Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three days: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Three days: Episode 13 -

I expected the to make two -week break between episodes of my memory hazy about the details of the show, but it turns out, if you plot this is simple, there is no misremembering things. Some people want the President dead, and other people want to protect him. Clear enough, but what do you do when the president does not want to be protected?


Kim Bo Kyung - "가슴 이 소리 치는 말 "(the words My Heart Screams) for the Three days OST [ Download ]

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The President meets with the Resident evildoer Chairman Kim, the growls and calls on President Lee think the person who dies because of him next, everything. Sigh, megalomaniacs are sometimes so striking.

as they are talking, someone from the top of the stands should be sniper rifle right Tae-Kyung. Then the frames are moved about the president and locks to their destination. But Tae-Kyung has fortunately in this direction and the scope of the rifle reflects the light as it moves.

, the light flash ineptly Tae-Kyung, for the attention and he shouts "Gun eleven o'clock!" All agents spring in motion, and in one fluid motion, the President is surrounded and led out of the stadium.


Tae -kyung back and puts his gun in Chairman Kim's face, which then in a confusing tangle of men to increase all leads from the bodyguards and agents remaining their arms in black. I'm sure know , which side they play, so that's all that's important.

Tae-Kyung says it perfect to shoot in his job description his gun at someone who tried the to jeopardize the president, but President Kim grins cool that he has no idea what he is talking ,

The Blue House agents race to the other side of the stadium to try and locate the sniper, but it has disappeared. With no real evidence of foul play, Tae-Kyung he knows nothing him, has to hold and lowers his gun. Chairman Kim then goads him and asks where Cha-young and Bo-won are ...

you are in Cha-young hospital room, of course, with the shady assistant prosecutor at them like a creeping smile. He and Bo-won recognize each other, and the air to ice is.

Suddenly Bo-won phone rings, and when it has reached to answer it, the prosecutor makes his train. The cops come running he planted in the hall, and they attack the two women.

not hold as Tae-Kyung, Bo-won can get, he calls his buddy who allegedly staying by her side. But he says they separated at the hospital. Worst bodyguards ever. Up in the sickroom, Bo-won is beaten with a blow to the head, and Cha-young is strangled until she passes out.

The President noted that other people are at risk, and refuses the Blue House to go back until he checked on Cha-young. They turn the cars around at his command.

Tae-Kyung friend finds the room empty, and below we see three (fake? Dirty?) Police someone running on a stretcher from. You reach the hospital parking garage, but just before they can get away, they are blocked by a row of cars. Yay, it's the president who here with his army of guards.

The moving agents to examine the person on the stretcher so that the police officers draw their weapons and try to fight. It's pretty funny how quickly the agents they disarm and turn the tables. Once the bad guys are pinned down, President Lee is to rise before the sheet over onto the stretcher and braces. His eyes widen ... Please do not be dead .

Tae-Kyung comes and goes over to the stretcher. He sighs with relief and called Bo-won name, and she opens her eyes. Phew. She is asking for Cha-young and looks around, but it is long gone.

Having bandaged head wound, Bo-won says Tae-Kyung, it was the prosecutor who took it, and they go through the hospital security feed. You will find him an unconscious Cha-young run away in a wheelchair at the same time the other income in the other direction Bo-won.

The President wants to go back and confront Chairman Kim about it, but his head of security will it go into a death trap not allow only. Tae-Kyung enters and says he'll go the speech of Chairman Kim himself.

President Lee leaves with a long face as Tae-Kyung bows, no doubt alarmed again how little he is, can do to protect his people.

Once they are gone, Tae-Kyung is only his arm around Bo-won and leads them away without a word. Awww.

The President shall call a meeting with the Falcon representative who confirmed what he already knew-they are after money. It provides the President find creative solutions to make, like buying up Falcon weapons, or the resumption of partnership they once had. Otherwise, people keep dying.

Tae-Kyung takes recovered to his apartment-Bo and again checked all the locks. She asks him to accept help her find because she feels responsible for letting them Cha-boys take on her watch, but it is firmly on not let them out one step.

He redresses the wound on the forehead and says he is frustrating know, but must stay put them. He promises to find Cha-young and pretends like he is not worried at all about finding them.

lawyer Choi apologized to the President for the mole in his department. So far they have no leads and are still struggling to find something to Chairman Kim Pin, who will stand up in court.

Tae-Kyung's Chairman Kim to see, as promised, and I love how he grumpy now is, as it comes, try without excuse polite to be more. Chairman Kim enjoying the moment when he opened his tablet and displays a live feed to a room, bound and gagged in the Cha-young, struggling against her bonds.

He goes in this patronizing sermon about how the president's bodyguard are so impressive that an attack during an official public function is almost impossible. But he puts a gleam in his eye that a personal trip-now that would be different.

