Our doctor blades set Strangers: Doctor stranger begins in a tortuous power play as the mystery aspect of this show take precedent, which means filled an hour by spies, politicians and surgeons (oh, my). When faced with the actual face of his first and only love, poor Hoon no exception to the proverb seems to be that love to fool makes us all because it of sewing only is capable of just about anything but his own broken Heart.
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as Agent Cha watches Seung-hee approach Hoon from the security fewer hospital equipment, we flash back to the moment he held a gun to his head, for fear that they might fail their mission.
But Seung-hee, fearless, confident agents Cha let them meet Hoon. "I am Han Seung-hee "she confirmed, responded to the Agent-Cha:" Yes, Han Seung-hee Han Seung-hee, that I created "
haveSeung-hee not deny and remembered! instead Agent Cha their mission: "I am Han Seung-hee remain until the surgical team Prime Minister created After that I as song Jae-hee will live that our plan from the beginning was ... If you do not believe me, to shoot me. "
He did not, which brings us to another flashback of Agent Cha undergo in DPRK brutal torture as a result of Hoon escape , That's how he lost his finger, which explains why he (missing) received bone to pick with Hoon.
Agent-Cha loads his weapon and unable to control himself, muttering: "Long live the DPRK" before he shoots Hoon twice.
only is this scenario yielded a figment of Agent Cha to have been imagination, as Hoon's quasi-reunion with Seung-hee on uninterrupted.
Hoon is sure Seung-hee-hee Jae is, and seems lost in his own mind when he compliments her new hairstyle. But if they only blink confusingly, Hoon asks desperately: "Can not you recognize me?"
Seung-hee Soo-hyun to help looks as she pulls her wrist Hoon handle and at least Soo hyun tried the situation by dispel Seung-hee, whether someone named Song Jae-hee.
"Song Jae-hee knows? Who's that?" Seung-hee replies Hoon caused the red bracelet to draw he took from patient Kim. He asks her if she recognizes it as it it is the same made for them when they first met, but answered his questions with indignation when Seung-hee accuses him of stealing what they were for the patients.
they tried the bracelet to take back, but tears lands only in two halves. Poor Hoon is so confused that his Jae-hee not recognize him, and Seung-hee ends both halves of the bracelet to Soo-hyun given before it heads to the hospital to work.
If Hoon her attempts Soo-hyun has to follow in order to restrain him physically. She tries to get him to listen to reason, since Seung-hee said she was not Jae-hee, but he is not not , they accept. "She's Jae-hee!" He says, tears in her eyes. "She's Jae-hee."
While Soo-hyun tried and failed to stop Hoon, Seung-hee Agent Cha says that he made the right choice to let it show. He is not satisfied with the decision, and grudgingly claimed that he did it for the mission. "I hope you never forget," Seung-hee replies.
Hoon will not listen when Soo-hyun says Seung-hee is to ignore him, because they do not know him, and asks Soo-hyun as they believe that when the video of Jaeger hee saw.
looks lost for a moment even Soo-hyun as the uncanny resemblance between the two, but a logical explanation remembers of what on earth is going on, can not find.
So Hoon pulls Seung-hee aside again, everything he tried to go, that they get to recognize him. It is sad because he thinks that they in this way only behaves, because he did not look for them, and he does everything but apologizing on his knees.
But Seung-hee patience reached its breaking point when Hoon they tried with him to keep at the expense of one of their patients so that they so important him back to reality, should not beat, a doctor as a patient be, she barks, which is something he should understand, if he claims to be a doctor.
Soo-hyun is a devastated Hoon left to Seung-hee leaves, and they persuaded him gently away, as they arrange him another meeting with his might love.
to help promises
Meanwhile, a stone-faced Seung-hee told Agent-Cha that the whole plot was devised so that Hoon would believe that Jae hee is alive. And in this way they will back him Myungwoo hospital, because if she goes, he will want to follow.
Agent-Cha main concern is whether the stubborn Chairman Oh will Hoon let back into the fold, but Seung-hee is unconcerned-all they have to do, the help of someone is winning, the can the old man to change opinion.
Prime Minister Jang on some issues running in the creation of a committee without strict presidential supervision, with an adequate number of installers on its side. One of them noticed yourself how idiotic it is for the president to trouble the man (Prime Minister Jang) who provided him with the request to his campaign fund in office, in a clear sign of support for Jang.
But the prime minister gets a visitor in the bathroom, and one he seems very familiar with: Agent-Cha. The conspiracy thickens.
