Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 8 -

It is a good thing, I write this recapitulation of how I would be to see the episode and not after they've seen through because otherwise today recap only photos unintelligible vowels. How urrrrrrr and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm sure that I would for every two seconds was entertaining before you need to know exactly what happened my lingual skills Asplode. So without further ado ...


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Myung-hee unexpected encounter with Jung-hoo takes their thoughts afterwards, and we see play the encounter from their perspective. This time, if the healer emerges from the study, he wears actually her friend Joon-seok face and she calls his name surprised. But their vision of Joon-seok face replaced by Jung-Hoo's actual, and they coat the sleeve in the realization. Similar, but different.

Nevertheless, they tried to follow, as he hastens away, although moon Shik holds her back. as you disappear reflex reaction, she recalls that her boyfriend dead has been 20 years but can not the person she saw, assuming that her mind played tricks on her. moon Shik carefully file this information on the uncanny resemblance away.

moon Shik calls the healer a burglar and Myung-hee decides that her confusion was their fault because they did not get a good look at the face, after all. But the memory of Joon-seok spurs the desire to get in touch with his widow, and she asks her husband to look into it. Moon Shik warns that she could the memory not only want, but Myung-hee persists.

mentioned Moon shik casual-but-not-passing, her son, and Myung-hee, supplies him with the name and age (28, one month earlier than Ji-an), and another piece seems his place to click in his brain. It is a scary-smart brain.

The reasons crawling with security forces who completely miss the shady Healer on in a tree. I know that the healer is the best in the industry, but the SS thugs hardly that such a performance look. Jung-hoo is to leave too curious, watched Myung-hee at her window as he puts in a call to Min-ja.

Jung-hoo suspected that the reason Min-ja and teacher was him because of this connection between Myung-hee and his father wanted the country. He gives Min-ja to explain a long moment, why, and when the line is silent, he says that he then have to find out for yourself.

But as he's back on his head, his teacher's voice comes on the line, just stop him. It provides just enough information about Myung-hee identity to prevent him as a hothead outgoing, and forwards Jung-hoo into a meeting place.

Jung-hoo drives angry and passes on the riverbank where he thinks back to his eight: "After my mother left, I never cried because of a person I hope also. not by another person for anything. What I hate the most in this world is an understanding and interest of the person. "

this flashes him back to his student years when he is punished at school with other boys to fight. His teacher clucks about his constant unrest, but asks the consultant for their understanding and interest, as Jung-hoo has no parents. He sits there permanently his teacher and his classmates ridicule pity when it declared that his father killed himself and left his mother.

When Jung-hoo returning to class to spread the word. Worse than ridicule is a pity, and when a classmate told the others just go to Jung-hoo, it transmits only more anger.

His phone rings with a call from Young-shin, who pelted him with questions and concerns: Was he Bars track all night? Did he sleep? Why is he not his picking up calls? She takes on his down mood, then asks to bring him either east or west. She received information yesterday that they should report Moon-ho, but it is not sure how much betrayed, they will randomly decide. Therefore: East or West

She leaves no room for Jung-hoo to protest, so he takes arbitrary Eastern and tried hard to get in a few words, if it is not what you info to know should be about. But she tells him only to eat breakfast and come in late, if he has to.

He thinks back: "What I hate most in the world understanding and interest Or I used to.."

While Young-shin awaiting moon-ho at work arrive, she ponders her dilemma. She recalls advice she'd been told of trust in other people, and how you should not automatically the 49 people from 50 mistrust, that are trusted, just because you do not. And yet ... there is the warning of the healer to be cautious of people who approach with nice touches.

She is there when Moon-ho Broadcast hoobae, Jong-soo comes to play its role of a spy. It presents itself as a close associate of Moon-ho, so Young-shin asks you what type of person Moon-ho's. Jong-soo agrees to tell her if she would tell him all about this person Chae Young-shin, the one day be the reason for Moon-ho relocation.

