Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three days: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Three days: Episode 8 -

so much has happened to to believe up until now that there we are only at the halfway mark is difficult. This episode has more secrets of the rapid pace of the past more secrets revealed, think about and yet another character who turns out, can not be trusted, as we once believed. Oh, and of course -. More flashbacks than you to a stick shake


March 8 20.00. The impeachment introduced bill.

Tae-Kyung is to make a choice before President Lee. Will he continue to protect the president, as he tries to uncover the truth about Yangjinri?

Before he can decide, we flash back to December 2012 has Lee Dong-HWI just been elected President and Tae-Kyung is nervous to begin his first assignment as part of the Secret Service detail president.

when they meet for the first time, commented on him, the President, as young Tae-Kyung, but Tae-Kyung assured that he is ready to, lay down his life. "I'll protect you," he says, "no matter what happens."

Back to the present, where to put the promise at about the test. President Lee Discovering that Secretary Shin was not on his side seems to have deeply shaken, and he now feels he can trust anyone - anyone, that is, except Tae-Kyung. He asks again, "Will you protect me?"

But Tae-Kyung does not know if he can do more. Too much has changed, and it has of everything that is not safe; it may be time to leave his position in the blue house.

President Lee reminds him of the work for which his father was killed. For 16 Years, Tae-Kyung father tries to uncover the truth about Yangjinri. He never gave up because he wanted to be an honorable father to his son. Even if Tae-Kyung can no longer trust the president, Lee begs him faith in his father's intentions to have.

Tae-Kyung not yet give a definitive answer. Later alone at his desk, thinks he. On two conflicting memories The first is confirmed President Lee that the results of the investigation Yangjinri are true. The second is Team Leader Ham instructions that must be the president no matter protected, what kind of person he is.

The President finds secretary Shin wait in his office. Shin tells him that 35 members of the Blue House have resigned staff to follow more likely. Shin is not among the retiring; he is obligated to protect the president until the end.

And as Shin recovers some of my admiration, he turns away from the president with a suspicious grin. Okay, he is on now? He leaves Prime Minister Lee Kyeong-wan to meet, who just returned from a trip to China.

Meanwhile, President Lee is up to something as well. The security director says he is to the thing the president wanted has taken. The President reminded him that it has to remain a secret between the two of them.

Secretary Shin has some shocking news for the Prime Minister back. presented the evidence against the president, is true. It is time for the Prime Minister to start preparing to take over the chair.

Tae-Kyung, Cha-young, and other Bluehouse agents wonder how team leader Ham funeral be treated. Surely he will not be buried in the National Cemetery, is not it? Tae-Kyung rises to his defense, saying Ham a mistake in his life made. Then he tells them that he is to leave his post in the Blue House.

Tae-Kyung are Cha-young his resignation letter submitted. She tries to convince him that he did the right thing by team leader Ham shoot, but he knows that he has been changed by him. He asks her what she would have done if he had to pull the trigger on him.

He says that an agent must without protecting feel to the President and without wavering, but he is a living person with feelings and a heart. He decides that he will not protect someone who can kill someone else, and that makes him unfit to protect the president and he has to leave. Cha-young tears as she watches him go away.

Tae-Kyung sitting with Bo-won down for getting them to apologize exposed by the police. But Bo-won is not so easy to give up. (And is not that why we love them?) It has the families of the murdered State to interview, looking for any evidence that will help to clear her name and, more importantly, reveal the truth that Tae-Kyung father died For. He gives her to help her study the records of his father's accident.

Cha-boy lays Tae-Kyung resign away in her desk drawer. In the drawer she found the post-reception from the packet Joint Chief of Staff Kwon sent at night to the President he died. They noticed something she had overlooked before: the receipt for five pieces of mail. So where are the other four?

With a renewed drive for answers, Tae-Kyung again tries to open his father computer file that contains real Confidential 98. He suspects that the password could be the date has from the Yangjinri incident, and he right. The file opens!

The true document speaks of a meeting in 1998 in Beijing between Chairman Kim, his cohorts, and high-ranking North Korean officials. A review of the meeting reveals Chairman Kim at Yangjinri for submarine encounter plotting to cause bloodshed to really grab people's attention. He has the $ 100 million North Koreans exchange for the lives that are lost.

The current chairman Kim has joined the meeting with Secretary General Shin and the Prime Minister. Since the ouster Proceeds offers Kim the Prime Minister in any way to support it can. Obviously it is the basis for the incoming president place to get good page.

According to the Prime Minister leaves worries Shin that they not be able to trust him. Kim reminds him that they only use it for a while - the big day draws closer

is what he means by that, left to our imagination, because the conversation is interrupted by a package for the Chairman Kim .. Inside the envelope is a picture of each of the 1998 Beijing meeting. Check out Kim. Someone's on you.