The two of them have some sort of agreement that goes, and it goes on forever Hoon remain in Myungwoo hospital employs. Therefore asks Agent Cha Jang Prime Minister a little muscle to use Chairman Oh get Hoon to accept back, otherwise their "plan" is over.
But Prime Minister Jang closely watched Spies by the President is and know will be risky, is provided to a secret meeting with the Chairman Oh, that. Luckily white nightshade what's going on, and has a plan to take care of business.
Soo-hyun accompanied Hoon for a drink, and tried to get him to see that Seung- hee is not the person he believed to he shows her online profile.
There, Seung-hee poses for pictures with non Jae-hee parents because Hoon clearly Jae-hee's father recalls how he begged him to save his daughter's life. It's cute how Soo-hyun tried to cheer him up by asking him about his life, only Hoon memories of his parents are unhappy-as his father ever shot, and his mother never caring.
Jae-joon calls Soo-hyun go unanswered, as we find them and Hoon thoroughly devastated by one (or five) too many bottles of soju. Soo-hyun babbles that Hoon was about Jae-hee just forgotten, but Hoon breaks just outa stupid smile as he again insults "to keep I go to them until I die."
Soo-hyun claimed that she is jealous, and gets that look far away in her eyes as she wonders how nice it must be, for Jae-hee have someone to take care of it so much. Hoon tries they make you feel better by mentioning that they Jae-joon (with a big nose, ha) to do the same for them has
However, Soo-hyun is not so sure. "Do you think he thinks of me all the time?" Hoon thinks for a moment before he replied that he would be surprised if Jae-joon did, not to mention his prickly personality their consideration. Soo-hyun's true, but then makes to try to misstep on toast "Jae-hee, who is in heaven."
Hoon his glass pops. "Why is Jae-hee in the sky? Why Jae-hee? Is alive. She lives, damn it!" He stumbles to his feet, and Soo-hyun has to catch him before he falls. Close contact them insecure, and while Hoon eyes are closed, she reached to brush her fingers against his cheek.
Unbeknownst to her, Jae-joon observed from afar. (If a romantic moment happened, and a second line, there is not to see it, it makes a noise?) He calls to ask where it is, as he does not know, and it is that they are in the house her mother is and needs some time to think.
You seem to be disappointed in himself after hanging up, but by the time Hoon does not come back to her place. Instead, he sees (imagines?) Jae-hee against, and muses sitting that this must be why people drink. So they can see the people who miss them
Of course, Soo-hyun her so-called, that he could apologize to her, only now to be drunk, he's so good to do nothing. Seung-hee lands offers her house for Hoon to crash, but as he takes on the bed, Soo-hyun travel and ends up in the arms wrapped. Hoon does not notice and keeps Jae-hee name muttering.
Soo-hyun, her father says she tonight that at mama's house staying not untrue because Seung-hee House is Mom House , Soo-hyun her mother's old room Offer After, Seung-hee comments about seem like to be close to Soo-hyun and Hoon, which means that their relationship romantic.
laugh awkwardly, Soo-hyun, dispute the claim, and stated that Hoon so strange to Seung-hee, because the dead woman he acted really loves how her looks scary.
Seung-hee acts surprised to hear that, and expresses her desire to learn more about Hoon old flame, while it continues to sleep.
to Chairman Oh ask Hoon another chance, Prime Minister Jang give away creeps out of the spy of the President during the time for a breakfast for family members of the 38th parallel separated instead.
to findSpeaking of which, framed pictures of Seung-hee Hoon wakes up on the walls, and immediately thinks Jae hee. He tears to look through the house to her, and ends the bathroom door open ...
... Where Soo-hyun is only one towel carry. Oops. She throws things at him in response, and make it cold it with a flimsy plastic bowl, knock out.
When he comes to, Doctor Moon has arrived to take him to meet Chairman Oh. But Hoon is not interested in his job back in time and just want Seung-hee, to see who started working in the main hospital from today.
Soo-hyun remains while Dr. Moon takes him, looking disappointed to see him go. That's where President Oh find her to tell her that he has given Hoon a second chance, although he claims it was her who changed his mind and not the Prime Minister.
Father and daughter sharing a moment when she shed a few tears in his arms, and he's cute enough to also wipe away her tears. AWW.
After Prime Minister Jang has a good laugh on the preference of the President on time (this guy must get out), he asks Nightshade about Seung-hee-he wants first hand to see their skills. [1945009[
While Doctor Moon compares Hoon Jae-hee sightings of people who think that they saw foreigners Hoon called Chang-yi mother their help in confirming to win if Seung-hee is Jae hee. Chang-yi but sulking especially when she hears this, more than anything else want Hoon would just forget about Jae-hee.