Young-shin face goes through a hilarious series of reactions to Jong-soo, the questions that has less to do with their character and have much to do with whether they fresh faces or sweet or stacked. Just then the moon-ho comes and calls her name (Jong-soo begins embarrassed) to drive them aside for a report on their latest findings.

Young-shin plays President Hwang room Salon Material for Moon-ho and Jang Editor that contains more than 0 hours of video footage of several important men drunk and sleazy with Hwang stable of actresses. But of course they want to know where they got their hands on this evidence, and she fumbles for an answer, before settling on the truth.

It shows that their informant is someone she's been researched for a very long time, and that it took to manage a rendezvous much trouble. However, she is open about their concerns in confidence on Moon-ho with this, since it is not sure that he will not require in their work. Therefore, she asks that he transferred the handling contact with the source.

Moon-ho promises easily, and asks who it is. She asks if he knows what is an overnight courier, and calls such a messenger, the healer called. Moon-ho confirmed that he has heard of the man.

Jung-hoo comes into the office rushing to tell the boss, but Jong-soo blocked him and insists there is a meeting going. Jung-hoo pulls a trick-again, mixing Bong-Soo-like awkwardness with healer smooth moves around Jong-soo, and barge to swirl in anyway.

He announces that he has starred Space Salon Hwang found Luna Moon, act like him all night issued the pavement pounding instead of hitting only the information from Hwang.

As he speaks, sees Young-shin, the pop-up message on Moon-ho computer: E-mail of the healer. She looks at him shocked and Moon-ho asks the other to leave them to some privacy. Jung-hoo deliberately falls papers that give him an excuse to plant a bug under the table, then the editor will be heralded.

Young-shin eyes moon-shin with a new wave of distrust: Why Moon-ho would healer in my email? About the Bug, Jung-hoo listen to the conversation in the Young-shin asks Moon-ho, he hired the healer, and what he wants. He Min-ja on the other line who sent the email to his instructions, because he wanted clarification on why Moon-ho Young-shin was protected.

Moon-ho admits that he hired the healer, but why answer decreases the conversation approaches in a survey of critics, turn it all wrong. She asks if he asked the healer to save them from gangsters and take their DNA sample. You can not understand his reasons, nor can they fall easily and do not accept replies.

Despite of its survey deficiencies picking, Moon-ho decides on her first question to answer why he came to one day. He says he wanted to set up their own output and ran to every employee background checks, not just her. After all, they will be a journalistic "human shield" for him, as he has in good shape to make sure it is.

minus the one he can not answer on their DNA, which he denies forthrightly as I said, it sounds so simple, and it is off its hook for every question , Young-shin is hit with a wave of disappointment and embarrassment, and says that her exchange with the healer now yesterday "to die me makes want."

Then we show split-screen face Jung-Hoo, respond to their offense (AGH, as well), as she thinks of his warning not too easy to trust. She cuts off before the much admit to Moon-ho, although he is more interested in the tidbits about their meeting yesterday the healer. Did you see his face?

She answers: "If I had seen it, I would know how pathetic he looked at me."

Moon -shik receives confirmation that Young-shin was found at the age of five and bounced from family to family for a while, and was finally adopted at eight. She was found behind a trash can in a Seoul street and was thought to have a speech impediment, because they refused to talk.

The report badly shaken Moon Shik composure, and he thinks back to the time after that accident. Seriously injured and lying in a hospital bed, Myung-hee asks him to find for them Ji-an. He inquired at the police station where a report confirming that a child found hidden behind a trash can, and that brings him to the orphanage.

Sobbing Ji-takes to embrace him, and Moon Shik comforts her wearing a serious expression. You can see the wheels already turning in his head. ...

The Moon Shik This recalls, he starts breathing heavily and then heard a voice ask: "Why did you do it", he sees his old friend Joon-seok in the room, scolded him: ". If you are going to be torn apart forever about it, you should have just brought her home 'Ooh, he turns all Macbeth ask ourselves now?

he tries his conscience-ghost, but Joon-seok is persistent to ignore, if he thought the survival of Ji-an would Myung-hee to keep her dead husband tied. He looks like he wants to defend himself, but every time he tried to speak, Joon-seok disappears.

