Tae-joon of deposit hearing draws ever near, and the deciding factor is Hye-Kyung - she wants her husband back in her life really (and their home)? Chief Prosecutor Choi continue to do his best to spoil things for his nemesis, and Joong-won is charming boyish face veiled his ruthless desire to win, no matter what the cost. In addition, David Lee is charming even when not dressed like the devil.
Hye-Kyung visited Tae -joon in prison, and he warns them that their testimony for his vocation need - be process for bail in a few days, and the big question is whether or not they received him with open arms back.
The Seo siblings are busy crunching numbers to figure out who to keep, make and who they have to be let go. Myung-hee brings her new employee, but Joong-won is not responding. Watching from afar is Joon-ho, who can recognize the signs of impending layoffs. He is confident that they will keep him, but Hye-Kyung looks a little nervous.
you and Joong-won meeting with Lee Eun-joo, a pretty lawyer works for a conglomerate of landowners, and basically everyone is fighting over a piece of land that is for the rehabilitation in the best location. It represents the current landowners during M & J representing the development company. Hye-Kyung has done their homework and know the carefully calculated way Eun-joo has managed to get the majority of landowners on their side -. And get on the side of a strong earnings
But David Lee pops his head in to ask Hye-Kyung to see. He is working on a divorce case with a customer, Hye-Kyung support is requested. Annoyed Hye-Kyung tells him she is working on another case, but appears to be as sociable as his behavior in general, he informed that he is not asking for their help -. He
Yeon-Joo is demanding amused by the fact that Joong-won Hye-Kyung, age and reputation as Tae-joon woman whose will has hired the firm certainly damaging reputation. Yeon-joo flirts significantly with Joong-won, and it seems that they have had something in the past, although it focuses on the business in hand.
Frustrated, Hye-Kyung takes refuge in her office, where she laments the fact that all their effort they the Up to Yeon-joo case study in wasted because only the company wants to use to comfort their clients. Dan advises her to ask David to add their name as one of the lawyers in the divorce case. He will probably not do it, but it can not ask injured.
David in the middle of his sermon about how brutal the divorce court will be as Hye-Kyung arrives in the seminar room. The previously agnostic client rises to greet them, introduce yourself as Shim Eun-sook. She apologizes that it could be difficult to work for Hye-Kyung with her, but she says nervously, that she is grateful for any help Hye-Kyung give.
Eun-sook admits that she is thinking about divorce before, and even met with lawyers. But then her husband would ask forgiveness and they would decide to stay with him. But now she has decided to end things for good.
Since the office comforter, Hye-Kyung listen with a sympathetic expression, but deflected it when she sees Joon- ho their place in the real estate development case to take. Your customer laughs about the price Yeon-joo requests, saying it is impossible. Oh, and that CEO of development company? having taken none other than Cho Guk-hyun, the developer that was Tae-joon reported bribes from.
Hye-Kyung is hardly interested in the location divorce case to be in David, to do the so until Eun-sook that her revealing man is none other than Chief Prosecutor Choi. Well well well. That changes things certainly
Of all the people in the company, Eun-sook thought Hye-Kyung would know exactly what it has been run through -. That's why they asked her to participate. Asks Hye-Kyung, to help her find a certain influence to use against him, because they know they will lose if they do not
Speak of the devil -. Her husband suddenly comes into the conference room, but he ignored his wife attempt each and instead introduce orders Hye-Kyung, to meet with him in private. When she gets out, she murmurs to David that he was better put their names to the case. Ha!
chief prosecutor Choi assumes that Tae-joon in desire his wife for divorce somehow behind Hye-Kyung's participation, but Hye-Kyung replied that he must be completely unaware how his wife feels really. He moves threateningly at her as he warns that he gives no way to divorce his wife -. You have to stay for his sons together
He forcibly grabs her wrist, her warning that he would ensure, Tae-joon does not make bail. He adds that the envelope he was at her door left only the beginning of the evidence he that has will, tear in addition to their family, but of course, Hye-Kyung has no idea what he's talking.