In a flashback, Tae-Kyung's father meets with Major Rhee Chul-Kyu, a North Korean who was meeting at Beijing. Dad is distressed to learn that the money that he was delivered to North Korea paying for Yangjinri incident, not the donations he had been led to believe it was.

Important Rhee promises in a month with proof return. But according Confidential 98, he never did. After some investigating, learned Tae-Kyung father that he was carried in a cleaning shortly after their meeting.

on the main Rhee Tae-Kyung downward Looking for information a North Korean refugee broker in his father's files mentioned tracks. Tae-Kyung suspected that Major Rhee still be alive, but the broker does not know of any friends or relatives he could ask.


At the same time, ground won, followed to a phone booth in Incheon Tae-Kyung of the father telephone records. Alone in the city at night, she is a little nervous and every little noise makes her jump. If they persecuted? (The truck of destiny was destroyed, right?)

When she Tae-Kyung calls to find out who his father could come to Incheon, to see a shadowy figure sneaks behind her. Bo-won wheezing and the line goes dead. Fearing the worst, Tae-Kyung rushes to her place where he finds the phone booth and the phone records, but no Bo-won.

in Jaesin Back, shows Chairman Kim, the Beijing photo to one of his cohorts, who was at the meeting. He also has a picture of the security material revealing the source of the photos taken: Major Rhee Chul-Kyu. He lives!

on a hunch, Tae-Kyung decides from the pay phone to check the motel across the street. Inside is Bo-won captor. In one of the rooms, the hand clutching over her mouth As Tae-Kyung happened the motel room, Bo-won emitted an involuntary squeak. He approaches the gate to investigate.

When he reached for the handle, the door flies in his face open, and the fight is on. Bo-won watches in horror as Tae-Kyung struggles with the kidnappers. The fight is too fast / too angry to get a good look at the attacker's face, even if he a coffeepot Tae-Kyung clobbers.

Finally Tae-Kyung sees him on the ground pins and who he was fighting for the first time. It is the man of the hour, Major Rhee.

Later Tae-Kyung arranged once used a secret meeting with the president by the same numerical code of his father. The President is shocked to find out that Major Rhee is alive. Tae-Kyung believes he can help reveal the truth about Yangjinri the President.

Chairman Kim and his cohort wonder why main Rhee would risk making known to them. Maybe he's looking for money in exchange for evidence he has against them? His cohort wants to have killed main Rhee immediately, but Kim thinks it would be better to find out what he has to them first.

The President wants to know why Tae-Kyung changed his mind about continuing to work together. Tae-Kyung, he says was inspired by Bo-won, the hardships suffered again because of their work on this case, but continued to pursue the truth in spite of everything.

President Lee has a question: Can be trusted Cha-young? Tae-Kyung, he says trusts her completely (but suddenly I am feels not so sure about it).

Morning Secretary Shin is nosing. Through some of the papers of the President at the Blue House He discovered a coded message on the back of a document scrawled:

A Blue House aide informed Shin that the President will hold a special press conference "0000 + 3595 = rain shower.". Nobody knows what he plans only to announce that it has made the unconventional decision to hold the press conference in front of the Blue House. Shin is a loss.

Elsewhere, Chairman Kim also wonders about the decision, but he still has to take care of other problems. The lizard tattooed assassin has learned that Major Rhee motel with Bo-won and Tae-Kyung left. Kim knows what that means - important Rhee with the President works

Secretary Shin Kim phones via the encoded message .. The code works as Kim now understands why the event outside the Blue House instead of "09:00 + press conference = guest. " - For a North Korean guest would not be within permissible. Important Rhee will speak.

How the media prepares in as many days for their third urgent press conference, Chairman Kim trying to figure out how to arrive main Rhee. Shin says only its direct security detail that the information, but Kim urges him to find a way to get it. If main Rhee allowed to speak, it will call into question Kwon will Joint Chief of wrong employees and open the special investigation again, which none of them wants.

Cha-jung Shin begins the conference security plans from the security office claw. She warns him that the secret comes immediately after the press conference, so he better hurry. This is a secret between them, he recalls. Wait, is Cha-young working with Shin? Say it is not so!

Shin reported the details to the Chairman Kim. Important Rhee is in a car with license plate 5198 or be transported on parking level B. 5 Kim crawls his men to find the car.

Fortunately vehicle 5198 is driven by Tae-Kyung, exactly the person I would want behind the wheel if I were pursued in a high-speed chase. Kim men surrounded 5198 and try Tae-Kyung and Major Rhee to run off the road. Tae-Kyung accelerated through a red light, to lose Kim Men in the congested intersection.

