Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 16

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 16 -

There are high points higher points in punch still best sequence s', although this is almost superfluous to say in a show where each week a tip that before he came in sheer intensity. finally expose Together with our anti-hero relentless pursuit of justice, Kang-jae and Tae-joon everything, that is probably one of the best / worst ideas Kang-jae ever had. Regardless of what it means to him, it is equal to a few damn good drama for us, so all I can say is here :. More, please


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observed after a news report that the refugee (ish) Kang jae is expected to grow at Jung-hwan press conference appear that night, Ho-sung presented Tae-joon with the missing ten minutes interrogation material you have to restore it managed to.

Therein Kang-jae didn 't rat Tae-joon like he was believe out but defended his relations with his longtime friend and refused Ha-Kyung, give everything that they could use to accuse him.

Tae joon is shock left, knowing that what he has done to Kang-jae irreparable under false pretenses.

Now that Kang-jae is in Jung-hwan hands, he tried to stand by his loyalty to Tae-joon, until he has shown detailing Tae-joon public proclamation the latest news reports that he would actively pursue his arrest.

he sings a different tune, which admits after watching, and immediately he the first ₩ 80000000 (for the driver woman Store) in cash from Tae-joon.

is obtained, the problem that there are no witnesses other than Kang-jae, and that the exchange was in cash. Jung-hwan rewinds things where it all began-Tae-sub the murder of Yang researchers, and Tae-joon alleged attempt to cover it up.

Kang-jae spills the beans that he met with the brothers after the incident, and that Tae-joon admitted his brother pushed researcher Yang of the roof in an attempt to obtain Kang-jae help in covering it.

Again though, they have only Kang-jae word, and no evidence. At least until Kang-jae says Tae-sub paid the bill Restaurant that night, which means that it would be evidence in his credit card statements, that he was there. You have to find it before the press conference.

Ho-sung has found the location of the press conference, and can Tae-joon not say fast enough so that he can call Minister Yoon sic independent advice about Jung-hwan & Co.

Yeon-jin hastens Jung-hwan to call to warn him, but he continued undeterred-the press conference as planned.

sure enough, the prosecution of the independent consultancy broke through the press doors only empty the press wait and see on stage. Then a live video feed of Kang-jae will begin to give his confession. Ahahaha. I can only laugh when Jung-hwan attracts brilliant moves like this.

He is broadcasting from Jung-hwan interim office when he admits that he won the eighty millions of Tae-joon directly received and more damningly that it all started when Lee Tae-sub murdered researcher Yang.

, where all the details of the attempted cover-up of Tae-joon to the media that go into a literal frenzy. The press conference will take in the exact same restaurant space where Tae-joon told him about the murder, and to prove that Tae-sub, there was that night, Ha Kyung hands out copies of Tae-Sub credit card statement all those present.

Kang-jae claims that his obedience Tae-joon as a soldier was to be general, and that the ₩ 80 million came from a larger slush funds is currently under investigation by the independent Council. But he swears on his life, which has the larger sum you nothing to do it with him, have tried pinning, finishing by asking citizens to find the truth.

Tae-joon switched off the TV in a daze, only a call from Jung-hwan to invite him for their favorite food from. Jajangmyeon


the sob story of his impoverished youth Tae-joon at the table Jung-hwan has heard many times before, but this time, Tae-joon is impressive to him that he was his origin, it shoved a prosecutor to be.

And as Minister Yoon tried to take his accusers robe from him more than once, musing Jung-hwan that Tae-joon them even more than he must hate. He proposes a deal that they work together both her takedown has the onerous NIS Chip Tae-joon.

His reasoning is that Tae-joon eventually fall anyway, and he has to deal with expired time they both simultaneously. But Tae-joon smiles that he does not fall only because they found a receipt of his brother, although Jung-hwan it compares to start a devastating fire with a cigarette.

He claims to pay for their dinner when Tae-joon is the chip so that Tae-joon to immediately pay the bill itself. Jung-hwan sighs that Tae-joon is it time to make it do not use what I'm pretty sure that the whole point is.