And then asks another voice: "Why did you do that?" This time it's Gil-han, Myung-hee first husband, to remind him: ". We were friends" He shoots with on Moon Shik that look of betrayal on his face, and Moon Shik shrink back in fear. "Friends should not do that," Gil-han says.

And upping the creep factor even more, we see the Secretary attention from the doorway watching, noting Moon Shik erratic behavior and report it directly to the Elder. He explains, lost on the brothers in the child in 1992 to take an interest, and the Moon-ho they will have already been addressed.

The Elder calls Moon Shik "top class" among all the people he has developed to know its place, without being submissive, and when to encourage and when to retreat. "But look," he adds, "Moon-shik has just one weakness. The daughter." She has the ability to transform it into a balloon doll that dancing balloons set against the shops. A needle is everything you need it to pop ". And we can on Moon Shik not let this happen"

understands the secretary what he means and right to know, to send a moon-ho a clear warning without moon Shik.

Moon-ho, responds to the request of the healer for information, advising him to be especially careful Secretary Oh. He adds, the contract for the healers not personally Young-shin in connection.

Then he arranges Young-shin and Jung-hoo (Dude, couple sweater!) To interview Yeon-hee and asks for an investigator to whom they submit the evidence to prevent the other side to hamper the Case. Young-shin is aware of such a character, run in investigator Yoon while Hwang stake.

Then Moon-ho presents his buddy to the team, and Editor Jang is still not to be able to why these elites to come here choose would. Moon-ho nudges Jong-soo, to tell them what he had been before: that he was spying for Moon Shik. Oh, he could not take his sunbae Assassination, after all! I wanted to be able to love to keep him, and now I am glad that I can.


Young-shin gripes about Moon-ho on the car to ride the interview, whether it for him, they stay up for the whole night researching praise as hard a bit , All this work begins to her and she nods off in her seat, and begins to fall as her head, Jung-hoo achieved through careful to support it with your hand.

He drives so all the way to Young-shin house where he strange Gangster looking ajusshis hang over place. He's just gone back before seen, but Young-shin wakes and lights, their darting ex-con uncle ajusshi welcome out. The atmosphere is gorgeous energetically as she her fawn until grumpy Dad them his customers away shoos away. Jung-hoo watches all this with a lack of understanding, which turns gradually to entertainment.

Over at the office SS, Sang-soo assured Secretary Oh, that he and his team are up to the task. Then he gives his boys an hour to reach their destination, and they get to work to manipulate taken a voice clip from Moon-ho-newscast.

Dad asks again Yeon-hee, when they go to the interview, even though her face is pixelated screen is okay. He knows how the attorney of the other side to attack, and an interview could have negative effects on it. But Yeon-hee remains fixed, to remind him that it is not concerned with preserving their reputation; all they want is to take them down.

Dad for some time asking things with Yeon-hee to discuss before giving the interview, and to a step page. Young-shin asks Jung-hoo, if he can handle the camera equipment, and he meekly only says he is sure that it will work. Ha. It combines stealth to Min-ja, who adds his father reportedly was a whiz with machines.

She reads him moon-ho answer email, including the supplement on personal contact not to do with Young-shin. I think we all know Healer good enough to see now that this is precisely to stimulate the kind of thing his rebellious streak, and he just scoffs.

Young-shin bends over the camera setup to investigate, and when she looks at the instrument, he looks over at her. He reaches out with one finger, and she sees him puzzled when he touched her forehead lightly. "What are you doing?" She asks. "Contact," he replies. "The personal contact." LOL. He is a teenager sometimes.

Min practically rolled her eyes, then the teacher mentioned a strange question to ask earlier whether he preferred fruit or chocolate. Is it some kind of code? But Jung-hoo has no idea.