Tae-Kyung narrowed his eyes, as Chairman Kim suggests that all he has to do is, the President invited for a friendly dinner or a movie. Because you think the president could enjoy a movie bro-date while terrorists running around randomly citizens threatens to bomb on buses?

Chairman Kim points out that Tae-Kyung is an agent that President Lee more than any familiar, so that if anyone can do this, it's him , Tae-Kyung now detects that the sniper in the stadium was just a test to test the Bluehouse agents were bending, and when they found out that it would work, they moved on to Plan B and kidnapped Cha-jung as a lever ,

Tae-Kyung growls and asks if that's what he did, team leader Ham to do to manipulate his commandments. He refuses to underestimate cave to his trick, and says Chairman Kim not presidential security team, as he turns to leave

Chairman Kim takes a last potshot :. "I think you only live the rest burdened your life by the fault that you Agent Lee Cha-young killed." Tae-Kyung rotates with anger blazing in his eyes to "If Cha-jung dies, I'll kill "Niiice .. I am not ashamed to say that I do in every time, Tae-Kyung gets the last word a little fist-pump.

The rep Falcon comes from warn Chairman Kim that he exchanged and that he will be financially responsible for all their losses when the presidential will to stop the international withdrawals adopted by the National Assembly. He warns not to go the way of his father President Kim.

On the way out, Tae-Kyung, a known auto detects driven by a Chairman Kim men. He looks inside and sees a parking sticker and stubs from a gas station, and it gives him the idea to check the immediate surroundings of a possible hiding place. Well, that's a bit convenient.

Meanwhile, Chairman Kim gets through to see Cha-young and stops at a pair to put rubber gloves. Gack.

Bo-won spends her days Tae Kyung Room cleaning and smiles in the photos on his desk sit. It rings, and she runs to get it. Wait, you do not answer!

Chairman Kim takes a small blade (an X-scalpel? Is it better or worse, that he plans to make shallow cuts?) And brings it threateningly near Cha-young face.

Tae-Kyung circles around the neighborhood near the gas station until he finds other cars of the same parking stickers, and discovered two men in black suits from a storefront come. He runs inside.

Chairman Kim ripping the tape from Cha-young face and she tells him it is useless to kidnap them. He does not need much convincing on this matter, since he already decided to manipulate another agent, and tells her that he would get with all his crimes, as he always does, and everything she needs to do to die quietly.

Tae-Kyung running up the stairs and a hallway with cameras and a room blocked by a gate, and he proposes only goal down lined finds. But it is not the space in which Cha-jung held there is some sort of favorite hideout, complete with a large board and evil plan roadmap.

Chairman Kim gets a call from someone else in the Blue House (just how many moles does this guy have?) And says this mystery person who Tae-Kyung plays around on his own course not matter-they must only lean on the president.

President Lee does not have to much bent down to be because it is already sitting in his office is weighed down by the guilt of all deaths in the last few days down. He remembers every one of them after the other (when we all in an assembly like the line, the death toll is exaggerated).

he slams his hand on the table and then picks up the phone. He calls Chairman Kim and offers from the Blue House to go on her own. In return, they have Cha-young and leave Tae-Kyung and the other agents back unharmed.

agrees cheerily Chairman Kim, said he was not harming the intention of the agent, and will in fact help, him the guards digging for their meeting because it benefits him only. They agree that night to take in a movie theater.

Tae-Kyung waits prosecutor Choi comes on hiding to take pictures and collect the evidence, and Tae-Kyung mentioned that one of the documents includes a theater that still be linked has one of the attacks. He asks the prosecutor to look into it.

He calls the security team leader and a message leaves through the same movie theater, but the message is suspicious ignored. Large, is the new head of the other mole?

Tae-Kyung comes back to the office, but his team is back on the field, because the president had a personal meeting. He does not have much time to think that over (though really, it should be a red flag or twenty raising) because Bo-won waits at his desk.

he alarmed because he told her to wait at home, but she says that he had a visitor in the night before. A look back at the apartment shows that it was President Lee, came through.

He looks around the place and smiling at the family photos, and recalled that he for the first time in the ambulance while team leader Ham and Tae-Kyung won Bo-met outside fought both her name and rank to remember.

he says he is here you ask for a favor: "Agent Han Tae-Kyung is someone who knows how to protect others, and does not know how to protect yourself Sometimes it runs only. while looking ahead and missed the really important things. So I'm worried about him. If you want to stay by his side and protect him? Can you do that? "

you are a nod between stunned blinks and smiles warmly. President Lee takes an envelope out and asks her to give it to Tae-Kyung, and she gives him to him now. He opens a USB drive to find inside, and watched the video loaded on them.

The President addresses the camera and bows, and we do not hear the rest of the sound. All we get is horrified reaction of Tae-Kyung, when he takes off his headphones off, and Bo-won asks what it is

Tae-Kyung :. "I have to stop him. The President went to his death."

Led by his security team, President Lee marches silently in the empty theater, where a

movie has been playing. He sits down with his guards around him, just waiting ...