Joong-won sees Yeon-Joo, and it is in hardcore Flirt Mode when she tells him they should meet to discuss the case - private one-on-one, of course. He committed pleasant, but he is distracted by the sight of the chief prosecutor Choi handle on Hye-Kyung.
Once he Yeon-joo bids adieu, he gives Hye-Kyung office to let in peace, that had the prosecutor better release Hye-Kyung arm or he will be charged with assault. Chief Prosecutor Choi leaves to tell Hye-Kyung warning his wife that this time, he did not go easy. It is clearly rattled by the encounter, but calmed Joong-won, that it's okay.
Joong-won brings Hye-Kyung to someone who is their "called Fan," and it is none other than Cho Guk-hyun. He Great her pleasant, reassuring her that Tae-joon situation are all in due course be resolved. Although Tae-joon examined his business at once, he respects still the fallen prosecutor.
Hye-Kyung can not think about the fact stop that this was the man who bribed her husband and even won Joong- and Myung-hee seem a little uneasy with its connections to Tae-joon. When he asks Hye-Kyung join their defense team, Myung-hee assures him that they have experienced lawyers available. Nee. Guk-hyun wants only Hye-Kyung. see
Ji-hoon and his sister, the mysterious DVD found they leave through the front door. You do not know who forgot him there for Ji-hoon set up his hidden camera. It's a secret her father meeting with Guk-hyun footage. Ji-hoon told his sister that they can not show their mother -. You might hate her father even more when she sees it
Myung-hee not thrilled is Guk-hyun to have as their customer, but Joong-won defended him, reminded them that they really know nothing about what happened to Tae-joon case. Also bring Guk-hyun in a lot of money to the company, provided they can get to agree Yeon-Joo customers in the settlement -. The Joong-won he promises will happen, no matter what
Joong-won Ultimatum worry Myung-hee, but it seems the settlement a simple conversation should have with Yeon-joo a glass of wine in her apartment. She asks if he wants to see her new tattoo, then turns around so he can unzip her dress, a tattoo reveals that her spine trails down. Joong-won asks if she'll settle for a lower amount, and she tells him coquettishly that he must find out is after taking a shower and then slips into something "better." Uh-huh.
Once it disappears into the bedroom, Joong-won quietly and quickly opens her laptop, notes download on a flash drive her case. Just then Myung-hee calls him, him turn on the TV to tell. The news reports still to Tae-joon scandal, and Joong-won expects worried Myung-hee about Hye-Kyung of celebrity is the image of their firm to influence.
But what he really should be concerned about is who took the pictures of him and Hye-Kyung (back when they were asked in the rape case for detection) at the hotel. It seems as if there is another potential scandal brewing, this time with him at the center.
Yeon-joo seems amused in bathrobe by the news report. She knew he did not have a thing for "older" women. He tells her that he might be made acceptable to take a rain check, and it is their agreed settlement amount of his client text. Then he calls Hye Kyung, apologized for her to make the subject of another potential scandal. You just roll with it - she knows it will be forgotten in a few days, especially if Tae-joon, the bail hearing any distracting. Even so, Joong-won, says it will be best if they keep each other their distance, at least for a little while.
The next morning, it bursts its sister office in to tell her that these pictures were harmless. She's still annoyed that people will join their company indelibly with infidelity - what could David Lee to make her happy, that's not the image they want for them. She orders Joong-won Hye-Kyung fire
Joong-won stubbornly defended Hye-Kyung, saying that these images involve both -. When Hye-Kyung left, then he will stop also. At least Myung-hee agrees Hye-Kyung even give a chance, but she admits that as much as it is about the company in question, it is more concerned about how they affect her brother personally. explained
Dan is incredibly amused the "scandal", playing dumb as Hye-Kyung desperately the true story behind the photos. But then they are Hye-Kyung a tip - do not try to explain too much in detail. It makes them look guilty. Hee.
