Recap And Reviews Kdrama Sly and Single Again: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Sly and Single Again: Episode 13 -

Jung-woo Ae-ra, how much he likes her, and there is a good chance that all the nice (and adorably awkward!) to convince his attempts affection continues to pull out all the stops could actually work. Even so, Ae-ra further dissipation him - but not as much as they arm Seung-hyun, who seems to be in the final phase of rejections of cute puppies second line converting second guide to soulless, which must win at all costs. Oh, and Yeo-jin throws a hissy. Or two. Or ten.


We pick up this episode where we previously left with Jung-woo finally from admitting that he does in fact as Ae-ra, and to prove it with a kiss.

she slowly starts to kiss him back, but then her eyes open and she pushes him away. Jung-woo is still trapped in his lovesickness noise and repeated in despair that he likes.

Ae-ra indicates that just because he feels that way, does not mean that she feels the same way about him. She loves her life at the moment; It is to be discovered the pleasure of working hard for one goal and rewarded for this performance, and she is determined, the interview to go to Shilla because it is a good opportunity for them.

When she turns to go to Jung-woo stops her and offers to give her a ride to the interview because she him running late because of. But when they go across the street to his car, a mysterious person takes paparazzi style pictures of them. Uh-oh. That can not be good.

On the way to Shilla Hotel Jung-woo coach her on how to answer the interview questions and told her she should emphasize their passion and dedication (such as overtime on her birthday, although he admits that his guilt was ). She is thankful for all his advice, and he says that if she is really grateful she should meet him for dinner after the interview.

When Ae-ra says she can not do that, the car screeches to a halt. Jung-woo hunches over the steering wheel, and a concerned Ae-ra asks him what's wrong. Instead of answering, he uses the proximity of their faces to try and sneak into another kiss. Ohhhh, now who's the clever one

Ae-ra pushes him back, and know when they want, what is wrong with him, he at couplings breast ?: "lovesick." Ae-ra does not fall for it, but the way Jung-woo acts like a sulky little kid mother asks a repair boo-boo somehow endearing.

Seung-hyun anxiously await the roof of the building and Dontalk aw, he tried unsuccessfully to be the iron for his own frowning. He hopes to hear from Ae-ra, as her interview goes, but is surprised by a visit from director Oh. Seung-hyun asks cheerfully why director Oh really there, because it is really hands may be some pictures not to his father's health and director Oh, to speak.

Seung-hyun smile disappears when he sees the pictures of Jung-woo and kiss Ae-ra. Ooof.

He claims that the director Oh keep it a secret from his father and not to worry because he would take care of everything. But his reassuring smile not quite match his eyes.

Yeo-jin secretary reminds them that it is time for their regular visit to the doctor, but she insists she will not go (and has another paper tear hissy to prove it). Seung-hyun watches through the door goes.

Ae-ra waiting in the lobby of the hotel with a couple of other respondents, all proudly share their impressive work histories and then mock when they find out she's just a trainee. She flees to the bathroom and tried to settle their nerves with a mirror pep talk, and when she is refresh their lip gloss that touch on the lips reminds them of the kiss. Unsettled, she rubs against her lips the lip gloss (and no doubt the memory of Jung-woo lips on hers.)

to remove one of the bitchy respondents, is also in the toilet, and she confronts Ae-ra and said that the only way Ae-ra could possibly have gotten an interview, when (as in, she sleeps with one of the higher-ups) has a "sponsor". Jung-woo, who is outside the toilet listening already, takes offense at this and frets over the fact that he can not intrude into the ladies room and save Ae-ra of Bitchy Interviewee.

But Ae-ra doesn 't need help when it encounters Bitchy Interviewee against the wall. HA

Bitchy Interviewee (okay, okay, it has a name: Jolie Choi)! Kauert in fear as Ae-ra in full-on gangster mode is to let them know that their mental and emotional state right now is very sensitive. If it again, trying to disturb her, Ae-ra threatens to jump

But it does not look like that to be necessary because Jung-woo to help in his own way - Widget. to persuade Jolie From Choi go every twenty steps up to take the Shilla hotels higher-ups on the roof. Pfft. You can have an impressive job history, but it is not so bright.

to stop After the interview, Ae-ra and Jung-woo for frozen yogurt. She takes out the nuts out of her sundae, and he eats them (which as some-thing). When she tells him that he has some frozen yogurt on the lips, he with the expectation leans to kiss it away from him. But she wipes it off roughly held with hands. Hahaha!