He tells Ha-Kyung on the situation, both to know from them that if Tae-joon not expose the chip, they are the facts of must suspend Kang-jae story piece by piece-a much more time-consuming process. Jung-hwan know that, but swears he'll have live long enough, ready to see it.

Thinking back to Tae-joon asks him why he was a prosecutor, Jung-hwan sees himself in an old picture and says that he would have to show them all privileged children. They all went to the fanciest schools while he could not, but he proved he was still better.

Ha Kyung disagree with this, citing how she knew him to be warm and friendly, as they are both still in training. Jung-hwan flashes back to the day they both took their oath.

But because of his condition, he behaves like he the memory live again, losing its awareness of the present. Just as he did then, he holds out his hand and recited the oath and 'accuser Ha Kyung, break her heart when she realized what happened, joins him in the recitation.

He flashed her a beaming smile as he had then. Ha-Kyung may include only hold him and cry.

Tae-joon, there is at odds with both Minister Yoon and the chief of staff when it comes and claims to the possibility of his resignation, he wants when he did not mess everything in two days time elucidated.

Outside he recalls Minister Yoon that if he goes down, he'll take with him. She is not so sure-when he cover up a murder suspect is, he is obliged to. By an investigation, trial and imprisonment If it stays in place, it can help get him a reduced sentence or even a pardon.

But if he has someone else who can help, she asks, then by all means it is to expose the chip for free. Tae-joon makes a call to find out where Kang-jae daughter goes to school.

Kang-jae brightens to a video call from his daughter get to fall on his face when the camera pans to reveal Tae-joon there with her. The threat is implicit: Kang-jae daughter is good if Kang-jae agrees to meet with him

So Kang-jae does, and is beautiful. awesome with the place that he chooses, since it on a roof and puts Tae-joon him to another. So close yet so far.

Tae-joon wants Kang-jae low to place abroad for a few years, claiming he would pay for him and his family, but Kang-jae asks only: "Did you about me ever cried"

Tae-joon wept when he found out about Jung-hwan tumor and when he sent Ha Kyung jail, but he did not shed a tear when he sent him away after twenty years together. He is not about to forget the past, as Tae-joon wants because he accused him of laundering donated pocketing billion .

"In order for me to live, you must fall," Kang-jae says. Tae-joon has to take on the 27 billion, so that they do not fall on the shoulders. "I want to. Cry I need to see see you here," he adds, his voice trembled.

With tears rolled down his cheeks, Kang-jae told him about the day, committed suicide Tae-sub ... and how he was the one who told him that the prosecution would be suspended if he died is. Whoa now, let's think about it ...

Kang-jae. "I told him if he wanted to save you, he should throw himself into the container I told him you would some bring heavy clothing. When he jumped up with heavy clothing, he would sink faster and deeper. I told him that. "

Holy. Mist.

Kang-jae not say it. With threat, in fact, he almost sobbed until he get away with it Tae-joon screams incredulously, his eyes filled with tears when he asks why. But Kang-jae got what he wanted, as he is now crying in front of him. Da. from him

Tae-joon whole body shaking with the sobs wracking through him, but his expression turns into a pure rage when Kang-jae goes away. Uh oh.

He has a really sad moment alone later when he eats the kudzu root his brother gave him, just before he jumped. He thinks about his brother's last words back, his victim when he tried to control the emotions that threatened to consume him.

Tae-joon Minister Yoon goes with a plan research together with the 27 billion to Kang-jae, stuck Yang murder. In fact, it is because Yang threatened to expose him that Kang-jae murdered him, and changed the forensic records Ha Kyung instead to engage. (Even worse, he did do , but for Tae-joon.) Is

murder, where Minister Yoon draws the line, claiming that they do not close their eyes case may like this. Tae-joon reminds them that he has the chip, which can end their careers when he tells her that she so much as refocusing their sights on Kang-jae would not close her eyes.

In addition, he says "it is true that Kang-jae killed a man."

While Tae-joon coerces / threatens four chief prosecutor in everything the preparation they have anything to pin on Kang-jae and Jung-hwan, Minister Yoon tries get Ha-Kyung with her against her own husband to side that would soon die anyway.

