A New Leaf sets its time to complete, slow the ruthless business world, in Seok-ju thrives filling. We learn about his family problems and his relationship with his father, during the event that he starts accepted at the end of the first episode, a wedge to drive between him and the idealistic Ji-Yoon. This Seok-ju can sometimes be difficult to see, but there are indications that under his cold exterior are redeeming something may be worth. After the events of this episode, but he to go a long way!
Thanks Ji -Yoon mishap with the conference call, the history of their relationship with Seok-ju is the latest company gossip. In his office, shuffling papers Seok-ju unconcernedly while his colleague and longtime friend PARK SANG-TAE (played by Oh Jung-se ) teases him about Ji-Yoon.
He says it is understandable to have an affair with the intern, and have Seok-ju must have thought that it would disappear in a month, so that nothing bad would happen. It is of course to play around a bit, when you're young, he says. Seok-ju says that he is not so bad by far, as Sang-tae, who is twice divorced.
Ji-Yoon, still unaware of the fact that she gave herself conversation overheard their female counterparts away in the toilet. They complain that if Attorney Kim would have an affair, he should have at least had standards
A woman reflects that Ji-Yoon Seok-ju's contribution to the large case -. The convenience store angle - probably their increased value. However, it is possible that the convenience store may actually suffer workers because of the case, after asking the staff whether Ji-Yoon is stupid or just naive. Ji-Yoon is determined from the cab, and scatter the other women.
Ji-Yoon Seok-ju with the elevator enters, ignoring the terrible peon who flees from him. She tells him that he not they can be affected by gossip about the two of them only a modest is internal, which are forced to stop because of that. It warns that if he misused his authority by slander they spread to the Department of Labor go will - are only informed that she was there, the rumors of teleconference dissemination
Seok-ju rotate. Accusation to say that he hates it when the perpetrators act like victims. He stalks out of the elevator, told Ji-Yoon that they rise or fall from now on according to their own behavior.
At the court, Seok- ju met the lead attorney for the prosecution (LEE SUN-HEE, played by Kim Seo-hyung ) , and they have for a long time known today obviously. She scolds him for a scum to defend while Seok-ju counters that it is only interested in this case because it offers the opportunity to remove a chaebol heir. "You're with ambition burning," he says, and it looks like the two understand each other pretty well.
In the courtroom, the victim JUNG HYE-ryeong ( Kim Yoon-seo ) is called as a witness. The two lawyers go back and forth, trying to make their evidence count.
She claims that her relationship with the end was accused, and Seok-ju counter attack by their reputation with a naked picture that they sent the accused, CHA DONG-hyun, when they were together. There is also a phone that the rapist broke that be on it and Jung Hye-ryeong has fingerprints.
The current boyfriend of the actress is called as a witness because he saw her right after she was hit and he drove her to the hospital. Seok-ju stops him, wanted to know why he did not Hye-ryeong has the question when she returned with bruises on her face after another man to meet.
The loses its cool friend and stated that he was mad, and that he and Hye-ryeong had an argument while to go to the hospital. Apparently driven its breaking point, witnessed the friend that he actually Hye-ryeong taken which weakens the contention of the prosecution that the bruises came from the attack on Hye-ryeong face.
The defense is more aggressive after the break, exposing medical records, statements that Jung Hye- ryeong of STDs. transfer them allegedly tested at their current boyfriend, even Dong-hyun clean. The implication is that the chaebol heir could not have raped because Hye-ryeong certificate indicates that her attacker has to wear a condom. The judge ends the session, and it looks like Seok-ju's scorched-earth style defense has the upper hand, at least for now.
attorney Lee hunts for Seok-ju once the session ended, and asks him not to release the information on sexually transmitted diseases and the mere image of the press. Regardless of the outcome of the case, such as bad publicity would be the end for the actress, and they both know it. Seok-ju replied when the prosecutor really cared about their clients, they would not have published such a sensitive case in the first place.
Ji-Yoon follows the prosecutor and sees Hye-ryeong throw in the bath. She apologizes for both of them, and when she replies to defend before the Court sees very excited. Seok-ju delayed entering the car, so they can have a private conversation.
He says that if she has a problem with the way they defend their clients, they should go work for the opposition. He goes to open the door, but Ji-Yoon says she pulls it back to take the subway. As she walks away, he says that nothing happened between them the night he stayed over, but they may not have heard her headphones after touchdown.
Ji-Yoon comes home back to where her aunt is waiting. Over the phone, her aunt Ji-Yoon encouraged younger brother, LEE JI HYUK ( Lee Min-Hyuk ) to do well in his audition. Ji-Yoon told her aunt encouraged him to stop, because he has no talent and show business is hard to break into.
aunt tells Ji-Yoon, that all her friends want to adjust with their sons, now that it operates for a prestigious law firm. Ji-Yoon does not seem to be interested, and the two women sit down for dinner.