Because Myungwoo Hospital creeps just a drive-through for everyone to wear a white lab coat, Agent-Cha to deal with the loose end, the Chang-yi mother-only he is just there to start things, as prime minister wants to see Jang Seung-hee doctoring skills.
After a successful operation, Jae-joon updated Hoon and Chang-yi on her mother status with skepticism by Hoon taken because he did not think her condition was serious enough to justify a sudden heart surgery.
This is Jae-joon another chance heads with Hoon butt, as he claims that everything that could happen if a patient is as old as Chang-yi mother, although he the surgical success of anesthesiologists excellent preparation crediting. He impressed with Seung-hee.
Hoon eyes widened second Seung-hee before him unmasked, but he manages to contain this time. Even if he is flooded with memories of Jae-hee, he finally treated Seung-hee as a separate person to apologize on the night before his drunkenness.
However, as he later revealed Chang-yi, he is still not sure who is Seung-hee. He hopes that he will be able to ask her mother, when she wakes up.
Jae-joon draws Hoon aside to tell him to get lost, make it a point to threaten him away from Soo-hyun. Hoon brush with his usual cavalier attitude, and asks if Jae-joon means that he has to steer clear of the "quack".
That's when Jaeger joon grabs him by the collar, but all growl in his face that he Soo-hyun, a quack can not call. "In my eyes, she is," Hoon responds Then he looks over Jae-joon's shoulder. "What do you think, Quack"
And it's Soo-hyun, in which stared two of them as the crazy men they are. I love how Jae-joon immediately tried to play it cool of Hoon clothing smooth, all, Sorry, I went overboard while Hoon's just happy to leave the two of them things . to clarify
Jae-joon claiming an apology only Soo-hyun doctorly honor against Hoon protect quack claims, the eyebrows Soo-hyun raising: "that one is not so."
Whatever Jae-joon defense, Soo-hyun asks him simply to take it to Hoon-but they are now working together. Jae-joon was unaware that Chairman Oh changed his mind and seems transitions from the jealous boyfriend to Perfect boyfriend to change, as he asks for dinner Soo-hyun made. Unfortunately for him, she had other plans.
Doctor Moon Hoon intends to draw to the Chairman, to ask for forgiveness, to be met only by hospital director Choi, the Hoon immediately recognizes as ajusshi that him. Sent to the DPRK as a child
Director Choi told the two, the chairman Oh forgave Hoon, but Hoon is less than thrilled to Choi's brings Father-and that if Hoon wants as good a surgeon like his father was to be, he has a lot to learn.
but he only gets Hoon attention when he shows him a picture of Jae-hee and this sympathetic Hungarian doctor. He explains that his only way to apologize for what he did Hoon, he was in the hospital to make a doctor, and that he plans to help him find Jae-hee.
Hoon kicks his fist down and storms out refusing to hear more. He confuses more Doctor moon when he tells him that Jae-hee does not match the on the north, it is here.
While Seung-hee something Kevorkian sneaks in Chang-yi mother IV Agent Cha reported to nightshades that Seung hee was successful in the operation. But night she wants to see "other" skills.
None of the doctors can find out why Chang-yi mother holds in shrinkage and out of consciousness, and for once Hoon his Genius selects on the back burner to let so he may look like everyone else as confused.
with Seung-hee are right there, Hoon asks Chang-yi mother if she still could see Jaeger hee when they saw them. But before they can even turn her head, instead it focuses on Director Choi when he enters to recognize him as the man who got out of the prison camp. Somehow.
Director Choi is confused by her condition as he remembered to be in order, as they came to the land of their health. She falls unconscious again before she can answer, and Seung-hee accepts their care.
Hoon and Chang-yi ask Director Choi for some clarification, and we see in flashback as he was the contact in North Korea, which made the deal to Chang-yi mom out.
He claims he Smuggler used in as cover, because he did not want to be known his involvement until he found Jae-hee. And that he wanted to convey the hope Hoon by the smuggling of Chang-yi Mom out hope that he would one day with Jae-hee unite.
Chang-yi mother wins the confidence and notes that Seung-hee again look does as Jae-hee really. But when they are (mostly) alone, she says Hoon that despite the similarities, Seung-hee is not Jae-hee, because she saw Jae-hee die with their own eyes.
that's when Director Choi cuts to say that it is true-Jae-hee is not alive, and he knows so from a reliable source. Hoon his doctor's coat after he, Choi tells him that he would in the north here after taking care of business back, but refuses to allow Hoon, to go with him to risk.