Jung-woo for a moment is serious, and asks her if she really does not like working on Dontalk. She admits that she does - she likes the work and the people, but it is only because of the uncomfortable situation between them. He says he understands, and then the playful admirer again when he her the word off to dinner.

As it is with one of these "eating in the dark" wipes restaurants and Jung-woo, it explains so nobody will eat them together to see. But it seems more like an excuse to try and get a little Handsy when a piece of his pork chop is to fly to their side of the table. Ae-ra slaps his attempt skinship away

Jung-woo apologizes: ".. Because everything was so dark, I did not see you" Ae-ra thinks he means literally, but he explains that since he heard about her interview in the Shilla Hotel, everything was dark before him. "But I think I things you can now see from one."

He realizes how much her heart must have felt unfairly treated, and how annoying it must have felt. Nevertheless, he asks her how hard to watch, he would come to her work to get closer from now on. Instead of answering directly, she cuts a piece of pork chop and fed it to him.

After Jung-woo her Seung-hyun Studio goes back and goofy as he repeated wishes her a good night, as he stumbles up the stairs backwards down reminds me forth to the adorkable Jung-woo of age. He's like a nice eager puppy. But in front of them on the landing is Seung-hyun, silently watching the entire interaction.

When she goes into the studio upwards, Seung-hyun blames them gently for his calls to ignore the whole day, and added that "a normal pair of nagging each other" would be in such situations. Once he realizes to tell her that she does not see him in a romantic way, he quickly makes his escape. His attitude towards Ae-ra is airy and casual, but his eyes brimmed with tears as he walks away.

He meets with Jung-woo in a bar, and as Jung-woo concernedly trying to get him to stop drinking so much, Seung-hyun faced drunk caught him between two women. Jung-woo tells him that he is going with Ae-ra, to try and start, and is offended when Seung-hyun asks if that means he will only throw away Yeo-jin, her so have used much as he needed.

Jung-woo says he over both Seung-hyun and Ae-ra care, and will do its utmost, all after the two of them to search. Seung-hyun: "What if you can only choose [of us]?" Jung-woo: ". I hope that will not happen"

The next day in the Dontalk offices, the Mobile Shopping Team is a department presentation for the board. Jung-woo's end (in slo-mo hero fame, ha!) And Ae-ra is very aware of his presence. The theme of the meeting is about the luxuries of mobile shopping team will start selling, but more importantly, all the subtext in the exchange of glances between Ae-ra, Jung-woo, Seung-hyun and Yeo-jin.

Jung-woo is super nice, as he maintains his professional CEO position when it sends a message to Ae-ra, telling her that she now looks nice (which it is quite the case, mainly because Lee finally a flattering hairstyle showcased is min-jung wear). They made a little nervous by his attention, and even more when he clasped his head like he is in pain, only to send her a little wink through his fingers. OMG so adorable.

But this cute interactions are not lost on the Kook siblings. You are not satisfied.

Later, while waiting for the elevator, team leader Wang surprised Ae-ra (and I) with some sincere encouragement about her job. When finally arrives the elevator on her floor, Jung-woo and his aide are nameless already on board. When they go down together, Jung-woo tries Ae-ra fingers behind team leader Wang to hold back. He is using his secret attempt to be satisfied romantic until Ae-ra away tried to tug her hand, which makes him only to keep fixed. This provokes Ae-ra difficult to pull to free her hand ...

... only the power of their effort caused to hit on the ass her team leader Wang. (And I cry with laughter when I read the scene a dozen times rewind and watch.)

Back in Mobile Shopping Team Office, Ae-ra overheard manager Kam on the phone, on topics Dontalk speak investment. When she asks him if the company is really in trouble, he says they are, and that the CEO just by investors is not popular, especially as it is a potential investor punched in the face (the fully deserved Robert Kim, though). But he reassured Ae-ra, to tell her not to worry, because the last time the company went through a crisis, the CEO and Director Kook were able to find a way to fix it.

That night, Ae-ra Seung-hyun meets before his studio, where he asked to hold her, and before she can answer, he pulls into a hug. They resist, but he clings tighter and asked him for a moment, let hold.

After she pushes him away, he tells her that he finally realized how much is he likes her, and that he was not to the side goes to step. It does not matter if he is not the only one to love them; he never to renounce it.