Ji-Yoon says she has not taken any fine lawyers, although it has taken a few Terrible: "Cruel and implacable," she says, and there are no prizes for guessing who she speaks. Her aunt is distracted by a message on her cell phone, which states that the actress Jung Hye-ryeong tried to commit suicide. Ji-Yoon is on immediately and rushes out of the house.
She meets lawyer Lee outside the hospital room, and they go in together. Hye-ryeong asleep, and Ji-Yoon sees the scars on her arm. The prosecutor says that Ji-Yoon is still innocent, but that would probably still take a job with the company when it offered her. Ji-Yoon replies that she be a prosecutor as she wants. "The prosecutors, who did not win any stimulus," said lawyer Lee recalls.
She has to leave for work soon after Hye-ryeong wakes, so Ji-Yoon remains with the actress. Hye-ryeong despairs over the outcome of the proceedings. If it does not settle, her family will hear the terrible rumors that the defense spreads. In addition, Ji-Yoon says you really think that you win, has little chance.
"How much should I ask for?" Hye-ryeong asks dully. "How much is it all right for him to rape me?"
The next day Seok-ju gets a call from Hye-ryeong lawyer. They intend to settle, but they want to treat internal Ji-Yoon, the negotiations. Seok-ju calls Ji-Yoon in his office, and it comes with a piece of paper notepad ready, on which she has scrawled Hye-ryeong demands.
The first item on the list is an excuse. Seok-ju asks her if she has become Hye-ryeong representatives to which it responds with a scathing tirade. She asks how he can possibly put a price on Step whole person, just because he can. "How much would it ok to make to rape your sister?" She Prompts. Both the argument stop it can be seen that the entire office listen in and watch.
Seok-ju's CEO Cha meeting, the fears that his work may suffer because of his connection to Ji-Yoon. He is not the sort of person to raise his voice to a low internally. "I did not raise my voice," Seok-ju reacts immediately (methinks the lady doth protest too much!). Nevertheless, it promises to keep his business and personal life separate, and the boss declared ominously that he would take care of things from here.
In a bar later that night Seok-ju shares a drink with Dong-hyun, the heir chaebol. He gets angry when he hears that one of the hostesses at the bar has missed work, and breaks some of the glasses on the table. He trusts Seok-ju that the girl can get pregnant, the immediate paternity suit means after the rape case Cleanup. Seok-ju can be uncomfortable hearing such talk, because he tells the chaebol heir call a cheaper lawyer to listen to him.
Dong-hyun goes to the bathroom, so that Seok-ju alone with Dong-hyun assistant. The man says, his work has the girls track become largely, have had relations with his employer, and "taking care of them." I am from this point serious problems to watch him because I want to basically all three of them fall off a cliff with sharp spikes on the bottom.
Dong-hyun know returns and offers Seok-ju with stock options, with the added incentive to leave Seok-ju exactly when you have to pay to sell. Seok-ju points out that this is illegal, but the chaebol rapist says he sure Seok-ju know how to let everything appear knotless.
in his office Seok-ju gets some news from the vet about his dog. His dog has cancer, and he has to decide on a course of treatment. Seok-ju showing more emotion after the bad news about his dog to hear, as we have not seen it from him. He says he the veterinarian's office with a decision in the next day or two, and looks at a picture of him will come with his dog on his desk.
Ji-Yoon Seok-ju runs into in the elevator again, and the memory of the unrequited watch flusters her. She goes after him, to see him only with CEO Cha meeting. Seok-ju has early to leave his mother monument, and his boss gives him a bottle of expensive wine for the ceremony.
Ji-Yoon returns to the elevator, and CEO Cha invites them to join him. He praises them for their work, and asks if there is anything he can do to reward them. After listening to less prestigious law schools their juniors would she did get the same opportunity to see, it promises to be compiled for the next three years an opening for graduates from their university. She is overwhelmed by the gesture, and collapsed with a big smile on her face from.
After she goes, the boss, musing that it curious and interesting to meet someone who Kim Seok-ju flusters. His help asking whether he should look at her, but the CEO decides not to. You do not always have investigated their own lawyers privacy, and they will not start now. It is merely an interesting anomaly, and he is looking forward to see what will happen.
When Ji-Yoon house, her aunt watched television with her younger brother Ji Hyuk. Ji-Hyuk promises to pass an audition and became the star of the family. Aunt says she believes in him ... but they will not invest more of their money into it.
Ji-Yoon remembers the clock, but it's not where you left it. She asked her family, and Ji-Hyuk circumvention breaks alarm bells. She asks if he took it, and it distracts from the question of whether she has a boyfriend, because it was a man's watch. It turns out that Ji Hyuk shamelessly traded the watch for a drum that Ji-Yoon asks him to give a well-deserved spanking.
Seok-ju comes to his mother's memorial. Seok-ju bowed to the shrine of his mother, while the rest of the family looks.
areWhen she brings at the table for dinner, Seok-ju Aunt case assembled with the forced laborers. She wonders why the company took on such a controversial case, especially if they already so rich.