But more cars come to take their place. It's time for drastic measures. Tae-Kyung takes a tire of one of the cars, causing a major collision, and the vehicle 5198 arrives at the park without a scratch on it.

Tae-Kyung race at the bottom of the garage, but remained on level B-4 through more in cars Kims men. They emerge from their vehicles with assault rifles and start Auto 5198 with bullets pierce. Tae-Kyung returns fire with his gun, but he is far inferior. Thinking quickly, he shoots near extinguisher and he and Major Rhee manage in the resulting cloud of smoke to escape.

now officially late for the press conference, Tae-Kyung and Major Rhee hurry up the stairs, but the building is crawling with Kim's men. Tae-Kyung takes his precious cargo down this corridor and that, but can not seem to find everywhere a clear path. Finally, they run right into a large group of Kim by the two assassins led men. Tae-Kyung and Major Rhee soon surrounded in a kitchen, cornered and outnumbered.

It's 9:10 and the president can not wait for them. He decides to start the press conference.

Meanwhile, Chairman Kim has made his way into the kitchen, where Tae-Kyung and Major Rhee are trapped like rats. He wonders aloud what might be happening at the press conference without Major Rhee.

The President of the Conference opened by declaring that the results of the special audit were announced on 6 March untrue and the room with shouted goal questions from reporters erupts demanding evidence.


Review of Tae-Kyung secret meeting with the President several hours earlier, a part of the conversation we have not seen before. The President wants to know exactly how he can use main Rhee. Tae-Kyung stated that the President need irrefutable evidence when it comes to record people as powerful as Chairman Kim and businesses. Tae Kyung can get this evidence, but he needs help from the President and the Secret Service.

Back to present. President Lee announced that he has to support in fact proof of his assertions.

In the kitchen, Kim large Rhee offers five million dollars and a new identity in exchange for whatever evidence he brought with him, him from remember that it will be difficult to prove everything with the testimony of a North Korean defector. Tae-Kyung agrees that would be quite difficult. Therefore Tae-Kyung was acting as bait.

The evidence of the President is actually a witness. He calls main Rhee on the podium. But when Major Rhee is at the press conference, who with Tae-Kyung in the kitchen?

Review. Tae-Kyung and Major Rhee race through the underground car park in the vehicle 5198, but good to stop before they reach level B. 5 Important Rhee gets out of the car to follow several intelligence agents and a doppelganger takes his place.

Back to the present, Tae-Kyung stated that they needed a second witness to substantiate Important Rhee history. Too Kim dismay dive prosecutor Choi from the corner of the kitchen, where he has been hiding all the time to listen to every word.

The actual main Rhee prepares to take the podium.

March 9 9:18. was introduced 13 hours, 18 minutes after the indictment of the Assembly.


characters and relationships are what make a drama, and because this episode my two favorite Relations highlighted three days of , I'm counting as a success. Of course, on my I. Tae-Kyung relations with Bo-won and with President Lee

Tae-Kyung begins the episode in the middle a bit of an identity crisis. He is not sure if he can trust the president has vowed to protect. Even if he decides he can, would prevent his guilt over shooting team leader Ham that he properly do its job? He goes so far as to pen his resignation, but in a brilliant bit of writing, it is Bo-won, who snaps back him in his senses.

Bo-won is an immensely likeable character, and not only because they verging on cute adorkable. Its main attraction is its strong moral compass. She continues to do what she knows is right, no matter how many problems they create in the process for themselves. She was fired from her job, was blasted by an EMP, shelled, named as a criminal ... and they still doggedly tracked the noble aim to uncover the truth. When Tae-Kyung is at its lowest point, it's moral compass Bo-won, showing him north

But enough of the good guys. Let's talk villains. After Episode 7 I was would be delighted with the direction Secretary Shin. He had a unique view of him by President Kim setting. While Kim is always working to protect themselves, Shin tried to protect the nation and the presidency. He has some terrible things in the pursuit of this objective, but boy, if it did not make him an interesting character. In this episode, I feel like he was betrayed by the writer. He lost his unique perspective and was another Chairman Kim lackey. It is certainly easier to manage your characters when you have to put all the bad guys together in this way, but easier writing is rarely better.

It is hard to imagine how President Kim may squirm his way of these, but with eight episodes I left guessing that he is something got in store. As quickly as the show moves, I am confident that we will not run out of material, because this sequence a handful raised intriguing new questions.

What were the other four pieces of mail by Joint Chief Staff sent Kwon the night he died?

What the President and the Director of Security? is

shared the secret What's the big day comes, until that Chairman Kim?

Hat Cha-young really gone over to the dark side?

If some sleep anyone ever get?

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tags: featured, Micky Yoochun, Park Ha-sun, so Yi-hyun, son Hyun-joo, Three Days

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