When Jung-woo office, Yeo-jin gives him a list of investors who can immediately make funds available. Jung-woo refuses because it is a list of shady investors with dirty money, who, he says, the company will ultimately destroy. Then Yeo-jin pulls the big guns out and asks if Jung-woo wants to free a message about their marriage, because that is the safest and most reliable way to get their money. Uh-huh, sure.

But Jung-woo resists her crazy-second routing logic by he did not get the funding would be by investors. Ooo, burn

continues to insist, knowing ask if the reason he do not agree to marry her is because Ae-ra. "Are you thinking, you of remarrying?"

Jung-woo escapes to explain their allegations that he did not not take care of business matters with personal feelings before finally tell her straight out that he their feelings can not accept. But Yeo-jin is persistent, to inform him that they gave him the only ways to save the company, and that the decision with Ae-ra to be or to save Dontalk ultimately rests with him.

Conveniently, only young -Woo meets with the CEO of Shilla Hotel, the interest brings in investing in Dontalk expressed - but with a condition that the Shilla group a say in how to have is to manage the company. We do not find out Jung-woo, the decision on the investment proposal, but the Shilla CEO leaves the session and is in Seung-hyun waiting car.

The Shilla CEO says cheerfully Seung-hyun that he made the proposal exactly as he asked, and that even if there is a through a favor for friend was motivated, it still seems like a good investment. When he asks Seung-hyun, if this proposal is a knife in the back for Jung-woo or a shield is the knife, Seung-hyun sighs protect and says he is not yet certain.

That night, Jung-woo pensive walks along the Dontalk roof and comes on Manager Kam on the phone with his son (shouted at him in girls more interested than in the study, ha). Manager Kam depends in great haste, but Jung-woo sitting next to him and offers him a beer. Aw is Jung-woo cashed his promise of a friendly drink?

Jung-woo says that it must be nice to have someone to talk to when things hard, and Manager Kam true, but he adding that it was not, as he has not had his family issues. Early in his marriage, his wife had wanted to divorce him because he had wasted all their money trying to start his own business. But as they were arguing about whether or not divorce, his wife became pregnant, and she decided to make a fresh start with the birth of her second child.

If Manager Kam adds that the children are the hope for their parents, Jung-woo is remembered when Ae-ra told him that even if Jung-woo repay all their debts able was, it would not be enough to their lost hope to revive.

he hurries with Ae-ra at Seung-hyun Studio to go to meet, and as he lovingly, surprised with a back-hug, she is startled and instinctively elbows him in the face. Ha! And ow.

But he is not to let the moment go ruined, so he turns around and hugs her again. This time she did not resist. She is not willing to be his sentimental mood just, but, and asks him how he can seem so happy if the company is going through a financial crisis.

Her pragmatic attitude does not stop him, and when he learns that she will soon move from Seung-hyun Studio out, he is even happier because now all his stress is gone suddenly disappeared. When he leaves, he turns with a serious face with the intention to ask about the night on the roof and the "Lost Hope" back - but decides pleasant place offer you a good night

Yeo jin arrives home. with her secretary who worried more for her boss's health, as she painfully looks Yeo-jin clutch on her prosthetic leg. If Yeo-jin tells her fretful about going in for a check-up to stop nagging, she loses her grip and goes rolling down the hill.

from a nearby window, watches to stand his daughter fight President Kook. He has photos of Ae-ra and Jung-woo Kiss (wait, was not that should be kept secret?), And he crushed them angry in his hands as he curses Jung-woo.

The next day the mobile shopping team for the live broadcast which are the luxury goods show appraised prepares. Jung-woo looks around for Ae-ra, and happens to run into Seung-hyun. The two men exchanged silent meaningful stares Seung-hyun pushes cooly past Jung-woo.

Jung-woo finds Ae-ra in the warehouse, inspect the items carefully. sold Drawing from their previous experience in luxury products, she explains how to tell if an article falsified -. But Jung-woo is just happy to have an excuse to be this close to her

Yeo-jin happens to walk through, and on the couple's playful banter to see interrupts Jung-woo to remember, he is to meet on the way. Yeo-jin jealousy flares up once more when Jung-woo wants Ae-ra good luck on the mission by a friendly hand on her shoulder.

Once he goes, Yeo-jin tells her that this project be ae-ra the last at Dontalk.

by ae-ra-leaves to meet with the evaluators, a mysterious person exchanges out the luxury handbags with fakes. Oh no! When Ae-ra goes to fetch the purse, she encounters in Yeo-jin secretary who keeps the same yellow-checkered Bag of person who swapped the real goods for fake. Is Yeo-jin is actually sabotaging their own business only Ae-ra to destroy?