Young-shin is a recording and starts the camera mugging that Jung-hoo confused. She tells him to let her go, because she is in a serious mood, all while sending funny faces at the camera. Then she takes a mien of serious journalist when she a microphone test, mock-reporting goes through: "Hello to all you are of her 1 Crushes and 2 simultaneously with a woman in search, which was rejected, which here with clear. mind is to report all the same. "

Jung-hoo expression sharpened when he register. She continues: "Number 1 is this woman a human shield called, and number 2 thinks of them as delusional attention seeking but let us easily forget this How conjured a sad dream in the middle of the night that the light of dawn.. as darkness comes let us forget Let's do so, as it never happen -.. "

She stumbles before completion. Jung-hoo she looks through the eyes ( eyes ), and it blinks tears and chatter quickly about the weather back.

The interview starts, and Yeon-hee name names and openly says her story. Young-shin begins light and increases the pressure, to ask if she went along to entertain assemblyman because they thought that they would be rewarded later with favors. It's a little strong, so she retires and moves on, but Yeon-hee answers anyway, saying that Young-shin is not the fear does not know, so they can easily talk about them. She says that these people are able to do something to protect their interests.

Secretary Oh confirmed that everything scheme he put the SS-team, it is ready to go.

Meanwhile, Jung-hoo finally gets a call from his teacher, who asks if he prefers chocolate or sweet potatoes. He tells him to go home immediately if he wants to take, because the teacher to wait only five minutes. Jung-Hoo's exit is stopped by ajusshi who tells him to take with him lunch, and a look at the pastry case shakes Jung-hoo memory it his birthday. So that's what Old fogy Teacher rattled on?

Moon-ho calls Young-shin to the office because an informant dive. You forwarded immediately, after having traveled to a certain place ... and we see that this is to do the SS Tech teams. Gack, they have doctored Moon-ho voice with its program, and it is not intelligent. Fake Moon-ho she passes her cell phone, and off to avoid potential tracking, and met them.

Since the real Moon-ho gets a call from an unknown number. It's a random student who does not forget a note of Secretary Oh warning reads supplied to him that he owes the family who raised him, and that he can throw it not gone through a bad woman, and that his family his return waiting.

Alarmed Moon-ho Young-shin tried calling and no answer. So he sends Healer an email outlining the details, and Jung-hoo yelling the car to a halt and orders ajumma Young-shin to seek through the tracker in her bag. He hears the direction and zooms off in a hurry. The same goes for Moon-ho.

Secretary Oh preparing the next phase of his plan eeeevil by a building as a construction worker dressed input and begins to manipulate with some kind of machine. This is the building Young-shin to come, though the front doors are locked. This forces them to leave an open door to find, and they cautiously enters, looking for Moon-ho.

you find the lift that one has work-secretary Oh dirty with only. She steps inside, and the elevator begins its ascent. Once in motion, opens Secretary Oh cable box and snips a wire.

Suddenly the elevator bumps and clangs to a stop while the lights flicker. Then it starts to free fall-nine story between her and death. The elevator stops after a brief decline, but it does not look like it will last.

driving like a maniac, Jung-hoo comes to the building and heads in the same way. He hears the elevator gear as it begins a second case, running in this direction, as it begins a second time. He bangs on the doors at the bottom and they listen to it, to yell for help.

Jung-hoo starts running up the stairs, and Secretary Oh, who precedes down, listen to the approach with enough time to duck aside.

Young-shin fighting their assembly to press panic, but it starts to feel and hyperventilate the precarious grip on the lift. Jung-hoo comes on the roof and quickly clips carry emergency cords in place, one end as a harness, and runs to the elevator shaft.

The opening of the doors manually, he sees the car halfway down stuck and jumping in the wave will be guided through the cable, and lands on top of the car with a thud, the Young-shin cry power.

he opens the door and falls into the elevator beside her, starting just enter and grab as the last of the cable way. He quickly pulls her hat over her eyes and belt them into the harness, ineptly then keep them with one arm and the cable with the other hand.