Solicitor Chef Choi is to take over the divorce, and the lawyer shows smugly that since Eun-sook signed what amounts prenup essentially on one, it has no property rights and no chance of alimony, and therefore it is ridiculous to give her custody of the children, as she has no income. Eun-sook simply responds with:
know None of the lawyers, what it means, but apparently revealing the threat of the truth about them should be enough to get his chief prosecutor Choi to actually next visit "Triton Fields." Meeting. If he issues to say to her, everyone has about Triton fields, then he can sue only. Finally, it is what he does best
chief prosecutor Choi Tae-joon prison cell arrive unannounced, and orders the guards to seize all "contraband" -. Primarily, the books and files that Tae-joon is currently studying. He warns Tae-joon, that he should have left his family alone, but Tae-joon points out that he could say the same thing to the prosecutor.
He gets in chief prosecutor Choi's face up, giggling, as he says sarcastically that he Eun-sook can not blame for wanting a divorce - it's a nightmare have to live with it. Now, after all these years, he has other people suffer, it's time for the prosecution to enjoy his own medicine.
chief prosecutor Choi warns Tae-joon, that he will make sure that Tae-joon does not make bail and that each of his detention privileges are revoked. Basically put, he is to make his life hell. As he leaves, he Tae-joon handing a paper with the article about Hye-Kyung of "secret affair" at the hotel, smugly informed him that it seems Tae-joon woman is terribly busy these days.
Hye- Kyung is busy - busy working. She stays up late working on Eun-sook case at home, but when her daughter Seo-yeon asks whether the stories are true affair she assures her that it's just a misunderstanding. Seo-yeon worried their parents are divorced, get going, and Hye-Kyung admits that she did visit a divorce attorney when she was angry for the first time with Tae-joon, but now she's trying to accept things, as they are.
Hye-Kyung Tae-joon visited in prison, where he fills in on sudden head Prosektor Chois current trip. The reason why he called down, they had to warn that it might be difficult to stay in touch with her, now that his privileges were taken away. He wants to talk about their testimony for his bail appeal, especially considering what he has just read in the papers.
She tells him nothing happened, and even if it were so, they would first inform him instead of the message to tell him. Unlike him, she is not the kind of person to lie or to hurt their family in this way. As they leave, is, she hesitates for a second, then asks him if he knows anything about Triton fields. That gets his attention, and he leans in, with the intention of finding out how much Eun-sook could know -. Or might be willing Hye-Kyung to say
When she leaves the jail, she runs into Tae-Joon lawyer who is just arriving. Contact the significance of their testimony, to discuss, to get him out on bail. She tells him about Cho Guk-hyun, a customer of M & J over and asked if he had anything to do with it, but he denies any involvement.
He is more focused on the meaning of her statement about coming so sincere. If their actions or expression punishes her words lies, then Tae-joon has no hope for the deposit. She assures him that she will tell the truth, but the lawyer says that some truths may seem as other truer. Hye-Kyung will be the one who decides what will be the truth, but.
Tae join flips through pictures of Joong-won and Hye-Kyung at the hotel while his lawyer assured him that it does not look all that they need to be worried about. Tae-joon crumples on the picture when he says his lawyer, that no matter what, he is always released on bail.
Yeon-joo has collected their landowning clients together to discuss the settlement, but she is angry when Joong-won hands her the amount that is ready it has to offer - and it is the market price. That's because he was only a confirmation of Joon-ho, that one of the elusive landowners who are currently living in Japan, sold them his large parcel of land at a reasonable price. Yeon-Joo customers no longer have the leverage earlier.
Joong-won is the defeated Yeon-joo to the elevators, and she asks if he went through her laptop - it's the only way they Japanese landowner might have contact information found. Joong-won apologized, but he had to win this case, no matter what happens. She wonders if Hye-Kyung knows what he is really like - no matter how he tries to hide it, it will eventually find out. And then they will come to despise him, as Yeon-joo does.
Once again, take the divorce lawyers, but this time Eun-sook is much more in command of the meeting. Chief Prosecutor Choi is still trying to contract Eun-sook had to bring previously signed, but every time he does, Eun-sook brings details about Triton fields. It is an effective bargaining chip because chief prosecutor Choi would rather consent to his wife settlement demands when her have something to show more about the mysterious Triton fields.
