an orphanage.

Dad starts looking longingly In-ha at the TV, and he snapped at her that the TV does not work here, so they can just to see the idea out of your head on Mom like that. She frowns and stems from without eating, and is that it is not hungry.

The Dal-po before the fire sitting on this night, he thinks back to that night on the cliff, when mom said that she knew where Dad was, and that she would go to him. He asked in a characteristic way, if it was a lie, and she swore it was not. He throws a tear in the present, call her a liar, then adds that he is aware of it otherwise than now.

In-ha comes from the sweet potato smell that he is cook, and tells him that they call him uncle ago Opa, but elsewhere his name will be Hey You. She calls him a shark sucker, a parasite describes that from the other feeds, but then he has fun to control them in the lie that it is not hungry, pointing out that they eat other people.

She sighs and admits that he is right that surprised him. But she says she has Pinocchio Syndrome, and that no matter how much it annoys her that he is right, they can not lie. She catches him staring at her and asks obvious when he thinks she's pretty, and it responds equally bluntly that she is.

She flips her braids and says she takes after her pretty mother, who runs all the time on TV. You missed them like crazy and wants to be nothing more than to be able to see Mom on TV, but it is broken and there is no way, Dad will fix it.

The next morning, Dal-po packs the wire hangers from the clothesline and gets to work building a new antenna, and climbing on the roof to install. It's gorgeous in the form of a little girl with pigtails, and he feels convinced that he was doing something good for In-ha.

In-ha at present to send a secret text message to Mom on dad's cell phone while he (but think about how she hates the island that it is found to grow someone to) and Dal-po is riding with the news that he. the TV hard for them It lights up and he offers her a ride on the buggy cart attached to the bike to give, only he can not one inch, move them, is greater than he is, after all.

He tried the proposal a nice walk cool place to play, and she laughs. When they go home, she wonders if he takes after his mother or father, and he says Dad. She wonders what kind of person his father was, and suspicions that he was not very nice, but that he and others brag to help him, and that he was like a good person.

Dal-po surprised if they then do not hiccup, and stands on his toes to give them a sudden kiss on the cheek. He says that for the past six months he lived is just lies, because that was what was best for him and Grandpa. "But the truth is ten times more soothing than a lie, like what you just said."

you come home and turn the TV on and In-ha is on pins and needles in anticipation of seeing Mom. Reminds Dal-po nothing to say to Dad, because he would come here and the TV-bust, if he knew, he hates talking about her, and not even let In-ha they call.

She sees Mom in the next news segment come and folds his hands together and dreamy Dal-po turns to look at on the television. His face freezes any view other than reporter Song Cha-ok, the heartless woman who turned his family into pariahs for reviews. His traumatic past lightning over his eyes, and he goes as in-ha nestled on the TV, just happy to catch a glimpse of her mother.

The quiz show MC told in voiceover that sometimes the world seems really small, Dal-po from heads and looks at the TV antenna until it is fixed. When Dad comes back and asks where In-ha says Dal-po that she watches the news inside, and that they called her mother.

Dad storms into the room and starts to break with the TV, and in-ha screams for him to stop. She runs to Dal-po and called him uncle, and asks him to stop Dad. But he pushes it from cold and asks why he should.

The MC Quiz Show continues, saying that some people call this destiny, whether the connection for better or worse ...

We fade back to the present, as the MC describes this phenomenon as six degrees of separation and ask Dal-po his last quiz question in this round to win: What is the name of American actor, whose name is linked with this concept? He flashes his opponent a smile and replied:

In-ha is happy that he has won, while her snorts deskmate that he had just been lucky in this round, "Kevin Bacon.". In-ha begins that her friend has a crush on the boy first place in their class, and calls on him, so that the girl it just turns around and asks if In-ha like Dal-po.

reminds her that he is her uncle, but everyone knows that they are not related by blood, and the girl pressed to answer, how she feels about him, as a man . In-ha, she says it does not like, and everyone is waiting for the hiccups ... but they do not come. She seems relieved.

Elsewhere, Hyung-full name KI JAE-MYUNG ( Yoon Kyun-sang ) - has evolved and supplying water as a part-time job. He walks past a series of television to be stored in one device and stops in front of a radio Dal-po face. He turns around and approaches slowly ...

Dal-po looking at the camera as if in retrospect Hyung. But if we cut back to Hyung, we see that the TV, which is caught his attention and not the one playing Dal-po of the quiz show, but MSC News with Cha-ok. His eyes fill with bitterness as he stands between the two TVs, fixed on Cha-ok and completely missing its little brother, the tariff is removed, seemingly at him.

The next round of the quiz show begins, and In-ha declared with confidence that Dal-po win.


indeed We covered a lot for a premiere of the earth, and I like what I've seen so far have. Granted, we still have our Leads seen to be together , which could change how I feel about her dynamic, but as long as the characters remain as they appear from the tiny snippets that we get today, I think I am going to very to like. Dal-po seems a little crazy, but the jury is still out on him, because due to the basis of the first episode, I do not know how much of it is on the processing of the quiz show program intro. I hope, however, it remains strange, because that's would be really great.

In-ha, I could have been happy, because she chooses to deal with her Pinocchio Syndrome easily selected by blunt and embarrassed to be honest, if they fear to be a wallflower, someone to show what is in her head. Instead, it is sunny and natural, and even bursts things without knowing whether they are hiccups then to find out that they'll just live with the consequences. This is my favorite thing about this writer-produce hands down female characters with sharp edges that are not made of sugar and spice. Your Pinocchio syndrome not real, but the personality feels real and flawed in a good way.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of it is because of Jung In-ki (Firefighter Dad) and the boys playing Little Dal-po / Ha-myung, but the backstory met a good place for me -es to the heartstrings tugged to be porn, which is to hit for me an important middle ground when it comes to opening backstories without tragedy. Because I know that will die in the Dad, and when the show is just trying to please wring tears tears, I would rebel. So it's nice to get a story that is about Dal-po character and how his fixation with the truth is blunted turned faith in that everyone is a liar. Papas death is the beginning of the avalanche, but it really is the way that the reporter call public opinion against them that the family spirit breaks, and told from her point of view, it seems to be almost inhuman. The tragic part is weakness to choose Mom suicide for her and her son, and it breaks my heart to think that what has happened in recent years to Hyung. I'm glad to see that he survived, because I really liked the two brothers, and look forward to reunite them.

There came suddenly appear when we pushed forward to five months later and Dal-po was suddenly with Grandpa, as if years had passed, but when this small Young said that he needed a father and a son grandpa needed, it is twisted my heart. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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