The elevator begins its final plummet, literally fall away, as they are pulled up.

Jung-hoo supported Young-shin on the roof, but once they are there hurls angry his arm. Oh, she's still embarrassing.

She screams at him to risk his life, and then says in a flickering voice that she is grateful for his help, "But when we came together, we both would have died" More to the point, he is , died, and because of her would only.

still covers her eyes, she asks if he is still here and takes a hand as she did the other day. He steps back, before they come into contact, but she figures he's still there and says that although Moon-ho paid him for his work, they have the money not him to pay back for saving her life. "I'm sorry," she says softly. "Thank you."

Without saying anything, he drops her bag at her feet and begins to walk away. But he keeps a few steps, the registration of the snow that has begun to fall.

His voiceover repeated earlier sentiments: "Once alone always, until now, I did not wish for anything from another person, and so, I was fine.. "

Below moon-ho comes outside the building and heads inward. Jung-hoo continues: "I did not care if anyone ever understood or misunderstood me I was so.."

But past is past, and he spun suddenly to deliberately against Young-shin walk , He takes off his gloves and folds her hat, just enough to see the bottom half of her face. He stops short of her eyes ... and leans in and kisses her ....


I'm sorry, I should write comments and make sense then? Certainly not expect to at this point be myself useful, is not it? Not when all I want to do is rewind the last ten minutes and watch it fifty times?

Okay, well, let's be professional and all that. Pull it together, "beans.

Let's start with the older generation, whose layers further peeled back here one after another, and yet again, nimble handling by writing to. It is difficult, secret keep without one hand is too cryptic, or revealing too much and the tension on the other flattening. so I'm content each character introduced in stages to see, so we get to see how they fit into the larger picture after and after. Obviously Jung-hoo father was a victim, not the aggressor, but I'm still curious to know exactly how the betrayal was, and in what order.

Despite moon Shik a fairly clear his villain, I like that it seems to be a black and white kind of guy Yes, he is guilty as sin. If he does not even have to kill his friends, he was still responsible for their demises, not today to mention he meets as part of its clean-up job can be ordered. His hands are unclean and bloodstained, and he does not seem too torn to kill Go Sung-Chul, for example. But I do not want it to be that shallow thinkers whose life was consumed by an obsessive love for a woman he had to have. It's too easy and I do not buy it, and I do not think the show is either to take that route.

I'd rather see hit Moon Shik a tragic figure-the guy who had any ability to be a hero, but every bad choice. I do not believe to be salvation in his cards, but its complexity is what fascinates me about him I do not care if he is complacent and in perfect control, but I feel sucked me in when he hallucinates and indeed his friends seems Anxiety. I want him to come to an understanding to see that he was completely wrong, and I would like him who wish for his soul, only to realize he has been sold.

What the romance, I try to locate on Jung-hoo and Young-shin, which make it so exciting and giddy production alone do not because its parts explained it-we've these elements seen over and over again, and in a few dramas I find banal and unmoved while and embraced in others that I'm on my screen squeal me.

I always love when the romantic journey passes from other elements of the story, and Healer gives us that. This is to say not purely romantic story, would not work, but things are always more fun when you add layers and faces and dimension. (A single light can shine, but there's something extra satisfying holds a jewel to light and to find unexpected reflections of other facets come by.)

Both Jung-hoo and Young-shin have some growing up do on their own, and their connection is more like a collective group of smaller compounds. They are friends, colleagues, fellow survivors of the crash-and then there is the additional compound, which they do not even know about, in terms of their childhood. Jung-hoo has the same feeling expressed a few times that he used a certain way to feel, and starts to change his mind about it.

I do not feel that it is as simple as "I like them so I feel different," but that the things that he does not live in other people, can not be with her, because it is a kindred spirit. If someone comes from a certain perspective with him, he has to dig a tendency in the heels and rebel, as we see with Min-ja and teachers. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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