The divorce papers are eventually completed and the M & J lawyers and Eun -sook to sign the paperwork alone left. Chief Prosecutor Choi has agreed to all of Eun-sook claims unless they signed a confidentiality agreement. Eun-sook hesitate a second to realize that today's Tae-joon hearing for his bail. Then she puts her pen down, David asked outside for a moment to occur.
Aw, he looks really crushed from the gossip loop are held, but once he goes, Eun-sook tells Hye-Kyung, that her husband Tae-joon telephone tapped, and she saw the data stored on his computer files. All they know is that it has something to do with Triton fields. With a last wish that everything be well Eun-sook is for Hye-Kyung, signed the divorce papers -. And the NDA
Tae-joon waits for his hearing in the VIP room court and prosecutors Park stops by to greet him. He warns Tae-joon, the chief prosecutor Choi will do everything he can Tae-joon to stop the bail request. It seems a little strange that a prosecutor about an alleged criminal is insightful, but Advocate Park says he can tell which way the wind is blowing, and Tae-joon is certain that his position and power to win back.
He then leans in to ask if Tae-joon was hit with Guk-hyun. But Tae-joon lunges only to him, the phone ripped from the pocket of the prosecutor, revealing that it was a set-up to take to incriminating evidence. apologizes
lawyer Park and declared that it was not his idea was. But Tae-joon knows that chief prosecutor Choi is the one behind it. He warns lawyer Park, he had better be the case Tae-joon wins his trial because he can make life difficult for the prosecutor, if he is a free man. But he is willing to let bygones be bygones, if the prosecutor has him a little favor.
Guk-hyun congratulated Joong-won on the settlement gain, and added that they are similar in this way. I'm not so sure that's a compliment.
When he won in running Joong-won in the bathroom, Guk-hyun bodyguard / drver / assistant says Joong- that he had not seen his boss look that intends elated. Joong-won says he heard that the man used to know Tae-joon, and he admits that he did way back when. He was in fact to bring a major factor Tae-joon and Hye-Kyung together fifteen years ago.
Tae-Joon bail hearing is closed to the public, but that does not mean a lot of reporters do not hang around in the corridors. Chief Prosecutor Choi reiterated that Tae-joon absconding and should not be released on bail, but Tae-joon lawyer insists that his client is innocent, so there is no reason for him to flee. Moreover, Tae-joon nothing more than his wife and children want to go back.
It's time for Hye-Kyung testimony. Until that moment, she was not sure what she will say, and once it is in the witness chair, she reiterated Tae-joon lawyer saying that she wants her husband to return home to be with his family.
chief prosecutor Choi asks her if it's true, she met with a divorce attorney. Back snarks that it has of course - she's a lawyer himself, and in fact, today met with a divorce attorney morning when the prosecutor should know well. But chief prosecutor Choi repeats itself, are specifically asked whether they met with a lawyer with the intention of divorcing her husband.
Hye-Kyung admits that when her husband was first arrested, she met with a lawyer, what they were to see options. But this means that they would consider a divorce? Did she love her husband after his sex scandal yet?
She confesses that she loved him, and when he asks her if she loves him so much before the scandal yet, then the answer is "no." But they can not give a clear answer whether they would divorce him over it. Is it possible to define one's own feelings?
She loves her husband, but she hates him. Your feelings for him may fluctuate every day, but what is certain is that she wants her husband to return home to her and her children. That's all that really matters when it comes to determine whether he should be released on bail.
After the judge releases them from the witness stand, Hye-Kyung proceeds safely out of the courtroom, without even looking at -joon Tae.
Joong-won finds Hye-Kyung sit in front of the courthouse, for waiting the verdict of the judges. You want everything to finally be over there just so that they can move without his constantly in the press. Joong-won is explored in what has happened to bring Hye-Kyung and Tae-joon together fifteen years ago, and he asks them carefully as they met.