Minister Yoon, Tae-joon to endanger reasons that their world can never be perfect, and that they must learn to coexist. Of course, it does not look only to save because Kang-jae would find mean that Tae-joon would the chip out.

Ha Kyung comparing a lazy flower on a tree stubbornly cling where all others have flowers wilted way for new growth to make. The only solution is to pick the rotten flower, so that a new business will grow, they will do together with Jung-hwan.

Yeon-jin updates Jung-hwan to Tae-joon plan what him to conclude that they find irrefutable evidence that Tae-Sub researchers Yang killed to stop him

There is only one problem. He does not have that evidence. He and Kang-jae have to work to find it. Kang-jae thinks it is hopeless if they are against Tae-joon and Minister Yoon, until the building owners, the payment of the CCTV footage from the roof reminds delete that showed Tae-sub, the fact to do.

Kang -jae is excited at the thought that reclaim file because it would mean his freedom. He and Jung-hwan head over to the building as a team, but Jung-hwan is held by one of his leg cramps.

For once Kang-jae is concerned about Jung-hwan well, because he needs to live it, until they can restore the CCTV file. Jung-hwan forces through the pain and says he has no right to Tae-joon and Minister Yoon dying negotiation.

But teamwork could be short-lived, as Kang-jae seems to be some more ideas of his own. He convinced Jung-hwan let himself meet with the security manager, but Jung-hwan is not so easily fooled and selects the Korean equivalent of 911.

Knowing that it will take a long time to restore the deleted, pictures, Kang-jae calls Minister Yoon in the middle of their press him for the murder of researchers Yang and many other crimes related to him.


She rushes out of the call to accept, where Kang-jae told her that he already has the CCTV file proof Tae-sub, is the killer , Minister Yoon holds the head and steadies himself against a wall as Kang-jae its demands for a boat makes the land and money in return for the file.

It is the same thing, Tae-joon promised him, but he has the file to her before she admits Jung-hwan. Minister Yoon promises him to send a car, and Kang-jae is looking for a way to draw attention without Jung-hwan.

But when he gets outside, the police are already there. He is a wanted fugitive after all.

He tried to run in back, but Jung-Hwan has locked the door. There is not enough room for him, but there is plenty of room for him, the USB to exist through the broken glass. It can capture either the presentation of the USB and to finish his elevator as a murderer, or give it to him and hope that he can recover the deleted images.

Kang-jae him the file directly from the police run on his hands. Jung-hwan is like the boss to go away, which it is.

He was besieged by the press is the second he has led in handcuffs from the police car, all of them already assuming he murdered researcher Yang. Kang-jae looks into the camera and mouths "Restore it" so Jung-hwan to see.

Tae-joon breaking dinner at the Blue House in order to be there in the interrogation room when Kang-jae transferred to the independent advice is. Now he is no longer crying, but smiling.

He wants to know what his brother to Kang-jae after he suggested suicide, and after he tells him, Tae-joon is poured out for his late brother and business that empty cup to Kang-jae.

Kang-jae reached meek for her, only for Tae-joon to beat him HARD across the face, sending him to the ground. After Kang-jae stutters that he live twenty years for him, Tae-joon replies coldly: "I lived for me, you should have done the same thing Why live for me it everyone is for himself..?."

he gets Kang-jae firmly under his heel as he threatens to ruin the lives of all his family to leave begging for forgiveness Kang-jae. "I can forgive you for" Tae-joon says. "But I can not forgive my brother." He repeated it again, his eyes far away and crazy halfway. Eek.

Tae-joon pays a surprise visit to his home to Jung-hwan to win with expensive gifts on his family. Minister Yoon told him about the CCTV file, and he's here to get it from Jung-hwan.

He makes himself at home in Jung-hwan bed before admitting that he can not lose this one. Jung-hwan numbers are at an impasse because it either can not lose. "It's hard, is not it, Jung-Hwan?" Tae-joon asks. "I'm too tired."

Jung-hwan said he would offer Tae-Joon his bed, but he can not Oh have in prison. well he can spend the next ten minutes, before he speaks. They share both a view and a moment of volumes.