He leaves after Hoon to say that there is something he give him before he first leaves just enough time for the DPRK leaves that happen for something bad to him. Especially since Seung-hee the entire exchange overheard.
As an agent-Cha asks why they not only kill Chang-yi mother, Seung-hee says it's because her death was not what wanted Prime Minister Jang.
But now that Hoon is back in the hospital and Chairman Oh is maintained under Prime Minister Jang thumb, Seung-hee, that everything is going according to plan. Agent-Cha Hands night records of Chang-yi mother in and out of the coma as evidence of Seung-hee "skills".
Doctor Moon wonders if Seung-hee might be a North Korean spy and asks Hoon when they had no other identification marks. Hoon remembers her kidney (that it is carried out), which would leave the real Jae-hee with only one kidney.
So Doctor Moon tried some pull strings to get their medical records, but when he finds out just how it is illegal, he withdraws. Hoon not, and waived the law to take a look ...
... Just to see that Seung-hee has two kidneys. Doctor Moon rejoices, because it means they will be not , a spy, while Hoon begins to accept what the truth seems to be. That Seung-hee is not Jae-hee
"It's fate," said Hoon to himself. Each person has a different beat. Just like how no two people have the same face. "He thinks back to when he Jae-hee held to his heart and said that their heartbeats were the same.
After Seung-hee is officially on the rest of the Cardiothoracic Department asks Hoon for one minute of their time only he calls them officially as "Seung-hee" now.
she thinks that it it is to apologize and tells him he does not need to, as they heard the story of Soo-hyun and understands what he goes through. Hoon replied as if she said anything, and tells her what he'd just been thinking about how each clocks are different.
So he asks for a favor, but do not tell her what it is ahead of time. Instead, he goes up to her, wraps his arms around her, and listens. Ba-dum, dum ba-ba-dum.
Seung-hee balls her fist as Hoon to the steady sound of her heart stopped beating in perfect unison. When the realization hits, his eyes wide open.
Three cheers for Hoon to be proactive! I was really starting to worry Watch Hoon most of the episode in a permanent state of reaction spend that as it is for someone understandable, but still not that fun to sit through. Watch Hoon in a constant state of nervous breakdown through his scenes hike not felt like someone treated pass through a bad to see Breakup and in this way those closest Hoon him as just the truth come to accept.
So the end was actually more gratifying than it would before have been only an episode, although I'm not great after an hour on the registration, which was sluggish at best grounded and frustrating confused at worst. On the one hand I'm glad the show will be presented by secret Hoon view because we literally only know as much as he does every moment. It beats the alternative of the public to know all the secrets, far ahead of time because the expenditure wait episode after the hero to find out what we already know, is a formula that works without doubt, but one that also a lot of how to know who starts the winner himself, is before the race.
on the other side is, this show forte is not to get in dropping helpful hints, which means that we was as confused as Hoon. Whole scenes have been issued type-of-maybe-not-really try to go to paint a picture of the big conspiracy, and if the point was just to show us that it is a conspiracy without something to reveal on said conspiracy, then mission accomplished: we are still confused. Why though? Why this shadow play with a political history that has absolutely zero sympathetic character?
Because the world was becoming smaller and every man over the age of forty was revealed part of a nefarious plan involved Hoon, I was at least glad to for the reception of Director Choi be. Sure, it does not make much sense-a hospital director who guy to have Hoon back appears in his hand perfected refugees smuggle because he's sorry, but he literally is one that immediately him makes better than most. If we do not connect to any of the people in power in the it is Hoon to get (because everyone is out Hoon get ), we have at least one person with a higher knowledge, which can serve as Hoon guide in the world of political-turned-medical folly. That being said, when Director Choi turns out to be yet another villain in the next episode, just pretend like I never said anything.
Whether Hoon now has a definitive answer to the question whether Seung-hee is Jaeger hee is at stake, but for his sake and ours I hope that he will come to a decision. There are a lot of fun dramatic possibilities when Hoon begins to operate on the basis that Seung-hee and Jae-hee are the same person, since he could put his brilliant mind start out to work, what happened to her and why especially if he has to do in order to assert its investigation while to buy her disguise. Of course, the when is the Seung-hee persona a disguise.
Either way, Hoon has only to be himself and resolute action over Seung-hee / Jae-hee / Who is they start one or the other. All I can hope for more moments with Soo-hyun, because she is a princess, to the need a white knight in her corner, Jae-joon of Dungeons and Dragons rid metaphors damn.
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