It was when she was on the Training Institute - Tae-joon gave a special lecture on the law enforcement department, and she was upset that he her a low degree was. That just brings memories of all the times they spent and Joong-won together have tried to study their years in the training institute and survive, and soon laughing and joking about old times.
Joong-won wonder if she wishes she could go back to doing those days. Of course she does - she wishes that this was a dream everything, and that when she wakes up, she is a student again. But she can not go, can they?
Just then ringing her phone. It's Tae-joon lawyer willing to tell her the judge's decision about Tae-joon of the deposit.
That night, Hye-Kyung and her children wait nervously TAE- joon arrival. Il-joon greets cheerfully his father at the door, but Seo-yeon hardly look at him.
Joong-won remains late at the office, still in search of what happened before during the car accident 15 years. Joon-ho knocking at his door, happy to show that he is working late at the talks Joong-won allocated to it - although the wind easily be knocked out of their sails when Joong-won off passage tells him that he just took him, because Hye -kyung was occupied.
But Joon-ho knows how to manipulate the situation, the fact that, unlike the education Hye-Kyung, who has to concentrate on their family, since her husband is now out on bail, he can work late that to make everything is finished. He then makes a few "innocent" comments on the photos that were taken from Hye-Kyung and Joong-won and as today since college have met.
Joong-won looks just though it, though, to warn him that Hye-Kyung is a gifted lawyer who has to remain not so late and work so hard for their innate abilities. After leaving Joon-ho to Joong-won concentrated car accident on his research in the fifteen years ago happened when Hye Kyung-Chul Hit Guk is now Assistant Kang.
Hye-Kyung Son the footage of studies the hidden camera that he placed in the system directly on their doorstep, hoping to find out who the mysterious them packets already left. If a cleaning lady, the system encounters, the camera shifts and the door is no longer at the center of the frame. Assuming the material is a lost cause, leaving Il-joon. But the camera manages to pick up the image of man who looks like he's trying to insidiously - and professional -. Breaking into their doorstep
I feel like to admit how much I love this show already repetitive always, but I do not think there is a feeling that will change in the foreseeable future to do so. I love this show
Every episode makes me more and more excited not only to see how the deeper corruption unraveled, but also how Hye-Kyung tries to keep a handle on their outer life, even if they do not have a clue what to do with her inner life. I wanted to say that I could see a whole show just her tear the prosecution apart and makes them pay for any pain and frustration they have caused it - but that's basically what I've always, anyway
[I just love how in command it is, even if we know that their inner world is filled with doubts and uncertainties. She loves her husband, maybe. Or she did at one time. And perhaps it has even, to a certain degree. But certainly a metaphorical sign to build themselves, to deal with the daily flood of gossip has forced them to wonder whether it is really worth it - or whether they ever really knows him
I'm still came into conflict over Tae-joon. He is a corrupt, lying, cheating bastard, but it seems like he really cares about Hye-Kyung. I'm not quite sure what happened fifteen years ago with the car accident, but clearly he made, so that they would not take the case for injured a man, and managed to earn the people loyalty in return. Or is he just continue to pay for their loyalty. Are all his years of corruption and bribery is the only way he could protect Hye-Kyung? It certainly seems as if some it was, but I do not buy for a second that the sex scandal somehow again pinned on Hye-Kyung. That's all on him
This is also the first episode where I really felt the connection -. And unspoken longing - between Joong-won and Hye-Kyung. Watch her face when they meet and talk to see them relaxed and genuine smiles, I can not help but hope that somehow they will be able to rekindle their romance law school new. Buuuuuuuut then I am reminded that Joong-won, to win in his ruthless pursuit at all costs, can not be all that much better than Tae-joon. And Hye-Kyung definitely deserves the best.
And therefore seriously the show needs more time with Dan and Myung-hee to spend. I'm glad Myung-hee is getting a little more screen time, but I just want to really solve the ladies to be friends and cases together because Hye-Kyung needs friends they can trust. And I think I can trust them. I think. Then again, I'm no one in this show not sure. Each has its moral gray depths - a little darker than others, perhaps, but no one is pure and perfect -. Not even Hye-Kyung
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