Tae-joon wants in the country at any center Private Investigators suitable recovering these recordings, a performance that thinks Ho -Sung is impossible there must hundreds of places that can do it.

But Tae-joon would not even regardless of whether they were thousands, because it will be the end of the line for him, when the material is released.

Ha Kyung know they'll have a hard time to find somewhere to have the recordings . with Tae-joon as it is to recover on it, however, since Jung-hwan and Tae-joon are so similar, he knows how it works: "we are always look far ahead so that we miss important things near to us. "

he sees Ha-Kyung, when he says that, in a way that he did not know what to do with her would have. But saying that the darkest Leuchter among rings true here because he plans to give the file in the digital forensics center right in their office. Hah, and it is literally one floor below Tae-Joon.

Ha-Kyung Jung enlists lawyer help in the digital forensics team ever to drop everything on winning the footage and work in complete secrecy, not less.

Tae-joon is flummoxed that Jung-hwan has gone nowhere evidently restore the file, and has something hilarious on the conversation in front of the office where the file is actually working.

are fed back tomorrow with the file set, Jung-hwan and Ha Kyung-only task will be to keep Tae-joon distracted by then.

Meanwhile, Yeon-jin called Jung-hwan of a meeting with Tae-joon, as they can not hear it in so usually. to report Ho Sung Tae-joon, asserted but asks that he not Yeon-jin, because their line was busy, could achieve. (Noooo no no no no no.)

Da Yeon-jin stands in front of him, Tae-joon finally suspected wrong is something. They do not realize when he tried to call her, just to get the message that it is on the other line. He knows. He knows.

He did not know that he deceived keep Jung-hwan white fine. Yeon-jin leaves nothing to suspect. This is bad.

"Jung-hwan, I can not lose," Tae-joon thinks of himself.

"That's too bad. I can not lose," Jung-hwan thinks.


Huch. I could not be more concerned for Yeon-jin, especially because we have come to know quite well over the course of this series, and they like to play for the winning team. When Tae-joon he may exploit ruin their future in politics a weakness of it, what are the chances that they will let Jung-hwan like a hot potato and spill the position of CCTV recordings?

By and large, the whole is one of the best scenes was almost difficult nor Kang-jae and Tae-joon rooftop confrontation with the emotions on display had to be so raw and real that observed. Neither people to change the style, but Kang-jae, the uneasiness was palpable when he asked if Tae-joon had ever shed a tear for him, as he has for Jung-Hwan. They feel that this was a man on the edge of despair, for a little sunbeam of hope put through and to prove that the last twenty years that he spent in the service Tae-joon were not spent in vain.

and its reaction in this moment of recognition was strange man and assignable, even if we want to think than it otherwise would act if placed under the same conditions. But what I did not anticipate was Kang-jae revealed that he was the one who the suicide idea in Tae-sub spirit to plant, because that's a bomb was a secret that died with him were , The only reason why he would have, it was to reveal at this moment strictly personal, because if his twenty years of loyalty (but easily he wavered at times could be) was not enough to bring tears to Tae-joon's eyes, he sure as hell wanted to find a path any way to get the emotional response that he wanted.

on this front, he succeeded, although it could have also placed a bright red target on his forehead in the process. I think there is also the possibility that he did not have much at this point more to lose, at least until Tae-joon told him exactly how he could ruin the lives of his entire family, except for the last in-law. Kang-jae is still a weasel for betraying Jung-hwan when the only ally he had, but fortunately Jung-hwan knows how to deal with rats. Which is likely to be due to its long-standing practice itself.

But if we know one thing, it is that each episode that lays down Tae-joon simply means that he will more times to jump back and hundred ruthless is. The recovered material was the last big map Jung-Hwan has to be to play, and now it all depends on him to play it right. Now that he has to lose a potentially weak link in Yeon-jin and a sworn enemy with nothing but the footage, Jung-hwan better be ready on this one to fight to the death. He seater waiting to do that. he only needs to win. Easy, right? Ha ha ...

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tags: featured, Jo Jaeger hyun, Kim Ah-Joong Kim Rae-won, Bowle

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