It soon becomes clear that Seok-ju relationship with his father is strained, to say the least. They have very different worldviews, with his father principle especially placing another what the cause of Seok-ju resentment turns to his father.
Seok-ju's father thinks that he is committed to host the forced laborers and the defense of a Japanese company after the horrors during the occupation despicable. Seok-ju replies that not everyone, like his father may be famous for one of the principles for sticking, and he is satisfied with his life.
The conflict to a head comes when his father asks in disgust what his mother would think if she could see him now. But Seok-ju replies that it was just self-sacrificing labor and moral commitment to its principles of his father who suffered left his wife and die alone. He gets up to leave, and when his cousin asked him to apologize for forgiveness and ask that he stated that he would not have said it if he did not mean it.
When Seok-ju comes for work the next morning, there is an urgent message: his client, Park Dong-hyun, was murdered. Police have Jung Hye-ryeong arrested as the prime suspect, as they, to see the last person to, Dong-hyun was alive. The message seems Seok-ju to influence as he pops a counter and walks unsteadily to his office, while Ji-Yoon looks after him.
Sang-tae office enters, shocked by the turn of events. Seok-ju not seem affected, take calmly a call from a meeting later in the afternoon. CEO Cha comes soon after in and Sang-tae leaves prompted Seok-ju him out of trouble by attending a presentation to save later.
CEO Cha apologizes to Seok-ju for making him get involved in the personal life of a chaebol heir. He asks if Seok-ju would like to go to the funeral with him. Before leaving, says CEO Cha Seok-ju that some people to lead extraordinary lives are destined to cost them the happiness of ordinary people.
Seok-ju sitting with another team at a presentation in. Your customers want to go with another company, and Seok-ju's employees have their convincing skills , Seok-ju has a moment when he loses his train of thought, hinted that he would be affected by the message more than he can tell, but he gains his composure quickly and delivers a rousing speech that the customer satisfied with the company to keep another team out of a difficult position.
outside the conference room, Gossip trainees about how cold and it is concentrated in a last-minute presentation is to hear and guarantor for such messages. Ji-Yoon adds that it is exactly the same in court, ruthless and unsympathetic. He goes by the interns prompt fears that he might have listened to it. "Of course he did," said Sang-tae, the head as well as them. "They have excellent diction." HA!
is after a late-night exclusive meeting where Seok-ju in the legal department in the higher-ups, he leaves for the funeral. As he walks through the waiting room, he overheard a few guests ask what happens in rape trial that could have pushed into murder Hye-ryeong.
Later Seok-ju and his boss talk with Dong-hyun father. The chaebol Regrets be so soft, clean up with his son and always after his messes. If he would take him to jail, he reflected with a heavy sigh, at least he still would be alive. I can not help but think that it will also be much less victims of rape. You're getting no sympathy from me, Mr. chaebol.
you meet another CEO who has come to pay his respects, and he specifies, Seok-ju that he may soon have to swing by the office. He fired some employees recently, and the union is making a racket. Seok-ju, of course, will be able to make the problem go away.
After the funeral Seok-ju goes alone down a dark alley, deep in thought. Suddenly he is startled by bright lights, and a faceless form on a motorcycle. He has pushed the street, just below some hazardous materials. The framework is disturbed and collapses, and Seok-ju is buried in the rubble. The only part of it is now visible, his hand that he is weak still alive.
I was a little worried about Park Min-young character when I read the teaser for the show. I mean that seriously internally diligently with an unwavering moral compass? I was not blown away by the originality of the premise, to say the least. But a sign need not necessarily be cheering breakthrough to be strong, and I found myself on the first episode for Ji-Yoon. Park Min-young's hard not to root, so I avoid that the issue of seats firmly in cheering section. She is bold and credible in this role (and beautifully, but surely I'm not so shallow as to let me that my assessment influence their actions ... is not it?)
What Kim Seok-ju ... wow. Kim Myung-min makes moral revulsion and blatant selfishness Sound good! His voice is absolutely hypnotic, and I can see why he was so effective courtroom lawyer. The magic wore off about half of the episode, but when I saw how completely he lacks in anything is even remotely resembling a conscience. This moment in the bar when the former NIS agent about the possibility boasted to distinguish Dong-hyun bastard children by other men of the children ... argh. I can not even. I let out a cheer when I saw that Dong-hyun was killed, and I can not help but think that Seok-ju not he has played in corrupting the testing process because of the role much better and allows the rapist. He has a way has to go before I can see him without disgust, but I'm sure he deserve the second chance he's been given. Please, amnesia, work to your magic!
During the first two episodes seemed a little slow (maybe terrible things to do because of the focus on terrible people and getting away with them), this drama has the ingredients all awesomeness. I mean, a main pair Channeling Pride and Prejudice, the heroine City Hunter and Sungkyunkwan scandal and salvation history ?! Sold to the Purple Cow in Table 3!
, the stage is set, introduced the characters and induces amnesia ... I can not wait for the real story begin!
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