Unaware of the swap, Ae-ra heads to the broadcast control room, where Seung-hyun shows her how the website up set for the live broadcast. The purses screen her eye, and she realizes that they are fakes actually.

Frantic, she runs to interrupt the broadcast. begins shortly before his meeting, Secretary Gil updated Jung-woo to the chaos, and added that the Internet forums are ablaze in the criticism. Jung-woo they want to find to rush, but he is trapped in his meeting.

The things do not look good for Ae-ra, but mentioned as manager Kam to the only in the camp before it was broadcast, it reminds Yeo-jin secretary to see.

Secretary is now in Yeo-jin office, and, to her credit, Yeo-jin is shocked to discover that the sabotage was ordered by her father. I think it's a relief that it's not entirely evil, but Ae-ra goes into the lobby just in time Yeo-jin tell overhear her secretary no evidence of tampering to conceal.

Yeo-jin turned face-to-face to leave, and comes with Ae-ra.


Oh Yeo-jin. I was your number one champion since the beginning of the show, but now I'm done so only with you

It does not matter that this cockamamie scheme was her father -. The fact that she is more willing to cover them there and let them take me so angry makes Ae-ra the case. I am also angry about her ultimatum to Jung-woo, where they demanded that he lose between Ae-ra or loss of the company to decide how they are the only two options available. Puh-lease. Not to mention how dirty it is a man to stop the marriage to be ready only for business purposes, knowing he does not really love them. I would feel sorry if I could muster some empathy for her, but I just can not. You wearies me.

Fortunately, though, Yeo-jin was really the only dark spot in this episode. Sly and Single Again may have had a bit of a rocky start, but each episode is getting better and better, and I'm really happy with how the show has matured into a fun and thoughtful rom-com. The production team has finally the right balance between comedy and sweetness, and I am fully in all the characters (well, almost all of them).

Which is why my heart breaks for Seung-hyun invested and chosen the path he. Even though I know that there is virtually k-Drama rom-com Act, that he finally had to turn to the dark side, I really hate the fact that he now in his sister following tracks and more and more manipulative. One of the things that I have adored about Seung-hyun, is his cheerful sincerity, and although he has been careful not to reveal who is his family, I never felt like he was playing games. I've got some wild hope that his optimism will prevail, and it is to his keeping promises Ae-ra decision respected. But the uncomfortable embrace with Ae-ra seemed to mark the official moment when sweet puppy Seung-hyun manner was cold, calculated Seung-hyun, to win at all costs, is determined. But I'm just not ready to take the puppy to see

No matter how I feel, it has to do - because it means that we much more sweet couple moments obtained with Jung-woo and Ae-ra. And I have no complaints about that! In fact, this episode these two won me completely on the idea could end up together (again) and be happy. All these small insight into their comfortable familiarity only make me hungry for more. And maybe some skinship well, although there have been a lot of fun watching Ae-ra deny all his ridiculous attempts so far.

I adore the fact that Jung-woo has decided to begin courting again. I love to see it Ae-ra Flustered by his wink and swooning over the "You're pretty today" message. It really is like a relationship of (almost) reason to watch on new growth, and now that so many of the problems that they have been previously addressed separately, their gradual Balz I can not just so dang help adorable but goofily grin when they are together.

What I appreciate most is that Ae-ra is no dummy. Although I am cautious about how the show has dealt with various other characters, I am so grateful that the writers Ae-ra to respect as a person on and let them be strong, self-willed and true to yourself. She not only had to go through some drama Country lobotomy to make it easier to get back together for them and Jung-woo. Instead, the show has managed both to a point, to mature, where they support each other sincerely, and that mutual respect makes me weak in the knees than any great romantic story ever could. (Of course, it does not hurt that Jung-woo now as an adorable teenager in love acts when he sees it.)

began as the show, depending on how they dealt with at that time, I couldn 't accept that it would be any credible way the show could bring together again. But now I am fully anticipate my happy ending, where Ae-ra gets her years of supporting labor redeem terrible jobs Jung-woo, of him with her now assist in a career they enjoy and find fulfilling. (Because that is what will happen, show right? Right?)

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tags: featured, Joo Sang-wook, Lee min-jung, Sly and Single Again

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