Cha-Young just down at the desk to the Chairman Kim so comfortable its x-acto knife left lying around, and cuts free. They called Tae-Kyung apartment, and Bo-won picks. (Why is it back home? Can we return to the action, please?)

Luckily Bo-won clever and directly calls Prosecutor Choi to report that they found Cha-young, and that they "t trust someone else with the information.

Tae-Kyung race to the theater, to know that, whatever down at 8:00 happens is pM he saw the marks in hiding he found earlier. President Lee sits anxiously in his seat until a few minutes before 08.00 and will then go to the toilet up.

remain most of the agents at the theater on the orders of the team leader, and he is the only, only outside the toilet are. President Lee stands there just waiting to pass for the seconds, and a flicker of fear lightning over his face.

Tae -Kyung race inside the building, turn when suddenly the fire alarm goes off, the effective amount of moviegoers in the perfect distraction. The agent race in the last position of the President, but he is gone.


Two of them, the President of one of the emergency exits heading, but he steps on the other side of a gate that closed behind him. As he races fits the agent to him, we blink for Chairman Kim back on his demands.

He says that his security team their bodies do daily the opposite of a train, in what comes naturally to throw himself headlong toward balls instead of running away. He refuses to leave the other in the name of protecting him, injured, and Chairman Kim says the only way to ensure that only to come.

He can close the gate and marched ahead. Chairman Kim passes to its junction.

Bo-won and Choi prosecutor go to Chairman Kim's office, where Cha-jung took place along. She warns that she overheard a phone conversation, and it is quite certain that the Chairman Kim has another mole in the Blue House.

Tae-Kyung crawls the other agents in and catch up to the President to fill, since he. The plans for the plan of attack, including one seen by the minute outline

Chairman Kim waits from his vantage point in another tower where a sniper has aligned his gun on the roof, where the President is due to arrive. His subordinate calls to confirm that everything goes according to plan, and the security team leader responds suspect a call a few seconds later.

While Tae-Kyung races to roof, we go back to the video message, leaving President Lee for him. He calls himself a failed president and says that he no longer let others get hurt in his place.

He announces that he will lay down with the belief the presidency that people can place new hopes for the future in someone.

He announced his resignation and understand requested that he take his mistakes with him as he goes. He turns Tae-Kyung and asks him to understand the choice: "I started this, so it is right that I finish it."

Tae-Kyung thinks to himself, "is No, I protect you until the end!" and in flashback, falls Chairman Kim his pawns remain until only the king and a pawn. With one keystroke, they go together:

". Tonight, the president dies" The door opens, and President Lee goes on the roof alone, as promised. Chairman Kim breaks into a smile.

But then comes from the other end of the roof, a door swings open, and Tae-Kyung.


Plotwise, this felt given largely as a filler episode, that as long as the president does not in the next few seconds (unlikely not die, because we have three episodes left), nothing will change greatly over the course of an hour. It starts with the president in scope and ends with the president in a riflescope. Okay, so we have another mole in the Blue House, but at this point I'm surprised if someone not a mole. People who are kidnapped or attacked saved, the bad guys still want the same thing they've always wanted, and the status quo remains.

This does not mean that the individual scenes were not interesting, but they hold less weight because our history until the final showdown at rest is pretty much. This has always been the pattern in this drama, but the gap between the structure of episodes and the payout episodes appears in the last act wider when it feels like we are waiting for the big face-off just waiting.

that is, the result was not without decisive character development, namely for President Lee. We have already been with Tae-Kyung through this philosophical dilemma, so it is not new, but it is important that the President of the same question is fighting in his own way: Is the president's life worth more than anyone else, and why is a person's job for the other to die? The guilt of all these agents deaths has for him clearly was mounted, but it is interesting that Cha-young this line in the sand, which is a death which he can prevent, he will sacrifice everything to do it.

In a practical sense, there is nothing more frustrating to a bodyguard, as the person that you need to protect yourself throw themselves headlong into danger-it goes against the natural order of things, and part of the time I'm frustrated to President Lee, because he just is more difficult to make Tae-Kyung day. But as a leader, it is important that he is a person who actually do not believe that he better than his bodyguards, that his life is worth more anyway. And the fact that he is actually willing to go to certain death, she talks to protect volumes about his character.

Of course, I would argue that the only way to really know that it is safe to stay alive and to make it so, but not lost the symbolic offering to me, as long as it remains symbolic. And the fact that he is Tae-Kyung dazzling recognizes the need to protect and calls to protect him Bo-won? It is so sweet. Now if we only could you try to stop guys to die for each other, maybe we could turn our attention to the villain throughout the run city trying to kill the president. Repeated. In public places. With roadmaps left his every move behind details. I mean, come to .

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tags: featured, Micky Yoochun, Park Ha-sun, so Yi-hyun, son Hyun-joo, Three Days

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